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Aero Kleid

"If you touch my family, you shall no longer have any fingers."

0 · 462 views · located in Aerial Dome

a character in “Aerial Dome: Revolution”, as played by evilpokerchip



Name: Aero Kleid

Age: 41

Occupation/Role: Head Leader of the Aerial Dome

Personality: A great warrior. Aero has always been the strong silent type, opening up only to those he grew close with. He can easily tell what everyone around him is thinking and can always tell when someone is lying. Over the years he has grown less stern and more relaxed, but has never let his guard down. His most treasured people are his wife, Polaris - who opened his eyes to the humanity of aliens, and his daughter Nova. If you touch them, you die, no exceptions. He tries not to be like his father, but sometimes he cant help it and his father shows up in him anyways. Despite this, he would never let any harm come to his wife or his daughter.

Brief Background: Aero was raised to take over the Aerial Dome and when the day finally came, he was fully prepared for the responsibility. He hadn't broken the news to his father yet that he was in love with an alien, but on the day he was assigned Head Leader, he made the announcement. Although at first the majority didn't agree with him, he began a movement to show the people just how kind Polaris could be. In only a month most of the population had turned in his favor, including his father who fully acknowledged Polaris as his daughter-in-law. His father has since passed, but Polaris and him continue to keep the peace within their home. Aero has 20 guards placed around the Dome at all hours of the day to protect his people from the Demon-Siders (humans who couldn't adapt to living in peace with the aliens.)

Weapon: Silver blade that is specially enchanted with the ability to kill from the inside out. This sword does not cut the skin, but instead every slash destroys one of the enemies arteries.

So begins...

Aero Kleid's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris hummed as she began to set the large table in her husbands office. A few times a week her husband and herself, as well as their best friends, would gather in Aero's office for a nice lunch. Polaris enjoyed cooking for everyone and usually would bring lots of food. She loved how they all kept in touch and even worked together in the dome. The past 20 years had felt like such a dream and that there was no way it could have possibly happen. But it did and she was thankful for it. She placed the last of the food on the table and smiled before going and speaking to her husband. "Aero. I have placed... Lunch.. Down." She said. Her speaking had improved since the first time they met but it could still be a bit broken. "Zero and Serri will be here any moment." She tried her best to not embarrass her husband when he was at work. Usually she would shower him with hugs and kind words but she knew he had a image to keep up.

"Dammit. You all are slacking." Zero yelled as he observed the usual working out of the armed forces. He was in charge of preparing all fighters for the upcoming war. Attacks could happen at any moment and they needed to be ready. He huffed his large cigar once finally seeing some sort of improvement. But, most of them were still young and had a lot of work to do. "I'm going on lunch break." Zero said as his second in command nodded and solutes him before he left. As he made his way down the stainless shining halls, every one bowed to him. He was well respected and could only be bested by few men. Well, his wife too if she yelled loud enough. He soon approached the heads office. As usual, he knocked. "Hey muscle head." He called out knowing Aero could hear him. "Let me in. Im starving." He smirked his relationship had improved with the male and now they were to the point where they could be friends. Or rivals. Whichever works.

The mission ran long as usual. Nova blamed herself since she was put in charge of the small operation. Her, along with Alexander, her cousin Kaya, and Theudeus were put in charge of checking a unknown fog outside the dome. However, they didn't expect to be ambushed by Demons while there. Alexander panicked slightly. "W-What do we do?" Nova glared at the large beast with vicious fangs and sharp claws. "We have to kill it of course. And quickly too. Father sent us on this mission hours ago and we haven't reported back to him yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid
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Aero sat quietly in his chair beside the large, wall length windows of his office. He watched his wife set the table for their guests who would soon be arriving. He smiled to himself as he lifted a cigarette to his lips and shifted his sight back to the distant horizon. It had been a long 19 years, but he couldn't think of any future he'd rather have than the one he did now. He lifted his eyes to Polaris as she walked up to him. Her english was still a little broken, but she had improved so much since they first met.
"Thank you, Pol." He nodded. He glanced to her as she stood silently next to him, something she did when she wanted his love. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap, wrapping a single arm around her and resting his forehead against her chest.
"I love you, Pol." He murmured, closing his eyes and taking in the warmth of his wife. His eyes trailed to the door as a heavy hand landed against it and a voice broke through the peace inside the office. He gently lifted Pol off of him and got up to open the door for the silver haired beast.
"You call me a muscle head, yet you're the one disrupting the silence." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Serri hummed to herself as she danced through the halls of the Dome, a glass of wine in one hand and flowers in the other.
"Man, this wine is too good. Too good I tell you." She giggled to herself as she entered the main lobby. She was greeted by many of the soldiers there and smiled at their usual awe struck gazes. She didn't venture down to the lobby very much and was usually on the highest floor of the Dome, but the only way to Aero's office was through the lobby.
"You'll all burn holes through your eyes if you keep staring like that." She teased as they tore their glances away. She continued humming to herself as the elevator lifted her to Aero's office. The doors opened just in time for her to see Zero disappear inside the room.
"Bro, lemme in!" She called. Aero glanced up at her as she scuttled down the hallway. He nodded at her as she waltzed through the doors and snuggled up against Zero.
"Hey there, you big hunk." She nudged him with a sly grin. She planted a kiss on his collarbone before turning to face Polaris.
"These are for you." She smiled, handing the flowers over to her sister-in-law.
"And dont worry..." She turned back to Aero, "They wont turn your skin any weird colors this time."


