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Kenji Yamanaka

"One must become a monster to destroy one."

0 · 485 views · located in The City of Anthemia

a character in “Anthemia Academy for Hunters||Remaster”, as played by Ahri



"I'm a monster created to kill monsters."


Kenji Yamanaka


6' 1''



✔Romance Novels
✔Having Fun

✘His Darkness
✘Leaving Home
✘Old Memories

Kenji because of his past gave him the gift or curse depending on if you ask him, gives him an exceeding amount of strength and speed that beyond a normal person. His body is also able to resist a considerable amount of pain while the affect takes a toll on him if treated he seems never to be left with any scars exept for the first one he ever got during the transplant. While he may be hotheaded he exerts a surprising amount of concentration to be able to manipulate his flames with his mind while his body is running rampant. Since he was young Kenji has been trained in the art of close-quarter combat, with his katana, and over the years he has become quite formidable with it some even consider him an expert. As well he has an amazing capacity for stamina, though not without it's own drawbacks.

While on the outside Kenji may seem strong and unbreakable, on the inside he is everything, but that. Because of his childhood, during certain situations he can be prone to getting flashbacks which either set him off or send him into a stunned state. As well his persona out of combat and in combat are two different people almost entirely. During fighting Kenji gets hotheaded and arrogant working poorly with others and always trying to take things head on and won't let anything get in his way of killing his enemy no matter who it is. While his procedure enhanced a lot of his physical attributes they also came with heavy drawbacks. Though he has amazing stamina when he hits his limit it's not like he just collapses, he destroys his own body when fighting to might. The strength he uses is to much for his bones and muscles when fighting so when he hits his limits, it's as if everything goes at once and he goes limp unable to even move an inch while being in an incredible amount of agony. While his heart was what he was suppose to have fix it's still his crutch, at random times his heart will give way and it's as if he was just shot in the heart. Though he does have pills to counter the affects that he takes daily, if he does forget to take them his heart creeps up on him at any moment.

Kenji is usually seen as the life of the party, or as a class clown by others. With a happy aura that seems to come off of him almost all the time many enjoy being around him just to enjoy some good laughs and have fun. He is also very supportive as a friend and likes to help others with anything, even though he may get lazy and turn into a slug half way through. Along with his supportive attitude he is highly protective of his friends in fear that they might not be their when he turns around to look back at them. While some see it as annoying Kenji enjoys getting close to people, though he keeps his past a secret from almost everyone, and likes to get people out of their comfort zone and break into their bubbles. Though it may seem he would make friends easily, he has no true friends expect Riku, since he may have fun and hang around with a group, but almost just as quick joining them he is to leave as he never feels actual connections with anyone. He longs for a true bond between someone which can be hard since some people are intimidated by his outgoing personality.
At the same time of him being very friendly he can be extremely headstrong. Almost always Kenji is prone to getting into fights and is quite violent as said by almost anyone who knows of him. With very few things he will back down from even if he knows he will lose, though he hates losing and the term sore loser is almost an exact match to him. Still their is a difference between his "play" fighting and his real fighting. When it comes to fighting daemons he becomes someone almost entirely different. The whole supporting people and wanting to help goes right out the window and he will charge right in without any form of a plan. Trying to work with him during combat is like trying to give a cat a bath, almost always it never works out. He also becomes increasingly angry and it's common for him to lash out at those around him. Not to mention it's a very poor idea to try and get between him and his foe as hes not afraid to try and go right through you.

Kenji's past has been his darkest hour, and has created some bad sides of him. Though he tries not to let it hinder him, with it working most of the time, but here and there he slips on through. Like when he is fighting Daemons or when he tries to make emotional connections with people, but in general he is seen as very outgoing. Which some like and others can find annoying, but Kenji cares little for what others think about him as he is use to being talked about being his appearance is quite unusual. Because of his procedure he has gained a tail, elongated ears, and slight fangs which some see as Daemon traits which has caused countless situations when he was younger. Because of those situations he keeps his tail hidden and plays his ears off as just a weird trait. Whenever he is not alone he keeps his tail wrapped around his torso, and since no one has ever really gotten close to him no one has ever found out about it and his past since he started school.


ImageKenji was born in Kozamu, during birth his mother died having him. Though he didn't come out unscathed either, he was born with a very serious heart problem with doctors saying he wouldnt live long. His father Sato Yamanaka swore that he would keep his son alive at all costs and wouldn't allow him to die young he only wanted a love and happy life for his only son. Still Kozamu wasn't a place known for it's medical expertise and so no matter how many people he went to all of them said the same thing, their was no hope he was destined to die. Sato wouldn't give up he would go to the end of the world if need be. When Kenji was four his father took him and traveled to Leviathan the last hope to find a cure to his heart condition. It wasn't until he was seven when a group of men approached Sato on the street saying they had a cure for Kenji's heart problems, but it would take a few years for it to be finished with regular meetings and he would have to stay with them. The deal sounded suspicious of course, but Sato convinced them to allow him to come as well and he accepted because a small chance was better then none.

For two years he was given pills and regular blood tests with special exams every few months. The problem had been slowed, but not cured. They were put up in a sizable house, bigger then any they had ever come close to living in and it was connected to a laboratory where Kenji would take his tests though they were not allowed to explore at all. It was about that time when Kenji's father started to teach him how to use a Katana, as to give him the families heirloom when when he was ready to receive it. The days passed by slowly Sato and Kenji lived out a seemingly happy life as they both assumed all was going well since their had been no problems and soon Kenji would be free of his supposed fate. Though it wasn't an ordinary life for Kenji since he didn't get to meet anyone of his own age or have any friends it was ok since his father made him laugh and have fun day in and day out. He even started to teach him how to cook, with so much free time on his hands he devoted himself to practicing his cooking and sword skills. That's when the shadows started to appear.

