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Vayne Banton

"You've challenged the wrong person. Are you sure you're ready for the pun-ishment that you're about to receive?"

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a character in “Beyond These Walls: The Monarch's Eye”, as played by FamishedPants




Full name:
Vayne Banton




Royal Guard

Sexual Orientation:





Distinguishing Features:
He has his fair share of smaller scars on his body and limbs due to his experience in combat. However, the most noteworthy oddity would be his left eye, which glows an eerie blue whenever he makes use of his necromancy. This is an odd trait that runs in his family.


Vayne is a man who dislikes heavier equipment, and instead wears lighter armor. He often wears a blue and white tunic with leather fingerless gloves, black pants, and steel greaves above them. His lack of motivation often has him wearing this very same attire, minus the greaves, when he is not on duty. You will most likely find him wearing similar attire, if he is not just rolling with that.

Primary Class:
Swordsman (False) - He is not bad with a longsword and is more capable than most when it comes to swordplay. However, he is no master and could eventually be overwhelmed by those who are masters. He is a much better necromancer than he is a swordsman, but he often gives the opposite impression because he prefers to use his blade rather than magic.

Secondary Class:
Summoner (True) - His necromancy is very advanced for his young age, seemingly because of his heritage. But because of how young he is now, it is recognized by those who know of him that he may very well become the best of the best with time. But even being great at a magic does not make you invincible. He is often plagued with horrendous headaches and exhaustion if he overuses his magics, and because of this, he prefers to use his sword instead. It's generally noted that he is not kidding around when he decides to use his magics.

Standard One-handed Longsword - A steel longsword crafted by one of the most famous blacksmiths of the lands, Blacksmith Standard, it is genius given physical form. Every inch of it looks as though it was loved and cared for. It is more durable and sharp than your average longsword. It sets a Standard for what a blade should be.

Necromancy isn't so popular with the public, but that doesn't make it any less powerful. The ability to call forth the deceased and subject them to your will is not to be underestimated. Vayne is a particularly powerful necromancer, and is capable of summoning skeletons, zombies, and reanimating any deceased beings around him. His specialty, however, is manipulating the bones and skeletons of the deceased in varying ways. The more beings he attempts to control at a time, the less concentration he can afford to put into other tasks, such as moving about and fighting personally.


There's little more needed to be said about Vayne than that he is incredibly unmotivated, and owns a character far from what one would expect from a royal guard sworn to protect the princess. Vayne does not manage to strike one with an overwhelming, noble presence that a knight would have, nor does he seem devoted to his job as a guard of a princess, of royalty. Instead, he is generally laidback and does not seem to get angered or excited over anything. He would much rather sleep than do anything productive, but once he manages to start, he is very determined to finish any task. He manages to contradict himself in a few select ways. He can be quite reliable once you manage to get him to start something, as he'll never leave something half-finished, but he complains up until the very moment you can convince him to start working. He will also never break a promise, yet he heavily dislikes commitment and rarely, if ever, will actually make a promise.

Being immune to anger for the most part, Vayne rarely makes true enemies out of people, but likewise doesn't make too many true friends. He tends to joke around with everyone, but treats nobody with very much respect. He does not seem to care if you're a general or a peasant, he simply speaks his mind and is very frank around everybody. This can be endearing or annoying, depending on the person in question, but that too does not seem to interest him very much. What does interest him, however, is very childish, some might say. He has an abnormal fondness for making puns, horrible though they may be. Jokes in general tend to be his thing, and he makes witty comments whenever he can, no matter what the situation.

If someone were so unfortunate to actually see him when he's decided that he cannot afford not to care anymore, they would find that Vayne becomes a very, very unlikeable person. Since he would only ever get to this point when his life is on the line, it makes sense that he would be scariest then. He shows very little hesitation in killing another, even taunting them with his usual words, just an eerie look on his face and implications in his tone to betray that he's not actually joking around. He becomes ruthless and unwilling to negotiate, because by then you've forced his hand and he's under the impression that mercy is effort -- not worth his time. Ironically, he actually can become quite determined when forced to, though this by no means is pleasant. Luckily, only those who would bear dangerous intentions towards the princess would even get a glimpse of his darker self.


Death - That is not to say he has a fondness for murder or people dying, but rather the bones and corpses they leave behind. After all, they tend to give him ammunition for battle.

Relaxing - Not having anything to do is just fine by Vayne. When he can sit down, lay back, and take a nice nap, he is the most happy he'll get.

Puns - Something of a trademark of Vayne's is to make horrible puns constantly. He is the kind of man to wonder aloud if incest between a princess and a prince should be called "Princest". People who don't appreciate that humor, if one could call it such, should be wary around him. By extension, he enjoys people who like his puns more than people who don't.

