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Satoshi Izanagi

"...I'm not interested in fighting so...please leave?"

0 · 905 views · located in Fujisaki Highschool

a character in “Among The Living”, as played by Spottedclaw59




"Perhaps we can settle this in a more...civil manner?"

Kioku no Hate |Toshinobu Iida

Name: Satoshi Izanagi


Alias: Crimson Fox || An Infamous name he made for himself back in his previous lives. Its said, when someone dies in the forest, they would see a crimson colored fox there, watching and laughter would dance in its eyes. It was usually the last things they saw before they died.

Role: Youmu #4

Age: Appears 19


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Romantic Interest: N/A

Height: 6'2"

Face Claim:Kanda Yuu (D.Gray Man)


Type of Youmu: Kitsune || A fox that has nine tails to be specific. He has been reincarnated nine times so far, and with each reincarnation he gains another tail. He does recall all of his lives memories which allows him to be very wise and patient. Even if killed by an exorcist, he will show up again in another life can be either ten years or a hundred years later, as his cycle continues on.

Side: Neutral || He doesn't exactly care about other Youmu, as they usually tend to annoy him but he is fond of a few Youmu. Usually the ones that don't cause troubles to humans. Satoshi dislikes getting into arguments, and would prefer to be the one who watches to see how it plays out, stepping in if needed in order to prevent a fight from breaking out.

Roles in Moumoku: TBA

Hair Color: In certain lightings dark blue but usually appears Black

Eye Color: Onyx Black, but shifts to red when temper rises

Skin Tone: Ivory

Build/Appearance/Preferred Clothing:*

♞ Fire Manipulation || Be it conjuring in thin air, or using flame that is nearby he can control it. He never gets burned, and he can control the heat of which the fire is. It starts from red, but as it gets lighter it gets hotter and hotter. The hottest flame he can conjure is a snowy white flame, and let's just say it can reduce a human to ashes. Though his snow flame can only appear as his temper increases into a boiling rage, or if he starts from his red flame and build it up through concentration.

♞ Transformation || He has the ability to transform into a regular fox which he does so usually to roam around. Though, he does release his tails and he appears like this. In this form, his tails slowly get released one by one. Starting with one tail, and as the battling goes on increases to two tails and so on until all nine are revealed. ALso, to turn human which is what he usually stays in to avoid confrontations.

♞ Enhanced Strength, Speed, Healing, and Reflexes || Staying in his human form usually, he has these traits.

♞Calm and Collected || He has one of the most dormant tempers compared to a normal Youmu.



Satoshi is calm and collected at all times. Usually nothing seems to faze this Youmu, as he doesn't show much emotion on his face, usually a unimpressive look sits there. He doesn't allow emotions to take over, and when spoken to he responds in a polite manner towards everyone, even the exorcists who is supposedly his enemy. Satoshi would prefer to talk then fight, and sometimes wishes the people would not put all Youmu in the same catagory, after all he for one is not all are interested in messing with humans...unless certain one peaks his interest yet that hasn't happen in a thousand years. Though he does have his dark moments, usually when something offends him, since like everyone he does have a temper. Minor moments usually occur by him thinking of blood shed, or how to kill someone.

When his temper does snap if it does happen, it must have been building for days or weeks. Satoshi becomes apathetic to the suffering of others and is not averse to disposing of those who get in his way. An angered Satoshi Usually begins speaking to others in a very direct and arrogant manner. He cares little for others, and simply considers people to be "toys" or "tools" he can sacrifice in order to get what he wants. He can also become very sadistic towards people, and begins to lose sight of his usual calm self.

In all, when he is calm he is a very pleasant person to be around, though on his bad side, he reverts back to a blood thirsty killer.
ღ Silence
ღHigh Roof tops

❇Pointless confrontations
❇Getting involved in other people's business
❇Temper rising
❇Fighting in general

✰Negotiating || Because of his cool temperment, he can remain level headed at all times, and even negotiate if needed. He can act like "the middle man" and problem solve to avoid a pointless fight or arguement.

✰Fighting || Although he dislikes to do so, he is a master at fighting, recalling all of his experiences in battle from his pasts lives. He is a master martial artist, and uses his fire power to increase the damage. His punch can easily break a human bone, and with fire burn through the skin, making him a deadly foe to face in battle...which is why he doesn't fight.