Out of the blue the group of doctors asked Sato for the family Katana saying they needed something to create as a medium as to separate the hex that was placed on him. It was strange as Sato had been told it was a rare heart condition and not any hex related issue, but he was not in the position to refuse as it meant the end of the line for sure with not much time left. Kenji had two familiers Riku and Seath who kept him company whenever he needed it. His heart though was reaching it's limits, the pains came almost daily and the pills which had once kept it at bay seemed almost ineffective now. Sato begged the doctors to quicken whatever method they had discovered, a slow grin peaked through the fake smiles as they said if he handed Kenji over to them for a week he would be cured, but he couldn't have any contact with him what so ever in the time frame as it would mess with the process. He could see something wasn't right here, but their was nothing left for him to do so he accepted.
The days went by for Sato dark and lonely each passing second seemed like a million years, but soon it would all be fixed. Or so he thought, the part of the laboratory that was set up as a clinic was only a front for a larger, darker reason. Behind the closed doors was a group of not doctors, but scientists who wished nothing more then the destruction of all demons from this world at any cost. They saw the human face as weak though since all we could do was stay on the defensive never taking back the world which was ours. So they sought out a way to make a hybrid of human and fae and in doing so they would be gods, but it could not work the host to a fae spirit would die and the reverse would be an uncontrollable fae which was more of a daemon then a fae. So they tried mixing a human and daemon, but the result was the same it seemed as if it was impossible until they tried one last attempt at it with a chance in ideas. Through countless tests they had learned a daemon would empower the body until it was ripped apart, but a fae would drain the body because the body would be attempting to control the power so what if you mixed the two to counter act the affects, but the two couldn't be placed in a single body so that's when the family sword came into play.

Using the blade as a medium they could take the spirit of one of his blood linked familiars and link it to him giving him the powers that way though it would still drain him until he died, but by implanting daemon blood and other parts into him and using him as a medium for a daemon they could achieve a balance and make a being that could cleanse this world of daemons and weak humans. As the week slowly went by it came to an end when the link between the blade and his familiar worked though Seath was killed in the process his power was now in the blade, but it was successfully linked with Kenji. With the daemon planted in him as well his body was able to balance the power and the liquid drained for the tube he was being kept in. As Kenji opened his eyes gaining conciseness he looked around to see failed projects and testing going on, the scene shocked him to his core. Instantly he could feel Seath's disappearance, but the scientists just looked at him with wide grins explaining to him what he was. A daemon inside with a link to fae power an unstoppable force and soon an army would be raised of people just like him. Just hearing them explain that set him off, having to deal with the fact he had lost Seath forever and knowing that he was a daemon now. The held up a mirror, all Kenji could see was strange ears and a blackened daemonic tail. Instantly he exploded into a rage and for the first time blue flames exploded from his body and they jumped for excitement, one of them approached with the Watasku in an attempt to give it to him to see his true power slowly unsheathing it as he got closer. Kenji reached out, but they assumed he was reaching for the blade instead he grabbed the mans wrist and set him ablaze. Their reaction changed just like that they had realized what they had created a monster who they could not tame, spouts of flames shot all over burning anything and everything they made contact with no one could run. Kenji picked up the blade and the sheathed and combed the laboratory slaying anyone who would get in his way though the daemon instincts were what was really in control.
Sato awoke to the smell of burning and when he looked out the window the whole building was set ablaze by blue flames. He rushed over hoping that Kenji would be alive inside, but when he opened the front doors he was meet with the last of the scientists rushing towards him shouting daemon and save me. Sato drew his pistol, as he was a slayer he was ready to fight what ever daemon showed up, but he wasn't truly ready. As around the corner with bright blue flames everywhere his ten year old son with a black tail and long ears approached and with only a flick of the blade which had been used to only kill daemons for centuries sent a stream of blue flames cutting down the last of the fleeing scientists. All that was left was his father that stood between him and the doorway. Though he had lost all control all he wished was death, his fathers cries and pleads fell on deft ears. Sato had realized that he was the reason his son had become this way and his only thought was to fix what he had done. Rushing forwards dodging the incoming blasts of flames he slide right up to Kenji pistol in hand all that was needed was one bullet and it would be over he would be alive and his son freed from his curse, but his life as well. Instead though he grabbed the sheath and the handle of the Katana and slide it closed sheathing it. The flames slowly diminished and Kenji resumed control over his body, but it was to late when his eyes refocused all he saw was his father smiling with blue flames covering his body slowly burning him away. Kenji broke out in tears, but it was too late his father was gone.
With no where left to go he returned home to Kozamu though with his tail hidden and a sadden expression on his face. He found his fathers best friend who was a doctor back home he asked for a check up and that was all, but his fathers friend asked where was Sato. Kenji burst into tears once more and went over the whole story, the story left only a shocked expression on the friends face, but it soon turned to a face of pity. He gave him a home and taught him how to control his flames as best he could after a check-up though they learned a sad truth the scientists who thought they created a new race were far from it. His body only lasted because he had the will to tame the power, but they failed to understand that power couldn't cure his heart so he was still endanger of his heart giving way. Though it seemed as if the chance of failure had lessened and he had a chance to possible live out a full life he took it easy and didn't exert himself. Night after night, day after day he slumped around the house not muttering a word it wasn't until his fathers friend, who became his foster father, told him that his father would not wish him to be this way and the reason he sacrificed himself was so that he could live a full life. The words hit Kenji deep and the darkness around him started to fade. He decided he was going to life a new life and leave his past behind him and honor his father by becoming someone who smiled and played like they did when he was young. He spent about four years training and having fun around the town, but he felt incomplete his father was a skilled slayer back in his time, but he gave it up when Kenji was born. So he saw it as another way to honor his father and so he thanked his foster father and set off for the one place where he could learn to kill daemons and become the greatest slayer in history. With Riku at his side and his tail hidden he set off a daemon ready to kill daemons.


