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Claude Necata

Oh~ This will be fun~

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a character in “Arcbell Academy”, originally authored by Mashotu, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Claude Necata
Nick Name: N/A
Age: Died at 16
Gender: Male
Species: Ghost
Blood Type: Does it really matter anymore?


Eye Color: Vivid purple
Hair Color: White
Dressing Style: Victorian
Weight: Not much
Height: 5" 8'


Likes: Watching the sun rise and/or set, sleeping, pestering people
Dislikes: When people ignore him, cemeteries
Habits: Scaring people, teasing people, walking through people
Crush: N/A
Personality: Claude is a good guy, he just loves to tease people and scare the living daylights out of them by popping up randomly in places he shouldn't. He gets a kick out of watching people faces change to fear so quickly.


Skills: Invisibility, floating, and holding objects (Not all ghosts can)
Family: His big brother is the only one he's found
History: His family died by being lynched back during the "Black Plague" and now he's searching for the rest of his family. So far all he's found is his older brother Sebastian.
Claude and his big brother

So begins...

Claude Necata's Story


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Character Portrait: Claude Necata
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#, as written by Mashotu
~Claude Necata~

Claude floated through the gates of his new school, happy to finally be able to do something. He could see a slew of new students, most of them seeming to be demons or angels if anything.

"Huh. Am I like the only ghost or what?" He asked himself, "Man, this would be more fun if I actually knew someone around here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Kai Kuromori
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#, as written by Mashotu
~Claude Necata~

Claude looked down and spotted a furry little black kitty sitting on someone's back.

"Here kitty kitty." Claude cooed as he hovered above it, wanting something to play with. It was a pretty cute cat, but its owner didn't seem so friendly. At least no one could hurt him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Kai Kuromori
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Kai Kuromori

Some ghost Kai didn't know tried to coo Valus. Valus hissed I am not some stupid kitten! "Uh hey, ghost person" Kai looked up at the ghost "I wouldn't do that, Valus doesn't like being called a kitten. If you keep that Valus will force me to punch you" Kai said calmly as he started walking away. Thank you for protecting my dignity Kai Valus said as he changed position on Kai's shoulder "Don't worry, after all, you're like a little brother to me" Kai said, scratching behind Valus' ear. Valus purred Well we were together since the beginning, but hey, could you get me some food? Kai shook his head and sighed "You just had breakfast thirty minutes ago!" It wasn't enough Valus complained "You had three entire peices of salmon! How much more do you need!" Fine! I can wait until lunch Valus responded with a sigh "Good, because I don't want to have to run out in the middle of class on your say so again!" Kai abruptly stopped and started walking to his first class.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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#, as written by Mashotu
~Claude Necata~

"What kind of kitty doesn't want to by called a kitty?" He asked out loud. More to himself is anything.

He decided he didn't want to deal with piss cats anymore and wanted to float around the school. He didn't feel like going to his room yet because he actually wanted to meet somebody and actually know them first. 'cause what's school without someone to hang out with.

Claude wandered to where there were a bunch of trees and saw some dude sitting, more like laying, under one. Happy to have found a different "target" he floated over.

"Oya~ Why are you all alone?" Claude asked, sitting on a low tree branch above the boy, wondering if this guy was even awake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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Ayman Yenta

"Oya~ Why are you all alone?"

Ayman had been lost in thought when he heard the voice, it seemed to be coming from right in front of him. Naturally since he was laing on his back the right in front of him would be the right above him which was odd. It was also odd that he hadn’t heard anything, the pounding of feet or the crunch of grass or some sign that someone else was there around him. A bit of a frown crossed his face as he considered why this was would but that didn’t stop him from answering back. He called out a little louder than his normal voice. “It’s more peaceful this way, a bit relaxing. Besides, I don’t have a long list of people I know here. Why are you creeping up on people?”
With that said Ayman pushed the hood of his jacket up with his right hand so that he could see, hand his hand through his hair while he did so and froze for a moment as he blinked a few times at the boy sitting above him in the tree. It took him a few more moments to grasp what he was but realization quickly dawned on him. The fact that it was a ghost answered as to why he hadn’t heard any sound before he called out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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#, as written by Mashotu
~Claude Necata~

Claude laughed, "I'm not creeping on anybody. I was just floating around and saw a random body on the ground in the shade. And since I was bored I decided to float over here."

Claude looked down at the figure below him. "Why are people here so anti-social? Even the cats are!" Claude wondered, more to himself.

He hopped (floated) off the tree and landed in the grass. "Name's Claude by the way. Pleasure to meet ya." He said happily, he wasn't gunna let a few anti social people kill his happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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Ayman Yenta

Ayman couldn't help but give a small chuckle at the strange ghost, he hadn't meant to be anti-social but could see how he came off that way. He watched as Claude landed, Ayman still didn't bother moving from his comfortable position as he replied.

