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Ophelia M. Hawthorne

Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.

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a character in “Bellingstone”, as played by .euphoria.


    “Death must be so beautiful.
    To lie in the soft brown earth with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence.
    To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.”
    ― Oscar Wilde
You Don't Own Me: Grace . Wish You Were Here: Florence and the Machine
Castle: Halsey . Love is Blindess: Jack White . Beautiful Crime: Tamer
Find Me: Sigma . No Angels: Bastille . Young and Beautiful: Lana Del Rey


ROLEPLAYER: BleedingLover

CS BY RubyTuesday

FACE CLAIM: Lana Del Rey

      NAME: Ophelia Marie Hawthorne (O-FEE-lee-ah ; Muh-ree ; h-AW-th-aw-r-n)
      NICKNAME/S: Lia, is her most common nickname as it is one she allows anyone to call her by as long as they have been acquainted though she'd rather be called Ophelia. Other vampires in the city who have known her for decades have always called her

      AGE: 267 (bitten at 27)
      DATE OF BIRTH: While most have forgotten their true birthdate. She has kept hers written down in a journal that she has had for decades. Feburary 14th 1750.

      GENDER: (Cis)female
      ORIENTATION: She is very bisexual. You don't walk this earth for more than 200 years without at least having a few female partners and lovers. She has and has had some of the most marvelous lives with them! But she is quite picky when it comes to women because of them. Which is why she finds herself leaning more towards men, they're easier to settle for.

      ETHNICITY: 50% French; father and 50% English; mother. She has claimed a wide array of ethnicities during her life, but has always found herself coming back to what she truly is; French from her father and, she believes English from her mother.

      PAST OCCUPATION: You see, Ophelia doesn't really do occupations, she does experiences. Some of her colleagues are doctors, librarians having these trifling careers that won't end up mattering after this generation departs just like all the others. Ophelia has always been something a little more extravagant, for lack of a better word. A opera singer (1830s-late 1860s), a famous golfer (1870s-1890s), even a ballerina starring in several shows such as Giselle, The Nutcracker, and, her favorite Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake (1790s-1820s). A Broadway star and dancer during her favorite time, the (1940s). But of all her jobs her personal favorite a woman of the silent silver screen, an actress (1900s-late 1920s). The golden age of silent films. She has held other careers such as being a part of the AAGPBL during WWII, an actress again, hell she was even an author of a book still read to this day under the alias E.D Thorne, anything that would keep her interested and give her a good story. And no one ever blinked an eye at the resemblance between her her now and a past life she had.
      OCCUPATION: As of right now, she has chosen to somewhat combine those with her new fascination with the younger generation's desire to become famous like she has when she was a young child. She's a teacher for the upcoming singers, dancers, actresses, anything doing with the entertainment industry hoping to help them become immortal in their own way.

      HEIGHT // WEIGHT: Ophelia is known for two things; one, her irrefutable charm and two, her impressive build. It took her decades to finally to begin reveling in it. Wearing it like a badge of honor. Ophelia stands at an awe-inspiring 5'10//152.4 cm without heels, even though she rarely goes without them making her around 6'3, at least with her shoes. // Ophelia, while tall is far from lanky. She possesses what she believes if an hourglass-like figure with her hips being bigger than her bust but not by a noticeable amount until you see her without any clothing on.

      HAIR: Naturally her hair, when she was a young girl, is exactly how it is now a dark, brown color that matched perfectly with her pale skin and seemingly kaleidoscope eyes. But she has changed it through the decades to fit what was in style from a light red-ish brown to blonde to truly black as night. But has always come back to what she was born with.
      EYES: Her creator, the man who made her always told her that he chose her because of her eyes. Her kaleidoscope eyes that seem to either welcome you towards her with her warm, kind smile that promises both love and admiration from the vampire for what most hope last forever or, if you have the unfortunate faith of getting on her bad side, daggers that appear to stare right through as if you aren't even there.

      DIALOGUE: #9D6B84
      THOUGHT: #B5B5B5


      Ophelia Hawthorne has never been a girl who belonged to the current generation, even as a human. She was and still is a searcher, and a seeker of the truth in the world, and to find her own truth from within herself with time. It has taken herself centuries to come to the level of understanding of herself that she is at right now, and even though she likes to believe that she has a clear and compelling sense of herself. She knows there is more about herself and the world around her that she will never truly be able to comprehend even after walking the Earth for as long as she has. And as a result of this outlook on life, she has devoted parts of her life to investigations into the unknown and finding the answers to the mysteries of life and the world around her. Some around her believe she is nothing more than a pretty face, a woman who just likes to be the center of attention who acts deep and poetic in order to seem better than those around her. And, part of it is true. She does believe that compared to the mortals, werewolves, witches, and other species around her that she is better. She has lived dozens of lives all over the world. Having experienced numerous things that they never could even fathom of doing in their short, what 80 years of life. Is she condescending because of it? You could say that. Even when she was mortal, she always believes she was meant for more than most of those around her. At the time being, she believed her destiny in life was to be a dancer. In the 18th century, there wasn't much for a young lady like herself to do other than marry and start a family but, that was never what Ophelia, named Anya at the time, saw for herself. She never wanted the life made for women at that time. Which made her seem condescending to some but bizarre to all that came in contact with her.