Strawberries - His favorite fruit. He can even be bribed to a certain extent if promised these. While he will play it off as a mere favorite, his like for strawberries is much, much more than just that.


Work - "work" meaning anything that requires him to put effort into it. He's naturally a lazy guy and doesn't want to contribute to anything. But often times he'll eventually cave in and help if it'll stop people from pestering him about it. Or, of course, if he's being paid. Protecting the Princess is the only work he seems to do without being hassled about it, but only when he senses she's in immediate danger.

Danger towards the princess - While he doesn't dislike her, Vayne doesn't have any real positive feelings towards the princess either. However, he had made a promise to ensure she survive, and because of this he'll put some effort into the task. Until she's put into an actual situation he deems he's actually necessary, he might not seem that reliable, however. People who force his hand should note that he dislikes people that force him to get serious, and attacking or otherwise threatening the princess is a surefire way to get on his... sorta bad side. He's likely to just kill anyone who tries to harm her, so they not too many get to stay on his bad side.

Vampires - He simply doesn't like how they'll likely cause him the most trouble over the course of the trip. He doesn't personally dislike them for any other reason.


"Live how you want to, not how others feel you should."


Not really feeling it, sorry - The closest thing he has to a motive is the oath he swore to protect the princess, and that is solely what is driving him at the moment. A man without desire lives for nothing.



Vayne was born to a moderately well-known family called the Bantons, who had often produced some of the better mages and swordsman in the past few centuries. From the very moment he entered the world, he was expected to do great things, and the glowing of his eye at birth, a trademark of the family, told them that he would become a great mage. His training started at a very young age in order to produce only the best results. While he was fed, given almost any material item he may have wished for, and watched over, he never seemed to have any freedom to do what he wanted. He was able to summon a skeleton at the young age of 9, becoming one of the youngest people to ever do so, but nobody seemed to ever think it was because he was trying his hardest. Everyone always said something pertaining to the fact he was a Banton, not that he had tried. It annoyed him, he hated it, and so he tried even harder, to prove them wrong. But it was pointless. No matter what he did, people credited it to his bloodline, not to himself.

The Banton gave Vayne little choice but to join the royal army as soon as he was old enough, as it was a tradition to have a certain amount of time in a military. While he was reluctant at first, he thought maybe he could try something else out that wasn't magic, and maybe becoming good at that would prove to them that he was the reason he was excellent, not his blood. As years passed, as he served the army, he became better and better at both his magic and his swordplay, though it mattered not at all. Anytime he did something of interest, it was credited to his family just the same. Eventually, he realized that this would never change. It was.... well, he eventually lost interest. He didn't become upset, he didn't get angry... he just accepted it. It was from then on that he decided he would pretty much accept anything that happened. Becoming upset was pointless, as it had gotten him nothing but disappointment. This kind of thinking had eventually led to his rather lazy lifestyle he lives nowadays, when he figured that nothing at all really mattered. That being said, it wasn't as though his combat ability ever suffered. When he would genuinely put effort into something, he would typically produce results. And somehow, these results had ended up catching the attention of royalty. Figuring he ought to go with the flow, despite how much work might be entailed, he went ahead and swore an oath to protect the Princess, and now here he is, wondering if he made the right decision.

After all, it was sure to be a lot of work, now that they were going on some kind of adventure.

So begins...

Vayne Banton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Filinian Rethimara Character Portrait: Luna Severion Character Portrait: Vayne Banton Character Portrait: Lucilia Evenheart Character Portrait: Evelyn Highton
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#, as written by TriO
Mokai City, Avalia. 9 E 261

The Royal Landings, City Docks, 7.35AM

The docks were bustling as they always are on weekday mornings - nary an idle soul to be seen amongst the crowds of sailors, mercenaries and fisher's wives, as they set about their daily routines to put gold in their pocket at the end; were it not for the presence of the HMS Atlantis, docked across 2 landings, the Royal Party might not have been at all noticed, as they made their way from the carriages through the port. The air hung thick with the odours of fish and dry taste of salt, yet they were not here to savor delicacies, but to make the most of the daylight hours for travelling.

"It's amazing, isn't it, your highness?" A young, fair-haired lady quietly asks to another as they pass numerous groups of townsfolk, many of whom pause to catch a glance at the group.

"Amazing?" A darker, brown-haired girl replies, with a chuckle. "Yes, Lucy, I guess it is. It's always eye-opening to see real people doing hard work - it makes me realise how privileged some of us really are, don't you agree?"

"For the most part, your highness." Lucy smiles. "Most of these people live hand-to-mouth. Sometimes it is hard not to see why their loyalties can be swayed, especially when others offer them a better life which never comes-..."

