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Jack Frost

"Careful. Black Frost can be dangers."

0 · 1,759 views · located in Crimson Grove

a character in “As Real As Can Be”, as played by SliderSoul


Quote Color = Slate Gray


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Jack Frost


Fairy Tale/Myth/Legend:
Jack Frost

Face Claim:
Lucky Blue Smith

The daytime Jack is more cunning and caring. He'd stick his neck out to help anyone who needs it, even if it means they take advantage of him. But at night once the sunlight starts to fade, his dark gray hair turns into a shiny white frost color, and his day personality goes to sleep, unleashing a part of his inner self. This self is full of pranks with a cold attitude. He's always conscious and remembers those who take advantage of him, thus getting revenge and doing actions that the day him would never think twice of doing.

During the day, his hair is gray, but once night falls, his hair turns into a frosty white. He always seems to black out or his human conscious falls into a deep sleep within him. Thus bring out his inner half. Unlike the daytime Jack, this Jack is full of pranks and cold frost, mostly hated by all who know him. But during the day, he's opposite, caring and would help anyone. Thus making this side of him very likable.

He wasn't always like this, before all this, he use to be just an ordinary human with ordinary human problems. His hair was brown and his eyes were like honey. He was never stuck with a split personality, he just had problems coping with one personality over the other. Unsure of which he should be.

Everything ended up changing one night, he was only playing around with a few friends at night on a lake, there was no harm. It was all just a prank when he started. Slowly going further out in the ice to see who could go the farthest. The prank was that someone would get their foot caught into a hole he made in the ice, but things went wrong. The girl he ended up falling for fell through the ice, nearly drowning. Jack went in after her, saving her, but in the process, hitting his head on the ice. His body was never found and for him it's just a faded memory or more like a faded flicker of fragments here and there.

When he woke, it was in the middle of winter, everywhere around him was covered in frost from tip to bottom, the whole area and that alone. The surroundings hand changed and nothing looked the same anymore. His once new world had changed. And when he saw his reflection, his hair was bright white and his eyes had turned to an icy pale blue. He had stayed that way for a long time even during the day. But now, things had changed and it has come to this, him nearly normal during the day and different at night.


So begins...

Jack Frost's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsa Arendelle Character Portrait: Cruella de Vil Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Ariel Atlantica
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Ruby's Cafe/Diner

ImageRuby stood behind the counter of her cafe early in the morning waiting for her new employee, Gretel Fischer to arrive. Around this time everyone in town was beginning to wake up but as for Ruby, she always seemed to find herself awakening at the crack of dawn. It was something she never seemed able to understand.

The air was slightly chilled from the light fog that was beginning to lift itself from the ground and dissipate into the air as the sun rose higher into the sky. It was cold enough to send slight shivers throughout your body but not bad enough that you needed to cover yourself. This was the kind of weather Ruby always loved. Not too hot, not too cold. But of course she knew it was going to warm up in the afternoon, it was summer after all. She was just glad that summer was going to be coming to an end soon.

Ruby finally got everything in the diner ready for the day and she stepped into the kitchen and began cooking up her father's breakfast. He always asked for the same thing, sausage, eggs, biscuit, and even a waffle or pancake, depending on what his mood is like when he wakes up. She loves helping out her father, but she just wished he would return to himself so she wouldn't have to be waiting on him like this every morning, he would just be able to come to the diner when he wanted to. But either way, she knew she shouldn't complain. He would do the same thing for her, well, she hoped he would anyway.

Just as she finished cooking her father's food, she wrote and note and placed it on the counter in the diner just in case Gretel got there before she returned from bringing her father his wanted breakfast. The note read: Gretel, I will return soon until then keep the front door locked and feel free to get yourself a drink and what not. When I return I will start you on your training, won't take long.

