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Yuji Kentarou

"Oh, are you looking at me? It's alright, I get that all the time. Want an autograph?"

0 · 1,296 views · located in Higashi-Naruse, Akita

a character in “Akita's Seasons”, as played by Belshazzar




"Actors are the best liars. That's just what I've heard, though. Wonder if it's true~"

Love Like You ~ 怐Ashe怑 Guys Don't Like Me ~ It Boys!
No Place Like Home ~ Straight Outta Oz Let's Face It, I'm Cute ~ 11 Acron Lane

| Full Name |
Yuji Kentarou
č£•åø ~ abundant, rule

| Role |
Role 1

| Nicknames and Aliases |
Kenta ~ Simply his stage name.
Ken-kun ~ He's often called this by fans and also by his manager.

| Gender |

| Age |
Nineteen || 19

| Birthday |
May 18th

| Sexual Orientation |


| Scent |
Yuji always smells strongly of coffee every morning, the scent subsiding faintly throughout the day but never quite disappearing.

| Accent |
As an actor, he's trained himself to lighten his Japanese accent as much as possible when he's speaking in other languages, but one can still hear it if they listen carefully.

| Nationality |

| Romantic Interest |
Kazumi Orako

| Ethnicity |

| Social Class |
Upper Class

| Occupation |
Actor and Model

| Place of Residence |
Home in Akita
Bedroom in Akita

Home in Florida, USA
Bedroom in Florida, USA

| Oddities |
Binge-Eating~ Can't seem to control his eating of sweets, and often eats them in massive amounts before cutting himself off, or having them taken away.
Staring into Space~ His eyes glaze over and his face goes blank for a moment. What's going on in that head of his? No one has any idea. It's really him thinking about a new comic book, reciting lines in his head, or wishing he was somewhere else.



| Hair Color |

| Hair Style |

| Hair Length |

| Skin Tone |

| Complexion |
Lightly Tanned

| Eye Color |

| Height

| Weight |

| Body Type |

| Build |

| Tattoos |

| Piercings |

| Birthmarks/Scars |
He has a birthmark on his back over his left shoulder blade. It's about the size of a football and looks like a bundle of patchy, rough clouds that overlap each other with variants of light brown colors.



| Personality |
Magnetic ~ Adventurous ~ Egotistical ~ Flirtatious ~ Self-Indulgent

Yuji is not a person capable of deep thought, of philosophical questions about the universe and its inner workings, about politics or space or literature. He is a simple boy, with simple pleasures being exactly what he desires. To some, this may be a bad thing, but to others, it is this deeply rooted appreciation for the fun, beautiful, and simple that makes him just the right person to be acquainted with.

Though he is often a bit full of himself, it never crosses the line in to absolute narcissism. He is quite aware that he is not the centre of the universe, and that not every person will bow to his every whim. However, his status as a celebrated actor and model has inflated his sense of self slightly. Who can resist the charms of being this way? Who can be photographed at every moment of the day and crowded by fans and not believe that they were just a bit more important than the rest? It has gone to his head a bit, and with this comes a sense of invulnerability and weightlessness. He will play dangerous games with people, and often this mindset has lead him to a lot of trouble. He can be a bit rash, and doesn't mind taking risks, as long as he gets something out of it. Usually, all he wants is a rush of adrenaline. He is not afraid to speak his mind. Though he will listen to other people eagerly if they are interesting and kind, he has a short fuse when it comes to boring people, or those who think they are better than him. He has grown fiercely loyal to many cast and crew members that are good in his book, and his mouth has often landed him in a scolding from his agent. Even though Yuji has status, he does not use that to gain an advantage over others unfairly.

And maybe that is where he differs when it comes to other vain and egotistical stars. They might flaunt their status above their heads in every walk of life, never separating their own personality from their work, using their name as a way to make others feel bad. Yuji has forced himself to adopt an 'actor' personality in order to keep his true self safe. While he might bask in the gaze of others and stare into mirrors for too long while working, he has another side to him that he reserves for himself and his mother. A side that likes comic books and is just way too excited to talk about superheroes and villains, praising others for their hard work and wishing he had the talent. A side that will listen to others and their tales of life and absorb it all in appreciation. A side that, quite simply, just enjoys being happy and wants to make others feel that way.

