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NHP-S17 "Lorelei"

"Everyone, please, be quiet! I beg of you... make these damned voices stop!"

0 · 642 views · located in The City of Anthemia

a character in “Anthemia Academy for Hunters||Remaster”, as played by Feyblue


New Human Project Subject Seventeen - Designation: "Lorelei"


"If you give me an order, I will obey. If you ask it of me, I will serve. That doesn't mean I have to like living this way."


She is most commonly referred to by her codename, Lorelei, but it's unlikely this is the name she was given at birth. Whatever her real name is, even she doesn't know it.


5 feet, 6 inches.








Listening to music in her headphones, which are almost always seen either hanging around her neck or placed over her ears.
"It helps me shut out the voices."

Sweet or otherwise compellingly delicious foods. Although her serious demeanor might conceal this fact, she actually has a tremendous appetite. The prospect of tasty food is one of the few things that can put a genuine, childish smile on the young Medium's face.
"Ice... cream? I've never heard of it. What does it taste like? Can I have some?"

Winning. She has a strong competitive streak, feeling obligated to succeed at any endeavor she begins or is otherwise roped into. Growing up in a laboratory where failing to be anything short of perfect would result in being thrown back out onto the street trained her to feel that success is the only acceptable outcome to any situation, and to feel personally guilty for even the most trivial of losses. On the upside, this makes her a hyper-competent assistant in any venture, but it also means she's progressively striving to live up to an ideal of perfection that most would assume impossible, and consequently finds it difficult to relax under almost any circumstances.
"Failure again... Again and again and again and again and again and again and AGAIN! One more try... I'll get it right this time! I have to!"

Collecting stuffed animals. Although it might seem tremendously unusual, given her icy, rude demeanor, she has a certain love of cute things that comes from a desire to be more like what she views as a normal girl. However, as such hobbies are highly frowned upon in a laboratory environment, and pieces of her "collection" have had a tendency to be mocked or confiscated in the past, she guards her secret love of the adorable closely. Besides, if anybody were to find out about it - especially her peers - it would ruin her image.
"D-don't read too much into it, okay?! I just like them..."

People telling her what to do. While she's long since become accustomed to being treated as a tool for Daemon extermination rather than a Human being, overbearing adults, their irrational systems, and unreasonable expectations never cease to grate on her. Although she's reluctantly polite in the presence of the overseers observing her development as an anti-Daemon weapon due to the punishments she is sure to receive for disrespecting them, to her peers or minor figures of authority who she does not care to acknowledge, she acts fiercely independent, wanting to claim at least some small level of freedom for herself. This can lead her to act recklessly, disregarding advice just for the sake of being contrary and doing things her way, even if it goes against her common sense.
"I just want to live for myself - to succeed and fail based on my own merits. I'm tired of being a pet who only gets to assume responsibility for her failures while others claim credit for the results of my hard work. If that's wrong of me, then so be it. I'd be more than happy to be wrong if it meant being free."

Being mocked. She has a sort of rebellious pride, and hates to have her accomplishments belittled or otherwise made light of. She's only gotten where she is today through her own efforts, and if anybody wants to question that, they'll likely have a very angry, unstable water-manipulating psychic on their hands.
"Correct me if I heard wrong, but I do believe you just called me a subhuman dog who only got where she is today with the backing of the NHP. Tell me, what would you say your favorite appendage is? I'll take great pleasure in breaking it for you."

Being close to other people. Due to the modifications done to her to enhance her mental potential, her formidable psychic powers are rather difficult to turn off. Consequently, she has a tendency to randomly read or influence the minds of those with whom she makes eye contact, or to catch brief glimpses of the futures of those she comes into contact with, or other such things. Similarly, when angry or despondent, she has a tendency to cause strange telekinetic phenomena close to her person that can often prove harmful to others. Therefore, to avoid hurting people or hearing their inner thoughts, she tries her best to avoid close proximity to others, and to keep from making eye or physical contact with them.
"Just shut up... Shut up! Shut up, all of you! Shut up and leave me alone...! Shut up..."

Lorelei is certainly a very, very powerful individual - one of the few students at the Academy who is capable of wielding both Elemental and Mental Magicks. In particular, she specializes in the Mental applications of her powers, capable of most disciplines of the Medium class. Although she is incapable of utilizing curses, she is more than able to communicate telepathically, read and alter the minds of others so as to understand their thoughts and project powerful, realistic illusions that it's difficult to recognize as such due to their basis in fundamentally altering the perceptions of those who perceive them. She also possesses a sort of clairvoyant sixth sense - an omnidirectional sort of spacial awareness that allows her to recognize properties of objects according to her five senses, even when she has no means of exerting those senses at a given time. This allows her to see objects within a certain radius from a bird's eye view, recognize sounds and smells and trace their origins, and to fundamentally comprehend the texture and even the structural makeup of objects just be looking at them, as though she can "touch" each individual part of an object without actually coming into contact with it, producing a highly accurate mental image of how things are composed - if not how they function.

In particular, however, due to certain procedures done to her during her time as a lab rat, she has a much greater potential for telekinesis than almost any other psychic. With a larger range and capacity to focus her soul's "force" on objects due to her intrinsic understanding of the area around her thanks to her clairvoyance, she is capable of lifting much heavier objects with her thoughts, and controlling them much more precisely at much greater distances than an ordinary Medium.

Although perhaps not as prodigious in this field as in Mental Magicks, Lorelei does have a great deal of natural talent for controlling water. However, her ability in this area is much more limited. Water is the ONLY element she is capable of manipulating, and her abilities to summon pure energy to fuel this power are very limited, making her utterly incapable of using the impressive spells most Exorcists rely entirely on. However, what she can do, she can do well. Able to comprehend the entire structure of any water compound she is manipulating, she can control its form with unparalleled precision, down to freely altering the hydrogen and molecular bonds connecting the individual molecules of the water she controls, giving it whatever properties she needs. So, while most water-manipulating exorcists would probably use some lengthy invocation that would end with dropping a glacier on their target's head, Lorelei takes a somewhat different approach. Her usual method of attacking with water is by absorbing water in the surrounding air and condensing it to the point where it is literally so dense that it behaves like a solid, taking on roughly the shape of a "sword." Then, by tightening of inter-molecular and hydrogen bonds, Lorelei can render her solid water as hard as the toughest metals, and by reducing the flat of the blade to a single molecule in width at all points and then causing its edge to oscillate rapidly, she can make the blade capable of cutting through most things with ease, as well as causing the blade to be completely invisible to the naked eye from the side, as its edge is literally too thin to be seen. Furthermore, by altering its shape, Lorelei can actually extend and contract it by absorbing water from or releasing water into the air, and puppeteer its movements at will, turning it into a variable length and size whipsword. For a final touch, she renders the edge of the blade either tremendously acidic or basic, causing it to, respectively, corrode most metals or rip apart biological matter like a hot knife through butter. So, in short, it can change length and direction at will, and cuts through just about anything it has to, and you can't even see its blade coming towards you. In short, it's a truly terrifying, not to mention dangerous, weapon. However, although it has a great deal of offensive ability, given that she can strike with it from almost any angle with very little movement on her part aside from a flick of her wrist, given that it is made of water, it requires an immense amount of concentration to maintain, and can't stand up to direct attacks, seriously limiting its utility as a shield or similar defensive measure, and forcing her to utilize her precognitive and mind-reading abilities to predict an opponent's attack patterns and continuously dodge rather than enter a direct confrontation of strength - something which she's fortunately good at, as her powerful telekinetic abilities can also be used on herself to move her quickly in defiance of laws such as friction or gravity, or to cushion herself against impacts in the event of an emergency.

However, although Lorelei's powers are incredibly potent, they also come with equally crippling drawbacks. Her psychic powers - her most useful asset - are generally "on" at all times, such that she has to deal with unintentionally reading the minds of those around her, or perhaps influencing their perceptions with minor illusions based on her emotions. So, for example, if she was upset, she might unintentionally make herself invisible, or if she was angry, she might suddenly become a looming, imposing silhouette with glowing red eyes, or something similarly threatening. Furthermore, she sometimes has random out of body experiences, or unexpectedly gets little glimpses of the futures of people or things she touches. And, perhaps most alarmingly, sometimes unintentionally exerts telekinetic forces on random things in her vicinity whenever she has a lapse in her emotional control and grows particularly angry or sad, throwing random objects in her area into walls, or sometimes even at people.

Speaking of her telekinesis, although it's tremendously powerful compared to a normal Medium's abilities, it does have a major flaw. Namely, it's tremendously difficult to focus on moving more than one thing at once, making it near impossible for her to manipulate any more than one object with any semblance of precision or power. Thus, although her weight limit is considerably higher than that of most psychics, she lacks the talent to precisely control multiple smaller objects.

Her elemental magic, meanwhile, lacks power, making its incredible precision and her own ingenuity the only way she can overcome a truly strong opponent, as without any flashy, major spells at her disposal, all the weapons she really has at her disposal are those she can create using her "water solidification" strategy, as energy based or otherwise non-water magic is completely beyond her.

Finally, physically, she's very agile and flexible, facts which are only aided by her ability to telekinetically control her own body for greater precision. However, she lacks any sort of significant upper body strength, as although she's in good shape, her training focused more on honing her psychic powers rather than the properties of her physical body - another reason why, save with the aid of her telekinetic powers, it's very difficult for her to actually shield herself from incoming attacks, forcing her to resort to evasive, hit-and-run tactics instead.

Furthermore, her pride and hatred of losing, while they make her a very determined combatant, also make it very difficult to convince her to retreat, even when she's outmatched. Without the assistance of a more levelheaded commander to keep her recklessness in check, it's quite likely that she would get herself into a great deal of trouble. Of course, having somebody giving her orders raises a whole new difficulty, as unless she were to trust the person in question, she'd probably disobey them just to assert herself under most circumstances. Consequently, she's not much of a team player, and should be looked after carefully at all times to ensure she doesn't get herself into a situation she can't handle.

This extends to her personal life as well, as even if she's suffering inside, she is loath to ask somebody else for help, save under the most dire circumstances when she has no other option. Anyone who would be close to her must be willing to tolerate her secretive, my-business-is-my-business-and-mine-alone attitude, yet at the same time ready to catch her if she falls, thus necessitating a certain level of willingness to assist her without actually forcing that help on her, and thus damaging her pride. She's a confusing person to be sure, and it takes a very specific sort of individual to deal with her.

Lorelei is... complicated. On the one hand, she's bitter, jaded, and cynical, viewing other people are, for the most part, either incompetent idiots who couldn't even help themselves if their lives depended on it, or self-interested, dishonorable bullies who just use other people as puppets without any consideration for their well being. Resigning herself to her lonely fate as a tool forged solely to exterminate Daemons, she has decided to simply perform her duties to the best of her abilities to protect the masses, as she'd rather the world be populated by honest idiots than disingenuous villains. Although she looks down on those around her, however - showing respect only to those she has to and generally pushing away those who don't fit that description in favor of acting according to her own interests and wishes - any show of virtue or kindness in her direction does earn the one who makes such a gesture a sort of grudging respect in her eyes, simply because she's stopped expecting she'll be treated in such a way.

Deep down, she's a kind enough person, but she's stopped expecting humans to be honest about what they want and why, and stopped assuming others will actually care about how their fellow man feels. But although she styles herself as a realist and those less cynical than herself as naive, in truth, she hates the world as she sees it, and wishes it would change. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that she strives with such determination to fulfill her assigned purpose, embracing her role as an instrument of battle even though she hates it. She hopes that somehow, once the Daemons are exterminated, peace and order may be restored, and the world will no longer be governed solely by the self-interested agendas of those in power. But although she dreams of a better world, she's long since ceased viewing such a thing as a possibility. But, even so, there is one dream she'll never let go of.

Quite simply, she wants people to acknowledge her and treat her as a human being, rather than as a mere tool for her makers. But, due to her abrasive demeanor and tough exterior, it's unlikely anyone who views her as a person would see her as anything short of a headache. Sadly, she hasn't learned the finer points of expressing her emotions, and consequently, usually ends up sending mixed messages in a vain attempt to hide her shame. So, to those she doesn't know, she ends up seeming inconsiderate, and to those whom she's willing to ease up a bit around and actually tolerate the company of, she still seems intolerable due to her self-centeredness and inability to trust others enough to show them how she really feels. The fact that she usually knows exactly what people she talks to are thinking doesn't exactly help, as she judges lies very harshly, and isn't afraid to call others on what shortcomings she perceives from unintentionally reading their minds, viewing it as their just desserts for making their thoughts so intolerably loud and bothering her with them in the first place.

Even so, she hates hearing the voices of others, abhorring the fact that her powers remind her daily of exactly how pathetic and low human beings can be. Hence, when she's not trying to actively push others away from her both due to her cynicism and trust issues, she's avoiding them as much as she herself can so as to avoid hearing their thoughts. This is where her love of music comes in, as by blaring it loudly in her headphones and shutting out the world, she can generally quiet down the voices of other people that she "hears" at random.

And, if one can get past her harsh exterior - a shell erected to push away the world and thus protect her from being harmed by others, their cruel desires, and their ruthless system - they might find that, once they've gained her trust, it will be very difficult to lose it. She's undyingly loyal to those who would defy her cynical view of the world, as she herself desperately hopes to have her twisted ideology proven wrong. And, driven by a sense of honor, to those who would lower themselves to show kindness to her, she will in turn show her own affection - although she may not admit it.