Ruby walked the ten minutes back to her home, the big house in the middle of Crimson Grove, her father was the mayor. She stepped inside and made her way up the stairs pass her room, Belle's room; she seemed to still be sleeping, and finally arrived to her father's room. Ruby knocked on the door a couple times before opening it up and speaking, "I have your breakfast," she stated as she set it down on the small table in his room. "I need to return to the diner, I'm training a new girl today. If you need anything have Belle get in touch with me. I love you Pa," she stated before turning on her heels and beginning on her way back to the diner.
As Ruby walked through the empty streets, it seemed as if things were starting to pick up for the day's busy schedules most people had. She just hoped she wouldn't run into Flynn Ryder any time today. The past couple of days he has been trying to take things from her, but of course she was always able to sense him coming close to her without even being within four feet from her. That was always one of the things she enjoyed about being a wolf. But no matter how much she enjoyed the good parts, the bad parts were nothing she would want to put up with.

Just thinking about what she is capable of, the things she has done just makes her sick to her stomach. The brunette finally reached the door to the diner and she stepped in, opening the diner for business. She slid the hood off her head, though she kept the red, silk cloth draped around her body. This was the last thing she had from her grandmother and it was so much more important than some sort of remembrance item. She just hoped nobody would find out.

"Gretel, are you here?" she called out to the empty diner, hoping that she would come across her somewhere in the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Ariel Atlantica Character Portrait: Loup Hood
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Few Nights Back

"Jack there's something I'd like for you to get. Here I have drawn it for you." Loup handed Jack a torn crinkled piece of leather. From the looks of it, it would seem that the drawing as been drawn for a lot longer than just now. He must have kept it by his side for ages in order for it to look so old and have an odd smell.

Before taking it from Loup, he gave a questioning look towards him. "You want me to find this because?"

Loup looked at Jack for an offload of a long time. His wolf like yellow eyes narrowed behind the hairiness of his eyelids. He almost looked like he would die right there of depression. Jack felt disgusted, not by how he was getting the sad look, but at how easily it made him want to give up and just say yes, he couldn't help but show it on his face. It was horrifying.

Jack gave out a long dramatic sigh as he used his staff to get up to stand on the window ledge. "Just so you know, I might not be getting a reason as to why I have to look for this thing, but at least tell me where it last was or was seen. It might help. To top it off, how old is this thing?! It's probably older than your daughter isn't it? If it's been gone that long, I will frost bite what manhood you have left Dog. Do you have any idea how long I'd be looking for this? You better have a damn good reason when I get back. Tsk" He was so pissed that his staff lit up in a pale white-blue color and ended up freezing the whole window.

Loup handed Jack an old pure silver key. That had a wolf with wings in the background. The whole design was so like him. Though, it was questioning how he wanted me to get this thing and not his own flesh and blood. 'Dose he does not trust her enough with it? Maybe it's something he doesn't want her to see?...'

Taking the leather and key, he looked at the drawing, a drawing that made his face go pale and answered his question about not wanting Ruby near it.

"It's a lot to ask for. I know, especially when you know so little. But you will bring it here for me. I will be needing it."

"Like hell! I'm never going to get this! Not in your lifetime! Are you insane? This is suicide!" Jack slammed his hand down on the bedside desk, leaving the key and leather there. "We might be close, but we aren't that close. Get someone else to do that! I've already had to deal with this once, I won't do it again!" He was so pissed that he wasn't even going to bother to control himself. The whole side of the room that he was standing in had frost everywhere. It even started to snow a bit in the room. "You've crossed the line this time. What would Ruby think..." He threw those last words in Loup's face, taking his leave.

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It's been three nights since then and Jack hasn't come by. Loup couldn't really remember the last time his house was so quiet at night. Lately, though, Loup hasn't got much sleep. That morning he had let his daughter come in and do her normal morning go bouts. Giving him food and saying a few words before taking off. As much as he loved his dear child, sometimes he'd wish she would move on from him and live her own life. Instead of being stuck here taking care of a miserable old man, such as himself.

This time, he had spoken just before she stepped out. "Maybe it's now time you find piece and give me grandchildren." He was unsure if she heard him because seconds later she closed the door and left the room, saying her last words about Belle, their new live-in helper. Maybe Caretaker would fit her role.