Maybe that's what causes him to be so magnetic. Maybe that is what people can sense when they open their selves to him. If you truly desire an adventure, to have fun, to lay in the sun laughing so hard you can't even remember what you were laughing about, maybe you feel drawn to him. Yuji tries desperately not to let himself slip, to remain in the role of 'actor and model' for everyone else, so he can enjoy himself and not have it tainted.


| Morals |
~ First impressions are everything ~
~ Be a gentlemen and a rebel ~
~ Do what makes you happy ~

| Likes |
Attention ~ Yuji practically thrives off the attention he gets from others, even if it's from a negative standpoint. He's just fine having others be jealous of him, and finds even more pleasure in having people dote over him.
Exploring ~ Since he travels a lot for work, he never misses the opportunity to sneak off set and go on little adventures into the unknown. He's actually gotten lost in cities he's working in a number of times to the point where his manager has put a tracker on his cell phone.
Modeling ~ He was an actor first, but when he was given the offer to be paid to show off his good looks, he accepted in a split second. He loves having his picture taken and seeing the results of a photo op. He simply can't say no when someone wants to have a picture of/with him.

| Dislikes |
Know-it-All's ~ He doesn't become openly frustrated easily, but one thing he can't stand is when some "senior" actor/producer thinks they can trample over him just because he's somewhat new to the acting business. It's the same for matters unrelated to his career as well. He doesn't like being talked to like he's a naive idiot, and who would?
Being Ignored ~ He's quick to get annoyed when someone talks over him or completely disregards his opinions, even though they may not always be "correct". Basic respect towards another should be given, no?
Bullies ~ Yuji gets a kick out of teasing people, especially the shy kind, but he'd never go so far as to genuinely hurt someone, and he doesn't condone that type of behavior either.

| Talents |
Composure ~ Yuji is careful to keep his emotions under control, knowing full well the repercussions his career could face if he loses it on someone. He gets annoyed easily, but does a fine job at keeping a smile on his face and has learned to lie through his teeth.
Acting ~ He didn't get so popular just because he's handsome, though that certainty gives him a boost up. He's actually incredibly skilled at manipulating his emotions and fully immersing himself into whatever role he's playing.
Self-Defense ~ It became apparent to his manager that Yuji needed to know how to defend himself since he was constantly wandering off. Yuji's been taking mixed martial arts and kick boxing lessons from private teachers for about five years. Long story short, he can hold his own.

| Flaws |
Intelligence ~ This fact is covered up for the sake of publicity, but Yuji is not exactly what one would consider "book smart". He's got plenty of common sense, sure, but he's pretty terrible at understand concepts like math and science and barely knows his own country's history. These subjects bore him, so naturally he never put effort into studying them in high school. Basically, you wouldn't see him taking the lead in any sort of scholarly argument.
Egoistic ~ Well, to be blunt, he's completely full of himself. He spends a long period of time in the morning prepping his appearance, admires himself in store mirrors, and just really likes to flaunt his good genes whenever he's given the chance.
Prideful ~ Yuji is a very talented actor, and he knows it. He's not humble at all with this subject, usually responding with "of course I am" or simply "I know" when given a compliment on his skills rather than an expected "thank you".

| Weaknesses |
Difficulty Relating to Others ~ Understanding the complicated and deep emotions of others is far beyond Yuji's capabilities. He has a very difficult time figuring out why someone might be angry or upset, so he prefers to avoid those situations so not to reveal how awkward he actually is at handling such matters.
Dependent ~ Yuji can't be left alone for long before he starts to get bored and antsy. He's always actively typing away on social media pages to keep himself occupied and doesn't like being left alone.
Sweets ~ He's not allowed to eat chocolates, candy, or any from of sweets for the sake of keeping his figure. This only makes it harder for him to refuse them when they're offered or available, even though he knows his manager would kill him if he ate anything full of sugar.
His Father ~ There are few things that can make Yuji snap, and it's in one's best interest to avoid the topic of his father. Luckily their aren't many who know of Yuji's distaste for his father.

| Hobbies |
Modeling ~ That's right, acting is his career. Modeling, on the other hand, is just something he does for fun, even though he gets paid for it.
Western Comic Books ~ The superhero one's are his favorite! He's got a collection of limited edition comic books at his home in Florida and has read most of them a number of times. He even owns a fair amount of fan merch of different superheroes, ranging from signed posters to clothing to action figures and more. Course he doesn't really boast about this nerdy side of him.
Social Media ~ He's got a trending twitter account he posts on daily, and manages a few of his own modeling and acting blogs too. The more he openly interacts with his fans, the more publicity he gets!



| History |
Yuji Kentarou, an amateur turned pro seemingly overnight. Good-looking, confident, charismatic, and talented beyond anyone's expectations! His face is everywhere nowadays, his popularity even rising overseas. He has everything he could ask for now, but that wasn't always the case.

