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Apple Pie and White Picket Fences



a part of Apple Pie and White Picket Fences, by cass-isnt-here.

Ooo spooky. The town's surrounded by it.

cass-isnt-here holds sovereignty over Forest, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

407 readers have been here.


Fae like it. So do witches when they want to dance naked. Everyone likes the forest. Except forest-haters, but no one likes those people.
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Ooo spooky. The town's surrounded by it.


Forest is a part of Bluffington, Minnesota.

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[NPC] Sal [1]
Cassius Krause [1] I am a functioning teenage witch. I just need a little more practice on keeping things from catching on fire. Shush.

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Character Portrait: Flynn Edyrimm
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"Yes, Yes. I understand. Hey, Don't worry. The poachers aren't here anymore." Flynn muttered close to the animal's ear. He caressed it's snout, and the deer even seemed to understand what he was saying.
"See? You're perfectly fine like that! You can run if they come, don't let them get you." Flynn patted the back of the creature and stroke down to the tail, before the animal snorted and lowered it's head to thank the boy for what he told 'her'. Flynn let himself sit on the ground, as a few birds surrounded him complaining about forest-haters, people's litter, and noisy children, and Flynn sat in despair for a moment. "I know, I know, please, forgive me. I don't know how to beat senses in the human race. You see, I'm an elf, And I'm half the power of a human.." He said, pulling his own little elf ear and reaching out the the little bird in front of him.
"I feel like doctor Phil..." He muttered, as he got replied by a twittering that sound like complaint.
"I know you heard that, but honestly, who am I kidding? I'm talking to birds!" The bird twittered as it was laughing and flew off in the distance, leaving Flynn hopelessly on the ground.
"See? That's exactly what I mean." He said to the deer that was just grazing some old leaves from the ground, not having any comment ready for the boy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lola Goodman Character Portrait: Flynn Edyrimm
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Lola climbed up into another tree and continued her watching. Appearently this elf talked to animals. Interesting.... She decided to try and meditate again, but a bird suddenly pecked at her forehead and Lola yelled out, "EEEP!" She lost her balence on the treebranch, and started to fall to the ground. As soon as she hit the ground, she realized she was only about 6 feet up from the ground to begin with. "Ouch..." She groaned.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flynn Edyrimm
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Flynn, startled by the sudden falling sound, turned around and looked at the doll-looking girl on the ground. A grin appeared on his face, and after standing up, he skipped over to her. He leaned over her body and smirked.
"That happens when you watch strangers, happens to me quite often." He said, and waited for a reaction from the girl.
"Are you okay, though?" He now asked, slightly concerned that the girl might be injured from the 'crash'.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lola Goodman Character Portrait: Flynn Edyrimm
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"Ugh..." She got up carefully and brushed off the dirt. "I'm fine. And even if I wasn't, I have a doctor for my father." She wiped off dirt from her face with her sleeve. "Sorry for following you, I thought you different from the usual creatures. I'm Lola. I would give you a handshake, but my hand's dirty now..." She smiled a little at him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: [NPC] Sal
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#, as written by Cayleen
L E O P O L D ā€¢ P R A T T

ā€œDid you hear that bitch? She asked if I got my hooves buffed by the local goblins. Goblins! Like Iā€™d ever stoop that low. And I mean even if I did, I most certainly wouldnā€™t let the local goblins touch my babies. Have you seen their claws? Honey, I donā€™t think so.ā€ Leopold looked up from his phone screen to see Sal nod sagely. Thatā€™s what he liked about Sal; he was cute and he listened. But mostly he was cute.

Speaking of attractive people, Leopold had a certain water nymph to see. He went back to his phone and turned abruptly on his hooves, effectively cutting Sal off and causing him to stumble. Without looking up, Leopold continued into the forest, leaving Sal all by his puzzled self.

ā€œUh-um, so Iā€™ll just be going then?ā€

ā€œSee ya, Sal.ā€ Leopold pocketed his phone in his open cardigan and lit a cigarette. Health warnings be damned, he looked cool as hell. The forest was relatively peaceful, and by that Leo meant loud-mouth birds and gross-ass bugs infested his space and air. Ugh. Why did nature have to be so gross. He frowned down at the bramble. Bluh. He was probably gonna get twigs and shit all stuck up between his toes. And he had just gotten them buffed and trimmed, too. Sigh, the things one does for love.

Leopold hummed to himself, lost in a loverā€™s reverie, and tilted his head back and exhaled. He watched the puff of smoke drift and curl through the leaf-filtered light. Damn. He should have brought his camera. That would have been such a choice snap for his blogā€¦ add a little photoshopped triangle in the center, maybe even an inspirational quoteā€¦ ā€˜My brain hums with scraps of poetry and madnessā€˜. Yeah, something like that. So choice.

He would have continued that thought, except a highpitched motherfucking screech tore him from his daydream. Leopoldā€™s ears folded back against his skull in pain. ā€œJesus!ā€ He gripped one of his throbbing ears and cursed. Stupid fucking oversensitive ears and stupid fucking kids. He huffed and stubbed out his cigarette on a neighboring tree, tossing it to the floor. What, itā€™s not like he was going to stub it out with his hoof in the underbrush, that could potentially start a forest fire. He couldnā€™t let that happen, he was a forest deity after all.

