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0 · 553 views · located in Timberland

a character in “Black and White”, as played by Long Lost Lius




Nicknames: Unkown, Electric Fuzzball

Unknown and Unknown

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 14" 15lbs

Additional details: Is sometimes seen staring off into oblivion, somehow still manages to look cute while doing it. Tends to purposfully discharge electricity to irritate.

Personality: Is completely gullible in every single way, seemingly doesn't hold a single strand of fear within it's tiny body. No matter what Paarl is never seen as scared, commonly enjoying himself completely atop the lap of people he barely even know

  • Headrubs
  • Being fed
  • Sharing a nap with someone
  • Electrifying people
  • Being denied physical affection
  • Magic
  • Vegetables
  • Amazing Cuddler
  • Produces small electric discharges
  • Surprisingly good at disappearing and then reappearing
  • Headrubs
  • Unkown
Favorite Color: Grey

There isn't much known about Paarl's average day, when he's not spending his time being affectionate with nearby people he tends to simply disappear, he seems to enjoy spending time doing nothing, watching the clouds pass or finding food.

Desires: On the surface, Paarl's desire seems incredibly simple, going day to day enjoying it like a small critter should, but who knows what's underneath the adorable hide?

Profession: Part Time house pet, part time ???

History: Paarl is the fuzzy, clearly magical being who have recently appeared in Timberland. Very recently in fact, the only evidence that he's been spending time here would be the old ladies who welcome him into their home and grant him food, taking him in like a stray cat.

So begins...

Paarl's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde Character Portrait: Kogo Character Portrait: Iron Kaiser
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  1. This post is a collab between myself, Kagerou, Yvandir, Lius and MartinVole

    by The Great Thundorz

0.00 INK



A few minutes passed and the two had finally made it to Yohan's home. Sakuya approached to door with Yohan in tow, the boy obviously ragged from exhaustion. "Is the door unlocked?" Sakuya asked politely.


The boy with deep red eyes finally made it back. Timberland hadn't changed a bit. The same buildings were in the same spots, though the type of people walking around had more variation. He got out of the cab he was being transported in, noting that he was by the main hall. Whipping out his cell phone, he scrolled to Sebastian's name and clicked send. It seemed high time for a reunion.

Yohan grabbed hold of the door and wiggled it around a little. "Huh. Look at that, it's unlocked. Who would of figured. I don't remember unlocking it though." Yohan quickly opened the door and had a quick peek inside. "Uh, well, it's awfully darker than I would of liked it to have been. Good thing those cops didn't stay long I suppose. This would of been awful to come home and find them probably eating up all my food."

Sebastian would feel the mobile vibrate and hear it ring, muffled by his helmet, he switched on the indicator and quickly pulled up the bike to the pavement, fetching his mobile from the pouch and looking at it, he unbuckled his helmet to feel something hit the vector field at the back of his head, the sound of shattering glass and then Wraith was launched into the car behind exploding into smoke "wait that works on me now?!" Sebastian just smirked hit the answer button and brought it up to his ear "morning Keo, what bewitched you to call"

Rupert walks down towards Yohan's house, a paper in held to his face with his address written on it. He had gone to the hospital earlier only to hear he had already been discharged! Oh what luck, he had assumed the worst after the whole horrible ordeal with poor Ricky. In the other hand he held a bag of various movies and games, he wasn't quite sure what clicked with Yohan exactly, so he just picked up whatever... seemed interesting.

"Why are we doing this again?" Puck asks, floating beside Rupert with crossed arms. He had not exactly been too big on this whole adventure, it was actually rather boring to him since it just involved a lot of... walking.

"Agh! The weird figment of my imagination is back!" he yells, flailing the paper in Puck's face causing him to back away... and people to give him odd looks. Clearing his throat he tries to regain his composure. "But as I've said, he was injured, possibly by... gangs, and honestly, I just want to make sure he's okay. Is it weird to care?" he responds, lifting an eyebrow.

"And all this..?" Puck asks, tilting his head as he points to the gift bag.

"I thought it was appropriate," he responds with a grin.

"Appropriate? Expensive is what it was... you act like you are his father or rich uncle, it is unhealthy," Puck responds, shrugging his arms and shaking his head. However something soon grabs his attention, his red eyes widening as he snaps his head in the direction of Yohan's house. "Well, seems it will be interesting after all," he says cryptically, smirking as he fades out.

"Okay, weird, but hey, I'm here!" he says to himself, looking towards Yohan's door.

Sakuya looked into the dark house and shuddered. "It is pretty dark, huh?" That's when they both heard a loud voice coming towards them. The girl looked over to see a man seemingly talking to himself with a gift bag. "Uh...I don't know what that's about, but maybe we should head inside...." Sakuya quickly pushed Yohan in and shut the door behind them. She searched for a light switch and flipped it, taking in the house for the first time. "Your home is lovely." Sakuya commented, wandering around. Soon enough, she turned to Yohan. "So, about the thing I wanted to tell you..." Her voice trailed off but a sudden thump from upstairs prevented her from going any further. "What the heck was that?" She said in a hushed voice. She could feel the same sense of dread coming over her except much stronger. Whoever was upstairs was definitely a threat should they be provoked. "Do you live with anyone? I recall you told me you lived alone.."


Takeo chuckled at Sebastian's greeting. "Just the fact that I'm in Timberland and want you to come pick me up. I want to go do some sightseeing." The boy also shivered. "Plus there are a fuck-ton of people here and I don't want to be out here longer than I have to be."

