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Blair Invidia


0 · 637 views · located in White-walled Adelost

a character in “Allevent, Realm of Caith”, as played by Manic Creator


NAME: Blair Helena [Hell-A-na] Invidia
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
RACE: Gyptioi
OCCUPATION: Fortune Teller, Thief (when she absolutely must), Elixir


Height: 5’5
Weight: 134lbs
Hair: Long purple hair that is normally in dreads and pulled up high.
Ears: Very pointed and long at the top, obvious elf like ears
Eyes: Bright exotic green that even seems to shine
Skin: Creamy pale skin, despite the amount of time she spends outside.
Body: Overall, Blair has a rather small frame which helps with stealth when it is needed. She has childlike appearance and looks somewhat innocent, though that would be deceiving.
Torso: Though she has small shoulders, she has a good size bust for her body size. She usually wears a corset, which shows off the top of her cleavage, but keeps her decent enough for city life.
Arms: Her arms are rather small, especially her wrist. On the upper half up her left arm, she has a gold band that wraps 4 times around her arm. Around her wrist she wears an assortment of bracelets and charms. On almost all of her fingers (excluding her thumb) she wears at least one silver or gold band or some other type or ring with a pretty design.
Lower body: Though overall Blair is rather small, she has larger legs since she uses them the most. Her muscles are large due to dancin and constantly running. Around her ankles she keeps ankles that jingle when she walks or moves her feet.
Clothing: Blair has an assorted set of clothes for various things. However, she almost always has on a corset. She also always has on her bangles, bracelets, and anklets that show she is a Gyptioi. Though she goes barefoot most of the time, when on a mission, or when she knows she will be stealing, she wears a set of old brown knee high boots with a dagger hidden in the right one.


PAST: Blair was born in the house of Komuth, a religious sect who worship the kobold and bismuth caith. The day she was born was the day of Envy. This is the way she was raised, with envious thoughts and actions against others. She was trained to be a thief, to steal what she wants. Her mother however, tried to show her a different way of life. She tried to teach Blair how to be a respectable citizen and that one does not need to envy others. However, this didn’t last long. When the High Chief found out of how her mother was teaching her, Blair was taken away from her mother. No one is sure where she was taken, but no one has heard from her since.
At the age of 14, Blair managed to run away from the ‘camp’ that she once called home. At first, her search was to find her mother, however after 3 years of nothing, she decided to make something of herself. Her mother had always told her of a place where she could go and though she wouldn’t be respected very much, it was better than Anirom.
She traveled to Adelost, where she currently resides trying to make a living as a dancer and fortune teller.

PRESENT: When she lost hope of finding her mother, Blair changed her dream to simply having a stable life. However, she knows she must get caith in order to do so.

FUTURE: Her goal in life is live a stable life however she can’t get rid of the lingering urge to find dark caith.

Skills, abilities, Inherent traits

STRENGTHS: Dexterity; Intelligence; Willpower; Perception

WEAKNESSES: Melee , Defense. Since she has no real amour she lacks greatly in defense. Blair is decent with ranged attacks (throwing objects, caith spells, bow and arrows), she is horrible at melee attacks, though she is decent enough to survive with blocking and such.

**Speed- Due to almost all being thieves, Gyptiois generally as faster than average humans and have better stealth skills.
**Nature- Even the dark aligned Gyptiois still are very close to nature and can almost sense different things (such as thunderstorms, changes in nature)

**Tarot Cards
**A small satchel for carrying things (looks like a bandanna and hangs from around her waist)
**Small dagger hidden in her boots (when she wears them)
**A leather band necklace with a crystal shard on it

PERSONALITY: Blair is a kind person and is very observant of others. She enjoys watching people, however she tends to be very envious. When threatened or talked down to, she has a mighty temper and often blows up. Unless spoken to or around others she knows, she tends to be quite.

What other characters would know: She is obviously a Gyptioi and a fortune teller.
What other characters won't know: She was born in a house of evil intentions, who sometimes send people after her, to either kill her or change her ways back to the will of the Komuth (the evil religious sect she was born into). Also, the shard around her neck is a Argentum shard, which keeps most of her envious thoughts and intentions at bay.

