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Miranda Wallace

"Look I'm not here to please anyone, what do you want?

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a character in “Black and White”, as played by Scorpion01



Name: Miranda Wallace

Nicknames: Mira (close friends and family)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height & Weight: 5'11, 145lbs

Additional details: Her Canine teeth are naturally longer and sharper, it runs in the family. She is also naturally very strong and competitive.

Personality: Miranda is a very stern, competitive woman. She hates to lose, and loves to be on top of everything. She was a born winner, which helps, as long ago, her family was made up of Werewolves, and she, normally, would be of Alpha blood. However since Magic is non-existent, she is merely a strong willed, strong-bodied woman. She likes to get her way, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty (so to speak) to get it. Her family owns the local Gym, which harbors her competitiveness by giving her an outlet.

She can be kind, gentle, and loving, but mostly to those she calls very close friends, or romantic interests. She otherwise, can be cold, and shrug off other affections.

Likes & Dislikes:
+Working out

-Lazy People who don't help themselves
-Being Groggy
-Feeling trapped

Strengths: She is exceptionally strong, physically. She works out regularly, and knows how to handle herself. Beyond that, however, she is exceptionally good at finding things, and has remarkable Stamina when it comes to most everything.

Weaknesses: She is openly allergic to Silver; it makes her skin break out into a rash when exposed for too long. She has nightmares of being trapped or helpless, leaving her sleep-deprived and tired a lot. She is also allergic to cats. As a child, she broke her right leg, she hates to admit it but it is weak still, and highly susceptible to pain, and it almost constantly bugs her. She also isn't the smartest, having Graduated High School with average grades, and is stubborn, unwilling to try new things or give up even though perhaps she should have long ago.

Favorite Color: Sapphire, the color of her eyes.

Hobbies: Miranda has a particular fondness for Working out. She doesn't do it all the time, but she does it whenever she has free time to spare. She also loves to cook, and while not entirely great at it, she can make some fantastic meals when meat is involved.

Desires: Miranda is very much be a "In the Now" type of girl. Her current goal is to inherit the family gym, or at least learn how to run it.

Profession: She is the front desk girl at the local Gym, the first face you see. She is in charge of signing up new members, making calls to new and current members, as well as opening/closing the gym for the day with each day. She is allowed to work out when she is on break or off. She makes a half-decent wage, which she hopes to bump up as she learns to run more of the business.

History: Miranda grew up similar to how her Ancestors have grown up for thousands of years. Her parents pushed her in what they knew she was good at, and forced her to make due with what she wasn't good at, so that she could be as well rounded as possible. Knowing that she had Historically Alpha Blood, they pushed her harder than most Wallace's treat their children. If she got into trouble, they would physically punish her, nothing major, not like the true Werewolves they were descended from, but if anyone else did it, it'd be considered child abuse. This made Miranda tough, and competitive, she doesn't harbor any negative emotions for her parents, nor is she traumatized from it. She learned (albeit the hard way) that failure has consequences.

As she grew, her parents pushed her further and further, upon graduating high school with average grades, the punished her again, but not as they normally did, no she was too tough for that now. They gave her her job, which really is that of a glorified secretary. While not what she wanted, Miranda regardless understood their reasoning, and even thanked her parents for the job, knowing that they could have sent her to work at some fast-food place where she wouldn't be cared for like Family.

She aspires to be as great as the stories she'd been told of her family's history.

So begins...

Miranda Wallace's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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As Abe barged into the house, he made an impeccable amount of noise, the noise that annoyed and awoke the Werewolf who was dreaming on the couch. She sat up, glaring at the man with her glowing Amber eye, her other eye still shut with grogginess. She was quiet, aside from the small, almost cute feminine grunts she made while waking up, yawning and stretching out her muscled body. While she yawned she would accidentally show off her massive Canine teeth, and while she stretched her joints cracked audibly.

In her groggy haze, she blinked "Huh? Phone call?" She yawned again, hiding her teeth this time. Then it hit her; the phone call Taja had made, the one she'd made to her cousin earlier. Speaking of which, her cousin would be arriving shortly. Her concentration was broken when Frederick decided to give the guy permission to search the whole house. He'd find the body...they'd do finger-prints, they'd find her fingerprints on the body, they'd know she's a werewolf, only she could do that much damage to a human skull with her bare hands.


The sound of another car pulling up filled her ears and her chest tightened. This was getting complicated. By the smell of it, that'd be Miranda's cousin, Anthony stepping out of the second cop car, walking to the door, and entering. He'd stop upon seeing Abe. "O-oh...Abe, sir.. I...wasn't expecting you here?" he said. Miranda bit her bottom lip in annoyance. This was going to get annoying really quick, and with the annoying numbness in her arm from Yohan's little trick earlier, she wasn't in the mood for it.

Oh well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Rina heard the familiar booming voice coming from the front of the house. "Oh no no no, Uncle is here. He is going to be so pissed. Can't one of you like...hide my body?" She asked around, but stupid Frederick welcomed him in like a needy wife welcomes her husband home. She peeked out of the kitchen and saw him standing there looking at Fredrick like he was crazy. "I wonder if he can see me." She whispered to herself.


Taja peeked out of the kitchen also before hiding back in. She was covered in Rina's blood. "He is going to kill me though you killed yourself." She wanted to cry, tears stung her eyes. She took a deep breath and walked out. "S-Sir."


Abe could smell iron and bleach. He knew something was up. All these people were the ones to go missing, so why were they all here? He was about to ask what was going on when one of his officers walked in. "O-oh...Abe, sir.. I...wasn't expecting you here?" He said. An eyebrow arched, "Well yeah, why wouldn't I be? The question here is why are you here? Stay right there and call Frank. Tell him to come here and bring a forensic, an ambulance, and backup." He ordered before turning around in time to see Taja, the small girl who went missing. She was crying and full of blood.

Abe rushed over, "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Who did this?" He looked her over. Her small hand stopped him.

"I-I am okay, but... but..." She started crying. "R-Rina she... she just... she couldn't handle everything and t-took her head... a-and Pervy Man Fred t-tried to clean up the b-blood because h-he is a neat freak and I just want to go home!" Abe froze. He held the girl close, picking her up.

"It is okay, Taja. We got you." He said as he took a step towards the kitchen and saw his daughter's body on the ground. His breath got stuck in his throat. He wanted to scream, cry, punch someone or something, but he just held onto the crying Taja. "Everyone, stay where you are. Don't move till backup comes." He ordered everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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"Oh dear, looks like the chains of justice has wrapped itself around you my dear not so little lamb. It looks like all your good deeds did go jail that unfortunate." The voice is his head spoke up at the rather...bad situation.

Frederick began to sweat bullets, she just had to tell him that he cleaned up the blood. This was it! He was done for! This is where his life as a janitor and writer comes to an end! He was going to have a new occupation that was for sure, prisoner janitor for years! His father would be so disappointed in him! He could only hear him now!...

"I did not raise my son to clean up prisons as a prisoner! When you get out boy I'm going to make you wish you stayed in prison!" The bearded man yelled in anger as he raised his fist and a mop. "No dad please! It was a misunderstanding!"

"You are also a pervert! To a young girl at that! I will clean up your act! YAHHHHHH!"

"Not the face!"

Yup...This was very bad. What should he do, if he stayed here he had a chance to prove himself or something. But Taja called him a pervert and told on him! If he does not go to jail for getting rid of evidence! Then she would get him in jail for being a pervert! Everything was bad.

"Hey moocher! Don't you like...Have anything to get us out of this situation!?

"You could always run my dear lamb...If you don't want to take the fall for everyone then just run. You always follow rules and everyone. You should break it even when you know its the wrong thing to do. Sure, its the rule to go to jail but you know its not fair when you are the one person. An adult? Surrounded by teens and a child at that? A pervert kidnapper...I wonder who that officer is going to belive in this situation...Oh dear...Just waiting for you to finnaly sin is such a grand feeling, if you want to remain uncaged my dear lamb make a break for it."

"I would shame myself and my fathers legacy as the best janitors! I am no criminal!...But jail sounds bad though..."

"You can only remain sin free for so long...Let us see where your 'good deeds' get you in a couple more minutes...You can trust me my dear lamb...I will lead you to salvation. But if you continue to ignore my recommendations then the path you follow will lead to despair..."

"And the path you follow is mooching! I like to see you in my shoes for being a pervert and kidnapping!"

"But I am not in that situation. You brought yourself in this situation, not I...Looking at a childs thigh, if you want something to look at how about that girl's ghost?"

"What! Ghost!?" Frederick exclaimed as he looked around and noticed Rina...Wait she was dead. That meant she was a ghost! Oh no! She came to haunt him from beyond the grave!

"You are...such a strange lamb..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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0.00 INK

"He is here because I called him here." Miranda spoke up, looking to Abe as her cousin froze, and then began to do as told, calling those qualified to handle a body. "I wanted this to be handled...quietly." she said, not looking away as he spotted the body on the floor, hugging the now crying child that was Taja. She rolled her eyes, the Amber one glowing dimly. "As for the girl...Rina....what Taja said is true; she..." the werewolf paused, pretending to be a bit more human than she was, "...started bashing her head against....the counter...I...couldn't handle the smell of the blood....So I had our Janitor friend...clean it...." she shuddered, convincingly putting on the human-girl act. Though if anyone knew who she was, which Abe likely would, or at least know of the Wallace family, they'd know she was...different.

She wasn't planning to move anyway, so when he told everyone not to move, she just laid back down, yawning, not bothering to hide her canines as she yawned, the sharper-than-average, and much larger-than-normal teeth in plain view to anyone looking over the couch. Like her cousin Anthony, who looked away at the sight of her teeth. Yawning, much like bearing one's teeth was a way of displaying dominance over others in Werewolf Culture. She closed her eyes and continued her yawn, loudly doing so while finding herself growing comfortable on the couch. She'd have to either ask Yohan where he got it, or steal it. Either one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Taja held onto him and watched.


Backup arrived. They gathered everyone who was there. Abe walked around and looked at Frederick. "I want everyone brought to the station and question. Keep an eye on this one, " He motioned towards Frederick. Forensics started to close off the kitchen and paramedics started to check everyone out before they were ushered to the back of the cop cars. "I will bring Taja, you all can go." He ordered.

