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0 · 437 views · located in Nigerius Lands

a character in “Battle of the Elements”, originally authored by Midnightclub, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Kohe

Pack: Jera



The wizened features of this wolf show that Kohe is indeed very old, though he still moves with grace and control. His fur is mottled with different colors that all arrange into tribal-like patterns on his back. His eyes, from his pupil to his iris to the sclera, are completely black.

Personality: Uncaring, stoic, and silent are all words that wolves might use to describe the wolf after meeting him. But his aloofness stems from a disconnection from reality. The future, past, and present are all one to him. How can he react to the newborn wolf who lies before him, dying of old age and asking for assistance? He has taken to secluding himself, even from wolves of his own pack.

Abilities: Besides the confusing power of his all encompassing sight, Kohe has the ability to slow down time for himself. He also ages much more slowly than a normal wolf might.

Equipment: Kohe carries a single, ornate pocket watch around his neck. It is broken.

History: Kohe has lived through centuries present, past, and future. Perhaps once upon a time he was a carefree pup bent on gaining as much knowledge as possible. But time and madness from his abilities overcame him long ago. Now he simply walks, and lives. His knowledge of the universe is ever expanding, but even so his mind is ever slipping away.

So begins...

Kohe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kryn The Steadfast Character Portrait: Widget Character Portrait: Kohe Character Portrait: Nespral
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Deep in the Valley of Iron, a lone Deon covered with armor strode carefully but bravely. He had eschewed his spear for this endeavor, knowing that he would be heading into cramped caverns. The Knights of Deon had charged him with his first quest: to find a valuable metal and to forge a weapon out of it. While normally, many Knights had gone out and found cold iron, steel, or sometimes even tungsten; Kryn had decided to search for a legend. He had studied for long nights looking into the annals of history for a metal worthy of being legendary. He discovered what he was looking for when he stumbled across the fabled metal Adamantine. Super hard and durable, Adamantine was said to be able to cut through anything. It was also one of the most dangerous metals to harvest and forge.

To Kryn it was perfect. He learned everything about the metal that he could, what it looked like, smelled like, felt like, and the best places to find it. He learned about the hostile environment that usually surrounded the fabled metal and was not deterred. He headed out immediately for the Valley of Iron, looking for one small, forgotten cave.

He walked past many different mine and cave openings before finally coming to a very small opening. He stopped to sniff at the entrance. It smelled slightly of sulfur and azure. Kryn grinned, his metal capped teeth glinting in the moonlight. This was it, this was where he would find Adamantine.

He squeezed his way into the cave and felt around for the raw metal. His powerful nose brought him farther and farther down, deep into the earth. It was starting to get very warm…


The Spirit Wolf was honored. Here before him were the very creators of the elements themselves. The Deities had called for him and he had come, as quickly as he could. The Gods were all revered greatly by the Spirit Pack, regardless of who they worshipped in life.

The creatures before him were all brilliant in their radiance and Nespral was unable to even glance in their direction for too long. As it was, he was unable to guess which Deity had spoken to him. Even though he knew only one was speaking, it sounded to him as if they ALL spoke.

“You, Spirit Wolf called Nespral, you will go to Nigerius.”

“Of course Masters,” Nespral said, confused that they’d tell him to do the job he’d been doing for ages.

“The land is dying, Spirit Wolf, the affairs of mortals are no longer your main concerns. Now it is your duty to find the reason behind all of this. War destroys our Wolves while sickness and spiritual disaster kills the land. Discover why.”

Nespral bowed, “Yes masters, of course. Where should I-“ But when he looked around, he was back in Nigerius with no idea of where to start his investigation.


While the other members of the Borak sought allies and worked towards becoming stronger so that they might win a war they weren't part of, Widget was building. The Alpha had come to her with a request, not an order, to find a way to use the water ways of the Arlyne.

The idea came to her even as she was about to refuse. The Borak weren't great swimmers but they wouldn't need to swim. She got to work immediately, requesting several different chemicals and materials. Her designs were drawn in several minutes and after a day of restless work, she had two prototypes ready.

She brought the Alpha into a room that had a pool of water. “Alright. Here we go. This first one,” She signaled to a nearby gamma that brought a metal cube over with some difficulty, “is what I like to call the Beaver.” She nodded to the wolf who threw the cube into the pool and then sent a bolt of electricity at it. The cube began expanding immediately, becoming thinner as its sides and bottom began splitting into segments that pushed outwards until they embedded themselves into the walls of the pool, cleanly cutting it in half.

“That’ll make this second one easier to use on a downstream waterway. “ She said, picking up a small bluish ball. “You may wanna step back. “ She said, tossing the ball into the pool. It quickly sunk into the bottom and began to glow bright red. Bubbles began to rise to the top, first slowly then coming out more quickly. In an instant the water that had been on one side of the pool surged upwards into steam.

The room was quickly aired out by attendants as Widget stood calmly, looking at the now half empty pool, divided by a segmented metal wall. “Well, am I good or am I good?” She asked the Alpha, who stood with his mouth hanging open.


The sandstorm raged out in slow motion, sand flying like waves in an ocean. Kohe stood, like a statue staring out into the cutting storm. He had weathered many like it before and would do so in the future. But this storm was different in that it brought in strange tidings. The sand no longer felt warm or soft as it usually did, instead it was cold and gritty. It was as if the life had been taken from it. Kohe saw the future and it was a dark and gloomy place indeed. So he slipped away to the past, back to a time when this desert was at the bottom of an ocean. He lay there for what must have been decades, slowing time so that the sand wouldn’t harm him, lost in the view of prehistoric underwater currents.