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Kiyota Mikazuki

"The kindness of those who have raised me, or the vengeance for what they've done to our 'mother', which one shall I choose?"

0 · 1,477 views · located in Seoul

a character in “Ataxia”, as played by chrian.


Kiyota Mikazuki

Kiyota || Casual
Mika || Affectionate
Kita || Dislike


❊|Birth Date|❊
July 21st


❊|Sexual Orientation|❊


Undecided, though he has confirmed to lean towards the human side.

Kiyota is a teenage boy with average height, about 5'10'' and a slender, though towards the more muscular side build. He weighs about 125 Ibs. He has green eyes and black bowl cut hair. For some reasons, his body is more sensitive to coldness compared to normal people. Which is why, Kiyota is often dressed in his school's winter uniform — a white dress shirt, a dark blue blazer, a green necktie and a thick scarf to keep himself warm all the time. His back is severely scarred due to an accident with another Titan in the past that could have almost killed him.

Gravity Manipulation
Kiyota can create, shape and manipulate gravitation, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation. He can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, causing objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth and flattening objects. He can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of its mass or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis. For defensive uses, he can creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring oneself to the ground.

However, as he wasn't as powerful as his former Titaness self just yet, sometimes his power can backfire and injures him.


Independent | Generous | Kind | Serious | Hesitant | Headstrong | Unforgiving
If you first met Kiyota, you will find that he's not really the most interesting person to begin with. He's an independent person who can takes care of himself well without relying on anybody else. Through his whole life, he's been standing alone and he doesn't really mind that. However, it doesn't mean that he's an unsociable person. He's actually really generous and kind, someone who's willing to take care of the others seemingly without thanks. He cares a lot for people who are important to him, especially his fellow Titans and Titanesses. Whenever someone needed help, they can find him and he'll do his best to help him however he can. Kiyota's a reliable person that everyone can always count on, no matter what.

Though most of the time, Kiyota might shown to be a rather laid-back individual, when the need arises, he will turn surprisingly serious. Whenever he got to deal with problems, he will never stop until they are solved. However, Kiyota's weak point is that he can be rather hesitant when it comes to making choices. Because of this, he's still hesitating whether he should fight for Gaea's sake, or protecting the people who had offered him kindness throughout his life. Kiyota proves to be quite a headstrong man. He had a hard time agreeing to the others' opinions if he think they're not wise, or if they went against his ideals.

Despite being someone who's willing to live for the others, Kiyota can be unforgiving with others if they betray him or uses him for their own agendas. Actions that went against his ideals are never tolerated and he will never show any sympathy with those people ever again.


  • Nature || Kiyota enjoys immersing himself in the greenness of what Gaea offered rather than spending his time around a stuffy apartment.
  • Quiet atmosphere || It is only when the atmosphere is completely quiet that Kiyota can concentrate and manage his jobs well.
  • Kind people || If people are kind to him, he will be ten times kinder to them.
  • Scarfs || Believe it or not, Kiyota has quite a collection of scarfs in his wardrobe. He's known for never wearing the same scarf twice.
  • Candies || Kiyota actually has quite a sweet tooth and he usually stores a couple or two candies in his pocket.
  • Crowds || They were too noisy for his own good and he doesn't like being surrounded by too many people.
  • Pollution || If there's one thing he hates about humanity, it's the way they kept tainting his very 'mother' herself.
  • Killing || He treasures the lives of every living-being, even the smallest of insects, so he will never stained his hand unless it's absolutely necessary.
  • Cold weather || Due to his sensitivity to coldness, he had a hard time to cope whenever the temperatures dropped.
  • Tomatoes || The only kind of food that Kiyota never enjoys.
  • Strong-willed || Kiyota stands by his ideals and his ideals only. He strongly believes in what he deems as righteous and never let others to manipulate him easily.
  • Flexible || Kiyota is quite athletic and even without using his power, he can put up a good fight if it's necessary.
  • Endurance || He had a steady stamina, it is what has saved him from his fate of being killed back then.
  • Instruments mastery || Kiyota can play many kinds of musical instruments and they help him to relax. He doesn't mind playing it for the others either.
  • Laid-back || Kiyota can be rather laid-back and lazy at times. He won't bother doing things if it wasn't necessary, in his opinions.
  • Vindictive || Being rather unforgiving, Kiyota will never hesitate to set his wrath on whatever he deems wrong.
  • Self-sufficient || Having to stand and live all by himself forever, sometimes he did forget to rely on the others, even in the direst situation.
  • Destruction || Just the thought of everything withered and returned to ashes sent chills to his back.
  • Chaos || The sources of all misery in this universe, in his opinions.
  • Conflicts || Seeing his own brothers and sisters fighting each other for their own ideals is the last thing he wanted.


Kiyota was born in Japan, but he never has any ideas of his real parents or their whereabouts since for some reasons he ended up in South Korea and has been living there ever since then. He was abandoned in a cold, starry night on the steps of an orphanage inside a box with only a cloth to cover himself and a note that written his name, his nationality and his birthday. And so, he was raised in the kindness of the caretakers in the orphanage and his fellow friends who were also suffered from the same fate as him. Although as a child, lacking the presences of the parents is a great loss for Kiyota, but soon enough, he was able to get over it. The orphanage is his true family and he's thought that he doesn't need anyone else but them. Growing up, Kiyota has learnt the true meaning of what it is to be independent and eventually shaping him into the person whom he is today.

When Kiyota reached the age of 16, he's began to worked part-time here and there and managed to earn a living of himself. He moved out of the orphanage and rented a small apartment within the residential area of Kangnam, where he started the life of a truly independent individual. It was really hard at first since the living costs at Seoul were amongst some of the most expensive in the world, but he still managed to get over it anyway. And due to that, Kiyota often being looked up by his neighbors for being individualistic at such a young age. Time passes by and Kiyota thought that his life will just going to be a straight line like that, until one day when he was 18...

One night, Kiyota was just walking back home from his work. On the way home, he has to came across with a construction. Just as he passed by the construction, a huge iron bar fell down. It was all so sudden that Kiyota couldn't manage to dodge in time. Just as he thought that was the end of him, the bar miraculously floated mid-air as if there were no gravity around it anymore as Kiyota covered himself. This surprises him to no end but he tried to brush it off. At night, when he was deep in his slumber, he started to see hallucinations of his past life with a voice of a woman keep telling him that he once was a Titan. When he woke up the following day, he couldn't believe what he's just dreamed and just brushed it off.

But how can he keep denying the real him, the person whom he really is? His power grew everyday as the hallucinations become clearer. The voice - whom he's now learnt to be the Titaness called Rhea, kept convincing him to accept that she's a part of him. Eventually, the memories of his past life returned to him. He learnt to control his power and accepted the fact that he is indeed not just an ordinary person. While hiding that truth from the others, Kiyota continues with his normal life as it used to be, though he understands that it'll never be the same again with the power and the knowledge that he is now holding. Until one day, Kiyota saved another Titan whose power has just awakened that went out of control, but resulted him getting almost fatally injured. However, after that incident, he came to the realization that he's not the only Titan who's been born into this world and that he will have to search for them one day.

Aside from Korean, Kiyota's also taken up English and Japanese since he was small and now he's able to speak them fluently. At the moment, he's currently attending college and hoping to earn a suitable job after graduation. Now, he's standing between the conflicts between the reincarnated Titans. To destroy humanity and make them pay for what they've done for their 'mother' or to use his power against his brothers and sisters and protect those who have offered him nothing but kindness in his life, Kiyota knows that the decisions will soon have to be made.

❊|Face Claim|❊
Hiroomi Nase | Kyoukai no Kanata

❊|Hex Codes|❊
Dialogue Color || #3D93DA
Thought Color || #5236CE

So begins...

Kiyota Mikazuki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Kukyo Kankae Character Portrait: Nagi Tachibana Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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#, as written by chrian.