Kenji uses the blade of his ancestors the Watasku. The Katana has been passed down from father to son for as long as someone can trace in his timeline. Though Kenji was not given the chance to get the blade handed to him by his father, he did claim it after finding it and uses it as his main weapon during combat besides his flames and Riku. For him the blade is the last thing he has of his father and so he keeps it very close to him and treasures it more then his very own life. Because of the advancement in technology though Kenji was able to find someone to modify the sheath of the blade so that it is able to repress his own magick when sheathed, but when unsheathed it would unleash his full powers. The reason this must be done is because his body was never meant to be able to handle that much energy, without it being suppressed when not fighting he would have died when he was a child. Still he insisted it not be permanently sealed as it comes in handy when fighting as it lets him fully let go and unleash his power.

While most think Kenji uses a strange form of fire magick that is farm from the truth. He born a slayer, summoner with almost no magick compatibility at all though he did gain a form of magick after his procedure. After he was fused with Seath he gained the abilities of Seath and was able to manipulate the blue flames that were unique to his familiar. Though it was to much for his body when young he was able to seal most of the powers away because of the Watasku's combination with technology he was able to suppress the powers when not needed and unleash them when the time is right. Kenji is still able to manipulate and conjure his blue flames when his blade is sheathed, but it is on a very small scale. Only when his blade is unsheathed does he gain full control over his blue flames and is able to conjure a large amount. It is quite obvious when he does it as well, because as his blade is unsheathed a aura almost of blue flames start to appear around him and a flash of flames come from the inside of the sheath. The flames them self are extremely hot and the only one who seems resistant to them are Kenji himself.

Kenji when a child had two familiers Riku and Seath who were twins they looked so similar the only thing that made them seem different were two things. First they had polar opposite personalities with, Riku being playful and energetic and following Kenji very close hating to have any distance between them. Riku was and still is most commonly found perched on Kenji's shoulder and when he sleeps Riku lays right on Kenji's back. Though Seath on the other hand was serious and liked to sleep a lot. He was not even half as clingy as Riku was as well. The only other thing beside voice that made them different were their powers. Seath had the power to manipulate a blue flame with absolute precision. While Riku is able to manipulate his size, though to not strain Kenji to much he keeps only two sizes most of the time. When just out and about he is the size of a cat, but when in combat or if Kenji just wants a ride he grows to be a quite large being the shape of a tiger, but with the size of a medium sized elephant. Along with the size change he gains strength and speed to match his size. Both are able to speak to Kenji with a mind link, but they are unable to speak to anyone else the sounds they make only come out as a cat noise. Riku is Kenji's only current familiar though since Seath was fused together with Kenji, thus granting him Seath's abilities and some others, but not without some costs. That's history though.

Cooking have you tasted true greatness, no? Then you have not tasted Kenji's cooking, since he was young Kenji has been cooking almost as much as he practices his sword play. Because he eats an excessive amount of food he always wanted the food to be perfect. So over the years Kenji has perfected his cooking style. Anyone who has been around him before for even a bit of time has tasted his food and a part of them had to of fallen in love. Other then that if you call being late to everything a useful skill or sleeping a lot. Maybe the art of reading who knows, but when it comes to skills that benefit other or even himself Kenji doesn't have to many of those. Really his personality carries him through everything.

Theme Song


So begins...

Kenji Yamanaka's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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#, as written by Ahri


Kenji lay sleeping on a park bench as his familiar poked at his face in an attempt to wake him up. Every once in a while a person would casually stroll on by giving strange glances towards the guy sleeping on a park bench being poked at by what seemed as a cat. This was not unlike Kenji though as he had to live this sort of a life style because of his grades. School has never been his strong suit and studying was a daemon all of it's own to fight for Kenji, and considering he never liked to study it never got easier. That combined with his lack of will to pay attention school what was not what he expected, his vision was a battle of strength and will the person who was strongest rained supreme. Sadly this was not so, intelligence and tactical styles with a mix of precision and strength all combined into making a good student. Only having half of that has kept him pretty far from the title of valedictorian.

Not to mention it also made so the fact he earned an almost minimum when it came to allowance. For a while he had been rooming with a somewhat friend it was good, but having to keep his tail a secret when rooming with someone is hard. On top of the fact that he was kicked out yesterday because Kenji has a habit of leaving a messy room and when you are told to pick up and your answer is "uh..ya...on day." While reading book you can get into a situation that you may not have wanted. That is exactly where Kenji is, reduced to sleeping on a park bench, but he has saved up a bit of money since rent was free and he ate the bare minimum keeping good track of money and what he was spending it on.

After a solid ten minutes of his face being prodded by his familiar he finally awake. Looking around he had a stupidly happy smile on his face, but after noticing where he was and feeling his back his expression turned into a part silly sad face. Standing up and having a good stretch with his spine cracking with ounce of pressure put on it. "Note to self find a place to stay and soon. Bench's equal bad for your back it seems." He said while looking at Riku.