On a final note, the two sides of her personality are both rather... shocking... in how different they are from one another. On the one hand, her true character is that of a rude, tsundere cynic, and yet, in the presence of authority she has no option but to respect, that all changes. Suddenly, she becomes a model of understated behavior, standing rigidly at attention like a career soldier, responding quietly and politely to all questions, and doing what she is asked without hesitation. She's been trained to know when to follow orders, and to know what will happen when she doesn't. Even so, that doesn't make it any less shocking when she goes from acting like a calm and emotionless soldier when in the presence of her handlers to her disrespectful attitude towards anyone she feels doesn't deserve respect. Overall, she's a confusing case, and certainly a difficult person to deal with for anyone who isn't willing to spend time and effort earning her trust.

Orphaned as a young child during a Daemon attack, the girl now known as Lorelei was one of the lucky few who managed to board a refugee ship back to her home city of Leviathan. She was less fortunate, however, when it came to acquiring lodgings there. Nobody had room for an extra child to manage, nor did they have any interest in caring for a traumatized orphan. But, as it turned out, the government of Leviathan had a keen interest in unwanted children like her - valuable test subjects who nobody would notice disappearing, and who had no power to resist the authority of the research and development wing of the state. Taken off the streets and offered a home, clothing, food, and water in exchange for "serving her country" as a valuable lab rat, she had little choice but to accept or starve.

And so, she was slowly forced to conform to a rigid set of restrictions, like a soldier might expect to be broken in to his new position as a subordinate. Mandated to treat her superiors with the utmost respect, to never ask questions, talk back, and resist, failure to comply with her strict new disciplines was met with denial of food and water until she finally gave in. Although proud, the nameless experiment knew when to quit on certain issues, at least. And so, bit by bit, she was tested to determine her specializations, until finally, the day came when the researchers in charge of her decided to try pushing her limits a little bit.

Having come into possession of the remains of a Daemon that attacked the soul of a human rather than its physical body, they had obtained a way to "pull" on the limits of a person's very soul. In exchange for extreme pain on the part of the subject, the researchers found that they could actually strip off tiny fragments of the girl's soul, wait for her energy to slowly replenish itself, then splice back on the energy they had removed, thereby increasing her total capacity for psychic power. Fortunately for Lorelei, she wasn't the only subject in this program, nor was she the last - and so when researchers discovered that overusing this process caused side effects that were anything from losing one's identity, memories, and ability to think entirely to tearing one's own body apart with uncontrollable telekinesis, it was reluctantly reigned in, such that Lorelei was only "enhanced" - for a certain definition of the term - within relatively non-harmful limits. Although her powers were still nearly uncontrollable in their strength, the process hadn't gone far enough as to erase her identity completely, or to make her telekinesis so strong as to be self-destructive. However, it was at this time that she forgot her name, and who she had been before coming to the lab - a fact which overjoyed her handlers, who now had a much more compliant subject at their disposal - or at least, so they had hoped.

In reality, Lorelei, as she had now forgotten her past self, found no other option but to serve. But, far from doing so willingly, she knew full well from reading the minds of her overseers what they had done to her, even if she herself couldn't remember it. And, for the unforgivable crime of stealing her very identity from her, she vowed never to trust anyone again if that trust might lead her to be hurt as she had been.

Nevertheless, she had no choice but to follow the whims of her handlers - and so, when they mandated that she attend the academy to further improve her powers, she could only accept, take the possessions that were allowed her, and report for training there...



The small crystal woven into her hair is actually a magic amplifier that helps her channel her water magic. Similar, much smaller crystals are woven into her blouse and tunic, forming many of the azure lines and ribbons that criss-cross the otherwise black-and-white ensemble. These crystals function by storing water into which she's already poured a great deal of energy, meaning that in an emergency situation where she doesn't have access to water, she can also use this hyper-compressed water, as well as similar substances kept in vials in the pack on the back of her belt - shown in the pictures to the right - to fight.

As for an actual weapon she wields to strike foes, the only such thing she possesses is the whip sword she creates using her powers.

Primarily Mental, but also Water-element Magick.

Being charged with keeping her quarters in strict order, and due to the laboratory she was raised in, Lorelei is a very cleanly person. Everything at her disposal is always well kept, and in good order. Also, due to her lack of experience with decent food, now that she's partially out from under the thumbs of her handlers, she has started learning how to cook - although this, like her collection of plushies, is an embarrassingly feminine thing that she hides due to its clashing with her tough image - and is actually getting pretty good at it. And, from listening to music all the time, she's also gotten surprisingly good at singing - no surprise here, she keeps this a secret too.

Due to not having the chance to peruse many books in the lab where she was raised, she's actually nearly completely illiterate. Fortunately, she can just read the minds of those around her if there's any text she needs to understand, but it still frustrates her to no end.

Her strangely two-toned hair is one of many side-effects of some of the soul-warping experiments she underwent. She likes the weird image it gives her, since it flies right in the face of the obsessive order and uniformity enforced by her caretakers, and so chose her current attire to accentuate her already... unique... appearance.

Her Theme Songs are Die Lorelei, by the Doujin music group SOUND HOLIC, and Nano's cover of Rolling Girl.

So begins...

NHP-S17 "Lorelei"'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey Character Portrait: Hector Kazuhira
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#, as written by Feyblue

"Report to the research center in the West Wing." That was what they'd told her to do. She'd felt her heart sinking at these commands, as she'd been hoping that she'd finally get the chance to live in an ordinary dormitory environment, instead of a whitewashed lab with cameras watching her every move and coat-wearing researchers staring at her all day, governing every second of every day of her life. When she wasn't practicing her powers in their strict training regimen, she was undergoing new tests to explore the limits of her abilities, and exceed them. It was an exhausting, merciless routine that left her utterly burned out at the end of every day, with no freedom to do any of the things she enjoyed. "Just deal with it," they had said dismissively. "We need to remain closeby to monitor your vitals at all times so you don't suffer the same fate as Subject 13. Too much money has been put into your creation for failure to be tolerated." Ah, Subject 13 - the Sword of Damocles they hung over her head at the slightest provocation. Having read the minds of her handlers, she had seen in full detail the gory fate suffered by her predecessor as her body crumbled and warped, bones snapping and turning to dust, eyes spewing blood as her skull collapsed in on itself as though an invisible hand had crumpled it like a wad of used tissue paper. That was the fate that awaited her, they said, if they were not hovering over her shoulder for 24 hours of every day of every week, monitoring her powers and "protecting" her from herself.

It was all hogwash, of course, mused the girl, brushing back some errant strands of her two-toned hair as she strode calmly through the main hall of her new school, the fluttering of her entourage's coat tails ringing in her ears as the scientists flanking her on either side continued leading the way to her new prison. The girl known as Lorelei had read enough of the minds of her handlers to know that her powers had not, nor would they ever advance to that volatile stage. But that didn't stop them from using that as an excuse, as though they thought she was too stupid to remember anything. Then again, in a way, maybe they were right about that. Who had she been, she wondered. Why had she ever agreed to sign her rights over to the researchers who now governed every aspect of her life? She was sure there had been some important reason, that she'd had no other choice. She just wished she could remember what that reason was. Maybe then, this tiring, ruthless tedium would be a little more bearable.

"Is that the NHP representative? She looks so young." Lorelei grimaced, gritting her teeth as the intrusive voice burrowed its way deep into her consciousness, countless others joining it as the students bustling about stopped to gawk at what they must have viewed as a new and interesting plaything.

"Look at her, just strolling in with her escorts like some sort of wannabe princess."

"I've seen her type before. She's probably a total bitch."

"'Next generation of humanity,' my ass. Just 'cause a lot of money's riding on her she waltzes in here like she owns the place. We worked hard to get where we are, you know. Some no-talent fake human who thinks she's all that just because her creators' connections can get her anywhere has no place here. Go back to Leviathan, you arrogant slut."

"WHO SAID THAT?!" Snapping at last, she stopped suddenly, rounding upon where she thought the voice had been coming from as her hands clenched into fists. Her hair began to flutter wildly on an eldritch breeze as her narrowed eyes glowed with their own internal azure light, darting from one face to the next as she tried to find the source of the voice that had so insulted her. How dare they claim that she had done nothing to get where she was. She'd been fighting to survive each and every day of her life! But more than just that... she wasn't a fake! She knew she had once been a person. She had been a Human like them! She must have been!

"What the hell? Who does she think she's talking to?"

"Is she alright in the head?"

"What a total psychopath."

"Oi, NHP goons! Keep your bitch on a leash!" Shouted a voice from amidst the crowd, which was echoed by several more a moment later as mocking laughter resounded all around her...

Lorelei's eyes snapped open where she lay. That dream again. Well, less of a dream than a memory, she supposed, sitting up in her bed, glancing across the room at the far wall, staring into the blank whiteness of the featureless room surrounding her, its otherwise blinding color reduced to a mere dull gray by the deadened lights of the laboratory bedroom. Ever since she'd arrived, things had been largely the same. People either avoided her out of fear of interacting with a "lunatic," or mocked her between one another, either unaware of or unconcerned by the fact that she knew full well what they were saying. The voices were always so loud, each and every one of them either mocking or pitying her. It just made her want to scream, to throw their insults back in the faces of the ones who so smugly mocked her. But it was pointless. The voices never stopped talking, never stopped insulting her - and she hated it.

She groaned, stretching her arms as she tried to shake off the stiffness that had overcome her body after spending the night atop the small white "bed" - more of a glorified, expandable couch, really - that provided her "room" - more of a glorified cell, really - with one of its two sole furnishings. Well, she supposed it could be worse. At least she had a bed, and that certainly beat spending her nights strapped to an operating table with electrodes probing her brain for the slightest hint of psychic activity, countless syringes full of sedatives ready and waiting to be pumped into her should her powers ever go out of control, all alone in the darkness with her body aching and her thoughts a mess. It was probably for the best that she couldn't remember much of that period of her life - although what she did recall nevertheless made up a good portion of her nightmares. She supposed she'd been lucky to simply dream she was being humiliated, rather than experimented on.

Crossing the tiny chamber in a few quick strides, her feet making naught but a faint shuffling against the frigid, infuriatingly pristine white floor, Lorelei idly swung open her wardrobe - the other bit of furnishing in her humble abode, a large, gaudy mahogany object which looked almost hilariously out of place against the monochromatic backdrop of the lab - and, reaching inside, withdrew her "uniform." Well, technically, just the black and cerulean tabard she wore and the tie that accompanied it were actually part of the apparel she'd been assigned by the NHP, while the long-sleeved black undershirt, matching opaque tights, and short, half-blouse, half-dress she wore were all her own personal additions to her attire. Placing all these things on her couch, she turned, slipping out of the flimsy, backless white nightgown she wore and casually throwing it across the room into a hamper in the side of the still-open wardrobe. Standing bare at the center of the small room, she turned, spreading her arms like a conductor, then sweeping them upward, the azure crystal that she'd taken out along with her uniform shattering outward into a large mass of floating water that washed over her in an instant, wrapping itself like a raiment around her and running over her form, precisely darting into each pore and clearing it in turn in what was equal parts morning practice and self-grooming ritual - although she had a sneaking suspicion that the only reason she'd been allowed to use her magic to clean herself was because the surveillance team enjoyed the free show they got over the cameras. Ensuring that her aura of water covered her most important parts from the angles at which her sixth sense helpfully reminded her the cameras were positioned in at all times, Lorelei concluded her little bath by purging all the water that still clung to her pale skin, running it up and through her hair, sending a two-toned cascade of raven and snowy tresses fluttering outward as though caught on a powerful breeze, before the water at last morphed back into its crystalline form, weaving itself back into her hair as she picked up the clothing she'd left on the couch. She was just about to set about getting dressed when the door snapped open with an audible hiss as the sealed environment of her room decompressed slightly - she still thought vacuum sealing the doors as a defense against any sort of germs contaminating her sleeping environment was a little excessive, but she supposed that her handlers couldn't afford their valuable test subject catching cold if they could help it.

Turning to face the intruder, Lorelei almost forgot to conceal her scowl as her eyes met those of Dr. Bessiger, the right hand man to the chairman of the NHP, and her personal handler and commanding officer. He was a tall man, and surprisingly young for an individual of his status and expertise. He possessed a heavily built, study physique that suggested he'd probably done his fair share of physical activities in the past, which, when combined with his formidable height, gave him a very imposing stature that most people couldn't help but be cowed by. His blonde hair was short, cut very methodically around his eyes and ears, and trimmed with the same obsessive zeal along the back of his neck, while his midnight blue eyes gazed coldly over the top of his spectacles. From the precise crease in each leg of his slacks to the pristine cerulean suit he wore, he was the perfect image of order. Lorelei forced back the bile that crept its way into her throat as this man, her eternal tormentor, stepped calmly into the room, his eyes sweeping over her naked body with all the interest one might have expected someone to show some small, insignificant animal's carcass. In his expression alone, he made it abundantly clear that he, unlike the watchers on the 24 hour cameras she lived with, didn't view her as a fellow Human being, even if only in the sense of a slave to be leered at. To him, she was nothing but a tool.