      She wasn't graceful like she is now, she was always rough around the edges but what attracted men, including her creator to her other than her angelic face was the fact that that French woman did and still does possesses a finely tuned mind and an analytical way of thinking through her life, being capable of great concentration when it comes to her dancing and art, the one thing she has always been passionate about through the centuries. This is one thing she knows she is amazing at, from birth. This wasn't something she learned over the years, this was something she was told by her mother. That she was meant to create art for those all around the world to enjoy through the years but she never imagined she'd be around to see the praise. Without stating, she's pretty intense to a level most seem unable to handle which is the reason behind her only have a few close friends nowadays. She's an intense visionary, a whirlwind of ideas and passion that seems to never call down, always looking for someone or something to call her muse or for those she can help create into stars so they can leave their make in the world like she has. Some call her a 'mad genius' Not that she minds. A quote she will always remember by Aristotle is; “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”

      Ophelia, on many different occasions, because of how seriously she does think about her art, films, etc. and the level at which she cares it at, she has been called pretentious. The way the vampire sees it, she just believes that most people in the world have forgotten the miracle that is art, in any aspect of it from music, art, film. Being a part of that world means that you can go down in history as 'one of the greats', someone who helped change the world forever because of what they did in their craft. Ophelia has seen the impact of what one can have of something. It's terribly sad to her in all honesty. That this generation has forgotten what it means to work so hard at something in order to perfect so you don't accept mediocrity. And she is there to help those wanting to break that mold get to where they want. With never settling, she has been able to have some of the best romances in history from authors, poets to even penniless stagehands and flappers. She has been able to love so many different men and women in her life, making it impossible for her to settle for anything less than someone extravagant and dramatic. This all started when she was no older than 25 years old. She never wanted a family or a husband but once finding out she was having a child she fell in love for the first time in her life. It was the first time she had ever felt an absolute love for another person where she would die for them, hell even kill for them. With Noëlle Ophelia, her baby, her everything. And once losing her. Our lovely leading lady has tried to fill that hole in her heart several times with lovers that she will never forget but she has finally realized no one will fill that space in her soul left there by her first and only offspring. If you cannot tell Ophelia very romantic and dreaming soul.

      But, with the good. There is always bad characteristics as well. To everyone and Ophelia is no except. While she's highly intelligent, she can be ruthless and quite machiavellianistic. Using whoever she needs to in order to get where she wants in the world. There is only a small group of people who she will never betray even if she was ever given the chance, mostly consisting of the other vampires in this town that she has known for decades even when she was away from Bellingstone. They have earned her loyalty and her trust which is a marvelous thing because when Ophelia decides to show her bad side. Close to no one is safe, other than children and her lovers, she has close to no consideration for human life knowing that before they know it their life will end without her having to do anything to them. They'll become food for the worms in the ground just like everyone else who doesn't have the terrible gift of immortality. But, even if she doesn't feel like she has to hurt them. She won't hesitate to harm or kill someone who does her wrong including her own creator who decided to try and screw her over. While she is romantic and charismatic, she's manipulative. Using her charm to her advantage whenever given the chance.

      And once you are able to get past that, Lia can be an astonishing woman to be around. She can be the life of a party when she actually chooses to be. She's a charismatic gal when open to others, always want to display her unbeatable wit and sharp silver tongue. And of course, enjoys performing before a large audience more than most things in the world. What can she say? She loves attention when it's positive attention. The rush of it all just delivers this thrill through her body that no drug or cocktail could ever compare to. But, like the majority of people in the world, Ophelia does have definite limits with her socializing. While ample in social situations, sharing her attention and energy freely, wanting to make other comfortable around her, she is keenly aware of the need to "come off of the stage" every so often and return to her solitude in order to not drain herself of the excitement about being around people. There is only a distinct few who are aware that they can come to her at any time without her pushing or shoo them away.


      • a nice, big glass of aged Cabernet Sauvignon • classic literature
      •banter •dancing •singing •children •teaching •history esp. 1920s
      •silent films •romance and romantic people •Oscar Wilde •riddles
      •her life stories • fresh bedsheets • her daughter, Noëlle •debates
      • high heels • being in the limelight • an excuse to dress up • sex
      •F. Scott Fitzgerald •attention •parties •being taken care of •opera
      •moonlit walks •dark clothing •long gowns •blondes •witty retorts
      • the finer things in life • cigarettes and cigars • satire and sarcasm
      •fit, sexy, & nice bodies •blood •politics •traveling •Jane Austen

      • chaotic situations • losing • Vampires with no control • silver
      • not getting what and who she wants • animals • cheap alcohol
      • most fried food • being wronged • damsels in distress • secrets
      • being touched without her permission •country music • drugs
      • her creator, Valentin • bad flirting • werewolves and their smell
      •lemon water •bright colors •wearing flats •white wine • green tea


      •to find a lover to be with forever •to somehow have a family
      • to be on the silver screen again • to be a federal politician
      •living forever, alone •seeing her students die
      •her creator, Valentin •being forgotten in life


      XXXValentin | Creator | Unknown (at death)| Deceased
      XXXAdrienne Laurent | Mother | 55 (at death)| Deceased
      XXXUnknown | Father | Unknown | Deceased
      XXXNoëlle Laurent | Daughter | 29 (at death) | Deceased