Akita was Yuji's birthplace, and an unfortunate one at that. The relationship between his mother and father had already gone sour before he was born, but his mother, Naomi, could only raise him for a year by herself before her savings run out and they were nearly left homeless. His father only came back after Naomi spend countless days begging him. It took three years of his mother struggling from paycheck to paycheck before Yuji's father finally moved back in. While the extra money solved their poverty, the atmosphere at home only grew worse. It soon became apparent that Naomi must've been the one to call off his parents previous relationship. His father was manipulative and abusive, hardly ever even glancing at Yuji as he held his mother hostage with the threat of leaving her penniless. Now that Yuji was in the picture, his mother had no choice but to obey his fathers demands, knowing that she was incapable of properly supporting her son by herself.

As Yuji got older, the abuse that his father implemented only got worse. Naomi would use herself as a shield to keep her boyfriend away from her son. She directed Yuji to stay away from the house as long as he could. He'd leave for school hours early, and not come home until well after his father would pass out from drunkenness. All this while he was still in grade school. As he found his way into middle school, Yuji's absence from home would sometimes span over a few days because his mother would beg him with tears in her eyes and her voice cracking for him to stay away. He couldn't sleep on the streets, so he made himself friends at school that he could stay with, making up whatever excuse he needed to. He joined the drama club so he could stay after school hours without having to wander around town until dark.

By participating in drama, Yuji was able to expel all of his pent up emotions through acting. It was his only relief from the image of his mothers distraught face any time his father would come home. It got to the point where he'd not come home for over a week. He'd gained many friends through the drama club and always had a place to stay. However, on one rare day he did decide to return to his house, very early in the morning before the sun had even started to rise, he found his mother passed out in the kitchen with blood on her clothes and his father nowhere to be found. The man had stabbed her and left her there to die. In a stroke of luck, the knife wound had not been fatal and with a few nights stay at a hospital in Tokyo, she was healthy enough to return to Akita. Yuji's father had been tracked down quickly, and would be spending the next six years in jail and forbidden from stepping foot in whatever town Naomi chose to live in after his release.

The government was finally assisting his mother with financial support, and Yuji was able to somehow enter high school, despite his poor grades. His high school life wouldn't last long, though. Halfway through his 1st year of school, at the age of fifteen, Yuji was eating by himself at a mall when he was scouted. Someone had seen a few of his school drama performances and wanted him for a role in a teen drama. This was his first meeting with who is now his manager, an assertive man named Tanaka Eto. At the time, Yuji couldn't of imagined that that one role would lead to many others, making his way into more and more important casts as he grew in both experience and maturity. He was able to continually send his mother support, and do repairs for the old home. He dropped out of high school to travel throughout Japan for his acting career, and after a couple of years and some lessons in English, he was filming for roles in American television and film.

| Other |
~ Yuji is only in Akita for the summer. He's taken a hiatus to spend time with his mother.
~ He has a deep-seated hate for Akita due to the events of his past. The location of his old home in the Spring environment of Akita makes him feel physically sick and he actively avoids it.
~ He has a hidden fear that he might turn into his father someday, which is why he's so careful with keeping his composure.


| Face Claim |
Haru Yoshida ~ My Little Monster

So begins...

Yuji Kentarou's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Yuji Kentarou
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The dark green door stood in front of him menacingly. He could already feel the rush of emotions and memories beginning to overwhelm him. His hand balled in a fist, he raised it slowly towards the door, feeling like he was moving in slow motionā€¦and then he knocked.

The door pushed open on its own, having not been locked. No other noise accompanied the creaking of the aged hinges. The house was completely dark, the only light coming from a window at the opposite end as the sun had just started to rise.
Yuji took a single step in. Goose bumps prickled at the back of his neck. Something was wrong, something wasnā€™t right. The entryway was cold; all the windows of the house had been open for some reason. Then it hit him. The sickly, metallic smell of blood filled his nostrils, clouding his head. It instantly made him nauseous. He clamped a hand over his mouth, trying not to retch.

He continued slowly toward the kitchen, his footsteps echoing on the hardwood floors. A quiet moan cut through the air. Yuji stopped instantly. His body had begun to shake, the hand over his mouth moving back and forth rapidly, his legs barely able to hold himself up. As he began moving again, he rounded the corner, staring down at the floor as if he knew what he was expecting.

