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YeRiim "Tear" Kang

Theres no backing out now

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a character in “Battle School”, originally authored by foreverxraining, as played by RolePlayGateway


First Name: YeRiim
Last Name: Kang
Nickname: Tear
Age: 9
Birthday: December 14
Gender: female
Brain Speciality: Has a knack of predicting the outcome of any scenerio very accurately (scientifically, not just seeing the future, she actaully goes over every single outcome and rules out the less likely ones)
Squad: (to be determined)
Friends:(to be determined)
Enemies:(to be determined)
Appearance: (Words and/or picture) Long black hair with large brown eyes. She is 4'9 and 70 pounds. She likes to smile alot.
Personality: Shes very friendly and likes to talk to others especially those older than her because she loves to learn new things
Fears (secret of course): fire, being alone, failing
Likes: People, cats, flowers, music, fighting
Dislikes: Negativity, sarcasm, hurtful words, dogs
Family: A very strict father, two siblings
Siblings at school: YiJung Kang (15)
History:Her father had always prepared Tear and Yijung for Battle School. IT was what he had done when he was younger and knew no other way of life. Their mother died so that left them with each other. THe two siblings were always together until Yijung got into Battle School at age 8. Ever since, Tear had been training very hard. She wanted to be reunited with her favorite person in the world and it would make her father proud. So she studied and trained. She is tall for her age and quite strong. HEr weak spot is her ankle because it gets twisted easily ever since an accident when she was three.

So begins...

YeRiim "Tear" Kang's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Noare Character Portrait: Adam Winters
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Jessica smiled as her name was called. She took a deep breath and stood up from the chair she was sitting on, pushing past the few students next to her. It wasn't a surprise. She had been a commander of a squad for the past three years, why should there be a difference?
She walked carefully on stage, taking her time so that she could look at the students and try to find who would be a good fighter and who wouldn't. She reached the center, next to Phoenix and Dr. Larken. She gave a slight head nod to Phoenix, and looked at Dr. Larken. "Dr."
She smiled, ready to take on whatever students she could. And maybe, she thought, i won't get anyone with knowledge and I'll be able to train them to be like me.

Dr. Larken gave a slight smirk as the girl came on stage, giving each a slight smirk. "And for your armies," he said, "Jessica is going to have an extra member, for the time being, but when another comes she will be put on your team, Phoenix."

"So. The Griffin army is Angel Sunico, James Firestone, Alex Kennedy, Rachel Kyle, Yerlim Kang and of course Phoenix." He said, watching as the students in the crowd stood up to come on stage. "And the Tiger army is Anthony Laurence, Shellie Daniels, Noare, Yijung Kang, Adam Winters, Kyle Averegus and of course Jessica."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: Rachel Kyle Character Portrait: James Firestone Character Portrait: Angel Sunico Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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#, as written by Tonks
Phoenix looks her army over. This is going to be a long year. she thinks But at least it's my last. " alright, griffin army fallow me to the bunks." she says loudly then runs to their bunks. Once there she turns and waits for her army.Let's see what they can do. she thinks and smirks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Tear gazed at her team with masked excitement. She was with kids more around her age. Well it actually looked like she was the youngest but there were some that seemed young as well, Then she turned and caught her brothers eyes, he smiled at her and she grinned at him before following her leader Phoenix.

XXX YiJung (LeeU)

LeeU surveyed his team with calculating eyes. They were all quite interesting. The leader Jessica seemed to know what she was doing. He hoped there would be someone with a good sense of humor on his team. They all seemed pretty capable but he would judge later when he had seen them fight. This was it, Everything that he had worked for had paid off. He thought of Tear, hopefully she would stay strong.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Tear lined up and was mortified to see she was first. HEr leader seemed intimidating. but she obeyed, there wasn't anything to be really afraid of.

"I'm YeRiim Kang but you can call me Tear, My skill is that i can accurately predict outcomes of any scenario." She replied confidently.


He grinned and followed, this was the kind of thing he liked. He sped up quickly and caught sight of some blonde air turn the corner and he continued at his easy pace.

"Yo, I found you." LeeU grinned at his leader in front of the Tiger Barracks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Shellie Daniels Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Tear automatically started doing as her told her to do, With the people she saw on her brothers team and the people on her team... It wasn't very good. She calculated everything that could happen and shook her head lightly. No. there was no possible way, not yet at least. The other team was just obviously a lot stronger.


The tall boy smiled at the sarcasm, he normally didn't like it but this one was friendly. LeeU was really liking his team so far. At least they weren't hopeless. Then he smirked in amusement, he was the tallest one there.

He saluted jokingly to the girl that arrived in panting.

"Nice to see you made it, miss."

At least she made it. Then she said bravery, was that her skill? Oh were they supposed to tell their leader that too. Oh well, he'll tell her if she asks him for it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Tear nodded up at her leader and took in a deep breath. Her leader was so not going to like her report.

"Unfortunately, we are outmatched by them in every way," She began. It was the complete truth.

