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Ariami Mitchiko

" I don't have time for idiots."

0 · 837 views · located in Arcbell Academy

a character in “Arcbell Academy”, originally authored by Purpl3_Flam3s, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name:'I hate my name..'
Ariami Mitchiko

Nick Name: 'Because of my hair.'

Age:'I died at 16, that was a year ago.'

Gender: 'Can’t you tell?'

Species: 'One of these things is not like the other..'

Blood Type: 'Does it matter?'
O negative


Eye Color: 'Some people find it disturbing.'
Bright Blue

Hair Color: 'Like a Crow.'
Jet Black

Dressing Style: 'I like the way I dress.'
Crow likes the color black and blue. You could find her wearing that almost every day. Baggy pants and sweatshirts is more her style. Every now and then she would be wearing skinny jeans or tight pants. She's more boyish than anything.

Weight: 'I don't think I can gain pounds.'

Height: 'I grew...I think.'


Likes: ’I prefer these more than anything.’’
Black ,blue, baggy pants, sweatshirts, music, and

Dislikes: ’Don’t want them anywhere near me.’
Bright colors, alcohol, tight clothing, bright people, crowds, and pop music,

Habits: ’Old habits die hard.’
Getting angry easily
Fiddling with her fingers.

Crush: ’I don’t have the time.’

Personality: ’This is the way i act, get over it.’
Crow isn't the type to keep her anger in. She expresses it physically. Mostly violently. Like punching a brick wall. She is more kept to herself than she is when around others. Crow is very judgmental and doesn't care about others. Doesn't mean she's cruel, just not as caring as others would be. She doesn't like to be messed with and can be very stubborn if she wants to. Crow is always snapping at something. Always has something to say, no matter if it's nice or not. She may seem nice on the outside but she isn't at all.


Skills: ’Taught myself.’
Flying, standing on her feet, playing the piano, and playing the guitar

Family: 'They are always in my mind'
Crow has a dad and a mom. Who currently are looking for their missing daughter.

Ariami wasn't always quiet. This was nothing knew to anybody. She was like an open book. But she had her secrects. Secrect that were so bad that one word could threaten her life. Ariami was in a gang. Not a gang were you hang out with friends and talk. No, a real gang. With guns, fighting, and overall violence. Ariami was given the nickname Crow from her friend, who was the leader. His exacts words were "Hair as black as a Crow. That will be your new name." His name was Jayden. He always had her back. And soon, they fell in love. Which isn't something that is good when in your in a gang. It makes you weak and vulnerable. The day she died was one of the worst days of her life.

Jayden and the gang were talking about taking down the rival gng once and for all. Ariami obviously disagreed. The rival gang was bigger than them and had more weapons. But being the stubborn Jayden he was he still went through to his plans. Ariami was indeed a killer. She has killed before. The rival gang -which was called Blood Ravens- captured half if Jaydens gang -which was called Silver Bullets- including Ariami and Jayden. Each and everyone Silcer Bullet gang member was tortured. Ariami and Jatden were the last. Scared and nervous they waited. It was days without food and water. Until Ariami and Jayden were handed papers that said that they were missing. Believe to have ran away.

Jayden started fighting back that day. He couldn't take it anymore. The beat the crap out of him in front of Ariami and she couldn't do anything because she was still bound to the chair. They left Jayden alone. He was still concious, which meant he had to watch as Ariami was torutered and killed. The pain was so horrible, she knocked out a couple of times. But they work her back up. Ariami cold head Jayden screaming in the background but she was too out of it to actually focus. They had finally put her out of her misery, and killed her.




So begins...

Ariami Mitchiko's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Yeah.... And it makes it hard if they've already passed on from being a ghost too." Claude said, "I think that's what happened to my parents. But of course, Sebastian refuses to believe it."

Claude did agree that there wasn't much to do. That's probably why he never did much. And plus, when you're dead, depending on the type, you have this weird sort of feeling you never have when you're alive. As if you have all the time in the world.

"Where's your family?" He wondered, where they dead or where they alive. 'cause she died only recently so it could be either or.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Where's your family?" Ariami shrugged. She forgets. But once in awhile she would find a newspaper on a interview with the Mitchiko parents looking for there missing daughter. She considered Jayden family but he wasnt popping up anywhere. "My mom and dad are alive." She said "However I'm not sure about Jayden." Ariami said

That's when she remebered that Claude mentioned someone. Sabastian if she remembered correctly. "Who Sebastian?" Ariami said finally sitting backdown at the piano. "A friend or something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Sebastian. Sebastian is my big brother." Claude said, "Who's Jayden? Are they a sibling as well?"