With one hand he held onto the girl's and with his free hand he rubbed his neck. "I think we should get you to the station and let you call your parents, okay?"

Taja nodded. Both walked to his car and drove off to the station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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  1. I had help from the wonderful, Tanman/Specmarine/and Scorpion!

    by Sambea

0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Abe walked in, file in hand, and sat in front of Taja. They had to get her a booster seat because she sat down all you could see was a floating head and it made him chuckle. He had to be serious and her looking silly like that would not help. She looked scared, but he reassured her that she was alright and that her parents were on their way. She nodded, sitting there playing with her thumbs.

“What happened the night you went missing?” He asked softly.

She looked up at him, scared, “Momma had to leave and the babysitter wasn’t there yet. She was worried of leaving me alone, but I reassured her I would be alright. Then after she left I started hearing a voice inside of my head telling me to go get Sienna from her work and bring her to the gym. I also got visions showing me where to go. I wasn’t going to go, I swear, but then it wouldn’t stop till I left and went get her. She wouldn’t come to the gym, actually she thought I insulted her. I didn’t mean to call her a cow or anything, but it kind of slipped out. Rina stood up for me and I took the time to hurry and steal the keys before running. It was the only thing I could do to make her leave.” She was on the verge of tears.

He nodded, patting her hand, and asked, “Did you get abducted?”

Taja shook her head, “No. Once we all were in the gym things started to happen. Like a car crash and then us being all in pain. We got these marks and then went to this scary place where everything was the same, but a lot scarier. It was horrible.”

Abe smiled softly, “How do you all know each other?”

Taja looked up at him, “I have never seen any of these people before today. I am ten, my momma would never allow me to be near these other people, except Rina. I could see Rina babysitting me. She was a nice girl. I liked her a lot.”

Abe was glad to hear someone liked his daughter and that she would treat a young girl well. He raised her to at least be a decent person. “Okay, Hun, now who owns the house you all were at?”

Taja rubbed her eyes, “I think it was Yohan’s house. I am ninety percent sure it was. I don’t like him very much, but I rather him over Pervert Man, Frederick. He stared at my thighs for a long time. He even stared at Sienna and Rina a little longer than he should.”

Abe wanted to punch this man in his face, he couldn’t understand perverted men. “How did Sienna get away but everyone else stay? Is she working with the owner of the house?”

Taja shrugged, “I didn’t know she left. As for working with Yohan? I believe Miranda would be the one to work with him the most, though… I think he was just trying to get with them, “She leaned in close, “if you know what I mean.”

He chuckled before looking down at the next question and frowning. “Okay, what happened with Rina?”

She looked down at her hands again, speaking low she said, “I walked in to the kitchen after I woke up and Rina was holding a cup of coffee just looking up in space. I thought she was just daydreaming… I know I do it a lot when I am feeling nervous. Pervert Man was making breakfast, so I thought maybe she was nervous to be around him…” She started to tear up, “t-then she just… started freaking out. Asking if I was real or if she was going crazy. It scared me a lot. Then out of nowhere… she just started banging her head into the counter. Frederick tried to stop her and then help her stay alive. It was a mess. Blood was everywhere. I don’t know why she did that. I really really don’t.”

Abe tried to calm her down, “It’s okay. You are here and safe. I am sorry you had to see all of that. So, it was you who called 9-1-1, what happened? Why did you hang up?”

Sniffling she tried to calm down. Nodding at the first part of the question, “I did, I slipped in Rina’s blood trying to get to the floor. She needed professional help, but Miranda stopped me. I think she had someone to help with it. She told them I was her cousin, which I am not… I don’t think. Then she called her actual cousin and asked him to come over.”

“Okay I am going to circle back around to Yohan. You are doing great. Have you known Yohan before?” He asked.

Taja shook her head, “No, officer. The first time I saw him he looked like a loser sitting in the corner. He was a cry baby. I think he even puked in the back of the gym. Something is very wrong with that guy.” She shivered.

“Why was he not at the house?” Abe asked.

She shrugged, “I have no idea. He was there when I went into the kitchen. Maybe everything got him scared and he ran… like maybe Sienna got scared too and ran. I know I would have if I wasn’t so scared and wanting to call for help.”

Abe nodded again, “Could he be possible for Rina’s death?”

Taja shook her head no, “No, sir. Unless he threatened her before anyone got to the kitchen, but that percentage would be very low. Yohan is a freak, but I highly doubt he would have killed Rina.”

Abe patted her head and closed the files, “Thank you so much for answering the questions. You did very well and I know for a fact your mother and father would be proud of you.” He held out his free hand, the other was holding the file, and walked out of the room. They walked to the front where her parents were waiting for her. He let go of her hand and she ran to their arms. All three of them were crying. He called Frederick to the back room and walked away. He couldn’t look at the family anymore. It killed him that he couldn’t do that with his own daughter.


Abe walked in, file in hand, and sat in front of Fredrick. He had been one of the people missing. When Abe looked up from his file he saw Frederick pull out a card. "Sorry for the misleading attitude offer, Secret agent Frederick. I was working on the missing persons case when all this happened." He spoke as he held the ID for him. Abe took it, looking it over, and shaking his head. Something was off, but he was going to ask the same questions as the rest of the group. He decided that he was going to make Frederick stay for more questioning once he ran his name in the data base to see if he was in fact a secret agent. "Anyways officer, I will be answering your questions.”

“What happened the night you went missing?” He asked, writing something down on a pad.

“On the night, I went missing I was working at Timberland High School acting like a janitor when I went out into the parking lot to head back to my car. A well-dressed man was waiting there and before I knew it I was in a different place I had no clue where it was. That was when I met all the teenagers and the one child. Funny story, the child thinks I’m a pedo...Do I look that creepy? ...Ugh....Anyways this was the first time I met any of these kids." Frederick spoke as he placed a finger under his chin.

"After we managed to escape where ever we were locked up, one of the Kids...Yohan was his name brought us to his house. I would have headed to the police station but it was too dangerous so we needed to lay low.” He said.

The guy was a weird one, but he was answering some of his questions before he could even ask. “How did Sienna get away but everyone else stay? Is she working with the owner of the house?” He finally asked after shifting through his questions.

“As for Sienna...I guess she got out as morning came while we were resting she snuck out back home or something. So, I don't think she is working with Yohan.” He said.

“What happened with Rina?” Abe just asked.

As for with Rina, I was in the kitchen...making food, yes, I know I made food here. But everyone was hungry and well someone had to cook the food. So, I was there when Rina walked in. I did not realize it at first until I heard some banging on the counter and well...It was only her, so she just went crazy all of a sudden so I did my best to stop her. But she was going full force on the counter like she was possessed or something. I did my best and stopped her but... there was... a lot of blood... and matter...." Frederick shook his head to get rid of that scene from his mind before speaking again.

“Why didn’t anyone call 9-1-1 before Taja and why did someone say that she was just learning how to dial 9-1-1?” Abe asked, looking over his questions again.

"I was busy trying to keep her alive and that’s probably when Taja called 9-1-1. Honestly, I was busier looking and trying to help Rina.”

He nodded, Abe was beginning to like the man. He at least tried to stop her, though she never seemed suicidal before. “Have you known Yohan before?” He asked.

“As for if I know Yohan I never met the guy. All I know is that some girl probably came by and he left with her. I say he is having some private romance or whatever. But I highly doubt he was the cause for this..." Frederick spoke as he breathed a deep sigh.

Abe looked up at the man after taking some notes and closing the file. “Thank you, sorry that you can’t leave just yet. I will need you to sit in the hallway by the front desk. We need to run your name in the base to see if you are actually a secret agent, standard protocol is all and maybe a few more questions.” He said with a small smile before walking out and switching files with his partner.


Abe walked in, file in hand, and sat in front of Miranda. She had been one of the people in the house at the time he got there. She was the third one he interviewed. “Alright, Miss Wallace. I am just going to ask you a series of questions. Just answer to the best of your ability.” With that he began the series of questions.

“What happened the night you went missing?” He asked, writing something down on a pad.

Miranda raised her eyebrows and thought back, “Was a regular night at the gym, then these kids came in, and some...supernatural, magic shit went down; ruined my night." she said, looking back to whoever was questioning her. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was leaned back into the chair casually.

Abe’s face didn’t change, instead looked at her and continued his questioning, “Did you get abducted?”

"If by "abducted" you mean be transported to an alternate dimension without my knowledge or permission, yes." She shrugged. Despite the sarcasm, she was sincere as well.

He wrote some stuff down in his pad and continued on from his previous question, “If so who was he/she?”

"Think that was Yohan's doing. Not sure. White haired boy, cute face, much too young to be doing what he says he's doing." She looked up with her eyes, trying to remember the details as they came to her.

Abe nodded and gave her a minute before asking another question, “How do you all know each other?”

"Really, I don't. I know their names, I think...Like I said, they burst into my gym for whatever reason and offered little explanation." She uncrossed her arms and offered a full shrug in response to this question.

Abe nodded, “Now, who owns the house you all were at?”
"Think that was Yohan, or, his parents? Dunno much about him." Again, a shrug.

He was getting bone dry answers from her. His eyes narrowed a bit, “How did Sienna get away but everyone else stay? Is she working with the owner of the house?”

"Pretty sure she just walked out." She said, nodding after a second of thought.

“Okay, what happened with Rina?” He had been wanting to ask that question since Taja had told him, but he wanted to get everyone’s take on it.

"Lost her mind, smashed her own head against the counter. I had the Janitor clean it up." A slow blink, the tone of annoyance with the questions began to creep into her voice, and she leaned further back into the chair.

“Where were you when it happened?” He said, fighting down the tone of annoyance. This girl had something to her. She was hiding something, but he kept on with his answers.
"At the table, watching her. Lost my appetite." She looked down with her eyes, shuddering subtly.

“Was it a suicide or did someone do that to her?” He asked.

"She did it herself, I've never seen a human with such a lack of self-preservation." She put an emphasis on the word human with her tone, looking at the questioner with a stern expression.