The image of his mother laying on the ground would forever stay in his mind. Her long, ebony hair stuck together in knots, having absorbed most of the blood around her head. Her limbs were sprawled out, her pale arms clutching her stomach. The white shirt was almost entirely wet with blood. The hardwood had taken on the deep crimson as well, having already absorbed some of it. And her face, her faceā€¦. Her face had lost all colour, her once pink lips drained entirely. Her black eyes were wide open, staring right through Yuji, her pupils searching for something to focus on. Her lips parted slightly, an airy cry escaping as her arm slowly extended out towards Yuji, her fingers fumbling and grasping at air, reaching for something, anything, reaching out for lifeā€”

Yuji shook his head violently, forcing the image out of his head. Once again the dark green door stood in front of him, though with a new coat of paint and some flowers hanging from a pot beside him. He was in the same place, but not the same time. He was okay. His mother was okay. Everything was okay.

Except, he was feeling extremely nauseous again. Trying to regain his composure, he cycled a few deep breaths and waited patiently. He could hear footsteps inside the home, and then the door opened.

Before him stood his mother, small, reaching nearly a foot shorter than him. Her long black hair was twisted into a bun, and she wore a pleasant flowery blouse and skirt. Her face lit up at the sight of her son. She outstretched her arms and welcomed him with a massive hug.

ā€œOh, Yuji! Iā€™ve missed you so much!ā€ She cried, her voice muffled in his shirt. Yuji gently enveloped her in his arms, resting his head on top of hers.

ā€œIā€™ve missed you too Mom.ā€ He said gently, giving her a squeeze before pulling away. She stared up at him and then pulled him into the house, closing the door behind them. Yuji took off his shoes and stepped onto the hardwood. He hadnā€™t been here for almost a year now. For a moment, the memory returned to his mind, but he pushed it away. The house had been refinished and furnished with new furniture, much to his approval. The money he had sent her had obviously gone to good use. The home was cozy as well as open. Light walls, dark wood, curtains and fabrics of pastel colours, and flowers absolutely everywhere. Yuji smiled to himself at the sight of the home, following behind his mother, his luggage trailing behind him.

ā€œIā€™ll fix you something to eat, you must be so hungry. Go put your luggage in your room, itā€™s just the way you left it!ā€ His mother called as she began gathering food and cooking supplies for Yujiā€™s late breakfast. He nodded his head and made his way down the hall, entering the first door on the right.

The walls of his room were adorned with posters of various comic book heroes, and playbills from the drama productions of his highschool. In the corner sat a lonely desk that he never used for its intended purpose, and a small single bed on the other side, made neatly with a pile of comic books resting on the side table under the lamp. He threw his bag on his bed and breathed in deeply, a bit more relaxed now that he was with his mother. Yuji took a step towards the window, peeking through the curtain to look outside. It was a beautiful day, sunny and bright. His mother had been working on her garden it seemed. The flowers and vegetables were blooming, reaching up to the sky. He was almost excited now to go out into town and visit some of his regular stores. Of course, heā€™d have to be careful about how he presented himself. Though Akita was small, he was sure that people here had seen him before and knew his face from television.

Digging in his bag, he took out a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap as his makeshift disguise, and made his way back into the kitchen.

There, he spoke with his mom and reminisced with her while enjoying her tofu and rice. She told him about what had changed in Akita since he had been gone, and he shared stories of his acting with her. After an hour or two of spending time with one another, he kissed her on the cheek goodbye and told her he would be right back, he was just going into town for a bit.
Yuji pulled the baseball cap over his messy black hair, and pushed the sunglasses over his eyes. He should just look like another everyday person. He wasnā€™t being followed by his agent or any security guards and he wasnā€™t wearing any brand name clothing. He would just be another face in the crowd. Where would his first stop be? Maybe heā€™d go out and find a gift for his mother, to thank her for her hospitality. The house was only about a fifteen minute walk from shops downtown. Maybe heā€™d get her a nice flower arrangement, something extravagant and colourful, just for her.

As soon as he started to get into areas with more people, he began to feel a bit nervous. Even if someone only glanced up to him for a second, he would hold his breath, as if that would help him not be discovered. But every person passed by without a word.

"I have to just....act normal...I can't keep getting this nervous. Damn, it's like my first show all over again..." Yuji thought intensely as he moved down the sidewalk towards the buildings in the distance. Why did he feel so nervous? Why was he so afraid? All he had to do was act like he was just a regular citizen. Here, he was determined to be just that.

