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Kieran Borral

"She's done everything she could to get me back, and I will make sure all of their efforts weren't for nothing."

0 · 1,517 views · located in Cre' Est

a character in “Assassin's Pledge: Awakening”, originally authored by Wolf's Bane109, as played by RolePlayGateway


| Kieran Torriel Borral |





5' 7"



Voice Example:


Basic Personality:

Despite her young looking face and looking innocent, Kieran is much like her sister, in which she is fiery and her own person, not taking orders from anyone and when she does it's done in her own way. KIeran hates being bossed around and told what to do, but when she does do as told, expect it to be done more so in rebelling, not in obedience as she's always had a No shit's given type of personality to most people. She can be caring to those she deems it worthy of being given to, usually not many as to what the sister's have been both through, but once her loyalty is gained, it is almost just as hard to lose unless you double cross her. Just like Aetrius, Kieran has a dark and morbid sense of humor and teasing, and usually uses that as a form of coping with her depression and anxieties that she's gained over the years.

When it comes to combat, she is just like any Saharan, as she becomes brutal and ruthless in the face of a fight, maybe not as brutal as her younger sister, but second to that of an angry Aetrius on the prowl of a target. And just like any good Saharan, her family and friends are the most important thing to her and she will do whatever she can to keep her friends happy and safe, and her weakness is children. As one day, when all is over, she hopes to one day be able to settle down and raise a family, but for now her future remains uncertain as they are in the middle of a war with Tei' Sei and she will do whatever she can to keep her newfound group of friends safe.

Basic Background:

Much like Aetrius past, much is left unknown. Besides of what she tells others about, which is usually too much than what is expected from someone as closed off as she is. (look at Aetrius' backstory for more). From her time of being separated from Aetrius (at the time Korriban) she had been taken from the city they were in and taken care of in secret as she was gravely wounded from the attack that had separated them. After she had been taken care and treated, she was taken out of the city and taken and sold as a slave, going from master to master, to master, until she ended up in first Ourros' hands, and the eventually Mariah's, who was her last master. In her years of servitude, Kieran harvested a form of hatred and disgust with slavers, much like Aetrius did for more or the same reasons.

In her years of being a slave, she had done things she had never wished upon anyone, and seeing people die of the same things caused her to live in daily and constant panic if that were to be her same fate. So for years the young Saharan was uncertain of her demise, if it would come soon or later, and every day she waited for her sister to charge through those doors and come to her aid, but it never came. She never came to her aid, but she never gave up hope, and would tell others that one day someone will come and get her out from Veilbrand, many laughed at her and told her noone cared about her, or that no one was coming for her, but as the days loomed close to the auction that would soon change her life, Kieran had the last laugh when she saw an all too familiar face come to her aid, even with all the scars and all, she soon recognized the figure. And now, as she is yet again free, Kieran isn't sure of what her fate may become, as she is back with her sister and new friends, as well as dealing with the dark threat that over looms them, Kieran will be willing to lay down her life if she must, but that is if the secret organization of assassins isn't wiped out soon...

But for now, Kieran wanders with her sister and friends, traveling from every corner of the word of Cre' Est, and who knows what trouble they may run into, and just like Aetrius, she has her own secrets, just like everyone else in the group.. (said secrets will be revealed overtime as they move more along in the story)

So begins...

Kieran Borral's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán watched Josephine undergo a change as they approached the checkpoint, and as she began to look more regal and noble, his mouth gaped for a moment or two before closing it and following her, glancing momentarily as even her posture and her Beauty seemed to have been changed into something He’d see in Nobles. He witnessed the encounter with the soldiers with even more shock and awe as thoughts drifted from questions about what ‘business’ she had, to who was she truly?

Was she an important Noblewoman? A Goddess in mortal form? He could feel his heart racing as she called for the rest of the group to join her, he could only muster a nod, not trusting his mouth to talk or answer for him as he rode up beside her. ”Who are you really Miss Dezantro? Aside from someone who’s now captured my eyes and bewitched my heart to race? I still need to see Linde about that. Oh, by Heresta, She’s beautiful...” He thought. He observed Josephine for a moment or two longer as they approached the gate, before realizing he was staring at her a bit too much, and turned his attention to the gate itself, an almost glowing blush on his face.