Abe cracked his neck. Never in his life did he want to cross over a table and straight up punch a woman in his life, but she was getting to him. His fisted his hand around his pen, trying not to lose his cool, “Why didn’t anyone call 9-1-1 before Taja and why did someone say that she was just learning how to dial 9-1-1?”

"That's because I called my cousin, Anthony. I expected him to get there quicker and handle the situation quietly. Last thing this town needs is media coverage. I stopped Taja from calling because I don't like unnecessary bull-shit." She gestured around to the room around her as an example of what she meant with her words.

He nodded, “Have you known Yohan before?”

"No. Seen him walking around, never spoke." Simple shake of the head.

“Why was he not at the house?” He asked with a blank face.

"He left I guess. Chickened out when Taja called 911." Shrug and a nod.

“Could he be possible for Rina’s death?” Was his final question.

"All this shit went down after he showed up in my gym, so I'm going to say yes. Can I go now?" Finally she leaned forward, putting her hands on the table and looking as though she were about to stand up.

“You can go from this room, yes, but I am going to need you for further questioning after I talk to everyone. You can sit in the hallway by the front desk.” With that he got up and left the room himself. He gave his partner the file and took another one from him.


Abe walked in, file in hand, and sat in front of Sienna. She had been the first one here that was in the group, but with all of the chaos didn’t get the chance to interview her till last. “Alright, Miss Cartlow. I am just going to ask you a series of questions. Just answer to the best of your ability.” With that he began the series of questions.

“What happened the night you went missing?” He asked, writing something down on a pad.

“That’s… Well, hard to explain… You’ll probably think I’m lying or whatever, since it’s pretty absurd…” Sitting back in her seat with her arms folded, Sienna’s brow furrowed as she was clearly thinking, staring to the water left on the table. “Somehow, we ended up in another world. It was honestly like something out of a comic book. There were monsters and shit… I get it if you don’t believe me, but something… Changed while we were there. The only word I can think of to describe it is magic.” She paused, clearly looking to him to see what kind of reaction Abe would give. Leaning forward slightly, she unfolded her arms, placing her hands onto the table in front of her. “I could show you, if you don’t believe me.”

Abe’s face didn’t change, instead looked at her and continued his questioning, “Did you get abducted?”

“I guess? I wouldn’t know who was responsible though. It’s not like I ended up involved in this other world crap willingly...” Sienna scoffed a little, looking off to the side and staring at a spot on the table, maybe zoning out.

He wrote some stuff down in his pad and continued on from his previous question, “If so who was he/she?”

Looking back up at the question, Sienna sighed. “Like I said, I’ve got no idea. I guess I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Abe nodded and gave her a minute before asking another question, “How do you all know each other?”

“To be honest, I only know them all through this crap. That Taja girl showed up with Rina at my work, and the little… Brat.” There was a notable pause as Sienna held her tongue from a harsher expletive. “She stole the keys to the store. I ended up calling my roommate to try and look after the store while I gave chase. After that I met uh… Gym girl at the gym. Can’t remember her name. I think Yohan was there too? And I dunno when that creep guy showed up, but it was in that other world…” Sienna stopped for a bit, looking up to Abe. “Are they here too?”

Abe’s eyebrow raised, if he hadn’t of interrogated her first he would have thought the young girl would have never done such a thing. She didn’t have the background to up and steal a set of store keys. “They are, but that is all I can tell you. Now, who owns the house you all were at?”

“I guess it was Yohan’s place. Apparently, we had to go there to get back from the other world. It’s uh, kinda like a parallel dimension, the place has the same general layout as Timberland.” Sienna put her hand to her chin, before rummaging in her pocket. “I brought this paper back from there. It was in the basement of the other dimension’s house. It’s like, a design for the machine? Or part of it? Anyway, all that crap should still be in his basement. Well, the device at least.” Sienna placed the somewhat crumpled schematic down for Abe, wondering if it would actually be handy at all.

Abe tilted his head. He wasn’t expecting to get so much information from the girl, but he took the paper and added it to the file he hand on her, noting on a clean piece of paper that it was evidence and to check out the basement more. “Thank you, Miss Cartlow. This helps us a lot. How did you get away but everyone else stayed? Are you working with the owner of the house?”

“How did I get away? Well, shit went down and… I guess I couldn’t really handle it. I was coming here to turn myself in though and get some information. I honestly don’t know where to go from here. As for working with Yohan, I barely know the guy. I think we’re all connected now or some crap though…” Rolling up her sleeve a little, Sienna lifted her hand to show the strange symbol that had materialized on it. “I think we’ve all got this mark. ‘Cept Yohan’s is a little different.”

Abe leaned in, taking a closer look. He had honestly never seen a tattoo like that before. He made a not to get someone to look at it before she left. “Okay, what happened with Rina?” He had been wanting to ask that question since Taja had told him, but he wanted to get everyone’s take on it.

“She… “ Sienna stopped again, involuntarily flinching at the memory of the corpse she’d seen. It hadn’t been a pretty sight. “Well, I don’t know. I wasn’t there. I came down to hear the others freaking out and saw… Well, that. I think that’s why I kind of got out of there. That dude was cleaning the blood and Miranda was on the phone to someone about cleaning it up and… Well, that didn’t sound right to me. I was a little scared, but I honestly didn’t want to be associated with some sort of cover up. They said she killed herself, but… I honestly don’t know.”

Abe had to try hard not to curl his fist. So it was a cover up, but Taja had been there. She had seen it, maybe Miranda had threatened her to lie. I am going to have to talk to her cousin after this. “Where were you when it happened?” He asked after clearing his throat.

“Upstairs. After everything that happened I… needed some time alone. I kind of had a bit of a breakdown… The smashed mirror up there should be testament to that…” Sienna mumbled, unconsciously squeezing her bandaged hand.

Abe took notice of her hand, but continued his questioning. “Was it a suicide or did someone do that to her?”

“I couldn’t say. I didn’t notice until I came down and she was…” Sienna swallowed uncomfortably, then reached for the water, shakily pouring her glass and drinking from it.

Abe was noticing Sienna’s actions and took note of it all. “Why didn’t anyone call 9-1-1 before Taja and why did someone say that she was just learning how to dial 9-1-1?”

“Like I said, I didn’t even know until I came down and heard some crap about cleaning the blood and dealing with it. I wasn’t about to stay there and calmly dial the number, but I did tell the officers I met about it. You can ask them.” Sienna stated confidently that they’d back up her story, having nothing to hide in that regard.

He nodded, “Have you known Yohan before?”

“No, like I said, I met everyone for the first time.” Sienna repeated, a little agitated by the repeat question.

Shifting in his chair, trying not to seem so stand offish to the woman he asked her, “Why was he not at the house?”

“I dunno. I lost track of him when I went upstairs, so I have no idea where he went.” Answering truthfully, Sienna was trying to be as cooperative as possible. She was getting anxious to find out about Rio, but she needed to get through this shit first.

Abe could see her becoming anxious and tried to get through the questions as fast and thoroughly as possible, “Could he be possible for Rina’s death?”

“Possibly? I don’t know. He was pretty quiet for the most part, but he didn’t seem crazy murderous. Then again, Rina didn’t seem crazy suicidal…” Sienna muttered the last part as she thought out loud on it.

Once the questions paused for a while, Sienna sat up a bit, looking back over to Abe. “Um, I… I saw on the news that… My roommate Rio… Can you tell me what happened?” Sienna asked hesitantly, but there was a strained desperation in her voice.

Abe looked up, his lips twisting down in a frown. “I am sorry, it seems like she had spun and hit a wall. She would have made it, but then another vehicle crashed into her, which sadly lead to her death. That is all I can give you since it is still an ongoing case.” This night had turned out to be one of the shitiest nights in his life. “You are free to go, Miss Cartlow.” He said before walking out. He looked at Frankie and shook his head.

"We are going to be having a long night a head of us. I kept a few for more questions. Also, Frederick claims to be a secret agent. I need you to run his name in and tell me what you get." He said. Frankie nodded and walked off to do just that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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"Hold!" Ricky shouted out, raising up his left hand with his all black fingers. All of the vehicles came screeching to a halt as they stopped in the middle of Timberland. It had taken them some time, but they had reached here just in the nick of time. Ricky got out of his truck to see the sun setting in the distance behind them, causing him to lick his lips. This was looking all too sweet, everything started here and now! "Yes, excellent, most excellent! Everyone, you know what to do!" Snapping his fingers, all but his own truck road off to begin travelling throughout the town. It was going to take them all night, but he could tell luck was in his favor tonight.

"Alright, it's just me now." Ricky reached out his right arm to pat his truck gently. "We've been waiting for this moment, too long it feels like. Such a small amount of time, stretching out over what feels like an infinity." Ricky couldn't help but laugh now, throwing his arms up into the air as he bent backwards while raising his arms up. "What an exquisite feeling! What more is there to gain from life than what I am feeling right now? Ah, to be alive, to be human, to be the dominant predator!" Ricky went back to standing normally and cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes to get a more serious look about them before walking over to the back of the truck.

Looking over the five cages he had selected, he raised his hand up and his eyes glowed yellow briefly. Multiple hands came out from behind him, grabbing hold of the cages and setting them down on the ground next to each other one by one. Having a hand reach over to unlock each cage, the doors swung open without hesitation and at first nothing really seemed to happen. Then, the dogs mentioned before slowly began to each walk out of their cages, causing a small trail of darkness to be emitted behind them until they each stopped next to each other as if waiting for orders.

Ricky couldn't help but once again admire the almost strange beauty that came off of these mutts. One would assume at first glance they were looking at a skeleton of a dog, but they were far from it. Having no real eyes in their eye sockets, these pale blue mutts were more akin to that of how ghost dogs, at least to Ricky that's how they looked anyway. They weren't actually ghosts, but close enough no? No liquid came down from their mouths, and petting one of them would make you think you were touching something reptilian instead of mammal. They had been sent for one purpose only, and pulling out a little white orb, he was going to send them out on that purpose.