The house went quiet once again after Ruby took off. He had gone downstairs and into their home library. It was small, but at least they had one. The books kept him from being too bored. Even though it was a bit hard to read them at times, so he'd only get half the story. Taking the book, he sat in his normal seating, behind some curtains near the balcony, unseen and out of the way. The sound of his name was being spoken by a soft and familiar voice. Ariel. The girl who'd come, talk to him about random things and bring flowers to him. It was nice to hear about the little things she'd speak of from the outside world. She at times would have a wild imagination.

"Yes, I knew. They are quite miserable as well to be around. The lilies are a nice scent change." The room became silent for a bit, he could here she was still there, looking around. So he opened his book, glancing about it, only to hear her speak again. "Only the ones that look extremely old. The newer ones, I have not." He couldn't read them, not anymore like he use to. He didn't answer he new question about a lot more people coming to town. He wasn't too fond of it. More people meant more unwanted problems. And with Jack not around, it was hard to handle.

"Festival? You'd have to ask Ruby. I don't take part in those things." His claws dug into the book as he kept his voice calm, trying to control himself. He was more upset about how he couldn't be apart of anything, including missing out on his own daughters life. Unsure of saying anything more, he didn't. He had spoken enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Ariel Atlantica Character Portrait: Loup Hood Character Portrait: Trixie Bell
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The sound of Belle's voice caused Loup's ear to twitch, like a dog whenever his master was calling him. He tried to ignore it but...

"Oh hi there. I didn't know you were here... I thought I heard you talking with someone... Is Mr. Hood here as well?" The sound of her feet against the floor, the scent that came linger in after it is what did it.

Getting up from his chair, his claws gripped onto the drapes that hid him. He wanted so badly to rip them off and see the woman's face, to know what she looks like, but he couldn't help but stare at his hand. Covered in fur and claws, he was like a real life nightmare. His eyes narrowed as his hand slipped from the drapes, letting himself sit back down.

"I will leave you to be and I bid you ladies a fair day." His low voice spoke softly as he made his escape through the balcony after sliding the drapes over to not be seen and managed to get himself into his room from a little wall climbing.

He had done this many times and each time he does, he sees nothing different in the mirror that hung in his room. A monster that he used to be over the human he is trying to be all mixed in one. It was a nightmare trying to take over a dream. A man who wants to be a man over a beast, but a beast who can't let go of the man. And eyes that looked tortured. This was it for him, this had to be it. If he'd let the wolf take over, the only one he fears it might get is his daughter. It's the only part of him that he has no control over, on who that wolf kills. It's

Angry he broke the mirror with his fist causing it to slide down the wall and cause a loud ruckus. Glass flying everywhere it could reach and now all he could see was himself in all directions, it truly was a nightmare. He almost felt dizzy and sick from the sight of it, trying to breathe he grabbed his head, panting as hard as he could, he couldn't take it. His eyes turned yellow once again and he let out a crying howl. It echoed through the house and traveled through to the outside. The town could probably hear it. Loup, on the other hand, didn't care who heard it. They should all know the monster that he's become.

Image Normally Frost would come into town during the day in his almost human form, but today he came into town as his night self. It's already been three nights since he hasn't changed back and because of this result, Jack has become a bit, well he has become Night Jack. He was covered in leather from head to toe and his chest had a guard over it. To top it all off, he had come in on a motorbike. Making no effort of moving his now parked bike right in front of the dinner's window. In which led to a result of the sides of the frame frosting over, but he did that on purpose. With a smirk, he walked right in as if he owned the place. Looking around, he noticed is favorite Fairy. He wasted no time making his way towards her. And just to give Ruby a noticed that he was here, to make her really notice, he sent a friendly cold chill down her back, without making it notable that it was him who did it. His smirk became more known when he stood before Trix.

"Did ya miss me?" He opened his arms a bit and wiggled his fingers as if to give me a hug now or never.

Anyone who knew or seen Jack before would know that this side of him wasn't normal to see during the day. Either there was something wrong or he had something to prove. None of which anyone would know.