      To hear Ophelia's life before becoming a vampire sounds like something out of a novel; completely romanticized and seen through rose colored glasses. But to truly know her story you must first know that Ophelia Marie Hawthorne was born as Estelle Lucille Laurent, a poor peasant girl who lived in Paris with her mother, Adrienne. She sadly was never given the chance to met father when she was mortal, she only had stories from her mother about what he looked like and how magnificent their love was. But while glorious, it was forbidden. You see, Estelle's (Ophelia's) mother was born poor, to a couple of farmers who lived far from Paris until their daughter decided she wanted to be a dancer in shows seen in the largest cities in the world! And Paris was her place to start while there she met Estelle's (Ophelia's) father, who's name has sadly been forgotten by Ophelia over the years, was a very wealthy, successful young man who just so happened to be born into the right family where the patriarch was a noble, serving as a part of the royal government. She has heard numerous stories of the two, most of which she still remembers to this day like the reason her father left. When Adrienne became pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. Her father knew they could not be together for the sheer fact that his parents would never accept it, possibly leaving the man penniless with his lover and newborn. So, he disappeared in the middle of the night not leaving as much as a letter.

      As much her mother was heartbroken, she knew she couldn't afford to keep going, to keep working in order to provide for her baby girl. She did what she could as a doll maker while continuing to try and become a famous dancer even when all the odds were against her which was something Ophelia can proudly say she learned from her mother. As the young girl matured, she too had to get a job as a servant girl to help her mother but also had the desire to become a dancer like her mother before her but unlike her mother. She never had training when she younger, she was born with the talent along with a spectacular opera voice that garnered the attention of the families she would work for. But, it wasn't until she was 25 years old and working for a high middle-class couple who loved to entertain that Ophelia was finally given the chance to be their main entertainment but she became the center of attention for more than just her voice when it came to the man of the couple. He would go on to become a man she could never forget, Valentin. He became captivated by the young girl's beauty especially her eyes as he began to call her 'the girl with the brilliant eyes'. Stating that he hadn't been able to find a woman with such eyes in all his life. Even though she knew she couldn't, she fell in love with the man more than she can ever explain. He told all the right things, showered her with everything she could ever want, introduced her to the right people to actually have a chance as a singer, all under the guise of just wanting to help out his friend without his wife ever having a clue for close to two years. But, behind closed doors, the lovers were becoming more enthralled with one another with every passing day. Everything came to a head when Ophelia's mother finally tried to wake her from her fantasy affair to show her the truth that he was never truly going to be hers. He was never going to leave his wife for the young 27-year-old peasant girl. This rang true for the girl and she knew as much as she loved the man, she would never have a future with him. So, she disappeared with her mother. They left Paris without saying a word to anyone about where they were going, without saying goodbye to her love. Within the year they had left, life seemed to be perfect. Ophelia had found a man who made her happy, Philp and while not married, the two actually had a beautiful baby girl that they named Noëlle. Everything seemed great until her daughter was a year old and Lia made a disastrous slip of singing in a pub to begin attracting attention once more and because of it, her past caught up with her and this time it wasn't going away without a fight. Valentin was livid that his lover left him without a word because if there was something he was never okay with it was not having control. And in order to regain control of her he did they only thing he could think of; kill the life she had already made for herself. Her husband was easy to make 'disappear' and it wasn't until years later that she found out what happened to him. Her daughter was what made Ophelia make a deal with the devil. She would come with him, be his forever in exchange for her daughter. He offered her a smirk, a handshake, and then everything went black. When she woke up, she was far from her home of Lyon felt different and hungry constantly. Valentin went on to explain everything; what he was, how he became this way, and why he chose her.

      He taught her everything she needed to know about what she was, how to control her hunger and how she would have the chance to start completely over after 50 or so years, create a completely new identity for herself where she could do anything, go anywhere, and be anything. She never knew what happened to her baby after that until several years later, she could only assume that Valentin kept his part of the deal. Not that he was known for play fair, but Ophelia did. She stayed with him in order to make sure her baby stayed safe and was able to have the life that was swiftly taken away from Ophelia. They built a life with one another for years, starting over and for a brief moment in time. Sadly, Ophelia felt herself falling for that man again. He constantly gave her the affection and praise that she craved that the father of her child never did. Valentin was a drug to her and she was his. Years passed and she was finally given confirmation that her daughter was alive and well, living with her grandmother (Ophelia's mother). She was beautiful, a talented singer, just like her mother. Seeing her made Ophelia's stone cold heart begin to warm, all she wanted was to be there in her baby's life, not watching from afar like she began doing. Valentin said she was 'getting weak' and when Ophelia admitted it he knew he had to do something. That something was to again cut off any part of Ophelia's life outside of him. But, you see you can only push a woman so far before she strikes back and this, this was Lia's breaking point. She went to observe her daughter and mother one day on to see blood seeping through the snow around their home leading inside. What she was met with inside was what made her snap; her mother's neck snapped with her daughter gasping for air, clinging to life. This was the only time Ophelia was able to meet and speak to her baby only to say she was always around and that she loved her before Noëlle succumbed to her injuries. This was the last straw and confronted with it only to have a smile on his face, Valentin admitted to it. Saying that she was going to leave him, only Ophelia to say her last words to him. “Même la mort a un cœur. Malheureusement, je suis pire que la mort.” (“Even death has a heart. Unfortunately, I'm worst than death.”) That night, along with so many others if a blur in her memory.