So begins...

Blair Invidia's Story

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Character Portrait: Blair Invidia
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0.00 INK

The small framed girl danced a few feet away from the entrance to the one of the most popular taverns. Her exotic green eyes seemed to glow, even in the daylight. Her clothes showed exactly what she was, Gyptioi. On the ground next to where she danced was a small bag that laid open for passers to throw coins into. Not many did.

"Vermin!" One man yelled as he passed by and walked into the tavern. However, the words were nothing she hadn't heard before. Growing up, she had heard much worse in her home state of Anirom. A few more people passed, some tossing glances in her direction, others muttering curses at how wretched her kind are. To those, she paid no mind. This is what she had always done. It was better than being a thief.

After several hours of dancing, she finally collected her bag and walked into the tavern. She sat alone at a table furthest from the entrance. Though she was used to dancing, her body ached from dancing constantly for hours upon hours. Looking into the bag, she counted the change she had earned. "I earned this." She smiled to herself at the thought. The change wasn't much, barely even enough to get a small biscuit and drink. A waiter walked by and glanced at her but continued to walk. Obviously she would have to beg for what she wanted here.

Walking up to the bar, she gazed at the tender and placed 9 monarchs on the bartop. "I would like a biscuit and ale please." She said in a firm yet respectful voice. The tender stared at her for a moment then nodded and snatched the coins off the counter. The tender then walked off to report the order and quickly came back with a small plate with a small biscuit on it. He then poured her ale in a rather small looking mug.

She took a long drink and nearly gagged. It was not the best thing she had ever tasted but it was better than nothing. Her green eyes moved onto the biscuit in which she hoped was not days old. She picked it up and took a bite of the cold bread. It wasn't bad. She gave a small smile as she continued to eat the biscuit and drink the ale.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Adion walked into the Drunken Dragon to find it full. This was not a big surprise as it was a very popular bar, but an unpopular inn. There was one thing out of place though, a, what Adion called the hated, sitting at the bar, and EATING. This was a perfect chance for Adion to study these kind in the form of conversation.

Adion then walked over to the bar. He pulled out the large bag of gold that he had earned from odd jobs down at the harbor. It was not hard for Adion to pull in around 400 gold a day, being that he could move large, short notice loads, which meant good pay. Adion then shook the bag of coins lightly and the barkeep practically bolted from the back at the sound. Once the barkeep had reached the counter, he stopped and looked almost in fear at the large being sitting at the table with a bag of gold in its large hands.

"Is there something I can do for you, sir?" The barkeep asked Adion. Adion then responded with "I would like 2 of your best ales in the large mugs, and 2 of your good steaks, please." Within a matter of seconds, the barkeep placed the 2 mugs in front of Adion, who then passed the one down to Blair. "The drink and a steak are on me if you a few questions for me, hated lass."

Adion turned to Blair and said "First question, what is your name? Mine is Adion." The vere was looking downward just to see the face of Blair, to an extent where it seemed to cause him some slight trouble while talking. However, Adion did have a look of curiosity on his face, and he was quite the curiosity in this town as well.

The setting changes from White-walled Adelost to Allevent


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

The Gyptioi girl turned her head and put her hand on the drink as it was slid down to her. It was a tall mug, and even smelled of better ale than what she was drinking. Her exotic eyes then moved onto the humanoid wolf who spoke to her. Her right brow raised in curiosity before she nodded in agreement.

When he asked his first question, she bit her bottom lip. She hated giving out her name. She rather remain the Hated, or other names the towns people had given her. However, she decided to answer. Steak was something she had never had but always dreamed of trying. "My name is Blair." She stated before nodding her head in a somewhat greeting. She pushed her purple bangs out of her face and gazed at the Vere.

They really were amazing The man looked very large, just as almost all Veres did.His fur was clean and lovely. She couldn't help but to admire him and he peaceful voice. In his voice, she heard no hate or malice. It was nice. She took a sip of the ale that had been passed to her. "What is your next question?" She asked in a low voice, as she tried not to attracted attention. However, do to a Vere being around, everyone's attention was already on the pair as they spoke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Listened as Blair answered his first question. 'Blair, that is a beautiful name.' Adion thought to himself. Now was not the time to think on names, it was the time to ask questions. "Why are you and your kin so hated. Can't the humans tell the difference between a thief and honorable dancer. It is obvious to me, you smell of a hard days work in the sun, not like you took a stroll with another's property." Adion asked.