"Listen girly." He whispered into her ear. "I've only come by for a short time and then I have to go again. I only came to give you this." He put it around her neck and there it hung. A necklace full of frosted glowing blue pixie dust. "It will thaw soon, don't worry. I thought you'd like it and let me tell you. That wasn't easy to find. Oh right, then there was this." He reached into the inside of his coat and pulled out a small wand. "Now this was given to me to give to you. I can't really say who I got it from, but they said when the time comes, you'll need it. It was odd, but whatever. I didn't bother asking anything because the person left before I could." It too was covered in frost.

But everything stopped once he heard Loup's howl. It was loud and almost painful to listen to. Frost shook his head and made a slight glance over to Ruby. Patting Trix's head he excused himself and softly placed his hand on Ruby's shoulder as if to say he'd take care of it himself. Leaving the diner just as fast as he came in. "Later Trixster!" A nickname he calls Trixie once in a while, it's like saying Trickster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruella de Vil Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Gretel Fischer Character Portrait: Loup Hood Character Portrait: Ari Glass
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Ruby's Cafe/Diner

Image"Can I have pancakes with berries and syrup, please Ruby? And do you still have that berry tea. If you don't, I'll just have a normal tea." she heard the little fairy question and just like every other time before, she would nod her head and write down her order among the others she had heard from the patrons at the counter. "Of course I still have the berry tea. I honestly kept it around because it's your favorite," she stated before turning back towards the new blonde guy who apparently seemed to know the doctor.

"Why good morning Miss Hood, how is your father doing?" She sighed and just shrugged her shoulders, "Just as he was months ago. There has been no change." Ruby honestly just wished her father would hurry up and return to normal. It would be so much easier to help him change his ways without his wolf getting in the middle of all the decisions he chooses to make.

"Oh, I'll take a coffee, if you don't mind." Ruby jotted down his coffee order before stepping back into the kitchen and placed Trixie's order upon the line with the other orders and she immediately started fixing Trixie and Remus's drinks. After a couple minutes, she stepped out with the coffee and tea before setting them down in front of the two of them. "Your pancakes will be out in five minutes," she stated to her best friend. At that moment she thought back to Belle, wondering how she was doing this morning. Maybe she'd stop by back and home and check on her father and Belle during lunch.

Just when she thought the rest of the morning was going to go by so plainly she noticed Flynn and Gold step inside and take a seat after studying all of the customers who were inside. Ruby immediately felt for Gretel, seeing as how she had to deal with taking those thieves orders. Ruby just hoped they wouldn't attempt taking things from her shop. She didn't want to get the police involved, again. That was the last thing on her list of things to do, ever.

Ruby chuckled a bit when she noticed Eric's dog running off again, something that happened almost every morning Eric took Max out for a walk. She shook her head and returned her attention back to the customers in the diner. Just then the bell rang for her to grab Trixie's food.

Ruby walked back into the kitchen, retrieved the food and set it down in front of Trixie. "Here you go," just as she spoke she noticed Jack Frost step inside.

She stepped away from Trixie, knowing that he was going to speak to her among all people and she didn't want to make either of them feel like she was just wanting to be in the middle of their business, so she began making herself busy. Just as she stepped away, she felt a freezing chill down her spine. She shivered a bit and glanced over at Jack with a soft smile, knowing it had to be him. When she got cold chills, they never felt like ice, so there was no other reason for it. Deep down Ruby wished she would be able to get to know Jack instead of just knowing what she sees.

After a couple moments, Ruby heard her father howling. She immediately dropped what she was doing and was getting ready to run out after her father, but Jack stopped her. He placed his hand upon her shoulder, sending an immense amount of cold chills throughout her body, he was going to take care of her father for her. "Thanks," was all she managed to say before he went on his way. She hoped her father was alright.

The brunette leaned over to Trixie and eyed the necklace and wand she had in her hand, "What was that about?" she questioned before looking over at Flynn who seemed to have a huge eye on Trixie's new possessions. "Now you might want to put those items out of sight before a couple hands get a hold of them," she whispered, signaling towards Flynn and Gold.
Though once again, she was interrupted by another newcomer, a rather glamorous one at that matter. Though she just couldn't help but feel like there was something dangerous about that woman. She watched as she sat down at one of the booths before attempting to start up a conversation with Gretel. Ruby sighed when she noticed three more people stepping inside and figured that she mind as well give Gretel a bit of help with the tables.