"Good," he said coldly. "You're awake."

"Did your parents ever teach you how to knock?" Lorelei wanted to say, but stifled herself out of fear, simply turning herself about, standing rigidly at attention, and placing her right hand over her heart in salute - a gesture which, fortunately, had the side effect of covering her sensitive regions with the clothing still draped over her arm. "Yes, master," She replied dutifully, her voice cold and stoic as she tried her hardest not to spit the hateful word by which she was forced to refer to him, her maker, and her unmaker should she ever set a single foot out of line. This was the man who controlled her very fate, and if she did not remember that and show him the utmost respect and humility, the things he could do to her or have done to her would make starving to death on the streets or being devoured by Daemons seem merciful by comparison.

Dr. Bessiger gave a self-assured half-smirk, stopping in front of her and reaching out a hand, placing two fingers upon her chin and slowly, forcefully raising it by several degrees. Lorelei winced as she fought back the impulse to lash out at him, to release her powers and fling him away, his chilling, powerful touch sending chills down her spine of a sort far colder than the brisk air of the lab against her bare flesh. Her azure eyes reluctantly rose as she looked up - or perhaps the matter of note was that he had deigned to look down on her? - meeting the midnight blue gaze of her handler, her creator, her owner, the man who held everything she was in the palm of his hand, and who would shape her, like a dollmaker might give form to a doll, in whatever way he pleased. Lorelei hated those eyes, loathed them with every fiber of her being, despised the way they seemed to pierce like daggers through her, dismantling her and laying her bare before them, her individuality stripped away by their cold awareness as her very self was reduced to mere data, reflected in the eyes of that terrifying man who held absolute power over everything she had been, was, and ever would be.

"Look me in the eye when you speak," Ordered the doctor, his voice that of a disapproving father to a petulant child, commanding the respect of his rude and arrogant creation.

"Yes, master," Lorelei repeated obediently, her words utterly void of any of the feelings or emotions whirling through her terrified brain, containing nothing save the blind respect and acceptance that the doctor demanded. She was barely able to muster even this sort of empty, mechanical speech, her breath nearly choking in her throat as she spoke the words she so hated for a second time, her eyes unable to escape the gaze of those horrible blue orbs that dominated her vision, staring down at her with soul-crushing intensity. Finally, as suddenly as he had forced her to meet it, the man broke off his gaze, giving a self-satisfactory nod to himself as he released her chin and turned, walking casually to the opposite edge of the room, shutting the still-open door of her wardrobe as he passed it out of obsessive-compulsive fervor. Lorelei gave a silent gasp of relief, sucking in the breath that had been stolen from her when those eyes had met her own.

He had to be there for a reason. The doctor never interacted with her so personally unless he had something he wanted her to do. The sooner she could figure out what exactly that thing was, the sooner he might leave her in peace, the sooner she might escape from his hateful presence, even if only temporarily. And so, her words still devoid of any feeling save obedience, she spoke.

"What is it that you wish of this unit, master? I will obey," She said humbly, making sure to avoid speaking with any pretense of humanity before this man who refused to accept her as such.

"Well, aren't we eager?" Laughed the doctor quietly. There was nothing outwardly malevolent about his laugh. Unlike the cackling villains in cliche films, his mirth was expressed in a thoroughly ordinary, perhaps even understated manner. But to Lorelei, that only made it all the more terrifying, as it presented the possibility that this man was really nothing but an ordinary person doing his job - and that just so happened to entail commanding her very destiny, and crushing it beneath his boot heel if such measures became necessary. "In that case, you'll be pleased to know I have good news. You've finally been reassigned."

The experiment's eyes widened as her mind processed these words. Reassigned? Her last teacher had been killed practically on the same day he'd been charged with her instruction. As a result, she'd ended up spending most of her time in the lab running tests like always, waiting for the opportunity to be assigned once more to a group so as to improve her skills and run missions. She'd never actually been part of a major operation, nor had she participated in actual combat against a wild, powerful Daemon. The closest she came to having real battle experience was fighting some of the captured Daemons brought to Leviathan for training purposes - although she supposed any battle where you ran a risk of dying couldn't exactly be called anything but "real." If she was finally being reassigned, then that would mean her first chance to actually perform the duties for which she'd been created, and to destroy the Daemonic invaders. Forgetting her fear for a moment, she gave a smile of surprise - yet this soon collapsed when she remembered what else being assigned to a group would mean - she'd have to work with her peers, most of whom at the very least knew her, and, more often than not, either thought she was insane or simply despised her for the manner in which she'd entered the academy. Her expression of delight swiftly turned to a grimace. Still, she supposed, it would be better than staying here in the lab, where this man had absolute command of every aspect of her life. Besides, she'd long since learned to stop hoping for anything she knew she wouldn't get, so there was no sense in getting worked up over it. She would simply fulfill her duties. Then, at least, she would be blameless, even in the eyes of the peers who so looked down on her. "When shall I begin?" She asked quietly.

"Today, in one hour. You'll be in class designation 2-2-1-3, on the second floor. Hurry up and make yourself presentable, then report to your new teacher. That is all." Rounding on the door, the Doctor left just as suddenly as he had entered, and her room sealed itself once again in his wake. She sighed, too flustered by her fear, confusion, anxiety, and anticipation to care about the cameras watching her as she set about dressing herself, slipping into the sleeves of her undershirt and blouse before fastening on her tabard and pulling on her customary pair of tights. Brushing back her hair, she snapped shut the bindings on her shoes, and turned for the door. This was it. This was the day she'd been waiting for.

She opened the door, and stepped outside.

The school was as noisy as it had been the last time she'd been outside of the lab - about a month ago when she'd finally been given some free time, although what she'd been expected to do with this break, exactly, she still wasn't sure - but she shut it out as best she could, blasting loud pop-rock from some no-name artist in her headphones as she walked briskly through the halls of the academy, trying to find her way to her new classroom. Unfortunately, given that she couldn't exactly read, checking a map was out of the question, and she didn't want to take off her headset to read somebody's mind for directions for fear of being bombarded by the thoughts of those around her. The last thing she needed was to make another scene on the first day of her new start. There couldn't be too many classrooms in the first hallway of the second sector of floor 2, so finding the third one shouldn't have been too difficult - if she could just find sector 2. She was so caught up in her frustration that she almost missed the sign overhead with some text she couldn't understand and a 2 on it. Huh. That was easier than she had expected, she mused, turning off her music now that the crowds had thinned somewhat and placing her headphones back around her neck. A short while of searching later, and she found herself in the classroom - and she wasn't alone. Already, several other students were present, as was a slightly unkempt man who was evidently their teacher. Walking purposefully up to the man at the desk, she supposed it would be best to make a good impression, if only to avoid the scolding that Dr. Bessiger would invariably give her if she failed to. So, acting as she had been taught, she placed her right hand over her heart in salute, standing rigidly at attention as she reported her presence and gave a brief introduction.

"Subject 17 of the New Human Project, reporting for duty. This unit's designation is 'Lorelei.' This unit will follow all instructions provided, sir," She said quietly, her voice and expression a blank, unfeeling void as she had been taught. Her introduction completed, she gave a rigid bow, and then swiftly moved away to the far corner of the room, finding an empty desk far from the other occupants of the area, so that the voices of their minds might not reach her so easily. Staring into space, she tried her best to just ignore whatever snippets of their "voices" she did hear, not wanting to know what they already must have thought of her for fear that it might cause her to snap and forgo the disciplined exterior she had practiced for so long...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

The bright early morning ray shone through the window, lighting up the neat and tidy room. Constantly maintained by its owner, the room was the perfect definition of a discipline student. Already awake like usual, Caesar was taking his time spreading over his bed sheets in a tidy manner. It was a rather easy task for him, especially since he dedicated himself to cleaning up his room and possessions as spotless as possible, what with his inability to gain advantages somewhere else. This was the least he could do to prove that he wasn't at all useless.

"You're quick as always aren't you, Caesar? I'm still very much tired here." A familiar voice rang inside his head. The same rough and commanding tone of voice that only he himself can hear. Similar to a very close brother, but their bond was something even blood-related siblings could not even possess. Nefarius, the Fae who became Caesar's only relative, had been with him for the past 10 years, along with another. He was in the form of an orange sheathed katana, resting itself next to the desk. At the hilt, there was a small circle that took up most of the hilt and a little hump protruding over the entire length of the sword.

"You are always tired, Nefarius. It's not as if you did something of great mention." Another voice vibrated inside his head. This time, a gentle and relieving one. The eldest among the trio, she is the one keeping the two brothers in check. Typically Nefarius as he is always the one feeding dangerous ideas to Caesar. Nexus was the Fae who found Caesar 10 years ago along with Nefarius. As the kind elder sister, she 'took in' Caesar and made him their youngest brother. Ever since, they had been together for as long as Caesar's memories can bring him to. Nexus now resides in the form of a dual pistol, both having black bodies and white slides.

A loud roar came from Nefarius, who objected at Nexus' claim. "What?! Of course not! Everyday, I keep my guard up to ensure Caesar is ready for a battle against those daemons anytime. There isn't a time where I failed to do it." If Nefarius had a physical body, this should be where he's be puffing out his chest proudly. "Well, thank you then, brother. I'm sure some daemons would come storming into an academy specifically built for training Hunters. Oh and let's not forget that we have a famous Hunter with the academy today." Nefarius gulped after hearing this. It seems like his objection was deflected. Caesar giggled a little and stepped up, stopping the argument. "Well, today would just be like any day. Let's do our best." Just as he said that, there was a knock on the door.

Caesar went ahead to open the door and found an android standing in front. Its metallic eyes stared right into Caesar as their difference in height made it looked like Caesar was getting bullied by an upper class-robot.

"Minamoto, Caesar. Your Homeroom has been changed to second floor room 2-2-1-3. You will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan, during your morning hours at Anthemia. Any inquiries?" The robot announced. Its usual AI voice carried a sort of friendliness to it. The first time Caesar met with these androids, it literally made him jumped with surprise. Slowly however, he got used to it and eventually found it rather friendly as he tries to make conversations with it. Only to be disappointed that they aren't programmed to do so.

Shaking his head as a reply, he slowly closed the door as the android returned to its work. He returned to the desk and put on his equipment, a long coat that goes to the bottom of his heels and and long black scarf. "Speak of the devil. Let us move." Nexus said as she was strapped on the waist together with Nefarius. "It's about time we get some action! I can't wait to fight something again!" Suddenly gaining an intense amount of energy, Nefarius sprung back to life and was ready to face anything. Nodding to their claims, Caesar grabbed his sling bag and exited his room, locking it before he left.

His room is one the first floor, towards the opposite end of where his destination would be, so it took him some time to get to room 2-2-1-3. As he approaches closer and closer to the room, he saw a lady standing beside the door, looking out through the window. She was well-dressed and had a matured sense around her. But on her face, it was as if she missed something that she recently lost. Caesar didn't want to intrude her private moments, so before going into the room, he bowed a little to show respect to whoever she might be.

Inside was a few of his classmate already arrived before him. Unable to remember most of them, Caesar struggled to dig his past memories to reconfirm their names and faces but no results came out. But he didn't give up. If he felt familiar to even one of them, he want to remember who they were and perhaps strike up a conversation with it later. However, he just couldn't do it. Eventually, he snapped back to reality as he saw the professor sitting behind the desk. He suddenly remembered that he had been standing there for more than 10 seconds, so he quickly whimpered away to a corner of the room and took his seat, hiding his embarrassment behind his bag.

That was where he truly thanked the existence of bags. He thought that the bags were there to hide and cover his shame. Then again, probably not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by toajojo
Willow slipped out of her bed early as she did every morning. She knew there was no reason for her to get up so early in the mornings, especially since at the moment, she had no homeroom class to attend. She could not help herself though. It was such a well ingrained habit from her childhood home in Terrasis that she did not even bother with an alarm. Her mind was it's own clock. Always making sure she rose before the sun was able to greet the east horizon and went to bed before the midnight darkness consumed the skies. Her grandparents were firm believers in in the old adage, Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Being the stickler for routine that she was, Willow began her morning rituals. She moved through the motions systematically. Tucking in the edges of the comforter, she tidied up her small futon tucked away in the corner of her decent sized bedroom. Leaning down to the well worn blanket, she took a deep breathe. Searching for a hint of her home's scent. Nothing. She let out her breathe and pushed herself up from her knees. She was not totally sure why she tried. Their scent had long since faded away.

Willow raised her slender arms above her head and stretched. Throwing her head back she let out a wide-mouthed yawn. With a roll of her shoulders, she continued with her schedule. Leaving her bedroom, she made her way into her small living room. Behind her modern grey suede couch on the opposite side from her sleek television, she kneeled once more on the wooden flooring. There, was the largest window in her entire dorm. It was where she had her indoor shrine in the midst of her small window garden.

Running her hands down her thighs she smoothed out her silk lavender night gown and then placed them flat on the cold wood. The tips of her index and middle touching as well as her thumbs. Dutifully she bent over in a most humble bow. Her forehead on her fingers and her nose to the ground. In a quiet, gentle whisper she began her daily prayers. Speaking fluently in the holy tongue of her religion.