There was a short moment of tension in the air, the two figures in the doorway freezing at the sudden noise upstairs. It took a second before a rather anticlimactic sounds knocked that tension out of the air, a soft, yet strangely affirmative yip sounding out from the living room. Quickly followed by a strange blue light flickering from it, that in turn being followed by a very distinct sound of a Zap, and then the smell of burnt leather. There was a short shuffling movement before another yip flew out, accompanied by the same zap and smell.

Yohan's mind seemed to tick as all of this happened. The tension was building up slowly inside, it turned around all the gosh dang time. When the time to strike hit the dotted line, it all became clear to him that this was mayhem. Screaming out like a madman upon seeing the fire, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed away onto the couch without a second hesitation. That's when he noticed the little dog like creature and blinked. This creature was attributed to lightning? How shocking. "I think I'll leave it to play for now." Wait a diggly wiggly moment! "How did this thing even get in here?" His mind seemed to poop out as he sighed and went to grab the little dog, only to --


The dog was thrown in an instant, Yohan's body falling down to the floor paralyzed for a moment as the dog found itself landing perfectly on the floor. Yohan slowly managed to rise himself up as his body twitched and moved uncomfortably now. "Y-yeah, let's go..." Yohan made his way upstairs towards the master bedroom, that's where it sounded like all of this was coming from anyway. Though he still twitched and jolted every now and then as he moved. "Ow. Ow. Ow!"

Sebastian chuckled "alright, i'll be there, where are you?" once having his answer Sebastian would hang up and get his gear back on and put the phone back before walking his bike a little away from the pavement and then head for town hall, passing his apartment to fetch up his spare helmet. talking to himself Sebastian shook his head a little, keeping his eye on the road "I owe Keo my life" he sighed "i'll buy him a pint or something"

"Hold on, wait!" Kraus cries out as he ran up to the door. What would follow however only would soon turn his expression into one of horror, a thump upstairs, the smell of smoke, loud electrical sounds and a loud crash. My God, they are being attacked by a gang armed with tasers! Instincts kicking in, he pushes open the door and rushes in! "Listen up you scoundrels, if you lay a finger on any of my students, I'll personally ding dang- eh..?" Looking around he sees a scorched couch and Yohan on the ground, fried and twitching. In dramatic fashion he drops the bags and falls to his knees beside the presumably ill fated boy, tears forming in his eyes. "OH GOD NO! Stay with us, boy!"

"He's still alive, dum-dum, he's simply... stunned," Puck says from within Rupert's head, causing him pause. "As to why, well I dunno, probably the clearly electrical dog in the room."

"Huh..?" Kraus asks, looking back towards Paarl, his eyes narrowing.

The sound of a zap and subsequent smell of fire made her raise her head. This was followed by the yelling of some deranged man. "Fuck, okay...I have to hurry..." the woman said mostly to herself. However, she was so engrossed in her search that she neglected to hear the "ow" coming closer to the door. It seemed she had gathered items into piles searching for something and was turning around to search through her old things when Yohan got to the door. The door he could never open no matter how hard he tried. The woman looked up suddenly and locked eyes with the kid. An audible gasp came from the both of them. "Y-Yohan!" Was all she managed to get out before rushing over towards the door. He was obviously a mix of emotions. There was a mirror on the other side of the room that encompassed the pair: a tall boy with blue hair and a short Asian woman with extremely long black hair styled in two half buns. Her outfit was eccentric at best, more so otherworldly. Red eyes peered up at Yohan. "Yohan, you aren't supposed to be here yet." Kogo said in a stern voice. This was not the reunion she wanted.


Sakuya could only watch as the gym teacher bust through the door and look over Yohan. His rambling made it hard to think, but a tiny dog came out and started to yip cutely. It distracted the teacher long enough for Yohan to escape up the stairs. Sakuya decided that the best way for her to help was to continue to distract the teacher. "Mr. Kraus!" Sakuya said in a polite voice. "I don't understand why you're here exactly..."

"At town hall. See you in a few." With this, the friends mutually hung up and left Takeo waiting. It was only about 10 or so minutes before Sebastian was there on a motorcycle and ready to rumble. Takeo gratuitously accepted the extra helmet and the two were soon on their way. "I don't know if you remember, but I told you about my childhood home being here. Let's go check it out!" Takeo said over the roar of the bike. Takeo didn't seem to need to give directions, which struck him as odd, but he did not question his friend. Yawning, Takeo hung on tightly to Sebastian. Their destination awaits!

Paarl gave his head a few shakes, after having been rudely dog-handled. Fur practically flying in every direction, interestingly enough his fur basically levitated, the electrical charged hair standing straight out at different points and casually flowing as if he was underwater, the short discharge which had been shot into the blue man practically didn't affected him in the slightest, it was a low amount after all. The tiny dog was still more than groggy after having been awoken from his nap. Suddenly, a new challenger entered his vision. A rather abrupt change to his recently pleasant sleeping self. Giving off a sudden "Bwah!" he headbutted Kraus, a short "BzzZZT" escaping the connection.

Yohan had been looking through the gift bag and holy smokes. It was heaven. Just simply heaven, too much for him and his little heart. Movies and video games he had wanted for years, even some new ones?! That dude must be loaded if he blew most of his money on these. Whatever, he'd have to try them all out later. For now, his attention focused on the short Asian girl. Well, he said short, but she knew him by name and sounded very much like an adult woman should. It was not the best of confrontations, but well, there ya go. He held onto his bag still, making sure not a single precious movie or game slipped out. Hey, he said he was going to play them all later. He meant that. Static seemed to strike across his vision as he saw the woman. His vision flashing between two different locations. He could see a shadowy figure in the other, but who was either of them? His eyes began to feel like they were straining as his mind felt jumbled and distorted right now. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've properly met. But uh, did you place those curses around the house? Must be why I could never get into this room. So uh, you can take what you need and leave whenever, I guess?"