He wasn’t even aware that Kyero was gone. If his grandfather was here and he’d seen Lonán like this, he’d laugh with joyful and teasing humor at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As they slowly drew closer to the checkpoint, Aetrius and Kieran both kept their hands closer to their weapons, but what happened next they did not expect. Josephine sat up more, correcting her posture and spoke with a more eloquent tone than she was prier to the guards and asked for to treat the others just as they treated her. She sat atop Bree with her mouth slightly ajar, as did Kieran as the followed behind Josephine as they entered the gates. Aetrius trotted Bree closer to Josephine and after she cleared her throat with a small cough she spoke, "Who...who exactly are you, Josephine? We know now that you're not just a warrior....So, who are you really?" she questioned, as she felt a small blush cover her face she looked away and down, feeling embarrassment slowly sweep over her. Who exactly was their new found friend?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Josephine waited for her friends to all ride up with her past the gate, and as they all drew in closer Aetrius asked her who she was. Josephine's smile, since they were still within sight of the guards, remained though her tone of voice fell off as she spoke calmly and quietly.

”I am exactly who said I was, miss Aetrius. My name is Josephine, of House Dezantro.”

She looked ahead to the road as her eyelids became heavier and her shoulders slumped ever so slightly.

”And I am... To become the next Princess of Triveila.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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LonĂĄn pulled Hawk to a stop as he looked to Josephine to answer the question Aetrius gave her. But when the answer was given, whilst the blush remained on his cheeks, the rest of his face turned stark pale, paler then his face usually is.

”Triveila’s Princess....? She’s the next princess of Triveila...Oh my Heresta, I keep falling for Nobles, what exactly do you have planned for me Goddess of Battle?!” He thought in an almost panicked like state, before he Mentally slapped himself. ”Okay calm down Lonán, calm down. Maybe there’s an explanation for her becoming the next princess. Maybe if I play my cards right-”

Hawk whinnied a bit to get his mind back to reality. Lonán heaved a small sigh from the mental stress he felt. The revelation made him flustered. All week he’s been trying to cheer up a Princess!! How many members of his Clan have that known about them?! He definitely wanted to know what Josephine’s business was now that he knew!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius and both Kieran pulled back on the reins and almost fell off both their steeds at the same time as those words left Josephine's lips. She, she was a princess? Or at least a princess next in line? Their jaws dropped at the revelation of her true identity. Aetrius then shook her head and got caught up to Josephine once more and with an immensely embarrassing look on her face she spoke to Josephine, while looking away, "S-so, let me get this correct...You...You...You're next in line to be a Princess? And you didn't tell us? M-may I ask why?" she stuttered out. Aetrius had theories of who Josephine was, she seemed more than just a warrior, or even a noble woman, but a princess? That was a first for the young bounty hunter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Josephine looked to Aetrius.

"... I promise I will reveal the reason why... But... Later. Right now, let's please see ourselves to safety. We're not entirely safe here just yet despite the pleasantries we just enjoyed with the guards."

She rode forward, the others in toe, and that evening they sat around a campfire while not one, but two revelations were come to:

1) Josephine was a phenomenal cook who prepared a small feast using nothing but the humble ingredients they had in their supply bags and from the surrounding area.

2) ... She was a princess.

Josephine, with her plate in her lap, looked at everyone who all sat across from her. Her eyes were heavy and filled with a sense of emptiness. But despite this, her eyes had a subtle burning flame within them.

"House Dezantro." She began quietly.

"Dezantro was once not but a humble fisherman's name. During the time of my great grandfather, it became a household name when he fished a massive pearl from the mouth of a giant clam while on a boating trip in the Northern Sea and sold it to the Royal Family in exchange for twenty thousand gold, the largest exchange of money for a single item in Triveila's history. From there, our family fortune continued to grow into the time of my grandfather and my father after him. During the time of my father as the head of the family, our relationship with the Royal Family grew quite close. So much so that I became acquainted with the most recent Queen before she ascended the throne. We grew up as friends, and..."