Ruby stepped out from behind the counter and stepped up to the table where the three newcomers sat. "Hello, I'm Ruby Hood, I'll be your waitress this morning. What could I get you?" she questioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruella de Vil Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Gretel Fischer Character Portrait: Trixie Bell Character Portrait: Remus Weaver
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0.00 INK

location: diner
dialogue colour: #cc0066

Before Trixie got her answer from the newcomer, the doctor came in and sat beside him. "Peter, correct? I've been waiting for you to arrive! Thank goodness you arrived safely." Peter?! No. No, it couldn't be. He was much too old. She was just too used to associating that name with one person in particular. She took a sip out of the newly arrived tea to steady herself a bit. Of course it wasn't Peter. She would have recognised him. "Thank you!" she said as Ruby put the pancakes down in front of her.

She glanced up as the door opened again and grinned. In walked Jack Frost, her favourite person in the world. As he held his arms out for a hug, she scrambled down off of the stool and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She'd never minded the cold that came with hugging him. It was only as she let go that she realised how long it had been since she'd seen him... and that he was in his night form. That wasn't right, the sun was well and truly up now. Before she could ask any questions, he spoke, whispering to her. His breath was cold, but she was so used to it that she didn't flinch.

"Listen girly. I've only come by for a short time and then I have to go again. I only came to give you this." She frowned at him, but that soon faded into a look of fascination at the glowing blue pixie dust. She hadn't known it turned that colour when it was frozen. it was pretty. "It will thaw soon, don't worry. I thought you'd like it and let me tell you. That wasn't easy to find. Oh right, then there was this." Her frown returned briefly, until she took the wand from him. At first, she thought it was made of ice due to its temperature. But as it warmed in her hand and still didn't thaw, she realised that it was a proper wand. Confusion furrowed her brow. "Now this was given to me to give to you. I can't really say who I got it from, but they said when the time comes, you'll need it. It was odd, but whatever. I didn't bother asking anything because the person left before I could."

Trixie opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a word in edgeways, there was a howl that sent an entirely different kind of shivers down her spine. There was a clatter as Ruby put something down rather hard, but then Jack was over, putting a hand on her shoulder. Trixie swallowed, refusing to acknowledge the jealousy that she could feel bubbling in the pit of her stomach. And then Jack was going as quickly as he came, calling out his pet name for her as he left. She turned back in to her food, studying the wand carefully. It was only as Ruby spoke again that she was jolted out of her reverie. "What was that about?" She hesitated, but before she answered, Ruby whispered a warning about Flynn and Gold. She nodded, leaving the pixie dust around her neck and putting the wand into her backpack. The pixie dust would be safe around her neck, and she sat the backpack on her lap as she started to eat.

The door opened yet again- the diner really was busy this morning. But the woman who walked in was unfamiliar. Trixie immediately became uneasy, and watched her sit a few seats away. She could smell the expensive perfume and gin from her seat, but that wasn't what was making her uncomfortable. That woman had magic. Bad magic. Trixie eyed the dogs cautiously. They looked like the type to bite- and especially at fairies. She scanned the diner, wanting to warn Ruby and Gretel, but Ruby was serving another group that had just entered, and Gretel had already been snared by the woman. She picked up her tea and pancakes and moved a bit closer to the woman, resisting the temptation to hold her breath.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing. My name's Trixie, I live in town. I'd certainly love to come to your... soiree. But you'll have to excuse me, I'm a little nervous around dogs," she said, shrugging a little and eying the dogs cautiously. She wasn't usually, but she was nervous around those dogs. If she could sneak some pixie dust out of her bag, she could deal with them, but she wasn't taking any chances with this woman. She had no interest in going to the party, but certainly wanted to check her out. See if she could find her intentions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Trixie Bell Character Portrait: Remus Weaver Character Portrait: Peter Panning
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Dialogue Color: #448700
Location: Ruby's Cafe

Peter looked up and grinned at the dark headed waitress. "Everything actually." He told her with a smile. He rubbed his chin as he looked at the menu. "I think I'll have a Ruby's special. With berries on the pancakes. And... four extra pieces of bacon." He told her with a smile. He looked up at him. "Instead of coffee, I'd like to have a hot chocolate with whipped cream if it's okay. Also so orange juice and water." He told her.

