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Elven Tacitra

"Should I laugh now? Your sense of humor is quite appalling."

0 · 530 views · located in Finitor

a character in “An Elegy in the Ashes”, as played by Monochrome


Elven Olivier Tacitra

Theme Song: Fantasy - LAMA

Role: Aqua
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Elf, Olly, Vier, Eleven.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Love Interest: None.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 116lbs
Build: Slim
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Hair Color: Liquorice Black
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: As for scars, Elven doesn't have all that many. He doesn't have the type of scars you have when you trip over, but he does have a scar on the back of his neck. Due to his hair being long, however, it is almost impossible to see this and even so, he tends to cover it up. Because he has pale skin, the scars show up as a darker colour, making them very visible. He has three piercings on one ear and on the other, he has an ear cuff in an intricate dragon shape.
Description: Elven's hair is a dark black, so much that his parents were considering calling him 'Night', but instead called him Elven. Usually, he cuts his hair to about just below his chin line, but he has also been known to let his hair grown out due to boredom and he's been seen with waist length hair in previous years. Right now, however, it reaches about halfway around his neck and his bangs are constantly in his eyes so he ties them up with a little bobble, or maybe a bright red grip. Sometimes, it's tied back in a loose ponytail, like when he's working. It's usually quite messy, even if it starts out neat in the morning. It covers his eyes so he can easily look around without people noticing. The bangs cover his face down to his cheekbones at the moment, but with a flick of the hand, it's out and his eyes are visible. When pinned back, the bangs which fell out frame his face. The boy cares about appearance, visibly so, but when it comes to his hair he can be as lazy as a sloth.

He is quite underweight, being 20lbs under the usual for someone his height and build, making him appear quite slim. He has quite a small frame in general and is a few inches under average height. Despite him not having many scars, he does sport many bandaged from falling over constantly. One thing odd about him is most definitely his ears. They have a strange, slightly pointy top which he had since birth, hence his name. With such a pale face, his red eyes and black hair really contrast, making every one of his features stick out and get known. He often wears glasses when he is reading, but otherwise he never touches them. His eyes tend to give away what he's feeling; if he's excited, they'll sparkle slightly, and when he's angry they'll look like a spark has gone off.

As for expression, Elven is generally quite quirky. Generally, his lips sport a small smirk and sometimes, he'll just lazily grin at people with a mocking look on his face and that tends to be enough to set some people off. The thing that shows the most on his face is fear. Fear is one of the only things that breaks through his mask of happiness and anger. It's rare, really rare for anyone to see fear in his face, but his already pale face can go a stark white and lose practically all temperature, as well as a scared or frightened glint in his eyes. No matter how much he tries to hide his fear, it shows almost instantly through his facial features, and even if he tries to smile, it comes out shaky and weary. So no, Elven isn't a good liar. His face gives him away.

Preferred Clothing: Elven likes loose and baggy things, yet he covers up as much as possible. Usually, he'll wear a jumper which is generally too big and maybe cover half of his hands at most, long trousers or jeans and often, a work shirt under his jumper.

Oddities: Despite his personality, Elven tugs at the bottom of his jumper when he feels even the slightest insecure, despite having a sure look in his eyes. He has a lot of quirks, body language proving that he really doesn't feel safe or at ease with the current situation. Another thing is that he seems to char everything he cooks.
Skills: His overall skill was, for sure, art. When it comes to art, Elven is very serious. He'll blank out the world and just sketch or paint, whichever, and he'll become focused like a raven. The drawings he can do could be described as photographs when he wants to. His sketchbook is filled with page after page after page of landscapes, people, transport, everything. His photographic memory makes it really easy to draw things he's only glanced at, and make a perfect replica. But one mistake and it will be trashed, even if it's a facial expression. Other than that, he can play the piano to an extent, and has the 'skill' of breaking a phone within weeks.

Gymnophobia Fear of nudity.
Well, only in front of other people.
Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone.
This one is surprisingly quite extreme, to the point that he tries as hard as possible to cover his body with jumpers and coats, even during summer. Seriously, he'll take his coat off for you and that is it.
Topophobia Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.
More of a fear which dragged on from childhood since he fainted once on stage.
Taphephobia/Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
Just a general fear of such things.
Virginitiphobia Fear of rape.
Again, mostly just a general fear, but this time he has quite strong reasons.
Somniphobia Fear of sleep.
Or rather, oversleeping. He has a constant fear when he goes to sleep that maybe, just maybe, he wont wake up.
Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects.
He's had this fear since an incredibly young age when a doctor asked him to put his hand out because she'll give him a present, only to stab the needle into his hand.
Agoraphobia Fear of leaving a safe place.
Call it paranoia, but Elven is always hesitant to leave his house.
Likes: Dogs, tea, the cold and family, jokes, finding things out, fantasy characters, sweets, counting things, coffee (the smell).
Dislikes: Anything physical, talking to people, having to order things, over sleeping, getting lower pay, coffee (the taste), not knowing something, people dying, anything bitter, stairs
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, sketching, anything to do with art really.

Personality: Politely insulting. That is the sentence which sums up Elven. Saying he had no manners would be like saying his blood red eyes were a wonderful shade of grey; his manners are a part of him and it's so obvious, it can be a right pain in the backside. He addresses others with 'Sir' or 'Madam', depending on the gender, of course. Always, he'll greet someone formally whether they are the closest of family members or an acquaintance he met the day before and almost never allows himself to drop his manners unless the situation calls for a different approach. Even the way he stands is refined, and he doesn't let himself slouch or alter his posture as he feels it rids him of the self-confident air which follows him around.

However, having incredibly good manners does not mean you are kind in any sense of the word. Blessed, if you'd like to call it that, with a quick wit and a sharp tongue, sarcastic insults roll off his tongue like water tumbles down a waterfall. He tends to offend people by lacing these insults into his sentences like it's nothing, yet Elven only applies these short, snappy comments at people who annoy him in any sort of way. Peppy people slot into that category along with salesmen and people who try to make conversation without an inch of confidence in them.

Even though he tries to keep his emotions bottled up, Elven sometimes just snaps completely and drops the manners, instead resorting to informal slang and acting more like a rebellious, trouble seeking teenager. When this happens, he'll usually show off a lot more anger than usual, and maybe shout a lot more and a lot louder. That's just how he is, but it's generally hidden behind a thick cloud of silence. Despite having such a large personality, Elven like to keep to himself and say as little words a possible to lead a somewhat ordinary life. He stays quiet as a mouse, perhaps due to being a shy little tyke in the past or perhaps due to his developing hatred towards all people. Soft smirks are a trademark of his, after all, and he likes to grin outright when people are just being plain stupid.

One unexpected thing is how much he can drop his mask under the right circumstances. Yes, he is a but of a jerk and likes to laugh at the misfortune of others, schadenfreude, if you will, but he becomes unnaturally insecure when it comes to the matter of clothing, or rather, the lack of said item. If he takes his coat off, he tends to become a tad bit fidgety, biting his nails and pulling down on his jumper as much as possible, despite keeping up is menacing demeanour. When it becomes too hot to wear jumpers and he has to take off his last layer of 'protecting' clothing, leaving him in a white dress shirt, he gets ridiculously nervous, even undoing his bangs so he can hide behind his jet black hair like a meek little mouse. This side of his is rather cute since he stumbles over words and says nice things for once, even complimenting people!

Despite coming off as one in favour of order, his whole room is a mess of art supplies and old newspapers.

Preferred Weapon: Elven has a katana style sword and he is quite experienced with it.

Hydrokinesis - Control of water/liquids
Nephokinesis - Control and creation of vapour
Atmokinesis - Control of the weather (somewhat)
Arctic Kiss It's simple. Elven touches you, and that part of your body literally has all the blood in your body turn to ice. After a few minutes, the effect starts to spread, and even he has no idea how to get rid of it. The attack becomes intensified if he kisses you on the hand or something with the intention of freezing you.
Typhoon Wave If he extends his arms towards you in a sort of hugging manner while using his powers, run. A giant wave will be gathered of all the liquids around him, and it's heading your way.
Crystallus Latin for 'crystal'. Elven's personal name for this attack. He's not too sure what happens, since he blacks out every time he uses it, but it creates a barrier of ice around him, and fills the entire area outside with water.
Paradise Explosion A clap is all it takes to conjure the water, and a flick of the wrist sends it your way. The water comes spiralling out of Elven's hands, at a high velocity. Towards your face. Now, given the fact water at high pressures can cut through steel, you should dodge this, for the sake of your face. . . .
Nympha Latin for nymph, or bride. He summons a body of water, but right now, he doesn't even know this attack exists.

Exhalatio Named after the Lating word for 'exhale'. Put it simply, Elven breathes out a warm vapour, filling the room/area around him.
Non Faciunt Latin for 'don't'. This is more of an intimidating attack, but Elven conjures a thick mist around himself which darkens over time.

Rain Yes, a simple name, but it just makes it rain, really. Wow, that one was hard to explain!

Fighting Style: He likes to act cool in battle, so mostly, he just jokes around, defending himself and others around him. However, if he does have to fight, he's more of a speedy and agile one. Usually, he'll go for close up combat with his katana while defending himself with his powers.

Relationship Status: Single, but considers himself in eternal love with someone.
Mother & Father - Agnaes and Johannes Junes
Elven doesn't know them, due to the whole 'adopted from birth' part. It is unknown if they are dead or alive.
Aunt & Adoptive Parent - Amore Tacitra
His aunt who was suddenly handed a baby Elven seventeen years ago. She seems like a strict woman, but Elven looks up to her and she makes a good motherly figure, even after the incident. Most certainly alive.
Uncle & Adoptive Parent - Gamion Tacitra
A man who was appalled at his sister abandoning her child and welcomed the boy. He's a relaxed and carefree man who loves Elven like he was his own child. Elven, however, treats him more like a little brother, which aggravated him. Alive.
Cousin & Adoptive Sibling - Nympha Tacitra
Nympha is the girl who Elven considers the first and only love he's ever had. She, at first, treated him as annoying but they eventually became close. Deceased.
Cat - Kasper
A black coated cat with green eyes. He has the same attitude and personality as his owner, unfortunately, and only listens to Elven.
Personal History/Background: Elven was never a normal child. His parents had named him and then ditched him on his Mother's brother's family branch. Even now, Elven believes they names him at the very least so no one would think them heartless and maybe make it seem like the runaway couple actually had a few problems to deal with. In spite of this, Elven never really got hung up on an invented family. He never believed his parents would just sweep in and change his life completely or anything, something he'd often read about in stories. Not caring earned him respect at school, since he would just laugh at the teases, and with that respect came a small amount of friends. 

Maybe the reason why the boy never clung onto something so unrealistic was because his family was just perfect to him and he had his Aunt Amore, his Uncle Gamion and his cousin Nympha. Elven cannot remember the days where she was hostile to him, as they were few and far in between. The girl always treated him as an annoying younger sibling and to Elven, she was really the light which shined and brightened up his day, heck, his year!

It was love. Yes, the sort of love a young boy had for his mother when he would ask her to marry him, but he still loved the girl dearly. Being a youthful child, he always showed off his devotion for her by hugging her on sight and even telling his whole class that he loved her when the teacher asked about family. He could easily state such things and though the puppy love wore off as he aged, the remains left behind were still admiration and adoration.