Claude actually found it amusing to talk to someone else who was dead for once since they actually understood what it meant.
A lot of people just seem to think they're all happy 'cause they can still see their families but still be dead. Which isn't actually true. Point-in-case: This conversation right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Sebastian. Sebastian is my big brother." Ariami smirked. She could imagine him with brother. She didn't know why but she couldn't imagine him alone. He wouldn't have anyone to annoy. And that wouldn't be good. Especially for Claude. He's the let-it-all-out type. Not keep-it-in type. "Who's Jayden? Are they a sibling as well?" Ariami laughed. If he was her brother than she would t be dead. "No, he was my boyfriend. I don't know if he's alive or dead though." Ariami said controlling her laughter. She hasn't laughed in awhile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
Claude smiled. "Can't say I'm surprised. How wouldn't you know if he's dead or not though?"

He leaned back onto the piano. 'Wonder where big brother is now.' He wondered. Claude actually hasn't seen Sebastian in about a month, which was the main reason he enrolled himself into school. 'cause he was bored and had nothing better to do. That and he never finished school when he was younger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Can't say I'm surprised. How wouldn't you know if he's dead or not though?" Ariami shrugged. "I dunno, he was with me when I was killed but I never saw him afterwards." This was completely true. She didn't know if he was alive or dead. She hasn't seen nor heard about him in a year. She starting to think that it was just her imagination. But let's be real here. Everything that happened to her was very much real. If not even gruesome.

"So, this Sebastian of yours." Ariami said putting her elbows on the piano and resting her head on her hands. "Is he older, younger, cute, ugly, smart, dumb." Ariami waved her hand gesturing to the words she said. "Take your pick really. But I'm more into the mysterious type." Ariami shrugged "Maybe that's just me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"He's my big brother by about three years. Looks like an older version of me. Probably smart too. More serious, that's for sure." Claude said, painting a mental image of him in his head. He seriously did look like he could have been a younger version of his brother.

"That about your mysterious boyfriend?" Claude teased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"He's my big brother by about three years. Looks like an older version of me. Probably smart too. More serious, that's for sure." Ariami was picturing Sebastian in he head right now. Kinda of did look the same. But there always had to be a difference between them. I don't know, maybe personalities,scars, fashion sense. Basically any quality they didn't share. But back to the topic at hand.

"That about your mysterious boyfriend?" Ariami didn't feel umcomfortable answering the question. "What he was?" Ariami shrugged. Something she has been doing for awhile. "I don't see why not." But where to start. Suddenly it all hit her like a ton of bricks. "He's tall, clever, stubborn, daring, funny, and he was a good leader too." Ariami noticed tha she used past tense when talking about Jayden. She really needed to move on. And Claude was slowly helping her with that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Was?" Claude picked up on. If there was one thing he learned as a ghost was to listen carefully. "Did something happen to him to make him not a leader anymore?"
If something happened, that didn't mean he had to die.

The more Claude relaxed the more he was sinking into the piano. And he wasn't even realizing this little fact. So currently, he was halfway into the giant instrument.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Did something happen to him to make him not a leader anymore?" Ariami nodded. "It's what got the whole gang killed. Including me." She sighed running he hand through her hair, which wasnt super long like most girls. She closed her eyes trying to relive the memory. "His stubborn ways got everyone killed. It may have been on the news too. But me and Jayden weren't killed yet." Ariami said. That when she opened her eyes and fully registers Claude. He was sinking.

Ariami started laughing. Something that was foreign to her. Ariami grabbed Claude and lifted him up. Stopping g him from sinking further into the piano. She was still laughing. Ariami still did t know why but it all just came out. Standing up, she grabbed her stomach once it started to cramp up from all the laughing. That always happens to her. "Does that always happen?" Ariami said sitting back down once she stopped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"So you were in gang." Claude stated. Well... At least that explained how she died.

It was then that he felt something lift him up. So that was also the moment he realized he was sinking.
"God dang it." Claude muttered, sitting up instead of laying down. He looked down at the laughing girl and smiled.

"Yeah. That always happens. Especially when I'm on the ground. Only time I ever figure that out is when everything goes dark and it smells like worms."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"So you were in gang." Ariami nodded. She must have not told him if he looked this surprised. Oops, it must have slipped her mind or something. Honestly, she didn't want to tell Claude any thing. She still wanted to keep it tucked in her mind. Not out in the open where people would know more about her and sympathize her. She didn't want that. But she knew keeping it all in wasn't going to be good in the future. If she even had one.

"Yeah. That always happens. Especially when I'm on the ground. Only time I ever figure that out is when everything goes dark and it smells like worms." Ariami smiled and shook her head amused. "You need to get that under control." Ariami said sinking into the ground and popping back up at the other wall of the classroom. "You'd think that someone who lived longer as a ghost would know better." She playfully mocked him. Ariami sunk back in the ground and came out by the piano again. "It's Ariami."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"It only happens when I'm relaxed and not paying attention!" Claude argued, "And I used to be worse when I first became a ghost. Hell. I could do absolutely nothing at all. Probably why it took me forever to find Seb."