"...-a better life which all of us will find once we recover the stone." The brown-haired girl interjects calmly. "We will find it. We will bring it home... and please, call me by my name, Lucy. In an hour or so, we won't be on Avalian soil any more, and my title will be naught more than a word."

"Yes, your hi-..." Lucy pauses. "I mean, yes, Evelyn, I understand."

Evelyn places a hand on Lucy's shoulder as they walk down a ramp on to the main docks, and whispers to her, "I need you to be strong, my friend, and I need you to have faith in our goal, no matter how far away it may seem. The road is not going to be easy - I know that. We're not going to be able to just ask nicely for the stone, if it even is where we are headed, but I will not throw that out of the window yet - who knows?" she smirks, "Maybe he's a really friendly, harmless vampire, huh?"

Lucy giggles, and Evelyn lowers her hand again. "I'm with you, one hundred percent of the way!"

They continue to walk through the docks, with an armored Royal guard on either side, and a robed figure following closely behind. Further back still, a number of Royal servants are wheeling carts with some personal belongings towards the ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Filinian Rethimara Character Portrait: Luna Severion Character Portrait: Vayne Banton Character Portrait: Lucilia Evenheart Character Portrait: Evelyn Highton
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Makai City, Avalia, 9 E 261

Makai Palace, Royal Barracks, 7:13AM

Today was the day. Luna was already awake and fully dressed in her usual gear for a battle. All black with hints of silver in the armor - she was ready for anything. She stared at her reflection in her sword as she finished her final set of practice swings against the rising sun of Makai City. Ever since that moment years ago, Luna devoted her life to the sword. She wouldn't ever forsake that duty for anything - because as long as she can keep her most precious person, Evelyn, safe, then nothing else truly matters, does it? That's how Luna saw things, in any case.

Honestly, when news of this assignment became known, Luna knew she had no choice but to be one of Princess Evelyn's companions on this journey. The Princess was so painfully naive - she needed someone with a more... realistic outlook on life to be able to truly keep her safe. Especially if she had to consider the other Royal Guard chosen for the mission. That useless pile of commitment as steady as a gloop of slime who was known as Vayne Barton. Everything about him was pure laziness from the first moment Luna met him in the training academy years ago - and he still was more or less the same ever since. The best Luna could really say about him was that he had natural talent despite his hatred of effort -as well as the fact that Vayne was undeniably a powerful summoner, though his familiars were certainly different from the kind Luna employed.

"Knowing him, he's probably still asleep." Luna muttered to herself, sheathing her sword. With a lacy handkerchief she wiped the sheen of sweat off of her brow and draped the black cape neatly over her shoulders, enjoying the fluttery feeling of the leather touching the small of her back. "How useless.

Luna exited her personal lodging and shut the door. It was the last time she was going to see this room for a long time, but Luna didn't really have any special sentiment for it. To anyone looking at her, it'd be easy to count her as among the most dedicated of the Royal Guard. As Luna knocked on the wooden door to Vayne's room, any illusion of her as a serious swordswoman was shattered instantly.

"Barton, if you really got drunk the night before, I'll beat you 'til you can't even remember your name!" Luna shouted, rapping the sheath of her sword hard against the wood. "If you dare be lazy as usual, I'll really make sure you get a fitting pun-ishm-"

Then Luna slapped herself, fury and shame blazing in her eyes.

"Ugh, you're infecting even me." The dark girl grumbled with spite. She then sighed and knocked one final time. "Make sure you get to the docks on time, okay?"

The Royal Landings, City Docks, 7:35AM

Luna mostly ignored the chatter of the Princess and that maid she could never remember the name of. It was just another sign that Evelyn really wasn't suited for some kind of grand expedition like this. She was still glowing with that childish innocence to the point that it was almost painful for Luna to watch. And that maid was no better - enabling that kind of thing could only be a bad thing as time went on. The sooner disaster struck, the sooner Evie would be snapped to reality. That would be for the best, wouldn't it?

She also ignored the crowds as they watched the Princess depart with her party. They were completely irrelevant - the dark Royal Guard couldn't care less about them, truth be told. If push came to shove, she'd sacrifice any number of peasants for her goal.

"Evie." Luna's voice was hardly more than a whisper. "You really shouldn't expect any kind of kindness from the vampires. It'd be best to finish our task as quickly as possible, even if it means lethal force. Whatever it takes, I'll protect you."

Luna then sighed, giving her best attempt at an awkward grin. Even if her face didn't show it, her heart was fluttering with the pain of unrequited love. Still, she was a Royal Guard now, and she had her mission. In any case, being all serious all the time wouldn't make the Princess smile - and the inner child inside of the dark swordswoman threatened to burst out. Luna lowered her voice again, a low and anxious murmur - giving in - taking a more friendly demeanor.

