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Zakhar Korzhakov

"If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, how come knowledge is what brings peace?"

0 · 411 views · located in Rose City & Moon Forest

a character in “Bitten: The Rivals”, as played by JokerofSpades




Name: Zakhar Branimir Korzhakov
Nickname: Zak is about it. People attempt to stick him with a nickname, and it really just bounces off.
Age: 25 (409)
Race: Vampire. Made his job sort of easier at times.
Zakhar has a few minor abilities in Audiokinesis. First is the ability to silence himself or others. Doesn't matter if it is himself, another or an object, he can silence it with a mere touch. All sounds that are emitted are instantly destroyed and silenced. The opposite is also true, as he can explode and amplify sounds as well - mostly ones that come from himself though, but things he touches as well. Finally, his hearing is easily on par with that of a werewolf.

If being hardy is a power, then it would also go here: he didn't live in a wasteland or on the sea for nothing.

Sexuality:Pansexual - he has learned that 'beggars cannot be choosers.'

-His beard
-The Ocean
-Being in command
-Sex - what? How can he NOT enjoy it?
-Literature of all forms
-His Coven (sorta)

-Narrow mindedness
-Metal Music
-Being Bound - unless the payoff is worth it
-Talking about the Past
-The New Leader in a way

-Being Restrained
Not in the physical sense, but in the metaphorical sense: he fears that one day he will be tied down by obligations, morals, etc that will keep him from roaming the world wild. It is like a form of ADD, except instead of being unable to focus, Zak is unable to stick around. Which has kept him out of many long term relationships, which leads to...

In death, all of his memories and thoughts are lost. As he has lost most of those that he could consider friends, he is really the only man alive that can recount their stories in happiness and nostalgia. Zak just likes life too much to give it away easily.

The Cacciatori
How else would he have become the right hand man of this coven, being the killer of killers? Zak fears and hates them. The fact that puny, insignificant humans can somehow rival immortals baffled him when he first turned, and horrified him when he saw them in action and lived. As much as the man may seem indifferent about them, there is an underlying fear that drives him - making it a fear, yet not one at the same time.

"Settle Down"
Zak doesn't really want to settle down in the traditional sense. He just wants to find a girl or guy or whatever that wants to be with him, regardless of where he might go or be. Its odd to think of it as settling down, but it is what Zakhar is driving for: that one day, he will meet that special someone that he would actually pursue himself and court instead of letting them come to him.

Keep Going
Simple enough, Zakhar likes life. Not too difficult for many to understand. He just really enjoys his lifestyle and how he does things too much to just drop off the face of the earth.

Acquire more Knowledge
A goal that he knows he shall never fulfill entirely, Zakhar wants to keep learning about more things until his head explodes with information.

Coven of the Caribbean
Okay, so many don't entirely know about how Zakhar was a prominent pirate in the East Indies and the Carribean for a lot of the 18th century - even fewer know that he was the leader of a Vampiric Pirates. Sure, he lets many know that he loves to sail old vessels and is a prominent captain, but Zak doesn't like to tell people of his past profession, even if some days it is as clear as a cow trying to disguise itself as a sheep.

Where are you from, again?
Zakhar told his new coven that he was from the Caribbean, but with Russian parents. This is nowhere close to being the truth, which is odd as many people don't think of it being that much of a deal where one was born and raised. Well, Zakhar doesn't like to delve on his life before the Americas, so he dodges the question every time he is asked, or straight up lies to their face. It isn't personal, as nobody alive but he remembers his homeland.

Time to get away.
Another secret that Zakhar carries is that every year, he takes a trip back to Siberia; though he isn't sure why. Most of his life, Zakhar was sailing the world - mostly the Carribean - so it seems odd that he would bother returning to his birth country. Yet every year for the past hundred or so years, he would return for a month or so on end, and simply survive in the wasteland. He sees it as a cleansing of all the filth that has accumulated; people he cared not for, knowledge that didn't stick correctly, habits he doesn't need. He tells nobody where he is going, only that he is taking his vacation time.

