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Arcbell Academy

Arcbell Academy


There are many thing's history books don't teach or reveal. The existence of us... Is one of them. But the few of you who will have your eyes ripped open to truth... Well the ones who survive... Will be the lucky ones.

5,523 readers have visited Arcbell Academy since CookieCupcake created it.


You remember learning about the black plague don't you? Live's were lost and misery rained through the world. While I will admit that rats are filthy creatures who do carry disease... The black plague is a horrible lie. I suppose compared to the truth it's not that bad. But still a lie.The black plague is actually known as The Years of Black Sun. You see before the middle ages, we were dominant! But then humans got smart and we were forced to hide. Well lucky for us during the time you know as the "black plague"Angels and demons decided they were sick of the truce holding them back, and Earth was turned into a battle ground. They say that the sun was turned black. This allowed all sorts of creatures to rise up again from there hiding spot. But humans are like cockroaches. Resilient! Before long humans were hunting us again. Finally after much death a truce was reached. In order for us to keep our way of life, a school was constructed on an island near the south of France.Here we could educate our own. Soon even demons and angels began to join. For humans our existence was too much and we were wiped away from the record. The years of Black Sun became the black plague. Humans were in the dark... All except a few. Only the people highest in the government know about us. Though recently thing's have grown restless because of humans lack of knowledge. So a change was issued to our school, What happens now?



Welcome to Arcbell Academy. Named after it's founder Arcbell Blight a new age Vampire one of the first to consider using blood donations instead of just biting people. Arcbell Academy was opened a year after The Years of Black Sun. Sense then it has stayed a learning institution and sanctuary to creatures of all sorts. Though recently to promote a healthy understanding and peace between humans and these creatures the school went through a renovation allowing it to accommodate more students as they expect an influx of humans to join. It will be the first year ever that humans enter the school so there are plenty of things that can go wrong. I should note though that the humans coming to the school have parents that know the truth about the school. That means the humans know as well... Or well they should. If you chose to join Arcbell Academy be prepared for the burdens of school plus the stress of dealing with creatures like you and not... Though lucky for you classes aren't all that long and the first week of school is actually a moving in period in which students basically do whatever, and adjust to there new home for the rest of the year. Also each person has there own room so yay PRIVACY!



Before you spazz about making a character you might wanna know a few things...

Vampires: They do not sparkle! They are NOT vegetarians! Vampire's drink blood and hate sun light for the sake of this rp we will say that yes they can stand the sun but only for a short period of time before they start to feel pain. They don't turn into bats. Vampires also consider themselves higher then every other species.

D'hampires: This is a cross between a human and a vampire. They don't always need blood they do better in the sun. They are hated by most Vampires. D'hampires were only just allowed to Arcbell this year.

Werewolf: Put your damn shirt back on! You are not a shape-shifter! You are a WEREWOLF! Half wolf half human. Full moons drive you mad. Few werewolves can control themselves so the school gives Werewolves special lesson's on control.

Ghost: Not. A. Zombie! Ghost's are a strange phenomenon to say the least. It seems that for all intensive purposes they don't have a past life. These ghosts are more like people who tend to drift through stuff but can make themselves solid. They also hover a little but they don't fly. They also tend to fade a little but not completely disappear.

Demons: Before you whip out the cross chill out. Demon's and angels have never ever EVER gotten along but at the school many of them have been known to hand out. Demon's come in all shapes and sizes from your common horns bat wings and purple blood to people who look perfectly human except for maybe an eye or mark. You can never be sure with demons.

Angels: As you can imagine these guys don't get along with Demons. Yes they have wings and the whole sha-bang but angels have many different categories. You can pick one but if I feel it's to god mode. Then expect to be rejected!

Humans: Only children whose parents know about the truth are being allowed to come to school. Hopefully all goes well but most humans are resented for being well human.


Making a Character:

(For the sake of weeding out those who will stick with it and those who won't this will be somewhat long!)

Code: Select all
[b]Nick Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] ( 15 - 19 )
[b]Blood Type:[/b]


[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Dressing Style:[/b]


[b]Crush:[/b] (If they have one right off the bat I'm putting this in cause apparently people get confused about who likes who?)







- Be respectful

- Actually read these.

- No godmode.

- Be active

- Don't bail at the first sign of innacivity.

- Check back often

- Want to rp one on one ask me :3

- It's simple we kill the batman...

- Post regularly

- No one liners.

- Use charrie skelly.

- Ummm hi?

- Check ooc often

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

Arcbell Academy our primary setting

A large school located on an island in the South of France. It is equipped with everything a student would desire for learning and leisure. Yet it holds an old charm to it as well. And many mysteries...

Arcbell Academy

Arcbell Academy by CookieCupcake

A large school located on an island in the South of France. It is equipped with everything a student would desire for learning and leisure. Yet it holds an old charm to it as well. And many mysteries...

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Gray Ender

Gray was needless to say not pleased about the thought of swimming. But he held his tongue. No way he'd admit to his phobia in front of his own brother... Besides he would enjoy being a spectator. "Well if were going to be swimming following me... As for swimsuits the school provides them so in the change rooms there are lockers with peoples names on it... Of course using there optional." Gray realized how much of a tour guide he sounded like when he saw Prothero holding back a snicker. Gray's cheeks lit up a little but he forced it away and instead began leading the way.

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero kept his wing wrapped around Romeo in a comforting a very much protective manner as he followed in his brothers footsteps. Jack seemed the most eager to swim by far but still made sure to grab his sweater and follow behind but there was that particular bounce in his step. He guessed he was one of those athletic people... Prothero was a bit more a book worm but he did enjoy the occasional sport so long as he would not risk getting attacked... Needless to say he hated football. When they got to the pool Prothero watched Gray take a seat. A yes he had the water phobia... The whole family knew about it and why it was there but Prothero knew Gray would never admit it out loud even more so with him around. Oh well. Smiling down at Romeo Prothero folded his wing back and smiled. "Care for a swim?"

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was the first one to jump ahead when he caught sight of the pool. He immediately found his way into the change-rooms found his locker and got changed into the swim-trunks provided. He left his clothes in the locker and walked out of the change-room. He was right when he'd said it was a good day for swimming as the sun warmed his skin... He had to be wary though as he could very easily burn. Being an albino certainly had it's disadvantages. But all that meant to avoid burning was he had to jump into the water. Which is what he did. Walking around the pool to the deep end Jack immediately went into the pool with a dive. Once inside the cool water he simply swam about his long-ish hair trailing behind him in the water while he silently observed Prothero gently leading Romeo and Wolf. "Hmp... Care to join Wolf." Jack tilted his head slightly as he swam closer to where the angel was...

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet's eyes went wider then before. He knew her big brothers? "Your staying with big brother Gray?~" She clapped her hands. "That's great~ He has so few friends really I hope you two get along." She smiled happily. "Oh... Have you seen his... Ermm... Mouth?" Juliet was careful with her words and her cheeks went pink. "I-IF YOU HAVEN'T T-THEN PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY!" She shook her head wildly from side to side as she held her red and warm cheeks. She looked down a little. "I-it might be a little freaky at first... To be honest... When I was really small and I first saw it... I cried and ran away cause it scared me... Gray felt so bad he tried to stop eating from his big mouth and use his normal one... But." Juliet giggled. " he can't use the other one for that so he kept chocking and then Prothero would get mad at him for being reckless and nearly getting hurt..." Realizing she got out of topic Juliet blushed. "Ah... My point is... Gray seems really scary but you can always talk to me if it gets bad..." Juliet smiled warmly. "Ah we should change topics... You seem a little lost so maybe I can show you around? Last year I was the first and only human here... It was scary and I kept getting lost but this year I figured it out... They added new stuff though like the pool was move and the gardens for a club..."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo had long since unwrapped his arms from Prothero and now was instead holding onto his arm as they walked. He could see the building and the pool in the distance and grew slightly bouncy again, excited to be doing something and even more excited to have made friends. Or well, he sort of just assumed they were his friends now. After all, they did invite them to go swimming. Or perhaps they had invited themselves. Either way, none of them were complaining about Thero and him being around. Except for the angel, but he was starting to get the idea that the angel always looked angry.

The demon's shoulders fell slightly when his friend retracted his wing, but it didn't last for long because he noticed they were now at the pool. He immediately went towards the lockers, finding his easily and changing before pushing his other clothes where the suit had been. "Come on Thero, Gray! Let's swim!", he was bouncing again, hands curled into fists from excitement. There was a slight glow to his horns that only happened when he was really excited- or really, really angry -about something. He looked back towards Jack just in time to see the angel slip, and he had to put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing or screaming.


