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Against The Greater Good

Against The Greater Good


In 1914, Gellert Grindelwald attempts to cripple both muggle and magical government. The threat of Grindelwald coupled with the First World War forces witches and wizards from all over the globe to unite against the "greater good".

9,928 readers have visited Against The Greater Good since RottenSilverfin created it.

k9scoop are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


In 1914, Gellert Grindelwald continues his rise to power. He is gaining support from magical supremacists who share his desire for wizard dominance over the muggle world. With the beginning of the First World War, witches, wizards, and muggles from all over the world fight not only a war between European nations, but a war for the entire human race. Grindelwald's desire to abolish the International Statute of Secrecy seems to be in reach as wizard and muggle-kind mix more than ever.

Grindelwald's first step is to undermine muggle, European government, as he sees them as weak. He, along with his followers, throw both worlds into chaos when he assigns a young Bosnian wizard by the name of Gavrilo Princip to the task of assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. In order to cover up this blatant breach of the International Statute of Secrecy the Austrian Ministry of Magic, in cooperation with the muggle government of Austria, has released a false story stating that the Archduke and his wife have been shot. But the wizarding world knows better, throwing both worlds into war.

This roleplay will begin on August 4, 1914 with Great Britain's declaration of war on Germany. Minister of Magic Archer Evermonde has passed emergency legislation forbidding all witches and wizards in the British Empire from interfering with the war in any way.

This roleplay is planned to be rather large, with at least 30 players. Various place pages will be present, as well as many new and original characters that have not been established within the lore. We are taking applications for all sorts of positions, so please feel free to join us!

While it is stated that there is a law against interference from wizard kind it is of course up to you, the player, to decide what course of action you will take. You may, of course, choose to side with Grindelwald becoming one of his many followers known as "Reapers" as he aims to collect the Deathly Hallows and become master of death, abolish the International Statute of Secrecy, and allow wizards to rule over the muggles.
Another possible route is becoming one of the thousands of wizards who secretly fought in the Great War and protected their muggle comrades. Then again you may come up with a completely unique path to take in this re-written history.

Toggle Rules


All characters will be required to fill out a character application. Simply copy and paste this template into the character box and fill it out with the appropriate information. Please note that occupations will be assigned at the moderator's discretion; this will function as a suggestion, albeit a strongly considered one. You are free to submit any occupation you would like. Teacher, ministry employee, shop keeper, etc. If you would like to open a shop in Diagon Alley include the name of the shop and the service it provides under "Occupation."

Also, we have a couple of main characters that we will be taking applications for. If you choose to apply for one of these characters simply copy and paste the application template onto an email and send it to If you are not chosen for this part feel free to submit your own original character as well.
1. Phineas Nigellus Black- Headmaster of Hogwarts, hates his job and children, mean, pure blood supremacist.
2. Czar Nicholas II-Ruler of Russia. Muggle.




Blood Status:

Hogwarts House: *If applicable*

- Length:
- Wood:
- Core:
- Flexibility:




Moderators: rottensilverfin & k9scoop

1. Adult Content: Please keep in mind that this is an adult roleplay. There will be adult themes involved, and if that bothers you then this might not be the right roleplay for you. With that being said, we ask that you keep it relatively tame when it comes to sexual situations. This is a Harry Potter roleplay, not an erotica. We suggest that sensitive or dark topics should be approached carefully and they should be cautiously handled. While describing heavy, violent acts please be conscious of others, same goes for sexual encounters. If you are determined to go into detail with another player, please do so privately. Things like rape or health issues (anorexia, bullimia, etc) can be mentioned but never played out. If you are not certain whether you or someone else is crossing the line, do not hesitate to contact moderators.

2. Spelling and Grammar: No one is to be kicked out or bullied because of their trouble with spelling or grammar in general. We ask that you give it your best when writing your posts.

3. Arguing: There will be no arguing or fighting within the OOC section of this roleplay. Please handle that privately, not on our roleplay. If the problem is related to the game, or story progression, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators so we can get it sorted out.