Zakhar is a bit tricky to fully comprehend as a human, much less than a vampire. See, Zakhar likes to consider himself a free spirited and adventurous individual, and yet has no intention of seeking it out himself. Contradictory is the name of his game, but then again, it makes sense for a guy that in one moment is translating Shakespeare into Cyrillic and then the next minute hoisting sails. He moves fast, parties hard, and regrets little to nothing in life - well, again, somewhat a lie. Truth be told, Zakhar is living in one giant string of lies and banters, yet he is extremely geniune. But enough of the vague and confusing, let us delve into his mind.

On the first side of the coin, Zakhar is a mild-mannered, studious man who will care more for his beard than for some individuals. He is constantly found reading in awkward places wherever he goes, regardless of how important the destination or reason for leaving the house may be. The choice of literature also varies as well; not based off of his mood, but whatever is available where he goes. For the most part he will be able to pull Voltaire or T.S Elliot out of thin air, yet will also attempt to read physics theorem novels attempting to explain complicated ratios. Sure he might not get it, but his expansive brain capacity will soak it up anyway and store it away for later, which can sometimes be never. To him, it doesn't matter, just the fact that he has acquired another piece of knowledge is an accomplishment on its own.

While he remains quite mild-mannered on the other side of the coin as well, it is a little more of a sly style of charming than an honest normality. Zakhar has a very smooth edge to his voice coupled with an odd speech pattern that rarely makes sense if one tried to think about it too much. Yet it doesn't matter: it gets him the men and the women, just because it is smooth. Not to mention that along with the straight up flattery, Zakhar is quite charming when engaged in a conversation. If there are no pieces of literature hindering his conversation, he will most likely give the other person his undivided attention - either because he actually cares, or because he wants more information, it doesn't matter. However, his charm isn't one that works on all life forms on earth, as many have interpreted this as 'dumb, arrogant or just straight up rude'. It isn't that he is meaning to be that way, it just is how he talks.

Now, about his adventurous side. Zakhar grew up in a fashion that disallowed him to really settle down, and he enjoyed it. The constant need for adventure has always been ingrained in the man's mind, and literature is only one way he gets his 'fix'. However, he isn't one to always go out and seek it, as more often than not he gets dragged into said adventures. Every time, it is always with a smile and a heart of excitement. Acquiring new knowledge, understanding new things, they excite him to no end, and more than likely Zak will become extremely giddy. He does contain himself, but sometimes a burst of energy does let itself loose. This excitement for thrills has lead Zak down some seriously interesting paths, and not many of them legal.

See, Zak is one that doesn't entirely like to follow the rules 90 percent of the time. He sees them as hindrances to the excitement that is adventure, and if he cannot adventure than he cannot enjoy the life that has been given to him. So more often than not, Zak has been caught doing something pretty damn illegal, and yet has always gotten away with it. No, it isn't because he can smooth talk his way out, he is just highly experienced in the art of escaping the law. Tip a guy here, duck around there, throw off the dogs here. All of his life he has been running from the authority in one way or another, and to Zak he actually quite enjoys it, almost to the point of just letting himself get caught to see how fun it would be to get out of prison cells.

However, Zakhar's flaws are a little blatant. His vanity, as with all vampires, is an annoying hindrance that he has tried for years to get rid of, but can't help but admiring his beautiful beard. His adventurous yet studious nature has him coming off as quite distant from many of the others, which makes interactions or introductions highly difficult for the man. He rarely goes out of his way to talk to those he doesn't know unless they have something he wants/wants to steal. His sense of camaraderie is also a little skew: since many of his actual friends are dead and rotting while he survives, he only feels camaraderie in the sense that he must keep others alive so that they can in turn pay him back by keeping him alive. It's an odd give and take system that he has set up, but it has worked so far.

Place of Origin:
Somewhere near the port city of Vladivostok, Siberia.

While his original name was Branimir - yeah, he didn't like it either - Zakhar was born the 5th of 6 children to a family of roaming tribesmen. While it sounds like a decent life at first, Siberia makes things harsh fast. Growing up in the frigid wastelands of Siberia was rarely a day for fun. Their wandering was to ensure that they would have enough food for the upcoming winters, which froze the life out of many outsiders to the territory. In most cases, the area near Vladivostok was where they would attempt to reside for the winter, as it was warmer than any other location in the barren rock without delving into Oriental territory. Not that his family had anything against the Chinese or Mongols - they just prefered to be alone.

