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a part of Ataxia, by umademeink96.

Literally where everything will take place. Locations will be added upon request

umademeink96 holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

696 readers have been here.


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Literally where everything will take place. Locations will be added upon request


Earth is a part of Ataxia.

2 Places in Earth:

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Himawari Dazai [0] "I'm hopeless at making decisions, but I know this one feels right!"

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Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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#, as written by catgirl
Wrong location, ignore.


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Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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#, as written by catgirl

Did I do something wrong? Fleeting thoughts rushed through Castiel’s mind as the boy turned to him. Perhaps it was bad to initiate a conversation out of nowhere. After all, some people do find it rather uncomfortable, and he wasn’t sure if that boy was one of them. Yet, he couldn’t help himself. Something hinted so strongly that he was the same, so strongly that he couldn’t help himself. Themis would probably have made him, either way.

The feeling only grew stronger as the boy’s eyes widened in shock. Could he be feeling it as well? So he wasn’t really wrong after all. Themis was getting more excited at the moment, he could feel her stirring awake, pushing against his consciousness to take control. “Wait!” He hissed under his breath at the titaness, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself by rushing into things. His situation was an odd one, and it seemed unbelievable that there were actually others like him, eleven of them according to Themis. He never actually trusted those, much to Themis’s insistence about him paying attention and following his destiny. It was comforting to know that there are others like him out there, but the last thing he wanted was to get involved in the destruction of mankind that will ensue according to her ever confident voice. And yet, he had already made contact with someone that might be like him.

As he carefully observed the emotions on the other boy’s face, Castiel relaxed his grip over his body as they turned into one of nostalgia. Perhaps that was what Themis foresaw. They were driving closer and closer to the outcome, and now that there was no doubt that the boy sitting beside him was one of the eleven, Castiel had mixed feelings about the whole thing. Part of him was tingling with wonder and relief that there were others, and the other was telling him to run as far away from this as possible if he did not want to get pulled into yet another mess. His human and Titan sides were never in this much conflict before, and though he looked rather calm on the surface, the turmoil going on inside him was getting stronger.

“Sister…” And there was the confirmation. Though the crowd was still big and noisy, he caught his quiet utterance and gave him another quick smile. "Coeus. It’s Coeus! We found Coeus!" It was all he could do to prevent Themis from flinging her arms over the other boy and giving him a hug. People were watching, and he hated the assumptions and views of others. If only they could move to somewhere more isolated… keeping a hold of Themis was getting harder and harder these days. “My name is Chester Calico-" His human side seemed to be in control now, though he was cut off by the circus as he started to speak, the noise overwhelming his words. Castiel turned back to the circus then, his eyes fixated on the stage almost in an attempt to save himself from awkwardness. It was rude to stare, and though his curiosity was killing him he didn’t observe Chester obviously. He only sneaked in quick peeks of the boy who housed Themis’s sister. They looked so different from each other, unlike siblings at all. But again, they weren’t, though Castiel expected some resemblance in the way the Titans chose their human hosts. Apparently he was wrong.

The feeling gripped him once again, washing over his body like a wave. It was so strong, stronger than he ever would have expected and left him gasping for air. His eye was throbbing behind the patch, and he clasped a hand over it in case it was glowing again. Themis snapped to attention within him, as both of their attentions were fixated to the spotlight on the stage. A man and woman flew in the air, telling a story of tragic romance, their bodies and costumes looking like a perfect blend in the little light of the tent. He could hear the audience gasp in awe of their performance, but that was not what his was focused on. As the girl seemed to shoot a smile in their direction, his heart leapt. That was another one of them, he could sense it in his body, and also in the excitement of Themis. "That’s the strongest one of us. Cronos! How are you not excited yet?" Castiel let out a soft sigh, though he was amused. It had been a long time since Themis was this active and enthusiastic, but the thrill of meeting someone you have never met in thousands of years must be a strong emotion, despite one that he can never start to fathom how it feels like.

He looked up as his hand was grabbed by Chester, not even realizing in his musings that the performance was over. Most of the audience were already heading off to the other attractions or back home. Oh yes, home. Castiel wondered briefly about whether his father will be worried before the thought was swept to the back of his mind. That was the last of his concerns now, not when the people he had met and the possibilities were enough to sweep him off his feet. He followed Chester closely as the crowd moved around him, but he could feel his discomfort. Was the crowd too big for him? In his moment of hesitation, Themis eagerly took the opportunity to take control of his body quickly.

