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Altam Haytham

"With my song in your heart, there's nothing we can't do!"

0 · 508 views · located in The City of Anthemia

a character in “Anthemia Academy for Hunters||Remaster”, as played by Golgari



"With my song in your heart, there's nothing we can't do."


NAME: Altam Haytham

AGE: 17

HEIGHT: 5'0"


HOMELAND: Ura, The Desert Wastes




✔Insects(especially butterflies)

✘Those who pick on the weak
✘Spicy Food

Eternal Optimism: It is incredibly hard for Altam to see the darker side of life. He views the world through a gold-tinted lens, seeing the good in everything and everyone. This chipper attitude makes him very good at cheering people up and even making the most shell-shocked soldier see the world as not that bad of a place after all.

Nimble Fingers: From his practice playing the flute, Altam is very dexterous. Picking locks, pockets and climbing up buildings are nothing but a trifle to the boy.

Magically Gifted - Air: Being the only type of magic he can use, Altam is extremely adept at wind magic, almost rivaling some masters in sheer strength. This power can only fully manifest in times of great emotional heights or clear life-or-death situations.

Levitation/Flight: Being a prodigy of air, Altam is able to constantly levitate without draining any energy, a fact the boy takes advantage of constantly. He is also capable of flight but some restrictions. It is more taxing on him then levitation is and he must have something to ride on, be it a carpet or some other light object. His turban can unfold to fulfill this purpose.


Physically Weak: Even though his magically abilities are great, Altam cannot take a hit at all in close combat. His small and skinny body can be easily overcome in close quarters, rendering him helpless if he can't focus enough to cast a spell or play a song.

Gullible: Altam believes that a promise can never be broken and that when you give your word you are bound by law to fulfill it. This leads to him being incredibly gullible and trusting of other people.

Allergic to Guilt: Altam does not handle guilt well. It weighs heavily on the boy's mind, inhibiting spellcasting and plaguing him with terrible nightmares.

Reckless: Though he doesn't go out of his way to disobey orders or plans, Altam simply doesn't think his actions through and relies on instincts and luck to get him by.

PERSONALITY: Altam is that kid who never stops smiling and can make you do so as well even in the bleakest of times. He can't even name someone who dislikes him off the top of his head and tries maintain friendships with everyone he meets. Bold and adventurous, Altam is known for his wild voyages into the desert wastes of Ura during breaks, often accompanied by a few select students.
Though he doesn't look it, Altam is actually quite the pervert but only in the subtlest of ways. One of his favorites is getting hugs from women and just happening to be perfect boob height. These situations seem to happen more often then not due to his adorable size and face, a fact that Altam exploits to the fullest.

Though usually not one to start the conversation, Altam is very sociable when given the chance and, despite his perversions, still very innocent. He believes promises are law and that one's word is an unbreakable code. He is strong willed and does not give up hope easily, relishing in the thought that it will get better. Though he isn't scared of death he's terrified of being the cause, either through poor decision making or a wayward spell. He simply cannot handle guilt and is still plagued with terrible nightmares from an accident twelve years ago.

BIOGRAPHY: Born into a troupe of circus performers, Altam didn't exactly have a normal life. He grew up around what society called freaks of nature. The Bearded Woman, Beryl the Human Lightbulb, the list goes on. At the age of five he learned how to use basic wind magic, flying around on his blanket and blowing away mommy's napkins.
When winter descended upon the lands, his mother grew ill. Barely holding onto her life, the troupe made their way to Ura to find the cure but it was already too late. After three grueling days on the hot sands she passed away in the dead of night, her son desperately trying to force the breathe back into her lungs.

Something in Altam snapped.

With a scream of rage and despair, violent gusts ripped through the campgrounds, slicing through anything in their way. The performers were launched into the air piece by piece until the only left standing was a small boy and a corpse. Suddenly large creatures crept out from behind the dunes, drawn to the immense concentration of magic that had just disappeared. Too afraid to even scream, Altam flew through the starry sky into the desert, the daemons close behind. As the chase grew longer Altam descended lower and lower towards the shifting sands until he could fly no more. He took refuge in a small tomb sticking from the sand. The tomb was ancient, with pictures of great beasts and kings lining the walls. Right in the center of the room was a flute made of polished gold, shining like the day it was first crafted. A loud crash came from the door. The daemons had caught up. In a fit of panic, Altam grabbed he flute and blew. A soft note hovered across the room and the beasts stopped, all the malice and hunger drawn from their bodies. Turning back, they slinked into the desert. Clutching the flute tightly to his chest, Altam's eyes drifted closed.