It was silly for them to have expected Wolfram to actually wear one of the school issued suits. To him, it was unsanitary and just plain gross. Apparently they didn't think the same though, because he watched Jack and Romeo come out of the locker rooms with suits on, ready to go swimming. Gray was sitting by the pool looking rather dejected, and Wolf was about to go over and sit near him when he heard Jack speak to him.

He honestly wasn't quite sure how it happened. One minute he was standing and the next he was in the air, quickly falling back towards the water. Suppose it was the expensive shoes, they had little traction and he turned too quickly to address the white haired boy. One leg went up and when he tried to put himself back up straight, he flipped himself towards the pool. When he broke surface he was sputtering, both curses and water from the unexpected swim. Without realizing it he managed to pull himself to Jack and had been holding onto him, but as soon as he felt the flesh against his cheek he pushed himself back roughly. That was two boys now, today, that he had gotten much too close to.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Juliet Ender, as Everett was now learning, was just as excitable as her older brother Gray if not without his accompanying flirtations and the general talent to make Everett feel incredibly awkward. Her sincerity, however, obvious adoration of her family, and warm smile did more to calm him than any of Gray's numerous compliments ever could. He could feel himself shedding some of his nervousness just by being in her presence. Finally, someone, and a human at that, who was, well, normal. Well, normal enough. Really, his standards for accepted normality had drastically decreased the moment he appeared on Arcbell's campus.

"Ah... My point is... Gray seems really scary but you can always talk to me if it gets bad..."

"Thank you." And, he found that he really meant it because here was someone who had just admitted to being freaked out by Gray's chest mouth at one point and that reminded him that he was still sane and not being irrational. "I, um, really appreciate that." He even tried for a tiny smile of his own.

With the change of topics, he wasn't quite sure what to say. 'Oh, no, I was just wandering to get away from your insane brothers, my other ass of a roommate, another human who doesn't seem to realize that this is all insane, and an actually quite nice demon'. That just wouldn't do, even if it was the truth in this little scenario.

"Well, I didn't really, uh, have anywhere to go. But if you don't have anything else to, um, do, then that would be... nice." He tried for another little smile, reluctant to let go of the first normal person that he'd met since arriving here. Besides, if he even found his way back to his room, all he could do would be to wait for Gray and Wolfram to come back and he couldn't really deal with that sort of anxiety, thanks.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Gray Ender

Gray watched everyone amused all the while keeping himself as far away from the water as possible. If he could hiss at it he would... yes, his fear was slightly irrational but he could always pass it off for less then it was by simply feigning something. And at least this way he could watch Wolf embarrass himself from a safe and amusing distance... Currently the boy was getting himself saved by Jack... Again and he did not seem pleased about it.

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero was last to leave the change rooms he left in time to see Wolf go... erm... Flying? And Romeo trying not to yell or laugh. Prothero blinked and walked around the pool toward the diving board. He got onto the board and jumped a few times before doing a flip and graceful dive into the water. He touched the bottom and then swam up to the surface. He smiled at Romeo and use'd his wings to propel himself over to his friend before getting out of the water. "While you were busy watching Wolf I beat you to the pool." He smirked and ran a hand through his wet hair.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was shocked when he found Wolf in his arms. But he wrapped them around to cushion the angels fall... Not that it lasted long as Wolf quickly pushed away. "Hm...Be more careful..." He moved over to the angel and looked over him. "Did you hurt yourself?" Jack tilted his head to the side his long wet hair moving with him while he stared at Jack with worried eyes but a blank expression.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled. "Alright! I shall show you around... And you can ask me anything you want about Gray or the school." She smiled and turned leading the way. She headed toward the cafeteria and smiled. "This is the cafeteria you can order food here from the menu and it's payed for by the school but there only open for a little while at very specific times. They also let me cook stuff sometimes... Just today I made Gray some brownies cause he was still upset about yesterday when someone nearly pushed him into the pool... I just hope he doesn't get any nightmares from it..." Juliet sighed and shook her head. "Ah but anyway... Wanna eat something?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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The open invitation to ask anything about the school was normal enough, but he couldn't put any questions about Gray into words. It felt like an awful invasion of privacy, even if it was his roommate's sister offering up the answers. Instead, with a grateful smile painting his face, he followed behind Juliet feeling just a bit more at ease than he'd ever imagined feeling at Arcbell Academy. For once someone was just being nice- no awkward flirtations(or whatever it was Gray was trying to do with those cutie remarks), no rude words(courtesy of everyone but Everett's favorite angel), just someone kind of like him. Well, she was raised by demons and had red eyes and an optimistic attitude, but still a human who understood what he was feeling which took a great weight off of his shoulders, if only for a moment. The bit about the pool and Gray was pushed to the back of his mind for a moment as he took the cafeteria in.

The cafeteria was resplendent, big enough for the student body to apparently fit in comfortably and the frankly heavenly aroma wafting from the kitchens hidden from view. It reminded him that the last time that he'd eaten had been on the plane from America, not having had time to stop for food before arriving. His stomach grumbled accordingly and a pink blush covered his pale face for a moment.

"Food would be good," He managed with an apologetic smile before making his way to the ordering station, eyes trailing down the menu. The cafeteria worker was apparently a very patient woman, waiting with a small smile on her face as he decided.

"Maybe, um, spaghetti?" He ordered hesitantly. When the woman at the counter nodded in affirmative, he scurried out of line and back to Juliet. Even ordering food could be a chore for such a shy person.

"You said something about Gray earlier..." He started, curiosity coming back despite his previous promise to himself not to pry. "What did you mean about, um, him having nightmares about the pool...? I mean, you obviously don't have to tell me, but..." He trailed off lamely.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled at Everette and led him to a table where they could wait. "Yes... You see Gray is afraid of water..." She smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "About a year after I became part of the family I decided to learn how to swim... Gray could barely swim so he wanted to learn also and Prothero who knew how to decided to teach us..." Juliet smiled sadly. "But Gray being Gray just rushed right into the deep end and started to sink... Prothero tried to help him but you see... He had no control over his powers back then it got even worse when he was afraid and he was scared for Gray so... He froze the top layer of water and trapped Gray underneath..." Juliet frowned. "I managed to break the ice and we dragged him out together... Prothero was scolded for being an idiot and Gray has never been able to try and swim sense then." She sighed. "He's tried before but each time he just panics and freezes up... The boys here don't know the story so they think Gray's a huge jerk who thinks he's better then them... That's why Gray doesn't have many friends... And the ones he does have aren't really friends..." Juliet smiled as the cook brought over Everette's pasta and Juliet finally ordered herself a plate of poutine (WOOT FOR CANADIAN FOOD!) Smiling she looked over at Everette. "Ah but that was all a long time ago so it's ok now cause I'm sure Gray will make friends this year!"

((OOC: I don't know why but it tagged Wolfram... so just ignore that I guess... ))


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolf frowned, fists clenched as if he was going to punch Jack, but after a moment he softened. His arms went limp and sunk into the water, and his shoulders dropped. The only thing keeping him up now were his legs, which were going back and forth like crazy under the water to keep him from sinking. He had never been so humiliated, not in his whole entire life. This school year was going to be horrible, and so were his roommates and friends it seemed. They all just made him... different. Carrot annoyed him, but whenever he tried to be mean to the human, they just thought it was cute. Gray apparently didn't care that he was unhappy, and was glad to call him cute and drag him along wherever he was going. Romeo and Prothero... Well he didn't really care much for the two. And the other stupid human, Jack, kept having to save him. And it didn't help that he was constantly finding himself blushing around the tall, nice-looking boy.

He was pathetic.

"I'm fine," he sputtered, sniffling. His hand came up to wipe pathetically at his nose, which was also red like his cheeks from the embarrassment. "My clothes are soaked now, great." For a moment he was silent, gaze focused at the water. "Thank you... again." It was said quiet enough that no one else would hear. After that he moved off and pulled himself back onto hard ground, much more comfortable not in the water. He still had the soaked-clothing problem though.