Seoul, South Korea | Kiyota's Apartment

Darkness, everything is total darkness. At first, the universe as we know it is a complete void, with nothing but the blackness. Such things as space and time didn't exist. It was cold, cruel and ruthlessly stiff. Just like a completely blank paper with nothing on it.

And then, sparks appeared from nowhere as Chaos came into existence. Star dust particles and racing atoms collided with each other and the universe soon turned into such madness and haywire that not a single living beings could have ever imagined of. Gigantic stars were created, only to be diminished into nothingness. After such a dreadfully long period of time that is beyond everyone's comprehension, risen from the deaths of the supergiants came the most powerful of planets and stars. And the one known as Gaea, the creation that is completely different from what Chaos has ever created, was born. It was said to be the beginning of everything.

Different from the pandemonium that Chaos has brought, Gaea was kind and warm. Despite being so powerful herself, she decided to embrace all the violence and the opposing elements that have existed into her arms. But bored of the loneliness in the vastness of the seemingly-endless universe around her, she gave birth to the Uranus. And from their love came the creation of the Titans, the creation of them.

They were amongst the most powerful of beings that had been brought to pass. They were omnipotent and Gaea loved them more than she's ever did with anyone before. And her love were reciprocated as they also respected her with all of their hearts as they ruled over the universe with the absolute powers that were given to them in their own specific fields. Their reign were one of the best reigns ever. But alas, it doesn't last as long as they have expected.

So came the existence of the Olympians, the selfish sovereigns who acknowledge themselves as the supreme Gods and Goddesses. Their reigns were nothing compared to the reign of the Titans, as they soon actualized the wildest of their creation - humanity. And the Titans, no longer needed, were thrown into the deepest depth of the Tartarus, where they have been suffered in what seems to be even longer than eternity.

It was hell, no, worse than hell could ever compared of. They were chained and stripped of their absolute powers. They have to suffered from fates that are worse than death. And yet, they watched on as the world lived on and waited until they are eventually freed from this prison, waited for a chance to set their wrath and annihilate everything.

The alarm clock goes off as loud as it could when it ticks 6:30 AM, waking Kiyota up. Flinching, he reached for the table next to his bedpost and turned of the alarm clock. Lazily sitting up, he yawned and stretched his arms. Staring into the corner for a moment, he thought about the dream that he has just had. Lately, it has occurred quite often and he pretty knew that Rhea was the one behind it.

She always reminded him how important his 'mission' is and that he has to followed their ideals, so that one day they can brought their vengeance upon humanity for what they've done to Gaea, their supposed 'mother'. But Kiyota knows that he's not the one who would be defeated that easily and he will make the decisions when the time is right. He has swore that he has his own moralities and no one, not even some oh-so-almighty Titans, can make him change.

Putting his feet into the pair of slippers, Kiyota fixed the bed's sheet before walking to the window and unveiled the curtains, letting the light. Slid the window opened, he poked his head outside and took a deep breath before observing the scenery in front of his eyes. His apartment was on the 15th floor so from the altitude here he can see pretty much the whole Cheongdam-dong under him. It was a really nice morning.

The morning sun was shining gently, the sky was so blue and the white clouds lazily drifted like boats floated on the surface of a pool, the birds were chirping and the morning breeze was blowing gently. Kiyota is well-aware that he wasn't born here, but he considered Seoul to be one of the best places to live. Despite being one of the most energetic and prestigious cities in the world, it is still very peaceful in its own ways. The crime rates were low, the living standards are high, the people are friendly, helpful and warm. If it wasn't for the high living expenses, the city itself might be really a heaven on Earth.

Kiyota's apartment was only medium-sized, but it was quite spacious just for one people to live with every facility that he needed. For him, it feels nice to have your own cozy place where no one can disturb him or bossing him around. Although at times he did feel lonely for not having someone to talk to, excluded Rhea, he was happy with his life as it is now and there's nothing that he'd wished more than it will stay that way forever. He went to his wardrobe and grabbed his uniform before headed into the bathroom.

After taking a long, nice shower, Kiyota dried himself up before putting on his clothes. He then proceeded to brush his teeth and fixed his hair a bit before grabbed his bag and exited his room. Headed for the kitchen, Kiyota made some espresso and toasted some loafs of bread as he put the pan onto the stove and made some sunny-side eggs. He knows he isn't the best chefs in the world, but having to lived all by yourself for a long time, cooking is one of the most basic things you have to be good at. After the coffee and the breads are done, he carried and placed them on the table with the eggs.

He then eat away his breakfast. After he finished, he put the plates and the cup into the sink. Kiyota can wash them later when he got home. He then looked at the clock and realized that it was about time that he should made his way to the bus station now. With that thought, he took his bag, wrapped his scarf around his neck, exited his house and locked the door.

Upon getting out of his apartment, Kiyota came across the middle-aged woman who lives next door to him. Kiyota smiled as he gave her a respectful bow, "Good morning, Mrs. Hwang." He greeted her as he straightened himself up. "Are you headed for the market?"

"Oh, good morning, Kiyota." The woman smiled back to him, "Today is a great morning, isn't it? And yes, I'm planning to run some errands. You're headed for school?"

"Yes, I am." He said as the two of the them made their way towards the elevator. They continued to chat until they parted ways as they exited the building. Most people who lived on the same floor with Kiyota knows that he only lives alone and are very kind with him and he really appreciate their hospitality. Headed for the bus station, Kiyota got on a bus as it headed towards the direction of his college somewhere in the Samseong-dong. So far, Rhea hasn't bugged him yet so he's hoping that today will be a normal day for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      Taeyang for fuck's sake why does she have to text me all the time about him no one even likes him okay she does but is it really that big of a deal? She's obviously trying to fish a birthday present out of me when I clearly said I had something in mind?

      Is she really all he thinks about?

      "Hyun? Are you even listening to me?"

      "What? Oh yeah, you wanted to go to the Taeyang concert for her birthday right?" Hyun asked.

      "What? No! I said that I asked if you wanted to go to the cafe after school."

      Crap how'd he know?

      "You're so obvious when you aren't listening."

      "Yeah right, sorry," she grinned sheepishly, "I can't come though. I have to cover Mom since she's going to a parent-teacher conference."

      "Oh come on! It'll be fun."

      "I-" Hyun paused, "we'll talk after class."

      Hyun's friend nodded before walking back to his desk. The teacher came in, ready to shatter their self-esteem in the form of a pop quiz, which meant that no one had studied...including Hyun. Yes, while she focused her attention on the teacher yesterday, things like pop quizzes were often unplanned and students simply had to know the information or having enough precognition to study the night before. And it wasn't like she could read that old guy's memories either. She needed to maintain eye contact to properly draw full memories and they typically walked around the entire room. The best that the man could offer were his topical thoughts. By reading his mind, she could try fishing for clues to the answers.

      She narrowed her eyes at the sub-forty year old, seeing if she could draw anything out of him but found no such luck. He kept going on about how he wasted his life trying to change the children of the future and how his wife cheated on him. Well even if she knew the outcome it was worth a try. Her next tactic was reading the questions and drawing forth old memories of the material she studied the night before. She only read this book once but remembered enough quotes that she could start answer the comprehension portion of the quiz.

      Now there was the interpretation. Though the quiz only asked for fifty words, it also asked for exactly fifty words which meant that no amount of memorization could help her here. She either needed to suck it up and work...or cheat.

      "Five minutes left!"

      Yeah she was going to cheat.

      The rest of class (and school in general) ended up being rather boring so Hyun made a game of deciphering people's thoughts while simultaneously paying attention to the various teachings of class. Unfortunately, most of what she gleaned was gossip or teenage angst over not being treated as an adult or love triangles. Honestly, it was nothing but drama. At least the Greeks had cool powers to go with their infidelity, she thought with a sigh.