However, this lifestyle was horrifying for Zakhar. Even though he knew little else, he yearned to explore and leave such a desolate place. In his only visit to China to gather goods, he became fascinated by the sea and traversing the oceans. While his family was originally reluctant about letting him become a cabin boy, his persistance soon paid off and he was working on a cargo ship carrying goods throughout the Chinese territories. The problem? At the young age of 11, Zakhar didn't realize the fine print in his conditions, nor did he realize that cabin boys were usually used by captains to satisfy their sexual urges while out at sea. As you may have guessed, things didn't turn out so well for Zakhar, and the next few years at sea turned into a living nightmare for the child. All he ever got to do was service the captain in whatever way he wanted, and scrub the floors. The only pleasure Zak got from the year expedition was the books he acquired. While it was difficult to understand and read Mandarin, Zakhar had a few hours throughout the day to teach himself and learn of the mysteries of the world. He read of lands in the far East, across the vast Pacific Ocean, that held untold fortunes. He learned of the white men, similar to himself, of the west, that had grand ships and odd styles.

However, his ability to understand Mandarin got nowhere fast as his time as cabin boy expired - to which he was highly grateful - when he turned 14. Now out of luck, and trying not to cry abysmal tears as he looked for a way home, he stumbled into an opium den. There he met a mysterious gentleman who only went by Xu. Whatever Xu saw in the little boy, it mattered not - Xu instantly took a liking to the young one's insatiable appetite for adventure, sailing and knowledge, and he humored the scared lad for the rest of the day as he told of his fairly boring tales out at sea. By the end, Xu made little Zakhar a proposal - smuggle his goods for him (that is to say, the opium) on the ships that Zakhar would get onto, and when he became old enough Xu would fund him on an expedition across the Pacific. For an eleven year old, it was a dream come true.

Fast forward a few years; Zakhar was now around 19 years old, and had smuggled opium to every corner of the Chinese country and other parts of Asia as well. Wishing to expand, Xu got his little smuggler to befriend a Spanish captain and get aboard their ship that was headed back to Spain. It was difficult at first, only knowing one word in Spanish made it almost painfully slow, but eventually the Captain hired him as a laberor, and Zakhar refused to let him down. So began his learning of the European languages, starting with Spanish. While travelling on the boat, he learned their language, their customs and their fighting styles, as well as soaked up all the knowledge he could comprehend. A different world, these Europeans - and all the while Zakhar was smuggling opium to the addicts in Spain and surrounding areas. When his term was finished, Zakhar had nearly gained the trust of the Captain completely, but he refused to be promoted, simply stating that there was someone waiting for him back home.

Now 25, Zakhar returned to Xu's opium den with the most excited face in his entire history. Here he was, about to sail across the Pacific ocean and live his own adventures. Xu was faithful to his word, and a Portugese Caraval with a massive crew was awaiting his command. There was just one thing that Xu failed to mention, until Zakhar felt the fangs dig into his neck as he turned to leave. The opium den he had been visiting was run by a Vampire Coven - more specifically, a Syndicate - and Zakhar had been their loyal pawn the entire time. Xu wanted to make sure that the man would live across his journey - after all, money to be made for their den if he succeeded. And what better way to ensure his survival than to give him a massive crew, and immortality? Yes, Zakhar was granted immortality. And while he was seriously pissed that Xu had refused to tell him something so important, the idea of living forever was like a new adventure in its own. So the young man set off for Mexico.

Let's just say that by the time he had arrived, only 10 of his original crew members had survived - it was the only way to ensure his own survival after all, much to his own chagrin. Besides, some would have caught scurvy, and that wouldn't have been good for him. Pushing past that, Zakhar found the western coast of Mexico, and after realizing he was on the wrong side for money, sold his ship and made his way to the Caribbean to where his life truly began. It was there that he stole a proud Spanish Vessel, Relámpago (lightening) and began his age of Piracy. He found vampires that needed work, and gave them a place on his ship, soon becoming the Captain of the Caribbean Coven, to which they would merrily plunder East India Trading Company ships and others alike. It was roughly 5 years after he had left China that he soon realized that they had only given him a way of existing simply because he was useful. In a spur of annoyance, he sold all of the opium at the open market, claiming that it came from the Chinese, and ditched the stuff to run as the authorities showed up.