"Did you see that female dancer? Our brother, Cronus was up there on stage! Oh, but Themis, to see you is incredible as well I have been searching for my siblings for over a year.” “Indeed! I’m glad we could meet again, Coeus. It’s been so long!” He gave the boy a quick hug, much to Castiel’s mortification.

"Do you want to go see him?" “But of course! Shall we check the back of the tent?” It does seem to be the most plausible way to seek out the performer, if she had not left yet. If they went quickly enough, they should be able to catch her.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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_____ The show had a stunning start, but the black-haired male found himself distracted for a good part of it. Well, he was unfocused until the tale of two lovers. Even then, he found himself transfixed towards the woman, and it wasn't as if he was attracted to her. No. It was all Thea. She whispered the word Cronus almost like a litany, and it wasn't difficult to guess that the performer was related to the visions. He felt his throat run dry and more than once he had to clear it in an effort to feel more comfortable. As focused as he was, if Wren ever asked him about the show, he'd be left unable to answer. All Thea was obsessed with was the fact she'd found one of her family, and that fixation was leaking onto Rezu. He closed his eyes and steeled himself; once he opened them again, the show was over and the performers all stood in the center, paying their respects to the crowd. He clapped politely, but he wasn't in it. All he could feel was the discomfort and tension coming from Thea.

_____ "That was pretty good." Wren continued to sit with him, letting most of the crowd pass before they stood up themselves. Jostling with the masses wasn't necessary considering they weren't in a rush.

_____ When two small figures pushed past him, Rezu found himself reaching for someone. "Wait - !" The children ignored him and disappeared into the crowd. Blue green eyes looked to his own hands in distress. He wasn't sure why he did that. Thea again? She'd been a lot more pro-active lately.

_____ "Friends of yours?" The questioning look his friend gave him had Rezu thinking. After another second, he shook his head. "Not sure. They were familiar... I think."

_____ "'I think'. Yeah, I'm just not gonna ask. Crowd's clearing though." And Rezu appreciated that, as he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to explain himself. 'There's a voice inside me that tells me about things.' wasn't really going to cut it for the pragmatic Wren. Hell, he himself wasn't even 100% sure he wasn't going crazy. Maybe that's what he should use his vacation for. Checking himself into a psychiatric hospital.

_____ Blue-green eyes scanned the room, seeing that the crowd had been reduced to a much more bearable amount outside the bottleneck areas. He stood up, checking his watch for the time as he did. "Yeah, I think we can - whoa!" Caught off guard, Rezu was almost sent tumbling back to his seat when he wound up carrying the weight of whoever had thrown themselves at him. The name they shouted, however, was what sent his heartbeat racing. Thea. She knows about the - Crius. Just like earlier, Thea asserted her presence into his mind, forcing him to lose his train of thought. This was Crius.

_____ "Miss, get off or I'm going to call the police." Wren was already pulling her away from him. As bad as he felt, Rezu was glad for the slight reprieve from Thea's assertions. But it probably wasn't wise to have his friend keep his assumptions, or he might really call the cops. The last thing he needed was to explain the situation at a police box. He didn't think they'd take too kindly to his former life explanation.

_____ "It's fine, Wren. I think I know her." The cameraman continued to look at him dubiously, but at least let go of Crius' shoulder.

_____ "There you go again with 'I think'. Really Rezu, if you're not sure just err to the side of caution and -"

_____ "I can think and act for myself." The young model was getting irritated, and his companion knew that Rezu was going to force his way no matter what. "I said myself. Go on ahead. Don't waste time dallying here if you don't want to be alone. You better start now if you want to find someone before midnight." The jab was enough to have Wren leave in a huff, muttering about how pretty boys just had girls throwing their bodies at them. Rezu supposed he did have a point, and he found himself smiling a bit as he watched him join the line leaving the tent.

_____ Once he was out of earshot, blue-green eyes looked towards the girl who'd jumped him just moments before. "Don't do that with people you just met, regardless of what they say." They meaning the voices he was assuming the girl also heard. While he was used to tactile affection and being close to people in general (make-up artists just make you immune to finding closeness uncomfortable), that didn't mean he liked it.