Riku hopped onto Kenji's shoulder and they started to set off towards the city to get some food. Twenty-minutes later after a quick bite and almost getting into a brawl, which is the usual for Kenji, he returned to the bench which had turned into a semi-home for now. Just as he dropped down on to the bench and closed his eyes getting ready to go take a nap a voice was heard right over his shoulder. With a glance back an android was standing there ready to say something. "Kenji Yamanaka, your home room has been changed to Second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquires?"

Kenji looked back at the android with a puzzled face . This was either really good because now he wouldn't have to worry about being dropped from the school. Or it could be bad since this means a return to the curse of having to study or for him not studying. Snapping back to reality he turns from the android throwing up a hand as he walks away towards the school. "No, I'm fine go back to whatever you were doing." He said as if it was more of a annoyance then anything else. As he walked he tried to think of the name Asher Donovan, Kenji could have sworn he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't recall because most likely he wasn't really paying attention so he must not be that important.

His habit of picking fights had seemed to not diminish at all almost getting into a couple brawls just on his way to school. When he got to school he noticed his nickname The Blue Devil or Monster didn't seem to go away even without him causing trouble on campus itself for sometime, though that was bound to change soon enough since he couldn't be away from fights for long. Reaching the school and it seemed as if he would finally get back to clearing this world of its evils be it the daemons or humans who would act as daemons. It didn't matter to him as long as in the end this world was a better place Kenji has no problems becoming the monster needed to accomplish that, just as he had done once before. The class room was finally in sight which hopefully he wasn't going to be the first, but not last either as he is usually late this time he may have gotten lucky because of the bench and it being a poor choice of comfort. Opening the door to the room it seemed as if their were already quite a few people inside. It didn't seem as if he was late which might be something that should be praised as his first and last time.

All his excitement to get back to school to hunt down some daemons seemed to fade the second he opened the door realizing that normal school also had a factor. He sighed looking at the new teacher with an un-entertained expression. "Hey, I'm Kenji." He said with as little effort as needed. Giving a half wave along with it he dragged himself towards the back of the class room taking a seat there. Taking his wrapped swords off his back and placing it against his desk he sat down placing his arms on the desk and resting his head on them. Still keeping his head up though so that he could check out his other classmates trying to pick out who he was going to avoid, and checking out the girls picking out the cutest. His secret technique of storing all his energy during class by putting in almost no effort so that he would have double outside and during fights was now an official go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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#, as written by Zalgo
Joe & Frank

Crash! Crunch! "2-2-'BZZZRT-1-3" Zap, Crunch.

A cacophony of metallic crushing and electronic buzzing sounds just barely reached Joe through the haze of his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight burning as it met with his vision. After a few moments Joe found himself where he last left himself going to bed last night: A bench out on school grounds, Frank wrapped around his area. His summon, a rather significantly large trash dragon named Frank, had just swatted a robot who had made the time old mistake of walking up to a dragon without loudly announcing itself. Then again, to the untrained optic sensor his dragon looked like little more than a trash heap when prone.

"Ah heck. They're probably gonna charge me fer that." Joe shrugged. "Ah well, don't matter none too much.
Never had much a need for money. Just means I'm gonna need ta find some meals fer a bit." Lazily he picked himself off the bench and stretched. The remains of the robot were pulled into Frank. The pieces that weren't completely crushed into slag in the first hit were ground into pure junk by the shifting wood, steel and stone that comprised of it's body. Raising it's head Frank was about the size of a small warehouse in both height at the shoulder and length from nose to tail tip. With the robot slag pulled into it it was now at the cusp of it's maximum mass limit. It was not an inconsiderable creature but Joe felt it could use to be bigger, something he hoped he would figure out how to do at this school.

Despite having had barely woken up Joe recalled the numbers the flattened robot blurted out in it's last moments.
"That probably somethin' important. I'd better do some sleuthin'." He concluded, walking on his way to find something corresponding with the numbers. Given their arrangement they seemed to relate closest to room numbers. Either that or it was a phone number it didn't get to finish. He'd find out soon enough.

Joe hadn't had any missions since the last teacher died and quite frankly he didn't mind all that much. The free time gave him plenty of peace and quiet but there was always those rumors that buzzed around about inactive students getting booted. He wasn't really scared of that but getting tossed out would be inconvenient. He wanted to find out as much as he needed to know from this place before ditching it like his last place and taking to the road.

When he got to the entrance to the building he looked up to Frank. The dragon's face was expressionless as it was just a bunch of garbage arranged into a dragon shaped head but he could still tell it wasn't happy with him going somewhere it couldn't fit. It was just a knack Joe picked up after all these years of living with Frank.
"Look buddy, I swear I'm not going to be too far out of reach. I think the room probably has a window you can look through.
I'll call 'ya over when I find it alright? Try not to wreck anything alright?" He reassured Frank. The dragon sat down and simply waited, a clear enough signal for Joe to go through with it.

Eventually he found the door with the number the robot had blurted out in it's death throes.
"Well, hope I ain't wrong here." He spoke mostly to himself as he pushed his way in through the door. Inside was a rather eclectic gathering of the more unusual students. There was a teacher he didn't really know anything about and well, that was about it. He'd of cared more about the details but he didn't think it was of much importance. Simply striding through he went over and opened a window, sticking his head out. He gave a loud sharp whistle which rang out across the general area.
"Yo, Frank! I found the right place!" He yelled out hoping Frank heard him. He turned away from the window a moment over towards the teacher. "This is the right place, right?" He asked, hoping he didn't just walk into a classroom uninvited and disrupt everything. That would be mildly embarrassing, nothing too bad for him though. The biggest nuisance would be having to explain himself.