"Lel twa jomenti al...Fo letimu el tsah tjumeni jah hun mu...
...Lel twa sjah lenti al fo letico...Ol tah lementi al tsah jutenija.
Al fo letia leja al tash...A la rey yo, ya.
Lyttie..Tu-liatua ruecies Systina et-Freyia.
Renies teal dear siesty litea...Rushes."

That particular prayer was just a short recital of words. There were much longer ones that she knew, but she chose to stick with this one usually. Just to keep her mornings quick and efficient. It covered the basics. Thanking the one who reigned sovereign over the planet and it's inhabitants for giving her life and protecting her. Apologizing for any malevolent intent that might have seeped into her heart before and asking him to cleanse her. Promising to do her best to bring others to the light. All that religious stuff.

Rising from her subservient position, she got to her feet and examined the plants in her garden. With butterfly-like touches she ran her fingers over their leaves, stems and flowers. Cataloging the progress they were making. Smiling, she spoke to them softly. Whispering sweet nothings to them as if they were her significant other. In a way, they were. Willow regarded all plants and animals as beings with close attachments to her. They all had a life force in them keeping them going day after day, for all she knew they could feel the same way about her.

With one hand, she grasped her small trimmers and set to work. Some of their vines were wrapping around her small alter. That could not do. With one Snip and another, she put the blades down and admired her handiwork. Reaching for her watering can, she carefully and loving gave each a drink. Making sure not to drown them or give them too little. Willow glanced out of the window and spotted the sun just beginning to rise. Giving the sky a strange, but beautiful mish-mash of colors. She was right on time. The best time to water your plants was right before the sun rose. It stimulated faster root growth. Well, of course she did not need to go through that whole process like others might. After all she was quite skilled in the field of nature magick. With a single stroke she could make all of these flowers bloom even if they were not in season. But she did not. One, it was against the rules to use ones magick if not in critical need of them or given specific permission. And two, she enjoyed watching them grow on their own. With her gently nourishing them, nudging them forward like a mother. It gave her a sense of pride when they finally bloomed. Putting her watering can down, she gave them one last smile before getting ready for the day.

Getting ready always took her the most amount of time. Stepping into her spacious bathroom, Willow turned on the shower and let her gown fall from her body. Getting inside, she felt her muscles relax as the heated water pelted her bare skin. Quickly grabbing her soap, she began to cleanse herself. Starting with the top of her head and hair, she made her way down. Soon enough, she was rinsed and out, wrapped snugly in a towel. One for her body and another for her hair. She slipped into one of her usual simple dresses and wiggled her feet into some tall lace-up shoes. Pulling her towel from her head she let her pale lavender hair fall to her knees. As she braided it tightly, she pondered if she should get it hair cut. Biting her lip, she shook her head to herself. No. She was too sentimental for that.

Rummaging through her compact refrigerator, she found the leftovers she saved from the night before. Throwing it in the microwave for a minute she said a quick prayer over the food and sat down to eat. It was a small meal. A glass of water, two biscuits with a honey spread, but it was filling nonetheless. When she was finished, she cleaned her already spotless kitchen and prepared to go out for the day. She needed to find something to do before her afternoon classes. Willow slid her small ocarina onto her neck, her wooden staff onto her back, and messanger bag over her shoulder.

Opening the door to enter the hallway she released a startled yelp. With it's hand poised to knock on her door was an AI. Willow placed a hand on her chest and calmed her breathing as the AI stared at her. Seemingly waiting for her to get her bearings together. She cocked her head to the side and smiled at it, a signal for it to continue on with what is was programmed to do.

"Uskose, Willow. Your Homeroom has been changed to second floor room 2-2-1-3. You will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan, during your morning hours at Anthemia. Any inquiries?" The artificial intelligence recited and waited for her response. Willow mulled it over before shaking her head. She was returning to class!

"No. Thank you, very much for telling me though." She replied politely. Giving the robot a shallow bow. It turned on it's heel and left her without another word. Willow, could hardly contain herself. Shutting her door behind her she sprinted down the hallways and staircases. Eager to get to her new homeroom. So it seemed that she was not being dismissed from the academy and now, she even had The Asher Donovan as her teacher.

Reaching room 2213, Willow hesitated for a moment. Her nerves chose to get the better of her right then. Curses. Taking a deep breathe, she steeled herself and pulled her immensely long and thick braid over her shoulder. Grasping the handle to the door, she twisted and pushed forward. Walking into the room gracefully, she showed no hint of her nerves. Stopping in front Mr. Donovan's desk, she bowed respectfully low. The end of her braid touched the ground and she rose. With a sweet smile, she introduced herself. "Willow Uskose. I am honored to make your acquaintance Professor Donovan."

She turned and quickly headed to a seat. Choosing one in the front row, she slid into it. Putting her satchel and staff on the floor beside her. Deciding it could not hurt to be friendly, she twisted her back and looked behind her at the boy who she was seated directly in front of (Robin) and flashed him a small, but bright smile. "Morning."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri


Kenji lay sleeping on a park bench as his familiar poked at his face in an attempt to wake him up. Every once in a while a person would casually stroll on by giving strange glances towards the guy sleeping on a park bench being poked at by what seemed as a cat. This was not unlike Kenji though as he had to live this sort of a life style because of his grades. School has never been his strong suit and studying was a daemon all of it's own to fight for Kenji, and considering he never liked to study it never got easier. That combined with his lack of will to pay attention school what was not what he expected, his vision was a battle of strength and will the person who was strongest rained supreme. Sadly this was not so, intelligence and tactical styles with a mix of precision and strength all combined into making a good student. Only having half of that has kept him pretty far from the title of valedictorian.

Not to mention it also made so the fact he earned an almost minimum when it came to allowance. For a while he had been rooming with a somewhat friend it was good, but having to keep his tail a secret when rooming with someone is hard. On top of the fact that he was kicked out yesterday because Kenji has a habit of leaving a messy room and when you are told to pick up and your answer is "uh..ya...on day." While reading book you can get into a situation that you may not have wanted. That is exactly where Kenji is, reduced to sleeping on a park bench, but he has saved up a bit of money since rent was free and he ate the bare minimum keeping good track of money and what he was spending it on.

After a solid ten minutes of his face being prodded by his familiar he finally awake. Looking around he had a stupidly happy smile on his face, but after noticing where he was and feeling his back his expression turned into a part silly sad face. Standing up and having a good stretch with his spine cracking with ounce of pressure put on it. "Note to self find a place to stay and soon. Bench's equal bad for your back it seems." He said while looking at Riku.

Riku hopped onto Kenji's shoulder and they started to set off towards the city to get some food. Twenty-minutes later after a quick bite and almost getting into a brawl, which is the usual for Kenji, he returned to the bench which had turned into a semi-home for now. Just as he dropped down on to the bench and closed his eyes getting ready to go take a nap a voice was heard right over his shoulder. With a glance back an android was standing there ready to say something. "Kenji Yamanaka, your home room has been changed to Second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquires?"

Kenji looked back at the android with a puzzled face . This was either really good because now he wouldn't have to worry about being dropped from the school. Or it could be bad since this means a return to the curse of having to study or for him not studying. Snapping back to reality he turns from the android throwing up a hand as he walks away towards the school. "No, I'm fine go back to whatever you were doing." He said as if it was more of a annoyance then anything else. As he walked he tried to think of the name Asher Donovan, Kenji could have sworn he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't recall because most likely he wasn't really paying attention so he must not be that important.

His habit of picking fights had seemed to not diminish at all almost getting into a couple brawls just on his way to school. When he got to school he noticed his nickname The Blue Devil or Monster didn't seem to go away even without him causing trouble on campus itself for sometime, though that was bound to change soon enough since he couldn't be away from fights for long. Reaching the school and it seemed as if he would finally get back to clearing this world of its evils be it the daemons or humans who would act as daemons. It didn't matter to him as long as in the end this world was a better place Kenji has no problems becoming the monster needed to accomplish that, just as he had done once before. The class room was finally in sight which hopefully he wasn't going to be the first, but not last either as he is usually late this time he may have gotten lucky because of the bench and it being a poor choice of comfort. Opening the door to the room it seemed as if their were already quite a few people inside. It didn't seem as if he was late which might be something that should be praised as his first and last time.

All his excitement to get back to school to hunt down some daemons seemed to fade the second he opened the door realizing that normal school also had a factor. He sighed looking at the new teacher with an un-entertained expression. "Hey, I'm Kenji." He said with as little effort as needed. Giving a half wave along with it he dragged himself towards the back of the class room taking a seat there. Taking his wrapped swords off his back and placing it against his desk he sat down placing his arms on the desk and resting his head on them. Still keeping his head up though so that he could check out his other classmates trying to pick out who he was going to avoid, and checking out the girls picking out the cutest. His secret technique of storing all his energy during class by putting in almost no effort so that he would have double outside and during fights was now an official go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Joe & Frank

Crash! Crunch! "2-2-'BZZZRT-1-3" Zap, Crunch.

A cacophony of metallic crushing and electronic buzzing sounds just barely reached Joe through the haze of his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight burning as it met with his vision. After a few moments Joe found himself where he last left himself going to bed last night: A bench out on school grounds, Frank wrapped around his area. His summon, a rather significantly large trash dragon named Frank, had just swatted a robot who had made the time old mistake of walking up to a dragon without loudly announcing itself. Then again, to the untrained optic sensor his dragon looked like little more than a trash heap when prone.

"Ah heck. They're probably gonna charge me fer that." Joe shrugged. "Ah well, don't matter none too much.
Never had much a need for money. Just means I'm gonna need ta find some meals fer a bit." Lazily he picked himself off the bench and stretched. The remains of the robot were pulled into Frank. The pieces that weren't completely crushed into slag in the first hit were ground into pure junk by the shifting wood, steel and stone that comprised of it's body. Raising it's head Frank was about the size of a small warehouse in both height at the shoulder and length from nose to tail tip. With the robot slag pulled into it it was now at the cusp of it's maximum mass limit. It was not an inconsiderable creature but Joe felt it could use to be bigger, something he hoped he would figure out how to do at this school.

Despite having had barely woken up Joe recalled the numbers the flattened robot blurted out in it's last moments.
"That probably somethin' important. I'd better do some sleuthin'." He concluded, walking on his way to find something corresponding with the numbers. Given their arrangement they seemed to relate closest to room numbers. Either that or it was a phone number it didn't get to finish. He'd find out soon enough.

Joe hadn't had any missions since the last teacher died and quite frankly he didn't mind all that much. The free time gave him plenty of peace and quiet but there was always those rumors that buzzed around about inactive students getting booted. He wasn't really scared of that but getting tossed out would be inconvenient. He wanted to find out as much as he needed to know from this place before ditching it like his last place and taking to the road.

When he got to the entrance to the building he looked up to Frank. The dragon's face was expressionless as it was just a bunch of garbage arranged into a dragon shaped head but he could still tell it wasn't happy with him going somewhere it couldn't fit. It was just a knack Joe picked up after all these years of living with Frank.
"Look buddy, I swear I'm not going to be too far out of reach. I think the room probably has a window you can look through.
I'll call 'ya over when I find it alright? Try not to wreck anything alright?" He reassured Frank. The dragon sat down and simply waited, a clear enough signal for Joe to go through with it.

Eventually he found the door with the number the robot had blurted out in it's death throes.
"Well, hope I ain't wrong here." He spoke mostly to himself as he pushed his way in through the door. Inside was a rather eclectic gathering of the more unusual students. There was a teacher he didn't really know anything about and well, that was about it. He'd of cared more about the details but he didn't think it was of much importance. Simply striding through he went over and opened a window, sticking his head out. He gave a loud sharp whistle which rang out across the general area.
"Yo, Frank! I found the right place!" He yelled out hoping Frank heard him. He turned away from the window a moment over towards the teacher. "This is the right place, right?" He asked, hoping he didn't just walk into a classroom uninvited and disrupt everything. That would be mildly embarrassing, nothing too bad for him though. The biggest nuisance would be having to explain himself.

The whole room shuddered with each step of it's large feet. It was a gentle rumble at first but as it got closer the room shook quite a bit as Frank parked himself right outside the window, causing one last big thud as it sat. Though it didn't seem to have eyes of any sort it's head was looking in through the windows at Joe. "See Frank, I told 'ya it was gonna be fine." He told Frank through the open window. It's blank emotionless mass of trash that he calls a head didn't change at all but Joe was sure it got the idea. With that said Joe grabbed the seat closest to the window, always welcoming a chance to sit and rest whenever he gets the chance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by YuumanN

For the first time in a while, the thought came to him again.

“Well, these things happen.”

Months had passed, and Lev still couldn’t think of anything more than that apathetic phrase when the image of their former teacher, killed in a mission, appeared in his mind. Admittedly, this somewhat worried him.

It had been the first time in his life a person close to him – at least in the sense that they saw each other almost every day – was taken by Daemons and, contrary to what he had initially expected, it didn’t affect him that much. It did take him by surprise when he heard the news and even got him wondering how such a tragedy could have occurred to a Huntress he had always perceived as careful and reliable, but minutes later he was more preoccupied with how he would face his numerous fees with the limited budget he received from the Academy and the following weekend he hadn’t spared a single second of thought on her.