"Gotta love you magical dogs." Ricky walked over in front of them and knelt down, waving the orb slowly in front of each of them. The magic dogs each began to sniff and become familiar with the scent he was giving them, and one by one they all started to emit an eerie growl unlike that of any regular dog. "Can't be seen, felt or even heard by normal people! Only those with magic can do anything about you." Ricky put away the orb and rose up to his feet, walking back over to his truck.

"You can't see normally, so you use your other senses to track down the target. Able to track the scent of your targets, able to sense out the magic within them once you locate them. Shouldn't take too long for you to find them." Ricky snaps his fingers. "You know who I want tracked down. Find the missing people that were on the news earlier today, track them down and don't stop until either you or they are dead. If you manage to kill even one of them, bring me their bodies as proof."

The dogs eerily began to move forward slowly, a blue glow briefly appearing within their eye rockets before fading out just as quickly, continuing to flicker like this in a matter of seconds for each of them. A car flew into Ricky's sight and headed straight for the dogs, Ricky couldn't help but smirk as the dogs only continued to walk slowly before the car ran over their position. The car continued about it's business as usual, but the dogs were perfectly fine, as if the car hadn't even touched them.

A blue flame appears within each hound's eyes sockets, a terrifying roar emitting from each of them now as blue flames burst forth and covered over every one of them, acting as fur and protection at the same time. The blue flames only covered certain parts of their head, making the blue flames within their eye sockets stand out all the more. Wasting no time now that they were active, they each began to run forward and search out for the targets Ricky had specified, each of them holding a terrifying grin as they left a brief trail of darkness behind them before it faded away.

"What a waste to use them on regular people." Ricky leaned back against his truck as he closed his eyes and smirked. "Ah, well. I got a job to do and I ain't wasting no time about it. I wonder, who shall prevail in this fight? Either way, I wish I could watch it with my own eyes, but that will have to wait. Don't fail my expectations, Hounds of Despair." Ricky bursts out into an evil laugh as he rears his head back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Abe Jasmine
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0.00 INK

With Frederick waiting inside the station after giving his statment, he sighed in relif. For now that ID was saving him a whole lot of suspicion, sure they are going to check their database which unnerved him to no end but for now at least he was not already in cuffs. He soon brought out his phone to pass the while while he waited and wanted to give his thanks to the unknown helper from beyond...well, a better helper than the moocher in his head.

F. Bell

"Hey! Thanks for the help! Your assistance saved my bacon for the time being!"

"Once this whole mess is over feel free to message me what you want done. I may not be the president, or a very important business owner but I am a dedicated Janitor, Cook, Writer and comic and manga artist! Well, Thanks again!"

Frederick texted to the B. Rabbit name as he pocketed his phone and looked up at the ceiling. Inside a police station, not for cleaning but under some heavy suspicion like the rest of the younger people around him. He would rest alone but of course he knew better. "How are you doing my precious lamb? Still awake I presume, and under a deal of stress." The voice in his head lightly chuckled. Frederick sighed as he felt a bit tired. "I have to know, what is it you want? Now I may have not questioned it but I know you have a motive hidden under your calm and mysterious demeenor. What is your game here? Trying to possess me? Getting me to do something great and fight something terrible? Or did you just pick me to have a free host to live in?" Frederick questioned as he poked his own head in an attempt to do something to the voice in his head.

"My poking your own head? You must look a bit weird to everyone. And if you think that will be touching me then I'm afraid that you will have to wait to get your sinful paws on me. But my precious lamb, I suggest you stay awake for the time being. If you wish to learn then follow the wise words of the Shepard. I will guide you and clense your sins. And in order to do so you must acknowledge your love for the opposite gender. And to be free once in a while, and stand up for yourself. Only then will you know yourself." The voice in his head chuckled. What did it mean stay awake? And acknowledge his sins? Man why did he get the strange spirit, angel demon thing? It would be so much better if it was stright up...Granted its always the mysterious ones that speak in riddles that always have pretty wise advice at the some sort of trial! Hah! It cannot fool him just by acting strange it was like a trial! The voice in his head seemed to have laughed at his thoughts. "You are one strange lamb...But you are on the right path. I wonder if you can keep it up? I will have to see...So don't die now my Lamb, we have many things we must do to wash away the sin that stains this world..."

"Does that mean I have to bring some extra strong cleaning solution and a mop?" Frederick asked and he could feel the voice in his head reel back from the ridiculous response. "I stand corrected...You are the least brightest Lamb I have ever laid my eyes upon...Leave it to me to guide the one that could die of thirst even if he was trapped in fresh water..." The voice spoke clearly still reeling from its shock and Frederick scratched his head in confusion. Did he say something wrong?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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  1. A part of this post is a collab between myself and Kagerou.

    by The Great Thundorz

0.00 INK



Sakuya listened as Yohan awkwardly explained what had happened. It seemed he didn't understand everything that was going on. The feeling deep down within her subsided as he was clearly not a threat to her. He was worried she was going to take him away? The girl couldn't help but chuckle at him. "I don't have the authority of taking you to someplace dark and scary, Yohan." Sakuya sighed. "I wasn't sent after you. However, I was sent here..." She gestured to the area in general. "Look, it's probably not a good idea to show that around. Most people from Gaia....don't understand that sort of thing." Sakuya pushed them back a bit farther away from the public eye. "Does anyone else know?"

Yohan blinked as she began to explain things, she could see a more innocent expression coming across his face now as he looked at her. If she thought he was cute before, well... Opinions might change now that she got to see more of the "real" him coming through now. "Uhm... Me and five others were sent to this weird looking town with this big Hellhound. A girl among us committed suicide, so I think that leaves four others. I have no idea where they currently are though."

The girl nodded. "Five others? That's..fairly unheard of. Maybe this place really is..." Her voice trailed off. "Regardless, you need to hide that arm of yours. I don't have the power to conceal it." Suddenly, something felt wrong between the two of them. There was a huge and menacing presence that seemed to overtake the town. "Oh no..." Sakuya whispered, hiding them both behind a dumpster. "We need to be careful..."

Yohan couldn't help but be pulled along, though he did feel a shiver run down his spine. He never felt anything like this... This feeling of fear was gripping him tightly. Even worse, it reminded him of those years ago... He had to worry about Sakuya right now. "What's going on?" He asked, she seemed to know more than he did right now, so there was that. He couldn't help but swallow quietly out of nervousness, He worried for his own life, but protecting others was his top priority always.

"Shhh!" Sakuya said suddenly, covering Yohan's mouth. They felt the pressure coming towards them and faint barking. Sakuya didn't quite know what they were, but for her to feel this much fear, there must be something up with them. Speaking out from the other side of the dumpster, she could see the head of a hound sniffing around. The almost lizard like skin and blue flames almost made Sakuya gasp aloud. Keeping her fear down, she pulled her head back quickly and held her breath. However, she could hear the hound coming closer to them. Her magic was hidden...Yohan must be too new to realize what he can and cannot do. Sakuya started to panic. In a last ditch effort, she uncovered Yohan's mouth and pressed her lips against his. 'Please work, please work!' Sakuya whispered in her mind. She held on for about a minute. In those long 60 seconds, she could hear the dog walk away from them and a horrifying growl as they left. She broke the kiss immediately and ran out towards the road, watching them head down towards town. "Yohan, you said you didn't know where your friends are, right? I got a feeling that they know and it won't be pretty if they get a hold of them."

Yohan's eyes widened when he saw her clap a hand over his mouth. He grew nervous all of a sudden, swallowing nervously until his eyes shifted over and saw... The damn hound! That bloody grin on it's face, the desire to devour it's prey... He could sense it, clear as daylight, he remembered! The Hellhound's gaze, it's crazy grin and the way it almost found them and was ready to attack at a moment's notice. He could sense the same thing off of this creature, his body starting to shake as he saw it approach. Why him? Why was it coming here?! What did it want?!? That's when she pulled him over and... Oh dear, his face went red and his eyes widened as she did this. A minute long kiss?! His mind couldn't handle it, yet he didn't resist... For whatever reason, he couldn't tell you. Once she saw the beast walk away, she broke it and he was dropped to the floor with a dazed looked in his eyes. "Did you get the number of that donkey cart?" He mumbled, shaking his head as he regained himself and stood up to his feet, looking over at her, his face still blushing madly. "... Shoot. I have a feeling I know what you are talking about. Alright, let's go!"


The clocks all read 11 PM in the police station now, the sun no longer visible as the night had taken over the sky. It wasn't known for how much longer Abe would be keeping them there, nevertheless, they had already been there for a long time. However, a familiar figure suddenly appeared before all of them, and as the white haired boy looked out to each of them, a red shine would flash over his eyes before reverting to normal. "Hello everybody!" He said, giving a quick little bow from the waist in a mocking gesture, rising up to look over at Abe with a smug look.

"You've been hanging out with this old fart instead of me?" He pretended to look hurt, putting an arm over his face as he leaned back while faking some sniffling. "I'm offended. You left hanging out with me on The Other Side to try to repay a debt to some dead girl." The white haired boy couldn't help but smirk now, shifting his form suddenly to resemble how Rina's inner demon had appeared. This... Was certainly new! "That's silly." The voice came out, sounding way more aggressive and twisted than Rina's inner demon would normally sound like. "You can't run from your problems forever. Hiding like little cowards..." The inner demon began to spread it's arms out to the sides, all of them would begin to see the room forming cracks and gaining a menacing red color to it.

"You think you can ignore me?!" The inner demon's voice suddenly grew louder, becoming more aggressive, more twisted, the room beginning to violently shake, making them all feel threatened while also giving them some motion sickness. "You think you can deny what I want, DO YA?!" The room would be shaking now, pieces of it breaking off to them as the inner demon slowly began to approach them, each step growing louder with each stomp, causing twisted cracks to spread wherever it stepped. "I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!!!"

Everything returned to normal in an instant, Rina's inner demon suddenly gone and the white haired boy having returned with a mocking little grin on his face, once again, his eyes glowed red. "Another time, perhaps." He licked his lips as he walked over to Abe. "Well, no one better to replace her with than family, right?!" The white haired boy grinned to them all, smacking Abe's back without hesitation, although Abe wouldn't feel a thing as his hand passed right through Abe's body. However, Abe would feel a strange sensation coursing through his body, and as the white haired boy walked towards the entrance, Abe could suddenly see him now.