Romeo blushed, eying the taller demon while he pulled himself out of the water. "Well, I betcha I'll beat you back in now!" The laughter that followed was somewhat like a child giggling as he ran past Prothero and jumped, landing in a messy heap of limbs as he crashed into the water. He let himself sink, having taken a large breath before jumping in. Not to mention, he was fairly sure a demon would be okay without air a bit longer than a human would. Who knew? That was definitely something he did not want to try though. Besides, Jack had already saved Wolfram enough for one day, he didn't need to have to be saving him too. Or well, he supposed that Prothero might save him... they were best friends after all.

When he broke surface again, he was back to normal. All smiles and giggles and overall happiness, trying to make everyone as happy as he was. So far, he hadn't had a breakdown in front of these guys. If everything went as planned, he never would. Breakdowns only happened sometimes, usually at night or if someone said something that struck a nerve. It looked like it wasn't going to happen, which he was grateful for. He didn't need them hating him for being, well, depressed. Except maybe Thero, his best friend might be able to know about his problems. Besides, if Romeo wanted to ask Thero to cuddle with him sometimes at night, he was going to have to give a reason better than being scared of the dark(though he was terrified of the dark).

Glancing around, he noticed Wolf getting out of the water, but he didn't see Thero for a moment. Rubbing at his eyes he called, "Thero! Where are youuuu?", and giggled again.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Everett twirled his fork idly in the spaghetti noodles, not quite sure if he was hungry anymore. What had happened to Gray... Maybe it was just his own empathy overreacting, but the idea of being trapped in the water under a layer of ice was a little nauseating. Drowning with no option for escape, no matter how much you struggled. He shivered slightly. No wonder he wasn't a huge fan of water. Well, it was just another thing that they didn't have in common in that regard. Everett was scared of many things- vampires, enclosed spaces, being stuck in the dark, his own shadow... But somehow water never made it onto that list. And it was a horrible thought, but if he ever did need to get away from Gray for a while, well, the pool or lake or whatever this school had would be a perfect retreat. He took a bite of his spaghetti to distract himself.

"He's already making friends," He offered up quietly after swallowing. The food was good here, he had to admit. Apparently one of the only perks for a human attending Arcbell Academy. "He likes our other roommate and, um, he seems to get on with our neighbor pretty well." The words were empty, meant to be a positive note because right now, faced with Gray's adorable sister beaming at him, he felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, a responsibility to be Gray's friend if only so that she'd stop worrying and Gray wouldn't be lonely. It was possible, of course. Gray was a nice albeit too energetic and a little overbearing person. The demon had been the first to really welcome him, even if he'd been more than a little handsy and quick to look past Wolfram's insults and, you know, pushing Everett over. He could try to be his friend or at least get along with him.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Gray Ender

Gray smiled as he watched his brother interact with his smaller companion. It was nice to see his normally serious face with such pure emotions that for once had no falsity or need to be forced because he was meeting with one of dad or the family's business associates or a member of the school or there own father... Well the list could go on but Gray decided to cut off his own thoughts and look over at the blue pool water. Just watching the little ripples of the water made him feel sick. Why did people like the pool anyway... It was wet and cold and... Just not all that fun right? Gray debated this with himself his thoughts fighting one another trying to weigh the truth of the matter. Finally he let out a sigh. Maybe he'd just go find Juliet... She was always so level headed when Gray needed her to be...

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero watched Romeo and smirked amused. His new friend was so lively... I mean... Gray was lively as well but in a much different fashion then Romeo. Watching the smaller demon sink Prothero took the opportunity to gracefully dive into the water. He went shooting down to the bottom where he forced his blue eyes to open and his wings to propel him past Romeo. He planned on surprising the smaller demon. Waiting until he surface Prothero soon followed soon as he rushed out from the water he flung his wings around Romeo and in a rare act of goofiness also wrapped his arms around the smaller demon. "Boo."

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack looked Wolf and nodded gently. The blonde was strange... Spiteful and wild at certain times and then shy at others... Perhaps he had a split personality... While the idea was somewhat plausible Jack simply shook the thought away. It did not even matter if he had one or not. It would not really change the blonde much. Besides even if he was snappy he was interesting to be around and seemed to need Jack's protection which he was happy to give out... It gave him a purpose something to keep his mind occupied from the general thoughts of why he was here and if his family missed him... His classmates would bot miss the albino but his parents... Well they had to right? "Hey Wolf!" Jack blinked and looked over at Gray who had seemed to snap out of his earlier gloom. "Earlier today when we met you freaked out at me and Evie for knowing something... But... I don't really know anything so what was that all about dude? Someone chasing you or something." Jack could sense that Wolf would be uncomfortable with that topic already. Great right when the blonde seemed to calm down and start warming up Gray had to do something to shut it down. Slipping out of the pool Jack disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a large fluffy dry towel which he wrapped around Wolf. "Dun, catch a cold m'kay." Jack spoke in his normal emotionless tone his worlds short and awkward but oddly caring... For a statue.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled a relieved look crossing her features. "I'm so glad~" She smiled gently. "Last year his first day really meeting people he got into an awful fight... He ended up in the infirmary." She puffed out her cheeks clearly annoyed with the burden or having to worry about her brother so much. "Ah... I should also warn... His stomach mouth... He's really sensitive about anyone touching around that area... So if you hug him and he squirms it might be because you tickled him un-intentionally... Also that's good information in case he ever gets to huggy and worried just tickle his abdomen and he will be on the floor or leaping away at the speed of light... Just don't try it when the mouth is open..." Juliet shuddered. "I did and my hand went inside his mouth... I was happy to find out I was not very tasty..."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolf's eyes widened as he heard Gray suddenly call his name, and he visibly stiffened. Though his lips parted as if he was attempting to say something, nothing actually came out. Instead he shifted his gaze towards Jack, who was no longer in the water but instead disappeared back into the locker rooms. He gave a confused look, but realization dawned on him when Jack emerged with a towel. Just drying off then, probably didn't want to swim by himself since Wolf definitely wasn't getting back in the water and it didn't look like Gray would take a step closer unless someone literally was carrying him.

His gaze had just left Jack when he felt the towel go around his shoulders. To his dismay, his cheeks reddened almost immediately. But instead of shrugging the towel off and throwing it to the side like he probably would have if it was anyone else, he just lifted shaky hands and pulled it a little tighter against him, drawing his legs up towards his chest. A moment later he removed his shoes and socks, since they were soaked and the most uncomfortable thing on him at the moment. Next he took his over shirt off, only removing the towel for a moment before pulling it back around him, feeling uncomfortable in just the white tee.

The blonde Angel cleared his throat, looking nervous. "Well, you see," it wasn't like him to stutter or try and dance around subjects. "Eeeeer, I guess you could say," Putting his face in his hands for a moment, he sighed, letting his shoulders drop. "I guess I'm sort of...-" Shit! Shitshitshit. Why did he look at Jack? "-bi-sexual. Don't tell Carrot, ever."


Romeo was definitely not one to be surprised. He was usually the one doing the surprising, actually. But when Thero suddenly swam past him he was startled, causing his mouth to pop open and all the air in his lungs to escape. Immediately he snapped his mouth closed, trying not to giggle underwater because it would surely just make him swallow more water. Instead he pushed himself off the bottom of the pool, quickly making his way to the surface. The first thing he did then was take a big gulp of air that ended up being released moments later in a big burst as he began giggling. Suddenly the water shifted under him though and his eyes widened, but before he had time to move away from what was no doubt another attempt of Thero's to surprise him, he found himself enveloped in a pair of wings. Not only were his friends wings around him though, but his arms were too.

"Boo." Romeo found himself giggling and blushing at the same time, but the giggling only lasted a moment longer for he seemed much too loud for such close quarters. Instead his took his bottom lip between his teeth, looking nervously up at the other male. Taking a deep breath, he managed a smile, eyes traveling up from Thero's face and instead focusing on his wings. A hand reached out hesitantly, fingertips trailing against the blue wings and a heavy, almost relieved sigh escaped him.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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It was hard for Everett to imagine Gray getting into a fight- well a real fight, not the sibling rivalry that he'd witnessed just a short while ago- with anyone. Oh, he could see him sticking his tongue out childishly if someone said something to offend him, but actually throwing punches seemed so out of character. It was even harder to imagine him carted away to the infirmary- really, it probably hadn't been that bad if his own experiences with school nurses meant anything. Maybe he'd just had a black eye or a split lip, maybe just a little injury that required a band-aid.