She slowly looked up towards the others. Her eyes now devoid of the fire they once held.

"If you know about Triveila's current state... She was assassinated one year and six months ago."

She looked down at the camp fire.

"She was like a sister to me. She was always so kind and even tempered. So benign and compassionate for her people. That anyone would wish her life to end is... Borderline blasphemy to our culture."

The fire in her eyes began to slowly return as she looked back up at them.

"Her assassin made the mistake of taking her life in front of me during one of my visits, and I saw his face before he could make his escape. I tracked him to Veilbrand and exacted my revenge, but not before learning of the identity of the one who hired him."

She took a sip of tea.

"It's a name I'm certain you've all at least heard before... Borathian Miils, the Royal Advisor to the Royal Family of Triveila."

She took another sip and set her tea down.

"Miils knows that his identity has been leaked. And I heard from a family friend who's been keeping an eye on things for me that Miils plans to abdicate his position and leave Triveila within the next four days... Hence my haste to return."

She glared up at everyone with a fierce determination set in her face.

"I will make it back to Triveila's capital within the next two days... And I will take his life before he can flee." She said through grit teeth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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As they eventually sat up camp and began to eat dinner around the fire, one that Josephine herself prepared. They were all sitting around the fire, enjoying their meal and making small talk when Josephine began to speak, Aetrius putting down her plate and clasping her hands in front of her, listening intently as she spoke. Of who she was, who her family and clan were, where she came from, what her family name meant, and how just recently someone important was lost, as well as someone she was rather close to.

Aetrius sat silently as she studied each and every muscle in Josephine's face and body, taking notes of her body language and muscle movement, memorizing everything about her. Taking mental notes for anything in the future. But as she eventually came to an end, Aetrius nodded silently, and after a few minutes she silently stood up and gave Josephine the Saharan salute and spoke softly, "I will gladly take up arms for you, princess. It would be an honor to fight by your side one day." she said as she came up from her bow and gave Josephine one more nod.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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LonĂĄn ate at the meal as he listened to Josephine's tale. He marveled at her House's history and her friendship to the Queen of Triveila. He had heard what had happened fhe year before, as the assassination sparked international news like a wildfire. He set his plate down as he listened to Aetrius' declaration, Eyes blazing like Dragon Amber in the firelight.

"I too, extend my sword and service. In Heresta's name and by the Honor of My Clan, I swear to help you in your endeavor, Lady Dezantro." he declared, speaking from both his heart and his head. The former pounded like a hammer at his own words, whilst the latter began to mentally yell at him asking "What are you doing?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Josephine closed her eyes and dipped her chin slightly with a smile. But, much to their surprise, she shook her head.

”I appreciate greatly your offer to fight for me. But this battle is mine alone. Not a sword need be raised... At least not by you.” She said as she opened her eyes.

”Borathian Miils, Advisor to the Royal Family, is a snake and a coward. The hardest part will be chasing him down and backing him into a corner to face the justice he deserves. But you all need not risk your lives for it. I have friends and allies in the city already at work assisting me in preparing him for his demise.”

Suddenly, behind her, a dark figure appeared dimly lit by the fire light.

But thankfully it was just Kyero, his red eyes shining through the darkness.

”Might I offer some advice?”

Josephine started, turning around quickly in her seat.

”Sir Kyero. Please don't sneak up on me like that!”

Kyero walked around and stood beside Linde and the others.

”Your family name is closely tied to the former Queen. Her death is already a potent motive known to many for you to take revenge on the ones responsible. If you take this man's life, everyone will look to you as the culprit. Future Princess or not, you are not a judge, jury, or executioner. Triveila has a justice system for deciding the fate of men like him. And you are not above it, nor should you try to be no matter how strongly your emotions burn.”

Josephine's jaw set, and Linde stood up.