      After finding out about her powers, she started discovering more about her past self through dreams and research regarding the Greek Titans and found that she was Mnemosyne reincarnated essentially. Yes, a Greek Titan reborn in South Korea of all places. If Gaea and Chaos were still around, she had to question their sense of place. But because they weren't in the immediate area she settled on simply using her power for her own benefit, which today, transitioned from cheating to entertainment, now to convincing her Dad to let her bike to the Han River.

      "But Father! We need to do this for a school project."

      "I don't believe you."

      "Why not?"

      "You used that excuse last time."

      "Well I...mean it this time! Don't you remember had to do your book report for English class? You said your parents let you run free whenever you wanted."

      If she had any dignity she would have refrained from attempting the "puppy dog eyes" that seemed popular in American television but she did. She did, and she created enough awkward tension for her father to simply let her off.

      "I told you it would work," she grinned.

      "Sometimes you disappoint me and other times I just learn not to question."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Nagi Tachibana Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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A normal morning for Nagi was comprised of a good Western breakfast, including scrambled eggs, bacon, and steaming, golden pancakes. The Tachibana household was a normal, suburban one, but his stepfather owned a small restaurant chain. Taking a small bite out of the food on the platter, Nagi continued to chew until half the plate was gone, without his notice. Was that why the breakfast was so good? Was it just because he was a good chef? Although Nagi didn't really get along with this man, his siblings did.

"Father! I got a promotion at work!" yelled his brother.

"Dad, I'll treat you out for lunch today. It's on me!" yelled his sister.

"Dad, I want to burn that man walking near our house! Is that fine with you?" was exactly what Nagi thought every day his siblings acted so childishly. It wasn't really enough to get him angry or annoyed, or even anything of the sort, but it was almost definitely pesky.

It was then when the Tachibana siblings left for their jobs, when Nagi hopped on his bike and rode to the newspaper company's office. It wasn't a terrible wage, being a newspaper boy. For the work needed, it was definitely enough, as no prior experience of anything was needed to do something that simple. After gathering up a good 30 to 40 newspapers in the bicycle basket, he set off on the 'wonderful' journey on wheels that was his job. Of course, to save time, he pedaled faster and threw more, but he did it anyway.

After a good half hour, a little more than a half of his load was given to the public. Nagi got off his bike and sat at the curb, small beads of sweat rolling down his cheek. "What do they even write in these things...? He grabbed one of the rolls, and opened it up. No one really cared if they didn't get the news paper. It wasn't like he was delivering these to retirement homes for old men to do a crossword. Upon opening the paper, Nagi quietly read the large red headings. "Endemic avian flu traps over 500 under quarantine, Bundang. Thieves steal over 500,000 won from high end store, Cheong-dam-dong." He shrugged, and hopped on his bike again. There wasn't much danger. Bundang wasn't even remotely close by, and thieves? Their asses would literally be on fire if they tried to steal from him.

Plus, he couldn't say much himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Nagi Tachibana Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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#, as written by Verix

Беда́ никогда́ не прихо́дит одна́.

If it hadn’t been for his childhood Irenaeus would have probably never have known what the color of night was - or rather lack of. It wasn’t like anything was different though, he still had sleepless nights and tried mornings, and not even an ocean size coffee cup could wake him up. It was hopeless, and he had grown used to it.

“Still up I see,” his sister cracked a smile at him to which he could only slightly scoff at. It was a light jab of half hearted mockery for she suffers the same fate he does. As it turns out, insomnia isn’t all it’s romanticized to be, rather it’s a living nightmare. The world isn’t cut into ‘day’ and ‘nigh’ but rather the feeling of what should and should not be, and it was only his sister that could even fathom what it felt like. “Please go to school today, you’re going to get in trouble with the administration,” so that was the reason she was visiting him.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll go,” he lied easily - sincere as he may be Irenaeus was still human despite what his past life may indicate; and yet as he watched his sister walk away a pang of guilt stabbed him in his heart.

The door shut from downstairs and he knew that for the next seven hours he’d be free. Quickly he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his bike from beside the door, but before he could do that something clouded his vision and down he fell. The die he always had inside his pocket fell out, but he was in too much pain to check and see what the numbers were. From a bystanders view he wouldn’t be surprised if they called the priest, for he knew that his gray eyes were nothing more than swirls of white. Visions didn’t normally impair him of sight, but rather they played scenes in his head of possible scenarios, and he’s learned that the more aggressive the vision the more likely it is to be bad.

First, there was a girl. Her brown hair framed a thin face nicely, and her stare made him think she could see right though him. It wasn’t so much perverse as disturbing for the feeling of having all his secrets laid out in front of her made him want to shut his eyes - as if that would do anything.

But just suddenly as she appeared the image changed and a male made himself known. His eyes were like the sun, and although Irenaeus knew looking at something so bright was bad for him but he just couldn’t stop; it was as if there was another unseen force making him watch something painful.

Irenaeus reached his hand out in a stupidly unconscious move, but luckily for him the boy with the sun in his eyes vanished and in his place stood another boy, this one more or less serious looking than the last.

His body dropped to the floor and he looked up to see the boy above him walking as if the gravity didn’t just increase. Irenaeus called out for help, but the words never made it past the first syllable. It felt as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders, literally, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

And just as it became unbearable he woke up with a jolt and noticed that the sun had moved substantially from when he first passed out. Still shocked by what he had seen it took him minutes to locate his phone and when he saw the time the only thing he could do was be amazed. Three hours he had been gone, and for three hours no one’s tried and help him.

Not wanting to think about it anymore than he had to Irenaeus picked up the die from the floor and grabbed his bike from the stand, not noticing the die landed on 12.

[ H A N . R I V E R ]

Why he was there was a mystery even to himself. From the moment he woke up he should have run up to his room and hid there to feign sickness. But he hadn’t and as a result he rode himself to a river where he had no clue how to get back.But it wasn’t all intuition, rather somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that the water always made him feel calm - no matter how many bad memories he associated with it.

However another one was about to be added, he just didn’t know it yet .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Nagi Tachibana Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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#, as written by chrian.


Seoul, South Korea | Cheongdam-dong University

After getting off the bus at his university, Kiyota went to his own class and sat at his usual seat. The lecture is about to begin and honestly, sometimes he's just bored to death with them. But still, he got to study well enough to earn a Ph.D and find some sort of career, especially since the living expenses are getting higher everyday. He sighed as he was wondering if anything interesting will happen. He sighed as he took out the books and notebooks with his pens as he was waiting for the Teacher to turn up.

"Hey, Kiyota." Another male student who sat next to Kiyota greeted him, "Still as bored as ever, huh?"

"Hi, Young-min." Kiyota smiled as he replied to his classmate, "Well, there isn't anything to do recently besides working part-time and going to school so I pretty much stay home."

"Heh, sounds so much like the typical you, huh?" Young-min chuckled as he remarked.

"So? How is the thing between you and Hee-ki going?" Kiyota leaned his head onto his hand and asked.

"We were doing just fine, thank you for asking." Young-min scratches the back of his head as he responded, "We're planning to gather some friends and go on a barbecue tonight, wanna go?"

Kiyota leaned back a bit and thought for a moment before nodded, "Sure. I don't have to work tonight so count me in. Looking forward to see the others since it's been a while."

"Great. I'm sure some of the girls might want to hear this." Young-min grinned as Kiyota just shook his head, "Yeah, I know I'm actually lost count of the time you said that you don't want to fall in love just yet but you're 19 already, are you planning to stay as a virgin forever?" Then, he smirked as he said teasingly, "Or, did you really swing for the that team?"

"That's none of your business, and you're going a bit too far, Young-min." Kiyota sighed, "Shut up for now. Teacher's here."

With that said, the lecturer entered the study hall as the students all stood up as the lecture began. It lasted for a couple of hours or so and Kiyota actually almost dozed off a couple of time, but eventually, it went on uneventfully. When the lecture is finished, he fixed his scarf a bit before gathering his stuffs and made his way towards the library. He had some unfinished homework since a few days ago and he better hand them in for the professor before he bugged him.