Still, all of this information seemed to directly contrast what he'd imagined about Gray. Everett had assumed he'd be one of the popular kids, fitting into the mold almost flawlessly. He was loud, bright, outgoing, flirtatious, and, yes Everett could willingly admit it, attractive (well, if you liked that sort of thing). To think that he was something of a misfit was a bit unsettling because if someone as vibrant as Gray couldn't carve a niche into the school hierarchy, how would wimpy, mild-mannered, awkward, and above all human Everett ever going to survive?

"You're a really loving sister, aren't you?" He commented quietly, twirling up another clump of noodles with a practiced sort of precision. Honestly, you could hear the concern and affection for her brother bleeding into her very tone. The stomach thing, however, he couldn't decide if it was a good example of too much information or a handy fact. He didn't exactly plan on hugging Gray, well, ever, but at least if that happened, he'd know how to weasel his way out. Except, for, well, if the mouth was ever open. A chill ran down his spine at the very thought, and the spaghetti suddenly looked much less appetizing. He pushed it away, leaving about a quarter of the noodles uneaten.

"I, uh, think I'm done," He added quite unnecessarily.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked at Everette with her large round eyes. "Well... How can I not be?" She smiled. "When I was only 6 I woke up in the snow and all I could remember was red and pain and hurt shot through her mind but she was not injured..." She closed her eyes remembering the day well. "I blacked out and when I woke up again Gray and Prothero were looking over me worried..." She took a breath remembering how she first awoke... Not a single memory left and two complete strangers looking over her. "I was so scared I cried... I could not remember a thing..." She opened her eyes slowly and tilted her head as she looked at Everette. "They allowed me to stay as they tried to find out where I belonged... Gray helped me learn how to walk again as I somehow seemed to forget even that... Prothero read to me and despite the fact I was a human which to them should be just some strange useless meat sack... They kept me... Raised me... Sent me to the best schools and have been only kind..." She smiled. "They still kinda scare me sometimes but they have never hurt me..."

Juliet giggled. "Ah listen to me ranting away... I ought to be saying good luck instead." She smiled. "I know how Gray can get attached to people easily and he's very touchy feelly." She giggled. "But he does tone it down after awhile... He just needs time to get to know you then he will know what level of emotion your fine with displaying..." She smiled gently. "The only time he might not care about whether your comfortable or not is the mornings where Prothero gets to brush my hair." She gestured to her long wild wavy hair. "When I was small I had lots of nightmares so they would take turns brushing or braiding my hair to calm me down... It became a tradition so when one of them beats the other to it... The other get's upset and sometimes resorts to brushing other peoples hair." Juliet smirked. "Though I'm sure you would look very nice with small braids that's probably the most you have to worry about."

Gray Ender

Gray blinked at Wolf. "Seriously? That's what had you freaking out?" Gray chuckled then laughed. "That's nothing to worry about! Most demons and angels are arent they?" Gray grinned and pointed toward himself with his thumb. "I am and so is Prothero right bro?" Gray looked over to his brothero who looked away from Romeo confused. Gray could tell his brother had not been listening. "Your bi correct?" Prothero blinked before nodding and stating with a little less then embarrassed tone that he preferred males over females a little but he still considered himself to be bi. Gray grinned. "See nothing to worry about... Heck I would not be surprised if Evie was bi as well but alright I won't tell anyone." Gray smiled and leaned back in his chair before looking over at Jack who was silent. "Hey, Jack what about you?"

Jack Red

Jack had slid back into the water and was now on his back floating looking at Gray and Wolf upside down. His silver white hair was being gently played with by the movements of the water. He listened in silence at Gray and Wolf's conversation not bothering to really add anything. But when a question was finally directed at him Jack rolled over going under for a few short seconds before coming up and looking over at Gray with his head tilted to the side his long-ish hair sticking to his back. "I am not bi." The words echoed blankly for a second. "I am gay..." Jack did not say it with pride or self disgust it was a plain old fashion statement. Jack watched as Gray gave him a questioning look his eyes pleading for more information. "I use to be in many sports." Jack looked over at Wolf for a second before looking away his red eyes revealing his embarrassment his cheeks taking on the faintest blush. "Many girls liked me... But I never found any of them..." Jack frowned looking for the right word but he simply could not and decided to leave it there. He did not like talking it was... Difficult. Finding the right words just made him angry. Jack dared to look back at the two boys. He was relieved to see no-judgement in Gray's eyes just a stupid smile on his face... What about Wolf... Jack tilted his head and took a peek at Wolf. Hoping his red eyes would not see any judgement or hate in Wolf's blue ones.

Prothero Ender

Prothero watched as Romeo touched his wings and he tensed just a little before he visibly relaxed and allowed Romeo to continue. It was strange feeling warm fingers on his wings. No one had ever touched his wings aside himself. Not even Juliet or there mom. He'd always had a no touch policy and preferred to keep it that way... So the fact that he was allowing Romeo such a thing was a sign to himself that he trusted to smaller demon. Smiling gently Prothero kept Romeo securely in his arms while he rested his chin on Romeo's head. Leaning back into the water Prothero kicked his legs so they went around in slow arching circles. Everything was blissful until Gray's obnoxious voice caught his attention. Looking at his brother questioningly Prothero was somewhat surprised by the question but nodded in confirmation. There was a quick second of silence before Prothero spoke. "I prefer males over females a little I suppose... But yes I am still Bi." Prothero had not the faintest idea where Gray's question came from let alone what made him nod and admit his own secret which was his preference. But Romeo seemed so accepting of everything from his wings to his awkward demeanor that he felt no fear as he shyly and with slightly pink cheeks looked down at the smaller boy still in his arms as they floated lazily on there side of the pool.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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He wasn't quite sure why he found it worse that they accepted his sexuality so easily, rather than them being upset or disgusted. Perhaps because he never really knew how to handle kindness, didn't understand people so open-minded and not constantly on the defense. That was just how he had been raised, it was how his family was. Always ready to start a fight, always wanting to be the one on top. It was just something he was used to. And his family definitely wasn't very open to personal conversations, so telling them that he just wasn't interested in girls would probably never happen. It wasn't like he spoke to them very often, so he didn't have to worry about it anyways. Whenever he had to attend one of the family meetings he could just find some girl to go with him, be his date and then he could ditch her the next day. That sort of things happened to girls all the time, right?

As it turned out though, these people weren't like his family. Actually, most of them were like him- which admittedly freaked him out a bit. Gray and Prothero were exactly like him, bi-sexual, even though Prothero admitted to preferring men. Though the other demon, Romeo, had apparently decided not to share. And Jack was, uh, homosexual. Gray's suggestion of Carrot being bi actually earned a laugh from Wolf, which was terribly hypocritical of him but he didn't care. When he glanced back at Jack he realized that the human was watching him, causing the blonde boy to blush slightly. "I- I know what you mean, Jack. Girls just... are too much work."

* Ironic, since Wolf is probably more work than a girl is.


Romeo's cheeks were a bright red color throughout the whole entire conversation pertaining everyone's sexuality. He was glad that Gray hadn't asked him, because he wouldn't really have been sure how to answer. Of course he knew he was gay, but no one else did. And while he could have lied and said he was straight, well, what he was doing with Prothero at the moment would look awfully weird. Not to mention the fact that he didn't want Thero to think of him differently because of that, or treat him different. Because.. he liked Thero. In a weird, crush-y way. Another thing he never wanted to admit, because everyone would probably just laugh right in his face. That wasn't something he ever wanted to happen again- it had definitely happened enough in middle school... and just about everywhere else he went. Arcbell was one of the only places where he could be *himself*- or as close to it as he dared -and not be bullied or teased for it.

With Thero's chin resting on his head, Romeo gently leaned his head against the larger males chest, his blush finally fading. "I'm like Jack, you know." His words were hesitant, completely unsure and maybe even frightened. "I like... guys." The one arm that he had around Thero tightened, and the hand that was ghosting over his friends wings visibly shook.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

Everett had no choice but to listen quietly as Juliet unveiled her life story, her words almost pained as she spoke. It wasn't something he expected to hear, both because it was an achingly sad story and because, you know, they'd just met a few moments ago. But Juliet seemed like a trusting sort of person, a friendly one, so maybe this wasn't some deep, dark secret. Maybe she told her past to all of her older brothers' potentials friends and/or roommates. Still, the story tugged harshly at his heart strings, the image of Juliet as a little girl lost and alone in the freezing snow was painful to imagine, even if they had just met. Sadly enough, he was rather sure that she was the person he was closest to in this entire school so far and it was hard to imagine his... his new friend in such a state.