He didn’t appear to be the only one though. Fellow Hunters seemed at a loss during the week when she died, wondering if the incident had occurred due to a malfunction, a mistake or an irregularity of a different sort, but eventually people ran out of curiosity on the matter and it was as good as settled. It made sense; they were at war and even if they didn’t have access to the exact numbers as they were still in training, students in the Academy could figure out many men and women died each day. Daemons didn’t rest or mourn, and there was no noticeable sign that their numbers were decreasing, so how could humanity spare time and resources for those who had fallen?

Still, this woman had shared wisdom with those who would become the next generation of humanity’s vanguard against Daemons to ensure its survival in the future, and in her spare time joined Hunters in the field to fight like a soldier. There was no way that such a lifestyle had left her any time to form a family of her own or pursue any ambitions. Almost her entire life, from late childhood to death, had been sacrificed to fight for humanity, which was more than the overwhelming majority of people could say, and still it was most likely that a decade from now no one would remember her face or even her name. No; that was a privilege that was saved only for those who knew when to die, made beautiful speeches to earn a cozy seat in one of the major cities’ government or, even better, were willing to print their faces on pop magazines so that a new generation of teenagers could grow up with propaganda-fueled dreams of unrealistic glory.

“these things happen” indeed.

Maybe what bothered Lev was the acknowledgement that, as selfish and despicable as this society that ignored the genuine devotion of a brave woman resulted to him, he would still prove exactly the same as them.

Perhaps, despite his attempts to convince himself that he was fighting for mankind and not for himself, he was scared of facing the fact that his efforts would still make him no more than a nameless soldier in history at most.

Or maybe he had too much free time to spend thinking on pointless trails of thought.


Suddenly, the surrounding background he had been pushing back in his mind brusquely recovered its colors and life; the sound of heavy machinery at work and raspy voices of middle-aged men and women screaming obscenities at each other echoed in his eardrums again and demanded his attention, prompting him to wonder how he had been able to space out in the first place. He sought the voice that called his name through the framed visor of his face shield and soon spotted a short-haired and generously bearded man he recognized as Gene, one of the more experienced workers and student supervisors.

“Sum n’droid ‘ere s’got a messige for ya or sumthin’. It’s in da way, so go lissen to it so it leaves awlready!” he said, not bothering to hide his irritation or the fact that he was in a hurry.

Lev freed one of his hands to signal an ‘ok’ to his boss, who stormed off expressing his distaste for androids in mumbles to no one in particular, making an exemplary use of the word ‘fuck’ and all its known variables plus a few others. Good guy though. Occasionally.

Putting his tools away, Lev made his way to the entrance of the Academy’s arsenal, where he had been spending all his mornings for the past few months. All Scholar students in their last obligatory year were required to complete a certain amount of hours of actual work in their discipline, among other tasks, and seeing as he already visited the arsenal with some frequency, it was no surprise he ended up resorting to it to complete his academic duties. He had actually fulfilled this requirement some time ago, but since he had no morning classes ever since the death of his home room teacher, he preferred spending his time there helping with the avalanche of work the mechanics found themselves underneath of due to the increased frequency of Hunter deployments.

Every single day there were new jeeps, tanks, boats, swords, guns, androids and ammunition to repair, upgrade or manufacture, and they were always running late. Able hands were never missing and there were no restrictions on going over the minimum service hours, so Lev’s presence was always welcomed and appreciated. Besides, this way he got to see all sorts of newly developed machinery, even if he wasn’t allowed to actually work on the most expensive ones.

He opened the entrance door and, sure enough, an android waited with infinite patience on the other side. Standing uncomfortably close to Lev, it seemed to instantly identify him.

“Keisting, Lev. Your home room has been changed to second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia. Do you have any inquiries?”

Expecting a less relevant message, it took the young man a few seconds to process what he had heard. He checked his ancient wristwatch and briefly wondered why he would be notified in such a short notice of his new schedule, but figured his intercom, which he had left in the locker room, would be filled with messages of failed attempts to communicate with him a while ago.

“No, you can go.” He finally answered the android’s question as he remembered it was still waiting for his response without the slightest sign of apprehension, and instantly closed the door on it. The last ad Lev had heard consisted on a jingle with choreography included, which only made him feel ashamed on the robot’s behalf. Besides, some of the mechanics in the armory had taken to vandalizing the robots as a way to express their discontent when they showed up merely to promote their commercial, and if any of them saw it, it could only mean trouble for everyone.

Having no time to waste, Lev broke the news to Gene and left for his dorm, where he had to fight a mountain of broken machinery and spare parts to get to the bathroom. He showered, changed into his uniform and saved the disassembled parts of his firearms into a wheeled bag in record time, taking special care with his ‘Stingray’ sniper rifle.

Even with the heavy additional weight, he managed to keep a good pace and found his new classroom in only a few minutes despite being more concentrated on trying to remember where he had heard the name Asher Donovan rather than keeping track of where he was going. Before entering, he stationed and chained the large bag outside the class, seeing as it was too large to keep inside without it inconveniencing people. Though he did notice Noel appreciating the view through a window with a distinct air of nostalgia around her, he had no words of encouragement to share, and decided to go straight into the unknown.

As he stepped into the classroom and took in the image of his new teacher and classmates, he waited a few seconds to gather his thoughts. He finally remembered why Asher’s name seemed so familiar, and recognized his face from the cover of one of those magazines some girls around the Academy always seemed to have at hand. Although he was sure his new professor was a reliable and capable Hunter, the idea of learning under a pop idol didn’t fascinate him, and for many reasons. He then turned his attention towards the students; most of them seemed to be busy doing their own things, one of them was asleep, and there was a dragon sculpture made of trash peeking through a window… good vibrations all ‘round.

“Mornin’” he greeted the room with an unenthusiastic tone, briefly noticing in terror that Gene's dialect was slowly rubbing off on him. “Lev Keisting.” he added when he noticed the checklist on top of Asher’s desk.

With nothing to add or comment, Lev scanned the room for a free seat and headed straight for the last row. The only ones close to being neighbors to him were Caesar and Lorelei, both having already taken the corners of the classroom and each sitting a distance of two or three desks away from him. Having nothing more to do, he sat back and patiently waited for the rest of the students to show up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK


"You really have no clue how to be patient, do you."

Nico responded to the voice of her teacher with an exaggerated moan as she flopped belly-first onto her bed that lay against the wall of her dorm room. Since coming to the academy a year ago, she'd only spoke with the man who took her in on certain occasions. Or rather, when she had something she needed to complain about. This particular occasion centered around the three months that she'd gone without a single mission, despite having confronted the moderates multiple times.

"Three months, Master Mako. THREE! How much longer does she have to be dead before they start giving me my well-deserved missions?"

"You shouldn't say that about your late teacher. It's a sad thing to have lost a fellow hunter."

Nico turned onto her side and lifted her head, resting it on her palm with her elbow pressed against her pillow. Mako's face was displayed on a screen that floated above Nico's desk placed beside the bed, the window above it just barely letting the weak light of sunrise shine through the curtains that hung over it. Her teacher was a young looking man, despite being in his late thirties, with bright green eyes and sandy hair that had grown long enough to be pulled back into a loose pony tail. Behind him was the desert home in Ura that Nico had lived in for four years.

"I guess her class wasn't too boring, but I don't see much of a loss here."

Mako gave a sigh, knowing that no matter what he might say, Nico would just brush it off. She wasn't the type to be effected heavily by the death of others. Even if it were someone close to her, she'd be able to move on quite easily. Being broken up over every loss would just hold her back as a hunter anyway. Besides, it's not as if she saw that woman as anything more than a teacher. Just someone who was there to aid her in her way to becoming strong enough to survive. Clearly she wasn't fit for the job since she just went and got herself killed.

"Where's J. and Fawn?", her teacher asked curiously, though he had already guessed why the two familiars weren't present.

Nico narrowed her eyes slightly, an awkward frown showing on her face. She wanted to avoid the subject of the two fae that had decided to follow her when they fled her old home. She never did get along with them well, even when they belonged to her mother. They were stingy and bossy, always telling Nico what was proper and what was improper for a lady to be doing. Especially Fawn, with her prissy attitude.

"Hmph! I don't need them around. I'll summon way cooler familiars. Just watch me!"

Actually, she'd tried multiple times in the past to do just that, but hasn't been very successful. Mako opened his mouth to reply, a look of annoyance being a clear sign of a incoming lecture, however there was a loud ping at the door and Nico quickly jumped to her feet. "Looks like I got a visitor! I'll talk to you again soon!", she said with a smile, closing down the screen before her teacher could reply. She hurried to the door and opened it to find one of the school's androids standing there. Ever since she'd accidentally broken her comm, she'd had quite a few of these guys stop by to relay messages. She really did mean to go get that thing fixed, not that the androids bothered her.

"What can I do for ya?"

Erenheart, Nicolla, your home room has been changed to Second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquires?

Her eyes widened slightly, a tremor of excitement running over her as she listened to the androids words. She turned around and grabbed the chair from the desk, dragged it across the room to the doorway, and then stepped up onto it to pat the android on the head as she finally replied. "That'll do. You have a nice day, Thomas!" This is what she called every android. A fitting name, indeed.

She then leaped from the chair and closed the door before the ad that she knew would follow could begin. She thought they were actually pretty entertaining sometimes, or at least when they included music and dancing to go along, but right now she was too preoccupied with her excitement. It was about time they assigned her a new homeroom teacher. The name of the professor sounded familiar for a second, but it escaped her as she hurried to shower and get dressed.

Next step, finding out where this room 2-1-2-3 was. 'Or wait..was is 2-3-1-1? That doesn't sound right eith--' "2-2-1-3!", she said as she passed by a door with numbers that caught her eye. With a deep breath, she raised her foot and kicked, causing the door to fly open as she hopped inside. Stopping just far enough away from the door so that it wouldn't hit her as it shut, she raised her hand up in a quick wave.

"Yo! Nico Erenheart, reporting for duty!", she lowered her hand and gave a more or less sloppy salute, her teeth pressed together as she gave not only the teacher, but the rest of the class a bright smile. She let her hands rest at her side and she gave a small, quick bow before turned to find her seat, her eyes scanning over each student, plus the strange-looking dragon, before her eyes locked onto where she decided to sit. She hurried up to the back row and flopped down into the seat right next to a girl with the black and white hair that had caught Nico's attention.

"You're really pretty!", she said cheerfully, crossing her arms on the desk in front of her and lowering her voice just slightly so not to shout.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kapento
Cuddy Vann


It was very strange, even still, to be this far from his sandy homeland. Cuddy, although thrilled to be at the Academy could not help but desire to see even an inch of sand once more. Just think of the sandcastles! But he'd put this behind him for now. There was more important things at hand to contend with. Such as the particular android that had been hunting down Cuddy that morning, with a supposedly important message for him, and unfortunately had found the boy hiding in an old closet. Why? Well why not dude! Where else you gonna hide?

"Vann, Cuddy, your home room has been changed to second floor room, 2213, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquiries?" The android spoke in a matter-of-fact soulless voice.

"A-Ah don't think so! But if I eva' do then I'll be sure to let you know." The blonde boy answered cheerfully, his purple-y orbs glancing curiously over the talking-thing. What was it again? Android. Cuddy was still coming to grips with all the gizmos that the academy had, least of all the androids. It wasn't like he was completely oblivious to them but the little chit-chatty things were something of an annoyance to him now and again. Especially since they always managed to find him. "Oh well, ta-ta for now I guess. Next time tho' I'll win that round!"

Grabbing his things together and throwing a bag halfheartedly over his shoulder the boy made sure to be prepared for whatever came his way that day, taking a moment to double-check once more, before finally continuing on his way down the hallway. The android took it's leave and rushed off past him, Cuddy merely huffing with a shrug before walking just a little bit quicker. I better not be late or I'll look bad yo!

His hurried walk gradually shifted into a panicked run as the boy made his way to the designated classroom. Naturally, what with all the hurrying and mad-dashing, Cuddy arrived in time. With a deep breath and forced coolio demeanour the blonde lad sported his commonly used smile and stepped into the room. By the looks of it there was already a bunch load of people there before him, but he wasn't worried. Promptly walking over to the desk of Mr. Donovan the boy thought best to let his attendance be known. He sure-as-hell wasn't getting marked as absent!

"Oh, hello Mr. Donovan, sir! I'm Cuddy Vann. I hope am' not late or nothin'." With a somewhat chilled approach to his teacher Cuddy merely widened his smile in hopes of things getting off to a good start. "Well, I best be gettin' to my seat and all, a-- Oh yeah, your thee Asher Donovan? Wow-oh-wow I can't believe it! Hey I'm a real fan a--" Beneath all the rambling a quiet little inner voice deep in his head was telling Cuddy to shut-up. Needless to say it took a few more minutes before the boy took any notice. "Ah, sorry I best be goin'!"

Turning on his heel the student moved along and sat himself down on one of the seats towards the front. He hadn't really took the time to notice who exactly was in his class, but after spinning round on his seat the blonde lad eyed up all the faces near and around him, only really vaguely knowing a few. Oh well. He figured he'd get to know them soon enough anyway. For now he'd just behave himself at least.