Sebastian was ever more nervous of Wraith pulling something psychotic now that he had his best friend on the bike as well, he couldn't really speak to Takeo since he had a full helmet and he only had the one eye to keep on the road, though they would arrive amidst the chaos, kicking out the stand for the bike "huh, i didn't leave the door open last night...." he glanced to his side his head moving as he looked at Wraith, who had a great big shit eating grin on his lips "what the fuck has you smiling?" Wraith's smile shifted a little to show its malice "don't worry, just some chaos" he rolled his eyes and removed the helmet and got off the bike once Takeo was off, taking his keys pocketing them and then fetching his eye-patch from his pocket and putting it on "after you Keo, your home"

"Why am I here? To be perfectly honest, I went to the hospital to see if Yohan was alright, I had heard he was in some kind of accident I dreaded the worst, y'know, ever since the whole Ricky incid-," he began to say, only to be suddenly headbutted by the couch destroying electrical dog, sending him toppling backwards into a wall and causing his hair to stand on ends. As he lays back twitching, his eyes beaming at the lightning pup, the most unexpected thing happens as he comes to... he laughs heartily. "Hah, boy's pupparoo really has some real spunk, don't he!? Don't be alarmed little fella, I'm not here to menace you or your master!" With that he pats Parl's head, each time getting a mild shock.

"You do realize I feel this too, right? Puck says to Kraus, his tone becoming indignant.

"Say, odd breed dontcha think? What kinda dog is this?"

Elsewhere a familiar rabbit themed girl, Saiph, too had begun to head towards Yohan's house as well... except she wasn't quite in the jumpsuit and helmet, but rather in a gray dress shirt a few sizes too big for her, the sleeves dangling, and a rabbit pendant on her collar. Her long silver hair braided into a ponytail, and her face, while no longer covered by a helmet, was mostly covered by bandages, except for one bright amber eye. For what was seen, she was a young woman who had a reddish tanned complexion and dark lips, her other oddities being a rather big grin, and... apparently ears being actually long and pointed for reals. Normal humans, however, wouldn't notice her at all.

She looks at the door and then glances around at all the people who are gathering together. "Oh um..." she mutters, looking in and waving. Her voice unmodified was a bit deeper and cracked a little, something she was actually a bit timid about. Her grin turned a bit sheepish. "Bad timing, heh?"

Kogo laughed heartily, her voice echoing out throughout the house. "Never properly met? Honey, I've known you since before you were born!" The woman lightly tapped his chest. "You really don't remember me?" She said more seriously as Yohan stared blankly at her. More footsteps could be heard downstairs and also the roar if a motorcycle right outside. Kogo sighed. "Well, look at what I've gone and done. My own son doesn't even know who I am. You and another one." Kogo shook her head. She then pushed out of the room, shutting the door behind her gently. "Come on, let's see what all the commotion is about downstairs."


Sakuya listened as Kraus explained why he had come, just nodding along politely. She was shocked as the dog headbutted her teacher and even more shocked as a terrifyingly loud laugh reverberated through the walls. She did not hear any noises that indicated fighting, but it still worried her nonetheless. "Yohan? Are you alright?" She called up the stairs, making her way about halfway up before Saiph came in. It took Sakuya a second to realize who she was, but she waved to Saiph after recognizing her. "Please, come in!"


Takeo chuckled at Sebastian. "My house, my rules...though it seems like there's something going on." With a sense of eerie calm, the pair walked up to the door and glanced in. "Hello? I don't know who you all are, but this house is not open to the public..." Takeo quickly maneuvered through the living room and saw Sakuya on the stairs. Her pink hair was the first thing he noticed. He knew immediately who she was, but Takeo decided it would probably be best not to confront her. "Excuse me, miss? I would like to pass you by. I believe I am needed upstairs, since I heard you call to Yohan..."

Paarl gave a few disgruntled yips as the annoying man more or less squished his exquisite fur. If it was possible for a dog to pout he was, even further annoyed by the fact that the man seemed to now be completely ignoring the passive static electricity withing him. Giving out a "Hmph!" He raised both his tail and head, abruptly leaving Kraus against the wall. Displaying a clear amount of "We're done here" attitude. Instead he happily waddled out the living room, glancing up onto the Purple haired woman standing by the stairs, the strange size, and even stranger depth to those eyes almost giving an uncomfortable feeling as he sat down beside her left foot, tilting his head as he continued to stare straight at her, giving a few adorable blinks, reducing the amount of creepiness.

Sebastian had come to a stop in the doorway, looking through towards the basement door, he jumped out his skin as he was knocked out of his focus by wraith's voice "you can't be seriously thinking about going back through to the other side" Sebastian stayed quiet, raising a hand from his crossed arms to wave to those around him "morning, quite the number of people here" his attention soon falling to the small electro dog that exited the living room " the strangest breed of chihuahua i have ever seen" he thought back a moment "nor was it here..." he shut himself up there, nobody needed to know about the basement right?

Yohan was having a hard time right now, trying to get words out only for everyone to talk over it. He just couldn't believe what he was hearing from her, as she pushed him out and he ended up taking in a breath and rubbed his head. "Hold on a second. Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, hold on now, just, wait, a, minute... WAIT!" Yohan yelled louder than he should of and took a moment to breath. "You just said I was your son. That means your my mom. But I know for certain my mom and dad died in the car accident ten years ago! Even though I don't have any memory of the incident, I was told by everyone my father and mother died there! Ten years I have believed this, and you suddenly come in and just casually mention it?! No! I refuse to just believe it's that simple!" Yohan crossed his arms over his chest. "You want to really prove it? You want to really show you know who I am? Fine! If you really are my mother, then you will tell me something only you would know then. You better think up something good too, because otherwise, I ain't believing you."