_____ With a sigh, he held out a hand to the girl. "Rezu Sonova. Sorry if my friend overreacted; my job forces me to be wary of people." He tilted his head slightly to the left, awaiting a response from her. "You have the visions too? We're not the only ones here, are we?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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#, as written by catgirl

The words were uttered in shock, though there was a part of him that expected that. They really are popping out one after another. Castiel wasn't sure how to feel about that. After trying to escape those visions all his life, things were progressing a lot faster than he expected, and he wasn't sure he liked it. The two sides might clash sooner than he thought. Maybe this was a bad idea all along. He averted his gaze quickly as Chester stared into his eye, trying not to reveal the mental argument going in him at the moment. But it was tempting to look right back. He had not gotten a good look at the other boy carefully because of manners and his hoodie, but he was sure that he could see a hint of white hair. His eyes were blue as well, a lighter shade to his own.

Yet, he didn't say anything, just followed behind silently. The boy that seemed to be around his age was handling things much better than he was, and he didn't have much of a choice than to follow behind. Castiel didn't trust Chester completely in his judgement, but now wasn't the best time to ponder about it.

Still, he was quite distracted as he followed another one of his 'siblings' in a quick trot, hurrying to catch up. Chester was fast, and Castiel could feel a hint of fatigue coming over his body. Having a weak constitution gave him frequent problems, and he could feel his breath catch multiple times, having to slow down and rest. He didn't want to be a burden to the boy's obvious excitement by slowing him down, so he was pushing himself to go faster, toward the tent of the strongest Titan.

How was he going to pick sides at this rate? He wasn't ready at all, and it was really affecting his mentality. It was conflicting, to say the least, and with the pull growing stronger and stronger, he was gradually getting more and more uncomfortable. But he wasn't alone anymore. The presence of Themis hasn't been strong enough for him to sense the fainter presence, but the one next to him and the pulling toward Cronos was enough to prove that. For the first time in his life, he truly knew that someone was going through the same thing as he was. It was a comfort to know that, the fact that he wasn't unique.

As the grip on his hand tightened, he returned the gesture, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He wasn't sure why Chester was getting nervous, but it was the least he can do to show that he was there with him.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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#, as written by catgirl

“Cronus is close, we should be able to see him at any moment now.”
“Can we sightsee?” Castiel muttered quietly under his breath as he was pulled along again with boundless excitement. Chester’s energy seem to never come to an end, much to Castiel’s envy. It must be nice, being able to run without constantly worrying about how your health might be affected later on. The place they were in, the Menagerie, was full of interesting things he had hardly ever seen in England. It was rare for the boy to go to some place like this in the first place, and he was intrigued by the many different creatures there were housed in this tent. Without letting go of Chester’s hand, he stared right at the bird, trying to look into its mind. His powers could be used to a certain extent on animals, not only restricted to humans, but Themis was really not in the mood to help him. She was constantly egging him to stop wasting time in his mind, much to his annoyance. I’m going to learn how to block you out one day. Castiel glared inwardly at the goddess inside him, before Chester spoke and snapped him out of his quiet glower at the voice inside his head.

“This place is freaking me out.” It is? Castiel turned to see Chester sneer right back at the animal, making him smile. Despite the close age of the two, Chester seemed like a genuinely interesting person. He was never allowed to run and play with the other children since he was small because of his weak health, and even as he matured the people he met were business partners of his father. This was the first time he had explored a circus with another child his age. This was… fun. They were technically searching for the vessel of an ancient titan, but he was enjoying the whole experience, going to a circus and making a new friend that could understand him. Yet, there was a small worry that nagged at the back of his mind. “Father will be worried.” The words escaped his lips in a soft, unheard sigh. His family was the only thing stopping him from giving up on the whole of humanity. They were his sole source of support, and he was worried about what his father would think if he had been in the circus grounds for too long. His parents were always rather paranoid about him ever since he was younger, especially after the incident with the robber. What if they came looking? Castiel fixed the white-haired Chester with a worried glance for a second. He might be strong, housing one of his own. Whose side was he on?

However, before he got the chance to speak, Castiel felt himself being pulled to the right once again, and for once he thought about pulling away. Cronus’s presence disturbed him. It was sheer power, and every step he took, it felt like he was going to be consumed with the pulls and tugs. Calm down, Castiel. Our brother isn’t as bad as you would expect.Castiel didn’t have time to argue with her this time, holding his breath as they passed through two exhibits. They stank of animal excrement, and as much as it was all fresh to him as well, it wasn’t too pleasant for his senses. “I’m not sure if you can feel it, but Cronus is right there.” Chester was pointing at a tent, and Castiel nodded, watching with rapt attention as he pressed his palm to the tent. To his amazement, the iron stake reacted to his touch. It lifted from the ground, opening a place in the fabric. “C’mon Cas.”