"They beat us in strength, in speed, in numbers, in size..." Tear opened her eyes wide. "The best we could get is a draw, but even that is unlikely."

Her brother could take out half of Team Phoenix with one hit if he wanted to. Or he could make them suffer slowly by practically dissecting their minds.

"Since a few of us are quite small, due to our age, we could ambush them easily but even then, our chances at winning are not high."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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"I would like to know, but if it's too personal, I understand," LeeU stepped back a little to give her some breathing space. He knew what the past was like. Sometimes it was better to not mention it, but there does come a time when people must face it. Maybe it was time for her, to speak it out loud.

"If you do decide to tell me, I promise I won't tell." His brown eyes shined as he looked down at her sitting form. "You can trust me, if you want to,"


She looked up at the boy that had objected to her, She looked at him curiously. Did he know something she didn't?

"Well, I guess right now I may not be entirely correct since I do not know all the skills of every one on the teams but in general, I think that I'm right.."

She nodded at him to continue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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"Might as well tell me the full story," LeeU suggested, smiling at her.


"But theres a lot of good people on Tiger too," Tear looked at him, unblinking. It was a habit. Her father had trained her to only blink once every two minutes.

"I think you're underestimating them. You don't know what they're capable of yet. It would be stupid to think there's a chance when there isn't one,"

But Tear tilted her head to the right, another habit, "But if she's as good as you think then maybe I'll be able to draw up different conclusions after I see some of our team in action."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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"A stranger punch you until you can't remember whats happening?"

He gave a bitter smirk.

"You'd be surprised at how much I can relate," He said.


"My brothers a killer. He can torture you without laying a single finger on you, and you would be trying to take your own life to end the pain," Tear said to him, ignoring the leader. You can't win if you can't. There's nothing else to it. But she shrugged.

"Show me your plans, I'll calculate them afterward."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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She looked at him crossly, "It's my first year here, What do you expect, I'm only nine, jeez" Then she smiled. "Flashguns? Can you explain how those work for me?"

Tear could have come at the age of 8 but LeeU had said to come a year later. He had wanted her to get in one more year of rigorous training. SHe trusted him and did as he said, even though all she wanted was to come and join him.


"Do you miss your gang?" He asked softly. Did she form bonds within her gang? If she had, it made sense why she didn't want to feel that kind of pain again.
He thought of his own survival of his cruel father. He aalways took the hits. He had to, for Tear's sake. Closing his eyes, he turned his attention back to Sparkles.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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Alex shrugged. "Probably not for a while generally a squad's together for at least a month before they start, but times have changed. I give us a week." He, said imagining more battle strategies in his head. The possibilities literally were endless.


She looked around, everyone seemingly have finished with their desks. "Show time. Who wants one?" She asked, waiting before they would go to shower. "This will be the only one you get for the next couple of days, so i suggest you take one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: Jessica Zain Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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0.00 INK

Jessica followed after LeeU into the showers. They didn't have one for girls, and one for boys. There was just one big room with 12 showers, thin shower curtains serving as the only thing to keep you hidden from everyone else. She entered on towards the center, the safest because people always went to the back and quickly started showing, the water cold on her back. She could hear a few other showers on, but she wasn't quite sure. Every minute or so she would check just outside her shower to make sure her towel was still there. People often took others, but it wasn't a huge deal considering it was a school thing to not have to wear clothes, especially in your barracks or at night.


Alex saw the girl glance at Phoenix, and smirked. "Don't worry," he whispered to her. "She gets nicer. Commanders just aren't suposed to be friends with their squad. They are the commanders, the leaders. Nothing else."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kennedy Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Shellie Daniels Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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"Have a seat," Tear gestured to the chair next to her. She smiled at Alex. It was nice to make new friends.

"There's so many people here," She said, her eyes wide. Then she added, "But not as many as I thought. Was the Acid Burst really that bad? I heard there were way more people than this here,"


"Well, Shellie, The strategy is to win!" LeeU smirked at her good naturedly. He glanced at the two Griffins beside him. They couldn't talk strategy with other teams present. "I'm sure Griffins easy though," He said casually. Maybe he could get something out of the two younger kids. They seemed talkative enough. Though Tear was trained to avoid questions like this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: YiJung "Lee" Kang Character Portrait: Shellie Daniels Character Portrait: YeRiim "Tear"  Kang
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"Uh, okay," Shellie grinned at LeeU. "My names Shellie Daniels, I'm sixteen, my parents are Irish and American, but I've lived in New York my whole life. I like, uh, anything dangerous really, and I have one brother, Nate. He's not at the school though." She looked away quickly as tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. She didn't know why she felt so emotional over her sisters death right now, but she did. She blinked away the tears, she couldn't be seen crying, and looked back at LeeU. "That's pretty much it. Nothing interesting, really," she said with a shrug. She looked over at the small girl that was LeeU's sister and smiled. "Hi, I'm Shellie," she said. "And you are?"