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Caleb Jolivette

"People think I don't notice, but I see how hard my sister works to keep us alive. That's why I'm her Sheriff, I have to protect her."

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a character in “Beyond the Veil”, as played by Mrs. Sara Banner




Full Name: Caleb Redmond Jolivette

Nicknames: C, C.J.

Occupation: Elementary School Student

Dead or Alive?: Alive

Birthday: November 24, 2003

Sexuality: Straight

Residence: Condo 2, First floor

Age: 10

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 110lbs

"You know, she was just gone. Erased. People said it was better that way. I don't know. Just made it seem like it wasn't real, ya know?"


Caleb is a kind boy. He tries his hardest not to act out or be bratty, knowing how hard his sister is already working to keep them both alive. He's a kind boy, who was forced to mature faster than his sister Sara would've preferred. He's like an adult in a boys body. He seems to have been able to detach from people's death after having seen his parents dead bodies, and death doesn't seem to affect him as it would other children his age. Regardless, he's a bit quiet and shy, though he opens up once people get to know him, but because of his shy demeanor, he tends to get picked on a lot at school, though he tries to hide that fact from Sara, and tries to be a 'sheriff' for her, and protect her.



+ His sister (Platonically obviously)
+ Sheriff movies
+ His Sheriff hat (It was his dads)
+ Cartoons
+ Making friends
+ Movies
+ Ice Cream
+ Girls (Not in a playboy way, is a "I don't believe in cooties" kind of way
+ Ray Cunningham's daughter
+ Going Outside
- Bullies
- Celery
- School
- Math
- Death
- Oliver Thredson (He doesn't like how he looks at his sister)
- Harvey Klein (He scares him)
- Seeing his sister work so hard
- Not being able to help out
- Guns



X Sara's killing herself like their parents did
X Harvey Klein
X Guns
X Vincent Donner (A bully at school)
* He's very quick to attach himself to people
* He's Dyslexic
* He detaches himself from death
* He tends to care more about Sara's well being than his own


He's very compassionate.
He loves to help people, he's pretty good at cheering people up

Have you seen what happens? Have you seen someone die like that? It's not like in the movies. It's scary, and it's hard


Caleb was always a quiet boy, and like most boys his age, he hated school. But on top on all the reasons any normal boy would, Caleb was/is dyslexic. He struggled all the way through elementary school, and would get picked on relentlessly by bullies in his class. The only solace he was ever able to find, was in his family, though his sister was always at work, and his parents began to pay less and less attention to him. One day, after a particularly terrible session of bullying, Caleb came home crying, and despite his parents always telling him not to go into their room, he entered without knocking, and let out a scream, seeing his parents bloody, and dead in each others arms on their bed. Ever since that day, Caleb seemed utterly detached from death, unable to feel the pain of loss that most do when loved ones die. He and his sister moved into the "Murder House" due to the low rent. He still attends school, and tries to conceal the fact that he's bullied, as well as the small crush he's formed on Cunningham's daughter.

FaceClaim || Chandler Riggs

So begins...

Caleb Jolivette's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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"Alright Clara! I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks for letting my off early, I need to go check on Caleb, the school called" Sara said, pulling her apron off and hanging it up as she signed herself off, and headed to her car, an old Toyota Camry, that, while junky looking, was very reliable. She jumped into the drivers seat, quickly racing home. God.. what happened this time... I had better not have been a bully again.. she thought to herself, before reaching over to the passengers seat and rifling through her bag to grab her cell phone. Looking around to make sure cops weren't around, she dialed their house phone, waiting a few rings for somebody to pick up.

"Hello?" a timid voice asked. Sara frowned slightly, her eyebrows creasing, Shit... he's been crying Sara thought, sighing.

"Caleb, I'm on my way home. I want you to meet me in the entry room of the building in five minuets." she said, sternly, but gently, before exchanging, 'I love you's' and hanging up.

After a few minuets, Sara finally made it home. She parked quickly, slamming her car door and locking it behind her before making her way up the porch steps and slowly opening the door, almost dreading to see what she would see. Upon opening the door, Caleb was revealed, wearing his huge Sheriff's hat, looking down and away, as if to try to hide his face.