      But, after Valentin, she knew there was no longer anything left for her in France. The country was tainted for her as this place where everything was taken away from her so she made a fresh start in Belgium. Finally starting her first of many lives; Adele De Witte, the soon to be famous ballerina. Adele was her first but definitely not her last as she, over time had several different names and lives all over the world finally being able to do what she has always wanted to do, be in the spotlight. She has been a professional golfer, an opera singer, poet, author in which she writes about her past loves as fiction, a ballerina, a Broadway star, hell in the a baseball player during WWII, but of all her lives none with ever top Daisy Baker, her name for the famous silent movie star. The golden girl of the 1920s in America! She was praised then and she's praised now as a scarlet of the silver screen. Some of her species despise her for staying in the limelight so much, bringing unwanted attention towards herself but you see, Ophelia had stopped living for others a long time ago and if she was to live a life with no end. She will continue to live it on her terms. She found her way to Bellingstone as Ophelia Marie Hawthorne, famous socialite in the 1960s and while she had left the town behind many times before, she always finds her way back because of those like her who live in the town. In the 90s, she finally decided to settle down, start a life for herself here as a teacher for those wanting to have their names written in the stars just like many of her past lives before.


      MISCELLANEOUS: What she is most proud of and she will never let you forget it, is that she has three stars on the walk of fame from two different stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; one as Daisy Baker, her silent film star and Elenor Dewitt, her jazz singer life during the 1960s. Both of which were given 'posthumously'. • Also, unbeknown to her, but Ophelia's only daughter, Noëlle did go on to have three children with her husband who was out in town with the children, before her untimely death. So there is hope that the Laurent line did continue throughout the years. • Because of the careers, she has had over the years, she has been able to lavish herself including the best clothing brands like Chanel, Armani, Valentino, and her favorite being Dior. Not to mention her 7 bedroom and 7 bathroom mansion (X) even though she lives alone • She does have two pets; a pet sphinx cat, Darcy (X) and her precious Axanthic Ball Python, Vernon (X).


So begins...

Ophelia M. Hawthorne's Story


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Location: Hawthorne Manor X, her bedroom. Outfit: X . Hex color: #9D6B84 . Thought color: #B5B5B5

Ophelia was in the middle of her morning routine, pouring herself a glass of her favorite whiskey to get her day started while starting towards her balcony after sliding on a pair of her sunglasses. She took a deep breath, enjoying the view of the woods around her in all its peaceful beauty. As much as she loved the town, she adored being able to get away from it all as well even though she was only minutes away. Most humans had no idea where she resided and those who did know never dared to step inside. They saw her as an odd woman, a live version of the countess as if any moment she would kill them with one of her nails on her designer gloves once inside. But for those... special types living in the town, it was no surprise where she lived. She had lived in the same mansion since decided to stay in town and was known for throwing 'small' get together, well small to her but extravagant to anyone else. A within those who have been inside her home few had gotten the 'grand tour' of the estate with even fewer seeing where she spent a lot of her time, her bedroom. In all honesty, she truly believed she was alone in her room until she heard a man clearing his throat. She turned around, seeing her lover for the night, Jackson sitting at the edge her large king size bed, slipping on his black slacks. “A little early for hard drinking, ain't it darling?” Ophelia chuckled softly, taking the last sip of her drink before setting the glass on the railing of her balcony. “I don't think so.”

The man and woman kept their eyes locked on one another with a smirk growing bigger and bigger on both of their faces. “And why's that?” The mortal zipped up his pants. “Because a great man once said that whiskey is liquid sunshine.” Ophelia winked, twirling around in her red bottom heels to pour another glass as the man snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her curves, kissing her at the base of her neck making his way towards her ear. “And who said that? Charlie Sheen?” The temptress set her glass back down while she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. “George Bernard Shaw.” Jack made a small 'huh' before letting his hands roam over her sides. Jackson, while no one would rank in her top five favorite loves in her two centuries of living, he was interesting. He, himself was a young warlock and hid it only to make his tricks seem truly realistic when he performed them in bars across the town, mostly Escape. But, one look at him and you could see he was her type; taller than her even with her heels on, perfectly built body, somewhat blonde with piercing blue eyes. While she knew it wouldn't lead anywhere. They never really did. A new generation meant new ideas of romance and love, most dealing with the thought that it didn't exist anymore. And that was unfortunate to think about, sure but he was definitely great for whenever she felt the need to entertain herself for the night.