None of the buildings downtown were especially tall or large. There were a few packed together, with some plant life and landscaping around them, then there would be another massive gap before more buildings popped up. A few of them were empty with "For Lease" signs in the windows. As he passed an empty storefront, he stared into his reflection passing by in the window. It was difficult to recognize him with his shadowed face and shielded eyes. Yuji smirked and focused his gaze ahead of himself once again. A few blocks down he saw a sign advertising a flower shop. He continued on his way towards it. He would probably have to talk to salespeople inside. They were probably a bunch of old folks though. Those were the type that usually owned flower shops, anyway.

He pushed open the glass door and heard a small bell ring with his entry. His eyes scanned the store, looking over the bountiful arrangements, the array of pots and fertilizers and supplies all for taking care of flowers, and finally, the girl that stood at the register. Yuji didn't even hear her greeting.

"Isn't it supposed to be old people that work here?" He thought to himself. His eyes hadn't moved from staring at her, though you probably wouldn't have noticed with the sunglasses on. Her hair matched the shade of many of the flowers in the store, her eyes doing the same but only in a deeper, more pleasant tone. She was cute. Really cute. Yuji's lips turned into a small smile. Maybe with a bit of his charm he could get to know her a bit more. Maybe even take her home.

He parted his lips to speak, but suddenly his voice faltered. He was overcome with nervousness. It was as if something had grabbed his throat to stop him from talking. Why couldn't he speak to her? This never happened, he was always ready to make a comment about a girls' eyes, hair, or smile. But with her, he just...couldn'!

"Ahhh...umm...I...." Was all he managed to muster. His smile faltered, and he tore his gaze away from her, turning his head to look at a bouquet to his right. His sunglasses jumped down the bridge of his nose a bit with the quick movement of his head, but he quickly pushed them back up. Yuji let out a sigh, thinking himself through the situation. All he needed was flowers for his Mom. That was it. Nothing else. He would be gone in a few minutes.

"Can you do...custom arrangements?" He blurted out, turning to look at the girl again. No no no, wait, he didn't want a custom arrangement! He didn't even know what kind of flowers he wanted...he didn't know anything about them. All he knew was that some of them were different colours and they smelled nice, that was about it.

"I need" He glanced at her eyes again. "And...more pink."

He was screaming internally. Why did this girl make him so nervous? Why couldn't he talk? Why couldn't he be flirtatious and charming right now when he really wanted to be?!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Yuji Kentarou
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Kazumi's Code- #FF1493

The minute the young man stepped into the shop, it took all of Kazumi's control to keep her cordial smile on her face. Internally though all of her instincts were going off and she felt like the floor beneath her vanish. However, she wasn't bound to let the mortal thing he had any kind of effect on her. Her mind starting working again in a few minutes as she mentally scolded herself for her lack of stability.

~Knock it off Aurora! This is not the first attractive mortal you've seen!~ She thought to herself.

Indeed, she had seen plenty of good looking men, but this was the first time she had been affected by one. Even though the moment only lasted a few seconds, it felt longer than that. She started paying attention to the man again when he started mumbling what he wanted. His words and mannerisms amused Kazumi. With her enhanced eyesight, even though it didn't come close to Natsuo's ability, she could see pass the shades to see his eye movements and they kept moving from her hair to her eyes. She was very much use to this kind of attention since she noticed how most Japanese folks had dark hair and slanted eyes. This man clearly was from this area by his looks, but unlike others, his skin was a bit darker and there was only a hint of the Japanese accent she had heard a lot of. He must travel a lot.

His manner of speaking made Kazumi want to giggle and flirt a bit, but she was working so she kept her professional attitude. She'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that she enjoyed making men melt and befuddle their brains. So she was feeling very satisfied with herself at the moment. It was a darn shame that almost all guys she met were like that. Only male mortal she recalled that she didn't initially affect this way was her own boss.

"So you want a pink flower arrangement? Can I ask who this is for and if this person has any favorite flowers? I can supply a small card if you want."

It was at this time that Eos and Dawn came to the counter and both dogs sniff the man before standing on each side of the counter, eyeing him. Kazumi sighed before turning back to the man.

"Don't mind them, they're just protective of me and do that to people I meet. Dawn and Eos are well trained dogs."