"I'm Ayman Yenta" Ayman paused for a moment as he mulled over his next couple of words. "I'm sure there are not that many anti-social people around, you probably just haven't met the really loud and obnoxious ones yet. I'm sure you can count on a couple of them being around."

That was true enough, almost everywhere you went you were almost sure to find one or two loud mouths. Even more truthfully
Ayman could probably count himself in that group every now and again, though today he just wanted to relax, to rest up before the year began in truth.

"It is nice to meat you Claude, can't say I've met a lot of ghost"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta Character Portrait: Damien Augustine
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Damien exited the car at the front gates to the school that was to be his new home for a couple of years. It had been a long trip from his home, and he was glad it was over. He had aches, and pains, and cramps in places he didn't know existed until today. He stretched as much as he could in his new suit without ripping anything, looking over the school as he did so. It surprised him that there could be such a magnificent school. Most of the schools he'd ever seen (though never attended) were built primarily for function, not design. Yet this building was massive, and it seemed that the architect that had built this place had put everything he or she had into making the best symbiosis of function and elegance that they could.

"I think I may get to liking this school," he said to himself. "And I haven't even seen the inside yet." Damien sighed. "I don't even have an idea as to how I get to the office to get information on classes or where I'm staying." He looked around again, thinking that perhaps there would be a landmark or something to guide him. There were students everywhere, some clearly more inhuman than others. Of course, that was one of the main reasons his mother had sent him here. There were way too many stereotypes and hatreds between the races for anything good to come out of it. So he was there to attempt to make friends with as many different people, and species, as possible as well as keeping up with his schoolwork.

Realizing his mind had begun to wander again, Damien shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Let's just find somebody who seems quiet and friendly to start off with and try to get some directions," he said, again to himself. "I really need to stop doing that." The driver of the car cleared his throat loudly in slight annoyance. "Oh! Right!" Damien turned and reached back into the car to grab what few belongings he had: A duffel bag with what little casual clothes and personal items he had, and three recently dry-cleaned suits. Damien closed the car door with a foot, and the car sped away almost immediately.

Looking back to the school, Damien began the walk through the gates, heading for what he could only assume were gardens for students who had nothing to do. One particular pair seemed relaxed enough, sitting in the shade on the outskirts of the gardens. One of the two looked particularly odd, but Damien was sure it was just his poor eyesight (for a demon) and the long distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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Ayman nodded along as Claude spoke, his eyes closed as he listened. Not unusually this thoughts started to wander a little, wondering about what else to do today and also about the strange ghost he was meeting, it wasn't every day that one met such a unique individual, then again maybe that was every day here. When Claude paused it took Ayman a second to remember what it was that he had been saying and giving his attention back.

Ayman couldn’t help but smile a little at the question of what he was. He closed his eyes for a moment as he sorted through the different replies one could use to such a question. “I am a vampire, but I’d prefer it if you just thought of me as Ayman, no point in lumping us all together now is there. Or should I start expecting you to go and run around scaring people like the stereotypical ghosty?”

Ayman looked up at the sky, the bright blue of it that he could see from his little spot of shade. With a sigh he stood up and brushed off the grass from his jacket. He’d relaxed long enough, it was time for him to find something else to hold his fascination. He looked at the deserted area around him before glancing at Claude and asking“You know of anything fun to do around here?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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#, as written by Mashotu
~Claude Necata~

"I can easily see you as just Ayman." Claude said, "And... I actually do love scaring people. Sometimes stereotypes can be fun. Especially when you get to see people's scared faces. But not all ghosts like to scare people. And I'm certainly not gunna be all mopey and sad 'cause I'm dead. Or go all psycho and insane."

Claude wandered a few steps before answering Aymen's question, "And I actually have no idea what to do around here. I just wanted to find a friendly person first. Plus... It's a school. So there probably isn't much to do."

He soon found himself watching a figure practically float over to under a tree.
"Do you see that?" He asked as he point to the object. Which just so happened to be Ariami in her ghost form. So no one but him could see her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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Ayman Yenta

Ayman couldn’t help but chuckle a little as Claude talked, a slight smile turned up his lips as he closed his eyes again and relaxed on the grass. The breeze was blowing a bit harder now and the coolness of it felt nice against his skin. When Claude mentioned being dead Ayman couldn’t help but look up and start to say something, it was a question about what death really was. Was a ghost even truly dead? He never got these questions out though as before he could say anything he was directed to look over towards the side.