"We can save introductions for later." The white haired boy leaned on a wall near the entrance to the police station, looking down casually at his hand. "You've got bigger fish to worry about." As he said this, the five hounds from before began to enter into the building... But not in the way you would expect. They were walking right through it?! They looked like ghostly dogs, so maybe they were... But it was highly doubtful. Something was off about these dogs, and despite them having entered into the building, none of the officers around them were panicking. Each of them covered in blue flames, having blue flames in their eye sockets and a deadly grin resembling the Hellhound's across each of their twisted mugs.

Yohan and Sakuya arrived too late, only able to watch as the dogs entered into the building, Yohan's eyes widening as he saw the dogs just... Phase through inside?! "Ah dang it!" He couldn't help but state, looking around as he saw no one around, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched right now, by someone... Or something. "They have to get out of there! This isn't good, I can't use my power from out here without drawing attention to us!" To say the least, they were in a tight situation!

Meanwhile, the hounds began to move slowly towards the group, as officers began to walk around near the hounds, they would simply walk through them, the hounds not even bothered by any of what was going on right now. The white haired boy couldn't help but let out a delightful little chuckle, Yohan was right outside, yet he couldn't even see the white haired boy in here? Things just weren't adding up right now, but again, they had bigger fish to fry right now. "Well I would love to stay and help you all, but it looks like two of you have some opening of the eyes to do!" His eye shifted to Abe and Frederick with a twisted grin on his face. "See ya, if you make it out alive of here that is." He let out one more mocking laugh before fading away completely, leaving them with the hounds slowly getting closer to them!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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Despite the attempts of the White haired boy and his little demonic friend to frighten everyone present, Miranda would only slowly open her eyes, the different colored orbs filled with annoyance. Speaking of demons. She glanced to the side, where her Demon was staring at her, a sadistic smile on its face as both of its eyes glowed amber. Thinking for a moment, she supposed the imagery there was that so long as she had both of her eyes, one Sapphire and the other now permanently Amber and glowing, her Demon would be sticking around.

Flaring her nostrils, the werewolf stood quickly as the five hounds entered the building. "Such Insolent Dogs..." Miranda's Demon growled. Miranda agreed, lowering her chin and growling, her growl not one of a human imitating a wolf, but of a feral wolf itself. Slowly the girl's lips peeled back, exposing her savagely long teeth as she stared down the five hounds; knowing full well that she'd be unable to harm them physically with her body. She only hoped the others didn't bolt like scared children. "What if they do run? Hm? Leave you to fight for yourself against five hungry mutts? Like cowards; they want you to die. They want your power for themselves. Our power....for themselves!" her demon growled.

Miranda snarled loudly, her throat rumbling with the feral sound and the sound echoing in the halls of the police station. Miranda's demon became more bestial with each passing second and Miranda lowered into a stance that would allow her to move in any direction at any moment without any hesitation or pre-warning. But suddenly she blinked; she had no room to fight here...she needed to leave. Narrowing her eyes she took a step back, hoping the humans with the White could see what she could see, and knew to run. Slowly the werewolf kept eye contact on the hounds, but moved towards the back of the police station. She knew there was a back door; there had to be; for safety reasons, right?

Snarling, the Werewolf's Amber eye began to glow brightly and she reached out her hand towards the hounds, attempting to grab them with her powers of mutation and at the very least, make their legs snap to slow them down. At the most, to make their organs rupture and make them die quickly and painfully. If it didn't work, she'd try again, if only to cause pain at the very least.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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Things were now looking dangerious, not only did some white haired kid who had transformed into some kind of demon suddenly appeared. There was some...demon dogs! And thay phased through the walls and the officers could not even see them. They also looked angry! He knew a scenario like this, it was like murderious ghosts! Since these officers could not see them nor touch them they could kill them and no one woukd know their sudden cause of death.

They were getting closer to each of them! In response Frederick jumped up from seat. He was not a fighter, he was just a simple nice guy so he could not fight much. What was he supposed to do? Especially againt a foe where video game and comic dictates that he cant harm them unless he was a mage...or at least an epic demonslayer...

As he seemed to focus more on how to beat those demon dogs, and not his current saftey one of the dogs would lunge for him going in for the kill! It even phased right through a cop to get at him. He let out a girl scream as it was ready to bite him. "Bad demon dog!"

However as he closed his eyes the bite did not come, in fact he something hit his head instead along with a small ring. Letting out a pained 'ow' he rubbed his head as he oppened his eyes. A figure stood in front of him. It was a little bit shorter than him, maybe five inches shorter looked feminine, on her back was a white feathery wing and a bone like wing from her back. Silver like hair which reached to her back and one of her side had a bandage covering one of her eyes and a broken white mask covering the other side to reveal only a purple like iris.

Her long white dress adorned her body, one of her arms was covered with some sort of big arm glove while her other arm was bangaged. In her hand, was some sort of sheperds staff, wooden and bell included. This...woman had forced the demon dog back from her presence. Of course....he had a sneaking suspicion who this person was.

"Alright moocher...You saved my life! Thanks!" Frederick gave a thumbs up and the figure hit him over the head with her staff as the little bell rang. "Ow! Was it because I called you a mo---" Frederick was interupted again as he was hit over his head again. A jingle following it once more.

"Be quiet my dear lamb for this moment. This moment will pass, but they have made their move it seems...It is time my lamb to finnaly awaken to your fate. I ask that you offer up a part of your body to me." She spoke, however her request was more akin to giving out an order.

"Wait...What do you mean by that? A part of my body?...does that mean that you!---" Frederick was about to say as he was whacked over the head once more. The bell ringing once again. "A part of your body you care for...We have no time for jokes my lamb unless you care to be torn apart like a wolf who has found a defensless sheep..." She spoke clearly hiving him one last chance to decide before the offer ends.

"Alright then, my hands. There happy? A janitor, writer---" Frederick was about to give his speech again about his occupations before she grabbed his hands with her own. As suddenly as she did his hands caught on fire. Pain sirged through his hands as she let go. "Why!? My hands are litteraly on fire! Spirit fire probaly but fire!" Frederick called out no doubt causing some officers to look at him...and question his state of mind...

Once the fire stopped, he noticed he had kept his hands. However they seemed these hands were like copies of his old hand. "The pact is made...Your fate is now set in stone until the end...Now, be a nice lamb and eliminate these dogs." Her form suddenly faded away as Frederick had one question.

How was he supposed to do that!?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
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  1. Frederick parts written by Specmarine by collaberation.

    by MartinVole

0.00 INK

Laying on her back, Saiph had fallen asleep on the roof, surrounded by various wrappers of food strewn about messily from staying camped out up there. She had lost track of time in her slumber, the sun had fallen, but in her helmet a blip kept tabs on her... little investment.

Maddy sat down the cup of tea onto a saucer, creating a clatter, Maddy's ears stand erect and wiggle, stirring from her slumber.

"Oh dear, it seems little Frederick has run into a round of rotten luck," Maddy spoke in that warped voice.

Abruptly, a hole opens up under Saiph, dropping her onto a roof close to the police department, rather gracelessly onto her back. She then grabs her feet and rolls over to the edge, flopping onto her stomach to get the best overlook possible. Maddy materializes beside her, presence denoted by four yellow eyes glowing in the dark, the glimmer of teeth, and the steam off of tea.

"Wuh-oh," Saiph says, as her lenses zoom in on the chaos that was unfolding in the police station. Several scaly dog things covered in blue flames had infiltrated the place. Oh dear, dear, dear..! There's five Hounds of Despair now? Wasn't there just... one? she ponders. How odd it was in the first place to see such things in the world of norms. Ohohoho, someone's been naughty! The lenses shift color from red to green, and she then starts to see through the station. Specifically, she focused on Fred, being pathetically harassed by one of the beasties. "Oh dear! My investment is gonna be doggy chow!"

"The time has come," Maddy says, creepily cryptic as it were. "To talk of many things."

Saiph stands up, raising her hands into the air and begins doing a series of stretches to limber up, making quite the racket. The few people still outside would hear strange sounds, looking up only to see nothing there.

"Of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax, of cabbages, and kings," Saiph sings joyfully, opening a portal above her. She then raises both her arms into the air, her mechanical claws with palms facing upwards. "And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have..."

Her claws launch off into the portal, still attached by segmented mechanical cables to devices under her sleeves. Out the other end of the portal, opening a little ways to the side from poor Frederick. The claws shoot through, each one on each side of the beast, each claw digging into a wall, anchoring tightly into it, and then with a loud whir, out, in dramatic form, Saiph launches through slamming head first into the hound, with just enough force to send it sliding away. Rebounding from the force, she backflips into the air, dislodging her claws and retracting them with a zip, then landing on her feet!

"...wings!" she shouts, holding her arms out with theatrical flair, swinging her hair in the air. Looking to Frederick, she reaches out, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt. She takes a moment to look down at his hands, noting that a change has occurred with him, something awakened, but given his state, he seemed not yet sure. The modulation of her voice suddenly deepens, one of her lenses blinking a red color as she looks back at his face. "Come with me if you want to live."

As Frederik was busy waving his hands as the threat of death loomed over his head, something came to his aid. Not his...Spirit...angel...demon...He would figure out a name for her eventually. For now someone else came to his aid. It was someone...or something that looked kinda like a rabbit. Now this was weird, but what was weirder was that she grabbed him by the collar and pretty much told him to come wit her or die. Of course he nodded his approval. "Of course! I wanna live!"

"I've always wanted to say that," she says with a chuckle, voice returning to a shrill playful tone. She then raises the volume on her helmet's audio then turns away from Frederick. "Hey, noobs! Lets try taking this outside! That means you too, Ms. Bark N. Bite!"

After that she creates another portal and pulls Frederick in with her, for him, space warps around him briefly, before suddenly the rush of the cool night air wafts over them. The two were outside in the station parking lot.

"Wha? Huh? D-Did we just like warp like...Wha?" Frederick spoke as he looked around. They were outside the station. Of course it looks like they would have to fight outside. But wait...why would she help him unless...To test his theory he pulled out his phone and replied to B.Rabbit with the letter 'a' and waited.