"An adventure like this is just like the old times, isn't it?"

Luna then glanced slightly behind her at the robed man following at a grudgingly respectable distance. Luna didn't know Filnian all that well, but she did know she didn't like him. A young man like him close with Evelyn so often could only be a bad thing. If anything were to happen between the two-

Luna didn't want to risk it. So she sent her iciest, more foreboding glare at the manservant as soon as the Princess's attention was elsewhere.

Don't you try anything suspicious, Reth.

Whatever the case, with this motley crew, it seemed that a journey of sorts was beginning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Filinian Rethimara Character Portrait: Luna Severion Character Portrait: Vayne Banton Character Portrait: Lucilia Evenheart Character Portrait: Evelyn Highton
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Makai City, Avalia, 9 E 261

Makai Palace, Royal Barracks, 7:13AMish


"Death is not the end for you, I have seen to it. For eternity, you are mine!"

Normally, Vayne is a man who is quick to complain about something that is bothering him, though with a certain issue, this is not the case. For a long while now, he had found he was plagued by nightmares that always threatened him with an eternity of despair or some other nonsense. He has never once spoke about this matter to another living soul, and has no plans to do so. But still, he was at least a solid 70% sure that this was not normal, that people weren't supposed to repeatedly have nightmares that sound so much like threats. So what made him different than all of the others? His initial hypothesis was that maybe it had something to do with being a necromancer. That maybe dead people don't appreciate his using their bodies for his own gain, or the sort. But he had never head about similar situations from any other necromancer he had met in his life, so it was unlikely. Another theory was that he was going insane and was no longer mentally fit as a human being. This, of course, would likely be the first conclusion people would reach if he spoke about it, which is partially the reason why he doesn't. Yet he also felt like he wasn't insane either. Unless enjoying puns had become something only a madman could do, then he wasn't crazy.

So, what was it?

He had decided not to think too hard about it. If those voices wanted to say mean things, then they could say mean things. Until they actually did something, he had no reason to really worry about it, right? If all their talk is about damnation after he dies, then he can wait until after he dies to bother. But right now, someone was knocking on his door.

"Barton, if you really got drunk the night before, I'll beat you 'til you can't even remember your name!"

Ah, the sound of a true friend.

Judging by the obnoxious banging of his door alone, he could tell exactly who it was that was waking him up. It was his fellow royal guard, Luna. She seemed to be in a hurry, for some odd reason. Was there something important going on? There had to be, otherwise she would probably not be bugging him. "If you dare be lazy as usual, I'll really make sure you get a fitting pun-ishm-" she continued as she knocked, catching herself mid-pun. But the damage was done, and there was no taking it back now. A small smile crept up Vayne's face as he imagined just the sort of face she was making right now. She was probably definitely embarrassed beyond belief. "Ugh, you're infecting even me. Make sure you get to the docks on time, okay?" she finished with one last knock before apparently disappearing.

So that's what it was. That journey began today? What a pain...






There was little to say about the docks and the people that worked and moved within them. They were there, some did jobs, some ran around, and others did nothing. Vayne did not see any reason to get so excited about this, though that was the case with just about anything, really. Still... why the Princess seemed to enjoy work or the thought of it was beyond him. Work was effort, and effort was tiring. He would much rather relax and take a nap, threatening dreams and all. Well, it was not like he particularly cared whether the Princess found work interesting at all or not, so long as he didn't end up being forced to do more things because of it.

More important than the Princess' personal interests was the hidden war already taking place right behind her back before this journey had even began. Though the Princess herself had not seen the cold glare that Luna was sending the poor robed servant, Vayne did. He sighed audibly and shrugged his shoulders as they walked. "You know, you were a lot more punny this morning, lighten up." he told Luna, not bothering to be very quiet about it. He would not let her live that down, in any case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Filinian Rethimara Character Portrait: Luna Severion Character Portrait: Vayne Banton Character Portrait: Lucilia Evenheart Character Portrait: Evelyn Highton Character Portrait: Mary Maier
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#, as written by Feyblue

Disclaimer: The second segment of this post contains implications of adult content, and some potentially disturbing themes. While there isn't anything overtly explicit, it may not be everyone's cup of tea. Readers, ye be warned.