Saiph steps in, only to hear Yohan yelling, sounding rather... angry. She remained quiet for a moment, scratching the back of her neck. The atmosphere was... confusing, to say the least. It didn't help that she was absolutely without her helmet, so she felt a bit exposed. "What... is going on here?"

Kraus shrugs his shoulders at the odd reaction the strange electrical dog gave. He then looks over and sees Takeo and snapping to his feet points with both hands in his direction. "Don't worry, I'm Rupert, I teach at the school, I was just here to see if-" he was suddenly cut off once more as he glances over at Saiph, his right eye beginning to twitch.

"Careful, she's some kind of magical being, you already flubbed it on the dog, by the way, nice going dum-dum! Try to ignore this one at least will you? There's a lot of magic here, The Black and The White included." Puck says cautiously, still rather peeved about the electrical shocks.

Rupert glances back around, trying to break eye contact from the rabbit girl. This became easier, hearing Yohan shouting at... someone, something about his mother?! What fiend would strike so low!? "H-what!? Insulting a man's mother!? That's cold!"

Kogo glared at Yohan as he yelled at her. Stubborn, just like his father it seemed. She waited for him to stop throwing his tantrum and pointed to a very specific spot under his neck. "Here. You have a birthmark in the shape of a dragon. You used to call it your monster." Kogo listened to the exchange between various voices in her home, one voice she knew well. "Takeo? What are you doing here?" She called past Yohan. She turned her attention back to her youngest. "I had to disappear with your brother, otherwise the two of you would be worse than dead. Your father died in that crash. Richter was a strong man, but he didn't have a chance once they...Never mind. There was nothing else I could do without putting you in more danger."

Sakuya nodded and let the boy through. She noticed another boy awkwardly standing in the doorway whom she recognized as Sebastian. She waved to him as well, not sure on what to say. She was worried about Yohan's yelling. Something about his mother...


Takeo passed Sakuya without a second glance. When he turned, he saw his mother, Kogo, along with a boy with blue hair. He instantly knew it was Yohan. "You've grown, Yo-man!" Takeo exclaimed. He was just glad to see his brother alive after the past decade. He dared not approach, however, because Yohan could have changed in ways unforseen and could have been dangerous. Ten years is a long least for them.

Another rather weak "Bwah" Escaped Paarl, by now, he was simply annoyed and only annoyed, temptation to simply rise up and niftly electrocute the woman was rather strong, yet he simply felt too lazy to amass the energy for that. Planting his head atop his paws, attempting to put on a rather cute face to combat being ignored. Yet that was rather quickly ended yet again as his rather strong need for attention took the better off him, striking the side of Sakuya's leg repeatedly with his paws while giving out several yips, surprisingly enough there was no electricity withing the pawing, just determination!

the heated discussion kept catching Sebastian's attention, his eyes wandering towards beyond the staircase, and soon enough he heard mention of the mark. his eyes shifted to Sakuya only long enough to see her reaction to the words, though the shiver ran down his spine. "Hey Keo, I'm gonna head back, my mother is probably getting worried" he stepped out the door and returned to his bike, leaving the spare helmet by the doorway, he kitted up and soon left on the Yamaha Virago, soon enough he arrived back home and went about getting out of his biking suit. "why didn't you take the initiative and end it there?" Sebastian turned to wraith he was pointing his fingers like a gun at Sebastian "what are you on about now Wraith?" Wraith cackled a bit dropping his hand "the mark of Dracul, the last time he walked among us he waged a bloody war, you should've killed him then and there" Sebastian shook his head "nought but a coward" Sebastian gritted his teeth "i am no murderer." he was done with the discussion and began his way back to the apartment from the garage.

Yohan's eyes darted over towards the left side of his neck. He instinctively reached over to pull down his shirt and look over at the Ouroboros mark on it. Though instead of a snake it did look something resembling a dragon. "Always have I questioned this birth mark of mine. Always have I wondered how it came to be. I asked everyone I knew, they all told me they didn't have the answer for me. Here you are, a complete stranger, and yet the first thing you go for is that birth mark." Yohan couldn't help but feel strange. That's when Takeo came over into view and he called him Yo-Man? This guy also looked familiar, but he couldn't make out why. All he could do was put a hand over some of his face and let out a sigh. "I still don't recall anything about either of you. Sorry." Though Yohan did wonder what the mark meant, it probably could wait for now. "I don't got much food to eat, so don't eat it all up. I guess if you are my family though, I can't stop you from moving back in. Though it doesn't sound like either of you were watching over me this whole time, meaning someone else was paying for my food. There's still someone missing, and I bet whoever they are, they're back in this town as well." Yohan was starting to see a lot of things here. Something put him off from Sebastian, something about the look in his one good eye didn't sit well with him. He could feel it swelling up within The White that he held within himself. He is to be watched with caution.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Sebastian Winters Character Portrait: Saiph Grimms Character Portrait: Sakuya Lecarde Character Portrait: Kogo Character Portrait: Iron Kaiser
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  1. This post is a collab between myself, Kagerou, Yvandir, Martinvole and Lius.

    by The Great Thundorz

0.00 INK



Yohan had put the gift bag in his room before closing the door and letting out a sigh of relief. He walked downstairs, it was time to do some damage control, even though the couch had ended up the way it did by that little dog. Oh, there was Saiph, he couldn't help but wave to her. He looked around at everyone but sighing out. "Okay. So there's some more people here than I thought there was going to be. So let me clear up a thing or two, okay? I don't got much food. I don't have special much of anything. If you want to hang out, you can. Just saying, my place is not a mansion or anything." Yohan picked up the remote and turned on the living room television, putting the remote down on the table.