It was when he was eleven, however, when his admiration turned into pure awe and respect when she saved his life, and his dignity, in one evening. He had been lead away from home. Elven had always been told to steer clear from strangers, but this man wasn't a stranger. In fact, he was a good friend of his Uncle's, who told him his sister had to stay home and he was charged with taking him home. While the man edged him on to talk about his family to keep him at ease, Elven started to notice that the way they were going were pretty odd. He stopped and questioned the man and he'd lost it, venting his anger on the boy and almost having his way with the child. Well, until a round kick, a few punches and a fatal grip made the man seize up. Nympha had yelled and shouted at Elven, blaming him for being stupid and not just walking home alone or with friends. No matter how much she shouted, Elven was sure she didn't give a damn about those things since they'd both cried on the spot. 

A few days later, they were interviewed by the police. They'd turned up at the door and demanded to ask a few questions about the two children who'd allegedly beat up a man in his middle ages. Elven's adoptive parents had been shocked, having not been told of the event at all. "Yeah, I beat the bloody pulp out of that man. That's what happens when you try to have your way with my baby brother after beating the hell out of 'im." Nympha had said and everyone was shocked, though Elven was for a different reason. She'd called him brother.

But his parents were worried. He had no visible injuries, but when he took off his jumper to show the officer his own wounds, almost his whole body had been bandaged. As his adoptive-parents asked why they both lied, Gamion had noticed the fish tank freezing up. He'd quickly covered it and urged the police to leave since they were upsetting Elven, who responded quite in cue by crying on the spot. They left and Gamion kept the fish tank incident to himself. Elven continued his life, yet his sister trained him in sword fighting everyday with a katana she called "Finale". Elven called it "Sister". He became introverted, almost, and started wearing clothing like it was absolutely vital to wear a coat in the summer.

It was months later before the family went through anything life changing. It was a weekend, a day when they all should have been home, but Elven, Amore and Gamion went to the nearest shop to grab up some supplies. They'd returned to the sound of a terrified crowd on their street, before the smell of smoke wafted through the air and the horror began to set in. While his adoptive parents were being blocked by people, Elven rushed into the burning house, desperate to find, or even better, not to find and to see later, his older cousin. He found her, sure enough, lying on the floor. Her body was charred, she wasn't herself. Her beautiful red hair, a common trait throughout his whole family, apart from him, was burnt and the smell of burning skin hung in the room. Elven passed out at the very sight, yet he managed to rid his sister of any fire around her while unconscious. 

Elven woke up to having nothing. Yes, he had his family but not the most vital part. He had a home but it was vacant of laughter. He was alive, but she wasn't. His beloved cousin, the one he'd loved like a sister, the one who'd saved his life in many more ways than one had fallen into a deep slumber. While the boy suffered pretty bad burns, he was able to go home in a matter of days and none of the wounds scarred, apart from two small ones on his index and middle finger on his right hand and a straight-ish burn around the back of his neck. 

For weeks afterwards, an icy mist hung over his entire room, the place he rarely left. He lay there for as long as he possible could, and though his parents were mourning his sister, they tried keeping Elven close. He stayed locked up until a kitten jumped on his face, literally. One day, he'd decided to open the window since he found it hard to breathe, and a small kitten had landed on his face.

He hadn't been fazed, not at all really. This aggravated the attention seeking kitten and the kitten looked at him arrogantly. He tried shooing it away but it looked so self confident, so selfish yet attention-seeking and adorable. He named the cat Kasper, a name Nympha liked immensely, and began going out more and more. He took the cat everywhere while building up his current personality, sometimes having moodswings which caused him to gather a thick mist around him or even ice. Eventually, things returned to a somewhat normal stage, though it was many years later, six to be exact.

OTHER: He and his cat could be twins. Literally..

So begins...

Elven Tacitra's Story


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Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Elven Tacitra

Blink. Blink, blink. Elven thought of his actions as they happened, but mostly for the reason that he could not see. All he saw through his eyes was darkness, until he heard a distinct mewl and his light barricade strode off his face, without a care in the world. As he closed his eyes again tightly, he felt himself grabbing at his pajamas, before letting go and repeating the process all over again. With a gigantic sigh, the black-haired boy stood up, glaring at the cat prancing around on the floor like he was a Prince.

"Kasper, I do not think it's fair to wake me only to sit your lazy ass back in your basket." Elven sighed, pinning his hair back with a few, bright red clips so he could see properly without having a barrier of hair blocking his view. Raising his arms into the air and yawning, he took a few steps towards the wardrobe. An intense heat filtered through the windows and he took a deep breath. Obviously, he'd be wearing no coat today; even if he tried, his aunt would lose it and tell him to either take it off or stay in the house. But today, he had a self-set errand: to get some of Tiffany's pastries before they ran out. Grabbing a light grey jumper, a white shirt and some black jeans (He tried keeping it simple, yes. . . . ), he tip-toed out of his room.

At the sight of dim, almost greying red hair, Elven gasped and backed into the wall, sneaking his way across. Obviously, he'd been heard and he earned a smile from his aunt, who knew the boy's morning routine all too well. Not that it was morning anymore. "M-Madam Aunt Amore!" Elven nodded his head in a greeting way and Amore nodded back, a motherly sigh escaping her lips.

"Feeling adventurous?" she asked, pointing at his clothes. "You could grab anyone's eye with those bright colours." Amore's sarcastic voice echoed down the hallway and Elven smirked.

With a mocking smile on his face, he said "Well, at least I don't permanently have to match things to the colour red, Madam." Elven turned around and headed into the bathroom, not missing the short laugh from his aunt. He could just picture her shaking her head at him, before footsteps told him she'd returned to her room.

His hands ran through his bat-black hair, washing out the blend his aunt had made to make hair smell nice. Scents seemed to be her trade, as she made her own perfumes, and even though she could easily have made a trade out of it, she kept her inventions at home, safe. It seemed to him that he wasn't the only household member who'd become a somewhat introvert. In fact, it was quite the opposite; his whole family tended to steer clear from strangers, and sometimes even close friends. Though, of course, the Tacitra family's sudden bout of paranoia was frowned upon by the family friends, yet the neighbours understood why they had so suddenly tried to cut themselves off from the world.

Replacing his rings onto his index and middle finger, Elven began getting dressed. However, he stood incredibly close to the door in case anyone were to open it. The boy pulled the grey jumper on, the black jeans and the shirt, along with undergarments (Obviously.) and pulled a necklace with a dark blue teardrop pendant around his neck. Elven looked in the mirror, before shaking his head and rushing to his room. He grabbed a blue scarf and wrapped it around his neck loosely. For some odd reason, he didn't feel the heat at all.

He looked at Kasper. "Do you feel like going somewhere, Kasper?" Elven said, crouching down next to the cat. The cat turned his head in the other direction. "Well, I guess you are getting on in years." Elven smirked, but the cat just settled down into a comfortable position, ignoring his owner. Elven gave a lopsided grin to Kasper, grabbing his bag, and 'Sister' the katana, and set out.

"Why don't you get some more colourful clothes while you're out?" He heard his aunt yell from her room, a groan from the probably half-asleep Gamion Tacitra, his uncle.

He paused. "Why don't you work on expanding your brain while you are inside, Madam?" Elven retorted, shutting the door quietly when he heard his uncle begin shouting some horribly invented insults and something about the importance of sleep his way. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Elven dug his hands into his pockets and looked straight ahead, ignoring any other beings. Tiffany's, eh? I wonder how Madam Aunt gets her cakes when they're near often sold out. he thought, gathering his thoughts. His hand found itself in his pocket, bringing a small book out. The language was confusing and ancient, but the story was interesting if you could get past the odd structure of the paragraphs. Elven was deeply engrossed in the book when. . .

Book. he thought, not bothering about the fact he had just almost been rendered to the floor and was only still standing because he found grip on the wall. He saw the book, lying in a puddle of mud and he growled slightly, turning fiercely to the being who'd walked into him like a predator. He stood so he was above her, intimidating despite tugging at the edge of his jumper nervously. The scowl on his face was easily one of instant dislike, and even though he was sure he'd seen this girl around Finitor somewhere. Nevertheless, the glare he was giving her was unimaginable, his blood red eyes staring into her air blue ones.

Even though he was technically, partially, at blame for not paying attention, he still willed misfortune upon the girl who was now on her knees. "Well, excuse me Madam," he stressed the word to get her attention, before two silver haired individual's caught his. Blink, blink. he thought, blinking in time with the two. Elven's eyes glided to some goods -whatever they were, he could not tell due to them having shattered- and back to the girl and boy, twins was his assumption, before he crouched by the box. He recovered some items which hadn't crushed under the force of hitting the floor. Baking ingredients and utensils. . . . Elven stared at the mess on the floor. His hands were almost completely covered by the sleeves of his jumper; only his fingertips showed, as usual. What was smashed, crushed and cracked was exactly that and there was nothing to be done, however most of the usable items were still in the boy.

Elven looked up at the two with eyes just like his, except. . . . lighter, more innocent though they both looked dead bored. The black-haired boy bit his nail with one hand, fiddling with the sleeve of his jumper with the other. "Madam, if you are going to carry merchandise to heavy for yourself, why do you not ask your siblings, Mister and Miss, here?" he asked, puzzled. Though, of course, it was odd for him to assume they were sibling, as they looked nothing alike, so he took it back quickly. "Are Mister and Miss not your siblings, Madam?" he tilted his head. Opposite looking siblings were normal for him, and he judged that they were siblings due to the way they carried themselves around each other. E

The raven-haired boy looked to his left and saw his book in the mud, reminding him of the small lecture he'd thought up in his head, but he simplified it immensely. "I blame you completely, Madam, for the loss of my book, though you can blame me for the destruction of your. . . . things." Elven said, his disinterested look matching those of the twins staring at their (assumed) sister.

The setting changes from Finitor to Manus Luna


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Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Mikael Samaet, the Angel.

5 hours.

The maximum amount of sleep Mikael was allowed every night for the passed 16 years. If he was ever allowed to sleep in for a few minutes longer, he would fear that his uncle had been killed in the night and jolt awake at the exact time Julian would walk in. Sleep wasn't something that came easily to Mikael, especially when your fear of the dark slowly grew with each passing sleepless night.

This morning was no different. He awoke around 4 in the morning, having gone to bed a little early last night to make the most of his 5 hours. After he quickly showered and dressed in the traditional robes, he meditated in Harmonia's room, where silence was enforced with a sharpened blade. Training would always take place at dawn after a small snack, and he would train until supper with only a break. Free time came afterwards, meditation, then bed. To many that looked on at his lifestyle, this sounds like a version of Discordic's hell to those that are lazy, something that a follower of the church should not be subjected to. In reality, Mikael had grown accustomed to the grueling lifestyle, and found the simple, boring lives of the common folk to be just that: dull. He couldn't stand not doing something at all waking hours of the day, and his mind would probably wander into dark thoughts if he did. To keep himself 'sane' - especially to keep his mind off of his new Gifted powers - he continued that schedule to the fullest. Sure, as he slowly climbed the ladder of age, life slowly began to relax, but Mikael continued to keep himself busy. At 21 years of age, he only had a few years left before he would become a complete Sanctioned and possibly be reassigned to another church. That was, of course, if his uncle did not retire, but that seemed highly unlikely. The man loved his job too much.