This lasted quite a numerous number of years, his plundering and glory days, until he got an odd letter from a man he did not know, writing in broken English that the Chinese Syndicate was dead. While he didn't entirely care, there was an odd confusion as to why they would send it to him. No later, in the late 1750s, Zakhar experienced what he wanted to call 'The Cleansing of the Caribbean'. Pirates - even the vampires of his ship - began to become captured and executed in the hundreds. Docking became almost a death sentence as the authorities cracked down on every pirate spot: Tortuga, the Bahamas, everywhere. It wasn't until he found his second in command dead with an Artemis statue that he got seriously concerned, but by then he was screwed: his crew was in shambles, and he disbanded the Coven for their safety. It didn't matter though, all of his crew were dead within the month.

So began the transition from Pirate to Killer: having feared for his life, Zakhar didn't return to a port until he was nearly dead with hunger. Once he had fed on a prostitute, he had been attacked in the night. While it was a tough fight, he ended up coming out on top, finding that his attacker was hooded and wearing odd clothing items. After identifying them as oddities in society, he began to sniff them out himself, finding out their name: Cacciatori. It was then that he began stalking them as his new enjoyment, using his newfound silence ability to watch them closely. He learned their fighting moves, their structure, their devotion to the extermination of his kind: and that caused him to fear and admire them. He wanted to learn more about them, but at the same time wanted them to all die in a fire. However, by the time the present rolled around, he had become proficient at hunting the hunters. Which is probably why when he entered Rose City, and stayed with the Coven during an attack, he was drafted as the Right hand man: that was back in the old Coven Leader's rule. Now there is a new one.

Theme Song (s):( TBA )

Anything else: Unlike many vampires, Zakhar was born in a place and time that almost required tattoos and piercings. Both of his ears are pierced, and odd tattoos litter different places of his body (TBA for later).

So begins...

Zakhar Korzhakov's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Battaglia Character Portrait: Robert Liddell Character Portrait: Iris Levie Character Portrait: Juliana Ramos Character Portrait: Mariette Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Landon Seymour
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0.00 INK

Time: 3:00 P.M
Date: Friday, 5 December 2013
Location: Rose City and Moon Forest
What's Going On?: This is the day where the vampires are moving moving from their house in Rose City to the wolves' house in the Moon Forest. The Cacciatori is getting closer and closer to the vampires' house only to find that they are too late to capture and kill the immortals.

In collaboration with Miss Nomer

For the past week, Genevieve along with the other vampires have been packing up most, if not all of their possessions. While most might be upset over the move, Ginny was a little more... open to the idea of moving in with the dogs. The young vampire packed up the last box of her belongings, all being her journals of what she has seen and experienced for the past 120 years of her life. She made sure that she had gotten every single one of them, knowing that if she left one of them especially one of her older ones it would only lead the hunters one step closer to find the coven and then that much closer to finding the pack only a few miles away from the city in some sort of "house" in the middle of the woods. To be completely honest, Ginny believed that it was going to be a shack in comparison to the coven's large gray mansion which was right at the end of the small Roman city.

The blonde put the box on the floor along with the other several boxes before picking three of them up and walking into the hallway, her small heels hitting the wooden flooring before she cleared her throat and speaking to the others. Her voice wasn't loud but it was pretty high pitched, meaning that it could be heard from almost any room in their large house if she spoke a bit louder than she was used to. "Um, guys. We have about five minutes before we should get going." Genevieve then walked down the spiral staircase to the front door. She was going to leave the boxes there and wait for everyone else but, she felt a bit obligated to go ahead of time to make sure that the wolves weren't planning anything.

She was one step out of the door with the sun shinning on her long blonde hair. Before stopping, the last time she left for the woods without telling anyone she was yelled at for about an hour about how stupid and dangerous that was. Which ended up with her having tears in her eyes, her hiding in her room watching old Disney movies, and making her sister come in to comfort her. Something, she actually really enjoyed. It was a long time since the last time her sister actually stopped acting like her leader and acted like the young girl's older sister. The young girl walked back inside and sat on one of the cardboard boxes, letting out a childish moan.