"Be my guest and watch whatever you like. Sakuya, I need you with me." Yohan began walking back up the stairs, it was time to deal with the family issue that had presented itself to him. Opening up the door to his room, he walked in and sat down on his bed, turning on his own television and letting out a short little sigh. "Alright." He started, letting his little room of comfort ease him. "So it seems like there are people I don't remember coming back into my life. That's not going to be complicated or anything. Especially when I feel I'm not exactly the best at being the host of a party or whatever this turned into now."

Sakuya jolted with shock as she was nudged repeatedly by the tiny dog. Not literal electricity of course, just with surprise. She pet the dog lightly a few times before Yohan had come down and explained his housing situation. She did not argue with him, but she did manage to scoop the little puppy up and bring him with her to Yohan's bedroom. The door was left open so the poor thing could escape if it wanted to. Sakuya put him down lightly on Yohan's bed and continued to pet him while she listened. "People you don't remember?" She questioned, looking out into the hall. She could see Kogo and instinctively knew who she was exactly, but did not react to her presence. "So, then she was the one here?" Sakuya asked quietly. She also glanced over at Takeo who was making small talk with Kogo in a language she didn't understand. The pair seemed to be catching up. They look so much alike... Sakuya thought to herself. She sighed and looked up at Yohan. "I'm sorry...this all must be a lot for you to handle..."

Kraus looked around at all who gathered, intentionally trying to ignore Saiph in accordance to Puck's instructions. There were quite a few gathered here, like a party, but the feeling was strange. There was at least some relief from the fact that Yohan seemed lively, if not a bit off. He then glances over at Kogo and Takeo talking, a part of his mind actually piecing things together slowly. A grin creeps over his face.

"Hah, had no idea he had so many friends and family, that is wonderful," he says finally, folding his arms. "Had no idea there was going to be a welcome home party! Uh, shame about the couch, though..."

Saiph herself was out of sorts, she had never been surrounded by so many people in a rather small space, in fact, most of her life she had spent in isolation, with dreams of being part of a crowd, going to parties, being normal... but now, she just feels overwhelmed. She puts on a grin as Yohan seemed to recognize her without her gear, waving back at him in response, then watches as he leaves back to his room with Sakuya after him. Her attention again falls to the gathered crowd. With a deep breath she decided to announce herself.

"H-hello... I'm Saiph, Saiph Grimms, pleasure to meet everybody," she says, waving her hand, forcing a grin on her face. She rolls her eye, holding out her hands, trying her hardest to make small talk. "Sooooooo... crazy night, huh?"

Sebastian stood from his spot in the park, the bruises and pelting he'd received from Wraith nearly gone now, he pulled the sword out of the ground and walked back towards his motorbike stuffing the sword into its sheath hung from the sword of the bike, he put the helmet on and went back to just riding, clearing his head.

soon enough he found himself back on the street to the Belmont house, he'd tap the handlebars and bring the bike up setting it back where he left it last, kicking out the stand, he didn't want to be inside the building, it just felt wrong for him to be near it, even on the same street, like he was betraying the trust of friends and family. Either-way he just sat on the bike helmet on his lap, if anyone paid attention to him, he'd chat but he was to busy figuring out what he wanted to do.

As for Tracey however, she was out searching for her son, Sebastian had been instructed to take a day off and he was doing quite the opposite in her eyes, thanks to Rebecca she had a car to drive about in her search for Sebastian. "Sebastian...why are you always so problematic" Tracey sighed heavily glancing down streets as she drove through Timberland.

Yohan looked over at Sakuya and smiled a little. "It's alright. I knew the day would come when I would have to deal with this. Years of just being alone, and then suddenly people start showing up, saying they're my real family." Yohan shook his head. "I don't remember a thing about either of them. I couldn't tell you if they were my real family or not. It's so hard to go about my life when I know I'm missing crucial parts of my childhood. I'm sorry to be a downer, just... I don't think I was ready to hear someone say they were my mom today is all." Yohan rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what to do or how to handle this at all. I'm sorry."

The girl nodded. She couldn't imagine what Yohan was going through at the moment. She patted Paarl again and then rubbed Yohan's shoulder gently. "It'll be okay. To be honest, I don't think that woman has much of a reason to lie. She's...notorious for not having a sense of shame." Sakuya said, shuddering at the thought. "Not that I know her personally...most people from the Other Side has at least heard of her."


Kogo and Takeo continued to speak to one another while heading down the stairs. Kogo was mostly glad to be speaking her mother tongue with someone. It was mostly just chit chat, but it was interrupted by Kraus. "It was not supposed to be a party. I really don't appreciate strangers in my home." Kogo glared at him. She then turned her attention to Saiph. "Hello, Saiph. No need for an introduction. I respect your father and it is an honour to have you here. Please feel free to sit anywhere you like."

Kraus was stunned, to be called a stranger in his own home town!? This must be rectified immediately! "Ma'am, I'll have you know that I'm a teacher at the school here, I'm here because of a scuffle the boy had last night that landed him in the hospital, which I'd call that cause for alarm." There was no reason to beat around the bush at this point, he was going to give someone an earful one way or the other. "I've lived here all my life, and I'll tell you, things are certainly weird around here lately, spooky even. So, forgive me if I'm a bit concerned about the residents here, let alone a student. Speaking of which, hmm, you are rather lively for being dead."