Ophelia let herself enjoy the moment before realizing the time and remembering she had a young girl with a opera lesson today. Soon. She turned towards the man with an apologetic smile with one of her hands laying on his chest. “I have to go and so do you.” She left his grasp, moving towards the door. “What's the hurry?” Jack grabbed his suit jacket from the floor. “I have a pupil to teach and you have a story to write. Remember? About the election.” She raised her eyebrows. “Oh right, that.” She scoffed as the pair began walking down the steps to the foyer. “Or is it really a piece about Wolff returning to town or more likely you and your colleagues are writing about the murder?” Jackson tried to act like he had no idea what she was talking about but, Ophelia knew better. People didn't give her the credit she deserved when it came to knowing someone's true intentions. She took off her glasses for a moment to look eyes at him with a smirk on her porcelain face. “Don't look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you have not the slightest idea what I'm talking about. You're not that clever, Jackson. I knew your intentions the second you walked up to me in the bar. Thinking you could get some information out of me or something, but when I wasn't of use with that. I became useful in another way.” Her grinch like smirk grew when Jackson looked at her with a smile of his own as the reached the front door with Ophelia slipping on her glasses once more. “See you around, Jack.” She leaned against the doorframe with a wink as she watched him walk to his car before driving off. She didn't leave much later in her own car to make her way into town.


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Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green
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Location: Wolff's Diner . Outfit: X . Hex color: #9D6B84 . Thought color: #B5B5B5

She had only left her home moments before getting a phone call from her student's mother, Rebecca. Who constantly claimed as if Ophelia wasn't giving her daughter, Naomi 'the attention she deserved.' The vampire could admit, the girl had talent. Could she become as famous as Lia was when she was younger, no. Then again, very few ever impressed her enough for her to see herself in them. Which was the main reason Lia believed herself to be the best teacher in Bellingstone. She had gone through the ups and downs of being in the limelight with; film, music, dance, etc. She knew what she taught and didn't feel the need to prove her talent and experience to some mere mortal who couldn't shut her mouth for two seconds to hear the teacher's professional opinion. Ophelia was rubbing her temples, trying to control her temper as the tongue lashing continued. Leave to some dance mom to ruin her good morning. She took a deep breath looking towards her diamond rings, fixing them as she spoke disinterested to the mother. She wanted to "I--..M--...Madam Bishop. I understand. Now understand me, I have done this for decades, I have been the muse for composers, singers, artists for generations," Ophelia wasn't above bragging, anyone who spent an hour with her could tell you that. But, it was never out of the need to brag. She didn't need to do anything, she just enjoyed talking about the experience she had gone through in her life. "I know what I am talking about with your daughter, Naomi is very talented, and when I am with her I give her my undivided attention but I cannot just throw away my other students for her." Naomi was good, great every once and a while when she got out of her own head and truly listened to her teacher but not great enough for Ophelia to drop her other thirteen students. They were all talented, some with the potential to be phenomenal but those were the ones who didn't want to commit their lives to their craft like Lia has said to do time and time again. She continued to listen to the mother as she parked her car and fixed her cat eye sunglasses in the rearview mirror. Adding a small 'mmhm' every once and a while to let the woman believe she was listening. When really she just wanted her cup of coffee from the wolves' diner before going to deal with mainly entitled humans for the next few hours, wishing someone would just stake her with a silver pole already (jokingly, of course.)

"Madam, we can talk more about this when it is time for her session but, for now, this is where I am to end the conversation." Before the woman could protest her hanging up, Ophelia pressed the 'end call' button in her car and took a breath of relieving that she could finally relax once more. She had too good of a night and morning to let someone ruin it within minutes. She looked at herself for another moment in her mirror, fixing her flyaway hairs, her red lipstick, and necklace to make sure everything was perfect before she walked around town for the rest of the day. She had an image to uphold after all. Smiling at what she saw, the vampire locked her car, walking across the street to get to the diner. She needed her daily cup of black coffee even if the caffeine did as much for her as anything else, it was more of a taste thing for her. She smiled towards the group of men who held the door open for her but, kept her head forward. When she saw Ember at the counter speaking towards Sydney, someone Ophelia didn't know a lot about other than she was a wolf. Lia chuckled softly, taking a seat next to the younger vampire. "Ember, isn't a tad early for you to be harassing the townsfolk?" Her smirk grew as she slid glasses on top of her head before turning her eyes towards the adolescent looking girl.


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Character Portrait: Axel Wolff Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green
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Felix's Diner


Ember's remark only caused him to light up, the grin on his face broadening to expose beautiful teeth and crinkle his eyes. "Isn't it a little too early for you to be so snarky?" he countered. He considered throwing in a "young lady" for good measure, but they both knew she was already far older than he would ever hope to live to. "Or is bottled water more up your alley?"

He watched for a moment or two as she perused the menu before retreating to the kitchen once more. Axel continued cooking, working on some mixture of breakfast and lunch items as the time wore on. He glanced through the window separating the kitchen from the dining space to catch Sydney glancing down at her phone. Axel opened his mouth, as if to ask a question, but he was silenced as Sydney hissed to Ember, her voice to low even for his heightened senses to register from behind the window. But he could tell something was bugging her and bugging her greatly.

Axel loaded a few plates on a tray and brought them out to rest on the counter beside Sydney. One plate he picked up and slid gently along the counter to Ember. It bore nothing outstanding - an egg or two scrambled up with a hash brown next to it. But he had placed a large helping of ketchup along the edge of the plate. If one squinted enough, perhaps it could look something like a comical rendering of a blood splatter - certainly, that was what Axel had in mind when he placed it there, far enough away from the rest of the food that she couldn't request a new plate due to contamination.