He grabbed some of the necessary books and went to sat at a table nearby and began to work on what he was tasked to do. But for about half an hour later, he was soon interrupted by another student. This time was a senior one year before him.

"Kiyota ~" The man hummed as he wrapped his hands around Kiyota's neck, "How's things going?"

Kiyota sighed before pushing his senior away, "Kang-hyun hyung, how many times did I have to tell you not to be so close? Some of those fangirls are starting to pair us up already."

"Well, just suit them and their imaginations. You're still my best junior ever." Kang-hyun grinned as he sat down next to him, before clasping his head, "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it, hyung?" Kiyota said as he continued to focus with what he was doing.

"I need some supply for our next project that involve around some of the scenery around Seoul. You were the best and only photographer that I can trust around here. I promise that I'll treat you so, can you help me?" Kang-hyun asked with a genuine tone.

"Sure, why not?" Kiyota turned to his senior with a smile. He was one helpful individual after all and he's not going to turn down his friends' requests if he's capable of doing them, "What's your deadline?"

"Well, it's the end of this week. So please send me as soon as you got some, okay?" Kang-hyun grinned before standing up, "The next lecture is up so see you around, Kiyota."

Kiyota nodded, "See you later, Kang-hyun hyung." He said before turning back to his homework. Smiling a bit, he guesses that today's going to be a fun day, after all.

Seoul, South Korea | Han River

After the lectures in the morning had passed, Kiyota has the some couple of hours to spare before going on with the lessons in the afternoon. So, he decided to get on with the favor that Kang-hyun has asked him. He was looking for some famous locations around Seoul, but somehow, Han River was the location that popped up in his mind after a while deciding. Although this is just out of his instinct, he has a strong feeling that he's going to encounter someone or something will happen there. But he can't really tell that this is his own instinct, or it was Rhea's doing.

Getting off the taxi which took him there, Kioyta carried his camera and made his way towards the river bank. There are some people here and there but they're all just strangers to him. No one really seemed to be intriguing. But he just shook the thoughts off as he began to chose the best scene around the river and began to take pictures. So far, Rhea still hasn't surfaced and he's grateful for that. But she's a part of him, a part of his soul, so he pretty much understood what the Titaness was thinking and plotting.

But after all, he is not the one who'd easily be influenced and though he still shows hesitation, he will definitely decide what is the right thing to do for this world. He doesn't have any intentions to brag, but at times Rhea did compliment him for being born with such strong will. She also said that it might be the reason why although he's nowhere as powerful as the Titaness in the past life, he can control his power in a stable way and it is keep growing everyday, though very little. But he wasn't sure if he really enjoys to be complimented by her.

What he isn't really expected that life is just a synchronicity, and that soon he will encounter with the person, or persons, whom he had never met before but still had a strong connection with him, both in this life and in his previous life. He hasn't a clue of what to expect if he ever came across with a fellow Titan or Titaness just yet, but he still had to be a bit wary after the incident that has happened in the past.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Nagi Tachibana Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park Character Portrait: Irenaeus Zolnerowich
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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      The Han River proved to be a longer bike than expected, although Hyun blamed traffic for that. She would have much preferred to disobey red lights and proper lanes but she didn't have a death wish. If she did, she would have just worked at the liquor store. That place was a stranglehold even in thought form. She shuddered to think about being confined to the stockroom or cash register while her parents went to pick up her brothers or took their rare, one hour breaks from working.

      "Hey what's supposed to be over here anyway?" she asked as she scoped the area.

      "They say there's a ghost that comes out at night."

      "No way man, ghosts aren't real."

      "Then how do you explain the missing body of the suicide that happened a few months back?"

      "That wasn't a suicide! She clearly got murdered."

      "You guys are both dumb," Hyun sighed, "if you both wanted to hang out that badly you should have just said so."

      Her two friends, Byun-Hun and Chang-Min were the two best friends she could ever ask for but only because they always knew when to give her space. They did not however, when not to give her space. She acted as somewhat of an enigma when it came to social interactions, constantly pushing forward and pulling back like an uneven game of tug-of-war. Granted, most of it was pushing forward but only at her convenience. She supposed it also didn't help that she never showed any semblance of romantic interest toward other people. It made her seem almost inhuman, which she was.

      I did, I said I wanted to go to the damn cafe and you turned me down, Chang-Min thought with a pang of annoyance.

      "Well you know I thought it would be more fun this way," he shrugged.

      "Why don't you go ask that guy? He seems like he might know a thing or two," Byun-Hun asked, "looks weird enough. He's like Nero's illegitimate brother."

      "Wasn't he an orphan?" Hyun retorted.

      Nonetheless, she nodded and approached the man with white hair, putting on a smile before she tapped him on the shoulder.

      "This is going to sound weird, but my friends and I are doing a book report so I was wondering if you know about any ghost stories or legends of the Han River."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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#, as written by chrian.


Seoul, South Korea | Kiyota's Apartment

"Alright, that should do it. Hyung is going to be thrilled." Kiyota said to himself with a grin as he took a look back at all of the picture he has taken of the river and was quite satisfied with the scenery that he's managed to captured. Originally, taking pictures here and there was not really his hobby at first. But as time passes by, he couldn't help but feel that the beauty of nature works had mesmerized him. And as a way to treasure all of the natural scenery he once came across, Kiyota wanted to capture it all by taking their photos.

As placed his camera back to its bag, he fixed his scarf back a bit before putting his backpack up again and was readied to get back to university. Then suddenly, a young girl approached him and tapped Kiyota on his back. But just as the girl touched his back, a chill gone through his back that made him startled. Rhea suddenly stirred up inside him again. This feeling is just exactly like the time when he encountered another Titan in his past. Turning back to face the girl, the Titaness inside him kept whispering the name 'Mnemosyne'. The name kept repeating so much that Kiyota has to hung his head. Some rocks around them suddenly started to float.

Realizing that his power is getting loose, Kiyota tried his best to held Rhea down and grab hold of his power again. When everything's over, he smiled unconvincingly at the girl, "I-I'm sorry. Something's just crossed through my mind. I hope I didn't startle you. Okay, you asked me if I know any stories about ghost stories or legends of the Han River, right?"

Kiyota then paused for a moment to recollect back to the texts he once read back at the university about some urban legends of the famous river then recounted for the girl with the stories he'd read about a monster that lived beneath the bottom of the river which is quite similar to the myth of the Loch Ness monster and the ghosts of women and girls who committed suicide that often haunted the people around here at night years ago.

"Well, that's all I've known about this river. There's many other in the materials in the library of my university but I haven't remembered them just yet." Kiyota replied respectfully. He stayed silent for a bit before looking straight into the girl's eyes, "Uhm, I know that it is quite out of the blue for me to ask this but... do you happen to know anything about the Titans in the Greek myths, or more specifically, Mnemosyne?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      ]Mnemosyne. Mnemosyne. Mnemosyne. Mnemosy-

      What the heck? Hyun thought, trying hard not to look like she was scrutinizing the man in front of him. It was a woman's voice that spoke in his head, one that seemed to know of her Titaness.

      She wanted to think of this as merely a coincidence, merely that she just "looked" like someone who would have her, but the Titan inside of her said that there were none. Could it be possible that he had a Titan as well? There had to be reasoning behind all of this, so much reason that she barely listened to any of the things that he was saying. Hyun didn't doubt this guy's good intentions as every word he spoke of, he also recalled in his mind but he left her anticipating.

      "Mmm," she nodded, eyes meeting his.

      "Uhm, I know that it is quite out of the blue for me to ask this but... do you happen to know anything about the Titans in the Greek myths, or more specifically, Mnemosyne?"

      And there it was.

      "Not to my, memory," she threw her head back and laughed a fake laugh before relaxing her face, "but seriously. Why are you asking?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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0.00 INK


“Takazawa! Takazawa-chan get back here immediately! Hiramaru put her down now!” Two figures sped through the backstage halls of the amphitheater at a neck breaking pace. A brilliantly blond girl clung to the back of a tall man as he pummeled his way through a crowd of confused looking stagehands as the furious looking woman gave chase behind them in heels not suited for this sort of activity. The blond girl laughed as she tightened her hold on the running man, there was no way she could have slipped away from her manager today, the woman had locked her up tight, but the appearance of Hiramaru had shaken up the woman’s plans.