The whole room shuddered with each step of it's large feet. It was a gentle rumble at first but as it got closer the room shook quite a bit as Frank parked himself right outside the window, causing one last big thud as it sat. Though it didn't seem to have eyes of any sort it's head was looking in through the windows at Joe. "See Frank, I told 'ya it was gonna be fine." He told Frank through the open window. It's blank emotionless mass of trash that he calls a head didn't change at all but Joe was sure it got the idea. With that said Joe grabbed the seat closest to the window, always welcoming a chance to sit and rest whenever he gets the chance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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#, as written by YuumanN

For the first time in a while, the thought came to him again.

“Well, these things happen.”

Months had passed, and Lev still couldn’t think of anything more than that apathetic phrase when the image of their former teacher, killed in a mission, appeared in his mind. Admittedly, this somewhat worried him.

It had been the first time in his life a person close to him – at least in the sense that they saw each other almost every day – was taken by Daemons and, contrary to what he had initially expected, it didn’t affect him that much. It did take him by surprise when he heard the news and even got him wondering how such a tragedy could have occurred to a Huntress he had always perceived as careful and reliable, but minutes later he was more preoccupied with how he would face his numerous fees with the limited budget he received from the Academy and the following weekend he hadn’t spared a single second of thought on her.

He didn’t appear to be the only one though. Fellow Hunters seemed at a loss during the week when she died, wondering if the incident had occurred due to a malfunction, a mistake or an irregularity of a different sort, but eventually people ran out of curiosity on the matter and it was as good as settled. It made sense; they were at war and even if they didn’t have access to the exact numbers as they were still in training, students in the Academy could figure out many men and women died each day. Daemons didn’t rest or mourn, and there was no noticeable sign that their numbers were decreasing, so how could humanity spare time and resources for those who had fallen?

Still, this woman had shared wisdom with those who would become the next generation of humanity’s vanguard against Daemons to ensure its survival in the future, and in her spare time joined Hunters in the field to fight like a soldier. There was no way that such a lifestyle had left her any time to form a family of her own or pursue any ambitions. Almost her entire life, from late childhood to death, had been sacrificed to fight for humanity, which was more than the overwhelming majority of people could say, and still it was most likely that a decade from now no one would remember her face or even her name. No; that was a privilege that was saved only for those who knew when to die, made beautiful speeches to earn a cozy seat in one of the major cities’ government or, even better, were willing to print their faces on pop magazines so that a new generation of teenagers could grow up with propaganda-fueled dreams of unrealistic glory.

“these things happen” indeed.

Maybe what bothered Lev was the acknowledgement that, as selfish and despicable as this society that ignored the genuine devotion of a brave woman resulted to him, he would still prove exactly the same as them.

Perhaps, despite his attempts to convince himself that he was fighting for mankind and not for himself, he was scared of facing the fact that his efforts would still make him no more than a nameless soldier in history at most.

Or maybe he had too much free time to spend thinking on pointless trails of thought.


Suddenly, the surrounding background he had been pushing back in his mind brusquely recovered its colors and life; the sound of heavy machinery at work and raspy voices of middle-aged men and women screaming obscenities at each other echoed in his eardrums again and demanded his attention, prompting him to wonder how he had been able to space out in the first place. He sought the voice that called his name through the framed visor of his face shield and soon spotted a short-haired and generously bearded man he recognized as Gene, one of the more experienced workers and student supervisors.

“Sum n’droid ‘ere s’got a messige for ya or sumthin’. It’s in da way, so go lissen to it so it leaves awlready!” he said, not bothering to hide his irritation or the fact that he was in a hurry.

Lev freed one of his hands to signal an ‘ok’ to his boss, who stormed off expressing his distaste for androids in mumbles to no one in particular, making an exemplary use of the word ‘fuck’ and all its known variables plus a few others. Good guy though. Occasionally.

Putting his tools away, Lev made his way to the entrance of the Academy’s arsenal, where he had been spending all his mornings for the past few months. All Scholar students in their last obligatory year were required to complete a certain amount of hours of actual work in their discipline, among other tasks, and seeing as he already visited the arsenal with some frequency, it was no surprise he ended up resorting to it to complete his academic duties. He had actually fulfilled this requirement some time ago, but since he had no morning classes ever since the death of his home room teacher, he preferred spending his time there helping with the avalanche of work the mechanics found themselves underneath of due to the increased frequency of Hunter deployments.

Every single day there were new jeeps, tanks, boats, swords, guns, androids and ammunition to repair, upgrade or manufacture, and they were always running late. Able hands were never missing and there were no restrictions on going over the minimum service hours, so Lev’s presence was always welcomed and appreciated. Besides, this way he got to see all sorts of newly developed machinery, even if he wasn’t allowed to actually work on the most expensive ones.

He opened the entrance door and, sure enough, an android waited with infinite patience on the other side. Standing uncomfortably close to Lev, it seemed to instantly identify him.

“Keisting, Lev. Your home room has been changed to second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia. Do you have any inquiries?”

Expecting a less relevant message, it took the young man a few seconds to process what he had heard. He checked his ancient wristwatch and briefly wondered why he would be notified in such a short notice of his new schedule, but figured his intercom, which he had left in the locker room, would be filled with messages of failed attempts to communicate with him a while ago.