"Looks to be to your liking," he remarked as he slid the tray towards Sydney. "Let me know if I can get you anything else, sunshine." Ophelia walked in as he finished speaking, and the wolf offered her a quick smile and a wave. Turning away from Ember now, he looked back at Sydney, who leaned against the counter, glancing occasionally at her phone.

"Everything okay, Sydney?" he asked, taking care to steer away from pet names for her for now. "Something the matter?" He could tell something was weighing on her - the pack had that sort of sixth sense when it came to each other. Her emotions were filling the air around her, pressing into Axel and causing him to grow vaguely anxious. He hated to see her like this, or any pack member like this. Perhaps these rumors about Al still got to her though Axel had long ago given up any hope of the prodigal son returning. Instead, he had been left in this shit town with the pack to look after. If Al were smart, he'd never come back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Wolff Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lilac

"There's nothing I enjoy more on Saturday mornings than you and your empty threats," Ember replied, smiling in an innocent way that was indirectly devious as Sydney turned away from her. She had found a straw a few inches away on the diner counter and was nearly ready to wad up the paper wrapped that concealed it into a spitball to launch at Axel's head now that he had returned from the kitchen. He gave her a plate of food before leaving her with a sarcastically cheery comment about her needing anything else, but before she could act on her instinct to deploy the spitball, or question Sydney about what she was so busy thinking about, Ophelia had taken a seat next to her and was questioning her on whether it was appropriate to be bothering everyone so early in the morning. Ember was tempted to remind her that time was a man-made concept, and that the sun being newly-risen didn't dictate her behavior since she wasn't like these people who had just woken and were probably still grumpy and tired. She was also tempted to tell Ophelia that she got the best reaction out of people when they weren't fully awake and on their guard yet, but she didn't. Even if she unfairly felt like werewolves and humans and a few other supernatural subcategories were less superior than vampires, she didn't think that other vampires were inferior to her. In fact, Ophelia was far older than she was, and Ember could admit that she was far wiser too. While that didn't mean that she was immune from Ember's behavior, since it was basically ingrained in her personality at this point, it did mean that she was aware of who she was dealing with, and she tried to behave accordingly.

"I'm not bothering anyone important," she reasoned, glancing towards Axel and Sydney who were talking a few feet away. She was feeling quite inclined towards asking them what they were talking about oh-so privately, but she kept her attention on Ophelia for the moment. "Isn't it a little too Bellingstone-y around here for you to be looking like you just walked off of Fifth Avenue?" she countered then, as she used a fork to move around some of the food on her plate, shooting a glare at Axel's back when she noticed the purposely placed ketchup splatter on the plate. Ophelia always dressed well. She was a sophisticated woman in every sense of the word, so her superior fashion sense wasn't shocking, but Ember would still poke fun at it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Wolff Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green Character Portrait: Junsoo Moon Character Portrait: Johanna Collins
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0.00 INK


S Y D N E Y . G R E E N


Location; Felix's Diner
Hex Code; #D58223


Sydney continued to lean upon the counter, her phone still in her hand as she started to twiddle the device between her hands now. She anxiously awaited for June to text her back as every time her phone, or someone else's would chime, her eyes would become locked with her own phone. Upon hearing Ember's response towards her, she did not bother to respond but made a scowling face towards her then looked up and saw Ophelia walking in. 'Oh, great, another vampire.' She thought to herself as two vampires inside of the diner was enough for her. She managed to get herself upright and walk over towards Ophelia, her gaze meeting hers. "Would you like tap water, as well? Or would you prefer a bottle?" Sydney asked towards Ophelia, mocking her rather sophisticated aura as she smiled towards her then handed her a menu anyway - Just in case.

As a few people left the diner now, Sydney wished them a good day and cleaned up the area that they were sitting. She piled the dishes up in the back, knocking over a few as she cursed to herself and picked up the broken dishes off of the floor. Sydney stood upright now and walked back through the doors, checking her phone and leaned back upon the counter. Axel's voice startled her slightly as she turned towards him and looked around before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him aside so no one could hear them speak.

"Well, June sent me a text about certain rumors going on around town. About what? I am not sure yet." She said just as Johanna, someone she looked at as a little sister and she offered a wave, came in with her usual goodies and then went to asking questions. Sydney sighed as she went to answer her but her phone chimed and it was finally June, who answered her previous message. Her eyes widened at his response and her mouth parted slightly as she gasped softly to herself.

Instead of typing a reply back towards June, her eyes gazed back and forth between Axel and Johanna as she muttered. "He's heard the same thing as everyone else, Albrecht's back in town." Sydney responded as she looked at Johanna now, who knew the look on her face all too well that they must chat later about this matter. "So, if he is back, what exactly does that mean for you, Axel? Why hasn't he contacted any one of us or me?" She questioned towards him now and bit her bottom lip out of nerves. As she awaited a response from Axel, she completely forgot to text June back but started to type a reply.

To: June Bug
I've heard the same thing! Not sure but there is a possibility.