"Careful, there's something strange about this one as well," Puck says to Rupert, his tone turning cautious. "To be honest, there's something strange about everyone here. Feel it? Magic all around, and I don't mean rabbits and rainbows either."

"Erm, anyways... need something done about the couch?" he says, glancing over at it and scratching the back of his neck. "Is kinda... scorched."

Saiph was somewhat surprised, she knew her father? Without her helmet she couldn't just scan for files to figure out why, so she simply bowed her head and took a seat in a chair in the living room, looking around the house. "Thanks," she simply said in response. Nobody seemed to be asking why she was here, that was good she guesses, it was good to be... welcomed. Though, there was a knot still in the pit of her stomach, not quite reconciling with what happened. It was the second time in her entire life she witnessed someone die, and this time she played a direct role in it. It didn't help that her head was still fuzzy from the strain, but she decided she couldn't just go back to hide away in her room, it didn't seem... right, for some reason? "You've... known my father long? Kind of a funny coincidence to meet up here," she finally says with a laugh, trying to forget how last night ended up.

Yohan tried his best to smile at her as he put a hand over hers. "Well, they must of been waiting years if they really are family. I don't know what I should do. If I keep them waiting any longer, it might seem rude. But I need someone there by my side to help me out. You don't mind, do you?" He asked. He thought he was pushing his luck a little. She didn't owe him anything, why would she bother going the extra mile for someone like him? It was only these past few days that Yohan had really gotten so much attention. That wasn't enough to put self confidence in his mind. Was he still just some nobody? It felt hard to give a definite answer to that now. Yohan felt hesitant now, no longer an adamant yes came to his mind.

Kogo had to hold back her tongue a bit, but was still highly annoyed by Kraus. "If you're a teacher, in what world do you think it would be appropriate to show up to a student's home? I'm almost positive that if it were brought up with the school board they would not be pleased." Kogo stated flatly. The man then moved on to the couch. "I'd rather you not touch my furniture, thanks." The woman crossed her arms and stared at the man with pure ice. Once her point was across, she turned her attention to Saiph once again. "I've known your father for a long time...since before he met your mother. She was a very lovely woman." Kogo tried to convey sensitivity to the young girl. "I'm assuming you are an acquaintance of Yohan's? That's...a funny coincidence indeed." Kogo chuckled. She glanced over at Takeo. The boy seemed to be distracted. Kogo placed a hand on his head and rubbed it lovingly. She jerked her head towards the door, which he gladly took as an exit cue. "I'll catch you later, Yohan!" Takeo yelled out. Kogo sighed as he left, waiting for certain someones to maybe take a hint.


Sakuya understood. "I can do that if you need someone. I'm not...doing anything." She awkwardly laughed, nervousness taking over. She glanced out to the hallway and back at Yohan, determined to support her friend.

With a sigh Rupert finally turns to walk out the door, he wasn't here to fight, he was satisfied enough at this point. But stops shortly before fully exiting. Placing both hands behind his neck, he sighs, hanging his head. "Look, I'm just going to be honest here, given you are his mother and all. If you or the boy are in some kind of danger, try to tell someone... authorities or something, okay? The town has changed, and not really for the better... so I'm just worried, that's all." With that he walks out, hands in his pockets, and starts heading back home. Something odd catches his attention though, casting a glance towards Sebastian who seemed to just be... sitting there on his bike. He raises a brow but just waves as he passes by. Wonder what he's up to? he thinks, slowing his walk.


Saiph ponders it for a moment. Since before her dad met her mother? For a moment she looks down upon the mention of her mother, then her eye widens and she snaps her head to Kogo. "Whaaaaaaaaa~," was the only sound that could escape her mouth at the moment. She clears her throat, and regains her composure. "Oh! Then you are... that Kogo! Wait, then you are," she stammers, scratching her head with a chuckle. It was quite a coincidence, indeed. She had come to check up on Yohan, and met up with a family reunion as well, and somehow it all connects to her dad in some way. Just how many people does he know? "Well, we met last night while I was checking up on something for my dad, and things got a biiiit craaaazy," she says, once again planting on a grin. "But we got kinda separated, and... honestly, I've never had a friend friend before, being half here, half there, y'know? And I just... heh, I'm not really sure how to explain it really... guess I wanted to not just be a jerk and disappear after everything? Um, pleasure to meet you by the way!"

Yohan couldn't help but smile over at her and pull her into a brief hug. "Thanks. It feels good to have someone I can depend upon." He couldn't help but laugh a bit out of honesty, rising up to his feet as he takes in a deep breath before releasing it through his nostrils. "Okay. I'm ready." He stated, heading off out of his room slowly, making sure Sakuya left before closing the door. He heard something about a 'see ya later' from the sounds of it, had Takeo left? He could only manage a brief wave before heading down the stairs. He let out a little groan as he rubbed his neck out of annoyance. "Um, hi." He stated to everyone who was still here, glancing to Sakuya nervously before looking back over to the others. "So, uh..." He looked over to Kogo. "I might need a refresher on the names and all that. If you are going to be staying here with me from now on and all."

