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They are an easy mark.

0 · 491 views · located in A planet just off earth.

a character in “Battle School”, as played by Tonks


Character Skelly
First Name: Secret
Last Name:Secret
Nickname: Phoenix
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Brain Specialty: Psychology
Squad: (to be determined)
Friends:(to be determined)
Enemies:(to be determined)
Appearance: Image
Personality: Cold and calculating to all but the ones she respects.
Fears: Finding her birth parents.
Winning the games
Turing people against each other.
People getting in her head
Family: None
Siblings at school: None.
History: Ask her.

So begins...

Phoenix's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: Dr. Larken
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Dr. Larken walked through the empty hallways, heading towards the auditorium. All of the students had left the school for two weeks because of a sudden acid outburst, burning many students. After it had been cleaned up, they made a new construction project for the school. An auditorium. The students were currently in there, well at least the ones that were still at school, and they were awaiting Dr. larken to come give the re opening of the school speech.
They had lost many students during the break, whether the acid had killed them, or their families had seen it unsafe to return, and now they were left with only 5 armies, about 30 students.
Dr. Larken scanned his eyes quickly over the list of students and their ages, putting together and armies in his head. Not many of the names popped out to him, but one in particular did. Jessica Zain. She had been here since the day she had turned 8, and back then she had been a tiny almost skeletal gir. But that wasn't what interested him. What interested him was that he had known her parents well. They had both been fighters in sa bugger war, and had both died.
He flashed out of his deep thoughts as he reached the door to the auditorium. He took one last look at the list, put a confident award winning grin on his face and pushed through the door, walking down the aisle. The room, which had been filled with normal chattering children went dead silent as he walked to the stage. For all the returning students, they knew how Dr. larken worked, how he made himself seem like a nice caring man, but in reality only cared about training them to be the best they could, and to blot out their emotions, but for the new students, well he was just a bit too movie star looking for their liking.

As he reached the stage, he walked slowly to the center, dragging out the worry of all the students. Finally, he reached the center and turned to face them, his smile turning into a smirk. "Hello," he said, his eyes feasting on the scared faces of the students. "I, for those of you who don't know me, am Dr. Larken. You will call me Dr. or Sir at all times. Now, due to recent issues we have lost many of our students, as in they have gone home, and don't plan on returning. Because of this, the armies will be changed, and new commanders made." At this comment, there was a bit of outbursts. What? No that's unfair! I'm the best leader you'll ever have, were just a few shouted out by the protesting students, but this only made Dr. Larkens grin widen. he stuck up his hand and instantly all the students became silent.
"First I will call the commanders, and each of them will come meet me on stage. Next I will call up the squad members, but, i will be calling up the squads in groups of two, starting with," he glanced down at his list, "Griffin and Tiger."
Dr. Larken took a deep breath, and smiled, preparing to call up the commanders. "The commander of Griffin is," he looked at the clipboard. "Phoenix, And the commander of Tiger is Jessica Zain." He closed his mouth and waited for the two girls to join him on stage.

((OOC: Sorry it is so long!))

The setting changes from Auditorium to A planet just off earth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Noare Character Portrait: Adam Winters
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Jessica smiled as her name was called. She took a deep breath and stood up from the chair she was sitting on, pushing past the few students next to her. It wasn't a surprise. She had been a commander of a squad for the past three years, why should there be a difference?
She walked carefully on stage, taking her time so that she could look at the students and try to find who would be a good fighter and who wouldn't. She reached the center, next to Phoenix and Dr. Larken. She gave a slight head nod to Phoenix, and looked at Dr. Larken. "Dr."
She smiled, ready to take on whatever students she could. And maybe, she thought, i won't get anyone with knowledge and I'll be able to train them to be like me.

Dr. Larken gave a slight smirk as the girl came on stage, giving each a slight smirk. "And for your armies," he said, "Jessica is going to have an extra member, for the time being, but when another comes she will be put on your team, Phoenix."

"So. The Griffin army is Angel Sunico, James Firestone, Alex Kennedy, Rachel Kyle, Yerlim Kang and of course Phoenix." He said, watching as the students in the crowd stood up to come on stage. "And the Tiger army is Anthony Laurence, Shellie Daniels, Noare, Yijung Kang, Adam Winters, Kyle Averegus and of course Jessica."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: Rachel Kyle Character Portrait: James Firestone Character Portrait: Angel Sunico Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tonks
Phoenix looks her army over. This is going to be a long year. she thinks But at least it's my last. " alright, griffin army fallow me to the bunks." she says loudly then runs to their bunks. Once there she turns and waits for her army.Let's see what they can do. she thinks and smirks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: Angel Sunico
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Angel stepped forward with a sigh, locking eyes with Phoenix. "Angel Sunico." She said shortly. "But they call me Thorn. My brain has a tendency to slow things down enough for me to form a battle plan in less than a second." She stated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Tear nodded up at her leader and took in a deep breath. Her leader was so not going to like her report.

"Unfortunately, we are outmatched by them in every way," She began. It was the complete truth.

"They beat us in strength, in speed, in numbers, in size..." Tear opened her eyes wide. "The best we could get is a draw, but even that is unlikely."

Her brother could take out half of Team Phoenix with one hit if he wanted to. Or he could make them suffer slowly by practically dissecting their minds.

"Since a few of us are quite small, due to our age, we could ambush them easily but even then, our chances at winning are not high."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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0.00 INK

"I would like to know, but if it's too personal, I understand," LeeU stepped back a little to give her some breathing space. He knew what the past was like. Sometimes it was better to not mention it, but there does come a time when people must face it. Maybe it was time for her, to speak it out loud.

"If you do decide to tell me, I promise I won't tell." His brown eyes shined as he looked down at her sitting form. "You can trust me, if you want to,"


She looked up at the boy that had objected to her, She looked at him curiously. Did he know something she didn't?

"Well, I guess right now I may not be entirely correct since I do not know all the skills of every one on the teams but in general, I think that I'm right.."

She nodded at him to continue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Noare Character Portrait: Zeren Remo
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0.00 INK

"Yeah, My friend is apparently here..." Noare said somewhat quietly, "and he can anticipate others' movements... So he's gonna be hard to fight against..." Slowly looking down as if he were about to be snapped at and braces for yelling at him, "Plus he's very good in combat..." He muttered as he sinks down a bit thinking he's gonna be snapped at.


Zeren calmly walked into the bunks to see a couple of people in there and said hi, It is always his nature to be polite. Then got his locker and layer down in his bed waiting for his orders.