Kaya stared down the demon, glancing to Nova for orders on what to do. Sure, she could fight the beast on her own, but she never acted without being given an order first, in fear of doing something wrong. She turned to look at Alexander as he panicked and shook her head a bit. She did enjoy his company, but he was a scientist, and had no place on the battlefield.
"I agree with Nova. We weren't prepared to fight this thing, but we have no other options right now." Thadeus stated, gripping his dual daggers in each hand.
"I'll distract it and you guys kill it." He jumped out and whistled for the beast to focus on him before anyone could object to his plan. Kaya looked to Nova and waited for her signal. She would move only after Nova did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris smiled a she received the thanks you. "Oh there's no.. Need to thank me. I love seeing you all happy." She then gasped lightly feeling her hand grabbed and being pulled onto Aero's lap. Her face began to light up. She loved him so much it was too much to take in. "I love you.. Too Aero." She said before hearing the knock at the door. She giggled and stood watching Aero go to the door. "Oh it must be Zero."

Zero smirked as he saw the door open. He sighed and shrugged. "Oh~. Must have ruined one of your moments." He said before snickering and walking in. "Good to see you again Pol." He soon paused hearing the familiar voice. It was Serri for sure. And from the looks of it, she's had a few glasses. He sighed and rolled his eyes receiving the kiss. "Not even 1 yet and your getting hammered." He said before giving a small smile. "That's my Serri."

Polaris smiled as she looked at the flowers and took them happily. "Thank you Serri." She said before lightly placing them in a vase. "I've prepared lunch. It's a lot too. Just in case the children... Finish by the time were eating."

"Kill it... Right.." Alexander said gulping slightly. He began to take out one of the small bots within his pack and place it on the ground. He glared at it making it activate and grow 10 times it's size. He stood back slightly as the mecha began to assist in distracting.

Nova gripped her sword and looked to Kaya. "We have to aim for it's eyes. Once it's blinded, we will strike the heart." She said before smiling. "Try to keep up cousin."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero nodded to himself as everyone sat down to eat.
"They have been gone a rather long time..." Aero mumbled, his eyes trailing out to the horizon once again. He began to wonder if perhaps the mysterious fog had been something dangerous.
"They're fine, they've all got each other!" Serri playfully slapped Aero's shoulder. He sighed and walked over to his seat, snatching the wine bottle from the center of the table and tossing it to Zero. The last thing his sister needed was more wine. Serri plopped down in the chair and picked up a mini sandwich from the table, nibbling on the edges. The flavor exploded in her mouth as she tasted flavors she couldn't name. It was one of Pola's alien sandwiches for sure.
"Pola, did you make these?" She asked through chews.
"Shouldn't you be a bit more concerned about your daughter? We never took this long on a mission." Aero crossed his arms. Serri put down the sandwich with a sigh. Aero always knew how to ruin her fun.
"Of course I'm worried, but I've never been able to convince that girl anything. She chose to start doing missions, so until the day she comes to me and says she no longer wants to fight, I cant stop her. If I spend all my time worrying, I'd turn into you." Serri sipped her wine with a shrug.