Once she had hit the send button, her attention went back towards Axel as she sat her phone down now beside the register. She even grabbed the two large boxes that Johanna had brought them and walked into the kitchen with them before returning and standing before them once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green
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0.00 INK


    Location: Wolff's Diner . Outfit: X . Hex color: #9D6B84 . Thought color: #B5B5B5

With her casting her eyes towards Ember with a small smile as the younger girl spoke to her. She couldn't do anything but chuckle a bit. She saw so much of her young self in Ember; a spitfire who didn't quell her opinions and remarks for anyone. Ophelia had to respect that and she couldn't help be remember how long ago that was but while she was a tad more eloquent than she was centuries ago, she still had a razor sharp tongue of her own. “Ember, please. Have you never heard the quote; you can never be overdressed or overeducated?” She raised her perfectly arched brows towards the girl after setting her purse down on the seat next to her. No need to get her favorite marooned colored Saint Laurent all dirty. She did have a reputation as a sophisticated, elegant 'fashionista' to uphold after all. Besides the floors look a tad... dingy if she was to say so herself but then again everything in this town as a tad dingy for the centuries old vampiress if it didn't belong to her or one of her close colleagues. “It's what I live by and either way, I'll take that little quip of yours as a compliment.” She winked towards the girl with a smirk growing bigger and bigger on her pale face. “Side, I could make you look like you just walked off Fifth Avenue too if you just let me dress you for once.” She was always trying to dress the girls in this town up, they were like her own personal dolls that she could pamper and dress as she pleased but, of course, either they didn't trust her enough to let her or they rather dress for 'function over fashion' or her favorite that 'that they didn't need fancy clothes to feel important.' Whatever the hell they meant by that. She didn't need her fancy clothes to feel important.

She knew she was important, the clothes just helped other realize just what they were dealing with. A woman with style, sophistication, but still had a darkness to her that people knew not to toy with. It was actually quite a shame that her 'favorite dolls' felt that way seeing that she didn't offer to dress just anyone so those she did extend the offer to had to be something special. She turned her attention from Ember to another blonde walked towards her. She grew usual inviting smile as the young girl's glare met with Lia's piercing eyes. With Sydney's response, she chuckled softly while shaking her head. “No thank you, darling. I don't drink tap and we both know you don't have bottled.” She took the menu from Sydney with a kind but condescending smile before looking at the pastries they had. She slid the menu to the other side of the counter away from her as she cleared her throat. She tried to wave Sydney or Axel towards her without having to seem like a complete asshole. “Excuse me. I'll just take a cup of your finest black coffee if you don't mind. And you know what, what the hell it's my cheat day I'll take a slice of that coffee cake as well. Thank you.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Alastair Character Portrait: Axel Wolff Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne Character Portrait: Sydney Green Character Portrait: Ivan Moreau
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0.00 INK




Bellingstone Streets & Felix's Diner


Ivan scuffed at he pavement gently as he matched Lucy's pace. Certainly, he was in no major rush to begin with. The library's patrons always came and went at a sluggish pace throughout the day. The vampire chuckled softly and pushed his thick-rimmed glasses further up his nose.

"She's resourceful," he commented, pulling his knapsack higher up on his shoulder. "The sheriff's office is in for one hell of a day if they do manage to take her in." He knew nothing of Ember's taste for human blood, but he would be lying if he said he had ceased consuming it all of those years ago - back when he and Felix first wrote the constitution for the supernaturals of Bellingstone. He often made time for a quite bite here or there when he left on his occasional trips outside of the town. It was easy for a werewolf to make those restrictions - they didn't need to consume human flesh at all and were sustained just fine on a normal diet. Vampires had not been created to live that way - animal blood worked, but it was like drinking grape juice in a vineyard. Or something like that - it was a difficult thing to equate to anything else.

"I think I will join you, as long as you don't mind. What does a few more minutes without books mean to this hick-town, right?" Ivan looked over at her, flashing a quick smile. "You sure an old man like me doesn't cramp your style?" Sometimes he wondered what it would have been like if he had been turned a decade or two earlier like some of the town's other citizens. Instead, he was stuck in a perpetually forty year old body with a mind that had never stopped trying to keep up with the latest trends. Hell, he looked like someone's dad who had gone crazy in Forever 21. At least he always looked put together.

"Have you been reading anything interesting as of late?" Of the two sisters, he found Lucy far easier to connect with, given their mutual love for books, especially fiction. He didn't mind any of the Paynes, in all honesty, but TJ seemed stand offish more often than not, and Ember was a bit too much of a handful for him.

Ivan held the door for Lucy as they arrived at the diner, ushering her in with one hand before he followed behind and let the door shut. The diner was hopping, full of far too many vampires and werewolves - and a faerie, he noticed. Ivan had no enemies, as far as he knew, and while he was never particularly close with any citizen in particular, he imagined they all knew him by now either from the library or from his wandering from shop to shop.

The tension today was palpable, and he could sense it in particular from the wolves, all of whom had gathered near the counter around Axel Wolff, the reluctant Alpha. A particularly unfortunate man, Ivan couldn't help but think, waving quickly to the young man and his pack as he followed Lucy to where Ophelia and Ember sat. He managed to come up just as Val stepped back, giving him the perfect opportunity to sidle in slightly, standing next to the faerie.