So that was his power? Castiel bent down with some apprehension, squeezing in after Chester quickly, standing next to him after he got up. The performer was right in front of them, making Chester look much like someone who has come face to face with their idol, an unmasked expression of amazement. That was when another man ran in, almost knocking right into the two of them.

"Sorry about - Ah, it's you two." He tilted his head to the side ever so slightly at the statement, taking a second to think about where he might have saw the teen before. It was… A magazine. That’s it. He was a model, wasn’t he? There were several magazines his father had given to him for the examination of what society reads for entertainment. It more or less helped him identify some of the more popular topics in society while he was still at home, but he did remember seeing the boy’s face on one of them. “Oh please, call me Adelaide, or Adele if you want. That old coot can hear you regardless.” Castiel turned back to the performer again as she spoke, Themis’s disgruntled voice in his head. Did she call big brother a old coot? The nerve. Themis grumbled at the woman’s attitude, and he could almost visualise her turning her mouth up into a pout. She can be extremely childish at times, and this time he chose to ignore her behaviour.

“My goodness you two really are cute, I could just eat you up.” And now she wants to EAT you? Run Castiel. Run for it while you have the chance. I can’t guarantee your safety since she had Cronos in her mind. He could hear Themis screaming rather frantically as he was pulled into a hug, trying to force him to pull away. It’s a metaphor, Themis. Be quiet. He hushed the goddess quickly, though it did make him break into a small smile. Those are the times he actually quite enjoyed Themis. Her quirk of taking things word for word has really spiced up his life by quite a great deal. She then patted him on the cheek affectionately, a gesture that he didn’t understand. It was the first time it was coming from a stranger, he was nearly embarrassed about being called adorable. It was a compliment, sure, but he was more mature for such an adjective to be used on describing him. Then, she did more mystifying things. The woman called out for them to apologise, yet she shushed anyone who tried to speak. Crowd control tactics? Castiel was rather puzzled by her behaviour, but he made sure to make a mental note of that to ask his father later.

“Well, isn’t obvious? We are all here for a reason, we should destroy this city.”
“We… We are?” Castiel asked with some hesitation, trying to assess if Chester was being serious. Unfortunately, the gaze that met his was a shockingly cold one. It was one that he had seen many times, enough to let him know that Chester was absolutely serious. Nothing was going to stop him, though that expression devoid of mercy was something Castiel wasn’t accustomed to seeing on a face as young as his. It chilled him to the bone, causing him to flinch involuntarily, letting go of his hand quickly.

Thankfully, the topic was changed, and as Chester introduced himself Castiel went next. “My name is Castiel Starr, and I am in possession of Themis. I’m thirteen.” He was just one year older than the boy next to him, and some annoyance made him wrinkle his nose at the concept of a person a full twelve months younger still taller than him, despite by a small portion.


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Mnemosyne || Mind/Memory Reading || #38ACEC ||

      When the male didn't respond, seemingly lost in his own thoughts Hyun sighed and turned back to her friends.

      "Guess we need to find someone else."

      She turned her head around (as did her friends), but everyone appeared too wrapped up in their own thoughts to actually notice them. It felt a bit awkward actually, a group of teenagers just standing in the middle of the area with their bikes unparked and scoping the place out as though they were about to commit a crime. She needed-well wanted-somebody to give them information but with Whitey out that left very few prospects.

      "Should we go back? We can always just play League or something."

      "No! We've come too far to and have biked too long to stop! We'll just have to suck it up and ask random people on the streets."

      "Ugh fine then, but I doubt anyone's going to know anything."

      They split off while Hyun noticed the black-haired boy near the river bank. He had a camera with him, something not unusual but what stuck out was his slight foreignness as it were. Being a local she could tell if someone was from another place and it only had a little to do with her racial biases, she swears. Still, if he was checking out the Han River he had to know something beyond it being a famous landmark. Hyun approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, shooting a sheepish smile before repeating the words she'd previously said to the white-haired man.

      "This is going to sound weird, but my friends and I are doing a book report so I was wondering if you know about any ghost stories or legends of the Han River. "


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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"Everyone calls me pretty boy; can't you be more original?" One of Gale's eyebrows raised. He was a pretty boy; she was calling him what he was. What was she supposed to call him? Maybe she'd call him ugly boy, just to screw with him. Yeah, that was his new nickname. Ugly boy. Gale couldn't help but snicker at his new name.