Kaya followed behind her cousin, moving at the same time that she did. They ran for the demons head and Kaya used Alexanders bot as a stepping stool, boosting her up close enough to throw poisoned kunai into one of its eyes. The demon lifted a massive claw and swiped at her, just barely missing as she jumped back. The demon roared in pain and began swiping his claw through the air randomly.
"Did it get you?" Thadeus asked, appearing from behind. Kaya turned to him and shook her head before jumping back into the fight. She ran straight for the demons legs as her fingers wrapped around the handles of her knives. She grabbed a vial of numbing chemicals with her other hand and dipped the knives seconds before shoving them into the demons legs. If he couldnt stand he would be even less of a threat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris smiled and nodded. "Yes I did prepare today's lunch." She said before turning to Aero. "Perhaps... They went on to do something before.. Returning." She smiled and lightly placed her hand on his. "They are strong and wise. I know that they will be ok." She said before watching the bottle be tossed.

Zero took a bite of his sandwich before grabbing the bottle and putting it by his side. "Kaya and Nova are strong. They work together easily and know how to keep each other safe Aero." He sighed. "Believe it or not those things are getting tougher. And everyday I have to worry about the bunches of idiot children who can't even hold a sword stance properly. Those 4 are the best we've go so far and they are doing a damn good job. We can't babysit our girls forever."

Polaris smiled hearing Serri. "That is good. Perhaps.. One day, a time will come where... No one has to fight anymore." She smiled. "If we hope and dream... Hard enough... Paradise could be achieved."

Alexander watched in aw as Kaya began to attack. He closed his eyes and began to send transmissions to the mecha once Kaya had attacked the legs. The machine began to reach out it's arms grabbing a hold of the demons shoulders to hold it in place. He smiled to Nova. "It's all yours. End it already." Nova began to charge as the robot and leap onto it's head. She then lounged herself forward and drew her sword before quickly piercing it through the heart. Her sword eating away and it's flesh. The demons screams of pain began to echo the fields.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero listen to all their words, and though he gave Pol a reassuring hand squeeze, Zero's words stuck in his mind the most.
"They are getting stronger..." He sighed.
"Which is another reason we've invited you both to lunch." Aero cleared his throat and Serri's eyes shot up, slightly weary of where the conversation was suddenly headed.
"You both know we've had to vamp up the security around the Dome, but I haven't told anyone the reason why." He stood and began pacing in front of the window. Minutes passed as he silently strode back and forth until he finally decided on the perfect spot to look out the window from.
"I've noticed some strange things happening around here lately. The mysterious fog is just one of many things. Have you looked out the window of the library lately? Its grown oddly dark, and if you listen closely... there are horrible cries like the damned came back to earth." Aero's mood grew darker as he talked. Something strange was going on outside of the Dome and he hated not knowing what it was.
"There are demons out there, of course you would hear haunting noises. But that doesn't necessarily mean they've changed or grown in any way." Serri flipped the bangs out of her hair and began shaking her leg under the table. She wasn't worried originally, but when Aero thought something was off, he was usually right, and that got her very worried - something that wasn't good for her health. She closed her eyes for a moment and felt her consciousness thinning. She automatically reached out for Zeros hand and gripped it tightly once she felt his skin. The black screen inside her mind lit up as she slipped between worlds for the first time in a long while. She furrowed her eyebrows as the mist settled around her body like a suffocating blanket. She had almost forgotten the lonely emptiness of the outside. Her eyes shot open as she realized Aero had began talking about something with Pola and glanced to Zero, holding out her hand for the bottle of wine while leaning her body against his.


Kaya closed her eyes behind the mask as the demons flesh was being eaten away, but she didn't turn her head to continue the illusion that she was watching the creature die.
"So you like watching creatures die before your eyes, Kaya?" Thadeus teased. She turned to see his face too close to hers and swatted him away like a fly. Thadeus was always appearing behind people and whispering in their ear, and by now she had completely gotten used to it. She was sure everyone on the team had.
"How much farther do you think we'll have to travel?" Kaya called to Nova. She glanced around at the fog growing denser and moved closer towards Alex and Nova.
"I think we should head back... its getting too hard to see..." Kaya suggested. Thadeus snorted from behind Alex.
"What? Are you scared, Kaya? Afraid of the monsters in the mist?" He chuckled.
"No, but if we get lost out here theres no telling what we'll run into." She stated, crossing her arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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The room grew silent as they all listened to Aero. Polaris pouted slightly as she listened to Aero speaking of the fog outside the dome. "It's.... Growing. It seems that everyday it's increasing in size..." Polaris said with a small huff.

Zero growled and nearly jumped out of his seat. "Dammit! Are you kidding me?!" He said. "The troops. They aren't possibly ready for a invasion. If this fog is some sort of trick those demons are working on, we all would have to get our hands dirty." He said before looking to Serri. It was happening again. It had been quite awhile since he saw it but he knew that when that happened, it wasn't good. He sighed and took her hand stroking her's with his thumb to calm her down. Zero sighed and looked to the bottle before giving wrapping his arm around her pulling her into a hug. "Serri no. You can't keep running to alcohol." He whispered slightly to her. "Please. Have some tea or something."