He didn't know what to say when she was done. Should he say that he was sorry that had happened? No, that would definitely come out as disingenuous, a knee-jerk reaction that didn't really mean anything. Should he agree with her about her brothers, compliment them? Ask if she ever figured any more out about her past apart from that broken, pain-soaked memory?

Luckily he didn't actually have to say anything as she went off track, returning to, of all things, wishing him luck. He gulped not so subtly. If even the doting baby sister acknowledged that her brother had a habit of getting handsy, he was definitely in trouble. Toning it down 'after a while' didn't seem soon enough for the red-head who was more worried about surviving the present than the future. He could imagine it now; being tackled awake every morning, hugs and hair ruffles between classes, good-night bear hugs before they settled in for the night- and then, on top of that, would be Wolf either grinning smugly at him or continuing to be the jerk that Everett knew him to be with no one stopping him because he was such a pretty angel. Oh, Hell. Or Heaven. Or whatever he was supposed to be cursing and/or praying to for help and guidance.

The little note about him getting his hair brushed involuntarily when Gray was upset made his hands travel up to his red mess of hair and pull a face. Maybe if he got it cut then everything would be all right...? It was rather long right now... His eyes traveled back to Juliet and saw the slowly sinking sun from the window behind her head. Oh. It was getting close to nighttime. When was curfew...?

"Thanks for the warning... So, um, what now?" He asked after a moment, not quite sure what to do next. "Do you, uh, want to see if your brothers are back at the dorm...?" It was a stretch but no one could reasonably expect him to carry on small talk with someone, however nice and however much he liked them, after the kind of day that he'd had.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled. "Yeah curfew will hit soon... It's not really lights out but we all have to be in our rooms. They don't watch the halls much so you should not worry." Standing Juliet led the way out of the room and back toward the dorms. She explained quietly about where her room was located and how if he ever needed anything he could go talk to her as she knew allot about how the school functioned, and what to do if he found himself awoken by Gray who had a nightmare. "If he does get a nightmare he might wake you just to be reminded he's not alone... If what happens you can just send him to me unless he's really to frantic in that case all you have to do is repeatedly shush him while looking him in the eyes and reminding him your there... Unless it's a bad dream about drowning in that case he won't wake up just whimper silently... If he does wake you then I don't know... He never does for drowning dreams... Only ever for the weird nightmares he never talks about... Something about being abandoned or something... He never told me and when I ask now he just gives a weird smile and doesn't talk to anyone for a good day."

She then continued informing Everette about school functions and to avoid being alone at least for the first month. "During the first month werewolves form there packs and vampires analyze who is an easy target... If you show them your being guarded by demons or another human they will leave you alone... Gray told me this because last year I wandered off before everyone knew I was there sister and a very scary vampire pinned me to the ground... He never bit me because Prothero and Gray showed up..." Juliet explained she would gladly hang pick up and drop Everette off from place to place and they would have most classes together anyway because they were humans and received a different education then demons or angel.

Gray Ender

Gray looked at Wolf and smirked. "Dude... I think your more work then a girl... But no worries there Jack seems patient he can handle you besides he'd probably destroy anyone who bugs you bout your sexuality right big guy?" Without really waiting for his response Gray looked over at the slowly sinking sun. "Hey guys we should head back... Curfew should be soon." Gray stood and stretched cracking his back. He was more then grateful to know that soon he would be far from the pool. And he would no longer be subjugated to watching Prothero going all ice dragon protective mode over his little friend Romeo. Though he was pleased to know that there was now an easy teasing tool at his disposal. Though he never figured Prothero to be attracted to someone who seemed to be so outgoing as well as shy... Oh well, just more material for him to use as a teasing tool.

Jack Red

Jack blinked and watched Wolf's face heat up. It was... Cute? Compared to the scowl he seemed to wear. A small skitter of amusement passed over Jack's face. But his thoughts were cut short by Gray's words. "Hmp." Jack looked over at Gray. "I do not like violence..." He made a small hm noise before he spoke again. "But if anyone went after Wolf... I would protect him..." Jack got out of the water and passed by a somewhat scared Gray into the change rooms... No duh Gray was kinda scared he had just called Wolf harder to handle then a girl? Wolf was no girl! He was strong but fragile... Jack... Jack liked that. Within a minute he'd taken a quick rinse and changed back into his clothes. Prothero and Romeo right behind him. He walked out and helped Wolf to stand whether the blonde agreed to his help or not. He looked the angel up and down. "Let's go... Don't want ya sick." He turned to Gray gesturing him to lead as he always did.

Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled at Romeo and tightened his wings around them to show the younger demon he was not going anywhere. "I don't mind... I myself just admitted my own preference... If it does not bother you it does not bother me." Prothero spoke in hushed tones so only his friend could here. He was going to speak once more when Gray interrupted... As usual. Flipping then upright Prothero opened his wings and used them to propel himself and Romeo out of the water and onto the edge of the pool. He set Romeo down and they followed Jack into the change room. Of course Prothero took awhile longer making sure his friend had sufficiently gotten the chlorine off and then that he was dry. When he was satisfied they too left the change rooms. Prothero folded his wings to his back and opted to just walk back to the dorms with his annoying brother... A walk would be nice besides if Gray found out Prothero had flown Romeo around he'd become huffy exclaiming about how he never got to fly and it was totally 'un-cool' that Romeo got to.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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0.00 INK


Wolfram was fighting the urge to punch Gray in the face as well as the urge to look back over at Jack. The second might seem a bit silly, but to him it made all the sense in the world. When he looked at Jack, he blushed. And that made people think things... Things that he didn't want people thinking, especially since he just revealed what was his biggest secret. Not to mention that blushing made him weak, and he definitely wasn't weak. He was still very much the mean, bully of an angel that he was at the beginning of the day. Just now he had a bunch of weird friends that were apparently oblivious to his obvious attempts to be rude to them. The only one that was really getting it was the stupid red headed human. Well, at least he could bother him until the others finally figured out that he wasn't just playing around. The human was pretty fun to play with though, it was like he was a time bomb. Eventually, he was going to go off.

When Jack emerged from the locker room and made a comment about not wanting for him to get sick, he ended up blushing again. Somewhat reluctantly he stood, pulling the towel tighter around him. There was no way that he was letting go of it, even if it was warm outside, he was still freezing and sort of half naked. Or at least he felt naked. After grabbing up the rest of his clothes he followed the others out, and found himself walking nearer Jack than anyone else. "I wonder if Carrot'll be back in the room or not."


Romeo was definitely relieved when Prothero tightened his arms around him, and was even more relieved when he confirmed that he didn't mind. It had certainly made him nervous to admit such a thing, even if he and Thero were just friends. They might have only met that day, but Romeo felt something more about Thero. Like they were best friends or something, like he and Thero had been together as long as he and Gray probably had. That probably sounded silly though, and he definitely wasn't going to say it out loud. Wolfram would no doubt laugh and find new ways to make fun of him, and he was worried that Thero would think he was a freak or something. Why was it so hard to have friends?

After changing back into his own clothes, he felt a lot better. Immediately he moved back to Prothero's side, who seemed not to be in the mood for flying as he folded his wings and began walking. It hadn't really mattered either way to the teen, so he just started walking beside his roommate. "Was our room close to theirs?" Romeo wasn't even quite sure if they had been in the same building. When he and Thero had come out, they were already sitting on the patio. Hopefully they all lived close though, or at least in the same building. Gray and him could plan some pretty awesome game nights.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

Walking with Juliet was like getting the tour guide that he actually needed to survive this academy, hopefully in one piece. She pointed out the different rooms, more than just her favorites and with added explanations if he gently plied her with questions or prompted her to continue her descriptions. The added insight on Gray still seemed a little too intimate to Everett who was all about his own privacy, but wasn't it nice to have a walking, talking guide to one of his new roommates? He'd prefer one for Wolfram, but, at the same time, he wasn't quite sure that he wanted to hear more about the least angelic angel ever to grace Arcbell Academy.

He couldn't see himself, however, actually comforting Gray after a nightmare. It wasn't that he wouldn't want to- well, there was that too, but it was mostly that it felt terribly intimate. Nightmares were things you dealt with with the help of friends and family, not your awkward human roommate who probably wouldn't be able to even meet his eyes when he needed it most. Still, there was a distinct hope that it would never happen, that Gray's dreams would hopefully be sweet and the only thing he'd have to worry about at night was his own nightmares, mild thought they may be in comparison, or Wolfram smothering him in his sleep.