Throwing his bag to the floor and chilling in his chair Cuddy waited to see what happened next. However, the whole lookin' cool and doin' not a lot act didn't last long. Before he knew it the boy dug out an old what-dah-call-it and was fiddling around and tinkering as always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Feyblue

Lorelei had been a little less successful at ignoring the world than she had hoped. The good news was that, aside from a rather short, nondescript boy with a red scarf who had seated himself fairly close to her, for the first few minutes, nobody seemed to even notice she existed. The bad news was that, with a rather loud young man a few rows down shouting something out the window to his giant dragon made of garbage, it was getting a little difficult for the young woman to not notice certain things about her new classmates, like the fact that several of them seemed to be bloody lunatics. Naturally, the grinning girl with the giant rainbow hammer who tossed herself into the seat right next to her seemed to be no exception, since her only response to finding herself right beside the infamous bitch of the NHP was to give a cheeky smile and a most... unexpected greeting.

"You're really pretty!" She said with enough enthusiasm to give an entire city a headache. Lorelei had to wonder if that was her normal speaking voice, because if it was, she seriously pitied... well, anybody this kid interacted with on any sort of regular basis. Saying a silent prayer for the dearly departed eardrums that must have been left in the manic hammer girl's wake, she turned slightly, raising an eyebrow in equal parts confusion and annoyance.

"Er... What?" She asked, her usual eloquence completely failing her as she tried and failed to come up with a coherent response to being complimented out of the blue. Was this girl just messing with her head? She had to know who it was she was talking to, and what kind of reputation the two-toned Magus had. Why was she even bothering to start a conversation with her? "I'm sorry, I seem to have missed the part where I'm supposed to get the point. Why are you talking to me, exactly?" Lorelei asked stoically. Somehow, she found it difficult to believe that somebody would just compliment her out of left field. Whoever this girl was, she must have wanted something. Why else would she have seated herself next to one of the most infamous and reviled students in the entire academy and started trying to flatter her before she even gave her own name? Maybe she was just trying to suck up to the powerful. Well, it was either that or she was some sort of idiot who either didn't realize who she was talking to, or didn't care. Either way, in Lorelei's opinion, this conversation was pretty much pointless. But, her attention already drawn back to the class around her, she found the unwanted thoughts of those nearby beginning to fill her head. The girl's consciousness seemed to consist of a nigh-unintelligible stream of emotions and images, befitting an energetic loudmouth such as herself. If she had to compare the sensations of reading the hammer girl's mind to any sort of sound, an explosion would be the natural choice - an explosion of rainbows and unrelenting, mind-crushing energy. Lorelei grimaced, placing a hand on her now-aching forehead and giving a rather annoyed glare to her unwanted conversational partner. "Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting," Lorelei asked sharply, a statement that probably wouldn't make much sense to anyone who didn't recognize her as the psychic that she was. Given that this girl seemed to fall into this category, she fully realized that this was probably just going to prompt even more questions, but it would at least allow her to hopefully confirm whether or not this maniac was simply toying with her or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Joe & Frank

So far the class had been pretty standard. People were starting to fill into the classroom while the teacher waited for them. Right now Joe was sitting at the desk by the windows near the back of the classroom, leaning on his elbow upon the window sill halfway glancing between the room and Frank. While many faces he might or might not of recalled filtered in the door was suddenly kicked right open and he knew exactly who it was. It was quite hard to mistake her for anyone else.

"Yo! Nico Erenheart, reporting for duty!"

She introduced herself as almost everyone had done, only more vivaciously. He looked over as she took a seat nearby next to the girl with the two toned hair. He was distracted for that period of time only to have his attention grabbed back as he heard a bit of movement back outside. Frank had moved it's head a bit, a clear sign to Joe that it was growing a bit restless. "Oy, come on now buddy, I'm not gonna be stuck here forever. Try being a bit more patient for me, okay pal?" He reassured Frank through the window which had a pleasantly calm breeze blowing through.

He looked back over. Nico was chatting with the girl with two toned hair, nothing exactly unusual about that. He just turned around, setting his elbow on the head of the chair for comfort, and gave a short wave to Nico. "Yo." He greeted her.
"How's it goin'?" He asked, curious as to what she's been up to since the last teacher bit the dust. His tone didn't exactly sound overly excited nor did it sound dull or monotone, just the perfect blend of casual pleasantness like a clean lake on a cool spring morning. That was just how it was for him, never really much too bothered or overly happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Lev Keisting
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

For the past minute or so, Caesar had been hiding behind his bag, treating it like a great mental wall towards his embarrassment, but sooner or later, he had to put down his bag if not due to tired arms. He placed the bag back onto his chest and hugged it slightly, his arms wrapping lightly around the blue bag. Then he proceeded to staring right into the ground, as he focused onto the voices that begins to announce their presence. "Sometimes I just don't get why do you need to try so hard just to find a 'friend'. If they're so hard, just give up. I mean, you have us, right?" Nefarius told the boy. Throughout the years Nefarius had been with Caesar, Nefarius had always wondered why Caesar does it at every possible moment. Even with a bad memory and perhaps next to having no presence at all in the eyes of most others, Caesar still tries his utmost best to converse with these people. Claimed to be one of the strongest, Nefarius never needed the likes of friends.

"Maybe it's because you're too retarded to notice, but Caesar cannot always rely on us. One day, we will have to leave him on his own, and if that happens, he might not make it on his own." Nexus said so after hearing Nefarius' question. As Fae, it was true that they might leave Caesar one day, either due to accidents or Daemons. Though their powers were undeniably powerful and there is perhaps no other reason why they would leave Caesar at all, Daemons came in all different sizes and powers. Should one of those bastards be more powerful than the two of them, there's no telling what might happen.
"That will never happen! I am Nefarius, the Dragon Fae God of Battles! There is no way I can lose to some mere Daemon!"
"Yes, but only if it was true. You gave yourself that title and if anything, you're injured. You can't even maintain a human form. Now stop yapping nonsense, Caesar's getting worried."
Caesar started gripping on his bag's edge tightly. His eyes immediately loosened and in his mind, countless images of his beloved siblings stabbed and pierced, murdered in cold blood or die trying to protect the weak brother behind. But Caesar quickly mustered enough courage and wiped out those images. "You don't have to worry. I know you two are strong. You won't go down that easily. So let's stay alive no matter what and stay the happy three siblings we have always been, alright?" After hearing that, Nexus lets out a slight sigh of relief. She remembers that Caesar's often doesn't let discussions like that bring him down. "Damn right you are! The three of us are the strongest trio anyone can face! Nothing can defeat us except each other!" Nefarius screamed loudly in his head, though it felt like they were in the same room together.

The next moment, both Nefarius and Nexus seemed to have turned around. Caesar was confused, but just as he wanted to ask what was wrong, Nefarius spoke up.
"You feel that, right?"
"Yeah. Someone's trying pry into Caesar's mind. We're gonna have to set up a barrier before the intrusion gets any deeper.
Nexus nodded as Nefarius' presence soon disappeared from Caesar's mind. Caesar tried to ask his question again, only to be stopped by Nexus. "Don't worry, Caesar. We'll be gone for awhile, but we'll be back. I promise. She says so and as trusting and honest as he could be, Caesar nodded and Nexus disappeared from his mind as well. Now, he was alone in his mind, no more than a normal boy with one personality and soul. Judging from what they said just now, I guess someone's trying to read my mind, I think. He brought his head up, in order to scan his classroom to see if there's anything out of ordinary. Just when he brought his head up enough to look straight front, he heard a voice, this time from the outside and it was extremely close. Because he wasn't paying attention, he didn't know what it was. Moments later, another voice came, this time much close. He turned to the left and was surprised.

A two toned, black and white hair girl was sitting next to him, her hands on her forehead as if she had a headache. She had a grimaced expression on her and as if reacting to Caesar's gaze onto her, she spoke. "Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting," He immediately registered that sentence and looked down again. He hugged his bag tighter than before and tried to understand the situation in his mind. Did I do something wrong? Did I offend her somehow? But all I did was talk. Wait, wasn't there someone trying to read my mind? I think she's the one. But was she actually reading my mind?If so, for what reason? Did she also heard Nefarius and Nexus? Questions bombarded his brain as he struggled to discover answers to his question but he soon calmed himself down with a huge intake of breath. His grip on the bag lessened once more. I'm sure she has her reasons. Maybe it wasn't her and maybe it was the teacher trying to evaluate the student's ability and see what they can do or something. This is a school built for people with magic and the like. He assured himself. But he still couldn't drop the fact that this girl might actually be reading his or someone else's mind. Besides, like I said, if she was really reading my mind, I'm sure she has her reasons.

Now the real question was, where was his siblings and when will they come back?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK


Image"F*cking crying out loud, leave me alone dammit!" A voice cursed, as various of slapping noises followed after it. The violent set of words echoed in the hallways, and students began to murmur among themselves, wondering how crude a person could get.. clearly they never met her.
"But Ms. Qrow why are you so angry?" A robot replied, its robotic voice underlined with curiosity, somehow ignoring the fact that it was being being slapped...

The said Ms. Qrow swiveled on the soles of her feet, before gritting her teeth at the damn robot. "Because its way to early for this and don't call me Ms!" With that she charged off, not wanting to hear the robots very last words of 'But its the afternoon..' She resisted the urge to pull at her purple hair, 'That robot is going to be scrap pieces one day.' She thought, enjoying the idea of pulling it apart one by one- "You have been assigned a new home room teacher, please report to..." Vivian blinked out of her fantasy, before pulling out her Comm. She stared at the screen for a moment before grinning. "Finally." Stuffing the piece of tech into her pockets, she looked around then trotted off. She's been sick of these afternoon courses, and it made her realize how grateful she was for an assigned class.. well not really, but it was nice to be in something more meaningful.

Hopefully the professor wasn't a prick.

Walking down the destined hallway, she pulled on her headphones and began to listen to a list of her favorite tracks which was surprisingly classical- not anything crazy and wild which would suit her appearance far more. Vivian never explained to anyone, but the kind of music she listens to is the kind that makes her feel relaxed and calm.. not the 'sh*tty' ghetto stuff. No one would believe her though since the students saw her as a rebel, and thug- someone you should stay clear of. And this isn't exactly true, for she does have a temper and her appearance doesn't scream proper either. Even with policy, she wears her usual shorts and black midriff that shows too much skin, but she claims that the lack of coverage increases her skill and agility. No one questioned her.

Otherwise, Her rep was quite apparent, seeing how students eyed her wearily in the hall, backing off in fears of triggering her ill temper. But she doesn't even give a damn, a waste of her time it is. (But she does admit, it was fun to play around with the fearful in the beginning) She snickered at the memories of screaming kiddies who saw a glance of guns. Good memories.
Yawning, she checked her comm once more, before looking at a door. The corners of her lips twitched, before she opened the door. Inside she saw a few familar faces, but its been a while so her memory was a bit hazy.
A total lie. If anything, Vi knew most anything about anyone of the students here, this knowledge may be due to the fact that she got some connections on the streets or the fact that she was a scholar. (Shocker) It doesn't matter however, she just likes to have the comfort of knowing the people around her. "Morning!" She grinned wickedly, eyeing the teacher for a moment before leaning against a desk. She gave him a polite smile, or the best she can sum up, "Nice to meet you, Im Vivian Qrow." Her eyes twinkled before she headed towards a desk to sit down.

[Little rushed, but ill fix it up]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Robin Damian Grey Character Portrait: Kenji Yamanaka Character Portrait: Hector Kazuhira
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shiki29
Hector wasn't anti-social. Close, but not quite. He wasn't seen too often in class, but he did know his classmates, more or less.

It wasn't too odd, being back in class. Everyone was similar to how he remembered them. Robin was as dutiful as ever, Willow as kind as ever, Kenji and Joe being as relaxed as ever, and Frank as loud as ever. The others came in, as Hector began to remember their names.

However, there was one student Hector had barely seen. Her hair was black and white. If Hector was correct, she was of the NHP project. She designated herself as number 17 of the project. Lorelei. Hector did not know much about her, other than rumous from some other students.

Supposedly, she was created in a lab so that she would be an effective Hunter. Apparently, some people were also irritated that she was allowed admission to the academy due to her being designed to fight daemons, rather than having worked the way most other students did.

Hector didn't know much about her, but Hector didn't believe others should be so disapproving of having another ally to fight daemons with. Hector may have been slightly biased, since he did not attend Anthemia Academy out of choice, but he believed that personal glory was not something students should aim for. Being upset that Lorelei seemingly made it into the Academy as a matter of course seemed childish. Besides, a human was difficult to perfectly replicate. Especially a Hunter. If she wasn't cut out for the Academy, then she would not be here. It would be foolishness for an artificially-produced Hunter to not be prepared to keep up with naturally-produced Hunters.

Hector next saw Vivian Qrow enter. She was one the students that caught Hector's interest. She was brash and violent, but he still found her to be a pretty tasteful person. To a degree. If the violent behavior wasn't something to go by. Although Hector detested needless cruelty, he still enjoyed her friendship. She was a great person to go drinking with.

And next, came one of the worst shocks Hector had in the school. Another student came in. She was one of the female students, and, despite her imperious aura, Hector did not remember much about her. Thinking deely, he remembered something about her. Her father was an important person. Maybe. Maybe Hector was just thinking of a different student. He didn't even know where he saw or read that information. However, she was hardly the surprise that Hector noticed.