Surely enough, Saiph's phone dings a cheerful little tune and she looks down at it then at Frederick, letting go of him finally. "Bingo, you got me, Freddie, the mysterious Black Rabbit, also known as Saiph Grimms, at your service!" she says, holding up the phone to confirm his suspicion, then bowing. Putting one hand on her hip, she leans back up slightly, tolting her head. Holding up a metallic index finger to his face with her other arm, then turns it downward, pointing down at his hands. "Now about this, any idea what your power is yet, hmmmm? Suppose not, otherwise you'd've used it against them nasties, must be something to do with your talents though... huh... well, oof, now I'm tingling with anticipation! What could the Frederick Bell's newfound super powers be!?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna’s time with the police hadn’t been unpleasant initially. The officers who took her in were pretty friendly and helpful, even providing her some much appreciated coffee and food. Part way through however, things changed when she was taken aside and started receiving treatment more akin to a criminal or someone suspicious at the very least. Though she was assured it was just procedure, it was still a little unnerving to be left isolated in one of those rooms from those police dramas with the mirror and camera and told to wait. Soon enough, the man who introduced himself as Abe entered, and from there, she was asked a series of questions.

Still, it hadn’t entirely gone as planned. Sinopia sat nearby, offering only a couple of scant comments when she felt like she had something humorous to say, but Sienna mostly did her best to ignore her. It was concerning that the man didn’t make her show her power – Maybe he already knew? Or maybe he decided it was too farfetched and just decided not to entertain the idea? Either way, she’d show him herself when he went to accuse her of lying or the sort. Well, that’s what she thought she’d do, but instead she was just… Dismissed? The door was left open. She was free to go, apparently. Wait, what? Did he just accept all of that? No further questioning? No ‘You’ll be kept on watch?’ Nothing? That was… Maybe she was expecting more, but…

“Don’t complain. We’re home free to do as we please.” Sinopia stated as she climbed down, moving towards the door. Sienna faintly nodded, but she still wasn’t certain that this was what she wanted. She really hoped that the police would be able to give her some new stability and direction for what she should do from here. Honestly, she was hoping to get some sort of support and maybe some counselling. Guess that was too hopeful, but it wasn’t entirely impossible that she wasn’t going to undergo surveillance or something. Slowly, she made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her as she headed back towards the foyer. She didn’t exactly have anyone that could pick her up, so she’d probably need to ask the receptionist or an officer for a lift or something to get home. Then there was dealing with Tate… And work… And maybe even the media. That was gonna be a headache and a half.

Stretching and groaning a bit, she felt pretty worn out from all the waiting and interrogation. It was late in the evening now, basically eleven at night. Still, it was over now. She just needed to head home, curl up into bed, and hopefully she’d have the strength to get up and start dealing with all that crap tomorrow. Now that she was out in the open, she could see that Gym-Girl, Taja and Frederick were out of their rooms, but it didn’t look like they’d been allowed to leave just yet. In fact, the officer who interrogated her seemed to be grabbing Gym-Girl for a second round of questions when they were all interrupted. At least, those of them that could see the strange, white haired boy. From there, it was like a mini-apocalypse localised in the room with them – The walls and floors shaking and the world violently spinning as it threatened to crack apart at a moment’s notice. All the while the maniacal fellow (Now shapeshifted into something resembling Rina’s demon) spouted increasingly violent and livid ramblings. Then in an instant, the vertigo and damage reverted, as if nothing had happened; Sienna’s upturned stomach the only sign she’d even felt anything. At this point, a few of the officers around were giving the lot of them a bit of a look, given how they’d stumbled around, but that was nothing compared to the expressions they wore as the hounds made their entrance onto the scene.

Sienna lost track of herself in the following chaos. Sienna immediately recoiled into a slightly fearful but mostly defensive stance; the movement having Abe and the others look to what had her attention… Only to turn back to her like she was crazy. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. It was just like Sinopia. They couldn’t see them. The freakin’ cops couldn’t see the glowing flaming skeletal demon dogs that seemed to be intangible to the world around them. So much for relying on help from the law enforcement… Why couldn’t things be normal?! This was supposed to be her getting back to normal! She was done with this crap! As one of the monsters stalked her by striding through the nearby officer and moving in her direction, she backed up to the wall, trying to decide if she could bolt from the room without drawing the ire of the police. It certainly wasn’t like she could start torching them inside this building; that definitely wouldn’t work out well…

It was about then that Gym-Girl (She really needed to remember her name…) began to… Growl? It certainly didn’t sound human, and unlike Sienna, it seemed M… Mary(?) didn’t feel any need to conform to social normality amongst the police. Despite her aggressive noise, she backed up though. That didn’t exactly fill Sienna with confident. Dumb as that girl was, she was tough (The time she’d almost been killed by her was sign enough of that), which was worrisome if she wanted to back out. Still, Sienna didn’t need to be giving a second indication. Moving back in time to the approach of the canines, it wasn’t until Frederick jumped up in front of them that she stopped again, especially as one of the beasts took the opportunity to fly at him. Leaping towards him, maw at the ready, the beast seemed set to bite into Fred… When suddenly it flew back as a new figure appeared in a flash.

She was remarkably white, though the distinctive features were her shepherd staff, angelic and skeletal wings, and the strange mask and bandages that only seemed to reveal a single, purple eye. Judging by the conversation between her and the strange man, it was clear he was having a moment similar to her and Sinopia when they first truly met. Still, the energy rippling from this partnership was buying them time. Though the police were giving her and the rest of the group incredulous looks and trying to ask for an explanation, Sienna didn’t really feel she was at liberty to clarify for them. As the figure in front of Frederick faded, a new magical energy made itself apparent, a portal appearing from the ground before… Some sort of mechanical rabbit launched out and struck the nearest monster dog?!

“…wings!” Was the first thing the weirdo bunny said. Sienna had no idea what that meant, and even mumbled a faint ‘What?’ under her breath. Still, she wasn’t complaining to have more assistance. As she stopped to spout some more nonsense at Fred, the police finally seemed to have reacted on some level as they turned towards the rabbit and began telling her to freeze and place her hand… paws on her head. Of course, she didn’t listen. With some slight gesturing and the declaration that the ‘noobs’ should follow her, the rabbit slipped into another portal with Frederick, vanishing from sight. As the demon dogs turned their attention towards Sienna, she didn’t need to be told twice. Leaping through the portal, it was mildly disorienting, but she quickly got her bearings. They were outside the station in the parking lot.

With the moment to breathe, Sienna took the chance to look to the rabbit and Frederick, giving them both a glare. “Mind starting to explain who you are and what’s going on?” Folding her arms a bit, Sienna briefly looked to Sinopia who was at her side. She’d been weirdly quiet this whole time, and completely unhelpful given the danger. Waiting for the girl to answer, Sienna would likely have to wait for answers as the dogs leapt out from the walls to follow them, seemingly unfazed by the sudden relocation of their targets. Drawing back into another fighting stance, Sienna glanced over her shoulder towards the other two. “Scratch that. We deal with these things first, then I want answers.”

Pivoting to the nearest ghost hound, Sienna didn’t hesitate now there was no one in the way. As the dog ran at her, Sienna quickly shifted her position, thrusting her arm forward and unleashing a cone of fire from her palm. Scorching red and orange flames streamed forth in a spiral of intense heat, engulfing the monster before her as it vanished into the fire. Smirking as she kept up the wave of flames, Sienna was confident that she’d handled the threat. It wasn’t until Sinopia’s urgent voice yelled into her mind did she realise something was wrong. “Get down you idiot!” The feline shouted, Sienna barely having time to recognise the warning as from inside the inferno she saw the maw of death. Drawing her hand back and falling to the side, the leaping bite from the beast narrowly missed her wrist as Sienna hit the ground, the monster flying past her. Scrambling to get herself back to her feet, Sinopia’s scathing voice continued to chastise her in her mind. “What were you thinking?! Are you blind? Did you not see what those things are made of?! Why would you think fire of all things would work you tomato!”

Sienna was going to say something in response, but she didn’t have a chance to as the dog skidded to a stop and began its second run at the teenage girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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Despair: Act 2!


Well, events were just happening now, weren't they? One after the other, Yohan could only watch as they unfolded right in the Police Station itself. First, it looked as if Frederick got his deal made, he could see the Familiar clear as daylight in there with them. That was good at the least. He noticed the officers and a couple of others weren't noticing the Hounds now. What was going on? It felt like he had lost some connections... It didn't matter right now. Some crazy rabbit girl suddenly came in and took Frederick and Sienna out of there, well, Sienna took the opportunity to go in with them. That was good, now all that was left was Miranda. But where were the others? As soon as he thought this in his head, he saw them appear right in the parking lot!

Back inside, the Hounds of Despair had all been attacked in one way or another. Two of them had been hit by Miranda's mutation powers and were being torn to shreds right now. Three of them had taken note of Saiph and noticed Yohan and Sakuya outside. That's when one of them noticed Yohan's slight change in expression and looking away. Just as Yohan was going to say something, he could feel an ominous chill run down his spine, causing him to have a horrified expression now. Three of the Hounds came rushing out of the Police Station, one of them looked to have strangely almost recovered fully from the attack before by the rabbit girl!

As the two poor Hounds were being torn to shreds, suddenly, they began to quickly stand right back up on all fours. Their bodies both regenerating and healing at a rapidly fast rate! Yohan could see the changes happening to the three outside as well, right before they charged in towards the others and one of them began to attack Sienna! What was that? It was quick, but he saw it! The Hounds inside and the Hounds outside had... Undergone the same recovery process? That shouldn't be happening! Miranda's powers had hit them dead on, and yet here they all were, recovering as if... No, it couldn't be!

Yohan could only look inside as one of the Hounds jumped up into the air at crazy speeds, moving quickly past Miranda herself and landing right in front of the emergency exit! The other one made it's way over to the front door where they all were and began to open it's mouth to reveal it now glowing with the same blue flames! This was bad, they were trapping Miranda inside and attacking the others on the outside! These Hounds were intelligent, too intelligent! The rate at which they were recovering, adapting and making strategies in response to each of their actions was insane! Yohan had to force himself to look away as the Hound inside unleashed a multitude of small blue fire balls for Miranda, each of them deadly fast and moving in to strike fatal blows if she wasn't careful!