The additional information about wolf packs and shrewd, calculating vampires was a mix of disconcerting and, if he would admit it which he probably would not, just a bit of a relief. It was a double-sided blade- he wouldn't be able to wander off on his own for the first month or so, unable to keep his precious, precious alone time, but, in return, he would be allowed some safety in hanging around Gray or Jack or, Heaven forbid, Wolfram. Then again, it was highly unlikely that Gray would even let him wander off alone without tagging along or rallying a search part if he went missing for over an hour. Okay, that may have been a slight exaggeration, but that wasn't the point.

"Did he get punished? The, uh, the vampire, I mean," Everett corrected himself, a chill racing down his spine. Juliet really did have the worst of luck, didn't she? Before she could reply, they were already at his dorm, Everett fumbling for his keys.

"Do you, um, want to come inside? To wait for your brother or whatever," He asked quickly, reluctant to shoo his new friend away.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked. "Oh well yes and no... See I think him having to face my big brothers wrath was enough of a punishment so I never told a teacher or anything." Juliet blinked and watched Everette. "Oh yes~ Big brother would come to my room anyway so I might as well." Juliet walked inside and immediately knew which bed was her brothers. She plopped herself down and hugged her knees happily. She hummed for awhile before she got bored and fluffed Gray's pillow. "Ah yes... Tommorow after classes why don't I continue the door... I can show you the indoor and outdoor pools where you will have gym class for awhile... Then Il tell you about what clubs you will be able to join..." Juliet smiled. "I'm part of the gardening club and so is Gray..." She giggled. "You should see him fussing over the roses... He get's so upset when the students trudge through them." She snickered. "It's kinda silly seeing him so delicate with the flowers yet so brutish with other boys..." She grinned. "Prothero is not part of any clubs but he is head of the student council, he plans all the dances and me and Gray get to help decorate all the time it's super fun~" She smiled. "Prothero often takes care of any decor that goes on the ceiling cause he can fly then Gray use's his gold to make a disco-ball and he polishes everything. I do lots of the baking and setting up the music." Juliet yawned suddenly and rubbed her tired ruby eyes.

Gray Ender

Gray happily marched ahead of everyone. As they passed down the silent halls he felt secretly pleased with how the day had turned out. Ok minus the pool thing but still. As they approached there room Gray quickly swung the door open ready to burst in and exclaim how Everette had missed out when his gold eyes widened and fell on his yawning little sister. "Juliet!" He rushed forward and hugged her. "How did you find out this was our room?" Gray did not crush Juliet with his hug like he often did no he simply enveloped her in his arms for a short sweet amount of time before he pulled away and sat next to her. As she gave her tired reply Gray smiled softly. It was not a boastful fake smile it was a genuine smile very soft and caring. "Thank you Everette." Gray turned to the red head the soft smile on his face staying there. His gold eyes seemed to also dim to something much warmer. "I'm glad Juliet finally has a friend." Gray smiled wildly and hugged Juliet closer she was yawning again which caused Gray to let out a soft chuckle. To say he almost had a split personality would almost not be far from the truth.

Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled at Romeo. "No... Our room is two floors above there's." Prothero was walking closely to his friend and he watched as Gray burst ahead toward his room. Prothero was going to continue on past until his sharp pointed ears caught Gray yelling there sisters name. Prothero's eyes widened and he peeked into the room. Juliet was mumbling tiredly. Prothero smiled and watched Gray interact with there little sister. Prothero could only ever stand Gray when he was like this... Calm and gentle but still happy. "Come on sis... Me and Romeo's room passes your I shall ensure you get there safely." Prothero only chuckled when Juliet rubbed her eyes once more and mumbled a tired. "Big brother?" He smiled and walked into the room picking up Juliet gently as she was already asleep. Prothero smiled and allowed Gray to kiss Juliet's forehead and wish her a goodnight.

Prothero left the room and bid everyone a goodnight. He opened his one wing and wrapped it around Romeo as they headed up a flight of stairs. Stopping briefly Prothero put Juliet to bed and locked her door. The he turned to Romeo and smiled softly. "I believe it is finally our turn to sleep." He moved close to his roommate and protectively wrapped his wing around him as they headed up another flight and finally into there room. Prothero immediately changed into a pair of soft pajamas... Of course it was more like no shirt and a pair of soft pajama pants. Stretching out his wings Prothero crawled into his bed and smiled at Romeo. "Seems it was a rather busy day... Sorry it was so hectic..."

Jack Red

Jack was secretly pleased that Wolf walked close to him. "I'm sure he's fine." Jack spoke quietly and very short as he gave his answer. As they walked Jack allowed everyone else to go ahead he was in no mood to rush. But he did keep in pace with Wolf. Jack was silent as they walked. When ahead of them a commotion erupted with Gray and the Prothero entering the room Jack halted. He did not want to get involved with who knows what other sibling insanity. He turned to Wolf and stared at him with his red eyes for a short while. "Hmp... If Gray get's to loud..." Jack shifted his gaze. "You can always spend the night in my room..." Jack was painfully aware of the painful blush staining his cheeks. He looked at Wolf and gave him an awkward little smile. "I just don't want you hurtin him..." Jack looked away again and then finished in a mumble. "Cause... You'd get into trouble... And might be forced to leave." Jack looked at Wolf again and stared at him for a little while longer before Prothero carrying out a girl got his attention. "Good-night." He finished the encounter with that before he turned and slipped silently into his room and closed the door after him.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK


Wolfram was growing increasingly more frustrated by the moment, to the point where he ended up crossing his arms underneath the towel and huffing every so often just to draw attention to himself. It was beginning to bother him even more now, the fact that he could have a crush on a stupid human. Not to mention that human was a boy, but that was a road he could cross later on. Right now he had to figure out what it was that attracted him to the strange, white haired human and then he had to figure out how to destroy it. There was absolutely no way that he could allow this to happen. There was no way that he would allow himself to like a stupid, boring human! Humans were so, so far below them. It was pathetic, and he was terrible for even thinking of one as any more than a common servant.

Unfortunately, a few minutes later he found himself blushing because of what the human was saying. Jack apparently figured Wolf was going to try and hurt Gray in the middle of the night, which wasn't really that far-fetched of an idea. If the demon didn't let the angel get some sleep, it was likely that there would be some fighting. But it was more Carrot that he felt like strangling while he slept, though he was going to keep that one to himself. Didn't need everyone gathering in there room for a damn intervention or something. The human would make it through the night, if he was lucky.

After saying his thanks to Jack, he made his way into their room just as the girl was being carried out. Quirking an eyebrow, he removed the towel and threw it over a chair before stepping towards his bag and stripping his shirt off. He took a moment to glance over at the human, still shirtless as he asked "Miss us, Carrot? I'm sure all of our hearts were just aching every moment we were away from you." He replaced his previous shirt by another white one, a v-neck now. Stripping off damp pants left him in blue boxers, which were once again covered by black and white pajama pants right before he slipped into bed. "Want to come sleep with me dear? I'll protect you from the nightmares," he said with a playful wink.


Romeo was truly half asleep by the time they got to Gray and Wolf's dorm, and didn't say much of anything as he heard Gray's excited shrieks about some person named Juliet or something. What did catch his attention was when Thero left his side, but he luckily returned only a moment later. The demon decided just not to question the fact that he was carrying a girl, she appeared to be human though which confused him slightly. Oh well, he would likely forget about it by the time morning came, and he was much too tired to ask now. He returned to his half-asleep state as they walked towards their room, and he slumped against the wall while he waited for Thero to come back out of the humans room. As soon as they got upstairs, it was likely he would just fall into bed and fall asleep.

Back inside their room, Romeo felt safe. While his friend changed, so did he, into a long black shirt that didn't stop until it was halfway down his thighs and a pair of blue pajama pants. He barely caught Thero's apology, but he mumbled a quick "It doesn't matter," anyways as he stared at his bed and then back at his friends. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked cautiously, still sounding half asleep because, well, he was.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

It was nice, Everett had to admit, sitting in his dormitory on the very edge of his bed, just listening to Juliet chatter on about, well, everything. School activities, her brothers, random odds and ends of information that came together to make an almost soothing narrative. Or maybe it wasn't her words at all, but the way that she said them, cheerful and kind and normal. Everett wouldn't flatter himself by using that adjective on himself and it really shouldn't be used to describe Juliet of all people. She was adopted by a family of demons, amnesia and pain painting her earliest memories in a disturbing light. Still, she felt normal, a life jacket in the current insanity that was Everett life surrounded by angels, demons, werewolves, vampires, ghosts... So, he let her talk, even if he didn't really hear her after a while, the fact that she was talking to him like they were friends more important than the words themselves.