4. God-modding: If god-modding occurs at any time during roleplay, and a player would like to appeal to moderators to resolve the situation, please create a post saying "MODERATOR REQUEST", and contact us with a PM or e-mail regarding the scene.

5. Privacy Status: If a location is warded then only certain characters are permitted in that location. This means that if your character is barred from a particular location then your character may not participate in any scene that takes place in that location. If you read scenes from a location that your character is barred from and are observed using information that your character is not privy to then a moderator will step in. The privacy status of a scene will be outlined in the "Scene Setup" which you can read about below.

Scene Setup
When playing a scene all posts for that particular scene must begin with ((SCENE INFO: Date-Time of day-Privacy Status-with characters names))
Ex.- ((SCENE INFO: April 4, 1913-Afternoon-Warded-with Archer Evermonde, Gellert Grindelwald))
Simply copy and paste your scene info at the top of every post. This is to avoid confusion if there are multiple scenes taking place in the same location, also so that old posts do not become confused with current ones.

After clicking on "Places" scroll down and click on the place page entitled "The Wizarding World." This will make navigating your way through this roleplay much easier.

Note: Issues of the Daily Prophet can be viewed under the Daily Prophet place page. Contrary to the name, issues will not indeed be daily. They will be released when they are crucial to the plot of the roleplay.

If a scene takes place in the "Other Places" page then, in the scene setup, add the location after the time of day.

For any questions or concerns regarding various aspects of the roleplay, please send us an email at

Browse All » 68 Settings to roleplay in

Magical Law Enforcement

Magical Law Enforcement by RottenSilverfin

This is where laws are regulated and maintained.

Magical Accidents and Catastophes

Magical Accidents and Catastophes by RottenSilverfin

Resolving accidents with magic since 1707.

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures by RottenSilverfin

Regulating and controlling magical creatures for quite some time.

International Magical Cooperation

International Magical Cooperation by RottenSilverfin

Cooperating with wizards from Japan to Guatemala... give or take.

Magical Transportation

Magical Transportation by RottenSilverfin

With our help, you'll be going places. But not space. That place is scary.

Magical Games and Sports

Magical Games and Sports by RottenSilverfin

"Now, the chasers handle the quaffle, and try to put it through one of those three hoops."

Great Hall

Great Hall by RottenSilverfin

The best food slave labor can buy.


Courtyard by RottenSilverfin

Good for a rousing game of gobstones.


Staffroom by RottenSilverfin

Also known as: the Firewhisky cellar.

Hospital Wing

Hospital Wing by RottenSilverfin

We can fix anything......except the killing curse.....there ain't nothin we can do about that.


Library by RottenSilverfin

No we don't have any computers.

Room of Requirement

Room of Requirement by RottenSilverfin

"If you know, you need only ask. If you have ask, you'll never know."

Astronomy Tower

Astronomy Tower by k9scoop

Pretty soon, you'll be seeing stars.


Dungeons by k9scoop

It's dark in here.

Headmaster's Office

Headmaster's Office by k9scoop

The Big Cheese


Owlery by k9scoop

Watch your step.


Greenhouses by k9scoop

Don't forget your earmuffs.

Gamekeeper's Hut

Gamekeeper's Hut by k9scoop

What's that smell?

Quidditch Pitch

Quidditch Pitch by k9scoop

Hey there ladies, we're keepers.

Forbidden Forest

Forbidden Forest by k9scoop

Did you hear that?

The Black Lake

The Black Lake by k9scoop

Beware of Giant Squid

Gryffindor Common Room

Gryffindor Common Room by k9scoop

"Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart."

Slytherin Common Room

Slytherin Common Room by k9scoop

"Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness."

Hufflepuff Common Room

Hufflepuff Common Room by k9scoop

"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil."

Ravenclaw Common Room

Ravenclaw Common Room by k9scoop

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Auror Office

Auror Office by k9scoop

Headquarters for the Aurors.