Yohan panicked, in the heat of the moment his brain switched to overload mode and for a second it felt like everything had frozen around him. These hounds... What's with them? They weren't even coming for him, yet Sienna and Miranda were being hunted down like top priority? The recovery rate at which they can heal from even the strange mutation powers Miranda had, the way Sienna's fire wasn't even leaving a single burn on them. That's when it clicked to him, they were only targeting the people who had shown up on the news today! No, it couldn't be, he had dismissed it as just random chance! But now, he stood here, the evidence clear in front of them... "We were set up..." The others could hear him speak out, a hand reaching up to grab his face lightly as his hand started to rapidly shake.

"He was right... We're being targeted." Yohan felt like breaking down right now, but something in him pushed him to keep standing. He had to do something... He had to confirm it, there was no other choice. He also couldn't just let the others just be attacked while he stood here and did nothing! What kind of coward would he be if he just kept being an observer! Did the Hounds see no threat in him, did they think his power was weak?! It was now or never, the Hounds were completely distracted from him, and he had already started to charge up sound in his hand the moment he started to talk out loud. A little ruse right in front of everyone, and it was too late to stop the trap!

Quickly striking his hand outward in the direction of the others and the Hounds, he yelled out slightly as he unleashed a sound blast straight for them! It seemed like he was aiming for it to hit all of them, but that's when Saiph, Frederick and Sienna would all notice they couldn't hear a thing. But the three Hounds all could hear something painful, something like a dog whistle had just been set off in a very painful way as a strange liquid shoots out from the holes where the ears would be on the Hounds. He got them, even if they just for a minute, his attack had gotten through! If they weren't fighting for their lives, he would of taken the moment to smile.

There was no time to feel safe, however, when all three Hounds twitched briefly before the sounds of bones shifting could be hear within them. Yohan couldn't help but feel a chill again, his eyes shifted to the one Hound guarding the entrance to the station and see the same twitch happen with it's head. His eyes widen at the conclusion he made and turned to the others, his mouth opening to shout, when he saw one of the Hounds give him a death glare. It's mouth opened, and in an instant, something shot out of it's mouth someone just shot an arrow at him! It was coming straight for his head, and he barely had enough time to move just enough for the strange arrow-like tongue that the Hound had shot out of it's mouth to pierce itself right through his right shoulder!

He tried to tell them what he had learned, but nothing came out of his mouth, the pain was too much to allow him to speak right now. He fell to his knees and looked over at them, now only seeing two Hounds with them. He looked quickly over to his left to see the Hound that had shot at him with that weird tongue move, these things had more to them than just fire! The dog was now giving him a serious look, the flames in it's eyes gave it the look of a killer ready to finish it's prey. It's mouth opens and it's new tongue it had formed quickly shoots out to start forming a sword. Biting it off without hesitation, a human arm forms out of it's back and grabs hold of the handle of the tongue sword thing that was still morphing even though it had bit it off!

"So... You are the one." The Hound spoke without moving it's mouth, only opening it to allow the eerie, whispering voice to come out. "It looks like whatever pain you feel, my targets will feel as well. Perfect." The Hound began to raise up it's blade, Yohan's body beginning to shake now as he could only watch the Hound prepare to chop his head off. "It looks like if you die, so do my targets. I will make this quick and painless."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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"Fuck!" Miranda snarled as the hounds healed themselves and then trapped her inside. Snarling, the werewolf dropped to hands and feet, dodging the first wave of fire-balls with ease before the next one came. Grunting, she leaped into the air and dodged the second wave. Spinning, in the air she landed just as Yohan got himself shot in the shoulder with the arrow. A loud, pained yelp echoed through the station as the sympathetic pain raced through Miranda's body. Snarling, she gritted her teeth and got moving again, adrenaline kicking in as she darted for the wall, her feet slamming into it before she bounced off of it towards the hound that was initially in front of her.

She aimed to grab it by the scruff of the neck with one hand, and hook her other arm around it's neck to get it in a sort of rear-naked choke used by many MMA fighters. The only reason she was doing this was due to the fact that if her mutation powers, which tore these things apart like they were nothing, did nothing to them, they wouldn't work again. She figured she'd find a new way to slaughter them, even it if meant with her bare hands. She wouldn't hold onto it for very long, however, straddling the back of the creature with her legs and pinching with her knees, she'd take both hands and place them on the snout before using all of her body strength, which was enough to lift a small car by itself, to press the snout down and into the neck, effectively trying to break the neck and tear off the head in the process.

If Miranda found herself on the ground with nothing in her hands, the werewolf would twist her body and aim to kick out the hound's legs before standing and aiming to grab it by the neck regardless if it fell or not, her right hand cocked back into a claw position. Her body would immediately begin to painfully morph into that of her werewolf form, the hands becoming twice the size and forming into sharp, deadly claws that would be able to easily tear into the body of the hound and tear out vital organs with one thrust of the hand.

Regardless of whether any of that worked, when she was done she'd bolt for the front door of the station, her strong, powerful legs propelling her at the speed of an Olympic sprinter at the least as she wound her way through the station for the front door, aiming to slam through the door with brute force if necessary, ignoring the pain in her shoulder as best she could.

"You could end it all now, you know. Shift into your true form, show those mutts who the real Alpha here is. Show everyone who the true leader and Alpha is." her Demon growled in her ear. Miranda huffed, ignoring the thing. "You know I'm right! Don't deny your gift! Your power! Your birth-right! Werewolves were born to rule over humans! You know this to be true! DO IT!"

Miranda shook her head and rounded a corner. With the front door now in sight, she took in a deep breath and began to run even faster and harder; it'd be nearly impossible to stop her at this point; she was simply running to fast to slow down or stop. As she neared the door, she raised her arms over her face and chest, and lowered her head: She was going to get out of here if it was the last thing she did in this life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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"Yes, yes, answers later," the rabbit girl responds hurriedly to Sienna, shifting away from Frederick. Her eyes now fixating on the hounds rushing them now, prioritizing particular targets over others. She shifts to the ones chasing after the werewolf, then quickly across to the one now threatening the life of the now wounded Yohan. She saw it in his eyes, he had realized it too, the trick behind their seeming immortality. There was no room for error, this had to be quick and precise.

As Miranda slammed her way through the doors, hounds at her heels, it was now or never. With a swift fluid motion she swings her right arm in a circle in the air above her like a cowboy out to rustle some cattle, extending the arm and building momentum, a whirring filling the air, then with a twirl, flings it out towards the the two in closest proximity, snagging them together and lassoing them together with a loud snap. Then like a sling, tosses them into Miranda's direction.

With that in motion, she had little time for the second part, snapping back her claw, she creates a portal underneath herself dropping down, the other end above the one near seconds away from claiming Yohan's life, landing on its back with her feet, leaning over towards the blue haired boy. "Daaaamn son, you better have that looked a- owowowow! hot foot, hot foot!" Broken from her though, she began dancing frantically as even her insulated suit didn't stop the heat. Flopping down, she creates one more portal under the creature, intent on dropping it on the set convergence point of the four other hounds.

C'mon, work, she thinks, as she drops down along with the last hound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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Despair: Act 3!


Yohan's heart felt like it had stopped for just a moment, seeing the Hound about to strike down upon him with that blade! That's when the rabbit girl appeared and appeared to be silly, but in caught the Hound off guard and that's when it just sunk down and was gone! At least, that's how it looked from his viewpoint anyway. With the two Hounds Miranda was facing, one of them had it's head viciously torn off, only for the head to have reattached itself as though the injury never happened. The two Hounds quickly moved after Miranda, but as they did, all the other Hounds suddenly came flying in towards them until...


In a flash, the Hounds seemed to have vanished. It was strange, Yohan looked over and could no longer make out five Hounds. He couldn't help but growl slightly and grab hold of the weird tongue thing that had stabbed through him, pulling it out without another thought as some of the scales fell as well. He couldn't help but be thankful it was the right arm and not the left it had aimed for. That's when black flames suddenly burst forth, forming a ring now among all of them as there stood a Hound! But the Hound looked different now, maybe it was just the black flames covering over it's body instead of blue. Yohan watched as the Hound opened it's mouth and released some black flames temporarily before they stopped being emitted and that voice whispered out again.

"Well done. Had that rabbit girl not come here, the boy would of arrived to see his friends all die." The Hound of Despair cracked it's neck to the left and then to the right before staring at them all coldly. "I am the Hound of Despair. I have survived many battles, and my body has been pushed to the absolute limit. I too have a power similar to all of yours. You have what is called The White, while I have what is called The Black. The powers you are using now are Dominion's. I, too, have a Dominion. My Dominion's name is Despair." Yohan was surprised by this information.

"Despair?" He couldn't help but ask. It could talk, so it must understand them as well. It was telling them this, why not ask questions? Though those black flames it had were too menacing for him to try to step in and try another attack, he didn't know how hot they even were!

"Despair is a unique Dominion, as I said before, I have survived many battles. But I have never truly died during any of them. My body was even modified so that I could harness the true power of my Dominion. With every battle I survived, my body adapted and grew in power, granting me an infinite amount of possibilities along with it. All of this, in order to ensure my survival and growth as a hunter. As long as I live, my body and Dominion will both continue to adapt and give me more things capable of surviving any situation. This is the first time in many years that I have been restored to my one, original body. Before, I was split up into five versions of myself, all of them connected, much like you and your friends here. The difference being that if you injured one, it would adapt and survive." The Hound of Despair turned it's eyes briefly to Saiph.

"She came fully prepared, knowing of my abilities. You, boy, managed to figure it out, I saw that as a problem in the heat of the moment. I honestly wasn't expecting much out of any of you, but here we are anyway. There is one thing I wish to tell you, however." It's eyes set upon Yohan as Yohan felt scared now. "The one who sent me here to kill you... He told me that should I be restored to my original true form, that you have been invited for a special duel." Yohan felt angry, but he continued to listen just to hear everything. "He is waiting for you to come personally. I hope you can survive what he has in store for you." The Hound of Despair let out a creepy cackle, Yohan had to restrain himself in order not to go in and give the Hound a punch to the face!