So, instead of training or meditating, Julian decided to torture poor Mikael by taking a leave of absence - along with all of the trainers, leaving him in charge of the church's Cleansing for an entire week. The notion alone of not being able to train was horrifying - for his uncle told him strictly to take the week off and get to know the church better (odd statement to a man who rarely left). It took him half of yesterday to find something hard working to do besides practicing the organ for hours on end, listening to his music, reading or playing with Abby. No, instead he found himself useful by running errands for the church, getting the necessary groceries and doing a little reconnaissance while he was out. A few certain Gifted were starting to become a nuisance, but last time Mikael had heard, the HEA were handling it. Crossing their paths for the 9th time would probably not be a good idea, so he decided to only survey and look.

Going out that morning, he hadn't expected the city to be so full of life on a day such as today. He was wearing his casual clothing for the day - a cloak with a hood, the sleeves barely making it past his elbows. It hung open, revealing a simple black shirt underneath. Normally he would be shirtless, since he felt like the shirts restricted his movement, but after the last time he was out with just his cloak on, Mikael knew better. Not many appreciated his stomach showing, even though he did not believe it to be that well kept (low self esteem, what's that?). Regardless, his blonde hair hung out the sides of the hood, flowing everywhere when he walked, only restricted by the headphones that were plastered onto his ears. Primitive things, and probably the only thing Mikael could really call his own, they continually played organ music and some classical as he walked through the crowds. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Even though his face was somewhat passive, he kept that blank face that the people on the streets knew all to well from the Angel, so as he passed people they would simply veer away from a little. Not like he was parting the crowds, but nobody dared to touch him. Those who got close enough to touch him were simply dodged by Mikael - he didn't like touching anybody.

Regardless of this, he went along his way with the same determination as he always approached jobs: the faster the better. Efficiency was his game, so every job had to be completed to the best of his ability, yet also within a quick time frame. Funny how after he had grabbed some of the food supplies (he simply handed the food stand man, who was a chubby little ogre, his slip of paper so he didn't have to talk) he was distracted by an odd sight. While the streets were busy enough, he caught notice to a young lady who had seemingly run into a lad at least 4 years younger than himself, if not more. As he slowly neared on them - they were in front of him - he couldn't help but be confused by society and their reactions to each other. So is this how society acts? Just run into another, and act like nothing really happened? Interesting.

It was then that a novel caught his eye as it lay in the puddle of mud. Instantly, Mikael put a scenario together to understand the situation: Boy is reading while walking - highly stupid - and runs into girl carrying too many objects while the... uh... Discordic-spawned humans? In any case, they both run into each other for neither of them is paying attention. Or maybe she was watching, but couldn't avoid? He continued to run the ideas as he finally made his way to the novel and picked it up from the mud. His eyes widened a little as he noticed that the title was in a familiar ancient text that he had read back at the church. Ignoring the other two instantly as they talked of mortal things, Mikael flipped through the pages quite quickly, memorizing anything that he could from the text that hadn't been wrecked. He was a little to the side of them, so Mikael figured that one of them noticed him pick the novel up, but he cared not. His right hand flipped through the pages while his left hand had set down the groceries to hold up the book.

And the people still avoided him.

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Finitor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Mom was not going to be happy with her for this, oh no she was not. The mis-delivered package was now officially damaged, the goods within the box ruined beyond salvaging in the slightest . . . which meant that it was likely that mom’s store was not going to be able to get its textiles without some hassle. This was why it was that she never was called on by Csilla to do anything in regards to the shop’s dealings and doings, because her mother knew her a klutz, in this single case though, the only reason that Nicoletta had to come to her mother’s aid was because there were no other options, nothing else that could be done. The bolts of cloth were too numerous to be handled by Momchil and Amalia alone, the baking goods had been too heavy for either of the two humanoids to handle. . . . Almost too much for her to lift and carry.

It was that Nicoletta remained where she was, knelt on the pavement as people walked by her, the twins and the person she’d knocked shoulders with, simply staring at the box and its broken, split contents, a disheartened expression over her features. The blonde’s mind was completely separate from the surrounding world, as she wasn’t even thinking about the fact that she had not only ruined someone else’s goods, but that she had run into another person for the love of the Goddess. Her train of thought was set on one track, and it wasn’t derailing for much of anything at this point. . . . She didn’t even notice the death glare she was at the receiving end of.

In the meantime, both of the twins had their crimson gazes set upon the black-haired boy whom was partly responsible for the situation at hand. Both brother and sister remained quiet, as they believed it was not their place to speak when the circumstances involved here were between their sister and the yet-to-be-named stranger in the jumper.

“Well, excuse me Madam," the venom-laced words caught hold of Nicoletta’s attention though, despite the fact that her focus had been so upon the mess made at her knees. That downcast expression did not leave her features though, even as she pulled her head upward, her eyes near-unwillingly leaving the sight before her to look up at the one whom had spoken. It took the girl a moment to realize why his words had carried such bitterness, and such an edge. At first, she had been confused, but when she understood who he was, her eyes widened in realization, as she came to comprehend the fact that she hadn’t at all said anything to him after nearly knocking him over.

He stood, right above her as if trying to loom overhead as an ominous figure. Like he was trying to strike some . . . dark, morbid fear into her, to make her fear for her life it felt, the way he was. . . . Nicoletta could feel an air about him that bespoke of loathing, for her, because of her clumsy accident, for running into him as she had without so much as offering an apology after it happened. Instead, she had gone and stared at the mess of things which she had become responsible for by word of her mother. . . . Even if she were caught up in something unfortunate, undoubtedly going to be chewed out by her mother for being so careless, she still should have offered this boy her apologies, at the very least. And because she had failed to do so, he was hovering above her, holding onto some sort of seething, quiet fury that sort of reminded Nicoletta of an angry, buzzing around while trapped in a jar. There was something to be afraid of, but it was somewhat contained.

The fellow teenager had stared at Momchil and Amalia for a moment, seemingly unsure of the two. In return to his gaze, the twins simply stared back, a disinterested, almost detached sort of expression overlaying their childish, colorless faces. Both boy and girl stood side-by-side, hands at their fronts, one overtop the other. His eyes traveled to the box on ground, the contents spilled, and back to the twins, who continued to silently, and almost creepily, stare right at him.

He began to bite on one of his nails, before he spoke again, his voice this time filled more with puzzlement, and confusion instead of complete malice for her it seemed. “Madam, if you are going to carry merchandise to heavy for yourself, why do you not ask your siblings, Mister and Miss, here?” Nicoletta’s own eyes flittered over to both Momchil and Amalia, who turned to look at her. There was no hint of questioning upon their faces, but then, those two were nigh unreadable children . . . you could never guess what was going to come out of their mouths or what it was they were really thinking—if they were thinking anything at all, that is. “Are Mister and Miss not your siblings, Madam?” he suddenly asked, revoking his earlier assumption it seemed as he tilted his head.

There’s a question I’m not at liberty to answer. Yep, I think of them as my siblings, but no, they aren’t really my brother and sister. Nicoletta thought with a sigh, shoulders drooping as she was reminded of the sour truth behind those two, how they came to be with her family in the first place, and the fact that the two were not human to begin with. Though, the detail wasn’t even important anymore, not since the two were more or less like family as matters were now, they were loved and accepted by herself, Vicente and her parents. However, that bit of thought brought Nicoletta back to the matter at hand, the damaged goods, the ingredients and cooking utensils. . . . Mom was going to be very angry about this. There was no doubt about that one. Right . . . mom. She’s going to verbally kill me; I swear if she were a Gifted, I bet that her powers would have something to do with the ability to imprint words on people, or to actually be able to inflict harm. a small laugh came from her, along with a sigh.

It was with this that the blonde turned her periwinkle-colored eyes back up to look at the person who’d gone from seeming like a snake poised to strike, to someone who was beginning to detach themselves from the situation in a sense. She was owed something of a display of one’s temper for how careless she’d been, but it seemed that she might avoid the worst of what this boy could dish out. “I blame you completely, Madam, for the loss of my book, though you can blame me for the destruction of your. . . . things.”

Nicoletta let out a loud and exasperated exhale of a breath, a tiresome look on her young face. Yes, that was some signage of him possessing maturity and sense. The fact that he did realize that he himself could be tacked with the blame for her breaking her ‘things,’ as he’d put it. . . . One of her small hands came away from her lap, as her eyes glanced over at the same time, and found itself set upon the nearby brick and stone wall of a building. With a small groan, Nicoletta was ascending to her own feet. She needed to offer her apologies to him at the very least. . . .

But, it was as she was opening her lips to speak that she found another voice speaking before her own, cutting her off. “Our sister Nico is indeed at fault for the ruin of your literature . . .” Amalia spoke, her eyes trailing over to the blonde, whose head snapped up, her eyes upon the girl, Nicoletta’s face was beginning to redden.

Momchil offered a bow, “Certainly so, she is. We must offer you our sincere apologies on the behalf of her, and her dear antics.”

“Yes, we must.” Amalia agreed, dipping herself into a polite, and slightly creepy, curtsy in time with her brother’s bow. “Please, forgive her for her carelessness, for she is clumsy and prone to accidents such as these quite often, you see. . . .”

Following the ending of Amalia’s sentence, Momchil attempted to speak again, ready to continue on with this—only he was cut short by a noise from Nicoletta, whose cheeks were cherry red in embarrassment. “Momchil, Amalia, that’s enough out of you two! Stop speaking as if I’m completely incompetent!!”

At her words, both the albino twins reverted to their normal stances, leaving behind the bow and curtsy. They turned to their flustered sister, faces still as passive as ever. “But sister Nico . . . we only speak the truth about you.” Momchil replied, his voice eerie serene.

“And, incompetent is surely what you may be labelled, as you were unable to even make an exchange of goods for Mother at her request. . . .” Amalia finished what it was her brother had to say, only making the girl at the receiving end have an even redder face, her expression completely and totally flustered.
“I-I, j-just stop talking!” she ordered, almost pouting.

In unison to her words, came the dual reply of, “Yes, sister Nico.”

From Nicoletta came a weary sigh, those two were. . . . They had turned into quite the snarky things in the last year; that was for sure. A had came to her face, as she shook her head tiredly back and forth, turning back to the boy to whom she owed an apology. With her face still red, she drew her hand down back to her side, and with a sincere look, she placed her own hands at her front, and suddenly dipped her front half forward before uttering a quick, “I’m sorry.” Hastily enough, she was standing back to her full height, looking at him. “I am to blame for ruining your book, honestly, I apologize. I was distracted, trying to read a poorly-written address on the box’s label, and I didn’t look ahead of me while I was walking, and well. . . . It’s not an excuse or a reason, but, that’s why it happened.” She sighed; a hand wound up set on her hip another scratching the back of her neck as a mindful expression took hold of her face. “There’s not much I can really say or do to try to make up for this incident, except to offer you a replacement, or for me to attempt to replace it, if that’s possible. . . .” she trailed off, not even sure if that was possible.

It depended on the actual text he’d been reading when they’d ran into one another. “As for what I was carrying, well . . . that stuff didn’t even belong to me, those thing were wrongly delivered to my mother’s shop, and I was supposed to be taking them for an exchange, for what we were meant to be getting.” A breath came from her, “To put it simply, no matter how I try to handle this, my mom is not going to be happy with me.”