”I must agree with Kyero. This will only end badly for you, miss Dezantro. If enough people know of your connection to the former Queen, then the death of her murderer will be most closely linked to you and the blood on your hands could forever prevent you from taking the throne.”

Josephine's eyes closed and she tilted her head down with a long sigh through her nose.

”... That, Lady Almna, is the point.” She growled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius listened as Josephine spoke, a fire burning inside of her each and every moment passed by. She wasn't going to let Josephine do this alone, nor was she going to let her say otherwise. But as she was going to interject, Kyero appeared out of nowhere from behind them and gave his piece, for once she fully agreed with Kyero. She didn't have the right of being judge, jury, and executor. Not like she was one to talk, given what her job entailed. But Josephine had no right to take that burden upon herself, and she shook her head.

She slowly sat down and waited for the others to finish talking, and once they did Aetrius spoke up again, "If I may, interject? We're not going to let you do this on your own, it isn't your burden to bare as much as you may think it is. Stress and anxiety over this matter will cause you at one point or another to fuck up, and if you want him to be brought in and get justice for your friend and former queen. Then you need to let us help you, Princess. I know you don't want to be next in line, but you are. Those are the cards fate handed you, and you can decide your own fate of course, but killing a man in a blind rage, isn't worth it in the end. Bringing rightful justice to the Queen's death, as well as your friend's, will be the only way...I'm sorry." she said softly and with a sense of genuine care in her voice as she looked towards the woman in question, then back down.

Aetrius stood back up, "Regardless if you ask for help or not, we're going to help you. You get blood on your hands, so are we. You go in alone, and possibly fuck up the kill, you're just asking for a death wish." she said with a bit of a tone of sadness as she crossed her arms and looked at the others for any source of back up or advice from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Lonán couldn’t believe what he’d been hearing. First Josephine tried to dissuade them from helping her as she intended to do this alone. Then the came about as they argued the pros and cons (mostly cons) of Josephine’s plan of doing this by herself. It was forming a pit in his already full stomach, reviving past pains he wished gone.

His mind was beginning to panic by the time Aetrius said her final statement. ”Heresta! Ancestor Kalandros! Aid me!” He anguished in his mind. He repeated this cry until he began to think on everything that was said. He mulled it over before he heaved a big very repressed angered sigh, standing up sharply.

”I disagree with both.” He declared finally. ”I also agree with both. Miss Dezantro wants revenge and a way out of the throne. Everyone else is crying, ‘Justice! We must apprehend him and lay out the facts!’ Why can’t it be both!? The people of Triveila, having loved the Queen, your best friend, have a right to know and have a say in his punishment! Revenge is best served cold, but there are ways to prepare the dish! Enough to where both parties could be satisfied. We can have him apprehended, and put him through the system with the facts and make sure he has no way of escaping justice. And then He can be executed, satisfying vengeance.”

He took a breath to ensure he was keeping his anxiety in check, ”Now for the other matter on the table. Miss Dezantro, you don’t wish to be the next ruler, Aetrius seems to voice an argument for you to try to be a leader. My Grandfather didn’t ask to be picked to be the next leader. Yet he chose to follow through with the burden, when he just as easily could have passed it on to a cousin. When this mess with Borathian Miils is Done, you can choose your future as well Miss Dezantro. But you’re going to have our help with it as well and we’ll all find a way to strike two Go-Away Birds with one Bolt!”

He then collapsed onto his seat out of breath as he gulped in air. ”This is probably going to not end well. Heresta, thank you if this works out...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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The first to speak was Aetrius. She insisted that Josephine would not do this on her own. But she wasn't alone. She had friends and allies in the city who had helped her plan meticulously for this event. She couldn't call it off now...

She was going to protest, but Lonan spoke up next before she could open her mouth. And... What he said made sense. Having the facts at her disposal and proving his guilt in the courts for his justice to be served the proper way was... It was the right thing to do. She knew that. But... She also knew she didn't care about the law at this point. Her best friend died in her arms and she was this close to bringing the justice she sought for so long to him.