“No, you can go.” He finally answered the android’s question as he remembered it was still waiting for his response without the slightest sign of apprehension, and instantly closed the door on it. The last ad Lev had heard consisted on a jingle with choreography included, which only made him feel ashamed on the robot’s behalf. Besides, some of the mechanics in the armory had taken to vandalizing the robots as a way to express their discontent when they showed up merely to promote their commercial, and if any of them saw it, it could only mean trouble for everyone.

Having no time to waste, Lev broke the news to Gene and left for his dorm, where he had to fight a mountain of broken machinery and spare parts to get to the bathroom. He showered, changed into his uniform and saved the disassembled parts of his firearms into a wheeled bag in record time, taking special care with his ‘Stingray’ sniper rifle.

Even with the heavy additional weight, he managed to keep a good pace and found his new classroom in only a few minutes despite being more concentrated on trying to remember where he had heard the name Asher Donovan rather than keeping track of where he was going. Before entering, he stationed and chained the large bag outside the class, seeing as it was too large to keep inside without it inconveniencing people. Though he did notice Noel appreciating the view through a window with a distinct air of nostalgia around her, he had no words of encouragement to share, and decided to go straight into the unknown.

As he stepped into the classroom and took in the image of his new teacher and classmates, he waited a few seconds to gather his thoughts. He finally remembered why Asher’s name seemed so familiar, and recognized his face from the cover of one of those magazines some girls around the Academy always seemed to have at hand. Although he was sure his new professor was a reliable and capable Hunter, the idea of learning under a pop idol didn’t fascinate him, and for many reasons. He then turned his attention towards the students; most of them seemed to be busy doing their own things, one of them was asleep, and there was a dragon sculpture made of trash peeking through a window
 good vibrations all ‘round.

“Mornin’” he greeted the room with an unenthusiastic tone, briefly noticing in terror that Gene's dialect was slowly rubbing off on him. “Lev Keisting.” he added when he noticed the checklist on top of Asher’s desk.

With nothing to add or comment, Lev scanned the room for a free seat and headed straight for the last row. The only ones close to being neighbors to him were Caesar and Lorelei, both having already taken the corners of the classroom and each sitting a distance of two or three desks away from him. Having nothing more to do, he sat back and patiently waited for the rest of the students to show up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK


"You really have no clue how to be patient, do you."

Nico responded to the voice of her teacher with an exaggerated moan as she flopped belly-first onto her bed that lay against the wall of her dorm room. Since coming to the academy a year ago, she'd only spoke with the man who took her in on certain occasions. Or rather, when she had something she needed to complain about. This particular occasion centered around the three months that she'd gone without a single mission, despite having confronted the moderates multiple times.

"Three months, Master Mako. THREE! How much longer does she have to be dead before they start giving me my well-deserved missions?"

"You shouldn't say that about your late teacher. It's a sad thing to have lost a fellow hunter."

Nico turned onto her side and lifted her head, resting it on her palm with her elbow pressed against her pillow. Mako's face was displayed on a screen that floated above Nico's desk placed beside the bed, the window above it just barely letting the weak light of sunrise shine through the curtains that hung over it. Her teacher was a young looking man, despite being in his late thirties, with bright green eyes and sandy hair that had grown long enough to be pulled back into a loose pony tail. Behind him was the desert home in Ura that Nico had lived in for four years.

"I guess her class wasn't too boring, but I don't see much of a loss here."

Mako gave a sigh, knowing that no matter what he might say, Nico would just brush it off. She wasn't the type to be effected heavily by the death of others. Even if it were someone close to her, she'd be able to move on quite easily. Being broken up over every loss would just hold her back as a hunter anyway. Besides, it's not as if she saw that woman as anything more than a teacher. Just someone who was there to aid her in her way to becoming strong enough to survive. Clearly she wasn't fit for the job since she just went and got herself killed.

"Where's J. and Fawn?", her teacher asked curiously, though he had already guessed why the two familiars weren't present.

Nico narrowed her eyes slightly, an awkward frown showing on her face. She wanted to avoid the subject of the two fae that had decided to follow her when they fled her old home. She never did get along with them well, even when they belonged to her mother. They were stingy and bossy, always telling Nico what was proper and what was improper for a lady to be doing. Especially Fawn, with her prissy attitude.

"Hmph! I don't need them around. I'll summon way cooler familiars. Just watch me!"

Actually, she'd tried multiple times in the past to do just that, but hasn't been very successful. Mako opened his mouth to reply, a look of annoyance being a clear sign of a incoming lecture, however there was a loud ping at the door and Nico quickly jumped to her feet. "Looks like I got a visitor! I'll talk to you again soon!", she said with a smile, closing down the screen before her teacher could reply. She hurried to the door and opened it to find one of the school's androids standing there. Ever since she'd accidentally broken her comm, she'd had quite a few of these guys stop by to relay messages. She really did mean to go get that thing fixed, not that the androids bothered her.

"What can I do for ya?"

Erenheart, Nicolla, your home room has been changed to Second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquires?

Her eyes widened slightly, a tremor of excitement running over her as she listened to the androids words. She turned around and grabbed the chair from the desk, dragged it across the room to the doorway, and then stepped up onto it to pat the android on the head as she finally replied. "That'll do. You have a nice day, Thomas!" This is what she called every android. A fitting name, indeed.

She then leaped from the chair and closed the door before the ad that she knew would follow could begin. She thought they were actually pretty entertaining sometimes, or at least when they included music and dancing to go along, but right now she was too preoccupied with her excitement. It was about time they assigned her a new homeroom teacher. The name of the professor sounded familiar for a second, but it escaped her as she hurried to shower and get dressed.