Polaris looked to Aero a bit worried. "T-The children. They.... Were instructed to.. Investigate.. Aero, I'm worried now." She said shivering slightly. She lightly ran her hands along the thick shell like scales along her neck hoping that the children were ok.

Nova pulled her sword out of the demon and watched as it faded into the fog. She soon placed her sword back on her hip and looked around. It appeared that the fog had gotten thicker and darker. She wasn't even aware if it was still day time or not. "We need to get back." She said before looking to Alexander. "Alex, which way is back to the dome?"

Alexander groaned as he held onto the small gps-like device in his watch. "I wish I could tell you...." He said. "This fogs. It's messing with the frequency ways of the dome. Even my compass is going bonkers!" He said beginning to fiddle with the controls. "We might be in trouble."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero glanced to Serri and Zero hugging, deciding that it was fine if they were doing it too. Aero knelt down beside Pola and stared up into her eyes. He silently cursed himself for letting an uneasy feeling get the best of him, knowing full well that everyone looked up to him as their leader. If he grew uncertain then what hope would the others have? He shook his head.
"No, Pol, Zero is right. They'll be okay. They're our strongest team, right? Our Nova takes after a cute and deadly alien anyways, she's stronger and smarter than any demon out there." Aero grabbed her hand with his left and stroked her face with his right. He glanced up and met eyes with Zero.

Serri wrapped her arms around Zero and buried her face in his clothes for just a moment before regaining her composure. She swept the hair out of her face as she sat up and began eating once more, fully focusing on the delicious flavors. As much as she wanted to do nothing more than hug Zero, she was still in her brothers office, and she absolutely refused to break down in front of him.
"Okay, I'm fine." She whispered back.

Aero eventually brought his attention from Pola back to the matter at hand.
"I'm aware that they are not ready. They would never stand a chance... All our best fighters are either dead or a demon-sider." Aero sighed heavily.
"Zero, I'm going to need you to be harder on them. They need to at least be their best at defending if not fighting..." Aero paused, "I'm not even sure what it is or - if it is an invasion, how long we have until they arrive."
"If worst comes to worst, we all might have to get our hands dirty..."


Thadeus growled quietly as Alexander fiddled with his toys.
"What good are you if you cant even find the way home?" He rolled his eyes. Kaya nudged him hard with her elbow.
"Thadeus, that's such a mean thing to say."
"You were probably thinking it too." Thadeus crossed his arms, turning his back to the rest of the team like a child. Kaya shook her head as she looked to Nova.
"Can you sense the way home, Nova? If Alex cant get that thing working we might have to find a place to rest out here for the night..." Kaya said. Thadeus shook his head.
"We'd need to find a cave if that were the case. There are too many demons out here to just settle down somewhere. We'd be picked off one by one within hours." Thadeus groaned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris looked to her husband and sighed slightly. She knew that sometimes she could over react and it only made him worry more. She closed her eyes nuzzling her face into his warm hand as she held the other. He knew just what to say to make her feel better. "Thank you Aero." She said before blushing. "M-Me? " She said before smiling. "She gets her strength.... From her brave father...She is almost a... Spitting image." She said before nodding.

Zero let out a small sigh of relief before lighting his cigar. "Now behave yourself. Or you'll be 'disciplined' when we get home tonight." He whispered with a small smirk. He then returned his face to a stern one. "Harder? Damn. By the time I'm done with them, they'll be more than ready." He said letting out a small huff. "It may take some time but until then, our be sure to send only the best guards to keep watch outside the dome."

Polaris pouted. She didn't want to fight. As prime minister, she knew that most of the problems she dealt with could be solved with words. However, if she had to, she would.

Alexander groaned and frantically glared at Thadeus. "Excuse me!? I-Im more than useful! I'm not just the guy who tells you where to go!" He knew he wasn't as strong or agile as the rest of them but he still felt he contributed SOMETHING to the team.

"Keep it down." Nova said. "If it helps Alexander, Thadeus is just as useless as you." She said in her usual emotionless tone.

Alexander smiled before blushing knowing that it wasn't a compliment but a insult to both of them. "Hey!"