Improper Use of Magic Office

Improper Use of Magic Office by k9scoop

Investigates breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy and the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.


Wizengamot by k9scoop

Headquarters for the judicial branch of the Ministry of Magic.

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts by k9scoop

Investigates the use of magic on muggle made items.

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad by k9scoop

Responsible for the reversal of accidental magic.

Obliviator Headquarters

Obliviator Headquarters by k9scoop

Responsible for modifying the memories of muggles who have witnessed magic.

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee by k9scoop

Feeds misinformation to the muggle community in cases of minor magical accidents.

Beast Division

Beast Division by k9scoop

The regulation of magical creatures classified as beasts. Includes Centaur Liaison Office, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Ghoul Task Force, Werewolf Capture Unit, and Werewolf Registry.

Being Division

Being Division by k9scoop

The regulation of creatures classified as beings. Includes the Goblin Liaison Office, Office for House-Elf relocation, and Werewolf Support Services.

Spirit Division

Spirit Division by k9scoop

Regulation of ghosts.

Magical Trading Standards Body

Magical Trading Standards Body by k9scoop

Regulates the import and export of magical items.

International Magical Law

International Magical Law by k9scoop

Manages cases that involve foreign countries.

Floo Network Authority

Floo Network Authority by k9scoop

Regulation of fireplaces connected to the Floo Network.

Broom Regulatory Control

Broom Regulatory Control by k9scoop

Regulation of flying brooms.

Portkey Office

Portkey Office by k9scoop

Regulation of portkeys.

Apparation Test Centre

Apparation Test Centre by k9scoop

Testing and granting of licenses to apparate.

British and Irish Quidditch League

British and Irish Quidditch League by k9scoop

Headquarters for Quidditch in Britain and Ireland.

Official Gobstones Club

Official Gobstones Club by k9scoop

Overseer of all chapters of the Official Gobstones Club.

Ludicrous Patents Office

Ludicrous Patents Office by k9scoop

Oversees ludicrous patents.


Death by k9scoop



Time by k9scoop



Space by k9scoop



Thought by k9scoop


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 0 authors

There have not been any posts in this roleplay.

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Arcs are bundles of posts that you can organize on your own. They're useful for telling a story that might span long periods of time or space.

There are no arcs in this roleplay.

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There are no quests in this roleplay.

Add Group » View All » 0 Factions to align with

Here's the current leaderboard.

There are no groups in this roleplay!



Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 68 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Magical Law Enforcement

Magical Law Enforcement by RottenSilverfin

This is where laws are regulated and maintained.

Magical Accidents and Catastophes

Magical Accidents and Catastophes by RottenSilverfin

Resolving accidents with magic since 1707.

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures by RottenSilverfin

Regulating and controlling magical creatures for quite some time.

International Magical Cooperation

International Magical Cooperation by RottenSilverfin

Cooperating with wizards from Japan to Guatemala... give or take.

Magical Transportation

Magical Transportation by RottenSilverfin

With our help, you'll be going places. But not space. That place is scary.

Magical Games and Sports

Magical Games and Sports by RottenSilverfin

"Now, the chasers handle the quaffle, and try to put it through one of those three hoops."

Great Hall

Great Hall by RottenSilverfin

The best food slave labor can buy.


Courtyard by RottenSilverfin

Good for a rousing game of gobstones.


Staffroom by RottenSilverfin

Also known as: the Firewhisky cellar.

Hospital Wing

Hospital Wing by RottenSilverfin

We can fix anything......except the killing curse.....there ain't nothin we can do about that.


Library by RottenSilverfin

No we don't have any computers.

Room of Requirement

Room of Requirement by RottenSilverfin

"If you know, you need only ask. If you have ask, you'll never know."

Astronomy Tower

Astronomy Tower by k9scoop

Pretty soon, you'll be seeing stars.


Dungeons by k9scoop

It's dark in here.