But still.

Doing it the right way would not only end his life, but humiliate, dishonor, and strip him of everything he had. Everything he stole. Everything he wanted and fought for to get where he was today.

The next part about Lonan's grandfather came sort of out of nowhere to Josephine. But the message of choosing her fate when it was over... That meant something.

She didn't want to be the Princess because she wasn't ready. She still had much to learn and she hadn't been properly groomed for it. She was a warrior first, a Noblewoman second. Becoming Princess so soon... She just wasn't ready.

Josephine considered their words carefully, sifting through all of them in her head one by one. Bringing that level of justice to Borathian Miils was a tantalizing thought. But spilling his blood in battle, no matter how one-sided, was even more so.

"... I need time to think on this." She replied at last.

She stood up, setting her plate down and turned around.

"I will sleep on it and get back to you in the morning... Goodnight everyone... Sleep well, and thank you."

And with that she disappeared into her tent for the evening. Linde sat down and sighed heavily, looking to Kyero who gave her a knowing nod of his head. She nodded back, and Kyero disappeared like a shadow in the night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Aetrius listened as Lolan spoke, and was yet again in agreeance, until she heard him say one thing. One thing that made her blood begin to boil. Was....was he trying to twist my words? Or is he just that much of an idiot? Or...He is...isn't he? Too much of a love blinded fool...Idiot.she thought to herself, and listened as the two continued. Once Josephine left for bed, it became silent, and Aetrius slowly turned around and looked at Lolan. Her hands slowly formed into fists as she slowly made her way towards the male.

Kieran stepped infront of her and pushed her back, "It's not worth it, hun..." Kieran said softly, Aetrius only growled softly and pushed past her sister, and stood right infront of Lolan, half of her face covered by the light of the fire that flickered and danced across her pale skinned face, causing her eyes to glow like Dragon Amber. She looked him dead in the eyes as she spoke with a low and rather angry voice, but it was calm, her calm yet angry voice that the others would know wouldn't lead to anything good. "Lolan...Next time I say something, do not....I repeat, do not take what I say out of context. Next time you do, I will bend your fingers so far back that you'll never use your hands again. I understand that love blinds people, and you are a love blinded fool, but do not let this happen again." she snapped, and with that Aetrius turned her back and started to go for a walk, she'd need to calm and cool down and a walk would be the best solution. That or punching something in the face, but seeing as how she didn't want to cause anymore chaos, she decided a walk would be best. She grabbed her cloak, and began to head out for a short walk into the moonlit night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Lonán watched as Josephine agreed to think on what was discussed. And he was then horrified at the threat that was given. He didn’t mean to take it out of context, the debate and his own anxiety drowned out some details.

Even though he was used to her giving such things but he was never certain whether Aetrius truly meant it this time or not. However what confused him the most was what she said about being blinded by love. His cheeks slowly began to turn red. His breathing hitched a bit as well.

”Wh-What are you-. L-Linde what is she talking about? If she’s talking about my heartbeat going crazy when even looking at, I mean glancing at Miss Dezantro?” Lonán finally blurted out towards the groups medical expert. ”Is it really T-true? Am I really...?” he couldn’t get the words out of his mouth but it was a truth he could not deny would possibly have a “yes” be the answer.

Poor Lonán was falling in love with a Princess of Triveila. He might not be ready to tell Josephine directly but he’ll admit it to those he had begun to call his friends. He’d even admit it to Kyero!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Linde sighed as Josephine retreated to her tent to rest for the night and then observed the exchange between Aetrius and Lonan with a bit of a smile on her face. And as Lonan asked if it was true. If he was really in love, she couldn't help but give him a sharp nod.

”I'm afraid so, Lonan. You are indeed in love.” She said quietly, looking to Josephine's tent.

”I believe the future Princess is the only one unaware of your growing affection.”

Kyero blinked.

”... I'm lost, here.”

Linde slowly glanced to Kyero with a, "really?" look on her face.