"Not someone I actually know then. Rezu Sonova; you suck at basic courtesy. People introduce themselves earlier than that." Gale couldn't help but scoff as she maneuvered through the crowd. Thankfully it was smaller than before, so she'd have a much easier time pinpointing the others. "He is right, you know." "Well," Gale murmured in response to Crius, "Human courtesy won't matter soon enough, right?" She uttered it quietly enough so that Rezu wouldn't hear. However the next sentence she made sure was audible. "...Didn't you already tell me your name?"

Whether he responded or not, she did not hear, though taken either way it would not and did not please her. That displeasure took to building as they carried on, coddled by the silence, and boosted by Rezu's next unsatisfactory remark.

"I'm surprised, you did manage to find them." Gale's eye twitched. Rezu was surprised? Their conversation prior to the remark was already enough to irk her, but that he had the nerve to assume she was less than competent! Wow, did that piss her off! In fact, she was more than ready to snap at him. Though before she could say anything, her attention wavered, and for a few seconds she forget he was there. A blissful few seconds, it was. Instead of focusing on Rezu, her eyes focused on three new figures: two males, who couldn't have been older than Gale, and the other was a woman with honey brown curls. The other titans, Gale immediately assumed. Maybe they aren't blossoming assholes, she thought scathingly as Rezu brightened the mood with a bouquet of sarcastic remarks.

When Rezu's bouquet was soiled by the woman's sweetly uttered yet sardonic comment, Gale couldn't help but snigger. Her snigger lasted for a while, up until the white haired boy spoke about destroying the city. Immediately the chuckle faded, and was replaced by a look of strong enthusiasm mixed with fierce determination. She could feel Crius stir inside of her as everyone began introducing themselves, along with their titans. Adelaide was the first to speak, followed by Chester, followed by Castiel. Gale took it upon herself to be next. "I'm Gale... Pepperman. Gale Pepperman. I've got Crius, and..." She paused before revealing her age. It was embarrassing that she was fourteen years old and only 5'2"... though not as embarrassing as being, what, 5'0"? That Castiel kid couldn't be taller than that... She smirked. "I'm fourteen."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr Character Portrait: Adelaide Sucrauss Character Portrait: Rezu Sonova
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#, as written by catgirl

Castiel could feel Themis panicking quietly inside him as Rezu opposed Chester, his heartbeat racing with hers. It was going too fast for both their liking. Their siblings were opposing each other directly, they were almost fighting! It was making Themis extremely upset, and it was rather understandable. She was the goddess of common consent and order, and now even her siblings were not united. What has years apart done to their family? The feeling welling inside him was a feeling of heavy despair, to the point where Castiel could almost find his eyes filling with tears. Hey! Don’t embarrass me in public again! He ignored the others temporarily snapping at the being inside him to keep herself under control. Themis was usually cheerful, but her lower moods were more vivid to him, more influencing on his own body. I’m sorry. But my siblings, they’re fighting again. We… We were supposed to be united. We could have all agreed on something… Themis was currently emotionally drained, no doubt about it, but this was not the time for that. Right now he could only see how the conflict turns out.

He tensed up as Adelaide approached Chester with the most unworldly expression he had ever since on a human face. Oh it's looking bad! Castiel this is your chance to escape if you want to. That girl is scary, isn't she? Maybe she just might eat you, who knows? Castiel took a quick step back as the girl's face seemed to contort into something from his worst nightmares. One of hatred and disgust, something that Castiel found terrible yet fascinating at the same time. It was the first time he had seen such a vivid display of emotion, considering the only people he had usually met were business partners of his father that usually had a cool facade much like the one he himself did his best to keep. That facade however, was melting away slowly much to his horror. His mind hurt, his eye throbbing steadily didn’t do much to help matters. The voices outside slowly faded to a buzz as the emotions of doubted waged destruction in his mind.

