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Rina Jasmine

"Let's all give it our best." [Deceased]

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a character in “Black and White”, originally authored by Tellukka, as played by Sambea


Appearance: Image

Name: Rina Jasmine

Nicknames: None

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender female

Height & Weight: 5'4" 110 lbs.

Additional details: Nothing much

Personality: level headed, speaks her mind, bold, supportive, patient, levelheaded, gal of action, kind

Likes: sunshine, daytime, plants and wildlife, shiny and sparkly things, campfires, autumn, color

Dislikes: school, cacti, sea horses, very hot and very cold weather, spicy food

Strengths: good judge of character, intentions, and limitations

Weaknesses: Poor coordination and balance, proud

Favorite Color: green

Hobbies: Gardening

Desires: To excel in her hobbies

Profession: part time barista in addition to student.

History: Rina lived with an uncle, neither knowing nor hearing anything about her parents. She's since given up trying to learn. Her uncle is strict and holds high standards for her, so she has little free time. As she's gotten older, he's slacked of a little, but still puts a great deal of pressure on her. Other than that, her life has been uneventful and utterly typical. She has progressed normally through school, has had no major illnesses or accidents, and has had only few family and friend losses.

Demon: Rina's demon is incredibly tall, naked, and androgynous. It has no externak indication of sex and it is agender, using "it/its/itself" for pronouns. Its hair is long and black and its body is white and tatooed with gold, much like Rina's leg now that she has made the pact with the demon. Its face is flat and masklike.

So begins...

Rina Jasmine's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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A scrunched up nose and a growl of annoyance, a growl that shouldn't be coming from a human's throat but was anyway. "Yes! Do it! Kill her for defiling YOUR Gym!" Miranda's Demon yelled in her ears. Miranda shook her head and took a breath before speaking.

"I would prefer if you smoked outside. I won't have my gym smelling like cancer." she said sternly to Sienna as she moved her own set of keys back to the drawer in the desk. It was at that point that Rina pointed out the keys. Looking to them, Miranda walked around the desk and grabbed the keys, stopping for a second; something about that space. She stared at that area, where unbeknownst to the Alpha Werewolf in the room, Sienna's Demon sat like the fat cat it was.

Moving on, she cast a glance to Taja. "You shouldn't take things that aren't yours, little one." She said simply, not in a babying tone or one that would imply talking down to her, but just straight up telling the child what she needed to say. She looked to Sienna.

"Use the keys to slice her throat. Smack the cancer-stick outta her hand and then slash her throat! Do it! If this cow thinks she can smoke in your Gym, she needs to pay!"

Miranda huffed, as if tired or annoyed, and moved to hand the keys over to the red-haired girl before her. She repeated her earlier request. "If you're fine, then smoke outside. Or I will extinguish it for you." with the look in her eyes, it wasn't a threat, but a promise. Miranda's Demon began to snicker as it walked up and began to circle Sienna.

"Look at this one...not unattractive, but not worthy of you. You could use her to polish your boots. Or you can just fucking kill her!" Miranda bit the inside of her lip, she was getting really annoyed really fast with her Demon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Taja gave the black hair girl a sorry smile. She didn't mean to cause any harm or drama. The goal was to get the red head girl from point A to point B without any instructions on how. At least it didn't get anyone in too much trouble, or so she thought.

"Well you got the girl to leave the shop unattended to and someone is bound to go in and steal something. Then she is going to get in super duper trouble, might even lose her job. Hey, maybe she even needed that job in order to rent where ever she stayed and to by food. Now she is probably going to become homeless and starving. Oh and let's not forget her smokes. She is probably going to become more violent and end up killing someone." The red eyed guy laughed before patting her head. "Kid, let's be real some of that was selfish."

"I only came here because they wanted me to get her here. And I will go to the store... I will explain everything and how it was my fault. I will even pay the store back." She whispered to the guy. No one seemed to notice him. She thought about it, maybe it had to do with that pain, but she couldn't think too long on it for the tri-ponytail girl was talking to her.

"Yes, ma'am." Was all she said when she started talking to the red hair girl. Honestly, Taja was more scared of the tri-hair girl than the red head. She looked at each girl's arms, stomachs, and legs. The red head looked like a strawberry roll while the tri-hair girl actually looked like someone who can deal with things.

"You sure don't want to mess with this one." The red eyed guy stepped towards the tri-ponytail girl. "She looks like a beast." The way he said beast, his eyes glowing red, and his teeth going sharp made her gasp and stumble back against the stick boy, which made her jump and turn around.