Nicoletta kept her gaze on the dark-headed boy the entirety she babbled on, and only glanced away from him when it was a new someone entered her field of vision, seemingly having a go at the half-ruined book that had gotten the boy in the jumper almost acting like he had poison in his words. This new person was a he, and could not have seemed more opposite from whom she had been giving an apology. And . . . he looked to be dressed in the robes of those who were of the Following. Understanding that made Nicoletta visibly tense up, a sentiment of discontentment overtook her demeanor, and the air about her small form became fiercer, almost blazing off her like a fire. Her expression became grave, her thoughts and feelings toward the Following were rigid and defined, ever since the detainment of her sister some years ago.

The way she viewed anything that had to do with the Following of the Great Mother, or Harmonia, Discordic . . .any of that crap, frankly it all infuriated her. What they claimed, and said, and did, even to innocent children who were four. . . . It was sickening to her, upsetting to the point it made her stomach churn. Nicoletta said nothing though, she knew better, she knew the risks it ran.

Momchil and Amalia, though, they kept themselves quiet as instructed by their sister, but the two had their gazes locked upon the robed man, he was new, and perhaps the most interesting thing around now. And, Nicoletta, forcing a harsh bit of air into her lungs, quickly turned her eyes back to whom she was apologizing to, the feel of her person had changed, and it was reflected when she spoke. “Look, just tell me what it is I can do to relieve your anger or annoyance about this, I’ll do what I can.”

She was trying as hard as she can to keep herself contained, to lock away that anger of hers for the man who was of the Following, but there was no denying the fact that Nicoletta’s anger could be felt by anyone who was the slightest bit perceptive.

The setting changes from Finitor to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Elven Tacitra

“Our sister Nico is indeed at fault for the ruin of your literature . . .” The frilly, younger girl spoke, looking at her sister. Ah, so they are related. Elven thought, glancing from the girl to the boy.

He seemed to be bowing, which caused Elven to tilt his head. Most people nowadays weren't as polite in speech as he, although he tended to insult people rather than compliment, or apologize. , “Certainly so, she is. We must offer you our sincere apologies on the behalf of her, and her dear antics.”

“Yes, we must.” The twin sister curtseyed in time with her brother, their faces not changing to show any emotion. Maybe it was because of this why Elven decided he rather liked the two, more than the blonde staring at the two from the ground. “Please, forgive her for her carelessness, for she is clumsy and prone to accidents such as these quite often, you see. . . .” It was then and there when Elven blanked out, studying his nails with some interest. Ah, siblings. he thought, a short sigh escaping his lips.

"I’m sorry.” He turned to see the source of the voice in mid-bow, albeit a quick one, and a short fuse started flickering from where it had left off. “I am to blame for ruining your book, honestly, I apologize. I was distracted, trying to read a poorly-written address on the box’s label, and I didn’t look ahead of me while I was walking, and well. . . . It’s not an excuse or a reason, but, that’s why it happened.”  The girl scratched her neck, her tone changing slightly from before. “There’s not much I can really say or do to try to make up for this incident, except to offer you a replacement, or for me to attempt to replace it, if that’s possible. . . .” Her voice became gradually smaller and Elven let out a short laugh, though his anger was slowing building up. 

Why was she apologising so? He had apologised and taken half of the responsibility; if anything, her items were of more value by far, although the text he had held was rare and also banned by The Following for having a few sentences against them. In actual fact, the author used the word 'following', and since it was so ancient, he wasn't referring to the group in any way. Even so, he was holding a book which he would almost never find again.

And now it was slowly being engulfed by mud.

Elven's blood-red eyes flickered to the girl, who was once again explaining her actions and slowly starting to make Elven yell at her. “As for what I was carrying, well . . . that stuff didn’t even belong to me, those thing were wrongly delivered to my mother’s shop, and I was supposed to be taking them for an exchange, for what we were meant to be getting. To put it simply, no matter how I try to handle this, my mom is not going to be happy with me.” Elven blinked. Those weren't hers? How strange, considering how distressed she seemed when she dropped the objects on the floor. Most would feel that way about an object they'd cared for and liked, like a necklace or something. Yet. . .

Elven noticed the never-ending stare he was getting, as if being examined, and he self consciously grabbed at his jumper, clenching the material into his small fists. He felt unsafe and insecure, glancing at the two twins who were staring at him to. The jet-black haired boy turned to follow the girl's eye of sight, seeing something odd.

A member of The Following, crouched down by a puddle of mud, was holding his discarded book in his hand. That man was a member of the Following. Sir Uncle Gamion said that was why he got away with everything. Elven's hands started fiddling with his scarf, distracting himself from anger.

His book. In the hands of a member of The Following. Something he had touched, liked, read several times was in the hands of The Following. He'd lost his sister because of them, and even after death, her death hadn't found justice. Elven's fingertips brushed against his katana, 'Sister'.

And then the fuse went.

Yes, Elven heard the girl say something in a balanced tone. More apologies, it seemed, but his hearing was numb to her, to the world. He could instantly feel suppressed anger from the girl next to him as he plunged his hands into his jeans' pockets, stalking over to the robed man flicking through the sullied book. He towered above him, though only because the man was crouching, and leant down. He bent over so he wasn't crouching in any sense of the word; no, he bent his upper body down and his face was close to the robed man. "Good Afternoon, Sir." His voice, laced with venom, was calm and composed, though the hatred behind it was obvious and stuck out like a sore thumb. 

Elven stood back up to his full height and quickly placed his foot under the book in The Following-man's (Elven's new, personal nickname) before kicking upwards and knocking it out of his hands. It landed on the floor by him and he backed away, before running in and kicking it into the crowd tactfully. It was kicked along rather quickly by unsuspecting pedestrians. Elven smirked wickedly. 

"I am sorry, Sir. I do believe, however, that book was banned and I was reading it for the sole purpose of burning it to ashes when I was done, Sir. I do hope you will understand my decision to dispose of it before someone saw you with a forbidden text." The boy's dark expression matched his tone; a nonchalant smile. However, his eyes flickered anger like sparks on a fire and he picked up the box of baking goods.

With a determined, unquestionable expression, he turned to the three. Hopefully, he'd remember their names. "Well, Madam Nico, it was pleasant running into you here but I do hold myself responsible for breaking and smashing the goods. Just tell me where you were heading to. Mister Momchil, Miss Amalia, would you be so kind to lead the way?" He turned away from the robed man so his face was in the other direction, facing Nico, and mouthed "Elven.". The look he gave her was, unmistakably, one which told her to go with him and keep up the pretence of friendship, or at least acquaintanceship, and he looked at the twins with sure eyes. "We had better get going."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Mikael Samaet, the Angel.

Mikael was off in a different world it seemed, not caring about what was going on around him, not caring if both of the two teens that had run into each other had now stopped talking and were now looking at him with hatred. All that mattered in that moment of time was the interesting, ancient text in front of him, one that he was slowly beginning to recognize. Mikael had always been a type of collector of sorts back in the church, taking books that were supposed to be banned and burned and keeping them in his library. His excuse, as he told the other Followers honestly, was that he wanted to know more about the people that were outside the church and get a better understanding of the world to help solidify his faith. It took a while, but they allowed it. Ever since, his room has been piling up with old texts, novels, poems, stories, and more. This one especially intruiged him, for he only had about half of the book itself at home, so if he could buy it off of the citizen for a decent price, Mikael would be quite happy.

However, the little moment of bliss was yanked from him in quite an interesting, yet highly saddening way. For starters, he felt that somebody had come extremely close to his face, but he ignored it. Faintly, through his headphones he heard a very distasteful 'Good Afternoon, Sir, and was going to turn and address this new person that spoke to him, but before he could even think to react, the book flew out of his hands by a petite, feminine looking shoe. It was then that Mikael finally focused in on what was going on around him just as the shorter boy kicked the book into the crowd of people. Mikael's we trained eyes watched the book be kicked by others as his face visibly saddened with a hint of sourness. While he could have easily sped himself up and grabbed the book, Mikael wasn't the best for refocusing from one objective to another. Same went with his ability to focus on one situation to another. Since this was not combat, he wasn't allowed to adapt as naturally as he wanted to.

He pulled the headphones back a little to hear the boy completely, and the tone used by the teen was dreadful: It sounded as if the boy was calling out Discord himself to speak in foul undertones underneath his own speech. While his ears picked up this easily, Mikael never once looked away from where the book had gone. The kid had originally done him a small favor by having that book on his person, yet he now had made his job harder. Suppressing his own annoyance, he tuned back into the kid once more.

I am sorry, Sir. I do believe, however, that book was banned and I was reading it for the sole purpose of burning it to ashes when I was done, Sir. I do hope you will understand my decision to dispose of it before someone saw you with a forbidden text." It took Mikael a while to recognize the easy lie in the sentence. It was a slow realization, one that burned within his core and slowly made its way to the surface as the kid went over to assist the girl. For the first time, he finally looked at the two of them, each one having some reason for giving him their malice-filled look. However, he could not stand lies. Sure, that made him hypocritical, but he buried that thought instantly. He didn't need something as pitiful as his own self confidence stopping him. Mikael finally stood up to his full height, easily towering 2 heads over both of them. His eyes, although a blank hazelnut, steeled in a glassy way: Not entirely focused on one person, but still hard. He wanted to say something, but as always, his brain was better at focusing in combat then focusing in society.

"Try Honesty." Was all he could say with his baritone voice. It was a little raspy from the fact he didn't use it as much as a normal civilian, but still worked fine enough. His hood was pushed off of his head by a light breeze and the weight of his headphones, which still played a soft, melodic tune. The breeze was cool to his bare forearms, but his left fist was in a tight ball covered by his glove, anger coating it. Mikael looked away once more, his brilliant blonde hair covering a bit of his face as he did so. He couldn't see the book anymore, but he was sure to find it, regardless of how long it would take. Groceries could be re-bought, a book that priceless could not.

"You cannot hide your lying eyes." Mikael's eyes got a little softer, tinged with sadness but still angry and glassy. "You had no such intentions, so don't lie." He looked at both of them then, looking back and forth between the feminine looking boy, and the shorter girl. They both had this air of power around them, and familiarity for some reason as well. Mikael knew that he could have seen them on a mission or trip, but that wouldn't trigger such a feeling of 'I know them from somewhere...'

Regardless, he tore his eyes away from both of them, and visibly relaxed his tense body. He needed to get moving, he was wasting time trying to assist people: it always went this way. He would do something, a few citizens would get either annoyed or scared, and nothing would get accomplished or gained. Harmonia made the life of a Follower especially tough when it came to public relations. Mikael knew first hand that the people really didn't like him that much. They wanted to blame the thing they could see, instead of which they could not. It made blaming somebody easier when they were seen doing something that they didn't overly like. Regardless of this, he strived to do his best for Harmonia, and that meant not appealing to the people, but to her.

His body turned slightly and he leaned down to grab the groceries that he had left on the ground. If he started soon, he could find the book and get back to the church before arousing suspicion in Abigail. It was soon to be game time, and he certainly didn't want to miss that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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She and the twins watched him, the black-haired boy in the jumper turn his attention onto the member of the Following who had in his hands, the book which she was responsible for ruining. He wasn’t happy, the aura he carried was one of a quiet anger, one that he was containing—much like herself it felt. Nicoletta’s eyes went from him to the man in the robes, as she said nothing, but held herself back, keeping herself as calm as possible by clenching and unclenching both of her hands into small fists at her side, sometimes allowing such tension to build up there that her fingernails nearly pierced through the skin in the palm of her hand. Almost leading her to bleeding. If it kept her from lashing out, from losing it, then she could handle a bit of pain, and a bit of blood.