Themis. Do you want to punish humanity? His simply ignored the others as they rambled on and on about justice and the human race. Those topics never did interest him that much, he knows where he stood with his opinions. Humans were terrible creatures, and he was ashamed to be one of them. Though one cannot say that the Titans were better, and there was no denying his human race, his family and his attachment to them. His eyes were tightly shut for that instant, thoughts reaching out toward the ancient goddess that shared his body. She was a close friend too, she kept him out of danger all his life. Her advice might not be exactly dependable, but she was all he had. What was he to do? He couldn't possibly ask anyone else. I don't know either. My sister needs me, doesn't she? She was so happy when we met, I was happy too. And that boy needs your help too, Castiel. About humankind... Chester is right, you know. You know what they had done to Mother, and you know what they are doing is wrong. You’re not living in ignorance now, Castiel. But! Her voice changed in tone, becoming more optimistic as if she could sense the troubled expression on Castiel's face. I won't blame you no matter what you decide, I'll still do my best to protect you. Maybe I am influencing you, who knows? I'm not as good as mind tricks as you are. Still, take a stand, won't you? Enjoy life! You're still a baby. Chewing thoughtfully on the inside of his cheek, he raised his eyes just in time to catch the finishing lines of Adelaide’s little speech.

“Again touch my family and I’ll kill you. Oh and please leave the circus area. We’ve no intention of hiding shitty brats that think they’re entitled to something because they had shitting lives.” What foul language. Castiel curled his lip in distaste at her words, unused to such vulgarities spewing from her mouth. Heaven knows how bad her full speech would be like. Themis was probably going to quiz him on swear words later, something that he found quite irritating as of late, especially when he had to explain what ‘fucking’ meant later on. He wasn’t looking forward to that. Thankfully, after whatever she had been talking about, she left after the boy who rejected Chester’s initial plan. It would be the best to assume that she had agreed with his opinions and joined his side in defending humankind. The feeling in him now was one of dismay, but yet again he was unsure if that was only on Themis’s end of the spectrum. Well, so much for their little reunion.

He was ready to leave this situation when he heard Chester growl a death threat, and immediately the metal stakes in their vicinity started to shake and lift from the ground. Surely he wasn’t serious. Castiel shot a worried glance at him, but the magnetism soon vanished as quickly as it came. But the next thing he did was produce a tazer, something that made Castiel reconsider the situation once again. “I didn’t mean to almost lose control back there, but Cronus’s vessel it no good.” He could do nothing but nod. He was dying to know just what exactly was going in Chester’s head, but using his powers now was impolite.

“Surely, you won’t leave me, right Cas?”

"I..." Again, that deadly hesitance. He couldn't abandon his family. Both families were his, both sides were a part of him. Castiel wasn't on either side, he was suspended on the fine line of indecision and he hated it. Even Cronos was jointing the humans, out of his own will or not. Chances are, it's not a high chance that the Titans would win this one, destroying the human race. Not to mention that he did have a family to protect. Now he had two, and he needed to choose between them, the mere possibility that he has been running from all his life, from all the visions shown to him, the urging voice of Themis in his head.

"Sure." With a quiet, almost resigned voice, Castiel agreed. It wasn't his life's goal to do this, but for now, he will stick with the side he trusts the most.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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Ignoreeeee x.x


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kumiko Takazawa Character Portrait: Kiyota Mikazuki Character Portrait: Suijin Aoimura Character Portrait: Ivanna "Ivy" Elliot Character Portrait: Hyun Ji Park
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#, as written by chrian.
Sorry, please ignore ~ T.T


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gale Pepperman Character Portrait: Chester Andrew Calico Character Portrait: Castiel Starr
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#, as written by catgirl

"I can't fight." Castiel said, a simple answer to the question the girl posed. Better to be safe than sorry, and after all this was something of the truth. Castiel had a weak body susceptible to countless illnesses. He had never done anything too physical before with his recurring problem of asthma, so Castiel highly doubted his ability to fight off enemies. Making them kill themselves was another matter altogether, albeit something he didn't prefer to think about. Really killing people without any sense of remorse was something he might never learn. “Don’t worry, I can fight. And personally, I doubt those human loving idiots have ever thought of using their powers as weapons so they are probably worthless anyways.” Castiel raised an eyebrow at that, though he made no comment. He highly doubted that they would hesitate to use their powers as weapons however. Perhaps not against humans, but Castiel wasn't going to run into battle headfirst without being mentally prepared to be struck in the face by whatever power the latter possessed.

