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Akio Ne-Kita

0 · 281 views · located in Brentwood College Campus

a character in “Beneath the Waves of Passion”, as played by Mashotu


β–Ί Akio Ne-Kita β—„

Theme: Safe and Sound

Asian Nerd





160 lb


Hair Color:

Eye Color:


*Just look at the picture*

Preferred Clothing:
He prefers loose fitting clothes. He feels to restricted when in tight clothing.

When listening to music he sees each note as a color instead of a letter. (Ex: low A flat is blue while high C natural is yellow.)

He has a photography memory and is able to read an entire page of a textbook in under a minute.

  • Music
  • School (the studying part)
  • Books
  • Dreaming
  • His mother
  • His sister

  • School (the bulling part)
  • His father
  • Birds
  • Small places
  • Pop music

  • Studying
  • Reading
  • Listening to music

Small places (Claustrophobia) and people (mainly the people who pick on him)

Akio is quite shy. He has been ever since he was little. He's smart and doesn't mind showing it in the classroom, but is the type to run and hide from the world once he leaves his safety zone. He has always been held in high regards by his family, and after his sister ran away, he felt he should make it up to them by doing the best he could academically. His parents have been fine with that and never cared what happened as long as his grades never slipped. This allowed him to retreat inside himself, closing off from the outside world. Granted, he still finds interests in things that are in the outside world. Such as a pretty girl with freckles that is for some reason called "Miss Popular".

His father, mother, and elder sister.

Personal History:
Ever since Akio was little he had many expectations on him. He was always the smartest kid in class which lead to his parents believing he was the best kid someone could ever have. His sister three years his elder was a different story. She'd always been on the lower charts of the class. Her parents would scold her for not being more like her brother.

Eventually once she reached high school age she ran away. She has still yet to be found. Akio's mother prays every day that her baby girl will come home. But his father could give two shits. He focuses all his attention on Akio. But the only one who actually loves him is his mother. His father just uses him and says that it's a son's duty to listen and respect his father. Though Akio believes he's just a person who helped create him. He's no father in Akio's eyes.

To stop Akio from running away like his sister his father sent him to Brentwood all the was from Toronto. He never did like the school. Mainly 'cause when classes ended, the hall ways were a battle ground for him. Not a lot of people liked the fact that he was such a know-it-all. Sure he dealt with bulling back at home, but at Brentwood it was worse. He has no friends and his only ray of sunshine doesn't even know he exists. He thinks she's one of the prettiest girls he's seen, but is too shy to try and talk to her.

β–Ί OTHER: β—„

So begins...

Akio Ne-Kita's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Mina Strauss Character Portrait: Shelby Palmer Character Portrait: Kyle Staphine Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita Character Portrait: Sebastian Darcy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lenyx
It was the first day of school.

Well the first day of school for Mina Strauss at Brentwood College. From the second she stepped on campus everyone stared at her. She had checked for any significant stains or rips on her pale pink tank-top and black skinny jeans, nothing. Even her black and white sneakers were clean. Well okay, almost all of her clothes had a few marks on them. Usually paint. But today Mina made sure her clothes for the day were free of any and all spots or stains.

She glanced up at the man walking beside her. It has to be him then. Her new guardian, Mister David Carter, English teacher here at Brentwood College. Mina adjusted the straps of her heavy backpack on her shoulders.

'I guess it is unusual to see a student walking around with a teacher on campus. But does everyone have to stare?' Mina thought to herself, keeping her head down while sneaking glances to the sides through sections of her hair.

Mina followed Mister Carter to the councilors office where he parted ways with a goodbye and have a good day to her. The first school bell wouldn't ring for ten minutes and already there were a couple of students here at the councilors office. Mina was only here to collect her schedule, find out where her locker was, and have the councilor tell Mina if she ever needs to talk to come and speak with them, blah, blah, blah. The usual. Mina was sure every councilor knew students would rarely come to them, unless forced to, but they still had to go through the whole speech.

The door opened to the councilor's private office and a male student came out, following behind him was a short, slightly pudgy and balding man. β€œMiss... Strauss?”

Mina stood up and began to walk towards the private office door, passing the male student who was heading out. The councilor held out a hand to stop her and pulled out a single piece of paper, with another smaller post-it note stapled to it, and handed it to her.

β€œMy name is Mister Jerald Holt. This is your class schedule and locker number, as well as the lock's combination.”

Mina took the paper as Mister Holt turned to the student who she had been sitting next to and waved them to come into his office. Mina was clearly dismissed.

β€œWell, so much for the usual routine.” Mina muttered under her breath after the door to Mister Holt's office had closed.