At least, it seemed as if she were not alone in how she felt toward this robed man. The bitter sentiments dwelling within her seemed to be similarly carried in the boy too warmly dressed near her, as he tugged on his scarf. I wonder what his story is with the Following. her mind wondered a bit, I know my reason, and I know that I’ll never be able to let go of it. Whether or not you can call my hatred justified, it’s still going to stay where it is. But, I can’t let it consume me, regardless if I want it to or not. A soft sigh left her lips, as she did her very best to compose herself, to keep the fire within her bones contained, no matter how very much it stirred about. No matter how much heat formed inside of her, she could not let it come out, she could not show herself as what she was, she couldn’t lose control of it. Not ever, if she did, and she hurt someone, then she would only become an example.

The Following wound wind up using her as an example to prove the point they always claimed, that Gifted were spawns of Discordic, nothing but people whose hearts had been tainted by evil beyond the realm of mortal comprehension. They would say that she was weighted down by sin, by corruption . . . when that was far from the truth. Nicoletta knew what the Following claimed was entirely false, if all Gifted really were held down by the weight of evil, or tainted by Discordic, then she would have only the desire to incite chaos, to hurt others. And . . . that was something she didn’t want.

Even with all my anger for the Following, even if I detest them down to my bones, I still don’t want to be responsible for hurting someone else. It’s damn stupid, and it contradicts a lot in my person, but I don’t want to hurt someone else. Nicoletta took in another breath, focusing herself, and calling her mind back from the depths of anger and embitterment. It was as she did this, that the aura she carried, the one of a raging fire that was in the midst of being contained, managed to be soothed a bit. I’m not consumed by my powers, or my hatred. No matter what the bastards might’ve done to me and my family, I won’t hurt anyone for it.

Opening her periwinkle eyes again, Nicoletta managed to hold it back and shove all of it back into the deepest recesses of her mind. For now, her loathing would remain where it belonged, in the depths of her soul. In the time that she had been doing this, Momchil and Amalia had drawn their gazes to her, their expressions remained ever passive, unreadable. Nicoletta didn’t know what they could possibly be thinking, but she would never know, would she? That was part of the fun of having the two humanoids around her, they weren’t very predictable. . . . And from her lips slipped a small, but contented sigh. So . . . she was more or less screwed for the day as far as it went, the task her mom had given to her had gone wrong, and she’d completely botched it up. There was no doubt that Csilla was going to have a cow about this, the sundries’ shop wasn’t going to get its textiles, and it was her fault.

Yep, there were definitely more important things to do than for her to make her focal point on her dislike for the Following.
Simply, in the end, Nicoletta found herself giving a little, nervous smile to her ‘siblings.’ This caused the two of them to cast their glances back to the other situation Nicoletta had detached herself from shortly, so that she could garner her composure once again.

The dark-haired teenager she’d been apologizing too, regarding what had happened was standing over the Follower who had the ruined book in his hands, trying to loom above him it seemed. Even if the blonde, hooded man was hunched down in order to read the text, Nicoletta could tell that the tactic taken by the boy in the jumper wasn’t going to do much good—the Follower looked like he was indeed of a taller stature. Intimidation wasn’t going to work well . . . or at all. “Good Afternoon, [i]Sir.” she heard the familiar tone in his voice, the hidden venom, the snakelike hiss that came along with the utterance of the word ‘sir.’ It was composed, and contained, but obvious.

Hearing it herself, it made Nicoletta grimace—taking such a tone of voice with someone of the Following was . . . dangerous, to say the very least. And when it was that he kicked the mud-covered book that’d been ruined from the man’s hands, Nicoletta audibly gasped, as her eyes widened with shock. Undoubtedly, there were not many people in Portum Animas who would dare be so bold about how they felt regarding the Following. Okay, he’s . . . crazy. she thought, swallowing back the urge to say so aloud. Momchil and Amalia remained ever passive toward the situation, they didn’t comprehend the boldness of that action, of how very iffy it was for one to do such a thing.

“I am sorry, Sir. I do believe, however, that book was banned and I was reading it for the sole purpose of burning it to ashes when I was done, Sir. I do hope that you will understand my decision to dispose of it before someone saw you with a forbidden text.” The tone of his voice was . . . bone chilling, to say the least. It made an uncertain expression flitter across Nicoletta’s features. His lie was as plain as day with the edge his voice carried. Even if he shared her feelings regarding the Following, hating them . . . he was being reckless about it. Even if she had a tendency to speak without thinking, at the very least she knew when it was time to bite down on her tongue, and to keep her lips bound together, to stay silent. When it was that he glanced over at the overturned box of destroyed goods she had been suppose to deliver. . . . Nicoletta’s heart lurched into her chest.

“Try Honesty.” Upon hearing this, Nicoletta found herself looking back at the member of the Following, her eyes a bit wide from the fact that his voice sounded sort of . . . hoarse, like it went unused more often than not. Yep, he was not happy, and she’d been right, he was a lot taller than herself and the black-haired boy who was now hoisting up the otherwise useless box of broken things. In truth, seeing him, Nicoletta couldn’t help but thinking that this particular man didn’t much look like he was a part of the Following, the only thing which gave him away as such was the robes. . . .

She was addressed again though, by the boy she’d knocked into. “Well, Madam Nico, it was pleasant running into you here but I do hold myself responsible for breaking and smashing the goods. Just tell me where you were heading do. Mister Momchil, Miss Amalia, would you be so kind to lead the way?” He was turned away from the blonde Follower, looking at her. He mouthed something to her, and if she had it right it was ‘Elven,’ his name, Nicoletta could only guess that was his name. he was trying to get her to play along with his ruse, to pretend that they were friends so that he could get away from the unnamed Follower. In truth, she didn’t entirely blame him for that, but at the same time . . . she didn’t want anything to do with this, his act. She didn’t know him, and he didn’t seem the most pleasant of people.

“You cannot hide your lying eyes.” Nicoletta again glanced to the Follower; his voice had gotten softer, melancholic. He wasn’t looking in their direction, his face was hidden by his hair. He hid what was shown upon his face, but the tone his voice carried was enough to leave her a bit uncertain. The way Elven had regarded him, and had acted . . . it upset him? Well, anyone would’ve been upset by it, but it sounded like he was upset in different way, one that she wouldn’t have expected. “You had no such intentions, so don’t lie.” He looked at her and Elven, back and forth. Like, the two of them were familiar. . . .

Regardless of this though, Nicoletta found herself unable to help it, even if he was a part of something she despised. . . . And here comes the guilt factor. . . . Wonderful. she sighed, long and drawn out. This caused Momchil and Amalia to turn and look at her, expressions vacant. So, what am I going to do now? This . . . Elven, wants me to go along with his façade. And even if I’m not fond of the Following, I don’t feel right up and tottering off now, damn it. Then there came the hand to her forehead.

“We had better get going.” Elven spoke again, trying to urge her on. To go along with him. In truth, while a part of her wanted to do so, out of her distaste for the Following roused by the blonde man, it was never that simple for her. If there was guilt, she couldn’t just up and walk away—no matter who it regarded.

Nicoletta turned her gaze back to Elven, an uncertain glint going through them, she understood his sentiments in wanting to leave. She really did, but there was just a part of her that just . . . couldn’t do it. Unfortunately for herself, she wound up seeing this particular Follower as not just a part of the organization she so hated, but instead as an individual separate from that.

A frustrated and disheartened expression took root on Nicoletta’s face at this, and she groaned, grumbling to herself for letting that happen. Great, so I’ve seen him as a person instead of a Follower! I know I’m not going to be able to shake this now. . . . there came the sigh. The Follower was beginning to leave, seemingly still upset by this little encounter. So, came Nicoletta’s voice. “Momchil, Amalia, please show Elven to where it was that we were headed,” she requested, turning her gaze to look at the two, her features held a serious look. “And remember, to be polite and pleasant to him, as always. Would you?”

At this, Momchil gave a bow, and Amalia gave a short curtsy, while they answered in unison, “Yes sister Nico.”
It was then that Amalia moved to Elven’s right side, and Momchil to his left. The former was the first to speak to him though, “Please, if you would Sir Elven, brother Momchil and I shall escort you to where we were headed before.” She spoke, voice vacant and passive.

“Yes, please do follow us.” Momchil chimed in, before both humanoids turned and began to head toward the intended direction, expecting Elven to simply follow. Both of them knew well enough to return to the sundries’ shop when they were finished.

Now, Nicoletta on the other hand, not even completely understanding herself and what it was she was doing, simply groaned and rolled her eyes at her idiot self. Seeing someone as an individual always led to these sorts of instances for her. . . . To doing something she would never normally think about. Even with her hatred of the Following, she couldn’t stand the notion of someone upset, at least as long as she realized they were a person before something else~

He was beginning to leave, having turned to do so when Nicoletta hesitantly raised her voice, “U-Um, wait a moment!” the expression on her face was one of definite uncertainty. She definitely did not look as if she wanted to do what she was. Holding onto that look, the teenager took a couple of tentative steps toward the Follower, her fingers steepled at her front. This feels so . . . weird, and wrong. she thought, frowning at herself for a moment before she sighed, and looked upon the man, stopping near him. “I, uh, um,” she started, barely even sputtering that out, before she just decided to say whatever came out of her mouth, “Are you all right? You don’t look emotionally well.”

She simply looked at him, a rather unreadable expression forming over her features as she could only wonder, What the Hell am I doing . . . ? She hated the Following and yet, here she was asking about one’s wellbeing. If Vincente or any of her family found out about this . . . none of them would be happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Elven Tacitra

“Try Honesty.”

Elven blinked. He didn't feel angry, not so much at least, anymore. Instead, he felt. . . . odd. Like he didn't know what to say. And that, believe it or not, was something incredible for the youngest of the Tacitra family. He stared at the member of The Following, tilting his head in slight confusion. Honesty? Sure, he'd believed in that, even more so as a child, and tended to tell people what he truly thought of them without batting an eyelid. Yet, it felt like he was suggesting another type of honesty. The type of honesty he'd lost trust in long ago.

Well, even so, Elven slightly doubted his actions. Now that, in itself, was quite easily a rare thing. However, he believed that maybe he shouldn't take his uncle's words for law. After all, his uncle acted as much like a child as he, still enjoying the occasional joke about one's bowel movements as much as any small child would. But when he looked at the taller man's eyes, he really didn't have much reason to hate him. And he didn't take kindly to hating people when you can't find a huge flaw, apart from the fact he was a Follower. Most of all, he felt sorry for the book. Yet still, Elven's crimson eyes reverted to the innocence of a child. Yes, it was a large contrast, but he stopped holding onto the box in his arms. He missed the rest of conversation, his eyes confusedly staring at the blonde.

Oh great. Guilt. 'Cause I need more things to deal with. Boredom is hard to deal with on it's own. he thought, looking away and scowling at himself.

Looking at the twins who, in his confusion, had turned up at his sides, he put the box down on the floor quietly. He glanced at the two at his sides, before looking at Nicoletta who, too, had moved from her original spot, though not by much. His eyes wandered to her, to the blonde and then back to the twins, who had begun walking. Sure, he hesitated, but then he undid his hair (so as not to make any eye contact with. . . . annoying people, to put it nicely) and strode past the other two without a word. At least he had seen the exact direction in which the book had gone it. He'd seen it being hit off, but surely with his lower-than-average height and generally good eyesight, he'd be able to locate the book without running into someone who knew his family.