"Alright, what's the point in telling any of us this though?" Yohan raised his left brow at the Hound. "You could of just as easily used it to prepare some kind of attack." Yohan heard an unusual response in the form of another cackle, creepily coming out of the Hound as if it knew he was going to say that.

"I knew you were all stupid enough to listen to me, in order to try to gain any information about the one who sent me here. Now, it is too late." The Hound gave a small smirk as best as it could before the black flames began to gather within it's body. "These black flames are the only thing that are natural to me. They have been with me ever since I was born. I got my name originally for bringing terror upon my enemies with these very flames! While we have been talking, I have been concentrating and gathering them up within my very own body. Should you kill me recklessly, I will lose control and I will erupt like dynamite!" The Hound of Despair laughed in a high pitched tone now, the black flames in it's eye sockets running wild before being absorbed into it's body.

"Why don't you just blow up already then?!" Yohan called out the Hound, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pointed at the Hound. "You talk as if you are alright with dying here. So why not just do it? You were sent here to kill certain people, right? Wouldn't it be best to do that right now?"

"It would be, yes." The Hound of Despair grinned at Yohan. "But I want to play a little game first. To see who is better at being the prey. You see, I have always been the predator, but never the prey. In this case, I feel cornered, trapped, knowing full well that if I were to try to attack recklessly against you all, I would surely perish. This way, it gives us all a fighting chance! My game is simple: All of you have a choice. You can attack me, you can run away and go home, you can report me to the police, you can do whatever you want! You can even do nothing, it doesn't bother me." The Hound of Despair chuckled upon seeing Yohan's expression shift. "I know what you are thinking. There must be a catch to this, right? Well, there is!" The Hound's grin grew bigger. "Should I fail to die before my attack is fully charged, I will kill one of you!"

Yohan couldn't believe what he was hearing right now, this Hound was playing some sadistic little game in order to get out of a fight it knew it couldn't win! "You little...!" Yohan flinched as he felt the pain rising up again in his wound, his body shaking as the Hound gave a mocking laugh.

"Do you hate me? It doesn't matter to me, that's the fun part of this game. If you leave right now, I can't kill you. If all but a few leave, my choice is obvious! That is the offer, I ain't giving any of you a chance to reject it! I will do nothing while I wait for your decisions, but don't forget I'm still charging up my attack all the while! I look forward to seeing the choices you all make!" If Yohan's injury wasn't so serious right now, he would send a sound blast right now at it! He didn't know what to tell the others, he didn't have any control over what they said or did. But to kill one of them... Would any of them actually be willing to just leave and let the others be easy targets to choose? It... Couldn't be true, right? He could only wait and watch while the Hound just stood in it's ring of black flames.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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As Miranda slammed through the doors, she tumbled and fell onto her front, skidding to a halt as the Hounds were hit launched into a single place, their bodies becoming one, larger and more intelligent hound. Miranda's Alpha-blood was screaming at this point, screaming at her to instill order, and discipline upon this hound that dared challenge her. Her Demon screamed the same thing, the thing slowly fading into her body as she rose onto her hands and knees, her body heaving as she breathed heavily. Adrenaline flooded her system, Endorphin's ran on over-drive, and she began to shake uncontrollably. Looking up would reveal that both of her eyes had turned completely Amber, and were wild with emotions. Opening her mouth would only allow her to vomit the contents of her stomach onto the pavement below her, followed by one of the most blood-curdling screams of pain one could ever imagine.

The Werewolf of The White was Shifting.

Another blood curdling scream erupted from Miranda's throat as she leaned back, this scream turning into an equally blood-curdling, bone-chilling howl as she fell backwards and began to seize, her body shaking as it grew in size and muscles expanded exponentially. Bones could be heard audibly snapping and rearranging themselves as she continued her transformation. Tendons likewise could be seen under the skin deforming and reforming as her body shifted. Perhaps most painful to watch was the reshaping of her skull, from the fair-faced, stern but beautiful girl known as Miranda Wallace, to a large, intimidating Wolf. Her jaw from the nose down began to expand, her skull began to flatten, and her ears moved up on her skull as it elongated. The rest of her body became much more broad and her legs became digitigrade, their transformation the most noisy of the lot. She rolled over onto her hands and what were now paws as her clothing tore from her body, the tearing of fabric obvious as she grew in size. From her tailbone grew a long, shaggy tail, and her body grew thick, shaggy Black Fur within a matter of seconds.

She froze.

For another few seconds, nothing was heard. One final snap of a bone falling into place and she began to breathe once more, each breath haunted by a sinister snarling growl. Hands twice the size of Yohan's head lifted off the ground as feet the size of Yohan's chest spread the weight over the paw-pads and claws. For a moment she was quiet again, sniffing the air and taking in the cool breeze of the night before she lifted her nose and her lips parted slightly. A deafening howl echoed over the landscape of Timberland, and in the distance, two other Werewolves snapped awake in their home at the sound of their daughter's howl.

She slammed back onto her large hands, turning around and looking at everyone around her. Yohan, Sienna, Frederick, Sakuya, Saiph...they all meant nothing. They were nothing to her. Both of her Amber Eyes glowed now; her power had enhanced with her physical strength, becoming ten times stronger than normal. As those Amber-colored orbs made their way to the confident hound, her lips peeled back, revealing her razor sharp, pointed teeth as her ears flattened against her skull and she let out a bone-rattling growl from deep within her throat. Compared to the growls of wolves or dogs that anyone in the current vicinity had heard before, this was like a freight train in terms of the difference in texture, volume, and dominance.

Size-wise, Miranda was now about the size of a minivan or SUV, and weight about as much as well. She was bristling with muscle and fur, yet still retained a feminine-esque figure for a werewolf. One could only imagine how large she would be if she were male, which are generally even larger than their female counterparts. Despite her size, Miranda retained her smarts, not blindly charging in, but instead analyzing the situation before her. She had allies in the form of the humans and...bunny creature person thing. Perhaps they would be of assistance. Slowly she began to circle the hound, her fur standing on end and making her seem twice as large as she was. After a few steps she raised onto her hind legs, standing at ten feet in height now as she paced around the hound building up its magic to attack. She was analyzing it for weaknesses, for any faults in its guard.

She was hunting it.

With a flash of her eyes, Miranda launched all of her Mutating might upon the Hound at once, aiming to once more tear it apart at the most, mutating each body part until regeneration would be nigh impossible, or at the very least cause it to be locked in place as the legs became weak or began to physically melt into the pavement beneath it. After that, Miranda would turn towards the Hound, and prepare to charge it, and finish this the way her instincts were driving her to do so: With a very violent, bloody fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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"Okay Frederick...let's recap here...We are outside in the parking lot. The others are following suite...The Rabbit Girl had helped them. The others were fighting the demon dogs, some leader of these demon dogs were here and speaking." Yeah, his experiance as a writer was helping him her. If Yohan died then they all died...Wait...What idiot designed this system? What was this chess? Yohan was like the king peice, if he got knocked out it was game over.

But that's dumb, that means if say he ate pufferfish sushi and the poison was not cleaned properly the rest of them would die. That ain't a smart system, it should be like a debuff at the very least. Whoever disigned this game of life and death sucked. He could write a better story than this."

Back at the moment at hand, as Frederick looked around him he watched as Miranda...Was changing into a werewolf!? That was cool, looks like she was indeed a werewolf. Strong, fast and deadly like the legends of old! And he saw this firsthand! That reminded him...what power did he have?

Waving his hands around in weird motions, he threw his hand forward expecting a fireball but nothing happened. Ok, he had no magic. Jumping forward he flopped on his face expecting to jump real good. Nope, nothing physical. The more he tried, the more he made a fool of himself. "Hey, you in my head! Where's my instruction manual to use my powers? We are in danger right now still!" Frederick spoke to himself as thankfully the woman spoke in his head.

"Ah, if you would have let me finished speaking before my time was up I would have explained something...but I will not let you have your answer easily my dear lamb. Your power is as white as a canvas. I hope even you can understand this very simple riddle."She spoke as her presence vanished once again.

Now he needed time to think! That hound was like a boss, probaly tricky and has hidden tricks under his fur! He had to hurry and think carefully. A challenging task.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Bell Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde
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Saiph rolled back on the impact upon the asphalt, springing up in a sitting position. Only a short distance she sat from the now rejoined hound, black flames flicking across her face. There was a nonchalance to her, just staring at the hound, like this was normal life for her... and it essentially was. She simply listened to the creature monologue about his power and life, it went on for a little while so she opted to lay over on her side, propping her head on her arm, choosing to remain silent. Sheesh, there was no mention that the Hound of Despair could be a bit of a windbag.

The beast presented something of an ultimatum to them, fight, leave, do nothing, the whole villain final showdown kinda shtick. To this she finally rolled around onto her back, kicking her self up onto her feet and dusting herself off.

"Woo boy, that was a mouthful, am I right?" she says to no one in particular, resting her claws on the back of her head, tilting to the side. "So really, what I get from all this is that in the end what you've truly adapted into, is being empty. I mean, is really the hunt all it boils down to? That is the true extent of your very existence? Despair really does suit you then, because, wow, that is... actually pretty sad.

With this she leans the other way, taking one step forward, not breaking eye contact with the hound.

"What of things of aspirations and dreams? Do you even have those, or were those deemed weaknesses that were adapted out?" she asks the hound, taking another step forward. "Seriously... is this really living? Honestly I'm starting to think you perished long ago, and this is what remains. My auntie once said that the greatest despair was being one of a kind. I-"

Before she could continue, from behind something charged forward freezing her in mid-step, her hair blown forward by the gust. What she saw was a massive hairy blur, headed straight for the hound. It took her only a second, however, to realize what it was, and a sudden shock jolts through her spine, realizing what is coming next. A werewolf on the rampage wasn't exactly her ideal solution to this particular problem.

"Oh, are you kidding me right now!?" she exclaims, slapping both hands on the sides of her head.