"Look at me." Sara said, looking down at him biting her lip. He didn't move. "Caleb. Look at me." once again he didn't move. Sara gave an exasperated sigh, and reached down, gently grabbing his chin to make him look at her. A very large, fresh looking purple bruise covering his right eye.

Sara felt her stomach drop at the sight. Her hand dropped from his chin to his wrist as she dragged him down the hall, stopping in front of their door, her hands shaking with anger too badly to unlock their door, "Who did this. Caleb. You tell me who did this right now." she said, her voice seething. and low.

"It's nothing.. don't worry about it" Caleb said, his voice quiet, broken sounding. He didn't want to tell her, fearing getting picked on even more if he did. That absolutely broke her heart.

"Caleb. You tell me right now or so help me god, I WILL call the school back." she said lowly, Caleb going wide eyed, looking up at her.

"NO! YOU CAN'T" he yelled loudly, causing Sara to tense, no doubt he had caught people's attention.

"Caleb, hush." she said quietly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Irene Echevaria
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Irene snorted as she sat in what she thought was some sort of a lobby, and shook her head. Her dark hair ruffled, shifting in place. Her advice blog always had some crazy crap posted, and it never failed to make her laugh at their plight. Or just problem, since plight is way too advanced for their situation.

After typing up a reply on how she was sympathetic, and the best way to go around without ruining their situation even more, she switched out windows to her story she was currently writing. Now she wasn't the best writer, but as many comments on her story was, she had managed to somehow get what now-a-days call, "the feels" into her writing.

She always felt too immersed in her own little world, with her own little secret. It wasn't like she had committed suicide, and is now a ghost among the human world, no, she was sitting like she still was one. And the funny thing to her was that she chose to present herself (after days of figuring out what the heck this after-life thing was), and no one still really acknowledged her. 'Jerks, the lot of them!' she would always think. Not that it made a difference, but it was definitely something rather than letting her angsty-self come out and possibly murder the whole building. People and material items.

Plugging in her earphones, she went on Pandora and clicked her infamous Etta James station. Almost immediately, her body relaxed as the familiar trumpet rang in her ears, vibrato mixing in her own emotional sound waves.
"At love has come along..."

Irene smiled at the slow jazz, finding herself singing with the lady silently. Getting back to her writing, she focused on flawless typing and smooth thought process. She had always loved the simple invention of "books". They were always her friend, and believe it or not, actually was the source of her intelligence. Now it wasn't the best, but it surely was something. English accompanied with grammar and a thesaurus, was the best combo invention ever.

A slam faintly was heard as she glanced up at the opening door. She didn't notice the little boy there at all, but he didn't look in the greatest shape. Irene felt her emotions well up, anger and sorrow. His appearance reminded her of ...herself and the fact that worthless humans had the audacity to do this to their own kind was nauseating. A youthful woman came in, face all swollen with worry and maybe a bit of exasperation. Irie couldn't really understand what she was saying, as she turned up her music a bit louder, but it was all feeling fest to her. Uninterested anymore, she directed her attention back to her screen and resumed typing. It wasn't long until she heard a small scream (muffled because, music).
"That's unfortunate..."
She whispered to herself. If only they would find her advice blog. Maybe she could put in a little input herself. Nodding in agreement to herself, she paused then shook her head.
Nope. She didn't want to get involved with an emotion bomb like that, especially when she lived in the same building.
Too much of a hassle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Thredson Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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The condo of Oliver Thredson was not much, but it sufficed as both an office for his patients and a living quarters. It wasn't too professional in appearance, but that certainly didn't affect the amount of patients he saw. Then again, he was perhaps the only psychiatrist who didn't request an arm and a leg to pay for appointments. He had no need for money, really, except for cigarettes and drinks. In the second bedroom of his condo, which had been made into his office, Thredson sat with one leg crossed over the other. With the back of his pen, Oliver pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose to prevent them from falling further.