Mariette has opted to leave behind or destroy most of her things, save for what she deems to be the necessities. She didn't have an excessive amount of things to begin with, anyway, never the sort to be horribly sentimental about holding on to things, and unlikely to see the 'keeping it in case there comes a time to use it' point of view on the matter. Thus, she had a minimal amount of packing to do, which freed up her time to ensure that everything else is running smoothly. This day is, to be frank, the absolute latest that they can afford to leave their house, which they know is not quite as secret a location as it once was. On one hand, she'd like not to dwell too much on the fact. On the other, it is somewhat hard not to; the Cacciatori have been occupying more than their fair share of her thoughts ever since she found Winona dead with that statuette. She's never really been the type to feel completely at ease, or to believe that everything will work itself out. Thus, her mind had been running possibilities for the past few days. There's a reason that she was willing to negotiate an alliance with the werewolves of the area, and it has everything to do with her concern for the coven. Not that most of them can't handle themselves perfectly well- most have more experience than she in such things. Except for Genevieve, of course, but that is another problem unto itself.

One that, in fact, brings itself to mind when she looks hears a familiar moan from out in the hallway. Mariette followed the direction of the sound, finding her younger sister sitting on a sealed box, seemingly idle. "If you're bored, why not do another scope of the house for anything that might be. . .compromising?" Mariette suggested, her expression a bit cool, though at the moment, she can't help but remember when both she and Genevieve were children. It gives her a momentary lapse of normality, a shred of nostalgia that floats by before being blown away. She glanced at the large, mahogany grandfather clock in the hallway, and sees that they don't have time for such things. They should be leaving soon. In this instance, soon, of course, means now.

"Leaving in two!" She called up the stairs. Unlike Genevieve, Mariette had a slightly deeper voice- at times, it goes so far as to border on husky. If she believed that they had any significant effect on her, the woman might blame it on cigarettes. As it stands, she knew that she's always had this voice, which contrasts her sister's more feminine and soft one.

Gin watched as her sister came down the stairs. "I would but the last time I did that I got yelled at. And I really don't feel like locking myself in my room today." She said to her sister as the older sister called upstairs to the others who were probably still in their rooms if not our on the town doing only God knows what.

"Come on, then. There'll be enough to moan about when we get there," She made it sound almost like a promise, eyebrows raised down at her younger sister, the only real link to the past she has, as she's thrown out anything connecting her to the first few decades of her life.

Once Mari spoke to Ginny again, she let out one of her contagious smiles before hugging her sister from behind before resting her head on her shoulder and tilting it like a child did with their mother or father when they were curious about something. "It might not be that bad, you know. I met one of them and she isn't that bad. She just told me to watch out for this little girl... Which shouldn't be a problem seeing that I have to best bodyguard ever right here." She said with her smile still on her lips before softly kissing her sister's cheek. "Besides, who knows, maybe it'll actually be enjoyable."

When Gin first hugged Mariette, the elder girl stiffened for a moment, because in all honesty, she still wasn't completely accustomed to such things- she had spent many decades without her sister after her change. Besides, she's made a point of not making her love for her sister obvious, because god knows that the last thing she needs is her enemies singling out Gin as a way to get to her. Still, after a moment she is able to loosen slightly, and looked down at her sister, eyebrows raised with a bit of amusement allowed to slip out. "The little Carter girl? I've heard a few things myself, I'm afraid. From them, I'd suppose she'd make a better vampire than a werewolf. Hopefully she won't be trailing about while I'm trying to cement the peace negotiations with her father," the last bit is more of a thought aloud, really, for it is a genuine concern. Those with the ability to bend the minds of others have always put her a bit on edge. It was a bit unsettling when she had found that her younger sister had such an ability, but at least Gin, if no one else, she can trust. A spoiled little girl is a bit more concerning.

"Bodyguard? I can't imagine who you're speaking of," Mariette says, eyebrows still quirked up. After Gin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, the elder sister gently pushed her away a little bit, deciding that this has been enough sentimentality for one day. Besides, they certainly must be getting a move on now. Genevieve sighed, losing her smile for a moment before returning it to her face. She knew that her sister meant well but, it still hurt whenever the eldest sister would push or pull away from Genevieve's affection.

She's not one to go purely on instinct, but Mariette was getting an increasingly bad feeling, the sort one feels when there is danger. "Come on, then! Time to go!" She called back up the stairs once more, before sideglancing at her sister.

"Oh, I doubt that. But we shall see."

