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Kieran Borral

"She's done everything she could to get me back, and I will make sure all of their efforts weren't for nothing."

0 · 1,518 views · located in Cre' Est

a character in “Assassin's Pledge: Awakening”, originally authored by Wolf's Bane109, as played by RolePlayGateway


| Kieran Torriel Borral |





5' 7"



Voice Example:


Basic Personality:

Despite her young looking face and looking innocent, Kieran is much like her sister, in which she is fiery and her own person, not taking orders from anyone and when she does it's done in her own way. KIeran hates being bossed around and told what to do, but when she does do as told, expect it to be done more so in rebelling, not in obedience as she's always had a No shit's given type of personality to most people. She can be caring to those she deems it worthy of being given to, usually not many as to what the sister's have been both through, but once her loyalty is gained, it is almost just as hard to lose unless you double cross her. Just like Aetrius, Kieran has a dark and morbid sense of humor and teasing, and usually uses that as a form of coping with her depression and anxieties that she's gained over the years.

When it comes to combat, she is just like any Saharan, as she becomes brutal and ruthless in the face of a fight, maybe not as brutal as her younger sister, but second to that of an angry Aetrius on the prowl of a target. And just like any good Saharan, her family and friends are the most important thing to her and she will do whatever she can to keep her friends happy and safe, and her weakness is children. As one day, when all is over, she hopes to one day be able to settle down and raise a family, but for now her future remains uncertain as they are in the middle of a war with Tei' Sei and she will do whatever she can to keep her newfound group of friends safe.

Basic Background:

Much like Aetrius past, much is left unknown. Besides of what she tells others about, which is usually too much than what is expected from someone as closed off as she is. (look at Aetrius' backstory for more). From her time of being separated from Aetrius (at the time Korriban) she had been taken from the city they were in and taken care of in secret as she was gravely wounded from the attack that had separated them. After she had been taken care and treated, she was taken out of the city and taken and sold as a slave, going from master to master, to master, until she ended up in first Ourros' hands, and the eventually Mariah's, who was her last master. In her years of servitude, Kieran harvested a form of hatred and disgust with slavers, much like Aetrius did for more or the same reasons.

In her years of being a slave, she had done things she had never wished upon anyone, and seeing people die of the same things caused her to live in daily and constant panic if that were to be her same fate. So for years the young Saharan was uncertain of her demise, if it would come soon or later, and every day she waited for her sister to charge through those doors and come to her aid, but it never came. She never came to her aid, but she never gave up hope, and would tell others that one day someone will come and get her out from Veilbrand, many laughed at her and told her noone cared about her, or that no one was coming for her, but as the days loomed close to the auction that would soon change her life, Kieran had the last laugh when she saw an all too familiar face come to her aid, even with all the scars and all, she soon recognized the figure. And now, as she is yet again free, Kieran isn't sure of what her fate may become, as she is back with her sister and new friends, as well as dealing with the dark threat that over looms them, Kieran will be willing to lay down her life if she must, but that is if the secret organization of assassins isn't wiped out soon...

But for now, Kieran wanders with her sister and friends, traveling from every corner of the word of Cre' Est, and who knows what trouble they may run into, and just like Aetrius, she has her own secrets, just like everyone else in the group.. (said secrets will be revealed overtime as they move more along in the story)

So begins...

Kieran Borral's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Lonán Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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The next morning at the inn, Linde awoke and went about her daily activities before going into the room with Miils. She had been tending to the wounds inflicted by Kyero and Aetrius, and was struggling to keep up with them for a number of reasons. First reason was that part of her didn't want to help. Given the kind of person he was and what he'd done to Josephine, he deserved every bit of pain he was getting. The other reason she was struggling was because, following Kyero's example, Aetrius enjoyed damaging his body in rather difficult ways.

Still, today she did her best to finish the wounds which had been given him over the last day or so. She remained with him for almost two full hours carefully restitching his flesh to his body as it should have been, at least to the best of her ability, and stopping any flows of blood which were threatening to burst free.

"You are a kindly doctor, aren't you?" Miils said in a hoarse voice.

Linde didn't answer.

"You've done remarkable work. My hand may actually look semi normal when it's done healing."

"No, it won't."

"You don't think so?"