Next step, finding out where this room 2-1-2-3 was. 'Or wait..was is 2-3-1-1? That doesn't sound right eith--' "2-2-1-3!", she said as she passed by a door with numbers that caught her eye. With a deep breath, she raised her foot and kicked, causing the door to fly open as she hopped inside. Stopping just far enough away from the door so that it wouldn't hit her as it shut, she raised her hand up in a quick wave.

"Yo! Nico Erenheart, reporting for duty!", she lowered her hand and gave a more or less sloppy salute, her teeth pressed together as she gave not only the teacher, but the rest of the class a bright smile. She let her hands rest at her side and she gave a small, quick bow before turned to find her seat, her eyes scanning over each student, plus the strange-looking dragon, before her eyes locked onto where she decided to sit. She hurried up to the back row and flopped down into the seat right next to a girl with the black and white hair that had caught Nico's attention.

"You're really pretty!", she said cheerfully, crossing her arms on the desk in front of her and lowering her voice just slightly so not to shout.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kapento
Cuddy Vann


It was very strange, even still, to be this far from his sandy homeland. Cuddy, although thrilled to be at the Academy could not help but desire to see even an inch of sand once more. Just think of the sandcastles! But he'd put this behind him for now. There was more important things at hand to contend with. Such as the particular android that had been hunting down Cuddy that morning, with a supposedly important message for him, and unfortunately had found the boy hiding in an old closet. Why? Well why not dude! Where else you gonna hide?

"Vann, Cuddy, your home room has been changed to second floor room, 2213, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquiries?" The android spoke in a matter-of-fact soulless voice.

"A-Ah don't think so! But if I eva' do then I'll be sure to let you know." The blonde boy answered cheerfully, his purple-y orbs glancing curiously over the talking-thing. What was it again? Android. Cuddy was still coming to grips with all the gizmos that the academy had, least of all the androids. It wasn't like he was completely oblivious to them but the little chit-chatty things were something of an annoyance to him now and again. Especially since they always managed to find him. "Oh well, ta-ta for now I guess. Next time tho' I'll win that round!"

Grabbing his things together and throwing a bag halfheartedly over his shoulder the boy made sure to be prepared for whatever came his way that day, taking a moment to double-check once more, before finally continuing on his way down the hallway. The android took it's leave and rushed off past him, Cuddy merely huffing with a shrug before walking just a little bit quicker. I better not be late or I'll look bad yo!

His hurried walk gradually shifted into a panicked run as the boy made his way to the designated classroom. Naturally, what with all the hurrying and mad-dashing, Cuddy arrived in time. With a deep breath and forced coolio demeanour the blonde lad sported his commonly used smile and stepped into the room. By the looks of it there was already a bunch load of people there before him, but he wasn't worried. Promptly walking over to the desk of Mr. Donovan the boy thought best to let his attendance be known. He sure-as-hell wasn't getting marked as absent!

"Oh, hello Mr. Donovan, sir! I'm Cuddy Vann. I hope am' not late or nothin'." With a somewhat chilled approach to his teacher Cuddy merely widened his smile in hopes of things getting off to a good start. "Well, I best be gettin' to my seat and all, a-- Oh yeah, your thee Asher Donovan? Wow-oh-wow I can't believe it! Hey I'm a real fan a--" Beneath all the rambling a quiet little inner voice deep in his head was telling Cuddy to shut-up. Needless to say it took a few more minutes before the boy took any notice. "Ah, sorry I best be goin'!"

Turning on his heel the student moved along and sat himself down on one of the seats towards the front. He hadn't really took the time to notice who exactly was in his class, but after spinning round on his seat the blonde lad eyed up all the faces near and around him, only really vaguely knowing a few. Oh well. He figured he'd get to know them soon enough anyway. For now he'd just behave himself at least.

Throwing his bag to the floor and chilling in his chair Cuddy waited to see what happened next. However, the whole lookin' cool and doin' not a lot act didn't last long. Before he knew it the boy dug out an old what-dah-call-it and was fiddling around and tinkering as always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey Character Portrait: Kenji Yamanaka Character Portrait: Hector Kazuhira
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shiki29
Hector wasn't anti-social. Close, but not quite. He wasn't seen too often in class, but he did know his classmates, more or less.

It wasn't too odd, being back in class. Everyone was similar to how he remembered them. Robin was as dutiful as ever, Willow as kind as ever, Kenji and Joe being as relaxed as ever, and Frank as loud as ever. The others came in, as Hector began to remember their names.

However, there was one student Hector had barely seen. Her hair was black and white. If Hector was correct, she was of the NHP project. She designated herself as number 17 of the project. Lorelei. Hector did not know much about her, other than rumous from some other students.

Supposedly, she was created in a lab so that she would be an effective Hunter. Apparently, some people were also irritated that she was allowed admission to the academy due to her being designed to fight daemons, rather than having worked the way most other students did.

Hector didn't know much about her, but Hector didn't believe others should be so disapproving of having another ally to fight daemons with. Hector may have been slightly biased, since he did not attend Anthemia Academy out of choice, but he believed that personal glory was not something students should aim for. Being upset that Lorelei seemingly made it into the Academy as a matter of course seemed childish. Besides, a human was difficult to perfectly replicate. Especially a Hunter. If she wasn't cut out for the Academy, then she would not be here. It would be foolishness for an artificially-produced Hunter to not be prepared to keep up with naturally-produced Hunters.