Mina looked over her schedule as she turned to leave the councilors waiting area. 'At least I got all the classes I wanted.' She thought to herself. Finding her locker on the other hand, was beginning to seem impossible and there was only two minutes till the bell, that signified the beginning of the school day, would ring.

Mina held up the post-it note with the locker number written on it. β€œ8, 9, 1... There is no locker numbered 891! There isn't any lockers past 475!”

Mina glared at the piece of paper and then sighed. 'Guess I'll be carrying all my school stuff with me today.' She slipped her bag off and continued to look at the post-it note, not realizing or seeing it was written upside down. 1, 6, 8.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Mina Strauss Character Portrait: Shelby Palmer Character Portrait: Kyle Staphine Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita Character Portrait: Sebastian Darcy
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Akio Ne-Kita

The shy student walked around the lunch room. Akio never had anyone to really sit with, and he didn't like imposing on someone's table. These days, he usually went without eating lunch.

Eventually he gave and just walked into the halls. No one was gunna stop him. Okay... Maybe they were. Akio had a terrible problem when it came to this school. All the school's jock headed idiots decided that he was a good warm up punching bag for before and after their sports activities happened.

He tried to slowly walk away, but someone saw him.

"Hey, look! The nerd came to play!" One called, walked towards him.

"No... No he didn't." Akio murmured.

He felt a hand on his should as one of them gave him a harsh shake. Akio swore... He was going to die at this school

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Mina Strauss Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita Character Portrait: Sebastian Darcy
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0.00 INK

Tealia and Janice stares at Mina for a second before laughing, "Hi Mina and you can draw anytime you want. I figured he was just messing with you since you are new. I had no thought of you stealing him." Her smile was warm. "Well all you have to do is go to the office or ask around if you can't find me. I must get going, I hope you have a wonderful day!" With that she left with Janice.

"You are so sweet." Janice said as she walked backwards away from Tealia.

"I learn from the best." And with that they went their separate ways. She could hear the jocks being loud and went to check what was going on.

"Hey, look! The nerd came to play!" A jock called out and she saw him give him a harsh shake.

"DAVID SIMMONS! I cannot believe you! Get! I swear if I see this type of behavior again I will get you suspended from your games." She yelled as she walked over to the boys, getting in between them.

"You wouldn't." He growled.

Tealia stood her ground, "You wanna find out?" She growled back. David backed away, scoffing at her before disappearing.

She turned around and smiled softly, "Acho? Akio? Sorry, I don't know you that well!" She blushed, "Are you okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita
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#, as written by Mashotu
Akio Ne-Kita

Akio watched as a really pretty girl saved him. Well... Now he really had no pride left. At some point he turned to him and smiled, "Acho? Akio? Sorry, I don't know you that well! Are you okay?"

Missing the small blush on her cheeks, Akio blushed himself. Except his was more noticeable.
"Uh... Y-yeah... I'm fine. T-thank you by the way..." He stuttered out, "T-that was very kind of you..."

He adjusted his glasses nervously. This girl was "Miss Popular"... So why would she bother to save him? He was at the bottom of the food chain!

"Oh. And it's Akio. Akio Ne-Kita." He said, giving a small bow. He mentally slapped himself. He always forgot that places like America and England and Canada never bowed when greeting one another.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita
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0.00 INK

She watched him. Of course she knew who he was, but his name always sent her for a loop. He was the cute Asian in most of her classes. Why she paid attention to him? Because he always had the highest score and GPA and she needed his help to at least get close to his scores.

His blushing made her giggle, "Akio Ne~Kita! Got it, uhm where do you go eat for lunch? I need to ask some questions." She adjusted her backpack. He was...adorable? Cute? Her eyes adjusted and a memory of home hit her. She was him once.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tealia Nessa Burke Character Portrait: Akio Ne-Kita
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Akio Ne-Kita

"Akio Ne~Kita! Got it, uhm where do you go eat for lunch? I need to ask some questions." She said, a small giggle dancing in her voice.

Akio rubbed the back of his neck nervously. It would be lame to tell her he never had anywhere to sit so he usually just skipped lunch and went to the library or something. But he also couldn't lie to her.

"Uh... I was just gunna skip it today, actually." He said, biting his lip. He was curious as to what she wanted to ask though. "But, um. What did you need to ask?" He wondered. He was shocked he was participating in a conversation this well. Usually he clams up and just can't say more than a few words. He stole a glance at the freckled girl. She really was cute. It didn't surprise him that she was popular. So why was she talking to him!?