"I know so... I've made sure of it."

"... Well then... At least it will heal."

"To a certain extent, it will. But the chances you'll ever need to worry about anyone seeing it and pointing it out aren't very high."

"You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you?"

Linde glared at him quietly, giving a small jerk of her needle and thread to make him grimace before returning to work.

Back with Lonan and Kyero, they were making fantastic progress with the resting of Hawk for an hour before continuing at a brisk but not break-neck pace. Another day or so and they'd arrive at their destination.

For now, they were meditating together on a pair of conveniently flat boulders in the sun with Hawk tied to a tree nearby.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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After a few hours of torture, Aetrius left Miils to the devices of Linde. What she did would probably make any butcher proud of her work, but would make anyone with a weak stomach easily lose their appetite for any form of meat in the future. His feet would most likely never be the same again, at most his walk would be a bit slower and now a shuffle and hobble at most due to the damage she did to the tendons and muscles in the feet.

But once she was done, Linde had entered the room and calmed her down enough to make her stop. Begrudgingly she left, having not gotten a word out of the man in question, she'd have to be more forceful in her actions, not just mutilation. Once she had calmed down enough again, she saw Kieran in one of the rooms silently. They made silent eye contact again and nodded as Aetrius entered the room where Linde was tending to Miils' injuries. Aetrius stood by her and sighed.

"I...I'm sorry, Linde...I..I don't know what to say...From what happened the other night, to last night, and then this..I just...I'm sorry..." she said softly as she looked at her and then looked away, feeling awkward and ashamed of her actions lately.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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A few moments had slowly passed as Aetrius continued to softly cry in Linde's arms. But eventually she found herself slowly calming down as her mind started to clear and she slowly sat up and dried her tears using her hands. She chuckled and shook her head, looking up at Linde as she gave her a small smile, shaking her head again.

"L-Linde? C-can I ask you a question?" she started, feeling herself become completely calm as she spoke.

"As a doctor, do you know of any good ways of relieving stress? Any techniques that you may know?" she asked as sat up more and cracked her neck slightly as she became more comfortable.

Linde shuffled her weight on Aetri's lap to accommodate making her comfortable, and following the question she looked to the side.


She shifted her hips a bit... On purpose.

"There are several you could try. I know a number of breathing exercises we could do together, or perhaps we could sit down and rest with a nice cup of tea."

She glanced to Aetri from the corner of her eye.

"But I think the best thing we can do..." She leaned in close, her lips close to Aetri's. "... Is have a sparring match." She whispered.

Aetrius silently sat there as Linde tried thinking of what to do, and felt Linde shift her weight on her, causing a slight blush to cover her face for a moment, but then easily shook it off as she caused her mind to go somewhere else. But her attention was brought back as Linde started to talk again, she nodded silently as she listened, nodding as those suggestions could indeed help. But there was something inside of her that didn't want to just sit around and do nothing. Having been inside the inn had caused her to grow anxious and feel sluggish in the matter of her not going out and doing what she would usually do. But knowing that they were here on important matters meant she couldn't go around and possibly get them in trouble if she mistook a target for a bounty, if they even had any in this town.

But she looked back up as Linde continued speaking, only being brought back from her thought as Linde was now only mere inches from her face, feeling her face go pale white as she hadn't notice Linde moving in closer to here until just then.

"I-I think that would be perfect...I've been feeling a bit...Sluggish and I even think I've been getting fat since our lack of combat..." she said with a bit of a sad tone as she looked at her stomach and gently patted it.

Linde chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'll whip you back into shape in no time."

Linde got off Aetri, offering her a hand up.

"Don't hold back, love. Got it? If you do, I'll make you pay for it... Dearly." She said playfully with a wink.

Aetrius chuckled at her comment and gently took her hand, and got to her feet. She stretched out of instinct as she stood, feeling her back and neck pop and had a look of partial relief on her face as Linde spoke. She chuckled once again and nodded.

"And the same goes for you, don't hold back on me. And if you do, I'll treat you how they treat people back in Shaharan for going easy on someone. Now, after you." she said as she motioned to the door for Linde to lead her out.

As they left Aetrius motioned at Kieran to go keep an eye on the man they were in charge of not letting him out of their sight, which she got up and walked off to go look after the man, "Why do I always have to do the annoying shit..." Kieran mumbled to herself as she went to the room, not caring what the others were up to.