Hector next saw Vivian Qrow enter. She was one the students that caught Hector's interest. She was brash and violent, but he still found her to be a pretty tasteful person. To a degree. If the violent behavior wasn't something to go by. Although Hector detested needless cruelty, he still enjoyed her friendship. She was a great person to go drinking with.

And next, came one of the worst shocks Hector had in the school. Another student came in. She was one of the female students, and, despite her imperious aura, Hector did not remember much about her. Thinking deely, he remembered something about her. Her father was an important person. Maybe. Maybe Hector was just thinking of a different student. He didn't even know where he saw or read that information. However, she was hardly the surprise that Hector noticed.

Hector was a highly-skilled exorcist. His grades did not show it, out of design, but he did know his stuff. Anyone who knew him personally knew that he knew his stuff. And when Hector felt a small chill down his spine, he knew he had sensed sonething. It came with being a soldier for so long. Not a sixth-sense, but a combination of existing senses. Although it was not logical, Hector had learned to listen to it. He listened, and he opened his eyes towards the area he had confirmed there was something visible. To his side, also in the front row, sat that student that just entered. But near her was a magical disturbance. Something that blocked the flow of air, but could not be seen. Something invisible. Hector felt the malice pouring off of it in waves. Hector tended not to glare at anything. But, this was something he was sure of that caused him to glare for a short moment. His snake-like eyes focused on where the disturbance came from, glancing to it from the side as Hector kept his face rested on his hand.

There was a daemon in the classroom. Hector immediately relaxed, then. Daemons came in a lot of sizes and shapes, but Hunters possessed widely varying skills and magicks. Hector briefly wondered why a daemon would come to the middle of the Academy, Hunter central, before he decided to relax. That daemon, if it caused trouble, would probably not last long.

Hector opted to relax, but remain vigilant. Something bad happening would be able to be stopped, the daemon would be able to be stopped if an incident happened, but at the same time, it was better if an incident was avoided.

The girl seemed to be decent, though. Hector was not good at reading people, but the girl seemed to be very professional. She carried herself like the soldiers Hector had fought with when he was younger. The daemon entered when she did, though. She was definitely someone to watch for signs of trouble.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Althaia Psykhe Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Golgari
The wind around the school always tasted like lemons. It was one of the few universal constants of this world. The sun rises in the east, water is a liquid and Anthemia air tasted like lemons. Altam licked his lips, trying to savor the sweet breeze. It was a nice change from the sandy gusts of Ura, where he'd spent his whole time out of class. He reached behind him and patted his treasures to make sure they were still secure in the bag. Though not nearly as fruitful as his previous foray into the desert, he had stumbled upon an abandoned village and picked up some neat souvenirs for Cuddy and a few others. Honestly Altam was amazed the school's robot was able to find him. He wasn't exactly a technomaster but they had to be rocking some pretty good locating software to find him in the middle of a desert.

"Hey Shamal, you don't think the teacher's gonna be mean, do you?" the boy asked, his voice as light as the cloth they were riding on. The wooden staff shook in his hands.

'I still can't believe I know who he is and you don't. I'm a million year old wind spirit and even I've heard of the incredible Asher Donovan!' The boy shrugged and fell backwards onto the quickly moving sheet. Though the air had changed, it would still be a good ten minutes until they arrived at the school. Altam squirmed with excitement. He had so many stories to tell and songs to play that he didn't even know where to begin.

It wasn't long before the landscape gave way to stone walkways and large buildings. He peered over the side of his carpet and marveled at the sheer lack of people outside. "Everyone must be in class." He said matter-of=factly. It was about a minute of aimless flying later that it dawned on him. He wasn't in class! With as much speed as he could muster Altam raced towards the largest building, looking through the windows at a breakneck pace for Cuddy's cute face. However, what caught his attention wasn't his B.F.F but a gigantic metallic dragon hovering in front of a window. Altam yelled in relief.

"Frank! Am I glad to see you!" The dragon turned and acknowledged the boy before turning back to observe his master. Sliding up beside him, Altam lifted the window up just enough to fly through and floated into the room, quickly followed by a swift breeze.

"Sorry I'm late, I flew as fast as I could!" He hopped off his turban into thin air, hovering above the ground as the blanket wrapped itself back around his head. he floated into cuddy at top speed, embracing his friend in a hug and whisking them both higher into the air. "Cuddy! I missed you so much! I have sooooo much to tell you about what I found!" A small grunt emanated from the front of the room. The new teacher no doubt. After placing his friend gently on the ground Altam reluctantly landed and weakly strode to the celebrity who was now teaching their class. It was a difficult journey to say the least. It had been months since Altam had last touched solid ground and his legs threatened to buckle at any moment.

"Hi there sir, I'm Altam Haytham! Nice to meet you!" He bowed respectfully and pushed himself off the ground, turning it into a frontflip and zipping over to his bag of treasure.

"Where is it...." He mumbled, digging through his sack. "Ahh! Here it is!" A small wooden idol emerged from the bag, completely covered in markings and carved into the shape if a giant toothed beast. With a small gesture the idol floated beside Cuddy.

"I told you I'd bring you something didn't I?" Altam smiled and looked around the room. He had met almost everyone there some time in his life. Almost. With a look of intense curiosity he floated over to the girl with two shades of hair. There seemed to be no joy in her eyes and that was something that Altam could not stand for. A small bronze box the size of a baseball drifted slowly out of the treasure bag and onto the desk in front of her.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too." He smiled brightly at the strange girl and flew back to his seat, hovering upside down over his desk. "This is going to be a great year, I just know it!"