"Morning, ladies," he greeted, nodding slightly at the general direction of the group. "Fine day, isn't it?" Ivan slid himself into the booth Valerie had gestured at, figuring he might as well take his time now that he was already late to the library. "Although something's brewing, no? I can feel it in the air."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Alastair Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Ember Payne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lilac

"I bet they're going to spit in it," Ember advised, a smirk on her face as she caught on to the condescending tone that came from Ophelia as she flagged down one of the diner's employees to take her order, after her original response. It probably wasn't intended, but there was just that air of superirorty that came off of the woman, whether she opened her mouth or not. In Ember's mind, ti was easy to be superior to a werewolf. They were the bottom of the barrel type. Even so, Ophelia's elegance and sophistication made her seem like a class of her own even among the vampires, who Ember believed to be the most high class of all creatures. She, herself, wasn't necessarily into all of that glitz and glam. Definitely not. She was far more simple than Ophelia, and in actuality, there were many vampires like that. However, after being alive for multiple lifetimes, it was easier to develop more of a sense of who you were and who you wanted to be, and all of that extra time made getting there more attainable. High-end fashion wasn't Ember's style. She had never ventured away from her clan, so in a way, she had never had the opportunity to find herself like Ophelia and so many others did. She liked the security that her family gave her, but that wasn't to say that she never wondered just what she could do in the world if she left one day and didn't tell anyone where she was going. She didn't want to live lives like Ophelia's that would go down in history, but change and adventure were concepts that enthralled Ember. "And it was intended to be a compliment," she confirmed, nodding as her fork played with the food on her plate. "I would never insult you to your face, Lia. I like you too much to do that," she added, in what could either be construed as a compliment or not, though she smiled through it.

The group of werewolves grew by one as Johanna joined them. Her presence didn't do much for Ember, so she opted not to comment on it, and was just about ready to ask Ophelia why she stayed in this little town for so long when the diner door opened once more, and Valerie came in. She sat at one of the booths close to the counter that Ophelia and her were seated at, and her presence made Ember grin with delight. Ophelia was a good conversation partner because she had a lot to offer. She was intimidating to an extent, but not to a point where Ember felt like she offered anything other than knowledge... in her direction, at least. Leaving her seat by the counter would mean losing the ability to pester the werewolves at any second's notice, but she hadn't spoken to Valerie in a while, so the trade-off seemed worth it. "If Sydney does spit in your coffee, just let me know," Ember continued, leaving her plate on the counter as she slid off the bar stool. "I'll make sure she meets the same fate as the mayor did, and they'll dub her murder a mystery too," she insisted with a wink, in what was probably a "too soon" joke. She didn't care though. She felt no attachment to a mayor she barely knew, having only lived in the town for six months. She left Ophelia with that as she made her way to Valerie's booth, taking a seat across from the other blonde. "It's a Saturday and you're still here," she stated plainly, resting her folded hands on the tabletop. "Why?" She suspected that Valerie would be off in the city having fun on a day like today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Alastair Character Portrait: Albrecht Wolff Character Portrait: Axel Wolff Character Portrait: Ophelia M. Hawthorne Character Portrait: Sydney Green Character Portrait: Ivan Moreau
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0.00 INK


S Y D N E Y . G R E E N


Location; Felix's Diner
Hex Code; #D58223

Her head was beginning to hurt because she felt really overwhelmed right about now. She sighed softly to herself and raised her fingers up to rub her temples, her eyes fluttered back over towards her phone as it chimed. Sydney waltzed over to grab her phone and saw Poppy's name stroll across the screen. 'Oh, great. What now?' She thought to herself with an eye roll after reading Poppy's message, which she began to type a reply to.

To: Poppy
Is today pick on Sydney day or something?

She hit send and placed her phone back on the counter top, trying her best to form a smile among her lips as a few more customers rolled inside. Luckily, some of the other employees were now handling the floor so that she could be beside Axel and Johanna for a little while longer. Sydney's eyes averted over towards Ophelia whenever she finally responded towards her about the water. She made a face, of course and went ahead to gather Ophelia's order, walking away momentarily.

Sydney placed the coffee cake in front of Ophelia, along with a fork and spoon then placed a mug beside it, pouring some coffee inside of the mug. "I hope you enjoy." She said then sat the coffee pot down back in place. Her eyes then went towards Valerie as she came into the diner and offered her a wave. She then saw Ivan, yet another vampire, walked in and went over to sit beside Valerie. She could not help but make a slight face towards him that signified her disgust for him.

Whenever Axel answered her questions, she looked at him. Sydney wondered to herself if Albrecht was actually back to regain some type of control over the pack once again. Her eyes cut towards Johanna as she could feel that she is worried about her. Sydney could not help but go over towards her, resting her hand on top of hers. "No need to worry about me. Both of you. I can handle myself." She had no choice but to remain strong in front of the alpha male and a member of the pack. Once Axel said that he needed to call a meeting and now, she did not know how to feel.

Every single time the door opened, she kept on looking over to see if the so called trouble that Poppy referred to had entered the premises. Her phone chimed once more and she walked over towards it, reading the message sent from June and did not bother to response since he was probably on his way towards the diner anyway. Sydney really had hoped that Albrecht had not returned to town because if he did, she certainly had some explicit words for him.

"Well, I guess all we do now is wait." Sydney muttered towards Johanna and Axel as she decided that she needed to take her mind off of things and needed some fresh air. "I need to step outside for a moment. Johanna, would you care to join me? I really need some girl talk right about now." She practically pleaded towards Johanna, walking towards the back and waving for Johanna to follow her out of the backdoor.