✰Observant || He is very watchful of his surrondings, after all who knows when an exorcist attacks? With this ability he can easily read body language that people use to tell or assume what they may be feeling. He also can see the slight twitches of muscles in battle and predict an enemies move.

✰Calm || Remaining calm in almost any situation. Respondign in polite manners and also keeping his emotions in check...though he can't stop his temper.
✕ Temper || Although he rarely gets mad, he can't do anything about his temper rising slowly. It keeps building up, bubbling slowly until it eventually comes out, revealing his darker, killer side.

✕ Hatred || Once you make him mad, he hates you. Satoshi would ignore you for the rest of your life...well, if your still alive that it.

✕ Life || Doesn't exactly value his life as one should. Satoshi is a type of a person that would sacrifice himself for another person if the situation calls for it. Usually that person is close to him emotionally like say a lover or a best friend. He isn't the type to get fazed by the thought of his own death, after all he remembers all the times he died before this life. His reincarnation cycle will go on and on, so why worry about a trivial thing such as that?
❖ Control || One of his most prominent fear is losing control of himself. After all, one he gets mad his personality does a complete 180. He hasn't found a way to really stop himself from going all blood-crazy, yet he knows if he can't control his rage when his tails start to disappear he will lose himself completely.




He has always been a Youmu for as long as he can remember...which is a very long time. In his first 4 lives, he was a blood thirsty, violent, and unstable youmu. He attacked any humans that wandered into the forest, killing them by doing it personally or maybe making it look like a natural cause such as causing a rockfall on them or even cutting down a tree to cause it to fall on them. Or Satoshi found joy and pleasure in doing things like that, and continued to do it until his fifth life.

In his fifth life, he was the one injured this time. The small town he had decided to hunt his fox form which he mainly stayed in. A survivor had told them what they had seen. A crimson colored fox had attacked them. During that time, he allowed the humans to see him, since he always enjoyed watching their faces when they saw him. They had sent out a hunting party to hunt him and they injured him with arrows. An arrow hit him in the stomach, and in the leg. He was able to escape though, but figured he was going to die from the injuries.

In his fox form, he was found by a young girl. She nursed him back to health, and when he awoke, he was in a house. The girl, who called herself Nagi was only ten years old, and honestly, the stupidest ten year old he had ever met. The girl seemed to have no qualms about approaching him; a wild fox no less and took care of him. The girl had just smiled, and said "Mr. Fox! Your up." He had then tried to leave, and made it so humans couldn't see him...but she could still see him.

Unfortunately, she made him stay, mainly by shutting the doors. Since he was in his fox form, he couldn't reach it to open it and for some reason he couldn't bring himself to kill the girl. Nagi had just smiled, and continued to take care of him until he was fully rested and healed. By then, a month had passed, and he had spoken to her a lot, mainly since she had tried to talk with him, and one day he surprised her by speaking back. He had grown close to her, and stayed in human form in her room. Her parents never came into her room, and he noticed that after a week. Also the fact she hardly went outside her room, only to eat and talk to her parents. Soon he began to realized that the girl was very sick.

Nagi had a very weak body. She couldn't go out a lot, because she was sickly, and couldn't do most things by herself. Then one day, she was sleeping, and he heard the door slide open. Light shown through, and three adults walked in. He recognized the two as her parents, but didn't know the last one. The last man was a doctor it seemed, as he smelled herbs and medicine on him. He listened form the corner of her room, and found out that she was very sick. And her sentence was given while she was asleep.

She wouldn't live to see the Spring.

He was shocked. Nagi, the girl who had become his first friend would die soon? He had been caught up in the joy have finding someone such as her he had forgotten she was just a human. Humans who he had killed and died so easily. The three adults left, and left him alone with the sleeping Nagi...but in fact she was awake. She had faked being asleep. The girl just sat up and sighed, and began to cry. Satoshi had made his way over to her bed and she hugged him still sobbing. It was a sad thing to do, to comfort a girl such as her. Compared to him, her life was about the same as a leaf falling to the ground. He always knew this yet he hadn't expected it so soon.

Well, for the rest of her life, he always tried to make her smile. He would go out at night, and bring back flowers for her to play with and make things like leis and tiaras. He would leave at night, and return with toys he got from other towns. Nagi would always just smile and laugh a lot and act like everything was natural. But slowly, as months passed her body got even weaker. Soon she didn't have the energy to walk or stand so she either sit or laid down. Despite that, she often smiled and laughed like usual. Though, spring came and soon she would die.