Nova began to close her eyes and her scales began to expand and change colors. "The fog is too thick. It's almost impossible to catch the trail back to the dome.... We may have to find a place to take shelter until this weird thing passes or something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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~Time Skips~

Aero sat up in bed beside Polaris, rubbing his fingers against each other out of anxiety as his eyes turned to the window. An entire day had passed with no word from his daughter or the rest of her team.
"Didn't I tell Serri to make sure Alex was equipped with the proper gear before going out there!?" Aero said aloud mostly to himself. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he got out of bed.
"I'm going to see if there has been any word from them yet..." Aero said before exiting his room. He made his way down to the lobby and found that many people were still awake, whispering quietly to each other. Some glaring at others. As soon as the first person realized Aero was in the room, everyone turned their attention to him and bowed.
"Has there been any news at all from my daughter?" He called, glancing around the room. No one's eyes would meet his and he squinted at the group.
"Someone knows something. Speak up now." He barked. The people up front jumped a bit and one girl was brave enough to take a step forward.
"Pardon me, sir. There is a rumor going around that..." The girl trailed off, clutching her arms around herself. Aero stared like a stone until she spoke again.
"The aliens ambushed them in the fog..." She quickly stepped back and disappeared in the crowd as half the crowd roared with disagreement.
"We had... Not to do... It!" One of the aliens spoke up. The humans separated themselves from the aliens and they faced each other. Aero spun around to get help from Pola, these people needed both of their leaders to get through to them.


The team had been wandering through the darkening fog for what felt like days. Kaya held Novas hand in her left and Alexanders hand in her right, Nova leading the way through the fog. She felt a bit weird holding Alexanders hand but preferred it to getting separated.
"Hey guy... do you hear that?" Thadeus spoke out. Their feet stopped walking and Kaya listened for whatever sound Thadeus was talking about. Somewhere far in the distance they could hear a stream rushing about.
"Water!" Kaya gasped. She suddenly remembered that they should follow water upstream to get back to civilization.
"If we find it, we might be able to find a way back." Thadeus nodded. Kaya grinned alone under her mask at the chance of finding a way back home. She tugged on Nova and Alex's arms.
"Come on, we should find it!" She said excitedly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris yawned lightly as she looked to Aero. She pouted. He was so worried. She felt his pain. She soon sat up as she watched him storm out of the room. She began to get herself dressed and followed after. She looked to the fear of the people's eyes. They knew something and it worried her. She gasped slightly as she heard the response. "No that...." She mumbled slightly. She clenched her fists hearing the arguing and soon could not help herself. "Everyone Please! " She said aloud bringing silence to the group. "We have all fought a long side each other to make the dome a haven for humans and aliens. I see no reason for any to take anyone. Every last one of you are precious to me and to each other. Can't you see that this fighting of meer lies is breaking us all apart." Her eyes began to water a bit. "I worry for my child. I worry for the other children. Knowing that those 4 souls are out in danger... It hurts.... It hurts a lot. So please, now is... Not the time to be fighting each other. We must come together to bring our children back home."

Zero grumbled slightly as he heard loud yelling. He didn't bother sleeping. He sat and waited to see if Kaya would return. He was getting a bit irritated. "Who the hell is yelling at this time of night?..." He mumbled before looking to Serri. He began to walk noticing the crowd that gathered and the commotion. "The aliens took the children didn't they?" "How could you possibly think that?" Zero growled slightly. Was this really what this was all about. Soon he heard the silence and Polaris speaking. "Woah..." He said under his breathe before sighing. "I never thought I'd see Pol cry... I don't know if i want to see it every again...." He said while rubbing his neck and looking to Serri.

Nova looked around keeping her guard up as they walked. She just wanted to go home and being lost wasn't helping. Alexander pouted as he walked along with them. He had seen situations like this in simulations. Madness, starvation, poisoning, violence; all of that could happen if they didn't figure something out quick. They paused as they heard Kaya. "Water?!" Alexander said with a smile. Soon Nove nodded. "Your right Thadeus. Let's hurry." She said as they began to run along.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero put a comforting hand on Pola's shoulder while she spoke, looking out at the crowd.
"My wife is right, if we all start arguing now we'll fall into chaos, and then our children wont have a safe home to come back to." Aero yelled.
"Is there anyone willing to form a search party?" He asked. Two people immediately stepped out, a stern look in both of their eyes.
"We'll go." He said. Aero looked up to the clock. It read 9:42 pm, the nightly soldiers would be returning with survivors from the outside.
"I will wake my General and have him set you up with some efficient gear. Is there anyone else willing to go?" Aero asked. No one further stepped up and he nodded.
"Someone call for Zero!" Aero barked. He glanced back to the clock. The only time the gates of the Dome were opened was once at 8am and a second time at 10pm, when the patrolling soldiers came back with any humans from the outside.