"Hello. I'm Trixie. What's your name?" He looked over to see a petite girl a few seats away he opened his mouth to a reply when he suddenly, a man was sitting next to him. He looked over at him. He was a bit surprised at being called nephew but that made sense. It this man knew him, he must be related to him.

"Yes, Uncle. A nice man brought me to the edge of town." He said, shaking his hand. He turned back to the small girl, inclining his head. "Peter Panning."

She looked terrified but he didn't get a chance to ask him what was wrong due to the fact that she was hurrying off to embrace another man. He shrugged and turned back to his uncle. "I'm sorry, I don't really remember you... or getting a message to come here. Then again my memory has been failing me as of late." He scratched the back of his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Gretel Fischer Character Portrait: Ari Glass Character Portrait: Gold Lockhart
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Home

ImageRuby stood there for a couple moments, waiting on the small group's final decisions before jotting down their orders. Each of them seemed to be completely different from the other, in the sort of way you would see a high school clique mix up. It was strange to figure the three of them seemed to be as close as they were, but she didn't question it. As long as they got along and didn't start any trouble in her diner, she didn't care.

"Alright, your orders will be right out," she stated as she retreated to the kitchen and hung their ticket on the line and stepped out the kitchen with Peter's order. She set it down on the counter in front of him with a polite smile, "Here you are," she stated before glancing over at the doctor then around at everyone inside. It seemed to be that everyone had been tended on at the moment. So now would be the best time to go and check on her father and see how Belle was doing. She hated not saying anything to her before leaving for work.

Ruby stepped over to Gretel, who seemed to be taking orders from Flynn and Gold at the moment. She sent a small glare over towards the male before grabbing the waitress's attention. "It seems that everything is slowing down. There is an order in the kitchen being cooked for the booth with the three young adults over there that needs to be taken out when it's ready. But other than that, everything is taken care of. I'm going to head home for a bit, I shouldn't be any longer than an hour. Lunch is slower than breakfast. If you need anything call me, my number is on the bulletin board in the employees lounge," she stated before starting on her way out of the diner.

Ruby started on her walk back to her home, it took about twenty minutes to arrive. When she stepped inside, everything seemed to feel a bit tense. Her first thought was looking for Belle. She knew Jack most likely had things handled with her father, so she would just check on him after she spoke to Belle. But first she needed to find her, "Belle, where are you?" she called out into the mansion sized home.
ImageRuby rounded the corner down one of the halls and started looking down it, hoping that she was probably in the library. She stepped inside the huge room and began looking around each bookcase. "Belle?"

Just as she rounded another bookcase, she spotted a book on the floor titled: Myths and Legends: Wolf Edition. Ruby sighed and shook her head, of course something like this would be in here, but why was it on the floor if Belle wasn't around? The female shrugged her shoulders and slid it back into it's spot on the shelf and continued her search.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsa Arendelle Character Portrait: Cruella de Vil Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Ariel Atlantica
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Dialogue Color: #003366 || Location: Ruby's Diner

ImageFlynn smirked when he heard her bring up Maude's. That was an amazing day, one of the best the two of them have ever done. "I'll give you a chance at feeling the adrenaline this time I had too much fun at Maude's," he responded as he stood to his feet and pulled out the matches from his pocket, showing them to Gold very briefly in a way no one else would notice before stepping into the male's restroom.