"Sorry, so sorry." She mumbled fast backing up from him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow
"I would prefer if you smoked outside. I won't have my gym smelling like cancer." Came the response of the secretary, which was pretty typical in most places. Sienna was used to it, but you could usually get away with lighting one before they made you stop. This seemed to be no exception. It didn’t really matter either way, she’d be stepping out once she got her keys, so who really cared if she smoked? They could tolerate it for the moment until she was out of here. Sienna simply nodded dimly, rolling the cigarette about her mouth a bit while waiting for her keys.

It was at that point that the black haired chick made some dumb comment that she should just grab her keys, leading Sienna to eyeroll. Well duh, she would once she knew where they were. That girl was acting like Sienna was the stupid one, and it annoyed her. It wasn’t like she was staying because she enjoyed their company, she’d be just as happy as them once she was gone. Turning back to the receptionist who had come around to her side of the desk, Sienna nearly dropped her cigarette when she literally reached through the cat on the desk, pulling out her keys. Blinking a few times, she shook her head. Definitely hallucinating then. If there were still intangible cats in the morning after she slept, she’d have to book a doctor’s visit. Despite her distracting thoughts, she noted that the gym-girl seemed to pause, staring at the spot where she’d taken the keys. Almost like she noticed something was amiss. Sienna raised an eyebrow, but dismissed it. She was getting overly paranoid, it was just a coincidence.

After briefly lecturing the small brat, something Sienna resisted the urge to groan about, the other girl finally handed her back the keys, dropping them into her hands. Sienna grinned, tossing them once into the air and catching them with the same hand, shoving them into her pocket. "If you're fine, then smoke outside. Or I will extinguish it for you." The gym-lady repeated her warning, this time with a bit more edge to it. Sienna didn’t entirely like the tone, but she wouldn’t have to deal with this girl any longer. Besides, she was pretty much done with it at this point, and didn’t exactly need a fresh one for the walk back, especially if it was going to start raining again. “Don’t worry, I’m going. Thanks for my keys.” Taking her cigarette out, she briefly looked about the room for a way to dispose of it. Not seeing any, she did the ‘next best thing’. Squishing the butt of the cigarette onto the desk and leaving a little bit of a mark, Sienna left the rubbish behind as she strode back towards the exit, intending to head back to the corner store and deal with that jerk of a roommate of hers. Behind her, the cat followed, though it wasn’t exactly silent. “Five
” The feline was counting, though Sienna couldn’t entirely tell why.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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The Other Side

Well, it seemed like things were wrapping up around here just fine. Good, that meant he could go home without having to worry about being out in public anymore. The car crash was terrible, sure, but accidents happened, this one just happened to be near them. Following Sienna's example, he decided to start heading for the doors, believing there was no real reason for him to stay anymore either. He was, unfortunately, talked to by Rina. She mentioned about his little conversation with the white haired man, though she had no idea it was with him, as he stops and looks over towards her.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I got to take my medication back home." He wasn't exactly lying either, it was about the only thing that kept him from, well, ending up six feet under. Seems like the whole cigarette matter had been settled, and that meant there would be no drama to worry about once he left. He would of left right then and there, if a certain ten year old had not bumped into him and started to apologize. He put on a fake smile and waved her off.

"This has been an interesting experience, so uh, let's try to keep the interesting out from now on." Some might be confused, to him, he pretty much wanted to live a normal life. He started making his way for the doors again, his plan to rush out once Sienna opened them and went out herself. The white haired male, unknown to even him, had appeared again in the Gym itself and took a deep breath through his nostrils.

"Time to go." Was all he said, causing Yohan to feel a shiver down his spine. When he went to look, he was gone again. What did he mean, time to go? It didn't matter, he seemed more than happy for Yohan to leave this place, and that pushed him to go through with his decision. He wasn't about to let this creep ruin the rest of his day, he already seemed crazy to some of these people! Regardless, he could already feel the smell of the outdoors as he was almost outside...

Meanwhile, back with Ricky, what he saw was most unusual. How could anyone use this for transportation? That's the thought that kept running through his mind. It looked like some kind of ring on the wall, certainly making it stand out, though it certainly wasn't alien looking. It reminded him of something a kid would put up on the wall one day out of boredom and the parents decided to help out with the rest.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Ricky asked, shifting his eyes to the demon.

"Walk over to it. When you are standing in front of it, you will need to say only one word to use it. However, since those old people are almost done, I will give you the signal for when they have left."

"Wait, we're going to be waiting?" Ricky's eyebrows shot up. "Why? What's the point?"

"Ricky, this gateway will pull in not just us, but anyone close enough within range that has a connection to The White or The Black." Ricky's eyes widened slightly at the demon's words. "If those two get pulled in with us, we're basically screwed. Now, step on over to it!" Ricky grumbled to himself as the demon ordered him around. It seemed like the Djinn really wanted to show Ricky a surprise, at least that was the impression Ricky got after seeing the strange look in the demon's eyes.