Chester then mentioned having a place for them to stay, along with the fact that he had some 'business' to attend to. Once again, that statement was accepted with nothing but a quiet nod. Either he or Gale is the so called 'leader' of their little trio now, and Castiel's job is only to listen and learn. It was the best way to observe and be underestimated at the same time, a strategy that he usually applied when meeting new people and having to work with them. Only when Chester pulled out the taser did Castiel have second thoughts. His arm was already littered with wounds, perhaps this wasn't the best choice of action for his health. Castiel felt slightly concerned seeing that, but he didn't have a chance to voice it before Chester already plunged it into his arm, his body immediately having a luminescent blue glow around him. Backing away a feel paces, Castiel could hear Themis excitedly squealing in his mind. He had never seen another person use their powers before, so this was completely new for him.

“As soon as I get back get ready to run. Oh, and watch out for tigers. Things are about to get electric." Get ready to run. Castiel wondered how much stamina he'd need, he could barely run a mile without losing his breath quickly. His body was really painfully weak, but perhaps if he let Themis take over it could give him an extra boost... Ironically, the running part was the one he was more concerned about. Tigers don't pose much of a threat to him, Castiel could force them with his mental powers to lie at his feet like domesticated cats. Chester was gone in an instant, once he finished speaking his sentence, leaving Castiel in silence, waiting with the other foriegn girl, Gale.

Who was now using her powers as well, much to Castiel's great interest. Much befitting her name, Gale's powers was one of the wind, and he watched with admiration as she lifted herself up in a whirlwind, fanning the flames with herself hovering a few feet away from the ground. How nice, being able to fly anywhere. Not that I'm not being appreciative of your powers, Themis. He added with a sigh, almost feeling the goddess pout. Themis could be oddly childish at times, yet having the ancient wisdom of a being that had been alive for far more years than humanity existed.

"Castiel, right?" He was temporarily pulled out of his musings by Gale and he waved back with a slight smile. However, before he could ascertain her statement to his name, the girl seemed to drop a few inches, much to Castiel's amusement. She's wondering if you're going to betray them, Castiel. Just so you know. Thank you for the warning. Themis had the ability to probe the minds of others, though Castiel didn't use that strength because it was too intrusive. That and people could have some twisted thoughts at times. Still, he had no real control over how Themis liked to use it. Despite that, the two were a team, without any one of them insistent to take over the other. Themis gave him warnings of thoughts that could be against him, and those are quite useful, especially with the business dealings of his Father. However... Castiel glanced up quickly at the girl in the sky. If she decided that her suspicions were justified, he honestly wouldn't stand much of a chance.

"That's a nice name. Castiel, I mean."
"Thank you for that compliment. My Mother gave it to me." Castiel replied with a nearly distant air of courtesy. He didn't quite notice his attitude, it was a reflex when he was talking to others, since he had never met anyone closer than acquaintances before. But the girl didn't seem to interested in replying, staring into the flames. Not that it bothered him the least, small conversation was hard to make at times. It had already been a few minutes since Chester left, apparently to destroy the circus, perhaps it was a good time to conduct a light probe just to see if Chester needed any help. Gale was still some distance up, so Castiel was sure that she wouldn't see his eye in the cover of darkness. Hopefully. His strange eye had been known to scare people, forcing him to hide it away. Castiel removed the patch covering his eye, and immediately regretted the decision. Screaming, so much screaming. The panicked thoughts and screams of the people caused the boy to double over in shock, the patch falling out of his shaking hands. More thoughts were added to the fray, animals by the looks of it. Not a good situation.

Castiel! Pull yourself together! Themis's voice broke through the sea of thoughts thankfully, and as the hubbub was silenced Castiel picked up his patch and redid the knot tightly. He was able to garner nearly nothing from that, except for the fact that Chester was at the 'watch out for Tigers' part of his plan. He should be returning soon. “We’ve gotta get out of here, fast.” As if on cue, Chester's voice came and Castiel looked in his direction only to reel back in shock. Blood. He was covered in it, yet there were no visible wounds on him. That meant... He killed... How many people? Castiel felt sick. Still, he instinctively reached out to help Chester up, his lip curling in disgust at the Crimson color now staining his cloak. Thankfully, Gale put him over his shoulder, saving Castiel from needing to prepare himself mentally to touch the blood again. This should be the time to run, if he wasn't mistaken. Themis.I'm ready. the goddess replied, and Castiel allowed his conscience to step back, allowing Themis to take control for now.

"Ah, Sister Crius. I'm sorry for not greeting you in person just now, but haven't you found a wonderful young vessel?" Castiel, or rather, Themis smiled brightly at the girl. "Well, I think I'm ready. Coeus's vessel doesn't seem to be in good shape, so you're right... Gale. Let's proceed immediately."