Kogo just shook her head as Kraus left. What a strange man. Saiph, on the other hand, seemed to just have a revelation about her. She listened to the Grimms girl attentively. She was a bit awkward, but it was nothing Kogo didn't expect. "I knew something or other was going on...I was actually nearby at the time. I had my own fight going on." Kogo pulled back the collar of her dress to reveal some bandages stained with blood, but Kogo didn't seem to mind her injuries. However, before she could say more, a girl with pink hair had gained her attention. Kogo instinctively narrowed her eyes. Sakuya shrunk back a little, and sort of hid behind Yohan as he asked Kogo for names. "Names of what, exactly? I'm an old woman, you're going to have to be more specific."

Yohan looked over at Sakuya and sort of laughed a little. He couldn't help it, she was just too sweet for her own good. He knew exactly how that could feel sometimes. Looking back over at Kogo, he rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of how to explain it. "Well, it's like. I don't remember you or the guy who called me Yo-man. So it's like, uh, I don't know what to call either of you really? If that makes any sense."

Kogo nodded. "The one that called you Yo-man was Takeo. He is your older brother by a year and a half just about." Kogo explained matter of factly. "And I mean...I am your mother so I would assume you'd call me Mom or Mother...but if you insist most call me Kogo." She shook her head, mumbling to herself in Japanese. "Miss Grimms was just informing me of your encounter last night...She said things got a bit out of hand. You seem to be alright now...we kind of have a saying for that in my language. It's fairly old, but words of wisdom never die. The saying went...'čĩˇæ­ģ回į”Ÿ'...coming out of a situation that seems hopeless with a burst of energy and coming back twice as strong..."

Seb hadn't noticed Kraus at first but glanced over and raised the one visible eyebrow, looking at the man with neutral expressions though Sebastian's body language expressed some shallow amount of concern as to whether the man was dangerous or not, either-way he soon went back to looking over his helmet soon enough hooking the straps over the handlebars to hold the helmet out the way, his hand had wondered towards the hilt of the sword though when he felt the wire that covered the hilt he scowled at the blade and drew it from the sheath and went to work removing the wire, if not to just see if there were any maker's mark or secret hidden beneath "should get some wrap for this...the wire isn't the most comfortable" he spoke out to himself and sighed, continuing mucking about with the hilt of the longsword.
Tracey wasn't having much luck in finding Seb and had pulled over looking at a small map of the town "i really shouldn't..." if she got caught using magic she would be in a lot of trouble, she rubbed her eyes and starting back onto her search.

Kraus's eyes widen as he looks back, watching Sebastian draw out a sword... in public!? With a chill down his spine, he slips behind the corner to watch from a distance. He didn't know what was up with this guy, but he got the feeling he wasn't here for LARPing. Whatever the case may be, that sword looked real enough.

"Well... this just got a bit more... interesting. Who wields swords this day and age I wonder? Hm, for some reason this reminds me of a play..." Puck says, only to get no response from Kraus, who was watching the man intensely.


Saiph scratches her head and chuckles nervously. She felt kind of like she just snitched on Yohan, which was not her intention. Though what was with last night? There was a fight going on nearby as well? "U-uhm... sorry, did I maybe... blab too much?" she asks, turning to Yohan and sinking down in her seat.

"Nah, it's fine." Yohan started to say, shaking his head a little as he put a hand up to his head. "I would of had to explain anyway, what with me ending up in the hospital...?" Yohan's sentence around the word hospital started to fickle. He collapses to his knees, looking to be struggled as his entire head felt like it would split open. Memories he had forgotten for years suddenly started to flood back into his mind all at once. It was like a rush, but most importantly, he finally remembered the incident. That tragic incident and how this had all started. How the White Haired Boy first came to be.

The white haired boy couldn't help but laugh at Shiro. "So he finally remembers, does he? Good. I was tired of mimicking you anyway." The white haired boy shifted in his seat, his eyes flashing red. "Shiro, you must release this form of me I was unwillingly thrown into. I've been stuck like this for years now. It is not a good form for a part of the greater force known as Malice!" Shiro rose up to his feet and walked over to the orb, not saying a word in response to the Fake Shiro. "Fine! Be that way! When the day comes you get thrown back to your so called paradise, I'll happily take this boy's body for my own! I can feel it, my power grows by the day!" Fake Shiro couldn't help but grin as his formed shifted into that of Ricky's.

"Oh, look at that. A new Inner Demon has already come about since last night. One's death has lead to another's creation. I still have a hand to play in our little game, Shiro. Don't forget that!" Fake Shiro returned back to looking like Shiro, grinning madly as he began to be sucked away into the big red door. Shiro couldn't help but sigh as he watched the memories flash within his orb. When all of Fake Shiro was sucked away, the door slammed shut behind him and he finally found himself able to sit back down comfortably while putting a hand up to rest against his head. Malice didn't seem phased by the destruction of the Inner Demon of Despair. The struggle was not yet over for either him or Yohan.

Yohan soon made his way back up to his feet, with a little help from three people unexpectedly. Letting out a sigh of relief that the pain had subsided, he couldn't help but smile over at Kogo. "Uh... Well, this is a bit awkward for a family reunion, isn't it?" He couldn't help but chuckle as he grabbed all three of them and pulled them into one big group hug. "Sorry for causing so much trouble. But I finally remember. I finally remember, mom. I'm finally here." Yohan felt tears begin to swell up in his eyes as he was forced to close them as a rush of different emotions was currently sweeping throughout his entire body.

Kogo and Sakuya alike were concerned when Yohan fell to the floor. Kogo immediately, even instinctively, reached for him, trying to make sure he didn't hurt himself. "Woah there, kiddo. Take it easy." Kogo whispered to him. The three women did help him back up, and Yohan was unexpectedly emotional. She patted his head a bit. "It's great to know I didn't totally fuck up." Kogo said, glancing around the room a few times. She gave her son a genuine hug. Sakuya smiled at the happy reunion, but felt that she was out of place.