She looked tired now, he noted as she rubbed ruby red eyes, a yawn escaping from her mouth. He was about to say something, to suggest that she return to her room to rest for the night, even if he didn't really want her to go. If she left, he'd be left adrift again, alone even if she claimed that her brother would very much like to be friends and said brother was insistent that his other roommate was charming and cute. Wolfram charming and cute? Maybe he was physically attractive in a feminine sort of way, but his words and actions made that inconsequential.

Speak of the devil and he shall come. Not even a moment after that though, who should return but Gray and Wolfram, their timing comical like a sitcom set-up. It shattered the comfortable atmosphere and he stiffened immediately, sitting up ram-rod straight. He observed the brother and sister interaction, wondering if what Juliet had told him had changed his opinion on Gray at all. As the demon picked up his sister from her resting spot, he decided that it hadn't, not really. He might give him the benefit of the doubt now, but he'd have to form his own opinion on Gray in the long run.

"You, um, you don't have to thank me," He mumbled, face coloring as it tended to do. "She's... uh, Juliet's nice. Sweet." Which was an honest description, even if he hesitated as he spoke. As Gray whisked Juliet away, Everett took a moment to study his two roommates. They looked wet which was disappointing only because he'd ducked out right before they'd gone to swim. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Gray, though, since Juliet had told him of her brother's fear of water.

He was left then with Wolfram which was not okay. He turned stubbornly away from the older boy and began to change himself, slipping into a too-big t-shirt he'd stolen from his brother and sliding navy sweatpants over his dark green boxer briefs.

"That's nice," He mumbled in reply, lips pulled into a tight line, rolling his eyes as he finished putting away his clothes, only glancing over at Wolfram when he was sure the other boy was decent. He didn't even bother to answer the question. His face colored an even darker shade involuntarily at the wink and he hastily climbed into his own bed, burrowing under the covers and facing resolutely away from the angel. Dear? It was dear now? He actually preferred Carrot.

"Thanks but- but no thanks. I don't want your protection." Because, really, he was sure that the other boy's idea of protection was dumping an icy bucket of water over his head if he got too loud because of a nightmare during the night or, better yet, simply tossing him out the window if he interrupted his beauty rest.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Gray Ender

Gray's smile faded when the door to there room closed. It seemed that Wolf was antagonizing Everette again. Sighing Gray rolled his eyes. "Hey blondy? Do me a favor and leave Evie alone for the night." Gray did not sound rude or cocky just tired but oddly patient. "I'm really not in the mood for you two sassy pants arguing all night and I will not hesitate to drag one of you guys across the hall to Jack's room so I can get a goodnight sleep." Gray pulled off his shirt and pants before laying on his bed. "That and you should be nice to Evie... He's... A good person... Just like your... A good person... Sassy but good." Gray yawned obviously tired as he curled up in his covers and fell asleep before he could hear a single complaint.

Jack Red

Across the hall Jack left his door unlocked and also got ready for bed. He crawled in and grabbed his book but before long he'd fallen asleep with the book on his face his nose keeping his page while his body was sprawled out like a star fish soaking in the feeling of rest and relaxation from a long day of awkward conversations and stiff muscles in order to stay looking like a moving wall.

Prothero Ender

Prothero was a tad caught off guard by his friends request but smiled gently and nodded. He was already under the covers with his wings stretched out comfortably. He used one wing to lift the blankets where Romeo could come slide in. To be honest Prothero would normally deny such a request but after seeing the troubled look on his dear friends face during there earlier conversation, the fighting he'd witnessed between him and gray, and finally the fact he looked so tired all made Prothero feel a certain obligation to comfort and protect the smaller demon during the night.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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A week had passed and Wolf was still hating on Carrot. No big surprise there. Actually, the only thing that had changed really was that the teasing had turned into flirting, while they were alone at least. It wasn't like they were alone a lot, or at least not so often that people were noticing anything. To be honest, the angel found himself around the human maybe more than he would care to admit. Was he actually beginning to enjoy his company? Surely not, the only human he could even bear to tolerate was Jack. Actually, Jack had turned out to be quite the sweetheart when he wanted to be. Not that anything monumental had happened over the past few days, but he had shown Wolf that the day at the pool.

The first few days of Wolf's flirting with Carrot, the angel hadn't even known he was doing it. As soon as he realized it though, the flirting has stopped. It was almost shocking how quickly he stepped back into that horrible jerk he was the first time, except for worse possibly. Not only that but he was avoiding avoiding the red head like the plague. Even last night, instead of sleeping in his own room he had begged Jack to let him sleep with him. That had definitely been awkward, but better than having to see Carrot. He couldn't quite explain why he was so scared of having to talk to him, he didn't even know if the human wanted to talk to him. God, he probably thought he was crazy.

...most people thought he was crazy.

Now it was the first day of classes though, something he was certainly dreading. The angel was sitting with his little group of misfits that he'd collected his first day here, looking antsy as ever. His legs were bouncing up and down like he was an ADD kid that forgot to take his pills, and he couldn't stop tapping the end of his fork against the table. Eventually he just pushed himself back, making a loud thump that caused a few people to look up towards him. Throwing his bag around his shoulders, he made an excuse of forgetting something up in the room and started off towards their building.


Ever since that first night sleeping in the dorm, he hadn't asked Prothero if he could sleep with him again. It wasn't like he hadn't wanted to, not in a creepy way of course, but he felt like just asking that one night was pushing it too far. Every night since then he had woken up from a nightmare, but he made sure to keep quiet and not disturb the older demon. Though it sort of bothered him, he chose not to say anything. Not like he could get mad at Thero for not being comfortable with stuff like that, the other demon wasn't his old roommate. Thero was a lot better though, in some ways. Always so smart and just cool to be around, at least that was how Romeo saw him. Perhaps he idolized the other a bit too much.

They were at breakfast now, Wolf had just walked away looking troubled. Romeo felt a bit bad for the angel, but he also thought that perhaps it was a good thing. Maybe he was feeling bad for how horribly he treated everyone recently, it seemed that he was getting better but.. Then it turned around and he was worse than before- especially to Everett. He was seated next to Thero, and even though there was enough room on the other side of him, he happened to lean closer to his friend just because he felt safer there. "S- so, does anyone have Biology first class?"


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

Let it never be said that Everett Harper didn't give people second chances. Throughout the next week, keeping in mind the tidbits of information Juliet had offered up on that traumatic first day, Everett had tried to be open-minded about his new roommates and associated neighbors and acquaintances. It hadn't been too terribly hard at first, a good night's sleep having settled his nerves at least a little bit making him slightly more patient and less likely to hide under his duvet when things went south. For the most part, it had worked. Even if he still avoided being within hugging distance of Gray(not that that actually worked, mind, but he did try), even if there were still notable pauses in the way that he spoke, hesitation clawing at his words, even if he had yet to speak to anyone outside of the little group that amassed around the Ender children, he tried and was mildly happy with the results. Juliet was a wonderful safe haven of a friend, sweet and understanding in a way Everett thought was only possible in books. Really, everyone seemed to be growing on him... Except for in one case; Wolfram.

The angel seemed Hell-bent(or Heaven-bent, possibly) on making Everett's life at Arcbell Academy miserable. There was the occasional death threat, pushing and shoving cleverly disguised as an accident due to cramped quarters, hidden insults... Normally that shouldn't be a problem. Everett had dealt with bullies before, surprise surprise, and all it took was figuring out their schedules and adjusting yours to the complete opposite. Except that wasn't possible because, well, roommates and the same social group pretty much ensured that neither boy was separated for long. The worst of it came when the two were alone, when Wolfram didn't have to worry about being chided or admonished(not that he ever really had to worry about it- he got away with just about everything without anyone seeming to even bat an eye).

It had been more mild at first, albeit excessively weird. If Everett hadn't known better, he could have sworn that in those first few days the pestering was more flirtatious than anything. Which was, of course, absolutely ridiculous, but he much preferred it to later in the week when Wolfram seemed to have randomly snapped and ramped up the torment to a, on a scale of one to ten, twelve. That was, when they actually interacted. When the (most likely not)flirtations had stopped, Wolfram had started vanishing, avoiding Everett altogether if at all possible. He hadn't even returned to their room the night before, apparently opting to stay with Jack(Everett always found it better not to ask about such things because, you know, it was personal).

