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"Every light has it's shadows."

0 · 1,265 views · located in World of the Avatar

a character in “Avatar : Keeping The Balance”, as played by CutUp


Blow Me Away ✧ Light 'Em Up ✦ This Will Be The Day ✧ Who We Are ✦ World Calling ✧ Fight
{"Yes, I am made of awesome."}

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| N A M E |
| N I C K N A M E |
Kal, Small Fry, The Little Airbender
| A G E |
| G E N D E R |
| R O L E |
The Airbender
| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"I'm not short, it's just else is too tall!"}

| H E I G H T |
5 foot 4
| W E I G H T |
106 pounds
| E Y E C O L O R |
| H A I R C O L O R |
| A P P E A R A N C E |
The words used to describe Kalden's appearance usually include 'Cute', 'Adorable', and 'Young'. Despite being well in his teens he looks to be a young boy, around eleven or twelve, much to his everlasting annoyance. He generally wears an orange and green sweatshirt with a hood and the common airbending spirals sewn into the back, and over a navy blue undershirt, quarter-length pants, and buttoned shoes.
| O D D I T I E S |
He is very short for his age. He has a couple of scars across his body from training, but nothing too eye catching.

{"Light can't exist without shadows. Some of us are doomed to live in those shadows, I'm not gonna be one of them."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Lazy ✧ Aggressive ✦ Rebellious ✧ Sarcastic ✦

Kalden is a rather relaxed, and laid back individual. He's more of the go with the flow type of guy. Well really that's just him out of combat. While fighting, or even training really he becomes much more aggressive in his actions. He's all about attack. And once out of combat he returns to his lazy, and laid back persona. He doesn't really like getting into fights, but he won't back down from one. He just doesn't go looking for one. But he just simply prefers doing nothing, often times being found a nap or something of the like.

Underneath his relaxed exterior there does lay quite a bit of rebellion in him. He's not the typical airbender. He values personal freedom above all else, and has chosen to live a life he wants to live, rather then one he has been born into like those of the Air Nomads. It is due to this that he has rejected his family, culture, and heritage to find a life he wants to live. Though he's turned his back on the peacekeeping life style of the Air Nation, that doesn't mean he doesn't care for others. He just has taken the fact that Air is the element of freedom to heart. He is quite protective of others, be it humans, animals, spirits, or nature. He will do whatever he feels is necessary to protect what he believes needs to be protected.

Kalden is rather sarcastic, and always has a smart ass remark up his sleeve. He has a rather good sense of humor about things, often cracking jokes in the face of danger. That is not to say he can't get serious. He knows when the time for games is over, and when he needs to be serious. Kalden can have a bit of a temper at times, but really this is only for a few touchy subjects for him, such as bringing up the fact he's pretty much the opposite of what a good airbender should be, and his height. He's especially sensitive about his height.

Despite not being a particularly devoted airbender, Kalden is still a rather spiritual individual. He does in fact follow a few airbending traditions, such as being a vegetation, and does often meditate. He is considered a different kind airbender, this is especially reflected in his fighting style. Instead of using the typical dodge, and evade strategy of airbending he takes on a more aggressive, straight forward approach, even if it is in direct violation of the oath he took as a young airbender to be nonaggressive. He tends to stay on the offensive for the most part, overwhelming his foe with fast air strikes, as well as extremely fast movement. His style of bending is more similar to firebending than it is airbending.

{"I'm not your mamma's airbender."}

| B E N D I N G |
✦Airbending - Kalden is a extremely talented airbender, who in fact would be considered a master, and given his arrow tattoos if he would have been more faithful to the Air Nomad ways of life. His style of bending is unique, and is mostly self invented. While it includes the usual airbending stances, and circular motions he has invented more aggressive techniques. One example would be a move he calls the 'Tornado Punch', in which he surrounds his fist in a whirlwind that gives his punch concussive force, increasing it's damage. Another one that he often uses is called the 'Tempest Torpedo', in which he gathers air, and form it into a sphere, much like the Air Scooter, and fires it off at his target. Upon impact it releases an explosion of concussive force, enough to nearly level a building. He has also revived an ancient airbending technique in which he creates a cloud-like board underneath his feet which allows him to surf through the air, emulating flight. This technique hasn't been used since the Era of Raava. He has dubbed it 'Air Surfing'.
✧Spiritual Projection - Kalden has the ability to project his own spirit out of his body to travel to another location in a matter of seconds. Using this he can move freely through solid objects, or even under water. It also allows him to instantly find someone who he holds a strong connection to. Though Kalden has not been able to use this power in years.

| I N V E N T O R Y |
✦Tonfas - Kalden carries around a pair of wooden tonfas. These weapons are used in conjunction with his airbending, as he often uses them much like an airbender would use a staff, often spinning them around at incredible speeds, and unleashing power air sweeps, or using them for air blades.
✧Necklace - Kalden does keep an airbending necklace given to him by his mother. Though he rarely wears it, he does keep it with him among his things.
✦Bison Whistle - He uses this whistle to often summon his Flying Bison companion, Jampo.

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Flexibility - Well he needs to be flexible to properly use his airbending.
✧Strategy - Kalden is a rather good strategist, and tactician. He's able to come up with well thought out plans rather quickly.
✦Animals - Kalden has a natural affinity towards animals, and is able to bond, and calm even the most rage full beast.
✧Spirit Communication - Kalden also has a inclination towards spirits, and has a bond with them.
✦Leadership - Kalden is a natural born leader who keeps a level head in most situations.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Aggressive - Kalden's fighting style is rather aggressive, and he generally focuses on the offense.
✧Strength - Kalden is rather small, and is more of a speedy fighter.
✦Nonbending Fighting - For as powerful a bender Kalden is, he's just as bad at fighting without his powers. His only saving grace would be his Tonfas. Without them he's completely useless in a fist fight.
✧Insecurity - He's rather sensitive about his height, and it's a surefire what to throw him off.
✦Closed Spaces - Not only does he have claustrophobia, but it also limits his ability to airbend, since he needs room to properly airbend.