Of course, the task seemed impossible at the time, since most knew his family, but. . . . The small boy merged into the crowd easily, slouching so he could see the floor better. Now, the crowd wasn't particularly big or anything, but Elven didn't like being so close to other people, especially when he sort of had a minuscule grudge against everyone. That seemed to be a recurring theme throughout the Tacitra family.

His eyes scanned the floor eagerly, determined to get what he wanted, and what he wanted was that book. If he came home without it, he would be scolded, but if he said he gave it to a member of the Following, he'd probably. . . . Well, his aunt and uncle would probably start arguing with him and end up arguing with each other. As he swerved through the crowd quickly, like a small elf, he kept his left hand tightly around his katana and he fiddled with the hilt awkwardly. It was then when he spotted it. His eyes lit up; his search hadn't gone to waste, but he'd almost forgotten why he'd gone to get it. But on the way back, he saw the tall head and he remembered.

Elven stood in front of him, eyes invisible behind his bangs, and shoved the book into his arms. "First of all, I do not like you very much, Sir, but it's not personal. I do not like many people. Second, you are only getting this because I do not like wasting unwanted items when others may desire them. And thirdly, if you find any artwork I may have slotted in there as a bookmark and you do not give it back, I will locate you Sir. If it's a nude picture, Sir Uncle Gamion was probably trying to play an awfully planned practical joke. Again." Elven frowned, counting on his fingers at each of his points. When he spoke now, his voice was as young and bright as it should be, not dark and menacing like an older person.

Though his eyes weren't visible, he was scowling slightly as he patted his head, somewhat treating him like a child. What annoyed him was that he had to go on his tiptoes to do so. "Lastly, take good care of the book, Sir, or I will personally cook you for my family." Elven stared at him through his bangs as he slowly pinned them back off, and without another sound, stepped off to pick the box back up and strode quickly towards the twins, already on their journey to. . . . Well, wherever.

As something brushed against his lower leg when he walked, he shivered slightly before turning his head and looking at the cause. "Oh. Good afternoon again, Kasper." Elven said, earning a mewl in return. "I thought you were too lazy to get up." Silence. "Oh, right now I'm following Miss Amalia and Mister Momchil until we arrive at our desired destination." Elven stopped and shifted the box onto one hand and hip as he offered his other arm down. The cat sniffed, crawling up his arm with a certain majesty reserved for those who actually deserve it, and onto his neck to snuggle down and cuddle close.

After that, Elven remained silent. He didn't see the point in social interaction when it was not needed, and it seemed the twins, Momchil and Amalia, didn't see much use in that either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Mikael Samaet, the Angel.

Mikael had no idea that his day of relaxation would take such an awkward and nerveracking spin. Not only had he found a book that he had hoped to purchase that could further his collection, he also ran into 2 people that looked familiar and basically hated him. He wasn't sure whether or not this was a good day or not, for it had yet to come to an end. The thought of it getting worse still sat upon his mind, however, so he decided that his best course of action would be to grab the book, come back for his groceries, and speed his way back to the church. Mikael didn't care if some suspicion came from this, he just really wanted to exit this kind of situation: One where he felt highly awkward, clumsy and completely useless. Something he wasn't used to feeling.

Yet Harmonia had some wicked sense of humor (or she was severely testing him) and had it that the other two people were not done with him yet. As he continued to stare out and attempt to locate the book, he heard some muffled speech in the background. It wasn't that he was wearing his headphones, he just was focusing on the task in front of him instead of the needless chatter to his side. He started to take a few steps forward, his boots clanging off of the ground with their first few steps. It wasn't until he heard a sweet, feminine voice behind him that he stopped in his tracks.

U-Um, wait a moment! Mikael stayed in his halted position for a second, then turned around a little too quickly, figuring out that she was talking to him. His hair, once again, flew around with him, making his vision a little blurry. However, the expression on his face remained the same, regardless if there was hair in the way: startled, confused, and cautious. Why one would call out to him was a complete mystery - most people that wanted him called him by 'Angel' which usually followed some form of contract or vulgar slur. Mikael had gotten used to both of those remarks by now, so he knew exactly what to say for each. This type of simple gesture was confusing for him, so he did exactly as she told him to: Mikael stayed there for a minute, and awaited further instructions.

I, uh, um He noticed that she, too, was stumbling over her words, but for a completely different reason that he would. She seemed to not understand what she was doing, and therefore she had difficulty speaking. Mikael had similar problems, but his was because he simply hadn't encountered this sort of thing, so he kept his mouth shut for as long as possible. That seemed, however, impossible, for she finally got her words together and hurled a question at him quite loudly.

Are you all right? You don’t look emotionally well. Mikael looked completely stunned at her question. He could barely make a coherent thought, let alone understand her question. While his face looked like he was in shock, Mikael's brain was slowly piecing things together. Alright, take a deep breath, let us figure this out. First, 'Are you all right?' What kind of speech is that? How do I answer that question? Nobody in the church has ever asked me that before, so how do I know what is the appropriate response? Maybe if I just answer yes, and leave... No, then I would be half lying... ACK Harmonia guide me.... His thoughts muddled around at the speed of a snail. And he prided himself in being one of the fastest men alive. Pathetic.

While she was probably waiting for an answer from his feeble mind, Mikael saw that the lad had disappeared. Not revealing that he noticed, he finally tried to give an answer. "Uh.. Y-ye- well, no I'm - you see..." He stumbled along, trying to find an answer that would be suitable for the miss. Mikael was nearing an answer when the lad reappeared right in front of his face, his bangs - just like Mikael's - always seemingly covering some part of his face. He then felt something shoved into his open arms, and he nearly tensed his muscles for a defensive maneuver when he noticed that it was the book that the boy had kicked away. He stared at it in wonder as he heard the lad's voice.

"First of all, I do not like you very much, Sir, but it's not personal. I do not like many people. Second, you are only getting this because I do not like wasting unwanted items when others may desire them. And thirdly, if you find any artwork I may have slotted in there as a bookmark and you do not give it back, I will locate you Sir. If it's a nude picture, Sir Uncle Gamion was probably trying to play an awfully planned practical joke. Again." Mikael couldn't really keep up with the kid's pacing of words, nor his speech patterns. They were so... abstract... it was hard to figure out what he was trying to convey. Something then tapped him on the head, and he tensed until he realized that the young kid had went onto his tiptoes and patted him on the head, like he was the younger of the two of them.

Lastly, take good care of the book, Sir, or I will personally cook you for my family." Mikael clearly understood that part, and instantly whipped his head up so that his eyes met the kids before he turned away. Mikael's eyes became hard, and slanted in the anger that ensued in his soul. He wasn't sure if it was because of his protectiveness of his niece, or that he couldn't understand the so called joke intended. All he knew was that if this young child ever touched his sister, his eye sockets would burn for infinity, and Discord would be joined by another soul. His body was extremely rigid, and he did not turn when he muttered quietly while the boy was picking up boxes, "If you even see my family, I will personally make sure you never see again." He turned his head as he spoke, staring at the kid with intense eyes, but then slowly relaxing when the possibility that he had missed a joke kicked in.

"I.. Thank you for the book, kind lad." Was all he could say without stuttering or stumbling any more, before he remembered that he had yet to answer the girl's question. He quickly turned to the miss and bowed slightly. "Apologies for unanswered question. I..." He could get the beginning out easily, for it was somewhat rehearsed since he constantly forgot to answer questions. "I - am unsure, but Harmonia will guide me in my struggles." He finally managed to let out of his lips, and stopped just as quickly as the last syllable was out. Any more talking, and he would probably start speaking in the Old Language, or worse, something that only existed in his mind. What a fool he would look like if he did, and that would tarnish his reputation. Not only that, but Julian would probably have him trained in the art of speech if he knew how horrendous his nephew's speech patterns were.

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Finitor


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Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Nicoletta indeed paid attention to the Follower she’d addressed, but her eyes flittered to the side, as it was that Elven had silently walked past herself and the former, into the crowd of passersby. For the reason, she did not know. However, when it was that the dark-headed teenager vanished among the people, her periwinkle eyes turned right back to the man in front of her. He looked, well, completely perplexed by her inquiry about his emotional wellbeing. As if, he just didn’t know how it was he was suppose to respond. Perhaps he was not used to the notion of someone asking something personal like that, actually showing some level of concern beyond anything that pertained to the Following . . . ? It’s true that I don’t know anything about how people who are a part of the Following get by or what their lives are like outside of the typical assumptions, but. . . . Surely, they do express concern for one another? she thought, tilting her head to the side as the man seemed to struggle with how to answer her. This . . . was definitely not what she’d been expecting. Even if she didn’t completely understand how she got into this situation, or why she just had to go and do this. Honestly, she had expected the man to respond to her without hesitation or . . . well, something more than just look like he was completely caught in an alien situation.

“Uh.. Y-ye- well, no I'm - you see...” So, he tried to speak, but completely failed in doing so. The beginnings of his words came out in poorly pronounced stumbles and stutters. . . . In truth, that actually elicited a sort of tired smile from Nicoletta. To see a Follower blunder up his own words, well, it was strange, but sort of . . . well, it was kind of unexpected but a pleasant sort, it felt. It was simply something she couldn’t explain. Her brother would verbally kill her for even showing the slightest bit of concern for someone of the religion, for treating a Follower as a fellow human, if he found out, but she couldn’t help her it—when she saw a person as a person, that was it.


Momchil and Amalia watched, they had stopped their walking, to wait for Elven. Nicoletta had requested of them to escort the boy to a specific location, and they could not escort what was not there. The two stared at their sister, wordless and vacant, at times, they looked between one another before setting their crimson gazes upon the short girl and the tall stranger. “How long shall we await him, sister Amalia?” Momchil spoke, quietly.

“For as long as he takes, brother Momchil. Sister Nico requested that we lead him to the address written upon the box.” She replied, earning a mere nod in response.


In truth, Nicoletta was ready to put her hands up and to just tell the Follower to forget even replying to her—his stumblings and inability to form a coherent sentence was enough of a response for her. He was not all right. However, no sooner did that want arise within her did Elven return, popping between herself and him with next to no warning. The suddenness of it caused Nicoletta to yelp, and to jump back about a step or so. She looked at the teenager with her eyes wide, and simply stared at him, The Hell is he . . . ? he had shown nothing but distaste for him, as she had before finding her idiot self seeing the Follower as an individual before anything else. . . . She couldn’t see what was up, not with Elven standing right in front of the man.

“First of all, I do not like you very much, Sir, but it's not personal. I do not like many people. Second, you are only getting this because I do not like wasting unwanted items when others may desire them. And thirdly, if you find any artwork I may have slotted in there as a bookmark and you do not give it back, I will locate you Sir. If it's a nude picture, Sir Uncle Gamion was probably trying to play an awfully planned practical joke. Again.” he began to speak, and he spoke so that Nicoletta herself could barely follow him as he reach his points. She got the gist of his words, and simply found herself sighing a bit, as she realized that Elven had gone over the top with his words. If she couldn’t well keep up with his strange manner of speech, she didn’t doubt that the Follower who’d gotten so flabbergasted over a simple inquiry had some minor issues too. Evidently though, the book she’d had a hand in ruining had been returned to the Follower . . . strange when Elven had been so adamant about him not having it.