Linde and Aetrius meandered outside and left the city to find a nice space in the countryside to spar in. And they found it in a small dirt clearing amongst the rolling green grasslands throughout the area.

"This looks like a good place."

Linde abandoned her jacket, gloves, and boots to the side and did some basic exercises like jumping jacks and running in place to get her blood flowing before stretching her body.

"Always get your heart going first. If you stretch cold, it does more harm than good." She advised.

Aetrius mindlessly followed Linde out of the inn and eventually found a small and private area and nodded as this would indeed be a good place to train. She watched as Linde discarded some of the unnecessary clothing and did the same, tossing her boots and cloak aside and took some deep breaths first and crouched down, placing her hands on the ground, firmly planting them into place, she found herself instinctively slowly pushing herself up and began to do upside down pushups with both hands, eventually moving to just one, as this would be one of her old ways of limbering up back in her time at the carnival.

Eventually after feeling her arms loosen and tighten up, and then finally loosen up again, she stopped and let her weight drop down and landed with ease on her two feet. After a few more stretches, mainly with the legs she found herself feeling better already, but she did want to test out how well they could spar together.

"Alright, show me what you got first, Linde." she said with a grin as she whiped some sweat away from her forehead and looked at Linde, ready to proceed with the match.

Linde was in a full front splits, chest against her knee and head against her shin with both hands wrapped around her front foot when Aetri spoke to her.

Her voice was slightly muffled as she spoke, "One moment, love."

She kept her split for ten more seconds before slowly shifting to the other side doing the same for 30 seconds in total. With that done she went to a center split, chest on the ground, bewbs squishing against the ground, and forehead to the ground for thirty seconds.

With that all done, and her body fully loosened up, Linde hopped up and bounced on the balls of her feet with her arms dangling limply at her sides while shifting her head left and right to loosen her neck.

Once finished, she landed flat and smiled at Aetrius.

"Okay then, let's begin."

Linde took a basic stance. Body bladed sideways, lead hand open, up, and held out half her body length, rear hand near her shoulder, legs about twice shoulder width apart making her a rather small target. She kept light on her feet and slowly moved in closer and closer to Aetrius.

Aetrius watched silently as Linde was still stretching by the time she was done, and waited patiently. Eventually when she was done she silently studied the way Linde moved and prepared herself for the sparring. She eyed each and every movement of her body, watching for how she could go in for an attack, or how she would have to defend herself if Linde were to go in for an attack first.

She gave her a small bow before the match began and when Linde got into a stance, she slowly got into a stance as well, one almost mirroring Linde's, but continued to slowly move away from Linde in a circle, keeping up her defenses for now, let Linde wear herself out first, if she could that is.

Linde continued to slowly and carefully shuffle her way towards Aetrius, keeping on her guard and a smile on her face the whole way.

"Are you nervous, love?"

Aetrius looked at Linde and chuckled as she continued moving, "Me? Nervous? Why would I ever be nervous?" she said with a grin.

Linde smiled more mischievously.

"Just asking." She chuckled.

Linde slid a bit closer... A bit closer... To the side a little bit... A bit closer...


A bit closer...


Now in range, Linde snapped her front leg into the back of Aetri's front leg calf muscle.

Aetrius watched as Linde kept slowly inching forwards, and without even a second to blink her left leg was swept beneath her, causing her to give out and and recover for a moment from the surprise attack. "Really, Linde? Who said you could fight dirty?" she said with a small grin on her face as she looked up at Linde.

Linde didn't waste any time on a verbal reply. The moment Aetrius was recovered from the shot she had slid forward to close the gap and slammed her open palm into Aetri's stomach to shove her backwards and keep her off balance.

Aetrius watched as Linde lurched forwards for another attack, this time with an open palm aiming for her stomach, knowing what she intended to do, she waited for her to get close enough....There! Aetrius grabbed her by the arm and with ease used her other hand to pull her in closer and brought down her elbow for the joint between her arm and elbow

Linde wasn't expecting to be grabbed and pulled in, but Aetri was never one to not be full of surprises. Thankfully Linde's training with her father taught her a lot about adjusting to a situation on the fly, and as Aetri pulled her forward, she made the mistake of giving up too much of her body in the process. While she was going for Linde's arm and elbow, Linde was able to bring up her leg, aiming her knee at Aetri's thigh, and her head primed to slam into her chest.