“I’ll be back before the show starts Tokou-chan!”
She called out, raising one of her hands to wave at her manager who continued to scream from somewhere in the distance. The man continued on his fast pace until they were two blocks away from the amphitheater. When Hiramaru finally slowed to a halt Kumiko slid off his back, wrapping her arms around the waist of the panting man. He gently rested one of his palms on the top of her head.

“Sometimes you’re more trouble than you’re worth, Ko-chan.” He grumbled, but she didn’t let go, burying her head in his side for a moment. Hide Hiramaru had proven to be one of her best friends on her tour around the world, and she was extremely grateful for his presence. “Kumiko, you need to go, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“But you love me anyways Hidichi.” She released her friend from her death grip of a hug to show off a huge smile before turning around. Hyperion didn’t usually interrupted conversations she was having with other humans, so he definitely had her attention. She raised one arm in a half wave as she started off in the direction opposite the theater she was set to perform in. Hyperion stirred in the back of her mind almost restlessly, it made the girl a little anxious, but she didn’t say anything about it. Instead she walked in silence for a bit, humming a tune softly to her. She had been excited to go to Korea because she actually spoke Korean fluently, it was one of the two languages she had mastered that weren’t Japanese. Touring the world had been amazing, but actually being able to understand the people around her had been refreshing. Just has she was coming upon a giant river did Hyperion speak up again.

“The river! Something incredibly wonderful is waiting for you at that river!” Hyperion’s excitement was leaking into Ko’s own demeanor and she couldn’t keep her heart rate under control as she approached the massive river. The girl had no idea what could have possibly been waiting there for her, but Hyperion’s words had her imagination running wild. The blonde girl couldn’t help but think that there were other titans waiting for her there. Some, or all, of the siblings that Hyperion often told her about in outrageous stories that she could barely keep up with. As she approached the river she scanned the area through grey eyes, looking for something that stood out against the otherwise dull river.

As she looked her eyes were drawn to two very ordinary looking people standing on the bank. When she saw them it made her heart pound in her chest even harder than it had been, to the point where it almost hurt. “Go get ‘em kid.” Hyperion’s softly spoken words were all she needed to start towards the two people standing at the bank of the river. They were titan vessels.

As she got closer she could make out some details, one was a boy who looked her age wearing a scarf despite the warm weather, and the other looked like a girl in her high school years. As she got closer she watched in amazement as a few rocks began to float, as if gravity had gone haywire on them before they fell to the ground. At least one of them was one hundred percent a titan. Then, as if god had granted her a gift, she heard as the boy spoke to the girl. “… Do you happen to know anything about the Titans in the Greek myths, or more specifically, Mnemosyne?"

“Oh my, you really are a titan!” She exclaimed excitedly as she approached them, her blonde hair in disarray and her chest heaving from the effort she exerted from running down the slope. Despite that though, she couldn’t keep the giant smile off her lips. She could feel Hyperion inside of her giddy with energy, he had waited so long to meet his siblings and could keep his energy contained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Ice blue pigtails bounced as Ivanna, soul holder of Tethys, walked upon the bank of the Han River. In her hands she held age old painting materials: a folded wooden easel, a brown paper bag filled with assortments of paints and various size paintbrushes along with one lead pencil and a pad of paper, and a folded wooden stool. Blue eyes stared out at the river before her; the view in all honesty was a bit uninspiring compared to other things she'd seen. In fact, it could easily be labeled as boring in her eyes. But for some odd reason, she'd decided to paint it. Maybe it was because she secretly liked the way the water shined in the sunlight. Or perhaps because her mother once fantasized about seeing it. But it was probably because Tethys was being all too insistent about it. She'd been talking about the place for months. In fact, Tethys was the reason Vann decided to settle in Seoul of all places. The titan also mentioned Louisiana, but Seoul was more to Ivy's liking.

"Are you going to tell me why I'm here now?" The girl asked, hiking the paper bag further up her arm. "Mmmm, you'll see soon enough, my dear." What an annoyingly empty answer. Anna would've frowned if it weren't for the sudden onset of excitement, which she could only assume came from Tethys. Ivanna had little to no reason to be excited, and she was sure Tethys did not... Which only brought on the question; what could be waiting for her along the bank of this mundane river? As she scanned her brain for any possible explanations, she ended her search with few answers. And the only one that seemed remotely plausible was that there were titans somewhere along this path. Vann did not know what to think of this, as she was never very keen on looking for the others. Though it's not to say that she was planning to avoid them. No, it'd be interesting to meet them. People who understood her plight would provide a... curious conversation, and not to mention, outlook. Her lips pursed as she contemplated what they thought of this whole titan v.s the humans ordeal... Conflicting visions could end up very badly. But then again, it would definitely provoke a nice rush of adrenaline, being amidst all the fighting. Would it all end in fighting? She'd have to keep walking to find out. And keep walking she did.

It wasn't until Ivy's legs grew tired that she stopped. Instead of scouting for possible titan vessels (much to Tethys's displeasure) she set down her supplies and arranged them accordingly. After she unfolded her easel and stool, and set the pad of paper on the easel's stand, she took out her lead pencil. She sat on the stool and stared at the horizon for a few moments, before looking back at the paper and beginning to draw. Something told her that the others were very close, so she'd wait for them to come to her. Ivanna decided she'd start her painting while she waited, or at least start the sketch. She was at a nice spot, anyway. Why not?

As her mind and her eyes became more and more immersed in her drawing, the more the world around her became faded away. It wasn't until she heard the word titan that she was knocked out of her trance. "Oh my, you really are a titan!"

A sudden and strong wave of excitement washed over Vann as she laid eyes on three figures. "Gods, it's about time you saw them!" Tethys boomed. "You didn't even see the rocks hover! That was Rhea, don't you realize?" The titan's voice was loud enough to give Anna a headache. And because of that, she knew the excitement that had just punched her in the guts was definitely foreign. Or in other words, godly.

"I apologize if I am interrupting," Ivanna lied, sitting up from her stool and strolling over to the three titan vessels. "But did I hear someone say 'titan'?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


Seoul, South Korea | Han River

Though Kiyota is almost convinced now that the girl in front of him right now is also a vessel for another Titan, due to the fact that his Titaness is literally screaming inside him that she was indeed one whose name is Mnemosyne. Though he doesn't overly trust Rhea, he couldn't find out a reason why she would be lying to him about this either. Besides, she was a Titaness and Kiyota is only a human who was chosen to be her vessel, it is obvious that she could tell things that he couldn't.

But listening to what the girl replied to him, there's a possibility that the Titan part inside of her hasn't awoken yet. If that really was the case, then perhaps it is better that Kiyota shouldn't dwell too much into the subject right now. Even though he can rest assure for now that he wasn't the only Titan whose accommodation is in Korea. He scratches the back of his head before replying to her other question with a rather unconvincing smile, "Nothing, actually. I was just looking for some special people who had some sort of... connection with me, even though I've never met them before. It sounds really weird, right? But sorry for troubling you. I hope that you'll be successful with your project. Have a nice day."

With that said, Kiyota was on the verge on turning his back and walk away already, but then again, Rhea stirred up once more and saying that besides from the girl, there are also other two Titans here. This surprised Kiyota to no end as he just stood completely stiff at where he was standing. And before he even know it, a girl with long, flowing blonde hair who was seemingly around his age suddenly spoke up, claiming that they were also Titans in a rather exciting manner as she approached both Kiyota and the girl. By the look of it, she's definitely a Titan - whose name stated by Rhea to be Hyperion.