”... Make that the second person to be unaware of your affection.” She said with a chuckle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral
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Just to hear the confirmation caused Lonán’s eyes to widen even more and cause the already showing blush to turn brighter. ”Oh Holy....” was all he could muster as he stuttered anything else that was on his mind. The fact that only Josephine, and Kyero for some odd reason, was unaware of his possible affections towards the former made Lonán sputter even more.

”I’m in love.... oh Heresta..” He said as he caught himself from falling off the seat he was sitting on, feeling a bit woozy in the head from all the information laid out to him this day. ”I need to process all of this. And actually think up an apology for Aetrius while I’m at it, she might mean it this time.” He finally muttered out, beginning to walk to his tent.

”From the look she gave me, it’s possible she might-. No, I’m sure she’ll stop being mad at me sometime soon. I just gotta apologize! Though, if I run into the Old Wolf on the way to the capital on his Trade run, I should invest in getting some gauntlets..” He thought as he began to set up some incense for his nightly meditation inside the tent. For indeed, he has a lot on his mind to think over and meditation would allow him to relax and find a way to resolve some of his problems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Two days passed very quickly, and they entered the Triveilan capital.

Upon acquiring free rooms at the Kolos Inn, courtesy of Josephine's connections with the owner, they all entered a shared room for a private meeting amongst themselves. Josephine had called them, stating that she'd come to a decision about how to proceed.

"Everyone," she began, sitting in her chair with one leg crossed over the other and leaning back with her hands in her lap. "After considering your words these last two days, I have made my decision."

She slowly closed her eyes.

"I have spent much of my time thinking about whether it was vengeance or justice I sought for the death of my dear friend and former Queen, Anastasia Rutaal Triveila. And after much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that I desire both."

Her eyes snapped open and slid to Lonan, her head shifting his direction.

"Sir Arzura. You were the one who suggested that we go about this 'the right way.' That we use the justice system in Triveila to bring him down and see him to his execution by the graces of the law... Well, I have decided that I agree with you. And thanks to several of my allies and informants in the city, I know how to do it."

Her eyes slid to Aetrius and Kieran.

"Sisters Borral, I will require both of your skills in stealth and seduction to succeed in this venture. I realize I am asking much of Lady Kieran to use her seductive skills and experience to woo Miils out into the open, however I believe that Lady Aetrius' stealth and strength will be more than enough to keep her safe. As well, I'd like to ask that Kyero accompany Lady Aetrius as backup in the event there are any complications. Lady Kieran's safety is our top priority should this mission of luring Miils out succeed."

She set her top leg on the floor and sat up straight in her chair, eyes gliding to Linde.

"Lady Almna, I will need you and Sir Arzura to ensure we have a safe route back here. Once we get Miils back to the Inn and restrain him in rope bindings, it will be up to Kyero to protect him. The reason why is because that will be when he's most vulnerable to anyone who wishes to silence him before he's brought in. And in order to ensure he is brought in, I must journey to the castle. My status as future Princess is, at this moment, unofficial even if it is well known. So to make it official I must go to the castle and assume said role. Once I do, I will have full authority over the city guards whom I will then order to this Inn to apprehend Miils and bring him in to face justice."

Her hands slid forward to rest on her knees.

"I... Realize I put this together without your knowledge or consent, and I'm throwing you straight into this plan without preparation. However, we ran out of time the instant I reached the checkpoint two days ago and word of my return began to spread. It's now or never. And so..."

Josephine stood from her chair, glancing to all of her companions each in turn before putting her right fist to her heart and giving a bow of 45 degrees to them.

"I humbly beg you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your help. If you require any form of compensation, please make it known and I will see it done should this mission succeed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Two days went by like a whirl to Lonán as he tried to sort out his newfound condition. He was falling in love, and he was unsure how to approach the source of said affections yet. For one, she was a Princess, or will be, at any rate. He didn’t want to scare her or ruin the already budding friendship they might have.

That didn’t matter for now as he listened to the Plan at hand and nodded whenever Josephine spoke about the steps, to let her know he was listening to her. He was also listening to the sound of his beating heart when she said she agreed with how both vengeance and justice had to be achieved. Lonán had to fight his blush thoroughly to ensure he wasn’t looking strange.