Adion could here the men and women behind him. They were all talking about Blair in such a negative manner, and how 'the mysterious vere' should not be associating with her. Not only was he insulted by the fact that these beings seemed to not be able to tell good from bad, but they were also saying things that would have gotten them beheaded in Vera. Though this unhappiness was not shown in Adion's voice, it was shown by the fact that his fur seemed to glow. Anyone with enough attentiveness would be able to tell that it was not his fur that was glowing, but instead the caith crystals hanging from said fur.

A few moments after Adion had asked the second question, a man got up from his table. Quietly, the man told his sitting partner that "I am going to go warn that vere. I'll be right back." Only 2 people could hear this, Adion and the sitting partner. Once the man was about 5 feet from Adion he said "Sir, I don't think that talking to one of them is a good ide..." Adion began to snarl, showing his sharp, pure white teeth. The snarl was low and obviously meant 'one more word from you and I'll gut you myself.' It did not take long for the man to get the message and return to his seat. "Humans, what a respect-less race. Half of what they said would have earned them a beheading in Vera." Adion muttered to himself.

OOC: Ooops. Should be in White-walled Adelost.

The setting changes from Allevent to White-walled Adelost

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

For a moment, Blair remained silent after Adion asked his second question. It was something she used to wonder as a child. Subconsciously, one of her hands slowly drifted to the crystal shard she wore around her neck as her mind wondered off to the past.

She was a little girl, around the age of 6. She had wanted to play with the other kids outside the school as her mother shopped for things in the town. However, they began throwing rocks at her. She screamed, which alerted her mother, but the father of one of the other children approached Blair as she laid in the dirt crying. Her head was bleeding as she laid there, but he offered no assistance. He kicked her twice before Blair's mother was able to reach her. "Vermin. Get out of the city if you want to live...."

The wretched memory faded and she gave a small sigh. As she was about to give the best answer she noticed the man approaching them. Her elf like ears lowered at the man's words however she couldn't help but to jump at the sudden snarl from the Vere. Her eyes went wide as she understood the message he sent. No one had ever stood up for her since she had lost her mother. She watched the human walk away and she had to fight back tears. She was still young and her mother was the only protector she had ever had.

However, no one would notice the emotion as her face would be blank. He Vere might be able to sense it, but he would not be able to see the emotion she left. Taking in a deep calming breath, she replied. "I am hated for what others of my kind do. They are thieves and only go by their prime sin they are given. Not many have jobs and even less hold any honor." She stopped and moved her green eyes from the bar top onto the Adion. "The Huamns are right to think us vermin." She spoke with a sadness that was felt in her heart. "I strive to be better. I strive for honor, not the sin I was given." She added before looking down at the table.

The setting changes from White-walled Adelost to Allevent


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

"Are the humans so ignorant to think that everyone of your kin is driven by simple sin? Have they no idea that there are individuals in your race? They speak such dishonor and hate that in Vera their lives would not have lasted this long. Oh Vera, a land that is ruled by honor and skill rather than money and deception. Where beings are rated by their actions and not their race. They have no right to think you vermin. You do not steal, you show respect, and you have the decency to work for you food. Your sent alone proves that you do not seek a sing." Adion spoke. He was beginning to dislike the general populace of the humans, rating a being simply by their race. What happened to the idea of honor and respect and skill that guided the vere? Did it dissipate over the ocean, or is greed simply a mainland thing. Out of everything that Adion had seen, all the species lived by greed and not by honor or respect or helping everything. This world was so different from the Islands of Vera. From the heat to what guides the races here, it all displeased Adion. This showed only enough that those close by would be able to notice it.