Headmaster's Office

Headmaster's Office by k9scoop

The Big Cheese


Owlery by k9scoop

Watch your step.


Greenhouses by k9scoop

Don't forget your earmuffs.

Gamekeeper's Hut

Gamekeeper's Hut by k9scoop

What's that smell?

Quidditch Pitch

Quidditch Pitch by k9scoop

Hey there ladies, we're keepers.

Forbidden Forest

Forbidden Forest by k9scoop

Did you hear that?

The Black Lake

The Black Lake by k9scoop

Beware of Giant Squid

Gryffindor Common Room

Gryffindor Common Room by k9scoop

"Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart."

Slytherin Common Room

Slytherin Common Room by k9scoop

"Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness."

Hufflepuff Common Room

Hufflepuff Common Room by k9scoop

"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil."

Ravenclaw Common Room

Ravenclaw Common Room by k9scoop

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Auror Office

Auror Office by k9scoop

Headquarters for the Aurors.

Improper Use of Magic Office

Improper Use of Magic Office by k9scoop

Investigates breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy and the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.


Wizengamot by k9scoop

Headquarters for the judicial branch of the Ministry of Magic.

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts by k9scoop

Investigates the use of magic on muggle made items.

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad by k9scoop

Responsible for the reversal of accidental magic.

Obliviator Headquarters

Obliviator Headquarters by k9scoop

Responsible for modifying the memories of muggles who have witnessed magic.

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee by k9scoop

Feeds misinformation to the muggle community in cases of minor magical accidents.

Beast Division

Beast Division by k9scoop

The regulation of magical creatures classified as beasts. Includes Centaur Liaison Office, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Ghoul Task Force, Werewolf Capture Unit, and Werewolf Registry.

Being Division

Being Division by k9scoop

The regulation of creatures classified as beings. Includes the Goblin Liaison Office, Office for House-Elf relocation, and Werewolf Support Services.

Spirit Division

Spirit Division by k9scoop

Regulation of ghosts.

Magical Trading Standards Body

Magical Trading Standards Body by k9scoop

Regulates the import and export of magical items.

International Magical Law

International Magical Law by k9scoop

Manages cases that involve foreign countries.

Floo Network Authority

Floo Network Authority by k9scoop

Regulation of fireplaces connected to the Floo Network.

Broom Regulatory Control

Broom Regulatory Control by k9scoop

Regulation of flying brooms.

Portkey Office

Portkey Office by k9scoop

Regulation of portkeys.

Apparation Test Centre

Apparation Test Centre by k9scoop

Testing and granting of licenses to apparate.

British and Irish Quidditch League

British and Irish Quidditch League by k9scoop

Headquarters for Quidditch in Britain and Ireland.

Official Gobstones Club

Official Gobstones Club by k9scoop

Overseer of all chapters of the Official Gobstones Club.

Ludicrous Patents Office

Ludicrous Patents Office by k9scoop

Oversees ludicrous patents.


Death by k9scoop



Time by k9scoop



Space by k9scoop



Thought by k9scoop


Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Against The Greater Good. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Archer Evermonde
Character Portrait: Gavrilo Princip
Character Portrait: Gellert Grindelwald
Character Portrait: The Shade
Character Portrait: Eerikki Thorhauge
Character Portrait: Skippy
Character Portrait: Abraxas Malfoy
Character Portrait: Cierra SΓ‘ez
Character Portrait: NPC


Character Portrait: NPC

This character will be used for all NPCs

Character Portrait: Cierra SΓ‘ez
Cierra SΓ‘ez

Gryffindor, Fifth Year, Prefect

Character Portrait: Abraxas Malfoy
Abraxas Malfoy

Patriarch of the Malfoy Family

Character Portrait: Skippy

House Elf to the Malfoy Family

Character Portrait: Eerikki Thorhauge
Eerikki Thorhauge

Pureblood Supremacist, Healer

Character Portrait: The Shade
The Shade

A Wizard Assassin for hire.