But before Kiyota could even reacted by any means, another young girl with green hair also strolling up to where the trio was standing and asking if someone's just said the word 'titan', once again startled and surprised him. W-W-Wait, this is just too much to take in at once. Kiyota thought to himself with a surprise expression still ever present on his face. He was speechless and he couldn't say anything as he hasn't prepared himself mentally for this situation yet. And he believes that none of the girl does.

Staying silent for a short while, Kiyota finally mustered all of his courage and exhaled a deep breath before speaking up to the girls. "Okay, I know that this day will come, but this is just a bit too much." He said calmly, but on the inside, he was far from being calm, "So if I was thinking correctly, the three of you are also vessels of the Titans, right? Since everyone was being straightforward about it, I suppose there's no reason to hide anymore. I'm sure your inner voices have already told you what you need to know, anyway."

He then straightened himself up before introducing properly, "I am the vessel of Rhea, one of the Titans. But my human name is Kiyota Mikazuki. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He said before bowing respectfully to the girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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#, as written by Senpai

"So it seems my gut feeling was correct. There are others here." A gentle voice would come from the water as the three Titans spoke. Those who turned around would see a Japanese woman, clearly a foreigner speaking in a language that they would all inheritly understand. That of the Titans. An ancient dialect, long lost, but it would ring in their souls, their subconscious, something understood with ease. "How... nostalgic this feeling is." Though the circumstances were entirely different, each one seemed to be like the woman's siblings. She smiled as softly as she spoke, approaching them with a certain grace to her pose. The Japanese had a term for the way she seemed to be carrying herself. Yamato Nadeshiko, the "ideal" Japanese woman. She had been eavesdropping on the conversation these sort-of-strangers were having, how they spoke so openly of their past existence. It was charming, how human they all really were, though.

Unlike these folks, the dominant personality within them was that of the Titan, Oceanus. Perhaps it was how early she had awoken and quickly became in-tune with her past life. Perhaps it was the human's passiveness that was allowing the Titan to explore the world through her eyes. Needless to say, her position was clearly different than the others. But the human in her couldn't help but be amused by the whole situation.

"Now that we're in Korea, where are we going to go next, Mister Oceanus?" The soft voice of the human girl spoke to her Titan from within their shared mind. How strange Oceanus found it that a human would willingly share her body in this way. It was as if she was in the passenger seat of her own body.
"Hmm... I do believe I want to visit the Han River." Crisp ocean air filled the Titan's lungs as they got off of their boat, providing a somehow nostalgic and completely new feeling to her. "It has been quite a while since I had been able to check upon the spirits of my children in the world... and the Han River has always been important to the humans of this area. I wish to revisit. For old time's sake."

It was as simple a decision as that. To think that it would lead to a reunion with some of the others. She approached the three teens, all seeming to be the same age as her, more or less. Looking all of them over, it was hard to tell just by looking which Titan dwelled within their vessels... though the same could be said for herself. Waving a hand over her very light purple shirt and black shorts, the water that once coated her body seemed to glide off with ease and leave her once-translucent clothing now fresh and dry. If they truly were Titans, there was no need to hide her gift. And if they weren't, well... who would believe them if they tried talking about that little trick? "Forgive me just intruding on your conversation, brothers and sisters, but I was actually looking forward to seeing you all once more." With a slight bow, she rose and waved slightly. "How the hell've you all been, anyway?" Her dialect suddenly took a shift with that greeting as her smile widened. They all didn't seem to have their Titan be the dominant personality like Suijin did... but it was all well and good.

"I am the Titan Oceanus, reborn in the body of a Japanese girl named Suijin Aoimura. I go by her name now. Good to meet you all. Or see you all again. Whichever you all prefer." She laughs into her hand and lets out a soft sigh. "I wonder why some of you haven't awoken yet, though, while I have... Perhaps because the Olympians left me be and did not imprison me? Hm.." She shrugged in thought as she tried to match up Titan names to faces, but no real avail. At least Rhea introduced herself. And one other eluded to Mnemosyne... If only one would reveal themselves as Tethys. That would be the most pleasant reunion... but alas, all things in time. She seemed pretty amused by it all, but rather... uncomfortable at the same time. "Y'know. I really don't know whether to be addressing your human selves or your Titans. Your situations all seem... different from ours at the very least."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      "Ah of course," she nodded, "everyone wants to know about Greek mythos these days."

      He was really a sort of candid guy wasn't he? You can't blame a vessel for being wary, someone chuckled, not everyone has had an easy road as you have.

      Oh you're here again. Care to chime in?

      “Oh my, you really are a titan!”

      "I apologize if I am interrupting, but did I hear someone say 'titan'?"

      "So it seems my gut feeling was correct. There are others here."

      In reality everyone was ridiculously candid. At the very sound of the word "titan", three Titans gathered with their vessels humans in tow. These people were serious. So serious in fact that they couldn't leave the two to their own conversation.

      Hyun supposed that it had to be the case since she could hear all of their mental mumbling. Hyun had gotten skilled at exercising Mnemosyne's ability without having her butt her head in so she managed to tag everyone's thought styles within seconds of their speech and only managed a sigh. Rhea rumbled inside of the photographer, constantly prodding him like a nagging mother while Hyperion leaked excitement (like a dog the voice would laugh). In truth, the titaness very rarely contacted her and if she did, it was just for some warnings or to give her ideas so Hyun honestly regarded her as less of a person and more of a dying entity. That was basically what was happening wasn't it? She didn't even give the Korean girl a name so much as a feeling. Still, she could draw conclusions, she was a smart girl. Rhea was screaming "Mnemosyne" after all.

      "Okay well I didn't know about any of this so news to me," she said flatly after Kiyoto and Oceanus finished their introductions, "Hyun Ji Park and...Mnemosyne I guess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Kumiko was more than surprised when even more vessels started appearing one after another. The next to arrive after her had shocking blue hair what Kumiko absolutely adored. Her expression mirrored that of awe when the blue haired girl first spoke. Inside of her Hyperion was giddy with the actuality of their reunion. If Kumiko were to be honest she had never had a lot of hope of even finding one of the other vessels, she travelled around the world now, sure, but the world was incredibly vast. Billions upon billions of people inhabited the world and with only twelve of those billion people being titan holders the blonde girl had been reserved about finding even one.

When the last to arrive, Suijin, was the strangest of the small group. She had seemingly emerged from the water, and when she started speaking it visibly startled the girl. She was aware that the language being spoken was not one of the three she already knew, but despite that she still knew what the woman was saying. Hyperion was in her head, mumbling about the old language. It didn’t sound like anything humans used to communicate; it was a lot more primal, maybe even celestial, yet Kumiko found she understood what Suijin was saying. It was kind of exciting.

When everyone started introducing themselves Kumiko felt slightly overwhelmed. The boy had started the introductions, his name was something very Japanese, he looked Japanese too so that made sense. Mikazuki something, it started with a K sound. Kitoya maybe? He had just said it and she didn’t want to be rude by asking, it would be embarrassing to say she couldn’t remember his name after him just saying it. What she did get was that he housed Rhea, which meant nothing to Kumiko, she relied on Hyperion for all her titan based information. “Rhea is the titaness of order and flow. She also birthed many of the Olympian gods.” Ko hummed to herself and eyed up the scarf clad boy. He looked just as overwhelmed by the sudden gathering of titans as she did.

The woman that appeared from the water introduced herself next, and she was nearly frightening. She seemed on a whole new level of closeness with her titan, and it was unnerving because she looked like a real god with the way she carried herself. Her powers seemed strong, probably from being so close to her titan half, and it was more than unnerving to Kumiko. Suijin had an air of superiority to her that Kumiko found she didn’t want to oppose and she didn’t really like it. The blonde girl was more then happy when the only person that actually looked Korean started speaking, taking the attention away from the woman.

Her name was Hyun Ji Park and although Kumiko tried her best to me bubbly and happy interacting with so many other people at once was still hard. At least Mnemosyne’s vessel seemed easy to talk to. She looked towards the shorthaired girl and gave her a bright smile, she wasn’t exactly sure who Mnemosyne was though, her name was ridiculous. Kumiko, try not to be closed-minded, my siblings are millenniums in age. And Mnemosyne is the Titaness of memory.