✦ ScΞ΅ΠΏΞ΅ 1 - Awakening/ROSƐ Ζ“ARƊƐƝ ✦

{A cold night. The moon wasn't shining. Mary lay amidst a field of blood-red roses. The roses were all starting to wilt around her...}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #00a1d7


The air was heavy and cold, the rain pouring down upon her back as Mary lay face down in the mud.
She felt as though she was sinking deeper with each passing moment. Each raindrop seemed to hit her like a hammer, slowly driving her further and further into the dirt. She gasped for breath, the very air so thick that she felt as though she was drowning beneath a vast ocean, slowly crushed underneath the pressure. And yet, she kept on struggling, choking, coughing, and clinging to the life that threatened to leave her. The pain of suffocation was nothing to her, regardless. Her mind had long since stopped registering all sensations save the burning agony in her chest that only mounted with each passing second.

She tried to rise, but the endeavor was useless. She could no longer feel her legs, let alone stand upon them. But regardless, she had to keep going. She had to get away. If she didn't get away from this place, if she stopped moving even for an instant, she would die. So, mustering all her remaining strength, she continued struggling, knowing that any of the breaths she took might have been her last. Reaching out, she sank her hands into the soft mud, feeling a faint warmth as the thorns of the roses she lay amidst sank deeply into her flesh. She ignored the pain, pulling with all her might and dragging herself along. As the thorns began to peel away at her skin, she felt nothing. Even the pain in her chest was starting to fade. Her eyelids felt heavy, the world around her seeming to blur and shake. More than anything else, though, she simply felt... cold. The chilling, frigid rain had soaked her through and through, leaving her shivering and numb. The only warmth left in her was upon her back, as something sticky and hot slowly seeped its way down into the mud, leaving a trail of scarlet ichor behind her as she continued tugging herself forward.

The wind was howling, sending up clouds of crimson as red petals were torn from their stems and sent cascading wildly into the air, flying for an instant before being forced down into the dirt. The roses bent their heads beneath this overwhelming force, sinking into the mud alongside her. Would she die here, beaten down like those flowers? Her arms felt heavy, and she found she could no longer go on. Everything, even the pain, was all beginning to seem far away. She tried to keep her eyes open, tried to keep moving, but found her body would no longer respond. Her jaw hung slack, clinging to a breath that even she knew would never come. This was the end. She couldn't escape. The last thing she heard was a splash in the mud a short distance behind her as a shadow loomed overhead, someone taking hold of her shoulders and...- beginning to shake her gently...? She could hear someone calling her name...

Mary's eyes snapped wide open as she gasped for breath once again - only this time, it came to her freely.
She blinked several times, taking in her blurry surroundings as her ragged breathing slowed its pace. The bed beneath her was luxurious and soft, positioned across the large chamber from a balcony looking out over the manor courtyard. It was evidently still very early, as although the faintest of lights shone in the distance, she could still see the stars glittering amidst the darkness. Through the open door, a sea breeze was blowing, causing the white curtains to flutter over the smooth stone floor. On the bedside table was a vase of red roses giving off a sickly sweet aroma, their petals already beginning to curl and wilt, much like the flowers in her dream. But all of these things hardly had time to register to her, as her vision was almost immediately blocked by a face looming over her as two firm hands, having at some point laid hold of her bare shoulders while she was still asleep, continued shaking her. She instinctively winced, her mind still preoccupied by thoughts of the one who had grabbed her in her dream. She shut her eyes, trying to force free of the hands holding her as she scrambled back up against the headboard, as though she would sink between the bountifully stacked pillows and thus make her escape.

The man holding onto her released her immediately, raising his hands placatingly and drawing back to the other side of the vast bed, evidently realizing that he'd frightened her. Mary slowly opened her eyes, her thoughts slowly clearing as she at last identified the one who'd awakened her. Seated cross-legged, still halfway beneath the covers, Duke William Deoria gave her a concerned stare, the fluttering of his eyelids suggesting that he, too, had only just awakened. His dark chocolate-brown hair was long, and rather unkempt from having just woken, draping itself down over his shoulders in a manner reminiscent of the shaggy mane of a lion. This beast-like image was further reflected in the Duke's build, which, given his musculature and formidable stature, was imposing and powerful even when seated. In any other situation, his physique might easily have gone unnoticed, given his fondness for regal garb befitting his high standing when in public. However, given that he was currently in his own bed alongside her, and was just as bare as she herself was, his overwhelming physical presence was rather obvious.

"My lord...?" Mary asked, rubbing her eyes. "I apologize... I didn't wake you, did I?"