Flynn looked up at the ceiling for the water spicket before lighting the match and holding it up to the spicket, waiting for it to signal that there was a fire in the building. Just as the water began running out the spicket in the bathroom, he ran out the door, acting as if there were a real fire in the restroom and pulled the fire alarm, setting off that loud, annoying beeping sound and activating the other water spickets in the building. "There's a fire!" he shouted over the loudness in the building before heading out the door with the rest of the crowd. That's when he gave Gold their signal. It was now her turn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Loup Hood
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Home

ImageAfter a couple more moments of calling out to Belle there was nothing but silence. She tuned into her wolf instincts and was able to hear moving upstairs, she figured Belle was up in her father's room. Doing what was a good question though. The only times Belle ever went into her father's room was for emergencies, she hoped everything was okay, she hoped Jack had her father calmed down. That's when it hit her, what was Jack doing with her father? She hadn't even known the two of them knew each other, much less spoke to each other. The closest she had ever seen Jack to her father was outside her house in the middle of the night.

Ruby let out a sigh and shook the thoughts from her head as she climbed the stairs and went up to her father's room. She slowly opened the door finding Belle with a wolf in front of her. Glass was all over the floor, she was cleaning it up. Her father once again had to be hiding in the shadows of the room.

The brunette entered the room and looked at the wolf in front of Belle and signaled for him to leave Belle alone, that she was okay and the wolf walked off. "Come on Belle, don't worry about the glass, I'll take care of it. I need to speak to my father anyway, in private. Go ahead and take your break." she stated as she helped her friend up from the floor.

Things really were beginning to get real strange around town, almost as if there were a full moon coming up, but the full moon had already passed this month. What was going on in Crimson Grove? There were newcomers left and right, her father has been acting a bit more anxious than usual, she began seeing Jack around her home more often, she had a feeling her father was hiding something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Loup Hood
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When Jack arrived at the Hood's house, it didn't take him long before he felt like something bad was about to happen. He doesn't get this feeling too often, but whenever he does, he tries to listen to it before all else. This time, the feeling almost made him sick. Touching his stomach as he parked the bike, went around the side a bit and he glanced up at Loup's window.

"You know Mr. Wolf, you are going to get me into deep shit one day and you'd have no one to blame but yourself." Jack said as he made his way up the window. He would have used his powers, but for some reason, he's been feeling a bit drained. No, he knew the reason, just didn't want to say it or think it.

There was broken mirror everywhere, but he didn't bother with it. "I'm so not cleaning that up. If only the Evil queen saw this, she'd probably poison you with an apple." He joked as he sat down at the balcony. Least his bad feeling wasn't too bad...

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Hood would have turned around to see Jack, but the sound of his door started to open. At first he thought it was Ruby, but the scent overwhelmed him and he found himself frozen knowing now who it really was. Everything ounce of his body twitched, shifting his weight to watch this woman pick up the broken mirror shards. She smelt like sweet honey to him with a hint of leather and the pages of books. His hand lifted without his control and he wanted so badly to touch her.

Once she looked up at him, he saw fear in her eyes. Her perfect skin had turned pale and her words were trembling. With that moment he understood. Narrowing his eyes, he pulled his hand back at the same moment Jack caught onto it and Ruby rushed into the room. Hood no longer cared anymore as he left jack tug him away, along with Ruby shooing him off.

"Come on Belle, don't worry about the glass, I'll take care of it. I need to speak to my father anyway, in private. Go ahead and take your break." Ruby spoke to Belle.

And there went that bad feeling Jack thought was a mistake. Belle's hand rushed into the sound of danger yet again. Who runs to the sound of a howling animal and glass breaking? He could only assume she hand done that. It would be the only reason she'd rush into an unknown room. To think he had it in for him whenever he looked over Ariel, but at least she wasn't as bad as Belle when it came to things like this.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa! How about be not go into unknown rooms unattended, Belle. You should know the Hood family cherishes Wolves. It's only natural that they owned a few or a pack." Jack shrugged as he pulled Hood away laughing. "Now now, Mister Wolfiepooooo~, no need to look so down, you just startled her is all." He patted Hood's head like a good doggie.

Hood looked over at Jack in an 'are you kidding me?!' way. Jack had paused for a moment and then busted out in a hard laughter. Jack couldn't help it. It was a too good of a chance to pass up, treating Hood like a dog. Hood leaned over and snapped at Jack as Jack pulled back quicker and jumped over into the balcony as he kept laughing.