Character Portrait: Gellert Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald

Dark Wizard. Interested in the Deathly Hallows. Keeper of the Elder Wand. All-around great guy.

Character Portrait: Gavrilo Princip
Gavrilo Princip

Lieutenant to Grindelwald, Assassin of Archduke Ferdinand

Character Portrait: Archer Evermonde
Archer Evermonde

Minister of Magic


Character Portrait: Cierra SΓ‘ez
Cierra SΓ‘ez

Gryffindor, Fifth Year, Prefect

Character Portrait: Gavrilo Princip
Gavrilo Princip

Lieutenant to Grindelwald, Assassin of Archduke Ferdinand

Character Portrait: NPC

This character will be used for all NPCs

Character Portrait: The Shade
The Shade

A Wizard Assassin for hire.

Character Portrait: Skippy

House Elf to the Malfoy Family

Character Portrait: Gellert Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald

Dark Wizard. Interested in the Deathly Hallows. Keeper of the Elder Wand. All-around great guy.

Character Portrait: Eerikki Thorhauge
Eerikki Thorhauge

Pureblood Supremacist, Healer

Character Portrait: Archer Evermonde
Archer Evermonde

Minister of Magic

Character Portrait: Abraxas Malfoy
Abraxas Malfoy

Patriarch of the Malfoy Family

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Shade
The Shade

A Wizard Assassin for hire.

Character Portrait: Archer Evermonde
Archer Evermonde

Minister of Magic

Character Portrait: Cierra SΓ‘ez
Cierra SΓ‘ez

Gryffindor, Fifth Year, Prefect

Character Portrait: Abraxas Malfoy
Abraxas Malfoy

Patriarch of the Malfoy Family

Character Portrait: Skippy

House Elf to the Malfoy Family

Character Portrait: NPC

This character will be used for all NPCs

Character Portrait: Eerikki Thorhauge
Eerikki Thorhauge

Pureblood Supremacist, Healer

Character Portrait: Gellert Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald

Dark Wizard. Interested in the Deathly Hallows. Keeper of the Elder Wand. All-around great guy.

Character Portrait: Gavrilo Princip
Gavrilo Princip

Lieutenant to Grindelwald, Assassin of Archduke Ferdinand

View All » Places

Magical Law Enforcement

Magical Law Enforcement by RottenSilverfin

This is where laws are regulated and maintained.

Magical Accidents and Catastophes

Magical Accidents and Catastophes by RottenSilverfin

Resolving accidents with magic since 1707.

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures by RottenSilverfin

Regulating and controlling magical creatures for quite some time.

International Magical Cooperation

International Magical Cooperation by RottenSilverfin

Cooperating with wizards from Japan to Guatemala... give or take.

Magical Transportation

Magical Transportation by RottenSilverfin

With our help, you'll be going places. But not space. That place is scary.

Magical Games and Sports

Magical Games and Sports by RottenSilverfin

"Now, the chasers handle the quaffle, and try to put it through one of those three hoops."

Great Hall

Great Hall by RottenSilverfin

The best food slave labor can buy.


Courtyard by RottenSilverfin

Good for a rousing game of gobstones.


Staffroom by RottenSilverfin

Also known as: the Firewhisky cellar.

Hospital Wing

Hospital Wing by RottenSilverfin

We can fix anything......except the killing curse.....there ain't nothin we can do about that.


Library by RottenSilverfin

No we don't have any computers.

Room of Requirement

Room of Requirement by RottenSilverfin

"If you know, you need only ask. If you have ask, you'll never know."

Astronomy Tower

Astronomy Tower by k9scoop

Pretty soon, you'll be seeing stars.


Dungeons by k9scoop

It's dark in here.

Headmaster's Office

Headmaster's Office by k9scoop

The Big Cheese


Owlery by k9scoop

Watch your step.


Greenhouses by k9scoop

Don't forget your earmuffs.

Gamekeeper's Hut

Gamekeeper's Hut by k9scoop

What's that smell?