A magical flute used by kings of old. The songs played by this flute have mind-affecting properties, allowing one without any Mental magic to become a medium. The flute is not limited to Mental magic but it does make up the majority of spells cast with it. It is also engraved with a summoning spell that returns it to the owner when uttered. The effects of songs can range from calming those who hear it to controlling weak-willed daemons and can be only heard by specific targets the caster wants to hear. These affects only last as long as Altam is playing his flute. The songs Altam knows are as follows

*Refrain: Instantly calms all who hear it, reducing aggression.
*Anthem: Raises the aggressiveness of all who hear it.
*Cacaphany: A loud, shrill noise that damages enemies. Capable of deafening at close range.
*Chirpy Tune: Heals small wounds(cuts, bruises, aches, ect..)from the listeners.
*Quick March: Slightly reduces the gravity of the listeners, making them more agile.
*Mage's Ballad: Restores some of an allies missing energy in exchange for some of Altam's.
*Foe's Requiem: Makes the listeners more susceptible to magic for the duration of the song. Quickly drains Altam's energy.


The weaponized and most common form of his familiar, Shamal works as a conduit for Altam's wind magic. Shamal has the ability to amplify wind magic, thus somewhat bypassing Altam's mental block. When using Shamal, Altam can harness sixty percent of his power instead of forty.


Air Magic: Altam is a prodigy of wind magic, able to whip up storms in mere seconds and slice the wings off a fly with a single blade of wind. However, this power is usually contained by a mental block. This stops him from using a good sixty percent of his power. This can be bypassed to an extent by intense emotions(strong gusts of wind blowing around when angry, ect...) and completely removed by known life-or-death situations where fleeing isn't an option.

Summoning Magic: Though he has dabbled n the art of summoning, Altam cannot use more than one familiar. He is capable of creating small things and summoning his flute and Shamal.

Flute Magic: Altem is incredibly adept at using his flute, being able to switch songs in the middle of a note. At the moment ha can target up to five things but this will increase with his experience.


The only familiar of Altem, Shamal had been sent to observe the boy since his birth and since then has become great friends with him. While not able to do anything on his own, he is able to boost Altem's wind magic. He is also able to act as a conduit, releasing wind spells from his body instead of the caster's allowing for very tricky tactical attacks.

Almost impossible to dislike
Good at getting information due to trusting face
Nimble and can climb almost anything.

Theme Songs [url=normal theme][/url] [url=battle theme][/url]
Will update with profile picture at later date

So begins...

Altam Haytham's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Althaia Psykhe Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart
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#, as written by Golgari
The wind around the school always tasted like lemons. It was one of the few universal constants of this world. The sun rises in the east, water is a liquid and Anthemia air tasted like lemons. Altam licked his lips, trying to savor the sweet breeze. It was a nice change from the sandy gusts of Ura, where he'd spent his whole time out of class. He reached behind him and patted his treasures to make sure they were still secure in the bag. Though not nearly as fruitful as his previous foray into the desert, he had stumbled upon an abandoned village and picked up some neat souvenirs for Cuddy and a few others. Honestly Altam was amazed the school's robot was able to find him. He wasn't exactly a technomaster but they had to be rocking some pretty good locating software to find him in the middle of a desert.

"Hey Shamal, you don't think the teacher's gonna be mean, do you?" the boy asked, his voice as light as the cloth they were riding on. The wooden staff shook in his hands.

'I still can't believe I know who he is and you don't. I'm a million year old wind spirit and even I've heard of the incredible Asher Donovan!' The boy shrugged and fell backwards onto the quickly moving sheet. Though the air had changed, it would still be a good ten minutes until they arrived at the school. Altam squirmed with excitement. He had so many stories to tell and songs to play that he didn't even know where to begin.

It wasn't long before the landscape gave way to stone walkways and large buildings. He peered over the side of his carpet and marveled at the sheer lack of people outside. "Everyone must be in class." He said matter-of=factly. It was about a minute of aimless flying later that it dawned on him. He wasn't in class! With as much speed as he could muster Altam raced towards the largest building, looking through the windows at a breakneck pace for Cuddy's cute face. However, what caught his attention wasn't his B.F.F but a gigantic metallic dragon hovering in front of a window. Altam yelled in relief.

"Frank! Am I glad to see you!" The dragon turned and acknowledged the boy before turning back to observe his master. Sliding up beside him, Altam lifted the window up just enough to fly through and floated into the room, quickly followed by a swift breeze.