He liked how the plan was laid out. He listened to Josephine apologize about putting it together without their consent which made him smile. When she asked for help, he felt his heart begin to melt. He returned her bow with one of his own. ”You don’t need to ask. I was at the ready to help you several nights ago, and I stand ready to be at your aid now.” He said. ”Whilst I do not know what compensation or favor to ask of you, I do hope we can help you further if this mission succeeds.”

He was sorely tempted to speak about his father’s gambling debts. To ask if there was a way to relieve it. But he wasn’t sure he’d want to cause any trouble in Triveila’s economy for it if he had to. He also was nervous to speak of anything else on his mind, mainly his growing infatuation for Josephine. He knew he had to talk to her at some point about it, that much was certain.

”Heresta help us all.” He thought, as his cheeks began to turn rose red.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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The next two days had gone by rather fast for the group, espexially Aetrius. They were put into a nice inn thanks to Josephine, where they would be called for by her respectively. Once they were all settled, Josephine spoke of a pla she had, and how she was asking for help. Aetrius remained silent and nodded her head as she agreed with all that was said, as did the others. Once Josephine inally got everything off her chest, the room remained silent for a few moments until Lolan spoke up and how he said he would help non the less, and would be glad to help further after this, which resulted in Aetrius to chuckle softly to herself. Lolan truly was a love blinded foo. But who was she to talk? So was the red haired Saharan Bounty Hunter.

She nodded at Lolan's last words, and as she waited to see if anyone else would step forward or speak up she nodded and stood up herself. Aetrius looked to Josephine who was still sitting down and nodded at her then spoke, "I am a woman of my word, I will assist you however I can. Me and Kieran will gladly help you avenge your dear friend's death, and not only that, but make sure that the bastard pays for it with his life, after all is made right. I will do whatever it is that the plan requires, as will Kie. We used to do trap and bait tricks when we wer kids like this all the time. Not to this extent, but to get what we needed. I guess what I'm trying to say is, my swords are your's, Lady Josephine." she said as she gave her another Saharan Salute yet again, bringing her right hand to her chest over her heart and bowed at the hips, as did Kieran.

before they went back to sit down, Aetrius turned to Josephinw once more and spoke, "As for compinsation, I'd request a Saharan Drinking Challenge against you my dear, or at least enough drinks to help cut the stress after all of this is over. It uh, would be a great way to get to know each other. It's how we Saharans tend to get to know new people, if you wouldn't mind induldging me in that pleasure? " she asked with a smile and nod, and finally sat down again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korriban "Aetrius" Borral Character Portrait: Linde Xe' Almna Character Portrait: Kyero Character Portrait: LonĂĄn Arzura Character Portrait: Kieran Borral Character Portrait: Josephine Dezantro
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Linde stood from her chair and gave Josephine a bow.

"You have my skills as well, Princess. Your title may not be official as yet, but I recognize your legitimacy and pledge my services to your return to the throne."

Kyero's eyes glowed more brightly, and he gave Josephine a nod of his head.

"... You all have my sincerest gratitude..." There came a slight quiver in her voice as her bottom lip trembled.

She quickly shook her head and took a deep breath, straightening her back and heaving a sigh.

"Okay. Then we all know our roles. Tomorrow we will take to the streets where Borathian Miils resides in our Noble District. Lady Kieran will approach and attempt to seduce him. Providing she is successful, Lady Aetrius and Sir Kyero will follow them to wherever Lady Kieran leads him. Upon his capture Lady Almna and Sir Arzura will clear a path for us to the inn. Once we've brought him back here we'll bind him to a chair and Sir Kyero will watch over him. I will request at least one of you to remain here with him while the other three accompany me to the Castle to officially receive my mantle as future Princess. Pending our success, I will have the authority to send the guards here to apprehend Miils and bring him to the Castle to face justice the proper way."

She took a deep breath.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Linde and Kyero shook their heads.