Serri stared down at the scene below her as she pressed one hand against Zero's, the other keeping her night down closed.
"He's sending a search party..." Serri said quietly. She watched a guard set out towards their room and walked back to put on some clothes. She heard the elevator open just as she slipped her shoes, waltzing out to greet the guard.
"I hope they don't expect you to lead those guys out in the fog... Cuz if they do, you're not going without me." She mumbled.


Kaya walked forward hesitantly with one arm out in front of her, while the other grasped onto Nova. The fog had gotten so thick she almost felt like she was wading through water.
"I can barely see my hand in front of me." She said. She turned her head to see where everyone else was, but suddenly it was as if she was alone in the fog.
"Hey, you guys are still there right...?" Kaya called out uncertainly. She clenched Novas hand tightly. She put one foot in front of the other hesitantly as the sound of rushing water grew louder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Pol turned to Aero and quickly leaned into him rubbing the tears from her eyes. She then gasped as she heard him mention a search party. She wondered if it would be too dangerous. She looked up to Aero as he spoke blushing a bit. He was such a good leader. Soon she began to whisper. "Aero..." She mumbled slightly before smiling. "Thank you."

Zero sighed and quickly went back to their home. He sat down waiting for the guard to come and as Serri answered the door he smirked. "Well, if im leading any search party, I might as well have you come along anyway." He said before walked to the guard and folding his arms. "Come on. Were leaving."

Alexander rubbed his eyes slightly seeing the fog even begin to coat his glasses. "Hold on." He said as he reached into his lab coat taking out a small cube. He pressed a button on it and placed it on his shoulder. The cube began to float only inches off of his shoulder and shine a large white light. "Just keep watch of the light if you get lost!" He said a loud.

Nova began to worry as they approached the what they believed was water. "Kaya I... I don't think that's water." She said beginning to have a bad feeling about this. It was as if they were traveling to the very heart of the fog. The smug began to grow thicker making her worry even more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero nodded quietly to Pol, a tiny smile playing at the edges of his lips. He heard a ding and looked up to see Zero striding out of the elevator with Serri following close behind him. He took one glance at their clothes and shook his head.
"Do you mean to lead those soldiers on the mission?" He asked, turning his eyes towards Serri.
"With my sister, who cant even fight anymore at that?" He sighed. Serri stepped in front of Zero.
"I can still fight! I just don't like to..." She stated with a pout.
"Tsk. You couldn't even fight back when we were younger." Aero rolled his eyes. A look of sadness passed across Serri's face as she turned away and Aero ran a hand through his hair.
"Ahh, sorry Serri. I'm just a little on edge with Nova being gone so long..." He mumbled. Serri turned to face him with a nod.
"I know, don't worry." She said with a tired smile. A rumbling shook the entire building slightly and Aero turned to face the clock. 10 pm. The soldiers had come back.
"Serri, since you're here, I'm going to need you to pass judgement on all the survivors before we accept them." Aero nodded. That was her job, after all. She nodded wordlessly and began following Aero to the main gates but he paused to look back to Zero.
"Zero, take the two men and get them geared up, would you?" He shot Zero a smile before turning away. Serri gave a pout to Zero and squeezed his hand before following after her brother and sister-in-law. The walk to the main entrance was short but when they got there the survivors were already lines up for them. Serri wasted no time glancing over the humans. There were only four, but they all had such hopeless eyes. She stepped up to the first one and examined her.
"Whats your name?"
"Monica." The girl whispered.
"Who is the enemy, Monica?" Serri crossed her arms.
"I-I'm sorry...?" Monica glanced at Aero and Pola.
"Who. Is. The. Enemy?" She asked again.
"D...demons..." The girl shuttered.
"And why did you betray your parents to come back here?" She questioned.
"Even with family and the protection from demons... there are other creatures out there. The outside world has become a terrifying thing... I just want to feel safe again, please, you don't know what its like." Tears formed in her eyes as she spoke and Serri felt a strange connection to the girl. She did know what it was like to not feel safe. She felt it every time she ventured into the darkness, when she was vulnerable to the midnight eyes watching her through the mist.
"Approved." Serri said after a long pause, before she turned her sights on to the next human.