On May 4th, she gave him a request. To take her outside. He carried her outside, and sat under a tree. They stayed out there all day, talking. But she asked a question to him.

"What's your name Mr. Fox?"

Through out the whole time, Nagi had just called him Mr. Fox. He didn't respond, and she just smiled, then said

"You don't have one?" He simply nodded, and then she thought, then said "Satoshi then! That's my family's name!"

He just smiled, and nodded. As the moon climbed up into the sky, she passed away with a smile on her face. He brought her back into her room quietly, and sat back in his corner. A single tear had escaped.

Her parents found her, and they grieved. They buried her shortly after. He remained in her room for about a month, still expected to see her come in and smile at him. Satsohi had felt the emotions humans did which was sadness. It was new to him, and he couldn't bring himself to get over it.

Nagi's mother came in, and sat down in the middle of the room. She spoke to him.

"Nagi wouldn't want you in here. She'd want you outside you know." She said simply. he looked at her,and spoke back.

"You can see me too human?"

Nagi's mother nodded, then said "Thank you for keeping Nagi company, even if only for a short time. She was always smiling when she found you..." She trailed off, and he heard sniffling from the woman. "Thank much."

Satoshi didn't respond, and stood up. He walked toward the tatami door, and gave a deep bow towards her mother, before leaving.

After that, he didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't kill humans, or anything and just wandered until he died. Whenever he was reborn, he'd just continue to do the same thing. Live peacefully until he died...but he still did kill people and Youmus alike once his temper was to far. Though he was able to calm and tone down himself, he still killed the most in his eighth life. In his eighth life He killed a group of Youmus, since that group was always hostile toward him, trying to get him to fight. He lost control of himself, and reverted back to his old ways, brutally murdering the Youmu by ripping it apart slowly and painfully before it died. Satoshi killed himself after that, ending his eighth with suicide.

Now in his ninth life, his one goal is to not lose control. He wants to stay in control and not lose it. Satoshi wants to completely control his temper, and honestly? Avoid killing things.


So begins...

Satoshi Izanagi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sorami Fukushima Character Portrait: Hideki Maeda Character Portrait: Satoshi Izanagi Character Portrait: Shima Otomo Character Portrait: Tobikuma Fukushima Character Portrait: Aya Shinonomiya
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"How do you feel about your next solo coming up, Miss Dark?"

"What words do you have for the fans?"

"What is going on in your personal life at the moment?"

"Sorry~ But I have to go now!" Aya said, in her usual stereotypical voice that she pictured a flawless model would act like. She waved her hand and blew a little kiss off her hand towards the cameramen and woman before quickly hurrying inside her apartment, smiling and waving as she closed the windows.

After all that passed though, Aya locked the door and slid onto the ground, immediately taking off the annoying heels she wore and unzipping the tight and weird looking dress she had to walk around in, 'Being famous is a pain... I didn't ask for the attention...' She sighed to herself, still hearing the group of people outside.

A minute later when she finally realized she was inside her apartment, she saw one of the pillows being ripped apart by the smaller Youmu who lived in her house. They weren't very big, being the size of her palm or smaller. She stared at them while the three stared back at her, as if stunned that they were caught, even though their 'hiding spot' was in the center of the room.

'Again...' Aya let out a growling noise from under her breath as she made imitating expressions and actions towards the three, most likely threatening them since it was their fourth time tearing apart her apartment, as always. If there weren't people outside, she probably would have began to yell at them all and chased them before tossing them out the window (knowing that they'd just return in the end, anyways.)

Taking her warnings into consideration, the three Youmu made a run for it, running across the room; one hiding underneath her couch, another headed for her room, and the third one still stuck inside the plush of the pillow. With another exhausting sigh, Aya stood up, getting her back off the wall and her rear off the ground as she walked over to the shredded pillow and plucked the Youmu out of the fluff, as if it were a doll, "You're going into the corner tonight, punk." She smirked before tossing it at the wall, it bouncing off harmlessly like it were rubber and making a giggling noise as it dashed away under the couch as well.

"How was your day...?" A very small and quite voice asked. Aya turned around to see a female Youmu, being around 2 or 3 feet tall, staring right back at her. It was obvious she was roaming through the fridge since it was wide open.