"Yohan...are you going to be okay?" The girl asked tenderly. She stole a look at his mother before she waited for an answer.

his mystery solved. he tapped the wire and used the vectors to rewrap the hilt, as if his tampering hadn't happened, he put the sword back into its sheath and began to bind the sword into its sheath, dismounting the bike, he had noticed that Takeo had left the building, Seb had crossed his arms and waited for some response to a question that need not asking, though for the sake of the question and Sebastian's curiosity he'd ask anyway "needing a place to crash? you've got the look that you've just had all your luck shat on"

soon enough Sebastian's mobile would begin ringing and he'd check the caller answering briefly "yeah I'm fine, are you driving about? could you not waste Rebecca's fuel" he got an earful from Tracey and before he had to put up with it anymore he'd just hang up, only pissing Tracey off that bit more.

Kraus sighed as he put away the sword, ready to keep walking when Puck suddenly manifests next to him, a grin on his face as he floats there looking in Sebastian's direction. Kraus snapped a worried look at him. "Puck, what are you doing? Let's go.

"You are me aren't you? You're curious, I know you are~!" Puck responds with a tempting tone, grinning all the way. He then grabs Kraus by the collar and pulls him close. Kraus's eyes widen in shock, looking around to make sure no one sees him. "C'mon, partner, where's your love of theatrics? you can't just leave this as some hanging plotline." With a sigh, he lets go of him and closes his eyes. "Well, looks like today is a solo act, but you're gonna owe me." With that he walks out from behind the corner, taking on a more humanoid form, changing his purple robes into a hoodie, and taking on dark blue hair and begins to head towards Sebastian and Takeo, a mischievous grin on his face. Kraus himself kept, not sure what was about to happen.

"Well well, what is going on here I wonder? Up to something sinister with that sword? Funny choice for a gang weapon! he says, addressing Sebastian himself. He laughs, rubbing his chin as he begins to circle. "This... reminds me of a play, but is it Julius Ceasar, or MacBeth? I'm not sure... but maybe I'd waste time explaining, unless... you get the general theme of both?"

Saiph was shocked when he collapsed, holding his head like that! Had he suffered some deeper injury in the fight? The terrifying thought of a lasting effect of Payne crossed her mind, but then, helping him get back up, he suddenly says that he's remembered, and hugs them all. Her face visibly turning a bit red, her eye twitching. It wasn't usual to be hugged, not even by her father, well, not since the accident. She submitted into it though, feeling it was something he needed, even if she wasn't exactly sure why, and for some reason, there was relief in the back of her mind.

"Y-yeah, I mean, nothing... lingering from, y'know," she stammers, gesturing with a finger gun.

Sebastian turned to face the stranger who approached them. "damn stereotypes, ever heard of 'never judge a book by its cover', just 'cause i have a bike and the sword, its a recent purchace." as he spoke his accent broke abit exposing his faded English accent, sounding to be from the midlands he crossed his arms tapping his right bicep looking this hooded blue haired guy up and down, whomever it was he didn't sit well with Sebastian, 'rubbed him the wrong way' as the saying goes. "as for gangs, I wasn't even aware of any in this town" subconsciously he had sat with his English accent. "and who are you anyway?, you look like a Yobbo yourself."

Yohan soon let go of all three and shook his head, running a hand through his blue hair. "Sorry. It's just been a long time since I remembered." Yohan nodded to Saiph, indicating he wasn't suffering from any side effects from last night before looking a little sad. "I remember everything. The good and the bad. Richter Belmont. I can't believe it." Yohan sat down on his couch as he put a hand on his head. "I don't know how to say any of this. I remember being taken out of the car and being used as a hostage against my own family. I felt a rush of emotions coming through me, I remember the people around me being sent flying away as a huge blinding light engulfed the area around me. When I came to, my dad was dead. I don't think it was the attackers though that did it. They never got close to him to do it." Yohan's hands began to shake as he did his best to control his breathing. "... I think I did it. I think I was the one who took his life!"

Puck chuckles a bit, one of his suspicions had already been confirmed, this guy is not normal, he can see and hear him clear as day. "The name's Puck, well, one of them, anyways," he says, taking a small bow, before flipping his head up with fixated gaze. "And you'd think a simple little town like this wouldn't have much! You would think... but with the disappearances and reappearances, the bloody death of poor Little Ricky and all the other bizarre things going on, one has to wonder," he says, as he places a hand over his face. Then slowly he'd lower his hand. "Quite a night, wasn't it..?"


Saiph is speechless, it was a lot to take in all at once, but far more for Yohan, he was shaken, and yet, somehow she understood it. His memories came with baggage, uncertainty, and guilt, that much was clear. With a sigh, she holds up a finger ready to say something, "Well, I..." she mutters, then shakes her head. She then crouches down and mutters a bit to herself inaudibly, searching for something to say, looking around every which way for an answer. "You were like... really little right? And in like a bad situation... you were scared, confused. It hurts, I know, I... mean I get it, I... well, I lost my mother when I was really little too, right there in front of me, father he," she begins, stammering a bit, before cutting herself off and lowering her head. "And it... hurts, a lot, but you... even if..."

She stops once more, then raises her head staring right forward at him. "Look, I haven't known you long, so it is kinda awkward coming from a weirdo like me. H-hah, I'm really like, not even good at well, this, but... I can tell you this much: it just wasn't your fault! You're a good person, my first impression was a guy throwing himself into danger for others, who really cares for others. Maybe a little awkward at times, but heh, who isn't?"