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Alexander Jones

"So you say you don't remember... I'll fix that"

0 · 571 views · located in Earth

a character in “An Ordinary Pirate”, as played by bfb_monster



"Every man has a certain level of pain they can tolerate.. And I'm very good at passing that level "


Appearance and Personal Info:
Nickname: Alex, sir, ANd of course... Bastard

He stands a "not-so-bad" 6,9 feet tall.

He could eat some more, just 140lbs


Scarlet and within the Scarlets he works as "the guy who gets the information"

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
Black as the feathers on his pet raven.

Skin Tone:
Pale as the sunlight in the snow.




He likes to drink the blood of his victims, says it tastes better than any vine. He can't stand drunk people and tends to slit their throat as soon as possible.
He also have a bad habit of balancing on various items when hes waiting or when he is bored.

Alexander is extremely good at getting information and killing people. And will always keep his head cold, unless you spit on him.
Also Alexander have a special talent for making girls scream... (Not in the good way though)
Plus he have an extraordinary good balance, he can literately stand on anything. Combined with his extremely agile body makes him an enemy to fear.

He will never deny who he is or what he do, which tends to get him in trouble. He never believes his victims if they tell him "But I don't know anything!" Which is the main reason he have killed so many innocent people.

Screams of pain.
Blood, as long as its others.

Screams of pleasure.
His own blood.
People with low tolerance for pain.

Doesn't think much about consequences
He doesn't have much of the thing people call "physical strength"

I'm terribly sorry about this, but I will have to say "To be RPed" here. I have a story, but I'm so bad at writing them down :(

Alexander is what you would call a crazy genius. He is best at what he is doing, but his sanity snapped somewhere in his lifetime, and now he is nothing but a sadistic, arrogant mad-man with a love of watching others bleed. People often wonder why he became a Scarltet, and the truth is: he doesn't know it himself.

Weapon: Alexander prefers agility over power, which you look at his arsenal, he have 3 pair of daggers, each pair in a different length hidden on the inside of his black trench-coat. But the weapon that really sticks out, is his ivory cane. The cane itself is not so special, but the 35 inch sword hidden inside of it is not so common among fighters.
Password: Red... blood dripping red...

So begins...

Alexander Jones's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Elder Murdock Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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* Jane has been missing for 5 days. At the moment, no one knows where she is, some say she's dead, others say she boarded another pirate's ship, or she has washed ashore on a beach. It is a cold morning, there is a chance of snow, but it isn't likely. It is about dawn. *


"People say the world is too big for me. I say I'm too big for the world."


Jane's eyes snapped open. She started to gasp for breath, where was she? Wasn't she on a pirate ship? She felt the ground around her...It felt grainy, like, like...sand. She opened her eyes, and looked around. Suddenly, the scene flashed right in front of her.
Jane stood up, this was so confusing. She rubbed her head, it took her a minute or two to figure out what had just happened...Suddenly it clicked. Once she had gone overboard, she must have washed up on this beach...And now she was soaked.
Jane looked around, and felt for her gun...Her eyes widened. She looked down at the sand, and was soon on her knees, scanning for her beloved weapon. This was not good. That gun was her only weapon. if she lost it, she was pretty much defenseless. Not only was she horrible at close combat, but what idiot would give her a weapon? There were probably wanted posters everywhere by now!
Jane let out a cry of disbelief. She needed help, she needed help, fast. Not only were there other people who wanted her dead, but there were probably Scarletts on every block by now! How long had it been, anyway? Oh, God, this was really bad. The only sane thing she could do right now was run, but she needed food, and water. She was so busy panicking she didn't realize how parched, and famished she was.
She held her breath. She was going to have to make a run through Kaylee's village, maybe a rob a few people, and run for Fern's forest...Sounds like a plan.
Jane thought, standing back up. She started to run for the village.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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"Thriest..." Alexanders voice was barley more than a whisper. "What did you see n--" But before he could finish the sentence the large guy was way out of hearing range. Alexander sighed, the Scarlets always patrolled in pairs, but why did he have to go with Thriest! He had never liked the huge soldier, respected him for his skills in combat yes, but never liked him.

Whit a new sigh Alexander started to run after Thriest, unlike the much larger fella, Alexander moved like the wind, not making a sound, and barley leaving footprints in the smooth sand.
"Found her already?" He asked Thriest when he caught up to him. He had to smile to himself, what a stupid question, he could see her with his own eyes, so why need to ask!? "Forget it" Alexander mumbled and looked at the little group of people over by the criminal, probably criminals the hole gang. "You go back and get the others, I'll follow her..." He mumbled and started to jog slowly in an angle that would cut her of in the forest where he would have the upper hand. He didn't belive for a second that Thriest had done as he was told, and was just waiting for the moment he could hear the big guy come running.