"Well, Mrs. Walter," he began, looking to the woman who anxiously tapped her foot against the arm of the black leather chaise she lounged on. "I'm going to put you on five milligrams of diazepam three times a day, alright?" He closed the file on his lap and flashed the woman a smile as he removed his glasses. Suddenly, the young woman stood up and looked at him with a worried look.

"Please, don't put me on meds, Dr. Johnson," she begged, tears suddenly springing to her eyes. Oliver almost didn't recognize his fake name. Oliver frowned subtly and stood up before he moved across the room toward her slowly. He took her left hand gently between his own two and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's the best treatment for you, I promise," he said softly, giving her a reassuring smile. Her skin felt so soft. The woman looked up at him slowly, nodding warily. Soft like a mother's touch.

"You're a good man, Dr. J-" she began. A shout from downstairs cut her off.

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Thredson looked quickly toward the door out of habit. It was a boy's scream and there was only one boy of that age in the house. It must have been Sara's brother. He briefly wondered what it was that the boy was yelling about. His thoughts, however, were broken by a gentle touch on the arm from his patient.
Image"Are you alright?" she asked softly, brow furrowed with concern. Oliver looked back quickly and gave a brief smile and a nod.

"Of course," he lied. "I'll walk you out?" As they walked down the stairs, Oliver scrawled out a prescription for the woman. He stopped just at the front door of the building and handed her the piece of paper. "You take care now, Mrs. Walter." He started to step back from the door, but she extemporaneously flung herself at him, embracing him.

"Thank much," she said. Though he'd been evaluating the woman for a few weeks now, it still would have seemed odd to most for a patient to fly into the arms of their psychiatrist. Oliver had no qualms, of course, for he could imagine, if just for a few heartbeats, that this woman was a mother to him. He hugged her back until he felt she would grow uncomfortably.

"My pleasure, ma'am," he replied as she walked down the front yard. Once the door had closed, Oliver removed the pack of cigarettes from his trousers' pocket and lit one before placing it between his lips.
Sara and her brother still stood in the hallway, speaking to each other in much softer tones than before. He wondered briefly what the conflict had been...then, he noticed the poor boy's eye. Internally, and partially externally, Oliver flinched. Memories of past torment flashed before him. Years in the school yard, singled out and made fun of until he thought he would surely curl up and die.

Taking sudden pity on the boy, he felt urged to walk over and speak with him. But, of course, that wasn't his only reason for doing so. It was odd, he knew, but he'd had his eyes on Sara for a while, most likely because of how motherly she was toward her younger brother. Removing the cigarette from his mouth, Thredson walked over slowly and flashed a quick smile.

"Is everything okay?" he asked with an innocent curiosity. "I heard a shout from upstairs and thought I'd check in." He glanced only briefly at Caleb before focusing on Sara, smoking cigarette held at his thigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Thredson Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Alice Cunningham
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Alice was laying listening to some music she had on a CD while she drew when she heard a muffled yell she looked up and decided to investigate she went to grab her black boots and jacket before opening the door and walking out into the hallway and saw Sara, Caleb, and Oliver in front of Sara's condo she didn't want to bother them so she walked by quickly, slowing only to wave slightly at them and went down stairs, and went under the staircase a few years back she had found a secret cellar type room and she turned it into a fort where she could read and be alone when she was upset she grabbed her book,Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, that she had left in the room and started to read.

Alice liked her book very much, but she couldn't help but think 'I wonder what happened to Caleb's eye I hope it doesn't make Sara worry to much she's to nice and works to hard to be upset..' She pushed the thoughts from her mind and continued reading she was able to lose herself in the book quickly.

'Stan was watching Harry's stunned face with great enjoyment. "This is where we was before you flagged us down, " he said. "Where are we, Ern? Somewhere in Wales?""Ar, " said Ernie. "How come the Muggles don't hear the bus?" said Harry. "Them!" said Stan contemptuously. "Don' listen properly, do they? Don' look properly either. Nevernotice nuffink, they don'. ""Best go wake up Madam Marsh, Stan, " said Ern.'she let the book play out in her mind envisioning it while she read, it was as if her mind could see the book playing on the pages she read on letting the words calm her and take away her worries.