"Sorry I'm late, I flew as fast as I could!" He hopped off his turban into thin air, hovering above the ground as the blanket wrapped itself back around his head. he floated into cuddy at top speed, embracing his friend in a hug and whisking them both higher into the air. "Cuddy! I missed you so much! I have sooooo much to tell you about what I found!" A small grunt emanated from the front of the room. The new teacher no doubt. After placing his friend gently on the ground Altam reluctantly landed and weakly strode to the celebrity who was now teaching their class. It was a difficult journey to say the least. It had been months since Altam had last touched solid ground and his legs threatened to buckle at any moment.

"Hi there sir, I'm Altam Haytham! Nice to meet you!" He bowed respectfully and pushed himself off the ground, turning it into a frontflip and zipping over to his bag of treasure.

"Where is it...." He mumbled, digging through his sack. "Ahh! Here it is!" A small wooden idol emerged from the bag, completely covered in markings and carved into the shape if a giant toothed beast. With a small gesture the idol floated beside Cuddy.

"I told you I'd bring you something didn't I?" Altam smiled and looked around the room. He had met almost everyone there some time in his life. Almost. With a look of intense curiosity he floated over to the girl with two shades of hair. There seemed to be no joy in her eyes and that was something that Altam could not stand for. A small bronze box the size of a baseball drifted slowly out of the treasure bag and onto the desk in front of her.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too." He smiled brightly at the strange girl and flew back to his seat, hovering upside down over his desk. "This is going to be a great year, I just know it!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: Altam Haytham Character Portrait: Cuddy Vann Character Portrait: Allura Carrington
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#, as written by Kapento
Cuddy Vann


"Cuddy Vann, right?"

Losing interest in that which he was tinkering with moments before, the blonde boy tipped his head up a little in-response to the voice that beckoned his name. Having not really paid much attention to those who came in after him, it took a minute or so for the boy to snap into action, before giving a confirming nod. He was even a little in awe over the boy who greeted him as he studied his features.

"Oh aye, yeah! I'm Cuddy Vann." He said with his usual upbeat tone. For a moment or so, the other student seemed distracted by something, which gave Cuddy a good chance to think back and recall the boys name. Perhaps not deliberately, but he knew he'd have ought to have vaguely heard it without realizing. Now what was it? It began with a A? B? Oh, a D! Du... Du... Dur...

"Oh, sorry about that, a little distraction there." Tilting his head slightly and running a hand through his lightly toned hair, Cuddy still pondered briefly over the boy's name. The very thing was on the tip of his tongue! Just then, however, he curiously watched as his pen began doodling on it's own. Well that's pretty cool! He grinned amusingly, watching as the boy put forward his hand. "Put her there."

"Nice tah' meet you." Taking hold of the boys hand he shook it eagerly, feeling quite relived that the student was rather nice despite his appearance. It took a minute or so before Cuddy realized he was still handing on to the guy's hand, to which he then released it, and chuckled funnily. "Ah! Your name's Duran, right? Knew I'd remember it. Say, your a pretty cool looking guy!"

"Today we’ll be doing an exercise..." As their teacher spoke, Cuddy allowed his attention to drift over towards the older man. It seemed everyone must've arrived now, since everything was in motion."I’ve sorted you all by what I believe to be the best combinations for a team. If you feel you’ll have troubles with your new teammates, you can always talk privately with me, let’s begin."

"Well look at that, we got out teams! Seems we're destined to not be together, but it was really nice meeting you, Duran." He said to the boy, as his stare focused on the student once again. "I guess I'll be seeing you around bro', if that's cool? Anyways I better find my team!"

The search for his teammates didn't take long, not at all. Before he knew it one had already found him. "Ah...I-I'm Maddox, nice to meet you..."

Immediately Cuddy stood up and warmly greeted the boy as he shook his hand. At first, Maddox seemed quite nervous, or something along those lines. Either way that wouldn't bother Cuddy. "So your Maddox, huh? I think I've seen you around. I'm Cuddy so you know." Releasing the boy's grip Cuddy offered a friendly smile in hopes of making less awkwardness. "Looks like we're team-buds. Haha, this is awesome!"

Realizing they still had a teammate to find, Cuddy quickly glanced around the room before his eyes landed on a curious figure just nearby to him. That could be her I guess. He turned to Maddox. "I'm thinkin' that could be our third member? Come on!" He tugged on a piece of the boy's clothing, almost ready to drag Maddox with him as the excitement grew within himself. However, he soon settled on motioning for the boy to follow as he turned to head over to the girl. Figuring it would make a better impression for now.