He’s an odd one . . . no doubts about that. she sighed, shaking her head. Simply staring as Elven, stood on his tiptoes, and patted the top of the Follower’s head as if he were a child, Nicoletta found herself a little weirded out by that. How could she not be? It was an odd sight indeed. Again, odd one. But, then, I guess it takes all kinds of people to make life go on. That was the only way she could rationalize that.

“Lastly, take good care of the book, Sir, or I will personally cook you for my family.” that last comment was what Elven left them with as he stepped away, and moved back to the box of broken and ruined bakery goods. She stared at him, simply blinking as she didn’t quite know how she was suppose to react to that. But, she noted a change in the air about the Follower, from confused to seemingly infuriated. Nicoletta winced in regards to this . . . he’d mistaken Elven for being serious, hadn’t he . . . ? One glance was enough to tell her he had, he’d tensed up entirely, and his features had taken on a look of anger.

“If you even see my family, I will personally make sure that you never see again.” he mumbled, looking at Elven as he picked up the box. Although . . . it didn’t take long for him to seemingly realize that the boy had been joking. Evidently, those of the Following didn’t seem to have any idea of how semi-normal socialization went. . . . “I.. Thank you for the book, kind lad.” A normally spoken sentence came from him, at last.

She simply kept her eyes on him at this, knowing that Elven would now be in the company of Momchil and Amalia . . . hopefully the two of them would listen to her and actually be acceptably polite to the dark-haired lad, even if he was not the most pleasant of fellows himself. Or, at the very least, she hoped that they wouldn’t say something too weird. . . . They could be rather odd at times, even by the standards they had set for themselves.

Alas though, whatever would happen with those two and Elven . . . it was out of her control now. All Nicoletta could do was hope for the best. When it was though, that the Follower had suddenly turned and bowed to her, the teenager simply looked at him with a questioning expression upon her young face. Why was he . . . ? “Apologies for unanswered question. I...” He stopped speaking, merely earning himself a stare from her.

Oh, right, I asked him about. . . . Right. And, as to why I did, I still don’t really know. she thought, nearly planting the palm of her hand to her face. The situation was weird, no doubt, she was doing something she never thought she would . . . but then, she was a weird girl.

“I - am unsure, but Harmonia will guide me in my struggles.” he finally answered her. His words were quick and concise, to the point, and he ceased speaking with that. But the answer, she knew how to react to that, she knew what that meant well enough. The answer seemed as if it were almost rehearsed, a response ingrained within him or something of the like. Though, that was probably to be expected, even if she didn’t know the life led by a Follower, she imagined it was probably stale and regimented.

‘Unsure, but Harmonia will guide me?’ . . . .well, that’s about as good a ‘no’ as I’ll probably get out of him. she thought with a sigh, and a shake of her skull. “So, that’s a no then. . . .” There came a sigh, and her shoulders relaxing a bit, honestly, she really didn’t know how to proceed forward with this. This really was uncharted territory for her, with someone not in the Following, she might know how to react, but to someone in it . . . she just didn’t. . . . Nicoletta, he is a person, if you didn’t see him as such then you wouldn’t be in this situation. . . .

“Y’know if something’s wrong with you, you can just say as much, right?” Nicoletta asked him giving him a rather blasĂ© stare. Her eyes were half-lidded, and her voice rather dry, almost as monotone as the twins’. She was just letting her mouth go wherever it did from here on in. “You don’t have to say that you’ll be guided through whatever is getting to you by ‘Harmonia,’ If you’ve got a problem, speak up about it, and don’t let it fester. Or, that’s what you should do; I know that however you do live, or whatever, is more or less a complete blank to me, but really. . . .” With this she crossed her arms, and tilted her head to the side a bit as her stance became more of a casual one. This really was weird for her, but . . . it felt normal enough. “Really . . . you’re as much a person as everyone else, and people all have problems. If everyone kept theirs completely quiet or to themselves, or simply relied on the divine to solve it and guide them, then . . . well,” she shook her head, “Gah, what am I doing . . . ?”

Nicoletta found herself sighing again, “Look, I don’t entirely know where I was going with that, but my point is that I asked you something, and well, you more or less gave me an answer that, while vague, completely pointed to you bluntly saying ‘no.’ Given circumstances, y’can tell me that something is wrong. You have every reason to and every reason to not since we’re strangers. I don’t know you, so I can’t judge, but then you have no reason to trust me with your problems too.” She commented. "So, if you have something bothering you, I'll listen."


It was as Elven had returned to the box that both of the silver-haired twins began to walk again, slowly so that he might catch up to them. They intended to remain wordless for now. It was what Nicoletta had requested of them, after all. However, when it was that Elven had spoken, greeting something/one, both Momchil and Amalia ceased their walking, and turned to look back at him. Both humanoid children found their crimson gazes going to the something which had mewled. They stared at the black creature as Elven’s feet, expressions still rather vacant; yet there was a glint of curiosity within their eyes, if one were to look close enough. He went on, speaking to the creature. . . .

They didn’t understand why that was, it didn’t speak, nor could it understand completely what was being said to it. “Sister Amalia . . . that creatures, I do not remember what it is called.”

Without looking at her twin, Amalia gave a dry response. “Mother told me that such creatures are common as ‘pets’ among humans. They are of a certain family of animals known as ‘felines,’ this one in particular, it is known as a ‘cat.’”

“Cat. . . .” he parroted her last word, a hint of wonderment seeped into that one quiet bit. He didn’t understand it, why it was a human would attempt to converse with a creature who evidently did not understand what was being said to it, yet. . . . It fascinated him. The cat was so strange, its body covered in fur, the fact that there was a strange air to it, a calming sort that could not be explained. . . . As it was that Elven allowed the cat to climb onto himself, Momchil again spoke. “Why do humans allow these cat creatures upon them, Sister Amalia?”

“They are a form of companionship, used in the stead of other humans. Bonds form with them, and people come to value them so much as to treat them as this, brother Momchil.” The girl’s voice remained monotonous, as opposed to her brother’s.

“How very strange that is.” he murmured.

Elven approached them again, intending to follow, and the two remained in place, both simply looking at him and the cat upon his shoulders. There was a notable difference though, between the eyes of Momchil and Amalia. In the eyes of the former, there was a sense of puzzlement, and curiosity toward the black cat Kasper. And within Amalia’s, there was little more than usual, only a faint glint of knowingness. Understanding of what it was that drove people to treat an animal as such, if only the knowledge within her was factual.

And, it was from the throat of Momchil that a rather strange and unexpected question came, “. . . .Sir Elven, your cat . . . would you please tell me about it?”


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Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Elven Tacitra

Elven observed the two twins as they discussed Kasper. He picked the cat from his neck carefully, balancing the box on his knee, earning a small hiss as he placed the feline on top of the box. After all, on such a hot day, it was hard to have extra body heat, especially in a place already covered by hair.

Did Momchil not know what a cat was? He seemed confused as Amalia explained very thoroughly, as if reciting from a text book, what the small animal was and why he was conversing so amiably with it. The cat tried to snuggle against his body without looking undignified, for Kasper was a cat who tended to consider himself higher, much higher, than others. The only one he saw even vaguely near to his level would be Elven, and maybe his aunt Amore. Basically, the people who fed him.

The raven haired boy stared down into his cat's eyes, before glancing up at the two twins. Momchil seemed amazed, though it was hardly perceivable. The girl, Amalia, didn't really change much in terms of expression, but then again, neither did Elven. He blinked, watching both of them as they conversed and as he got nearer, the conversation seemed to be directed his way.

As a voice rang out towards him, he realised that his attention was being called and he looked at Momchil, who seemed to be the one who was speaking. “. . . .Sir Elven, your cat . . . would you please tell me about it?” Momchil received a few blinks, Elven staring at him as he began to process the question. He wanted to talk about Kasper? The vain, self loving cat who mostly cared about himself?

Elven nodded slowly, holding the box with the now-sleeping cat on top. His eyes flicked from the cat and to Momchil and Amalia, observant and quiet, before he spoke up. "Of course, Mister Momchil. But we must walk at the same time, or we shall never reach our destination." he said, beginning to take small steps.

A few seconds passed as he thought of what to say. "This is Kasper. He's getting on in age, if I do say so myself, but Madam Aunt Amore says he could live for another ten years if we care for him. I do not think he despises me, but rather sees me as a trusted person who may feed him if he feels the need to eat." Elven said, his voice calm and collected. "I met him when he leaped onto my face some years ago. I was. . . ." The boy's voice trailed off as he sighed, words once again escaping his mind.

"I was mourning Si- Cousin Nympha and decided to open the window when Kasper jumped in. Perhaps he decided he liked me, though I am baffled as to why. I never spoke to him then, and barely looked at him. Maybe he just liked the fact that I gave him most of my food." Elven looked at the cat, mewling quietly from where he was. He frowned slightly, watching the cat. "Now that I think about it, he has no good points to discuss, Mister and Miss. Kasper steals food from the table, scratches me in the middle of the night to wake me and looks down on most people."

At this, he prodded the cat who blinked at looked at Momchil and Amalia, holding his paw up to his mouth. He licked it confidently, turning his nose up at the two, though he still eyed them with a feline curiousity, even sniffing the two slightly. "You can pet him if you want." he said, looking at Kasper as if to reprimand him from biting. If anything, he didn't want that 'Nico' (Surely, that was not her full name. People weren't just named 'Nico' and nothing else.) to come back only to find her siblings bitten by a cat with an ego issue. The biggest of sighs escaped his lungs.

"Do you not have any pets in your household, Mister Momchil and Miss Amalia?" Elven said, tilting his head left, before switching and going right. He looked behind him, then from side to side before finally looking on ahead. "Where exactly are we headed to, Mister Momchil and Miss Amalia?" The boy questioned them, as he was simply following their lead and not taking in his surroundings at all.


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Character Portrait: Mikael Camael Samaet Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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It wasn’t like she really expected him to just spill his guts about whatever was weighing upon him. No, she’d have been more naïve than she really was to think such a thing. What she had said was probably more than confusing to him; maybe even offensive considering she’d more or less shot down some aspect of what she supposed was a regimented part of his life. Nevertheless, she said what she had said, offensive, confusing or weird, the words were out there and that was that. That was what she believed though, even if Harmonia was suppose to be some ever-guiding, loving force that was reputed to lead her ‘children’ to salvation with her love and mercy . . . people needed people as much as they needed whatever else in the world.

"So you are saying that I am able to explain my 'problems' and you can fix them, but my Mother Harmonia cannot?" he responded to her . . . at least the tone of this voice this time wasn’t so full of hesitation and stutters. Even if it was laced with an edge of confusion. Hearing what she had said before, perhaps it was indeed a very confusing thing to have heard. Nicoletta did not know how it was this man lived, she didn’t know if he really interacted with the everyday citizens of Portum Animas on a real level, having actual conversations, or just casually speaking about things that did not regard the Following. She could guess if that were the case, then yes, her words would’ve been strange to hear. “I-I am afraid I do not understand the point being made: while it is noted that my 'problems' can be sorted out using human interaction, it does not explain your sudden curiosity in mine. For instance, I know nothing of you either, which compels me to beg the question: How can you be so certain that by voicing my own concerns that they shall be fixed?"

Well there was; the answer to her musings. He didn’t comprehend it, the fact that she was showing concern for whatever was plaguing him. To his question and to his words, Nicoletta simply gave him a shrug. She didn’t know if she could fix anything, nothing could certainly be fixed so simply . . . he didn’t seem to understand that. Of course, it’s also true that it’s more than a little weird for a complete stranger to say that they’ll listen to your problems out of the blue like I did. But, that’s just how I am. she thought, watching the Follower carefully. Though she was no expert, the man seemed . . . weary, in a manner of speaking. It was perhaps her interactions that were the culprit. Or maybe it’s lots of things just surmounting at once to show themselves without a single warning.