Alice finished off her chapter and set down her book and thought 'Well thats enough reading for now I think I'll go sit outside and enjoy the snow.'she put her jacket on and went to sit on the porch taking snow from the sides and started making a small snowman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Thredson Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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Sara sighed and frowned, trying to keep her temper, she hugged Caleb to her, kissing the top of his head, " Youhave to tell me when these things happen hon... You can't just let these bullies give you hell and expect me to just stand by." she murmured quietly, kneeling in front of him so that she was eye-level with him, holding him by his shoulders gently.Image

By then Caleb was hugging himself to her, trying to hide the small tremors of his body as he cried quietly, before tending at the sound of Oliver's voice. He didn't like Oliver, and the way he looked at his sister, like he was going to eat her, it made him feel uncomfortable, like he had to protect her, rather than her protect him. Image

"Everything is fine. You can go back to your room." Caleb said, his voice terse, eyes struggling to keep contact with the grown mans, before Sara stood to full height, pulling Caleb back and slightly behind her, "Caleb, that was rude, apologize to the man, he was only asking for your sake." she admonished with a frown, giving him the dreaded looks of disappointment until he finally broke and looked up at Oliver, "I'm sorry Mr. Johnson..." he said almost begrudgingly, before looking between Sara and the man, "I'm gonna go back to our room." he murmured, getting a nod from Sara as he walked off, "Don't forget to do your homework!" she called after him before turning to Oliver, "I'm sorry about Caleb.. he tends to not warm up to men very quickly after what happened with our parents. But thank you for coming out, I appreciate it." she said, giving a tender smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Thredson Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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The spirit buried his free hand in his pocket, the other still casually holding the cigarette. No reason to worry about lung cancer. The boy was the first to notice him, it seemed, for the boy grew tense quickly. Oliver's smile faltered, only for a moment, and then returned in a way that seemed perhaps less genuine. Thredson was no idiot, of course. He saw and, more importantly, he observed Caleb's struggle to hold eye contact. A more insecure, younger Oliver might have faced the same problem, but he was a changed man now. What did one have to fear when they no longer feared death itself?

Thredson looked suddenly to Sara as she spoke. His expression changed drastically, going from a forced smile to what looked like an admiring gaze. What a wonderful mother she made. Seeing her interact with the young boy up close had a much different effect on him than when he'd watched, invisible, from inside their condo. He might have watched her all day, drinking in Sara's appearance, had the boy, identified as Caleb, not spoken then.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson..." the boy said with subtle contempt. Oliver gave a brief smile that just barely seemed good-natured.

"It's quite alright," he replied, winking at Caleb. "No harm, no foul, right?" His gaze followed the boy as he retreated into the condo. Good, he didn't need the accusing eyes of a ten year old boring into him anymore. Once he was gone, Thredson took a slow drag from the cigarette and released the smoke over his shoulder, trying to avoid any reaching Sara. At her apology, Oliver raised a hand and smiled, shaking his head.

"Really, there's no need to apologize," he said genuinely, smiling back at her with a soft laugh. "Boys will be boys, no? Besides, I acted the same way around my parents." He wished he could tell the truth, tell her that he was also an orphan, but that would contradict with his perfected fake back story, and Oliver certainly couldn't have that. His smile faltered briefly, and he looked at Sara with slight pity. "How has he been handling things, Sara? It's not easy for kids to adjust, we both know that." He took another drag from the cigarette and held it at his side again. "I'm not a child psychiatrist, but I would be willing to talk with him a bit for you. Free of charge, on one condition." How long had he been rehearsing this? Too long, to be honest. "Would you and Caleb like to come to my apartment for dinner one night?" His smile returned, as genuine as humanly possible. "It seems the only true way to welcome you two to the building, really."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Thredson Character Portrait: Rexanne Lily Adams Character Portrait: Harvey Klein Character Portrait: Caleb Jolivette Character Portrait: Clara Philipa Hasting Character Portrait: Johnny Klein
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Rexanne sat in front of her computer browsing through ebay hoping to buy a new dress, but clearly she didn't need one. She hasn't need anything from the internet since the 1960s....well that is if they existed back then. In the beginning, she had no idea what this thing was but clearly now she does and could basically do anything on it, besides hacking the national security system, surely no one can do that.