Hector was a highly-skilled exorcist. His grades did not show it, out of design, but he did know his stuff. Anyone who knew him personally knew that he knew his stuff. And when Hector felt a small chill down his spine, he knew he had sensed sonething. It came with being a soldier for so long. Not a sixth-sense, but a combination of existing senses. Although it was not logical, Hector had learned to listen to it. He listened, and he opened his eyes towards the area he had confirmed there was something visible. To his side, also in the front row, sat that student that just entered. But near her was a magical disturbance. Something that blocked the flow of air, but could not be seen. Something invisible. Hector felt the malice pouring off of it in waves. Hector tended not to glare at anything. But, this was something he was sure of that caused him to glare for a short moment. His snake-like eyes focused on where the disturbance came from, glancing to it from the side as Hector kept his face rested on his hand.

There was a daemon in the classroom. Hector immediately relaxed, then. Daemons came in a lot of sizes and shapes, but Hunters possessed widely varying skills and magicks. Hector briefly wondered why a daemon would come to the middle of the Academy, Hunter central, before he decided to relax. That daemon, if it caused trouble, would probably not last long.

Hector opted to relax, but remain vigilant. Something bad happening would be able to be stopped, the daemon would be able to be stopped if an incident happened, but at the same time, it was better if an incident was avoided.

The girl seemed to be decent, though. Hector was not good at reading people, but the girl seemed to be very professional. She carried herself like the soldiers Hector had fought with when he was younger. The daemon entered when she did, though. She was definitely someone to watch for signs of trouble.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Cuddy Vann
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

“About time they stopped wasting our potential.”

The classroom door opened in a fell swoop, and in it's wake stood - complete with waving cape, golden ornaments and a v-neck as low as his midriff: Duran Ledford. The young man had a sour smile on his lips, although it wasn't meant for any of his classmates, nor their new professor. Briskly, Duran strutted past the student desks, and before even reaching it, he telekinetically pulled a seat at the front of the class back for himself, though he didn't sit just yet. Instead, his cape dwindled from his shoulders (landing and tightly folding itself over his seat) while Duran took a moment to look around the classroom.

“Hm,” He sighed, briefly hiding his face in his right palm. “I suppose this is no way to introduce myself.” Duran murmured, then dropped his shoulders and recomposed himself. “First things first,” The young man spoke up more vividly. “Professor Donovan, it's an honour to attend your classes. I look forward to learning from such a prestigious individual. Sharing your experience with our generation is truly noble.”

Duran turned around, facing his classmates. His lips mimed a few names as his notebook (appearing from god knows where) floated towards his hand, then browsed through the pages all on it's own. “As some of you already know, I am Duran Ledford. Slayer and, I doubt I still need to mention this-” Duran grinned as his red-covered an leather-bound notebook made a small twirl in the space above his hand, “-Medium. Welcome back to class.”

With a slight and stiff bow, Duran finally took his seat. His neighbour was a boy-ish looking lad with white hair (like him.) “Cuddy Vann, right?” He asked his classmate, pen and paper already in Duran's hands. “I don't think we've met.”

Cuddy wasn't the only thing drawing Duran's attention however. He couldn't help but overhear the conversation between his classmates in the back rows of the classroom. Now this wasn't uncommon, as Duran's mind could space all over the place, but the particular instance was different. Upon hearing Lorelei's reply to Nico's compliment, Duran couldn't help but roll his eyes and think I don't know, suppose if you could try to be less of a total bitch. Still, his pen was already scribbling notes. Girl with two-tinted hair, does not handle noise well. He wrote down, then marking it for future editing when he'd learn her name. It was something with an L, but Duran wasn't sure...

“Oh, sorry about that, a little distraction there.” Duran apologised to Cuddy for having immediately spaced out after entering conversation. He let go of his pen and put forward his hand, as the pen started to outline borders on the paper by itself. “Put her there.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Althaia Psykhe Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Golgari
The wind around the school always tasted like lemons. It was one of the few universal constants of this world. The sun rises in the east, water is a liquid and Anthemia air tasted like lemons. Altam licked his lips, trying to savor the sweet breeze. It was a nice change from the sandy gusts of Ura, where he'd spent his whole time out of class. He reached behind him and patted his treasures to make sure they were still secure in the bag. Though not nearly as fruitful as his previous foray into the desert, he had stumbled upon an abandoned village and picked up some neat souvenirs for Cuddy and a few others. Honestly Altam was amazed the school's robot was able to find him. He wasn't exactly a technomaster but they had to be rocking some pretty good locating software to find him in the middle of a desert.

"Hey Shamal, you don't think the teacher's gonna be mean, do you?" the boy asked, his voice as light as the cloth they were riding on. The wooden staff shook in his hands.

'I still can't believe I know who he is and you don't. I'm a million year old wind spirit and even I've heard of the incredible Asher Donovan!' The boy shrugged and fell backwards onto the quickly moving sheet. Though the air had changed, it would still be a good ten minutes until they arrived at the school. Altam squirmed with excitement. He had so many stories to tell and songs to play that he didn't even know where to begin.

It wasn't long before the landscape gave way to stone walkways and large buildings. He peered over the side of his carpet and marveled at the sheer lack of people outside. "Everyone must be in class." He said matter-of=factly. It was about a minute of aimless flying later that it dawned on him. He wasn't in class! With as much speed as he could muster Altam raced towards the largest building, looking through the windows at a breakneck pace for Cuddy's cute face. However, what caught his attention wasn't his B.F.F but a gigantic metallic dragon hovering in front of a window. Altam yelled in relief.

"Frank! Am I glad to see you!" The dragon turned and acknowledged the boy before turning back to observe his master. Sliding up beside him, Altam lifted the window up just enough to fly through and floated into the room, quickly followed by a swift breeze.

"Sorry I'm late, I flew as fast as I could!" He hopped off his turban into thin air, hovering above the ground as the blanket wrapped itself back around his head. he floated into cuddy at top speed, embracing his friend in a hug and whisking them both higher into the air. "Cuddy! I missed you so much! I have sooooo much to tell you about what I found!" A small grunt emanated from the front of the room. The new teacher no doubt. After placing his friend gently on the ground Altam reluctantly landed and weakly strode to the celebrity who was now teaching their class. It was a difficult journey to say the least. It had been months since Altam had last touched solid ground and his legs threatened to buckle at any moment.

"Hi there sir, I'm Altam Haytham! Nice to meet you!" He bowed respectfully and pushed himself off the ground, turning it into a frontflip and zipping over to his bag of treasure.

"Where is it...." He mumbled, digging through his sack. "Ahh! Here it is!" A small wooden idol emerged from the bag, completely covered in markings and carved into the shape if a giant toothed beast. With a small gesture the idol floated beside Cuddy.

"I told you I'd bring you something didn't I?" Altam smiled and looked around the room. He had met almost everyone there some time in his life. Almost. With a look of intense curiosity he floated over to the girl with two shades of hair. There seemed to be no joy in her eyes and that was something that Altam could not stand for. A small bronze box the size of a baseball drifted slowly out of the treasure bag and onto the desk in front of her.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too." He smiled brightly at the strange girl and flew back to his seat, hovering upside down over his desk. "This is going to be a great year, I just know it!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Altam Haytham
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Feyblue

The supersoldier gave a silent groan, turning her eyes to the window as her momentary focus on the annoyingly loud hammer girl caused countless other voices to come flooding into her mind.

"Maybe you should try to be less of a total bitch!" Snapped one angry voice.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I offend her somehow? But all I did was talk... Was she actually reading my mind? If so, for what reason?" Wondered another, sounding hurt.

"If she's not cut out for the academy, then..." Lorelei gritted her teeth, shutting her eyes as she desperately tried to drive out the countless disgusted voices that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. Of course, actually paying attention to somebody else had been a mistake. She knew that, and yet she'd been so annoyed by that girl's perky attitude - She had to have been mocking her. Why else would she start a conversation with someone like Lorelei? - that she'd been unable to keep her calm and had snapped at her. And look where it had gotten her. Now she'd made another scene and blown her one and only second chance at starting over here. Why did it always have to be this way? It would be so much easier if people would just mind their own business and leave her alone. They hated her - that she knew - so why didn't they just ignore her and go about their own lives?! It didn't make any sense to interact with someone you despised, so why did people still choose to even come close to her? She was a freak, she knew that, everybody knew that! If they didn't want to have their thoughts read, then they should have just stayed away from her! Yet, even knowing about what she was, people still kept on trying to get reactions out of her... be they positive or negative.

With a dull clank, a small bronze box about the size of her palm landed on the desk in front of her. Her eyes snapped open and upwards to see where it had come from, only to find a young boy - she would have said he looked like he was only 11 years old or so, but his physique told a different story. Was he a midget or something? - floating above her, riding on what looked to be a disproportionately large turban. The image he presented was so comical, even she, the legendary ice queen, probably wouldn't have been able to stifle a laugh if she wasn't so confused by who he was, what exactly he had just given her, and what he thought he was doing.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too," Said the childish young man, grinning as though this non sequitur statement explained everything. With a knowing smile, he turned and flew away, leaving her opening and closing her mouth a few times, still not really sure what exactly had even happened. Pocketing the strange box in one of many small slits in the lining of her tabard, she then realized that the teacher had already begun speaking. She mentally slapped herself. If she didn't pay more attention to class and less to her classmates, she'd ruin herself - well, even more than she already had, anyway.

Unfortunately, things weren't exactly looking good for her regardless. Just her luck, she was being assigned to team up with some other students who would probably make it their lives' goals to drive her insane, assuming they weren't incompetent idiots. And, even worse, she couldn't even tell who she was going to be partnered with, since she didn't know even one of her classmates by name, and, even if she did, the announcement was in writing, and she couldn't read. She glared angrily at the list for a few seconds as though her sheer determination to understand it would mystically grant her the ability to both comprehend the names of those written on the sheet and pick them out from the rest of the class, but at last she gave up, sighing as she turned her gaze back out the window, trying to see the blue sky beyond the giant, hulking dragon made of trash in the courtyard. Considering most people in the school knew her simply as NHP-S17 - the numbers in which, which she could at least recognize, were pointedly absent from the sheet - the other members of her team probably wouldn't be able to recognize her, either. She supposed the only thing to do would be to wait until everybody had found their partners and then look for one group that was missing a person. Resigning herself to her need to utilize her powers, she kept her mind trained on the crowd around her, focusing intently on the word "Lorelei" and searching for any thoughts that might involve her in some way. She'd find her team one way or another. She just doubted she'd enjoy it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK


"Er... What? I'm sorry, I seem to have missed the part where I'm supposed to get the point. Why are you talking to me, exactly?

Nico wasn't quite sure how to reply to the girl. She only stared quietly, blinking in slight confusion. Had the two-toned girl never been given a compliment before? Was there ever really a point to giving a compliment besides pointing out something you like about someone? Had she done something unusual? This state of confusion only lasted a few seconds before Nico leaned a couple inches towards the girl and tilted her head. "Hehhh?! What point?", she said, her smile once again lighting up her face. "I said you're pretty!" She said this a little louder this time. Maybe the other girl just hadn't heard her properly the first time and that was why she seemed muddled.

"Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting."

Nico let out a small chuckle and sat back in her seat. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Am I right?", she mumbled loud enough for the girl to hear, placing a hand over her mouth in a failed attempt to hide her grin.

"Yo. How's it goin'?"

She turned her head away from the two-toned girl as a voice was spoken in her direction. It took her a second, but her eyes quickly lit up as she recognized the male student, Joe, whom she'd had previous classes with. The most noticeable thing that lead her to remember him was the lovely trash dragon that was always with him. The moment she'd seen the beast she was memorized by how cool it was, aside from the familiars she got stuck with thanks to her mother.

"Hey! Good to see ya!", she said, giving a quick wave with one hand and a thumbs up with the other. She probably would've jumped from her seat to go to the window and greet his dragon, but just as she was about to stand the teacher finally began to speak to the class. Her attention shifted away from her classmate and her eyes rested on their teacher however her mind ever-so-slowly drained out his voice as he went on with some sort of speech about their late so-called teacher. There really was no reason to bring her back up again, and Nico had never been one for long speeches anyway.

She sat with her elbow planted firmly on the desk in front of her and her chin resting in the palm of her hand while she stared at nothing in particular until the word 'teams' caught her ear. She raised her head to listen as the teacher presented a list of team numbers and names. 'This should be interesting..', she thought to herself. She'd never been appointed a set team before. Sure, she'd worked in larger groups, but the members of those groups were always changing.

Reading the names of her teammates, her eyes began to scan the room as she tried to identify which people those names belonged to. After a short moment she realized that the only ones who hadn't been approached yet were the NHP girl and another boy sitting just a seat away from her. She rose quickly and, with a big smile, reached over and took hold of the boy's sleeve and practically dragged him out of his seat.

"That makes you Caesar, yeah?!" Her voice was full of friendly excitement as she pulled him over to the corner of the room and raised her finger to point at the two-toned girl, her fingers still firmly holding Caesar's sleeve. "I bet you're Lorelei! Right? Right?!" She didn't wait for her to reply as she roughly released Caesar from her grip and placed her hands on the top of her desk. "Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

"Fuck. It got in." Nefarius pouted in defeat. They had returned to Caesar's mind space moments after Caesar heard the two toned hair girl spoke to him. Caesar immediately regained his senses and turned to his siblings, both returned from whatever they were doing. "Whoever it was, they were good. To break the mental barrier created by me. Definitely no normal magus." Nexus claimed next. She seemed to have exhausted quite the amount of magical powers setting up that barrier, Caesar silently mumbled to himself. Comparing from before they were gone, Nexus' presence was considerably weaker than before. Now that they started talking about it again, Caesar can feel the intrusion in his mind now, even if its just a little bit. It felt extremely close, as if it was staring right into his face but Caesar just couldn't pinpoint the definite location of this stare. All he could do was just feel it close by and not able to do anything about it.