What she didn't tell him though was they normally go back behind the register. She knew through their connection they sensed her true feelings and were more wary of this man because of that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Yuji Kentarou
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Yuji felt relieved after hearing her well-versed and practiced replies. At least she hadnā€™t laughed at him. Though, she probably had noticed his nervousness. Before he could even respond to her questions, two dogs suddenly rushed out from the back, pushing themselves as close to the counter as they could. Their noses prodded at the air, getting as close to him as they could. Yuji smiled at the Akita and Shiba Inu, pleased to see the two dogs. He had loved dogs so much as a child, even though he had never been able to have one. He was quite comfortable around them too, seeing as how many of his shows and even some movies had him interacting with trained dogs for scenes.

He looked back up at the girl as she explained the presence of the animals. Their eyes seemed to glimmer as she said their names. Yujiā€™s smile grew a bit wider as he looked at her. It felt like she was staring straight through him. While he had previously, and very confidently, looked right to her eyes and pink locks of hair, he suddenly felt embarrassed, and averted his gaze to the dogs once again. They both seemed a bit tense with his presence. He realized it must be due to his glasses covering his eyes. Without even thinking about it, he pulled his sunglasses off his face, hoping that maybe the animals would be a bit more comfortable now that his gaze was revealed to them.

Of course, now just the hat remained, shadowing only a portion of his face. Yuji slowly extended his fingertips towards the Shiba Inu, making sure to keep distance, but allowing the dog to get more of his scent. Something inside of him suddenly switched. He felt a lot better, more calm, more like himself.

ā€œThey seem very nice!ā€ He chimed, looking up at her and flashing a genuine smile. Yuji made eye contact with her, but something seemed to claw at the back of his mind. Something he had forgottenā€¦did he leave the light on in his room? Forget to lock the door? Forget to say goodbye to his mother? His face went blank as he was absorbed into thought, trying to remember. Oh right, the sunglasses! He had taken off the sunglasses! ā€¦Waitā€¦he had taken off the sunglassesā€¦

Yuji froze with the sudden realization , and trying to act as normal as he could, scrambled to put the shades back over his eyes, fumbling to open them, pushing them up the bridge of his nose with intense urgency. It definitely did not look normal, but with them back on, he turned to look at her again and spoke to break the silence.

ā€œI need the arrangement for my mother. Pink is her favourite colour. You have some real nice stuff in here, but I kind of want something evenā€¦bigger than anything youā€™ve done. I donā€™t really know a whole lot about flowers thoughā€¦you got a catalogue or something?ā€

He wished with all of his heart that this woman had no idea who she had seen, or maybe didnā€™t see his face for too long to recognize him.

ā€œ Stupid Yujiā€¦that was real stupid.ā€ He chastised himself in his thoughts. If this one person knew who he was, and blabbed about it to all her friends, he would never have a peaceful moment here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Yuji Kentarou
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Kazumi's Code- #FF1493

Unfortunately for the customer, when he had removed his sunglasses while interacting with the dogs, she recognized him instantly due to have great visual memory. When the dogs stood next to the booth, Eos immediately mentioned it.

~Lady Aurora, it's that model.~ he told her into her mind.

~I am very much aware of that, Eos. A man wearing sunglasses into a building? Of course he's hiding something. I expected someone more flashy and confident, but I guess not.~

~So what will you do about it?~

~Nothing. He's just a mere mortal like most people.~

Turning back to the man she knew to be Yuji Kentarou, Kazumi watched was he realized his blunder and quickly put his sunglasses back on, a bit clumsily. That solidify the fact he was trying to hide his appearance. She really couldn't blame him though. She learned that those who were considered 'famous' not get much privacy in their lives. In fact, the predicament she was in was similar to his. Her siblings were 'in hiding' as well because they wanted to be 'normal'. She listened to him as he described what he wanted before asking for a catalog.

"Hehe, don't worry sir. That's why I am here; to help. I am pretty good with flowers. And I can certainly made something big, as long as it fits through our door and into your mother's home. We do have a catalog too." she replied before taking a catalog next to the register and opening up. It was cataloged based on color. Pink flowers tended to be one of the biggest sections and it was the first one.

"So, as you can see, we got numerous types here. All the pictures you see are our standard sizes, but I can easily modify them. Hmmm, this one is nice. The feature here are the pink lilies, but there are others here for variety. Or this one with tulips is very elegant and nice. Unless you want an arrangement with mostly roses, might I recommend these roses due to color variation." she said as she pointed out the three arrangements.

If he wanted custom, she would use the primary flower he liked the most and than make an original arrangement. It warmed her heart that he wanted to do something for his mother. She remembered her own mother and for a second really missed her. Her eyes lost their shine for a second, but she quickly recovered and looked at Yuji to see what flowers he liked.