However, after a while of staring at the screen her eyes have gotten tired, and she decided to close her eyes for a while. she was awake suddenly by a shout
"Caleb, that was rude, apologize to the man, he was only asking for your sake."

Poking her head out of the door she saw Sara and her brother, Caleb the two newly moved in neighbors talking with Oliver Thredson. Oh yes...that man, the man that killed her and skinned her. Surely the fact that he is talking to a young lady like Sara is because she is his "type", but at least Caleb has some senses about what need to be done. As thoughts her past, floated through her mind, she froze.

If it weren't for Oliver, she might not have been dead, he betrayed her love, he betrayed her trust. He destroyed it like it was some trash ready to be used and then tossed away into the bin. But stupidly she loved him, she fell for him, that charming face would have been any girls dream.

When she finally gain her conscious back the conversation has already concluded with.
"Would you and Caleb like to come to my apartment for dinner one night?"

Surely, anybody would say yes, after all it's not like Oliver looks anything like someone that will murder anyone, in fact he looks like the opposite. However, only someone like Rexanne who is actually been a victim knows his plot, she has to warn them, both Sara and Caleb. They may step in that room alive... but there will be no guarantee that they will walk out at all.


"Katherine? I'm back!"
Harvey's shout came up from down the hall. At that time Katherine was preparing a small dessert for her family. After all, there are several new neighbors that had just moved in, surely she could take sometime and prepare some food for them and ask Johnny to bring it down for them. However, it seem as as if Johnny is not back home yet, she'll just get the baking done. Setting up the timer for the baking time she decided to go listen to classical music, while they waited for the food to finish baking.

Turning on the Holberg Suite CD that Harvey brought her for her birthday, she listened as the vibrant sounds of the violin and the cellos of the orchestra came blasting throughout the house. Looking at the ceiling of the house she realized a spot where the paint had come off. If she was still alive she would go grab someone that can fix it.

However, considering now if they do ask someone to come, they are risking the fact that the outside world might find out about the situation in the murder house. There are at most around 15 people that know the details of the this house... and yeah half are already dead, so yeah pretty much the secret has died with all of them.

When the timer dinged, she quickly moved back into the kitchen to check on the food. The fresh smell of chocolate chip cookies filled the house. I guess it's time to let people see how good of a baker she is, as she moved down the hall towards Sara and Caleb's Condo.


Clara sat on the floor in the middle of her room , dumping shot after shots of beer into her mouth.The curtains were close tight allowing no light into the room. Surely, she doesn't drink at all, neither will she enjoy such darkness, at least not before Dina's death, however things now have changed. Alcohol is now her only escape from reality, darkness has taken over her mind. It's a complete mess.

Thinking back although it was stupid of her to have gotten drunk and had sex with Justin, her best friend Vanessa's boyfriend, but the fact that she can forget all about Dina while she is drinking, makes her want to drink more. Justin, was a pretty interesting guy, who she is surprised that he would end up cheating on Vanessa with her. Not saying he is a ladies man, but surely he has his own plans about when to stay and when to move on.

Surely everyone in school will know by now, how she is a complete slut, but the move to this new place probably is hopefully going to help her adapt and forget. Unfortunately, this cheapest place just so happens to be owned by her classmates, Johnny Klein's father, Harvey Klein. Which means that Johnny could tell people where he is any minute and next thing you know, Vanessa might show up to her front door with a knife, threatening to kill her.

However, considering Johnny is slightly socially awkward, it would be something she take advantage of, using that factor as a reason to believe that he wouldn't tell anyone about her whereabouts. Dumping down one last shot, she realized her head is slightly dizzy, so she lied down on the cold hard ground, pushing her face against the iciness. Yes, she is sad and depressed, and worst of all she is alone.