It was the first day now, and they were all seated together for breakfast with more than enough time before the first class was to start. With Wolfram leaving in a huff, it left Everett in more of a cloud of anxiety than before. He really couldn't take it, anymore. The avoidance, the harsh insults, the absolute insanity of his roommate. It was like a breaking point because he had enough shit to deal with without adding a melodramatic jerk of an angel to the list.

"S- so, does anyone have Biology first class?"

Everett cast his schedule a cursory glance, not having been that involved in the conversation, but was pleasantly surprised to see the words "Biology" printed on the paper for his first period. Which made sense, of course. He and Romeo were in the same grade, after all, and some classes were shared among the species.

"I, um, I do. I guess we share first period. That- I'm glad." But, relief over knowing someone in his first class of his first year at a new school was swept away quickly by a single glance of Wolfram disappearing into their building. It didn't make sense, really, how irritated Everett right now. Wolfram had been avoiding him, after all. Isn't that what he had wanted? Well, yes, but not at the cost of Wolfram packing all of his insults into a harsh blow every time that they were around each other. It wasn't fair. He deserved an explanation, a reason for why the angel hated him so much. He'd dealt with it for a week, but not any longer.

"I- I need to get something. See you guys later." Before he could talk himself out of it, Everett was making his way towards their dorm building, posture decisive if not confident.

It didn't take long to catch up to Wolfram, or to find him really. The dorm was happily empty, everyone having left already for breakfast or to meet up with friends. It was now or never, and Everett wasn't quite sure how long his self-righteous rage would last.

"Wolfram," His voice almost echoed in the empty hall, or maybe that was just his imagination. "We need to talk. Now."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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0.00 INK

Juliet Ender

To say that Juliet was not a morning person would be a ridiculous understatement... Juliet could beat a zombie with how very dead she was most mornings. And in fact that particular morning more so then usual. While her siblings and new friends chatted Juliet had her head on the table taking a nap while Gray brushed her hair and mumbled something about needing to part it equally to make a decent braid.

Finally the motion of the brush seemed to wake up and Juliet lifted her head allowing Gray to part her hair. Had someone been asking a question or something? Really she just needed some food in her before all engines would be running at full capacity... How was it that both Prothero and Gray were morning people especially Gray??? He was the definition of laziness and yet every-morning he woke up at 6 like clockwork and began to actively do stuff.

"I believe that Juliet is also in Biology with you Romeo... She is in your class after all."

She had biology first? Oh, well then... Good to know... But what would be better to know is when this french toast had found its way in front of her. Looking around sleepily she spotted Jack nodding toward the food slowly. Ah, yes. The ever silent giant. Juliet had actually become very good friend with Jack as well... He never spoke much apparently because he was embarrassed about an accent he devoted his time to hiding but they managed to communicate quite well. Jack looked after her like an older brother and in return she was attempting to help him with his English.

Gray Ender

Unlike his younger sister Gray was a morning person. And sense it was the first day of class her was needless to say excited so much so he woke up and 5 and left his dorm room to go and double check his schedule and peek in on his classes. He knew for a fact he would be having class with Jack and Wolf which he looked forward too... Well sort of. Jack was fairly easy to get on with as the man was a statue and seemed to handle, hugs, talking, punching, arguing, insults ANYTHING! But Wolf... Wolf was weird... Gray could never tell what was going through that mans head! Yet, they all seemed to be good friends... In some sort of strange way...

Gray smiled to himself as he paused from doing Juliet hair to take a bite from his scrambled eggs on toast. He wanted Juliet to be the most adorable student today and that meant he would perfect her braid! Blinking Gray watched Wolfram get up in a huff and he frowned for a moment... He would never understand that angel! Running his fingers through Juliet's hair Gray watched with concern as Everette chased after their roommate... Ah, well if anyone could talk some sense into Wolf it would probably be Evie he seemed the most level headed despite being the youngest.

Prothero Ender

Prothero sat at the table book in one hand and a toast in the other. He was un-aware of most everything going on at the table around him except for what was going on around Romeo. He bit into his toast as his cool blue eyes read over each word with mild interest. He had finished language and biology over the summer and was being permitted to take extra courses to fill up his time. In biology he had decided to volunteer as a teachers aid and in English he decided to take a few old languages the one he was currently reading in his book was old dragon an ancient type of writing reserved for only dragon like demons which Prothero happened to be an allowed himself to throw himself into its depths. Hearing his friends question Prothero closed his book and set it on the table as he finished his toast.

"I believe that Juliet is also in Biology with you Romeo... She is in your class after all."

Prothero cast a glance at his half asleep sister. Watching as she barely registered the world around her a tired look in her eyes and dark bags, she had probably been to excited to sleep the previous night being a morning person did not help either.

"I will also be in your biology class... I finished my biology course over the summer and volunteered to help teach the younger classes biology that happens to be you guys..."

Prothero flashed a rare warm smile to his friend and set his chin gently on his intertwined hands.

"I shall be helping answer questions, marking, all that I hope you good at biology Romeo... But if you aren't I can always pay special attention to you that's the benefit of having a friend who's a teachers assistant."

Jack Red

Unlike most of the people at the table Jack felt he was the only one actually eating. Juliet was basically asleep and poking at the french toast he got her, Gray was fussing over Juliet's hair, Prothero was being academic, Romeo was asking questions, and Evie and Wolf had run off to see the wizard. Shaking his head to himself Jack bit into his pancake and finished it quickly and quietly before returning the tray and plate to where they should go for cleaning and handling. Then he returned all the while muddling through his past few days. Nothing particularly interesting had occurred aside for the fact that he was actually being social and that Wolf had slept in his room the previous night...

Jack had offered before so it wasn't all that awkward more as surprising and rather baffling but judging by his observations Jack would guess Evie had something to do with the blondes odd behavior... Perhaps he would ask him later... Perhaps... But probably not... Juliet was the motherly one who asked questions... Jack was the lonely one who people went to when they ran out of options... Looking back at the table of people he'd recently become acquainted with Jack walked over mumbled a quick 'going to class early.' and departed.

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Arcbell Academy

Arcbell Academy by CookieCupcake

A large school located on an island in the South of France. It is equipped with everything a student would desire for learning and leisure. Yet it holds an old charm to it as well. And many mysteries...

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Character Portrait: Claude Necata
106 sightings Claude Necata played by Mashotu
Oh~ This will be fun~
Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
97 sightings Ariami Mitchiko played by Purpl3_Flam3s
" I don't have time for idiots."

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gray Ender
Character Portrait: Prothero Ender
Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace
Character Portrait: Everett Harper
Character Portrait: Elijah Cromwell
Character Portrait: Jack Red


Character Portrait: Jack Red
Jack Red


Character Portrait: Elijah Cromwell
Elijah Cromwell


Character Portrait: Everett Harper
Everett Harper

"It's like everything here is trying to kill me or at least scare me to death."

Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
Ayman Yenta

"Well this should be fun"

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
Juliet Ender

"Oh... Were you talking to me?"

Character Portrait: Prothero Ender
Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

Character Portrait: Gray Ender
Gray Ender



Character Portrait: Prothero Ender
Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

Character Portrait: Elijah Cromwell
Elijah Cromwell


Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
Juliet Ender

"Oh... Were you talking to me?"

Character Portrait: Jack Red
Jack Red


Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
Ayman Yenta

"Well this should be fun"

Character Portrait: Everett Harper
Everett Harper

"It's like everything here is trying to kill me or at least scare me to death."

Character Portrait: Gray Ender
Gray Ender


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
Juliet Ender

"Oh... Were you talking to me?"

Character Portrait: Everett Harper
Everett Harper

"It's like everything here is trying to kill me or at least scare me to death."

Character Portrait: Prothero Ender
Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

Character Portrait: Elijah Cromwell
Elijah Cromwell


Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
Ayman Yenta

"Well this should be fun"

Character Portrait: Gray Ender
Gray Ender


Character Portrait: Jack Red
Jack Red


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Arcbell Academy

Arcbell Academy by CookieCupcake

A large school located on an island in the South of France. It is equipped with everything a student would desire for learning and leisure. Yet it holds an old charm to it as well. And many mysteries...

Arcbell Academy

A large school located on an island in the South of France. It is equipped with everything a student would desire for learning and leisure. Yet it holds an old charm to it as well. And many mysteries...

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