Ginny smiled once more before picking up her boxes and walking out to her white car to put two of the boxes in the trunk and one in the passenger seat next to her. She started the car, letting her music start blasting as she waited to see who was going to drive with her and who was going to get there on their own.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariette Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Genevieve Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Mink Forester Character Portrait: Zakhar Korzhakov
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0.00 INK

Time: 3:00 P.M ish - who really knows anymore?
Date: Friday, 5 December 2013
Location: Rose City and Moon Forest

“What's in a name? That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name that we are told is ours.” - Ulysses.

The cool air seeped through the small cracks in the dusty attic, yet they were not felt by the man hanging from a support beam, casually flipping through the pages of a novel in the dark. True, one would wonder why such an odd fellow would find comfort in a novel while darkness shrouded the area, but the again that person hadn't met a vampire before: and, if they were close enough to witness him, were probably drained at the moment.

Nevertheless, Zakhar hung from the wooden beam, his eyes scanning the pages of the newest novel he had found: The Girl with the Dragon tattoo. In sincere honesty, he was shocked at how detailed and intricate the piece of literature was. More often than not, he was starting to become bored with the modern idea of literature, in which each age group had a specific set of themes and plots. How were the young adults supposed to 'upgrade' into the adult section, if all there was to read were fantasy drama and post-apocalyptic novels? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo surprised him with its intricacy and theme, so he was having a bit of difficulty conversing with others.

Piled beneath him were all that he owned: two duffel bags stuffed with relics and literature. Anything else that Zak owned was either stored in a safe box in the middle of the Atlantic ocean - as a sailor, he found random islands all the time - or had been burned. Sure, he would miss a few of his old belongings, but anything that had significant sentiment or knowledge was stored within his journals, which were what nearly took up an entire duffel bag themselves. Granted, the others were on said island; after all, he was somewhere around 400 years old, and he hadn't stopped writing since he could.

Back on track, and in the present: Zakhar was roughly halfway through the book before the first call was sent out by Genevieve - something about five minutes to go. Plenty of time for Zakhar to get through more of his book. Sure, it wasn't the greatest idea to leave things to the last minute, but where was the fun in being so overly prepared? Part of what made his life so exciting was that edge that was imposed upon him, the fact that no matter how prepared you may think yourself, it was nowhere nearly enough for the trials ahead. Nowadays, people wanted everything to be predictable: how could one have fun like that?

Refocused, Mariette now yelled out that they were leaving in two. Where did those three minutes go? Zakhar stopped reading to stare at the pages in confusion. How had he simply let three minutes slip through him so easily? It wasn't because he was reading, as he only got a page done. Zak mused over this problem for a little bit before coming to the realization that this musing was his problem; once that was established, he went back to reading. He could not help but allow his mind to wander slightly, pondering why he was, again, under the thumb of another. For centuries, Zakhar had been refused to be ruled: what made now any different? Zakhar tilted his head slightly, wondering what had changed, if anything. Perhaps it was simply this city: he had heard lots of mysterious and ominous tones coming from this city when he circulated the globe. Obviously, this piqued his interests enough - but was that the reason he was only the right hand man?

His thoughts, once again, were rudely interrupted by Mariette yelling about how it was time to go. An annoyed sigh escaped his lips before he could stop it, and his right hand closed the book before he dropped down. Preparing himself, Zakhar put on a pair of sunglasses and opened the half-broken window to the sunlight. As if he was an odd version of spiderman, Zakhar scuttled from the attic all the way down to the roof - while hard to describe, it was quite interesting to watch. In a few moments, Zakhar was on the roof, but he didn't stop there: nope, Zakhar moved and read like paper in the wind, drifting around objects with random precision, until he was on top of the car (Zakhar quite enjoys sitting himself in places one would find odd). While there was music playing underneath, he laid on the roof and began reading again, before speaking in the direction of Mariette, knowing her sister could hear him as well.

"Destroying the mansion would be safest. Burning would be better, but is too obvious - perhaps a storm or sledgehammer would do the trick? Hmmm." Zakhar was pensive before speaking again. "Cacciatori will find what they want regardless. Destroyed mansion will confirm we were hear and are not coming back: abandoned may confuse them." Zakhar's random speech pattern was odd, sure; but while his words were choppy, his tone and voice were always as smooth as silk. "I may stay behind, act as spy and scout. Find out what they know about us. Kill a few for fun."