"Do you want to go into the corner too, Yuuki?" Aya asked, growing more frustrated with the Youmu in her house. Yuuki was one of the first Youmu she found living with her, the one who first destroyed her apartment. Currently, the two have been living with each other, besides their love hate for each other, "You know what, never mind. I'm going out."

"Again...?" The little Youmu asked.

"They won't notice if I wear something 'hideous' and go out the back." The blonde haired young woman said, changing out of the ridiculous dress into regular jeans and a shirt, completely contradictory to what she would have to wear as a model.

"Then I'm coming too."

"You're annoying."

"I know." Yuuki seemed to have giggled mischievously, in her own quiet way as Aya opened the window and made her way outside from there while the white haired Youmu followed.


Hideki continued to look around for his partner, Sayuri Ami. While he did have a hate for her, the woman wasn't too bad, despite how lethargic she really was. At the moment, he was allowing other regular humans to find him, not really caring since he, as a Youmu, had a much more human-like appearance and liked to keep it that way. Besides, he was on the look out for that woman, so how was he going to get information? Hideki was definitely not going to ask any other monstrous Youmu, so he relied on humans.

"Excuse me, have you seen this woman anywhere?" He asked, holding up a phone with Sayuri's picture. The man he was talking to shook his head as he continued to walk down the road with his children, Hideki cursing quietly to himself while he continued to ask around.

Well, he did that for a while, but found it useless since no one seemed to have known where she was. This obviously got on Hideki's nerves, but things did brighten up after a little bit since he saw a wanted Youmu for the Moumoku. It was a small one, but wanted, nonetheless, and that's what counted.

It was a small one, blending in to look like a plant, but in Hideki's eyes, it couldn't hide. An advantage of his was his ability to scan the area- being able to find any breathing or living creature, especially Youmu, within a half a mile's radius. While using this ability, he found other Youmu in the area also, but he had his eyes set on the one trying to hide from him, "Found you." He said with a smirk as he leapt forwards, lowering his hand to grab the leaves sticking out from the leaf Youmu's head.

But his hand slipped and he fell into the planters instead. Many by passers stared at him, wondering if he was alright, but he ignored them. Why should he care? He wasn't human. He was a Youmu, after all.

Then the chase began; Hideki sprinted after the little dashing plant which other humans (without Sight) could see and reached his hand out to catch it. But it was way too fast for his legs to work, even if he was a Youmu. Hideki specialized in technology, but not running, "Dammit... Where's that woman when I need her!" He grumbled, more people staring at him as he sped up to catch the speedy plant Youmu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hideki Maeda Character Portrait: Satoshi Izanagi
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He blended into the crowd quite nicely, if he noted to himself. Dressed in a button up white shirt, and black slacks he looked like every normal citizen in this town known as Tokyo. Well, it wasn't exactly a town any more, long going into a huge city.

He had gotten lost if not for all the Youmu running around. They had started to go toward that high school, as if drawn there or something. It was really a sight to see when there were so many small ones running around, causing trouble like they usually do...and the humans there!

They were so blissfully unaware of the creatures that ran about. It was almost comical really. He'd pass by houses to see Youmus going nuts inside, before the human people came home and blamed it on the pets. He actually felt sorry for the poor animals sometimes, since they always took the blame for what his kind did to them. Satoshi released a small sigh as another scene as that played out. He could see the shadows of the creatures jumping through the closed curtains.

A clattering noise caught his attention, and his focus was brought out of his everyday mulling over random thoughts. Blinking, he glanced to the side to see a man had bumped into flower pots...well, not exactly a "man" but close enough he supposed. It was another Youmu, and he seemed to be chasing something.

A small plant looking thing was head toward him. Without thinking, he used his foot to block the youmu's path, and gave it a light kick, knocking it off balance. It worked,and the plant looking thing fell over quite nicely. Satoshi moved his foot over the small youmu before stepping on its smaller torso, to prevent it from running away. He looked it over once, debating whether or not to let it go, after all it seemed like that other youmu...or "man" was after it. It seemed it caused a bit too much trouble. the poor thing was struggling vainly against his foot. It was almost funny how it would be easy to kill it right no-.

More bad thoughts. He frowned slightly to himself, shaking his head to banish the thought... would they ever go away? Rapid footsteps reached his ears, and he looked up form the youmu under his foot.

The "man" had seem to caught up, to which Satoshi offered a small smile towards him. After all, smiles showed no harm right?

"Were you looking for this?" He offered lightly, and politely as he pointed toward the youmu under his foot.