The setting changes from Earth to Fern's Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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He grunted at Alexander and kept running with footsteps that sounded like a small herd of elephants. He disliked being paired with him just as much as he disliked Thriest, but there was nothing he could do about that. Jane ran off the beach and into the village where two other people were waiting for her. Her crew perhaps? Not important, Jane held priority. "You go back and get the others, I'll follow her..." Like that was going to happen. By the time he'd gotten back to the ship, Jane would be gone and the hunt would start all over again. Jane took off, the other two remained behind. He brandished his massive blade and kept charging. The male, dressed in extravagant clothes threw a half empty bottle of rum at him. Thriest smirked and flicked his wrist, somehow slicing the bottle cleanly in half with the massive blade. He grunted, noticing that both of the others had disappeared.

He picked up the pace, not even sweating yet, and found himself in Fern's forest. So she planned to give them the slip here? He kept running, managing to catch back up with Alexander. He merely grunted recognition and kept running. He saw them then, the man and woman from before. They were talking about killing him. He grinned and brought down his sword through the tree they stood near. It deftly fell in two. He spoke then, in a voice that brought on a vision of an avalanche hurtling towards them.
"Pretty sure you can kill me eh? Are you ready to back a up a statement like that miss?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Peter finally saw another character from the scene back there - the blonde pirate. She walked his way and begun to speak saying "Well, what're we going to do about that big scarlett guy? I mean sure we can take him down, but I was already wanted dead in the east, so I doubt killing him would be a good plan. Thankfully, disappearing for about ten years has left them to assume that I'm dead." she shrugged, "Besides, do any of the three of us even have a ship?"

"Now that is a good question, I-" before Peter could continue the tree behind him split in half and he jumped forward as it happened and grabbed a handful of dirt in the process. The largely armed Scarlett was back. "Pretty sure you can kill me eh? Are you ready to back a up a statement like that miss?" Peter casually stepped in front of her, looking as if protecting her. "Excuse me, sir. It's rude to interrupt." Snow quickly pelted the dirt at the man's eyes and stepped back and to the side (while pushing her back and out of the way as well, hopefully avoiding any counter-attacks) as he drew his cutlass and aimed his pistol at the raven haired man that was nearby. "Don't think I over looked you, I am pretty experienced in stealth and precision." he hinted toward the gun in hand. "Now let's all just have a nice little chat, hm?" he tilted his head toward the blonde beside him, "and I certainly hope you can take care of the big guy, if necessary. I'll eye the follower." Could sure use a Jane Spuckler right about now too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Jane glanced over her shoulder, and watched as the male, Peter, was it? Threw his bottle of rum at the Scarlett. She bit her lip, as he cut through it the blade of the sword, and kept running.
He's going to be fun to mess with,
She thought, smiling. She whipped her head back around, just in time to catch an She grinned, and sank her teeth into the apple.
Man, that tastes good.
She thought, placing it between her teeth. Now she just needed water, which she swiped from a nearby civilian. It was in a canteen, which was quite useful. Jane, now content with what she had, made an A line for Fern's Forest. She zigged zagged through the trees, and have seemed to lose him. Jane looked around and confirmed that he wasn't on her tail anymore...
Now to find those pirates.
She thought, taking another bite of the apple. She could probably get a good sight of the forest if she climbed a tree...Jane nodded slightly, and made her way up a tree.
" do about that big scarlett guy? I mean sure we can take him down, but I was already wanted dead in the east, so I doubt killing him would be a good plan. Thankfully, disappearing for about ten years has left them to assume that I'm dead. Besides, do any of the three of us even have a ship?"
She grinned, and started to hop tree to tree to where the voice was coming from. Jane, about to hop to a new tree, almost shrieked when it split in two. She held her breath for a moment, only knowing that must have been the doings of that large Scarlett's sword. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard his voice,
"Pretty sure you can kill me eh? Are you ready to back a up a statement like that miss?"
Jane, making herself snug in the tree, watched as she took a mouthful from the canteen, and displayed an amused smile,
This will be fun to watch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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#, as written by glmstr
"Well, I was wanted dead for over a decade in the eastern kingdoms, so me surviving that long should imply I can do something for myself."
Hangyaku-sha's lips curled into a playful smile, as she realized that this scarlett was thick headed, and that was an understatement. Anyone knows it's suicide to try to have a 'fair fight' with pirates, especially when outnumbered. Part of the reason that pirates last so long is because they are the best at fighting dirty.

She reached towards the two handles inside the lower half of her coat, and gripped both of them, pulling out her two hooked blades, that seemed shaped more like animal claws than legitimate swords.