Quidditch Pitch

Quidditch Pitch by k9scoop

Hey there ladies, we're keepers.

Forbidden Forest

Forbidden Forest by k9scoop

Did you hear that?

The Black Lake

The Black Lake by k9scoop

Beware of Giant Squid

Gryffindor Common Room

Gryffindor Common Room by k9scoop

"Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart."

Slytherin Common Room

Slytherin Common Room by k9scoop

"Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness."

Hufflepuff Common Room

Hufflepuff Common Room by k9scoop

"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil."

Ravenclaw Common Room

Ravenclaw Common Room by k9scoop

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Auror Office

Auror Office by k9scoop

Headquarters for the Aurors.

Improper Use of Magic Office

Improper Use of Magic Office by k9scoop

Investigates breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy and the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.


Wizengamot by k9scoop

Headquarters for the judicial branch of the Ministry of Magic.

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts by k9scoop

Investigates the use of magic on muggle made items.

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad by k9scoop

Responsible for the reversal of accidental magic.

Obliviator Headquarters

Obliviator Headquarters by k9scoop

Responsible for modifying the memories of muggles who have witnessed magic.

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee by k9scoop

Feeds misinformation to the muggle community in cases of minor magical accidents.

Beast Division

Beast Division by k9scoop

The regulation of magical creatures classified as beasts. Includes Centaur Liaison Office, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Ghoul Task Force, Werewolf Capture Unit, and Werewolf Registry.

Being Division

Being Division by k9scoop

The regulation of creatures classified as beings. Includes the Goblin Liaison Office, Office for House-Elf relocation, and Werewolf Support Services.

Spirit Division

Spirit Division by k9scoop

Regulation of ghosts.

Magical Trading Standards Body

Magical Trading Standards Body by k9scoop

Regulates the import and export of magical items.

International Magical Law

International Magical Law by k9scoop

Manages cases that involve foreign countries.

Floo Network Authority

Floo Network Authority by k9scoop

Regulation of fireplaces connected to the Floo Network.

Broom Regulatory Control

Broom Regulatory Control by k9scoop

Regulation of flying brooms.

Portkey Office

Portkey Office by k9scoop

Regulation of portkeys.

Apparation Test Centre

Apparation Test Centre by k9scoop

Testing and granting of licenses to apparate.

British and Irish Quidditch League

British and Irish Quidditch League by k9scoop

Headquarters for Quidditch in Britain and Ireland.

Official Gobstones Club

Official Gobstones Club by k9scoop

Overseer of all chapters of the Official Gobstones Club.

Ludicrous Patents Office

Ludicrous Patents Office by k9scoop

Oversees ludicrous patents.


Death by k9scoop



Time by k9scoop



Space by k9scoop



Thought by k9scoop


Obliviator Headquarters

Responsible for modifying the memories of muggles who have witnessed magic.

Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee

Feeds misinformation to the muggle community in cases of minor magical accidents.

Beast Division

The regulation of magical creatures classified as beasts. Includes Centaur Liaison Office, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau, Ghoul Task Force, Werewolf Capture Unit, and Werewolf Registry.


Headquarters for the judicial branch of the Ministry of Magic.

Improper Use of Magic Office

Investigates breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy and the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

Being Division

The regulation of creatures classified as beings. Includes the Goblin Liaison Office, Office for House-Elf relocation, and Werewolf Support Services.

Official Gobstones Club

Overseer of all chapters of the Official Gobstones Club.

Floo Network Authority

Regulation of fireplaces connected to the Floo Network.

Magical Games and Sports

"Now, the chasers handle the quaffle, and try to put it through one of those three hoops."

Magical Transportation

With our help, you'll be going places. But not space. That place is scary.

Hospital Wing

We can fix anything......except the killing curse.....there ain't nothin we can do about that.

Room of Requirement

"If you know, you need only ask. If you have ask, you'll never know."

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Against The Greater Good

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