Hyperion scolded her gently, with the same tone parents took to their toddlers and Kumiko had to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. Her heart had finally calmed down from the initial meeting and Hyperion seemed to have wrapped in his own excitement in so it didn’t leak into her own demeanor, and as she looked around it seemed the rest of the group was starting to calm down from the initial meeting. Clearing her throat the blond girl attempted to draw attention to herself.

“Um, My name is Kumiko Takazawa, Hyperion has been with me since I was young, and I am a professional violinist! I usually live in Japan, but I’m on a world tour!”
She held up her fingers in a peace sign and gave everyone a big smile. Friendliness was key to making a good first impression on others.

The setting changes from Seoul to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Ignoreeeee x.x

The setting changes from Earth to Seoul


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Ivanna examined the titans around her in silence as she fiddled with the lead pencil in hand. At that moment in time there were three others, each different from the last. The blonde one was the first to catch her attention, perhaps due to her lighter color scheme or the look of awe painted across her features. Ivy couldn't quite figure out why she was awe-stricken, but she returned the look with a small smile. The next person who caught her attention was a skinny girl with short, brown hair. Just as Ivanna turned to examine the one male, another voice caught her attention. Another titan, by the sounds of it.

Vann's ice blue eyes landed on yet another girl with white eyes and jet black hair. The woman introduced herself as the mind of Oceanus, inside a girl named Suijin Aoimura. At the mention of Oceanus Anna felt Tethys begin to stir. That same excitement began taking over again, and Ivanna couldn't help but let out a short giggle, much to her displeasure. Stop it, the girl thought, shifting uncomfortably. She absolutely hated it when Tethys took over like that. Whether it be through emotions or actions, it was always disturbing to know that her body wasn't completely... hers.

The subject quickly dissipated as the only male of the group introduced himself as Kiyota, soul holder of Rhea (who must have been behind the hovering rocks.) Next was Hyun Ji Park, the taller female along with Mys... Mnys.. Mnemosyne? Ivanna blinked a few times as she tried to recall the titan's power. Something with the mind, yes? No, no, that was Themis. Mnemosyne was... something to do with mind and memory, yes? Yes. Ivy would leave it at that for now.

A clearing of a throat brought the blue haired girl's attention to expert violinist Kumiko Takazawa. The mention of her name rang a small bell in Ivanna's mind; she vaguely remembered listening to one of her pieces. They were unique, brash even, yet intriguing at the same time. She'd have to remember to give the girl a compliment once all the introductions were over. Speaking of introductions... It was about time these titans knew her name. And, of course, her titan.

"I am with the titan Tethys. My name is Ivanna Elliot, but most call me Ivy. It is..." She paused for a moment, cherry picking her words. "An interesting occurrence to meet you all. Especially this suddenly." The last part was more abrupt than she'd meant it to be. But she supposed the sentence fragment held too much truth to be suppressed. To meet four other titans at the same time, at the same place was definitely an interesting occurrence. And not to mention, an overwhelming one. She had not expected this, and while surprises were always appreciated in her book, some surprises were better than others. This surprise was not one of the better ones, no, but one that was laced with apprehension and was, in fact, an extremely fragile canvas. Pick the wrong paint and find your picture stained forever, harder to fix, and possibly cast into the abyss that is defeat; ugliness. Yes, this situation had to be approached with delicacy. There was no telling what the others thought of this war the titans were looking to wage upon the humans.

"Human annihilation." Tethys mumbled. "It's a touchy subject, isn't it? Approach it with care, Ivanna. I know that you don't know where you stand... So don't make any rash decisions. Not without your own consent, at least." Vann's eyes locked on the ground. The fighting that was bound to happen was sure to get the best of her; the adrenaline was sure to take hold... and Ivanna knew she'd do anything to keep it flowing... and if she was desperate... it might be against reason.

"...Of course not." After clearing her throat, she looked to the others with the slightest of smiles. "Well then. Now that matters of courtesy are behind us, I suppose we should get the point. I assume we all know of the... matter at hand, and I must ask where everyone stands. I will start." Ivanna took a deep breath. "I'm not sure which side I'm on. However, if I'm to be frank I will say that I am leaning toward... toward the titan side, but I do not hold this position with much confidence."

The setting changes from Seoul to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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#, as written by chrian.
Sorry, please ignore ~ T.T

The setting changes from Earth to Seoul


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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#, as written by chrian.


Seoul, South Korea | Han River

After his little introduction, Kiyota straightened himself up while waiting for the other girls to properly introduce themselves, too. He couldn't help but wondering why was he the only male vessel around here. It's not like that he minded that much but it makes him a little... stand-off, to say. Despite that, Kiyota couldn't help but having a nagged feelings that he was a rather normal individual, in comparison to the ladies in front of him right then. Though as much as he wanted to see this as a special and intimating reunion, the feeling is nothing different from when he first came across with a Titan years ago - which almost costs him his life. Am I going to put my life on a jeopardy line this time too? Shaking his head at the thought, he shouldn't say that out loud.

Rhea is still squeaking in an exciting way in his mind, though of course, she still retained a certain amount of calmness while acting all motherly-like - as she said. Apparently she was really thrilled to have met her siblings again after such a long time that Kiyota couldn't possibly think of because it is way beyond human comprehension.

Then, just moments after that, another Titan's vessel appeared, startled Kiyota once again. Turning his back to face the Titan known as Oceanus, Kiyota couldn't help but raised an eyebrow on how... special this person was. The Titan's vessel is just a normal girl like the other three girls around him right here, but what intrigued him was how eager she was to use her powers openly in the middle of the public like this. While it's true that his own power did get a little haywire earlier, there's nothing to worried as it's only a few rock. But luckily that at that moment, there weren't many people rather than them.

The girl then went on introducing herself, but the way she talked is quite informal, despite them meeting for the first time ever - as vessels, apparently. Looks like she's also a Japanese whose name was Suijin Aoimura, though it is correct that she's indeed the one who harbored Oceanus. And more than that, maybe she was acknowledging them as the Titans, rather than by their humans' identities. Kiyota could felt a strong presence of the Titan within the girl, which is completely different from him. It almost feels as if he was facing with the Titan himself but not the girl. Kind of a mind blow, isn't it?

After the arrival of Suijin and her introduction, the other girls also began to introduce themselves. The first one to do so was the girl whom he first encountered known as Hyun Ji Park and the vessel of Mnemosyne, as Rhea told Kiyota so. He doesn't really know how to feel about her. She doesn't seem to stand out and it looks like she's as normal as himself. Hyun looked quite a studious girl herself. That's all he could really figure out at the moment.

The next girl acknowledged herself as Kumiko Takazawa, whose name made Kiyota raises an eyebrow at. Her name and her accent proved that she's also a Japanese, like him and Suijin, and her Titan is Hyperion. Now taking a better look at Kumiko, Kiyota finally saw that she is somewhat familiar. Maybe he's seen her on some posters or something. And from the way she talked to them, apparently she's quite a friendly girl who can get along with just about anyone, despite being someone who can be considered as... famous? Nonetheless, it seems Kumiko was quite interesting than she looked. Though whether Kiyota is able to build up enough interests to get to know her more or not is beyond him.

And then, it comes to the last person, who introduced herself as Ivanna Elliot, though her nickname is Ivy with the fact that she's the vessel of the Titan of Tethys. Different from Kumiko and Suijin, it seems that this girl was quite picky and careful with her words, as if she's fearing that something will go wrong if her words didn't go as the way she intended. A little bit too cautious for everyone's sakes, isn't she?

But Kiyota couldn't care less. The way she reacted is understandable upon meeting the people whom you have never met before, but in reality, they did have strong connections with you, whether if you like it or not. Kiyota has learnt to live with it now and it's not like that he's complaining about anything.