The setting changes from Allevent to White-walled Adelost

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

A soft yet sad smile formed on Blair's face. She nodded and thought about the land Adion spoke of. It sounded wonderful to her. A place were she wouldn't be discriminated against simply for her blood and other things she did not chose. "Perhaps I might go there one day..." She mumbled, mainly to herself. She gave another smile to the man. It was so nice to meet someone who understood honor. Though she knew she probably didn't have the greatest understanding of the word as some might, she knew better than most of her people.

The tender brought out the stakes and sat them in front Adion. Her green eyes flickered onto the delicacy. It looked as good as she had imagined. Then again, anything looked good when you have been living off of berries in the woods and old biscuits. Living in the city was actually a bit harder than in the wilderness, for Blair. On her way to Adelost, she could hunt her food, but in the city, she had to earn it. No matter what labor she went through the Humans would never think she had earned the money.

She moved her gaze to Adion again. "Do you have more questions, Sir Adion?" She asked in a quiet voice. Her fingers fumbled against one another in slight nervousness. Though she enjoyed speaking to the man, being around so many Humans and people who hated her always made her nervous.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

"One more. Why do all the beings that I have seen on this 'mainland' have an unquenchable self greed?" Adion said as he slid one of the steaks over to Blair, beginning to gnaw on the second one. He watched her and waited for her to speak. Adion was also thinking about where in Vera Blair would be happiest. Garlion provided a good city climate, and though a small population of vere, enough vere to fill a tips cup. However, Blair seemed more like a forest person with a large amount of honor, which means that if one of the alpha vere of Rukelion found her respectful enough, she might be allowed to live on the island. That would be an honor that has only been given out once or twice in the history of Vera.

The setting changes from White-walled Adelost to Allevent


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Blair gave a sad face as she had no answer to his final question. She shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Possibly it is simply in their nature." She replied softly before taking another sip of ale. She gazed at the steak and picked up the knife and fork that had been set to the side for some other patron who did not use them. She slowly started cutting the steak into small squares. Her mouth watered as she cut it. She couldn't help but to be excited. She had always heard the rich men speak of the wonderful fulfilling flavor of steak.

She took a bite and closed her eyes. It was as wonderful as she imagined. She almost started to cry. However, after taking another bite she set down her fork and bowed her head to the man. "I do not feel I have earned this. Please, give me something I must do that would make it equal." She requested, with her head still bowed in respect. Though she loved the flavor and it was indeed wonderful, she knew she had not earned such a wonderful meal.

The setting changes from Allevent to White-walled Adelost

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Invidia Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Adion looked at Blair, thinking over his response. Finally it came to him. "You have more than earned it. You have not only answered my questions, but put up with immense and reasonless hate. You have refused to turn to crime, and have worked more than 1 honest day. You have earned it. Maybe not just in this conversation, but over at least a fraction of your life." Adion stated. It was taught into him from the beginning of his life to be kind to those who were kind to all, and that he was. Besides, he had ordered the same steak and the same ale, of course his was already long gone, except for the ale, he liked to savor that. Back in Vera, ale was a rare commodity, as they mainly had vodka and mead.

Adion now began to regurgitate the entire conversation he had just had into a notebook that he pulled out of his travel pack. However, he wrote in Varen symbols. It was not likely that anyone would recognize this, as it was only used when vere spoke or wrote to each-other. They stuck with the common language when communing with non-vere, mainly as a sign of respect the other.

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Character Portrait: Blair Invidia
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0.00 INK

It was about 30 minutes before Blair realized she had spaced out. She shook her head and stared at the Bartender who was speaking to her, in what sounded like an irritated tone. Slowly, she seemed to come back to what was going on. "Listen you, I have tolerated you long enough. Now that the Vere is gone, its time for you to go."

Blair gazed at where the man had sat. "Oh, he did leave...." She muttered before taking one last sip of her ale that he had bought, then got up from the bar stool. She took a deep breath and walked to the exit of the tavern. As she did so, she noticed all the dirty looks the humans and others gave her. However those were ignored, like usual.

Outside, she took her spot back and stared at the ground. Despite knowing she had to go to work again, she was tired and had a full stomach. Her eyes were half closed, when she leaned against the building. Slowly, she slid down until she hit the ground. She took a few deep breaths before she slowly drifted off to sleep.