The Duke nodded slightly, seeming rather grave. "You were crying in your sleep again," He explained. She grimaced slightly. Try though he might to sound sympathetic, the annoyance in his voice was obvious. Were she not his favorite plaything, he'd probably have had her thrown out on the streets after the first time her nighttime terrors had reared their ugly head and interrupted his beauty sleep. "Was it the nightmares?" He asked tentatively, still speaking with the same forced sweetness and concern. She nodded, pretending she hadn't noticed his rather poor acting as he gave a tender smile and reached across the bed, lovingly caressing her cheek before pulling her into a tight embrace. "Oh, my poor, dear, sweet rose," He cooed, stroking her head and running his hands through her long, flowing hair. She supposed he was trying to comfort her, but somehow, she found it rather difficult to appreciate this gesture, if it was indeed his intent. She'd found her face somewhat forcefully pressed against his bare chest as his clumsy fingers snagged and cloyed at her tresses, as though trying to tear out a few and keep them as souvenirs of her while she was away. In fact, given her lord's capricious cupidity, she wouldn't have been surprised if that were exactly what he was doing. Regardless of how romantic he must have thought he was being, all she could think of was that he still reeked of sweat, and of how much she wished she could just pull away. It didn't matter what she wanted, though. He'd have used her however he pleased even had she been kicking and screaming the whole time - he just wouldn't have been as "kind" about it.

"If all the memories of your homeland are so painful to you as this, why do you yet strive to return?" The Duke asked, his usual clingy insistence on keeping her in his own home - and, as was doubtless more important to him, in his own bed - slipping even more clearly through his facade of compassion. He already must have known what her answer would be, but he continued asking every chance he got, as if he expected that she'd just abandon all of her plans in favor of remaining as his mistress.

"Because," She began firmly, trying to ignore the sensation of his hands - having since finished playing with her hair - beginning to creep their way down to the small of her back, tracing the courses of her scars as they went. He seemed strangely fascinated with this particular form of probing, as though after he was done, the imprints left in her skin would be of his making, forever branding her as the Duke's personal whore. He needn't have bothered, in her opinion. Her shame and disgust were doing a fine enough job of that already. "I must. My honor requires it. I owe a debt to my homeland that compels me to do everything in my power to save it, and I owe a debt to this kingdom for sheltering me when I was a pariah and an outcast. If I can serve both lands that I have called home by aiding in the search for your Princess' artifact, would it not be the most craven form of cowardice and selfishness to deny those obligations, to cower from my duty?" She managed to partially disentangle herself from the Duke's somewhat forceful grasp, doing her best to deliver her answer face to face in the hopes that he'd take the hint and release her. Whether or not he actually understood her intentions, she wasn't sure, but regardless, he did unwind one of his hands from around her... only to place two of his fingers underneath her chin, lifting it ever so slightly as he leaned over her.

"And what of your duty to me?" He purred, giving a disgustingly coy smile. Mary could hardly keep herself by trying to shove him out of the bed and hoping he'd crack his head open on the stones of the floor.

"While the debt I owe to you is, on my honor, far too vast for me to ever even consider it repaid, have I not also served you with the utmost faithfulness ever since I entered into your patronage?" Mary said uneasily, trying to keep her composure even as her master's hand once again returned to caressing her face. "I have placed everything I have, everything I am, completely at your disposal. Furthermore, even in a distant land, I can continue to serve your interests, and bring glory to your own house through faithful service to her majesty. Surely, you can see fit to grant me this one boon, for the sake of my honor?" The Duke gave a hearty chuckle, before abruptly pulling her once again into his arms, drowning out whatever protests she might have hoped to level against this action with a passionate kiss. Mary quickly drew back, reclaiming the breath her master had so suddenly stolen from her, only to find herself slowly forced back down onto the bed as the Duke moved atop her. Mary breathed a silent sigh of disappointment. His insistence on her company the previous night had been noisome enough. Was he still not satisfied? That was, of course, a stupid question. The Duke was never satisfied - at least, not when it came to her.

"Fear not, my sweet rose. After all, I already agreed to grant you the right to serve with this expedition, and I see no reason to renege on that oath." His smugness was almost palpable, and only served to make her wish she had thrown him off the bed when she had the chance. "However, if you are so intent on repaying your debts, then perhaps I should also allow you to make recompense for the inconvenience this places upon me? It will be so lonely without you here, after all..." He observed with mock innocence. Mary sighed.

"Though it displease you, milord, mightn't we postpone this 'repayment' until I should return? We depart today morning, and I have much preparation to do..." Mary protested weakly, hoping it might dissuade him from pursuing his desire any further. The Duke merely chuckled.

"The sun has only just crested the horizon. You have more than sufficient time for your preparation," He said dismissively, looming over her. Mary looked away, not wishing to indulge him any further.

"And what of the maids? If they should arrive for their morning cleaning and find me here, it would surely place a stain upon both your good name and my own reputation..." She tried a different tack, hoping that if she could not appeal to practicality, she might convince him to release her simply for the sake of maintaining the appearance of propriety. The Duke once again shook his head.