The teenager’s periwinkle eyes never left him, and she continued to silently observe him, even when it was he ceased speaking, to look around for Goddess knew what. Probably had some place to be, he had groceries after all, and it was apparent enough that he was heading back somewhere, to a place she did not know. She was keeping him from a prior engagement.

The weariness she sensed in him made itself physically evident as he slipped the half-ruined book she was responsible for into his robe and again he spoke, this time, his voice returned to one of uncertainty. “I-I-I'm sorry miss if I came off to straight forward."

To his apology, Nicoletta shook her head, and gestured with her hand to signal that it was of no consequence. She hadn’t expected anything less from him than what he’d said. “You have no reason to apologize, given what I said; you had every reason to be straightforward. I was myself.”

With this said, the blonde repositioned her hands onto her hips and bent forward a bit, a rather matter-of-fact expression taking hold of her features. “I never said I was sure that telling me your problems would remedy them, because it might not. But bottling them up doesn’t do much for your mental health either,” Nicoletta pointed up at the side of her head, “Harmonia might be there to guide your spirit, but having a physical being near you who’s listening right then is different than that. Both are a means to an end, but at the same time, they provide different forms of comfort and aid. Even if your spirit is soothed by Harmonia, your physical or subconscious self might not always be—as a human is a human, sometimes the aid of another human is needed to absolve something completely.” She returned to standing up straight, her arms again crossed over her diaphragm. “People are flawed, and confiding in another flawed being provides a different sort of solace than confiding in divinity.”

“And to explain my ‘curiosity’ into your problems, the problems of a stranger; it’s not curiosity, it’s ‘concern.’” Nicoletta’s voice came out somewhat snarky at that. “I’ll be honest with you here; I’m like many people in the city in that I cannot stand the Following. However . . .” she paused, and tilted her head to the side a bit. “. . . .however, as I said before, you’re as much a person as anyone else, and I’d be shallow and an ass to go and hold onto hatred for you because of something which defines a deal many people. Stranger or not, if I see a person in some form of distress, I will worry about them, you are no exception.”

“Now, before my little tirade, you looked as if you were getting antsy, I take I’m holding you up from something.” The girl simply continued to look at the man, “Given this, I’ll shut up now, and let you speak. And know that if you do feel like talking to me about whatever, I’m willing to walk with you for a while so that you can be on your way. Also, my name's Nicoletta, not 'Miss.'”


To his words, both of the twins gave a nod, though Amalia had looked to her brother, not understanding example what it was that so interested him about the creature known as a ‘cat.’ It was simply an animal to her, just a something. It could not understand human speech, it itself could not talk or do much of anything, and it relied upon people for everything. . . . Despite her lack of understanding regarding the curiosity her brother felt toward the feline, she kept herself quiet, her eyes upon Elven as she and Momchil began to walk again, alongside him. Momchil himself had his crimson eyes upon Elven, and Kasper the cat, a spark of interest indeed over his pallor features. He was . . . unsure of how to react to the cat, he knew nothing more than what it was Amalia had just told him about felines, how people kept them as pets, so he didn’t know. Perhaps hearing about an individual one, a unique one, would help him to better comprehend the appeal these creatures held to humans.

As Elven kept quiet for a few seconds, seeming to be thinking of what to say about the black cat, Momchil observed it, until the dark-haired boy began to speak. “This is Kasper. He's getting on in age, if I do say so myself, but Madam Aunt Amore says he could live for another ten years if we care for him. I do not think he despises me, but rather sees me as a trusted person who may feed him if he feels the need to eat.” Momchil looked upon Elven intently, focusing as he spoke of the cat.

The tone of voice he took did not at all affect how Momchil was taking in the information on Kasper . . . indeed, the cat as a unique being was a rather interesting thing. The notion of him ‘getting on in age’ was unfamiliar with both Momchil and Amalia, however, as they did not yet grasp the concept of aging and such. . . . Living and dying, of those, they had only experienced living. Death had not visited the two in any form yet. Amalia, though not understanding what was so captivating about the feline, paid heed to what it was Elven was saying. Any information was something worth knowing, after all. "I met him when he leaped onto my face some years ago. I was. . . ." as it was that Elven ceased speaking with a sigh, both Momchil and Amalia cast their gazes up to him. Hearing a sigh was not a good thing, though they did completely know why, they knew this factually. A rather innocent look was upon Momchil’s face though, as Amalia’s remained stoic. "I was mourning Si- Cousin Nympha and decided to open the window when Kasper jumped in. Perhaps he decided he liked me, though I am baffled as to why. I never spoke to him then, and barely looked at him. Maybe he just liked the fact that I gave him most of my food."

Amalia knew the definition of ‘mourning,’ but the concept of it escaped her. As such, she could not at all bring herself to feel the slightest bit of empathy toward Elven. Momchil himself did not understand, or even know of this word yet. All he was interested in at the moment was learning as much about the cat creature. When it was that Kasper mewled, Momchil’s eyes flew back to him, a true twist of childishness within that seemed unusual. "Now that I think about it, he has no good points to discuss, Mister and Miss. Kasper steals food from the table, scratches me in the middle of the night to wake me and looks down on most people."

There were no good points to discuss of him? This caused Momchil to blink, questioningly and to look back at Elven uncertainly. . . . .nothing good? If there was nothing worthwhile about Kasper the cat, then why did he . . . ? It made no sense to Momchil, and to Amalia, it just seemed absurd. But then, that was how the human mind seemed to function—if it was completely ludicrous, and even if the logic was not sound, people still acted anyway. It was something she didn’t understand, and it was something she wasn’t sure that she wanted to. When it was that Kasper eyed him and her, Amalia simply looked back at the cat, and tilted her head to the side ever so slightly. It was odd to her, that cat . . . though it was an animal, and not human, for that instance, it seemed to have displayed a semblance of humanity to it. Confidence, was it? Momchil’s mouth was slightly open, as he did as his sister, and tilted his head to the side in curiosity.
"You can pet him if you want." At hearing that said, gave a slight audible reaction of surprise, glancing back to the teenager, before looking back to the cat. He was going to be allowed to pet the cat . . . ? It would really be all right? "Do you not have any pets in your household, Mister Momchil and Miss Amalia?" Elven asked, before he spoke again, "Where exactly are we headed to, Mister Momchil and Miss Amalia?"

To this Amalia answered looking to Elven with a rather vacant expression upon her face. “Our destination is not the location written upon the box, Sir Elven. Despite what it was Sister Nico had asked of us, I believe that it would be best to let our Mother handle the situation of the ruined goods . . . we are headed toward our home.” She looked away from him, before tacking on one last bit. “And as you had asked, we do not have any sort of ‘pet’ within our home.”

Momchil did not respond to this, nor did he chime in, only, he was still looking at the cat, not entirely sure of what to do. He had been given permission to pet the creature, yet. . . . This was not something he was used to—feeling the urge to do something such as this. It was pointless to want to touch the feline, but a sense of wonderment was urging him on to do it. Even if it was pointless, he wanted to do it? Strange. . . . So, as it was they walked, Momchil’s eyes remained glued onto Kasper as if he were the most fascinating thing in existence.

“Sir Elven,” Momchil spoke up, “Before you had said that Mister Kasper here had no worthwhile qualities to speak of . . . yet, if that were true, then why would it be that you keep him around? Why is it that you have taken him on as a companion, and kept him as such?” With this said though, Momchil observed the cat again, before it was that he made the choice in acting. . . . And with this the humanoid boy slowly, and uncertainly reach his sleeve covered hand out, and set it on the feline’s back, and gently began to pet him. “I do not understand this form of companionship, the sort between humans and animals . . . but Mister Kasper seems an interesting sort, as one well worth the strangeness.”

Hearing his words, Amalia looked to her brother stoically, she didn’t understand his fascination, nor his want to touch the feline at all. . . .


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Character Portrait: Elven Tacitra Character Portrait: Nicoletta Ardente
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Elven Tacitra

To this Amalia answered looking to Elven with a rather vacant expression upon her face. “Our destination is not the location written upon the box, Sir Elven. Despite what it was Sister Nico had asked of us, I believe that it would be best to let our Mother handle the situation of the ruined goods . . . we are headed toward our home.” How incredibly useful, considering the fact that Elven didn't know who they were. He almost sighed, but stopped himself from letting out the rude sign. Elven instead listed to what the girl answered on the subject of his other question. “And as you had asked, we do not have any sort of ‘pet’ within our home.”

Elven nodded, opening his mouth slightly before speaking. "I understand, Miss Amalia. Hence the fascination of your brother, Mister Momchil?" The last statement was more of a question as he observed the latter, a small smile playing on his lips. Kasper looked at the boy, equally confused by the human with eyes matching his owner's, though lighter.

“Sir Elven,” Momchil said, making Elven blink at the boy as he snapped out of his thoughts. “Before you had said that Mister Kasper here had no worthwhile qualities to speak of . . . yet, if that were true, then why would it be that you keep him around? Why is it that you have taken him on as a companion, and kept him as such?” Elven looked at the boy, and then the cat. He tilted his head slightly, blinking once more. He eyed the cat slightly, wondering what made him keep the cat; why they'd both become so attached to eachother. Momchil reached out slowly, his clothed hand slipping out of the frilled material, and Elven cringed, awkwardly pulling his own sleeves down while trying not to drop the box. Maybe he had become obsessed with hiding his body, as his uncle Gamion put it.

Just as he was about to talk, Momchil carried on. “I do not understand this form of companionship, the sort between humans and animals . . . but Mister Kasper seems an interesting sort, as one well worth the strangeness.”

Well, Kasper was the weird sort of cat. He had a full black coat, silky smooth as if he'd groomed it himself in front of the mirror before leaving the house. He had different coloured eyes, one being a light blue and the other green with a ring of brown near the pupil, and the way he carried himself were as if he were a king. If Momchil had seen any other cat, he probably would have been disinterested, maybe as stoic as his sister on the subject.

Elven looked at the sky. "I guess, Mister Momchil. . . . I keep Kasper around because he keeps me around. We enjoy each other's company; he essentially saved my life when I saved his. For a cat, he's got a big personality, but he's lovable, even if he does bite me every time I mess with him." The black-haired boy let his index finger filter out, putting in in front of the cat, who was purring at Momchil and instantly caught his attention. He eyed the finger cautiously, before nipping at it quickly. Elven dodged the bite, covering his hand fully again.

"You see, I am like Kasper in many ways, Mister. I steal food from my very Sir Uncle Gamion's hands as he is about to eat it, I prod him in face to wake him when I experience nightmares, which is more than weekly, and I look down on very many people too. Opposites may attract, but I believe it was our similarities which brought us together." Elven closed his eyes, looking at the cat. He really had talked a lot about him. "He's a good cat though. So I keep him." Kasper looked at him and turned up his nose, as if to say he stays at his own volition. Elven stuck his tongue out at the cat and then mewled at him jokingly, causing Kasper to mewl back.

The youth smiled. "Kasper-cat?" he said nicely, smiling gently. "Do you want to let the nice Mister Momchil carry you? If he would like, of course. Kasper, I'm afraid you actually put a bit more weight on this already heavy box."