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Elliot March

"An increase of light is an increase of darkness."

0 · 619 views · located in The Kingdom of Hearts

a character in “Alice in Wonderland: A Twisted Wonderland”, as played by Nami L'Chi


❝Elliot March❞

❝An increase of light is an increase of darkness❞

❝The Basic Facts❞

❝ You know nothing of me❞

| Name |
Elliot Ryan March

| Nickname |
"Elly, Hare "

| Gender |

| Age |
"He appears to be 20, his real age is uknown."

| Sexuality |

| Role |
March Hare

| Face Claim |
Riku| KH

❝What I See In The Mirror❞

❝ It's my Reflection ❞

| Eye Color |

| Hair Color |
"Snow White

| Height |

| Weight |
"It's mostly muscle but 156lbs."

| Skin Tone |

| Body Markings |
"Scars on his Chest and arms. Two Rabbit Ears."

|Madness Abilities|
"-Pheremone Manipulation: He has the ability to control the pheremones of himself and others around him. Though he doesn't use this much only because, he cannot control the level of pheremones he emmits. Usually his pheremones are stronger.
-Tracking Evasion: He cannot be tracked down, it's nearly impossible...well except for anyone who has a good sense of smell... his pheremones linger in the air for people to find him. But Hair, Blood, even skin particals will turn to dust before they hit the ground.
-Dream Manipulation: He has the power to enter dreams of others, change them around, plant thoughts and seeds of doubt and hope. He can create your worst nightmare, along with give you your best dream...though He doesn't know of this ability as of yet.
-His well known power is Illusion Manipulation: It goes along with his Dream Manipulation simply by planting ideas and seeds in peoples minds. This is a difficult task as it uses most of his concentration and mental power. He can change his form in the illusion as well as anything else he wishes. The only draw back to this power is he's got to make sure he's not distracted, or else it could throw off the tiniest shadow. Should the person he's giving the illusion notice, the illusion would fail and ultimatly his power would be useless against them."

❝ Behind The Façade ❞

❝Look close enough... you might just see who I really am ❞

| Habits |
-Drinking Tea
-Eating Carrots

| Likes |
-Other Rabbits

| Dislikes |
-The Red Queen

"-He hates foxes, he's afraid he'll get caught by one and there would be no more Hare to entertain people.
-Spiders, he's deathly afraid of spiders. "

| Personality |
"Elliot is fun loving and tries to be care free. He tries to be serious but he dosen't know how. He's always been able to live in his own illusions and see whatever he wants to see. It's how he's come to be mad, pure insanity. He knows nothing of reality, it's hard for him to grasp the thought of it. Though he's known to crack jokes and be sarcastic. He's great at what he does, and puts his whole heart into it.

[center]❝The Past and The Present❞

❝ No thoughts of yesterday, no dreams of tomorrow ❞

| Weaponry |
He uses a bow and arrow to hunt with and protect himself with if he see's danger from far away. though when up close he uses a sword made of nothing but darkness and shadows...don't be fooled by it, it's sharp enough to pierce your heart...for no one can survive in darkness for long.""

| Family |
Elliot has no memory of his family before Wonderland"

| History |
" Elliot was not always this insane. Nor was he able to control Illusions and scents like he can now. Just a simple boy with his pet rabbit walking around the forest exploring. That is how he came upon the Hole to Wonderland. Curious about it, climbed in it, not knowing how deep it was or anything. Upon that trip, his body morphed and changed. He no longer looked human, but part rabbit. Wonderland had taken a toll on him by living here for years and years, the powers started to grow on him, the more he used them, the more mad he got. He's not completly sane, nor is he completly insane...he's just a bit of both.

So begins...

Elliot March's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Liddell Character Portrait: Elliot March Character Portrait: Kurai Shirakawa (The Cheshire)
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Alice awoke in the middle of the night. Her blonde hair all messed up. Her husband wrapped his arms around her and murmured something in her ear. "Alice, dear, what is the matter with you?" He seemed to ask. She'd turn to look at him, "Twas nothing but a bad dream... I need some air." She said getting out of her bed. She was in her blue gown, slipping on a pair of white boots, she stood outside, smoothing her hair down.
What did that dream mean? She thought to herself, as she continued walking around her yard. It was the world she had dreamed about since she was a little girl. A cat that smiled with bright yellow eyes and purple hair. It was pinned against a tree, the wide smile still there, even after death. A man with white hair and rabbit ears, his eyes wide and skin pale with death, a cup of tea on the ground on its side as if the man had dropped it upon his death.

What did all of those mean, a world she dreams about with death everywhere she looked. As she walked across the lawn she pondered more and more on what her nightmare could mean. Something told her to go to the woods. Without thinking she did. In the darkness she walked to a large oak tree, where the rabbit hole was. Seeing something shimmer, she thought it was something she had lost. As she reached in for it, that's when it all started.

She fell down the rabbit hole, and kept falling, never stopping, until what felt like hours later, she landed in an old abandoned and broken down room.

Rubbing her head, and her ankle, she looked around. Something about this seemed familliar, but she saw smears of blood, and feathers, and stuffing from an old couch. What was the problem with her, she had never been here before, at least from what she could tell she couldn't have been here before, but in her heart, it all seemed familiar.

"Stranger and stranger." She'd murmur.