"You needn't worry about that. They cannot enter unless I bid that they do so. We have plenty of time, and the luxury of solitude together. Surely you won't be so cold as to deny me my last chance to have your company before you leave me? We don't even know when you'll be returning. It would be a most regrettable shame to leave and be without each other without first cherishing this opportunity... would it not?" He needn't have toyed about any further, as he'd already made clear that her refusal wasn't an option. He might have phrased his words as an invitation, but the Duke had meant them as an order. Further resistance was meaningless, and would only earn the Duke's ire - something she couldn't afford so long as she was relying on him so thoroughly. Disgusting though it may have been, the only way for her to survive was to live in this despicable fashion, surrendering herself as an instrument of this arrogant man's fancy. All she could do now was endure his revolting advances as best she could, and wait until he finally lost interest and left. Breathing a silent sigh, she shut her eyes and sank once more into the pillows, as she had into the mud in her dream. "If it please you, my lord... my life... is yours," She whispered obediently, repeating the oath she had sworn when she first entered the Duke's service. He smiled, exalting in his victory as the wolf over the fallen lamb, and then leaned in, kissing her even more fervently than before. But for her part, she felt nothing, merely clinging to the same breath with which she had spoken the terms of her surrender. Like in her dreams, her senses were already slipping away, as was her hope of escape. There was nowhere to go but here, no fate that awaited her but this.

Her departure, even if it was only to return to the dread terror of her old homeland, couldn't come soon enough.

The rattling of the carriage wheels abruptly came to a halt.
Moments later, a serving man opened the door, offering his hand to the young lady inside as she gingerly dismounted. Two others began retrieving her baggage from the vehicle's roof, and set about moving it onto one of many carts carrying supplies, provisions, and personal luggage onto the ship.

Ah, the ship. Mary found herself wearing a slight grin despite herself as she bid the Duke's manservant adieu and strode out onto the pier, sizing up the large royal vessel she was to serve upon. Once she got on board that ship, she'd no longer have to deal with her master's amaranthine affectations of affection, or, worse, his craven craving for companionship. She'd finally be able to pursue her own goals, to strive for her own causes.

Well... that wasn't actually the case. Most likely, she'd just end up dealing with harassment from the sailors instead of from the Duke - she'd heard such was often the case for women traveling by sea - and would find herself bound to heed the whimsical commandments of the Princess and the Captain instead of her selfish master. But at least in the case of the former she could refuse, and in the case of the later take security in knowing that whatever she might be ordered to do, it could doubtless be no worse than obeying the Duke's caprices.

Glancing about herself, she noticed a small party beginning to assemble near the pier she stood upon. It appeared that the Princess and her retinue had arrived. While she would be obligated to present herself to the expedition's young royal leader at some point and make a formal introduction of herself as a vassal of her vassal, that much could wait. The first thing she needed to do was present herself to the Captain - whoever he or she might be - and apologize for her tardiness. Even if she had technically arrived prior to departure, it was nigh unforgivable for the Navigator to have failed to report in some time before the ship ever even prepared to set sail. She hadn't even begun serving, and she was already in over her head. She sighed to herself, shaking her head as she grumbled under her breath, strolling up the boarding ramp to seek her new employer.
"'Plenty of time' my left buttock, you selfish oaf. That sort of tripe is easy enough for you to say. You're not the one who's going to be held accountable for it." Muttering such complaints at the master who was now refreshingly far away, she thus boarded the ship that was to be her escape at last from his clutches. She might not have been looking forward to returning to her homeland and facing the dangers she knew to be there, but even so, she couldn't wait to leave. Free at last, she celebrated to herself. After years of suffering under the Duke, she was free at last...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Filinian Rethimara Character Portrait: Luna Severion Character Portrait: Vayne Banton Character Portrait: Lucilia Evenheart Character Portrait: Evelyn Highton Character Portrait: Mary Maier
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Filinian looked up towards the ship docked nearby, taking in the entirety of the large vessel with a slight grimace to his features. Here they were, all of them about to partake in a journey to a place Filinian barely knew. At least, nothing beyond what he had read in various books. The first thing he worried about was simply their method of travel, as he had never been on a boat for very long, and he'd never even been on a sear-faring vessel at all. Most of the travel he'd ever done on water had been on small boats for river crossings. Right now, he was only hoping to not have to deal with sea-sickness; if he did, this trip was only going to be made worse than his mind was already making it out to be.