"These two are hooked and jagged so they rip and tear, instead of slice and cut, and they're plenty sharp. Remember, pirates never play fair." Yaku glanced up at Jane in the trees, hoping she'd come and help.

The setting changes from Fern's Forest to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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“Of course...” Alexander thought as his statement was confirmed, Thriest did follow him into the forest, and he did it like a wounded bear on hunt. Alexander could hear the heavy steps catch up with him and sighed as he stopped, the big guy was more than welcome to tell everyone where he was, but there wasn't a chance in heaven that he would give away Alexander's position as well. “Never so bad that it's not good for anything” He mumbled as an idea suddenly popped into his mind. When Thriest gave away his position like that, nobody would be able to hear the guy up in the trees...

With an evil grin slowly spreading across Alexander's face he quickly climbed a tree, just in time to see some leaves falling from another one, and birds taking their wings as some large creature ran through their tree, Alexander knew instinctualy what it was... A human, and probably one of the pirates. He smiled to himself as he began the chase.

The person was fast, he had to admit that, but she wasn't fast enough. And suddenly he could hear her stop, well rather, he couldn't hear her running anymore, so he assumed that she had stopped, which forced him to slow down so he wouldn't warn her about his arrival.

“Enjoying the show?” His voice was just a devilish whisper as he leaned against the tree on a branch a little above hers. He had his walking stick nonchelant held over his shoulder, like a guy with a shotgun, as he looked down at her with the evil grin which had given him the nickname “el diablo” “Would you please come with me? Or will I have to force you blondie?” He didn't care about the guys belove him, Thriest would have to take care of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Jane smiled, watching them 'bicker', as she would call it. She cocked her head to the side a bit, as Yaku pulled out two blades, which Jane thought were oddly, well, cleverly shaped. Her smile widened,
Time for the fight,
She thought, perking up a little.
“Enjoying the show?”
Jane flinched a bit,
"I was, until you showed up,"
She sighed, glancing upwards, at the Scarlett.
“Would you please come with me? Or will I have to force you miss Jane?”
"I think we both know that answer,"
She narrowed her eyes,
"I also think we both know that I plan to stay undefeated, and I'm going to stay that way."
Jane placed the apple between her teeth, and dropped to a lower branch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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The two in the trees seemed to have their own business going on now, so Peter kept all his focus on the ground with the large sworded man and the dual bladed woman beside him. "These two are hooked and jagged so they rip and tear, instead of slice and cut, and they're plenty sharp. Remember, pirates never play fair."

Peter pointed his pistol at the man's legs and the cutlass pointed at his chest. "Any chance of you backing down now and running off? Cause I'm afraid she is right. We don't fight too pretty." Two of us and one of him. Jane can go either way with that man up there. Wonderful. I am not prepared to make this a life or death battle. Win or lose is another matter entirely. If I lose I'll simply make myself disappear... on second thought, why not do that sooner rather than later? They could escape with me, then we can get this meeting under control. His mind thought of the smoke grenade in his pocket that he had stolen from a soldier just last week at an outpost. Might as well hear this guy's answer though.

The setting changes from Earth to Fern's Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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He blocked the flying dirt with his left arm, it was a cheap but effective trick. It was also very predictable. He straightened up as the blonde woman drew two wickedly curved and jagged swords, looking more like claws than an actual sword. They also looked quite painful.
"These two are hooked and jagged so they rip and tear, instead of slice and cut, and they're plenty sharp. Remember, pirates never play fair."
He eyed the man as he drew a cutlass and pistol, aiming at his legs and his chest.
"Any chance of you backing down now and running off? Cause I'm afraid she is right. We don't fight too pretty."
His eyes widened slightly, looking more offended than shocked. "Run off? Do these look like the muscles of a man who runs off!?" His voice rumbled through the forest like a herd of angry, wild animals as he thrust his sword into the ground, the earth around the blade shattering like glass and jutting out in huge chunks, and flexed his massive torso, literally ripping his shirt into tiny shreds which floated slowly to the forest floor.
They did not look at all like the muscles of a man who ran off. Hell, the man looked like something you'd see carved out of stone and placed in a museum somewhere.
"I will not run off like a cowardly pirate!" He flexed again in a different pose that placed both his hands closer to the hewn tree. Suddenly he grasped the tree and swung, throwing the massive piece of lumber at the two pirates. He quickly retrieved his sword and grinned. "But I'm not exactly big on fighting fair either."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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#, as written by glmstr
Hangyaku had barely enough time to listen to the man talk when he threw the halved tree at the two of them.
She quickly ducked under it while swiping upwards with her left (lesser) dagger, splitting the piece of wood in a way that looks more like it was gnawed on by an animal.