Aetrius wasn't prepared for what came next and without any time to re-correct herself, she felt a pain hit her inner thigh and fell due to the mix of unexpected pain, as well as the pain itself hitting an old area where had received an injury long ago, causing her to collapse to the ground, grabbing her leg.

Linde barely managed to stabilize herself and hop to her feet, glancing to Aetrius as she gripped her leg on the ground.

"You all right, love?" She asked calmly, despite a growing internal worry about the way Aetri grabbed the leg.

Aetrius winced at the pain that shot through her leg, and slowly sat up holding the leg trying to help lessen the pain. She looked up when she heard Linde asked if she was alright, nodding her head she answered, "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just...Just an old injury that I forgot about until now. I'll be fine, I promise. Let's...Let's just continue." she stammered as she slowly rose to her feet, clearly not fully in the shape she was just moments before, but was still in the mindset to practice.

Linde was immediately at her side pushing her back down to a seated position.

"No." She said firmly, gently running her hands along Aetri's leg.

"Give me a minute."

She gently caressed the area where her knee struck Aetrius and, sure enough, she felt minute muscle spasms and weakness where normally Aetri's leg was quite strong. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly to herself as she looked up at Aetri.

"I'm sorry, love. I should have asked if you had any lingering injuries which could affect our exercise."

She kept one hand on Aetri's leg, and the other on her shoulder.

"Let's shift gears a little, okay? Instead of sparring, let's get you to work on some physical therapy. You let this injury go for quite some time, didn't you? We need to strengthen the muscles and balance them with your other leg's before we can think about sparring again. Otherwise, we're just risking making this worse."

Aetrius sighed and groaned when she was pushed back down, and watched as Linde touched the part of her leg that had the injury in it. She watched and clenched her teeth when she felt Linde press into her leg. She waited for Linde to say that it was fine and they could continue, but when she saw the look on her face she knew what that meant.

Sighing softly she looked at Linde when she said they'd need to stop and work on getting her leg better. "Honestly, Linde. I'll be fine." she said as she slowly started to stand up, not wanting to be done already as they had only just begun.

Linde frowned, pulling Aetri back down onto her butt and shifting over to sit on her lap.

"As your doctor, I say "no." Your leg is not in balance with the other, and the differences in muscular stability and strength are going to cause further problems if we don't deal with them. So shut up and agree to go through physical therapy." She growled softly.

She leaned in and kissed Aetrius before she could protest, pushing her down to the ground on her back before separating.

"I'll reward you later for your cooperation. I promise." She whispered with a wink.

Aetrius was only able to sit there and be silent as Linde spoke, feeling as though she was being treated like a child. She was about to protest not doing anything until Linde had kissed her, shutting her up rather quickly. She sighed and looked down, nodding as she realized it was best for her, and not to piss Linde off anymore than she already had.

" A-all right, Linde...But when all is said and done, and when I get better, you owe me a rematch. Got it?" she said with a small smile and chuckle, and gently kissed Linde on the cheek.

Linde's eyes softened and she smiled warmly, leaning down slightly to press their foreheads together.

"Don't worry. Once I am confident you're 100%, I'll give you the ass kicking I had to spare you from today."

She leaned back and licked the tip of Aetri's nose, giving her another wink.

"I promise."

Aetrius felt her face turn a light pink at how Linde acted, but couldn't help but smile. "Oh, trust me. When I'm better, I'll be the one to kick your ass. Remember, I don't fight clean. What bounty hunter does?" she gave her a chuckle and another smile.

Linde smirked.

"I certainly don't fight clean either," she whispered as she got off Aetri and helped her to her feet.

"Now let's get you a therapy routine to build that leg muscle back up, shall we?"

Aetrius took her hand and slowly rose to her feet, "You? Fight dirty? I never would have guessed." she said with a joking tone in her voice, and slowly began to hobble towards her things, "S-sure, whatever you say, Linde...." she said as she slowly picked up her things, and eventually and slowly they made their way back to the inn.