With a small sigh, his eyes moved forwards to settle on the back of The Princess walking in front of him, the young woman currently talking with her maid, Lucy. His other nagging concern was that he simply had no idea what all the dangers they could expect out on the open sea, and what to do when they came across them. his job may not be that of a bodyguard for The Princess, but that didn't mean he ignored her safety. He wasn't sure of how much his magic could protect her, regardless of what it was that they fought. Sure if pirates were a thing, he could fend them off for a bit, but if they didn't have anywhere to retreat to, then Filinian knew there was little he could do to really stop them. He didn't even want to think about the weather and how he'd deal with that. His grip tightened on the shaft of his staff, it's blade lightly clinking with each moment it touched the stone beneath them.

His attention was broken from Thee Princess though when he finally noticed that Luna was currently looking at him. He hadn't noticed her at first, with his attention on Evelyn, but he could almost feel her eyes burning into him. He frowned slightly, which only deepened when she hardened the glare towards him. He could only sigh again, letting his head drop so that his hair dangled over his eyes, which were now tracing the various grains of wood as they began to descend the main ramp to the docks. There was another issue he was not looking forwards too, the bodyguards looking to him as a danger. He already got enough dirty looks and warning from plenty of people who thought he might try to charm The Princess. Sadly it seemed no amount of telling people to stop worrying about that changed their opinions much. He looked up once more, this time looking at Vayne; the young mage just hoped that the other bodyguard didn't decide he had to join in on throwing around dirty looks his way.



Today was the day of the beginning of the trip! Sun was perched up on all fours on the roof of a one-story building, a hood up to cover his head a bit even though he didn't make any real attempt to keep himself hidden from view. He never cared much if people saw him for what he actually was, but people also seemed to take his presence better; or rather, didn't immediately run from him in fright or scream monster. Of course once up close his poor disguise did little, though hopefully by then he'd at least made enough of an impression not to be skewered by a frightened fellow.

He looked at the ship, a big grin on his face as he thought about what adventures might be in store for him aboard the big vessel. It would be his first time out to sea, and boy was he looking forwards to it. He always did enjoy swimming, so being surrounded by water would be tons of fun. As a breeze blew past him though, his face did scrunch up a bit in disgust as he got a big wiff of fish and something else he wasn't familiar. Fish was tasty, but only smelled good when cooked. As for what the other scent was, he wasn't really sure, but boy was in strong.

Shaking out his head as if to try and shake away the smell, he then did a small hop of the room, spinning around to catch hold of the edge of the roof to lower himself a little more. He dropped to the ground with a light thump, using his hands to catch himself before he quickly scurried towards the ship he was to board. A light chuckle escaped his lips as he quickly moved past people, ignoring the odd looks they gave him as he moved along.

As Sun approached the ship, he looked to a couple people who were descending a ramp to approach the ship. Unfortunately, they were moving down the path a little to slow for his taste, so he choose to take the quicker route of just hopping from the stone walkway and down onto the docks in a quick little leap. Once he landed, again ignoring people who recoiled from him, he then took a better look at the ship in front of him, a huge grin on his face. His attention turned to the small group of people, one of which was Filinian having moved up closer to Evelyn as he watched the strange... thing. Sun shook his head about to shed the hood from his head, crouching down on his hands and his feet as he looked at them.

"Are you going on the Big Ship too?! He said, his tail emerging from behind him and swaying back and forth. "Sun Wukong never been on boat before." he turned his head to look out over the water as he sniffed the air again, face scrunching once again. "Smells bad though, strong stench." he then turned to look at all of them, scooting forwards towards them a little as he sniffed the air again.

As he did so, Filinian scooted up to right behind The Princess, in case he needed to protect her from whatever the hairy fella was. Of course he knew Luna and Vayne wouldn't let the man get any closer, but he at least needed to something other than stand around.

Sun stopped before gettting too close, watching the people and cocking his head to the side. "Hm, no. Don't think so. Maybe." He narrowed his eyes before looking towards the Atlantis, "Find out later!" With that, Sun Wukong was off again, moving across the ground and quickly scampering up the boarding ramp. He had to take a detour when he almost ran into another woman in his rush, so instead he quickly jumped from the ramp and latched onto the side of the boat, hands gripping the railing as he quickly began to pull himself up. His feet helped him grip whatever small ledge they could grab, allowing the monkey to climb up onto the railing.

Perched there, he looked out over the ship again, staring at it all in awe. "Wow, this boat is huge! Where do I go?" he asked himself, looking at the many people moving about to get the ship ready to be cast off. As his eyes scanned the ship, his eyes came to settle on thee woman he had rushed past just a moment ago. She must know the ship if she was boarding, he thought. She's going on the adventure as well! Quickly Sun went across the railing to get closer to her, stopping a few feet from her, up on the railing still.

"Hiya! Do you know this ship? Sun Wukong doesn't know much of ships or big water. You know what smells bad out here other than fish?" he asked her, once again looking around the ship as he remain where he was, his tail still twitching back and forth revealing his excitement for the situation.