I think I know who's doing this. He then slowly turned his head to the side, while informing his siblings of his suspicion. The beautiful girl who sat beside him in a disciplined manner, had two colors to her hair, one white and one black. A weird fashion sense, yet it brought a certain sense of beauty to it when it came to this girl. Without realizing it, Caesar was captivated by the smooth and pale skin on her face, the small lips and sharp nose, and just about every facial features she had on her. "This is... what it is, right, Nexus? What Humans call it?" Nefarius asked in a confused manner. He was hesitating on the word he was about to form, yet couldn't come out of his mouth at all. Nexus then nodded and agreed to his question. Both of them were looking at Caesar, who was staring obnoxiously at the girl next to him.

In that instant, Nefarius quickly grabbed onto Caesar's conscious and gave it a good slap, bringing Caesar's attention back to the two. "Caesar, wake up!" Instinctively rubbing his face, Caesar acted as if he was really slapped on the face - Which, of course, he wasn't - But suddenly, just as Caesar was about to raise a question to the slap, something snapped him back to reality. Someone pulled on his sleeve and without resistance from him, were dragged out from his seat. He turned and found a girl with a brownish hair and a big red bow tie was tugging onto his long sleeve. She wore in a plain black sailor suit and had big red eyes. However, the first immediate expression Caesar saw on this girl was the huge smile she had across her face. He had met a variety of people in his life journey, but he had never ever met someone of such high levels of cheery power.

Then Caesar, though rather dramatically, proceeds to fall onto the ground face first as the girl decides to let go of his sleeve. The loud thud he made as he fell felt painful but to Caesar, who was a natural at this, had gotten used to face plants. It should had happened enough for just about anyone to get used to, but not to Nexus. "Caesar! Are you okay?" She immediately transformed into her Human form and knelt beside Caesar, helping him get up while trying to assure he was okay. "Y-Yeah... I'm okay.. For 10 years, Nexus had done this for as many times as he could remember, but Caesar often appreciates her reaction and tries to clam her down with a reassuring. Caesar had a smile on his face, along with the wounded nose, he attempts to do what he always does whenever he falls down. Nefarius however, had different plans. He was laughing hardly, so much so that 'tears' came out from his eyes. "Ahahaha, you never fail to amuse me with that tripping of yours, Caesar! It's so refreshing to see you plant your face on the ground every time!"

"If you keep laughing, I will break you, Nefarius." In a cold and sharp tone of voice, Nexus threatened Nefarius, who then went quiet immediately. As if switching to a different personality however, Nexus returned to her gentle voice. "Are you sure you're okay, Caesar? Do you need any healing?" She had already prepared a healing spell beforehand, ready to apply it should Caesar ask for it. She doesn't wants to force it on him if she could. Even she understands that after so many falls, Caesar would have gotten used to it already. But she just couldn't stop herself from worrying the clumsy young brother. "N-No worries. I'm fine. Upon hearing that, she relaxed her hands. Caesar then stood back up and walked past Nexus, Nexus following him as he did so. He went towards his bag and grabbed it, trying to remember the words that the cheery girl said to him.

"That makes you Caesar, yeah?!"
"Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that."

He only remembers so much, but upon hearing the word 'team', Caesar brightened up. So I'm in a team, huh...? Alright, let's try taking my first step! He quickly steeled his determination and turned to the two girls beside him. If he was right, the cheery girl and the two toned hair girl was his teammates. He was sure that the cheery girl was his teammate and seeing as how the cheery girl was trying to converse with the other girl, that means the three of them was the team. Caesar slowly stood up and turned to the two, awkwardly trying to bow his head as he got more and more afraid. But nonetheless, he introduced himself anyway, albeit stuttering on his speech badly. " to m-m-meet you! I am C....aesar M-Minamoto!" Now his mind was blank. There was nothing more going on his mind other than trying to keep himself sane and from trying to run away and wanting to dig a hole.

I hope I didn't something wrong and offend them. He prayed deep and hard to this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Feyblue

Lorelei raised an eyebrow. If, by her own admission, there was no point to initiating a conversation, then why was this manic idiot bothering her? Was she trying to be annoying, or did it just come naturally to her?

Then again, both answers were probably correct, now that she thought about it.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Am I right?" Muttered the girl, giving a cheeky smirk. Lorelei's eyes narrowed in annoyance. She, admittedly, had no idea what that phrase was supposed to mean, but it was probably some sort of insult.

"No, you're not. I don't even own a bed," She responded bluntly, taking the girl's comment literally and quipping what must have sounded like a joke with the utmost seriousness. She tried to calm herself with the reassurance that after this, she could just avoid this irritating person for the rest of the semester, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"I bet you're Lorelei! Right? Right?!" She squealed, her speaking voice almost as grating as the wave of enthusiasm that struck the supersoldier's psyche like a sledgehammer - an oddly appropriate metaphor, considering the brat's weapon of choice. And here she'd thought that finally being referred to be her name would be a sign she was being treated as an equal. Coming from this idiot, it felt more like she was being treated as a dog.

"No, I'm the Duchess of the Gumdrop Kingdom," She muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she gave a sigh of annoyance. This was one of the people she'd be working alongside for the foreseeable future? How predictably infuriating. Taking a deep breath, she continued more seriously. "Unfortunately, yes I-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash as the other victim of this maniac, the short boy who'd been cowering a few moments earlier, was dragged bodily from his seat by the insane girl. He must have been the other member of their team. Normally, she'd probably have viewed his scrawny appearance and meek demeanor with a critical eye, but at least he seemed fairly quiet, and compared to the hammer wielding nutjob, infinitely more bearable.

...That is, until a strange woman materialized out of thin air beside him to help him up, and her voice, along with a booming, powerful male voice, began to resound from within his mind. Of course, it was far too much to ask that her teammates be normal people. No, she had to get the crazy broad with ADHD and some weird kid who had actual other people living inside his head! She slapped a palm to her forehead, shaking her head and turning away. The boy picked himself up, meanwhile, and seemed to be looking the both of them over. To her surprise, he didn't seem to be afraid of her. Rather, the emotions he was projecting seemed more like... admiration? Huh? Where did that come from?

" to m-m-meet you! I am C....aesar M-Minamoto!" The boy stuttered, his name barely intelligible through his stammer as he bowed hastily. "I hope I didn't something wrong and offend them..." Came a worried whimper from within his mind. Lorelei raised an eyebrow. Okay, so apparently, he was afraid of her after all. Turning back towards him, she gave an expression somewhere between a sardonic smirk and an exasperated sigh.

"Tell me, Mr. Mi-Minamoto," She said, purposefully mimicking his own stammer, but doing so with her usual utterly serious demeanor, such that it wasn't exactly clear whether she was mocking him or had seriously misinterpreted his stammer as a part of his name. "How exactly would you offend somebody just by introducing yourself? Unless your name was something like Mr. You R. A. Fool, I fail to see how it would be possible." She didn't know much about manners, so she wasn't really sure whether or not there really was a way, but she felt the need to comment on it, nonetheless, since it seemed strange.

...Oh, right, she'd just responded to someone's thoughts again. Damnit! It was always so hard to tell when people were speaking to her, or merely thinking at her. Great, only a few minutes into her new class, and yet again, she'd already made exactly the same mistake as she had when she first arrived. Fortunately, her frustration at herself was short lived, for another outburst from the queen of hyperactivity swiftly put her focus to other matters - like being frustrated with the idiocy she'd been saddled with.

"Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that," She said with an annoyingly cheerful grin. Oh, for the love of... was she really serious? Lorelei may have had all the backbone of a worm when it came to what was important - like basic human rights - but even she had her pride. She'd sooner rip out her own appendix and wear it as a hat than she would willingly be part of something called the "Super Death Team."

There was an expression about something being the "last straw." It was another thing Lorelei didn't really know the context of, but whatever it was, this was it.

"Rejected!" She declared firmly. "In fact, all of your opinions from this point onward are henceforth pre-emptively rejected!" Not that it would actually stop her or anything, but it still felt tremendously satisfying shooting down that stupid plan before it actually took root. Egged onward with her own irritation at how her day had been going thus far, she continued her little tirade. "So, instead of yakking about moronic ideas like team names, why don't we talk about the things we actually need to know to function in a combat situation? Allow me to demonstrate!" She stood up, her eyes flashing azure as she focused at random on the strange metal box in her pocket that the midget had given her. In an instant, it floated out and began to orbit her like a tiny satellite. "Gather round, kiddies! Now look at the box! It's flying! Now look at me! I'm also flying!" She continued condescendingly as she floated off the ground to punctuate this statement. "Now look at the shiny thing in my hair!" The crystal woven into her black and white tresses shattered outward, a stream of water circling around her as her smirk broadened. In an instant, the composition and orientation of every single molecule of the water surrounding her became known to her as they collapsed into a single plane, forming a blade, the hilt of which she laid hold of in an almost casual movement. "Now it's a sword! I'm reading your mind!" She abruptly spun about in midair, the sword she held sweeping upward and stopping inches away from the hammer girl's face. "Surprise! There's nothing in there!" With a rather cruel grin, she floated back down to the floor, drawing back her weapon as its form shifted to that of an ornate crystalline cane, which she planted in front of her and leaned on with a very casual air, at the same time snatching the box and sliding it back into her pocket. Twirling her cane, she gave a melodramatic, stage-like bow. "Thus concludes our show, thank you for coming, and please stop at our gift shop!"

...Huh. That verbal smackdown had been a little more... enthusiastic... than she'd intended it. Maybe being exposed to the hammer girl's seemingly infinite level of energy had made a bit more of an impact on her mindset than she realized. It was rather funny, now that she thought about it. Between being scolded by the man she hated, the expectations foisted upon her and the comparative disgust directed at her in return, and the nuisance she'd been sentenced to deal with for the rest of her stay in this class, she'd finally reached the point where she no longer cared about any of her many irritations - or anything else, really. So what if everybody in the vicinity thought she'd spontaneously decided to go mad? So what if her teammates hated her for being an insufferable bitch to them? So what if every single one of her classmates decided to join up and form the Super Lorelei Hateclub? The amount of shits she gave was so far in the negative that it had collapsed into a black hole that consumed all emotions she felt towards everyone else save frustration, smug superiority, and general apathy. They'd just treat her like scum no matter what she did, so she might as well have fun and do the same to them! Thus, carried on a wave of resignation, she allowed herself to succumb to the feeling of blissful euphoria that came with not caring what anybody else thought of her, and rounded next on the boy, a rather unhinged sneer adorning her face. "Alright, then. Let's do this in order of relative intelligence, which means that you're next! What can you do, exactly? Actually, for starters, why are there three people in your head instead of one, anyway?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Hector Kazuhira Character Portrait: Amurel Sarcadia Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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Amurel sighed as she pulled a rolled up book out of her back pocket. Her eyes crossed while she read as she tried not to fall asleep. Occasionally she would look up at the professor, waiting, wondering when he planned on beginning the class, but he didn’t seem in a rush to do so. Looking around again she spotted a couple of people that she had seen in her previous years at the school. Not lingering on anyone particularly long, not wanting to make it awkward.

There were several people talking amongst themselves, in particular to a girl with different colored hair. As she stared at her face she tried to place it… Where do I know her from? she thought. After several moments it hit her, that’s the “girl” that is being used in that project…what do they call her? Laura? Lorie? Lorelei…yes. I should probably steer clear of her. I’ve read enough to know when to stay away. Still, she felt somewhat bad for the girl. Her life must not have been that of ease and Amurel could relate (even if it was on the most basic level, there was no way she had suffered quite to the extent of Lorelei) but nonetheless she felt for her.

Just as she was finding her way back to her book Professor Donovan began to speak. Shoving her book back into her pocket Amurel slid her eyes to the front of the class and sat up straight. He spoke about teams, and named those that were to be paired with Amurel.

She groaned in frustration, not because of her teammates, and not because she had to be on a team, rather that she was socially inadequate, usually preferring to spend her time with a book or training. This was a good chance for her though – she could get a mission, and the two names that had been spoken didn’t conjure up horrible memories for her so they couldn’t be that bad to work with.

Sliding slowly out of her chair she tried to pair their names with the faces around the room.

“Joe…and Hector,” the whisper not audible to anyone but herself.

Across the room she heard someone speak just the beginning of the sentence. “Yo, Joe. My name…” that was all she caught but she wiped her head around to the sound of the voice.

The faces were somewhat familiar but not enough for Amurel to make a fair assessment of how this pairing was going to go. She knew they were both rather quiet but that made it even harder for her to gauge them. As she began to walk towards them Joe began to leave and she rushed to catch up. Reaching Hector first she nodded her head.
“I believe were in the same group?”

It was more of a question, not at all how she had intended to introduce herself. The toughness she wanted to exude came off as very meek and shy and she cursed herself under her breath.