He watched as Ruby got Belle out of the room safely. Did she have such little faith in her father? He wasn't such a bad guy, just always in a cranky mood, but being a wolf would do that to anyone. With a long sigh he leaned himself against the frame of the balcony, arms crossed and head rested against the frame as well.

"You should make sure she doesn't come into unknown rooms. Especially here. Look Ruby, I know we don't now each other, but Belles she's like my sister, it'd suck if something happened to her." His eyes had become serious as he lifted his head to look at her properly.

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Hood interrupted. "We might need a better door for this room. Maybe a metal one." Getting up he looked over at Ruby. "Sorry for that my love. She surprised me by coming in here."

He glanced over at Jack. "What's are you here for anyway and in that form, it's daytime."

Jack shooed off the question and shook his head. "Yeah, how about another time." As Jack turned he felt a sudden rush of dizziness. Catching himself on the railing of the balcony, he started to see the ground spin. Then suddenly he stopped. For a moment there he thought he heard someone in his head. When he looked at his hands, they were covered in frost, just like the spot he was gripping onto. "Well,... It looks like it's time for me to head out." He said that, but he wasn't so sure he could make it out the window at this rate. Instead he sat down, pressing his face against the cooled stone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Belle Chloe French Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Loup Hood
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Home

ImageOnce Belle was safely out of the room she returned to the room, finding Jack speaking with her father. She stood there in silence, waiting for a moment she could speak up. But just before she was about to say something, Jack spoke, "You should make sure she doesn't come into unknown rooms. Especially here. Look Ruby, I know we don't know each other, but Belle, she's like my sister, it'd suck if something happened to her." At those words she nodded her head in agreement. She wasn't exactly sure what to do or say at that moment. All that seemed to go through her head was the shock that Belle knew Jack. She just wondered if Belle knew about her strange fascination with the male. On that note she shook the thought out of her head.

"We might need a better door for this room. Maybe a metal one," her father chimed in. At those words she took note, she would have to go out and a get metal door and find someone who would be able to help her lift it and change the door, someone she could trust. "Sorry for that my love. She surprised me by coming in here." her father added.

Ruby nodded her head at her father, "It's alright, it's not your fault. I'll be sure to look into getting a door for you sometime today," she responded before going silent once more as her father addressed Jack. Once their small conversation was over, Jack began on his way out the window. That was something she couldn't seem to understand, why he always came and went out the window, but it wasn't her business to question. But after a couple moments, she noticed Jack lean his head against the stone, stopping himself from going out the window.

She glanced over at him with a curious look on her face, "Is everything alright?" she stated as she glanced between her father and Jack, thinking that her father might have an idea what was going on with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Frost Character Portrait: Ruby Hood Character Portrait: Gretel Fischer Character Portrait: Loup Hood Character Portrait: Trixie Bell
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Dialogue Color: #ff2929 || Location: Diner

ImageRuby heard her phone go off and she lifted it into her hands, finding that there had been a missed call and a voicemail. This is strange, I didn't even know someone called me, she thought to herself. She opened the voicemail and pressed play before holding it up to her ear to hear Gretel speaking on the other end of the line, partially panicking. Ruby's eyes widened when she heard the news and she returned her attention to her father, "Sorry to cut this short but I need to go to the diner. Gretel says there was a fire. I'll speak with you later Daddy," she stated as she then rushed out of his room, closing the door behind her and ran straight out the house pass Belle without a word. The diner was one of the last things she had of her grandmother, she couldn't lose the place, not now.

Once Ruby finally arrived she stood in front of the building just staring at it. The place was soaked and ruined from the water damage but at that point she hadn't smelled any sign of a fire at her diner. What the hell is going on here? At that point she spotted Gretel speaking with Trixie, it looked as if it were something important, but this couldn't wait, she needed to find out what was going on.

The brunette approached Trixie and Gretel, "Sorry to interrupt, but what's going on here guys?" she questioned as she glanced between the two of them, hoping they would be able to tell her something.