Kaya glanced to her right as Alex lit something bright, something that shone through the fog. Somehow, it made Kaya feel safer.
"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Thadeus' voice seemed to echo as if he was everywhere at once.
"Sure, you may be able to see each other, but doesn't that mean everything else can see you as well?" He tsked.
"Shut up, Thadeus. He's trying to be helpful." Kaya growled.
"Okay, I get it. But can a sheep really find its way home when it only follows the other sheep?" Thadeus asked.
"If you're so high and mighty why don't you do something and get us out of this fog!?" Kaya hissed. He never replied and she pressed forward at a quicker pace, hearing the river growing louder as she approached it. Soon enough the sound was right in front of her, and though she couldn't see a single thing, she knew the water was here.
"We found it!" Kaya yelled, kneeling down to feel the water on her fingers. First, she felt stones, and as she reached out farther she found the water, whipping past her hand at a roaring speed. She smiled behind her mask and stood up.
"We did it guys! Now we just need to follow it-" Her words were replaced with a scream as something slimy wrapped around her ankle. Wasting no time at all, it tugged hard, knocking her off balance and pulling her towards the roaring rapids.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris smiled as she looked to him and then nodded. She gasped then smiled seeing Zero appear.

Zero rubbed his neck and nodded slightly. "Their civilians. I'm not letting them go out there in the damn unknown. It's about the same as ASKING for death." He said before nodded as he heard Serri spoke. "Well, you have your answer Aero. She's coming. No matter what you day." He said before pointing at the two. "You. Come with me."

Polaris pouted a bit hearing Aero's words of Serri. "Zero is right... Aero. Having them there.... Will surely keep them.. safe." She said before nodding. She watched as the survivors began to come in. She could sense the fear in all of them. Once Serri approved the girl, she smiled. "There is no need..... to fear now. We are friendly. We will.... protect you no matter what." She then bit her lip hearing what she said of the outside. "What... Might you mean?

Alexander glared back at where he thought Thadeus was. It was quite hard to tell. "Look if you want to stray away in the dark murder cloud were in, then be my guest. But if were going to be lost, we might as well be lost together." He then smiled when he heard they were near the water. "Kaya is it real?" He said before gulping hearing her scream.

Nova jolted and quickly moved to grab onto Kaya's hands and begin to pull back. "Alex. Thandeus. Help."

Alex gasped and nodded before beginning to help pull Kaya back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris gasped as she listened to the survivor. "A beast is... Out there with our children?" she mumbled slightly before like looking over to Aero. She knew he would be leaving and as much as Polaris wanted to come too, someone had to stay behind at the done in case the children came back. "Please be careful.... All of you." she said kissing his cheek lightly.

Zero nodded as he got everything ready for their departure. He looked to Serri. "So everything is ready. Let's get going." Je said as he began to grab a few more things. "I'm getting my daughter back dammit."

Alexander and Nova sighed in relief as Kaya was saved. "Are you alright?" Nova asked as she looks like over her cousin. Alexander raised his glasses and adjusted the light. "Alright quick let's head to the cave. Id prefer not to be eaten by something please." he said before continuing to walk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero started at Pola for a long while, eventually leading her away by the hand.
"Are you sure you'll be okay here?" He asked.
"Maybe I shouldn't go. Serri and Zero can handle things, I'm sure..." He mumbled, looking back to Serri as she walked away.
"Aero! You coming or not?" Serri called back.
"I... don't know." He replied. There was a sick feeling in his gut but he wasn't sure if it was from the thought of venturing outside or leaving Pola alone.
"What are you worried about?" Serri approached them. She put a hand on Pola's head and pulled her in for a hug.
"Pola's strong, and she has her people here, she'll be okay." Serri nodded. Aero squinted his eyes at Serri.
"You're right... but if anything happens to Pola while were gone, I'm holding you responsible." He growled. Serri rolled her eyes and tugged on his shirt. Aero nodded, letting her know he'd be right behind her. As she walked away Aero reached into his pocket and felt around for a tiny bracelet and handed it to Pola. He pointed to a small button.
"If anything happens, press this. Its a panic button." He lifted his sleeve and showed off the one he had on his own wrist.
"Nothing can block the signal, no matter how far apart we are." He stated with a small smile. He pressed his lips against her forehead before turning to follow Serri.