"Ariami? Your real name Miss. Crow?" Claude teased/asked. He wondered why Ariami told him her Nickname first and her real name last.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"It only happens when I'm relaxed and not paying attention!" Ariami shook her head. "Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that Mr.Claude." Ariami said looking around. The music room was so dull. It needed a makeover. 'Or burnt down.' She snickered at the thought. Was this even an actual school. I mean c'mon, there wasn't a teacher in sight and no body was in the classrooms. Its like a ghost town. The irony in that.

"And I used to be worse when I first became a ghost. Hell. I could do absolutely nothing at all. Probably why it took me forever to find Seb." Ariami raised her eyebrow when he cursed. He didn't seem like the type. She shrugged it off. "Me too. being a ghost doesn't come with instructions." She said. Its like you wake up and BOOM! Your a ghost. You'd think that once your a ghost, everything will come to you. Well, your wrong.

"Ariami? Your real name Miss. Crow?" Ariami nodded. "Real indeed." She said. No need to make it a huge topic and all. She found herself walking towards the wall. And soon enough she was on the ceiling upside down. "Tell, me Mr.Claude." She said hands in her pockets casually, like she wasn't on a ceiling. "What skills have you inherited from being a magnificent ghost like yourself." Ariami said faking a brittish accent. She hasn't had this much fun in awhile. If you don't count shooting, and killing people fun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Lets see here... What have I learned?" Claude wondered, "I can pick things up without exhausting my energy, go invisible to even other ghosts, float really high while others can only go a couple feet... Took me forever to stop dogs from barking at me."

"What about you Miss. Crow?" He asked, copying her fake accent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Lets see here... What have I learned?" Ariami continued to walk around the ceiling as Claude thought for a bit. Luckily the blood couldn't rush to her head. She was already dead. Sp her blood flow stopped working, and her heart isn't pumping. Kind of weird because she feels so alive. Then Claude spoke up, ready to give her an answer she was waiting -very patiently if you might ask- for.

"I can pick things up without exhausting my energy, go invisible to even other ghosts, float really high while others can only go a couple feet... Took me forever to stop dogs from barking at me." Ariami laughed. When the dogs barked at her, she just hit them. Okay, yea she was a bit cruel, but they were chasing after her and one of them had foam coming out there mouths. C'mon, that had to mean self defense right?

"What about you Miss. Crow?" She smirked as he played along with the fake accent thing they had going on at the current moment. "Well, Mr.Claude." She said actually sitting crissed crossing on the ceiling. But that's not all she can do. "I say, i'm not very skillful." She held up a finger emphasizing she wasn't done. "But if you must know, i'm very good at wall climbing. As you can see Mr.Claude, i'm currently in that position." She said gesturing to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Oh come on," Claude laughed, "That's easy."
To prove his point he jumped off the piano and started to walk up the wall as well.
"But it did take me longer to learn this trick. Probably about three years."

"Hmm... I wonder if that means you could learn to fly high too. Since you can do this."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Oh come on," Ariami watched him jump up onto the wall. She clapped applauding his skill. If someone were to walk in right know, they would surely go crazy. Two kids on the wall/ceiling isn't exactly normal. Maybe because they weren't normal. "But it did take me longer to learn this trick. Probably about three years." Ariami immediately stopped clapping. "Well, what a shame." She said shaking her head in disappointing. "A great skill shouldn't be practiced for so long."

"Hmm... I wonder if that means you could learn to fly high too. Since you can do this." Ariami smiled. "That, my good friend sounds like a plan. Meet you on the roof." And like the first time she sunk through the ceiling and continued on her way up until she was greeted with the cold harsh air. She however didn't feel it. Being a ghost does that to you sometimes. Or really, everyday.

She walked over to the edge and stared down, everybody was chatting and having fun. Oblivious to the problems that might come there way. She frowned and shook her head. Ariami shouldn't be thinking about that. She was here to have fun nothing else. Then she started getting attention from the people below. People looked up at her on the roof, thinking she was going to jump off. She scoffed. Dummies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"I had a lot of time, so it didn't really matter. Kept me occupied too." Claude said as he floated up and over to the ghost girl on the roof.

He looked down and saw the soon worried people. "Ha. You wanna have some fun?" He asked, looking down with a mischievous grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"I had a lot of time, so it didn't really matter. Kept me occupied too." Ariami smirked. She was t dealing pat g state film to anything he was saying. The thrill of jumping off a roof has consumed every inch of her body. "Ha. You wanna have some fun?" Ariami nodded. Her skim turned into a mischievous grin before she pushed Claude off the roof following right after him.

The screams of th people filled her ears before she let her self actually fly. A couple people were screaming but she really didn't care for those below her. She let herself fly higher until she was able to see most of the city. It was really relaxing actually. Everybody was oblivious to the flying person but that just made everything better.