{"We all have the right to choose our own path."}

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Training - "Gotta keep my skills sharp."
✧Napping - "No....I wasn't napping....I was just....meditating. Yeah meditating. Airbenders meditate."
✦Meditating - "Yeah I was actually meditating, and not just using it as a cover to nap.....I mean....uh...I don't do that."

| H A B I T S |
✧Floating Around - "It's an Airbender thing."
✦Napping - "I was meditating.....with the lights out.....and underneath some covers. It's an Airbender thing."
✧Airbending - "Hey give me some marbles, and I can show you a neat trick. Great Great Grandpa used to do it."

| L I K E S |
✦Jampo - "What's an Airbender without their Flying Bison? He's my best buddy."
✧Sleeping - "Yeah, what can I say? I like to sleep."
✦Sweets - "Yep, don't know what else to say about that. I like the taste."
✧Airbending - "I turned my back on the culture, not the arts."
✦Spirits - "They're pretty simple to understand once you take the time."

| D I S L I K E S |
✦Air Nomads - "They've forgotten what Airbending means, it means freedom."
✧Bullies - "Yeah, I might not want to protect the whole world, I'll settle for protecting a kid's lunch money."
✦Being Powerless - "I don't like the feeling of being useless."
✧Mornings - "The mornings are evil."
✦Tight Spaces - "Not a big fan at all."

| G O A L S |
✦Getting A Girlfriend - "It'd be nice to have one."
✧Developing A Sub-Skill - "I think it'd be cool to create a whole new art to Airbending."
✦Regaining Spiritual Projection - "I don't know what's up with me. Haven't been able for a couple years now."

| F E A R S |
✧Tight Spaces - "It's an Airbender thing."
✦Getting A Friend Killed - "I gotta do my best to protect those closest to me."
✧Losing His Bending - "I realize that's pretty irrational, but if a waterbender was able to take away a dude's bending, who knows what could happen."

{"I have chosen my path. Now I have to follow it."}

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Air Temple Island, Republic City

| H I S T O R Y |
Kalden comes from the longest line of Airbenders, being a direct descendant of Avatar Aang. And as such his family has been considered royalty in the Air Nation. Though that is only on mother's side, on his father's side however they are a long line of proud Earthbenders. Once his parents first met that was that. It was love at first sight. His father dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the Air Nomad way of life, and became an Air Acolyte. He became a vegetation, and lived at the Air Temples. He stayed at home raising the kids while his mother tented to Air Nomad matters, and traveled the world to keep the peace the best she could.

Kalden was the youngest of three kids. His older brother was born a Earthbender like their father, while he, and his sister were Airbenders. Growing up the children were very much close to their father, much closer to him than their mother. Once training began for Kalden he proved to be a natural. He was a prodigy at the art. He learned much faster than any Airbender in years, and by the time he turned twelve he nearly mastered the art. This caused him to have a rivalry with his sister. Despite the fact that she couldn't keep up. Though she's a decent enough bender in her right, she just wasn't as a natural as him. He was even bonded with a Flying Bison calf that he named Jampo at an early age as well.

During this time the relationship between his parents became strained. His father could not handle the fact that he rarely saw his wife, seeing her maybe once every couple months. They ended up getting a divorce. Though they did remain civil towards each other. After the divorce Kalden, and his sister began traveling the world as Airbenders do to keep the peace. While out in the field Kalden became more, and more aggressive in his actions, and fighting style. When faced with a problem rather than try to find a diplomatic solution he would take a more straight forward approach. He'd find the problem, and deal with it. More times than not it would lead to a fight.

As one might imagine this landed him into trouble quite often with his superiors. Though he never struck anyone innocent, he was in clear violation of his Airbender oath of being non-aggressive. If not for the intervention of Avatar Korra Kalden would have been forced to stay in the Air Temples, training other Airbenders most likely. Korra had always saw Kalden's strength, and saw more than a little of herself in the boy. But Kalden began questioning the Air Nations policies, and ways. He began seeing them as hypocritical. They were supposed to detach themselves from worldly concerns, that Air is the element of freedom, but yet that had the strictest rules. He didn't mind the fact that they protected the world, and kept it in balance. What he did mind is that they looked down at using force, but yet force is sometimes what is needed. It was this difference in views that caused him to abandon the Airbenders.

And so when he turned fourteen he struck out on his own. He saddled up Jampo, and flew off into the sunset. They traveled around the Earth Kingdom for a bit before settling into Republic City once again. It was during this time, living on the streets by his wits, he was found by a family within the city, and was raised as one of their own.

| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Jinora| Grandmother| 84| Alive
Kai| Grandfather| Deceased
Ikki| Great Aunt| 81| Alive
Meelo| Great Uncle| 79| Alive
Rohan| Great Uncle| 73| Alive
Tenzin| Great Grandfather| Deceased
Pema| Great Grandmother| Deceased
Avatar Aang| Ancestor| Deceased
Katara| Ancestor| Deceased
Sokka| Ancestor| Deceased
Bumi| Ancestor| Deceased
Kya| Ancestor| Deceased
Hye| Mother| 40| Alive
Gopan| Father| 45| Alive
Daruka| Older Brother| 21| Alive
Nima| Older Sister| 18| Alive
Ketu| Uncle| 49| Alive
Ekta| Aunt| 36| Alive

{"I won't live in the shadows of my family."}

| F C |
Fairy King Harlequin

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |
Future God-Emperor CutUp

So begins...

Kalden's Story