Thadeus led them to a cave and though the entrance was covered in fog, once they went inside the fog instantly vanished. Kaya found the nearest rock and sat down, glancing at whatever was sticking out of her leg. It was red and slimy, somewhat like a tongue, but she swore she could feel something embedded in her leg. She reached down and tugged on it a bit but gasped as a sharp pain shot through her leg.
"I-I don't think this is going to come out easily." She said, struggling to keep the pain out of her voice. She took a deep breath before pulling on it one more time. It gave way a little and she noticed long splinters sticking into her leg.
Thadeus inspected Kaya's leg as blood began spilling onto the rocky floor.
"Dont try to pull it out." He commanded.
"Why not? It hurts..." Tears began welling up in Kaya's eyes and she was glad that no one could see her face.
"Its like a knife wound. If you try to take it out, you might die from blood loss." He stated. He turned to Nova and Alexander.
"I don't know what we can find in here, but do we have any food or useful supplies? Maybe even some medical stuff if possible."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris shook her head. "No no you should accompany then. And someone has to stay behind just in case the children do make it back." She gasped receiving the hug and smiled. "Everyone here is.. Like a family to me... They will keep.... Me safe and I will do the same." She said while taking the bracelet. "I will." She said before receiving the kiss.

Zero folded his arms slightly. "This shouldn't take long. As long as they didn't travel far outwards." He said as he began to look back at the two that were accompanying them. "Well... I hope you two know how to use a weapon or something to defend yourselves." He said before tossing the weapons to them. He reached into his large coat pocket taking out his brace knuckles. "I have a feeling this trip won't be all that peaceful."

Nova huffed slightly as they finally were able to get into the cave. She rubbed her eyes now free of the smug covering her vision. She looked over to Kaya a bit in shock. "Yeah don't pull it out. I don't want you bleeding all over the place." She then looked to Alexander. "Do you maybe have something for this?"

Alexander began to check through the large bag he had with it. "One medical bot coming right up." He said as he placed a small cube on the floor and pressed a button on his control panel making the cube turn into a large mech. The mech opened it's chest revealing various medical supplies. "As for food and junk, that may have to be done by us. I don't know how well I can control my mechs with signals getting lost in the fog."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Aero took one last glance at his wife before making his way to the main gate with Serri, Zero, and the two other men. He gripped his sword in one hand as he lit a cigarette with his other. He looked across at his team members and studied Serri for a bit.
"You're not bringing any weapons?" He asked. Serri looked up and shrugged.
"I got a human weapon right here." She pointed to Zero with a smile. Aero squinted his eyes at her before giving a signal to a nearby guard. The guard disappeared into a room and came back out with a silver and gold bow. An ancient thing from when they were still young.
"Its the bow that fires invisible arrows. The one we got from killing those bandits..." She gasped.
"I know you don't fight anymore. But if anything happens, you should at least have a way to protect yourself." Aero shoved the bow into her hands. Serri didn't argue, throwing the bow over her shoulder, but still felt nervous carrying a weapon. She put a hand inside her jacket pocket and felt the familiar pins she used to stick in her hair. The Pins of Time. She no longer dared to use them, but in an emergency they would make do.
"Well, lets go then." Serri shrugged, walking ahead of the boys to the outer gate.


Thadeus studied the med bot with a hand on his chin. Alexander seemed to have some interesting items in his bag. Items that may come in handy later on.
"Alexander is right. He should stay here with Kaya and help her. Nova, we can either choose to venture back outside and try to find something, or we can see if there is anything left in this cave." He crossed his arms.
"What do you mean by left in the cave? Have you been here before?" Kaya questioned. Thadeus glanced around.
"Well, no... I just mean that this cave is as good as any around here, maybe there were people here once. Maybe they left something behind...?" He reasoned. Kaya nodded her head quietly.
"Maybe." She murmured.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serri Crash Character Portrait: Polaris Kleid Character Portrait: Alexander Scotsbaine Character Portrait: Thadeus Divine Character Portrait: Aero Kleid Character Portrait: Zero Crash
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Polaris smiled and waved as her friends and husbands began to leave. "Please be safe. And.... make sure that everyone makes it.. back please." She said while smiling a bit. She knew that she could trust them to bring back the children. She took a deep breath knowing that while they were gone, she had to keep watch of the dome and the people inside. She smiled as she looked to the people. "They will... Surely return with the children.. I have hope."

Zero watched as the bow was given to Serri. "Brings back memories doesn't it?" He said while smirking a bit before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. You don't have to fight if you don't want but be prepared if things get out of hand." As they began to walk outside, Zero glared slightly. "Dammit. This fog's grown since the last time I saw it..." He mumbled before looking around. "Alright, where do we start?"

Alexander nodded. "I can stay here that's totally fine with me." Secretly he was a bit afraid to go out there anyway. Nova looked out to the fog and sighed. "Well.... We should make sure that the entire cave is safe then we can go out there. If something attacks the two of them while were gone, I'd feel a bit guilty."