Righting his beanie and tugging his cardigan back into place, Leopold started back on his trek to the lake. He had future-boyfriend stalking to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: Flynn Edyrimm
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((I swear to god, I love your overly hipster character.))

Flynn couldn't keep his attention to the fallen girl as a sound came from the bushes, if it was that deer again, He'd swore he had a stalker. Flynn paused when some kind of creature that looked like a goat on it's lower half appeared just a few meters away from him. He had seen these creatures around, but never talked to them as he knew that he'd probably mess the conversation up. And then again, he was just 'a brat' and who the hell would listen to his rantings? Exactly, not even a frog. Though, a deer would find the time to hear him out, but even that, it was still an animal.

What? Flynn couldn't believe the sight at a cigarette being thrown on the ground and just be lying there in the leaves. He was truly a nazi when it came to that, since he was the one that would suffer from complaints of the animals because some stupid hipster guy would throw his litter on the ground. And that was when Flynn greeted the girl goodbye, and skipped over to the probably two heads taller guy because of those hooves he was walking on.
"So, it feels like home huh? Throwing your ciggies on the ground? In case you didn't know, I'm trying to deal with birds and frogs complaining about guys like you here." He said, slightly holding back everything that could be seen as actual anger. But he was just truly pissed off, that attitude, that everything, he just wanted to punch it, even if he probably would end up being beaten up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lola Goodman Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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#, as written by Creek
Arlathina Dalisia

Almost immediately, Arlathina felt a plethora of supporting hands, patting her back and stroking her arms. The physical contact would have made her feel uncomfortable, but she let it slide due to the circumstances. "Shall I take her to my father? He is a doctor," Said a female voice. It sounded faint, like a whisper, although Arlathina could hear everything she was saying. A thought occurred. Why is she referring to me in the third-person while speaking directly to me? After noting that the thought came to her in the tongue of this new planet, Arlathina pushed the question to the back of her mind, and opened her eyes slightly. She gave the girl an itinerant stare, sizing her up in case she became a problem later on.

The girl leaning over her had a jovial and good-natured face, almost childlike. In her deep brown eyes, Arlathina could see wisdom and kindness. After scanning for a few more moments, Arlathina sensed her naivety, also noting the distinct odor of magic around that the less magically attuned might have missed. Whatever this being was, her origins were not of flesh. The girl, being, or whatever you preferred to call it, turned her attention away from Arlathina for a moment to speak to an unknown person. She could sense the presence of another powerful magic being behind her, but couldn't break her faƧade to investigate.

Instead, she said miserably, "Please..."--Arlathina paused to let out a fit of coughing.--"help me."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Doctor Xavier Goodman Character Portrait: Lola Goodman Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Xavier went over to the girl. "What happened? You look pretty beat up." Looking her over, he said, "Y'know, the answer can wait. Let's get you to my office.. I'm Dr. Xavier Goodman, and this is my daughter, Lola." He began to help the elf up, and began to walk her to his office, Lola following close behind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leopold Pratt Character Portrait: Cassius Krause
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#, as written by Cayleen
L E O P O L D ā€¢ P R A T T

Oh, Leopold was going to kill him. He was absolutely going to kill him. Leo pictured himself reaching out and strangling the irritating witch and his inner voice laughed wickedly. No, no he was classier than that. Leopold Laemmle Pratt did not stoop to the level of lowly witch boys.

He smoothed down his shirt and let out a deep, shaky breath through flared nostrils. Thatā€™s better. No exploding veins today. Leopold opened his eyes, his anger barely contained by his haughty demeanor, and opened his mouth to let insults fly, only to have dirt fling onto his cheek. That little shit. That absolutely infuriating asshole. He tried to be calm, he really did. But now the insufferable prick had to die.

Leopold stomped forward, his face gone splotchy again, and began his attack on the witch. No he did not flail, his cat-fight slaps were skilled and graceful, thank you very much. ā€œYou motherfucking, goddamned, insufferable, irritating, fish-fucking, magic whore.ā€ He barely got the words out between slaps. He was furious. With one last slap, Leopold stomped his hoof hard, barely missing a disgustingly bare fleshy foot, and shoved pass, ā€œGet your virgin ass outta my way.ā€ He was going to blog so hard about this.

In his haste he nearly ran into the genderless freak that basically clung to Cassiusā€™s side. ā€œIs the whole fucking town in this godforsaken forestā€½ā€ Leo wanted to pull his hair out. Well not really, he worked too hard to perfect it. No, he wanted to pull someone elseā€™s hair out. Someone like Cassius. Yes that would be fantastic.

Leopold changed directions and stormed off, his hooves stomping a bit more forceful than strictly necessary. Oh, he couldnā€™t wait to get his hands on his pan flute. Cassius would so regret soiling his favorite shirt. He didnā€™t know what exactly he was going to make the witch do, but it would most likely be embarrassing and cause a life time of regret. Or maybe heā€™d just make the damn witch stub his toe repeatedly, or spill one of his potions all over his favorite shirt. Yeah, yeah that was perfect.

Leo hardly noticed he had arrived at the lakes edge, too busy brooding and plotting a witchā€™s end. He sat himself down on a sun-warmed rock and rested his arms on his furry knees. He glanced down at his hooves and let out a whiney sigh. Already caked in mud. He just couldnā€™t catch a break could he? Scooting forward, he dipped his toes in the chilled lake and began scrubbing the filth away.