With her balance regained, and the projectile (barely) avoided, she braced herself, ready for whatever move the brute may have next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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#, as written by glmstr
"We need to make a break for it. Mr. Muscles will be a pain in the ass to kill, not mentioning the other two with him." Hangyaku-sha quickly turned about-face, in the direction Jane was in. She took her right (greater) sword and cocked her arm back, and saying in a more hushed tone to Peter,
"I'm going to get Jane down from that tree, and I need you to catch her whilst we run."
She gave him a few moments to process it, before swinging her arm and hurling the sword at the tree branch Jane was in. Once she saw the blade rip through the branch and cause Jane to start falling, she rocketed after her falling weapon, ready to dive and catch it.

The setting changes from Fern's Forest to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Jane watched as the talking progressed, glancing back at the Scarlett for any moves he might pull,
"And it's just about to get good!"
She exclaimed, watching as the other Scarlett swung the tree at them. She stepped a bit forward, watching, highly entertained by the 'show'. Suddenly, it seemed Peter dropped a smoke bomb...
"Wait, what is she--"
Jane watched as Hangyaku-sha threw her blade at the branch Jane was standing on.
"Oh, crap."
She muttered, already felling herself start to fall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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"Chance!" He roared. The fired shot didn't have much effect other than hurting his ears a little bit. The female pirate was over yonder, recovering her sword, and the male pirate had put his away AND turned his back to Thriest. Bad move. Thriest's legs shot him off like a speeding bullet, running into, and then over, the male pirate like an avalanche of muscle. He leapt a shocking height for his bulk, nearly five feet, snatched Jane out of the air and hit the ground running, throwing the woman over his left shoulder, leaving his weapon hand free. All he had to do now was make it back to the ship. He growled like a feral animal, forcing his leg muscles to work harder and faster, eating up the ground and putting a completely unfair distance between himself and the pirates.

The setting changes from Earth to Fern's Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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#, as written by glmstr
The meat-stack had just bowled over Peter, taken Jane, and was already running. Hangyaku knew she had to stop him before he got to a ship. She took off after him with her greater dagger held back, ready to throw. He sped up and she did too, slowly gaining on him. Now there was only about 15 feet between them, and Yaku knew this was her chance.

She pulled her arm back, focused on the man's legs and hurled the weapon at him, the wicked hooked blade spinning and whistling through the air.
If this fails, Jane is done for,Yaku was already beginning to worry.

The setting changes from Fern's Forest to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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The bull came charging and barreled over Peter, grabbing onto Jane and running off with his prize. "Who's running off now?!" he yelled to the man who just fumed over saying he wouldn't back off and go.

"You got three seconds to run away" came the voice of the other Scarlett right beside him.

Please. Close range is what I'm good for. Peter drew his cutlass again and told blonde pirate that he'd hold this guy at bay - she was already close to the big guy anyhow. Seems we're on the same thought pattern then.

"Sorry, I'm not a good listener. Let's dance." He pointed his cutlass at the man and prepared to dodge or deflect whatever he had to offer. Just fight to wound and lets get the hell outta here guys... Peter looked closely at the surroundings to see what advantages he could make for himself.

The setting changes from Earth to Fern's Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Thriest hadn't been paying much attention to the blonde woman, or her knife. But it seemed luck was on his side, for this massive blade swung out behind him as he ran, knocking the knife aside as it flew for his legs. He heard the clang of steel and looked over his shoulder, seeing the woman. He grit his teeth, held on tighter to Jane, and ran harder, his huge feet thumping hard on the forest floor.
Perhaps he was running off, but capturing Jane took priority over his pride. He yelled to Alexander before he was out of ear shot. "I'll leave them to you! Try not to die before I get back!"

The setting changes from Fern's Forest to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Jane's instincts were like lightening. As soon as she saw his sword hit the blade, she stretched out her arms, catching it. The first time luck had finally turned her way!
Jane, now holding the blade, almost instantly shoved it into the Scarlett's skull, and in and out several times. There was no way he could get her to stop, other than letting go.
She chanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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He blinked when he saw Jane catch the sword. That could end badly. She was about stab him it looked like, so he grabbed the collar of her shirt, held her out, and slammed the pommel of his sword into her temple, knocking her out cold. He did all this while running from the other two pirates, threw her unconscious body over his shoulder again, and kept running.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Spuckler Character Portrait: Peter "Snow" Ancel Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Hangyaku-Sha 'Yaku' Character Portrait: Thriest Van-Ike
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Jane panicked when she felt herself being lifted into the air. She had to think something up fast. Really fast. As a last second attack, she threw the knife at his legs, right before the world turned black.