As he was about to walk over a familiar face suddenly appeared into the room. He knew who it was without a doubt, more so by the sudden embrace that he knew all-too well. It was his good friend and best-est buddy, Altam. "Cuddy! I missed you so much! I have sooooo much to tell you about what I found!" The boy said excitedly. As much as he would've loved to have chatted more, there were things that need his attention, pronto. "Chill dude, we can catch up later! I so wanna hear about what you found, but later. Alrighty?" The other boy soon left as he wandered over to a girl nearby, which gave Cuddy a moment to refocus on his team.

The class was in full motion and Cuddy knew his priority right now was getting his team together. With that, he put the small idol given by his friend into his bag before managing to make his way over to the girl in question, with Maddox in tow, and leaned down curiously at her. He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't know if she was the right person either. "Hey, are you Allura? We're your teammates if so. My names Cuddy, and this guy here is Maddox." He offered out his hand to her, smiling as he did, awaiting a response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Altam Haytham
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#, as written by Feyblue

The supersoldier gave a silent groan, turning her eyes to the window as her momentary focus on the annoyingly loud hammer girl caused countless other voices to come flooding into her mind.

"Maybe you should try to be less of a total bitch!" Snapped one angry voice.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I offend her somehow? But all I did was talk... Was she actually reading my mind? If so, for what reason?" Wondered another, sounding hurt.

"If she's not cut out for the academy, then..." Lorelei gritted her teeth, shutting her eyes as she desperately tried to drive out the countless disgusted voices that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. Of course, actually paying attention to somebody else had been a mistake. She knew that, and yet she'd been so annoyed by that girl's perky attitude - She had to have been mocking her. Why else would she start a conversation with someone like Lorelei? - that she'd been unable to keep her calm and had snapped at her. And look where it had gotten her. Now she'd made another scene and blown her one and only second chance at starting over here. Why did it always have to be this way? It would be so much easier if people would just mind their own business and leave her alone. They hated her - that she knew - so why didn't they just ignore her and go about their own lives?! It didn't make any sense to interact with someone you despised, so why did people still choose to even come close to her? She was a freak, she knew that, everybody knew that! If they didn't want to have their thoughts read, then they should have just stayed away from her! Yet, even knowing about what she was, people still kept on trying to get reactions out of her... be they positive or negative.

With a dull clank, a small bronze box about the size of her palm landed on the desk in front of her. Her eyes snapped open and upwards to see where it had come from, only to find a young boy - she would have said he looked like he was only 11 years old or so, but his physique told a different story. Was he a midget or something? - floating above her, riding on what looked to be a disproportionately large turban. The image he presented was so comical, even she, the legendary ice queen, probably wouldn't have been able to stifle a laugh if she wasn't so confused by who he was, what exactly he had just given her, and what he thought he was doing.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too," Said the childish young man, grinning as though this non sequitur statement explained everything. With a knowing smile, he turned and flew away, leaving her opening and closing her mouth a few times, still not really sure what exactly had even happened. Pocketing the strange box in one of many small slits in the lining of her tabard, she then realized that the teacher had already begun speaking. She mentally slapped herself. If she didn't pay more attention to class and less to her classmates, she'd ruin herself - well, even more than she already had, anyway.

Unfortunately, things weren't exactly looking good for her regardless. Just her luck, she was being assigned to team up with some other students who would probably make it their lives' goals to drive her insane, assuming they weren't incompetent idiots. And, even worse, she couldn't even tell who she was going to be partnered with, since she didn't know even one of her classmates by name, and, even if she did, the announcement was in writing, and she couldn't read. She glared angrily at the list for a few seconds as though her sheer determination to understand it would mystically grant her the ability to both comprehend the names of those written on the sheet and pick them out from the rest of the class, but at last she gave up, sighing as she turned her gaze back out the window, trying to see the blue sky beyond the giant, hulking dragon made of trash in the courtyard. Considering most people in the school knew her simply as NHP-S17 - the numbers in which, which she could at least recognize, were pointedly absent from the sheet - the other members of her team probably wouldn't be able to recognize her, either. She supposed the only thing to do would be to wait until everybody had found their partners and then look for one group that was missing a person. Resigning herself to her need to utilize her powers, she kept her mind trained on the crowd around her, focusing intently on the word "Lorelei" and searching for any thoughts that might involve her in some way. She'd find her team one way or another. She just doubted she'd enjoy it.