When the introductions are done, they all fell silent for a brief moment. Apparently everyone is still questioning on how to react and what to say now that some of the ones whom they're supposed to look for are standing in front of them. Kiyota was intending to speak something in his mind, but before he could, Ivanna spoke up again and stated about what is known as the 'matter at hands' as everyone knows it, and asked which sides did they all stand for while stating her own point of view.

This is one thing that Kiyota never even wanted just to think of, not to mention discussing about it. But now that he's met some of his fellow vessels again, he knows he couldn't elude it again even if he didn't want to. Luckily that after his effort to hold the Titan down, Rhea has stayed quiet for now.

"Since Suijin-san here did show us what she's capable of, I think I should explain about my capabilities too." After looking around to check if there was anyone else watching, Kiyota raised his hand as some of the rocks around him began to float as if they are weightless, "I have power to manipulate gravity. Similar to telekinesis, I can move objects to my liking, ranges from something as light as these rocks to those that heavier such as a large metal bar. It really did save my life once. Though sometimes it did go out of control a bit like what has happened earlier."

Then, Kiyota flipped as they all fell down and lay on the ground again. Taking a deep breath, he fixed his scarf a bit before started to speak up, "I know that sooner or later, I will have to take this matter into consideration. No matter what my so-called Titaness always nagged me about, I have my own will and I never allowed her to manipulate me to do as her liking. While it is true that I'm also a vessel like you all, the decisions that I've made are solely mine. Unlike some of you, I don't often communicate with my Titaness. Which is why, I can say with certainty that destruction is something that doesn't exist in my dictionary."

Setting his gaze somewhere else, he continued, "I wouldn't say that I have the happiest of a past, living as a person. I couldn't defend humanity for what they've done for this planet either. But in my opinion, I don't agree that total annihilation is a wise solution for everything. The weight of a life is way heavier than that and it shouldn't be treated like some sort of trash to be dispose of. Like you, I didn't have a clear decision of which sides to stand just yet, but I most certainly will never kill a single living human as long as I live. That is my ideal."

Looking at his watch, Kiyota then spoke up, "As much as I want to keep the conversation going with you ladies, and enjoy this 'happy reunion' between the Titans, I still had a college to attend. So I have to take my leave for now. If what is known as 'fate' has decided, we will come across again."

Turning his back, Kiyota then walked away from the other girls and heading off to the bus station. While sitting on a bus that took him back to his university, he couldn't help but wonder if he will meet them again soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      There were so many thoughts swimming around in people's heads...mostly about her titan's name. Mnemosyne. Mnemosyne. Men-o-syne. M-nemo-sin. Ne-mo-syne. Apparently it was quite the tongue twister even if the names of the other titans were just as ridiculous (looking at you Hyperion and your battery-brand sounding ass). In Korean it would be phonetically translated as "므 네모 시네" and that was essentially how she read it in her head whenever her titan felt the need to converse. She didn't very much like speaking in Greek as transferring from one written system to another was tough work. Plus Mnemosyne chose to live in her so she had to learn the language. It was like the rule of immigration or something.

      Reading for words and literal content of the other vessels proved much harder as many of them were Japanese (or "Jap dogs" as her grandfather called them) and she had little interest in learning Japanese. She could only glean bits and pieces from the titans and pieced together that everyone was as wary as they were relieved to find others of their kind. The time that felt like mere moments to them was actually around a minute or two of internal conversation that Hyun let herself soak in as Mnemosyne reminded her that she should probably be saying something.

      Aren't your siblings more worried that you aren't speaking up?

      It's not my problem. I'll barely have an impact on this upcoming war, I've already seen it coming.

      You are the titan of memory not future seeing.

      The future merely consists of the consequences of the past and present. I'm only here to give you insight on both.

      That's not very helpful or even decisive.

      Neither of us are strong in that department. I had nine children after all. I just couldn't decide on one.

      Nothing further came of the conversation as Mnemosyne dissipated into silence and Hyun stared at Ivanna who asked about choosing sides between the humans and the titans. The question caught her off guard as her titan felt completely content to leave her in the dark regarding important matters such as human-titan war, the destruction of the environment, and anything missing from the history book. She was content to let Hyun swim in uncertainty now that she met four others of her own kind, one of whom made it clear that she was likely heading toward the titan side and the other completely devoid of human personality. Hyun didn't really have an answer per se because she had very few attachments in the first place. She could live with her friends or she could find new ones.

      On the other hand she couldn't exactly find new friends if they were all dead right? And she was human. Would she be dumped once the titans got their way? If that were true it was really, really screwed up. The idea didn't so much horrify her as piss her off because the titans could very well be that cold. They believed they were above humanity and it was humanity's fault that the Earth was slowly degrading (never mind the lack of divine intervention) and that didn't agree much with her.

      Still...her apathy knew no bounds.

      "I just want to bike and play video games," she shrugged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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It was the blue haired girl, Ivanna was her name, that brought to their attention why the titans were inside them in the first place. It was a hard reality for Kumiko, and often with Hyperion’s kind demeanor she forgot that the god inside her sought for the end all of humanity as a species. But because she had doubted ever encountering the other vessels whenever Hyperion had brought up his mission she had always tried to brush it off and give halfhearted commitment. She could feel Hyperion stirring inside of her, his euphoria over the fact his siblings had gathered, that they were already speaking of human annihilation. It was an excitement she could not say she shared.

It was only once Ivy announced that she was still undecided did the knot in her gut loosen ever so slightly, at least she wasn’t the only one on the fence over the titan mission. There wasn’t much hope, considering she said she was leaning towards the titan side, but hesitance was all Kumiko needed as confirmation that she was not abnormal for being unsure of her stance. “I cannot believe that girl even has any hesitance towards the cause.” Hyperion quipped in the back of her mind, and it made her nervous about admitting her own reluctance.

The Japanese boy was the next to voice his opinion after Ivy, and unfortunately he did not restate his name. He did, however; give them a small demonstration of his power. It was cool, and he seemed much more powerful than Kumiko. His ability to change the gravity around him was quite simply astounding, the rocks that hovered around him probably had no gravity acting on them at all, and that was amazing. She couldn’t keep the amazed smile off her face as he showed them his power. It could really be used to deal damage in large quantities, and possibly genocidal.

She was caught off guard when the boy then completely rejected the goal of the titans, and Kumiko could physically feel Hyperion inside her recoil at the statement, and even as the boy went away she couldn’t find it in herself to move. Hyperion was constricting himself around her mind in his anger at the boy, it actually hurt to do anything other then stand still, but he quickly regained himself. The experience did nothing more than frighten her into revealing her reluctance to join the titan cause, and Hyperion only encouraged her to voice that she was for the titan cause, as if it might influence the others to stay true to the titan cause. She cleared her throat, changing the topic instead to what they boy had mentioned earlier.

“Um, Hyperion is the titan of light, but his abilities deal more with fire… I can’t really do anything with actual fire though, and I tend to just run a high temperature, but I can do this!”
The blonde girl took a deep breath, enjoying the feeling on her expanding lungs before she exhaled through her nose. As she did, plumes of smoke exited her nose, falling around her in lazy clumps and coating the ground around them in something that resembled fog. When the girl finished she bent down and ran her fingers through the thick smoke, it broke apart at the disturbance and reformed to create a few smokey rabbits. The little creatures seemed to come to life, darting around the small group with actions that appeared they had their own consciousness. The defied logic though, and were able to hop into the air and around them without need for solid ground, hovering and floating. The blonde girl smiled, pleased that her practice had paid off before she dissipated the little creatures. “That’s all I can do though… I also am unsure about my allegiance.”

She could feel Hyperion’s shock rock her body, and it quickly turned to anger, and then betrayal. She felt guilty, of course, the titan had be crucial to her survival since birth, but she could not just give up on humanity because of that. The titan inside of her was angry now, but surely after some time they could talk through it, Hyperion had always been reasonable and understanding, she was confident in that.