With a small shake of his head Ayman looked towards where Claude was pointing, it was mainly a large oak tree set up near one of the many paths around them. Ayman squinted as he tried to see anything wrong, the tree seemed old but nothing really special about it and the ground around it was nice and well-kept but that meant that not even a blade of grass was out of place. Ayman started to shake his head as he studied the area before glancing at Claude and speaking. “I don’t know what your pointing at so….either I can’t see it, I don’t know what I’m looking for or your insane. I hope for the first cause if it’s the last this is gonna get really awkward”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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#, as written by Mashotu
"But it's there!" Claude insisted, "And I know I'm not insane. Trust me. I had an uncle who went insane. I am nothing like him. He actually would rock back and forth in the corner of random places."
And now he was going off on tangents again.
Being a ghost... You find you have a lot to say.

"Well..." He started, "Do you know of any other ghosts going to this school?"
He was pretty sure he was the only one. But it doesn't hurt to ask.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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Ayman Yenta

“I’m not going to bother pointing out that insantity can run in the family, if your sure that its something their then I’m inclined to trust you, I might not be able to see it” Ayman sat up and started to push himself up to his feet, a small sigh escaping his lips. He’d probably rested and relaxed enough for the day and it was time to find something to do. It was never good to be too lazy. He gestured to the area and said with a small smile. “Not a clue, if you see another one though go find out, it would be strange if you’re the only one though.”

It made sense to Ayman, logically this was a rather large school and he knew that ghost were students here so it would be very odd and bordering on impossible for him to think that only one ghost was on campus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko Character Portrait: Ayman Yenta
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Alright. I'll catch you later then. I have to see if I've actually gone insane or not." Claude said, "Plus. I'd be bothered if I was the only one even if ghost students are kinda rare."

Claude waved goodbye as he started to float over to the figure but soon decided to scare her. He sunk into the ground and popped up right in front of her feet with a loud, "Boo!"
See. Stereotypes could be fun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"Boo!" The voice came from below her and Ariami looked down. What she saw was very weird. And by the looks of it, he was trying to scare her. She scoffed. "It's gonna take a lot much more than that to scare me." Ariami said. It was true. 2 years of being a gang member does that to you. Snapping out of her thoughts she focused back on the guy who popped in front of her. "Who are you?" She asked sitting down. She needed to at least keep a low profile. The girl was probably looking for her and she wasn't about to tackle her again. She would probably get expelled and then where will she go. "Is there a specific reason why you're over here." She asked bluntly, not really sugar coating anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Mah. You're no fun." Claude said as he fully came out of the ground, "But... I wanted to figure out if I was crazy or not. 'cause I thought I saw someone over here but Ayman said he didn't. Then he asked if I was crazy. So I had to make sure I wasn't."

Well that wasn't fun. She was supposed to at least act scared. "You're a ghost right?" He asked. He knew the answer was obvious. But there were different types of ghosts. There were: Wanderers who just floated in and out of reality. Poltergeists who are angry and typically mean. The Sorrow ghosts who are always sad. And then there's the ghosts that just form after something tragic happens. There are more. But there are too many to name.

But there are a few things that ghosts never really do. And one of them was go to school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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"But... I wanted to figure out if I was crazy or not. 'cause I thought I saw someone over here but Ayman said he didn't. Then he asked if I was crazy. So I had to make sure I wasn't." Ariami watched the guy infront if her. He was really weird. And he talked a lot. "You talk too much." Ariami said. "You're a ghost right?" Saying it brought back so many memories. It's like a box opens and everything came flooding out. She could feel her eyes misty with tears as each memory replayed in her head. Ariami nodded. "Yep, a ghost I am." She sai hoping her voice didn't sound weak and fragile. She didn't need to break down infront of people. She was stronger than that.

"What's your name?" Ariami said striking up a new conversation. She needs a distraction from the thoughts clouding her mind. Ariami need to lock them back up before she starts to cry in public. Looking down at her arms where her scars where she was glad she was wearing a long sleeve sweatshirt. She focused back on the guy in front of her, waiting for him to tell her his name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
'I don't talk that much do I?' He wondered. He knew he talked a lot, but was it really too much?
Oh well. He wasn't gunna change.

Claude held out his almost transparent hand, "I'm Claude Necata, my lady."
He may be dead, but he still had some chivalry left in him from way back when.
"And you would be?" He asked, figuring he should get he name as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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(I'm going to hit the hay)

Ariami looked down at Claude's outstretched hand. It wa basically see through but lucking for her she could see it and touch it. Slowly she shook his hand before letting go. Ariami rarely did that for people. What was this dude doing to her? [b]"And you would be." The first thing that came to mid was Ariami but she liked her nickname. "Call me Crow."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Necata Character Portrait: Ariami Mitchiko
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#, as written by Mashotu
"Crow~" Claude said, testing the name on his tongue. He found it odd that she didn't give her real name too, but he figured he'd find out soon enough. Her hand was actually pretty cold. But he figured his wasn't much better.

"That's a pretty nickname. Kinda fits you too."