"Fine, whatever." Ricky approached the strange circle on the wall, this was suppose to be a Gateway? This must be some kind of prank the demon was pulling on him, but he would go along with it for now, if only out of fear of not being eaten himself. It felt strange to just stand there and have his hand held out on the wall, but Ricky could definitely tell something strange was going on with this spot. He didn't know whether it was due to his connection with the demon or if it was the ring itself doing something, but he could feel something almost wanting to creep itself out of here.

"Okay, say it." The Djinn said without warning, and suddenly, a word popped itself into Ricky's mind. He almost began to cuss out due to his irritation at the demon messing with his head, but instead, Ricky could only call out the word he had thought of first purely by instinct.


Back with Yohan, he finally managed to get himself outside and shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he went to turn it on... Only to receive a static screen? What was going on, this wasn't something that had ever happened before. Putting his phone away, he looked around only to notice all the buildings looked... Whoa, wait a minute! Yohan found himself jumping back as his heart began to race, noticing how all the buildings had just suddenly turned into these weird black structures. They resembled a town though, so what the heck was going on?!

Meanwhile... "Oh dear, I didn't expect the range to be this strong." The Djinn quickly noted, taking a look at the new envrionment around them.

"WHERE THE HECK DID YOU SEND US?!" Ricky demanded.

"The Other Side, moron. I didn't realize this gateway had a powerful pulse to it, though. Looks like this one covered the entire town. Oops?"


"Calm down, idiot. No one without The White or The Black even knows we're here. Although if someone were to have a slight connection with it somehow, they might feel a thing. But otherwise, I doubt we brought anyone with us here." The Djinn suddenly smirked. "You should take a look at the sky, if you don't believe we are in another world~"

Back with Yohan, his heart began to race as his eyes looked up suddenly. What he saw confirmed he was no longer home. The sky was no longer blue for him. It had turned into a light green, almost as if this was how it had always been. But he was still seeing Sienna as well, yet he could no longer make out that a car had just recently crashed near them. But the crazy wasn't done just yet, for a scream erupted out not far from them.

"PLEASE, HELP ME, SOMEONE!" The man screamed out, looking to have been on his way to work. The man didn't notice them, but was just within sight for them all to see him. However, he ends up tripping and collapsing hard on the ground, trying to crawl away now as what came out next made Yohan take a step back out of fear. Some kind of black liquid creature stepped out into the light, having some kind of emotionless human face that looked like it had been cruelly slapped on to this thing as a joke.

"Someone, help me!" The man cried out again, though there would not be a next time. The creature slams what looked like a hand into the man's back, the man suddenly changing his expression to one of pure pain, though he could no longer scream out. Three other creatures walked out into the sunlight, all of them suddenly the man as all he could do was look on over the creatures in terror. Then, the creatures all leaned down and appeared to begin devouring the man, it was hard to tell exactly, but Yohan's mind raced to the first thing he could think of right now. He could tell one thing from all of this, however. They weren't safe out here.

"Come on." He quickly said to Sienna after seeing this, it didn't matter whether she was a horrible person or not, they weren't safe out here, and he quickly rushed for the door back into the structure where the gym used to stand. He opens up the door, though he waits as he gestures for her to come inside quickly. He had no idea if she saw the same thing he did or not, but he wasn't going to take any chances. Looking inside, he could see the others were still there, maybe he wasn't going crazy after all?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Rina gladly watched Sienna leave, ignoring the masked-faced thing when it suggested that she trip her. Still, she had to admit that it might give her some satisfaction. Yohan left to, so the girl gave him a small wave and smile.
She finally hung up the phone as she heard sirens blaring outside and saw flashing light signaling the arrival of the people who could clean up the accident. She rubbed her temples, then bent down to Taja's height. "Now, it's been a tiring morning. Let's get you home, alright?" She didn't think that she could bring the child home herself. Most likely she'd have to talk to the police about the accident, even though she hardly saw anything of it. "What's your address? You live near the corner store, right? I can take you back there, then--" She paused. A strange shiver passed through her, she blinked once and then everything changed. The walls were black and smooth like obsidian. The others were there, standing the same distance away from her that they had been before, but it was quiet now, without the noise from the scene of the accident. Rina stood up, looking around to get her bearings.
A quiet muffled scream reached her from outside. When Yohan burst through the door, she jerked around to face him. "What is it? What happened?" Her voice was sharp, lacking any of the warmth it had earlier. Fear was showing on ther pale face.
"Stay close to me, kiddo," she ordered Taja, only sparing a glance for her. Maybe it was just her, but she didn't want to take any chances. Something felt very wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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A low feral, canine growl erupted from Miranda's throat, loud and guttural, like that of an actual Wolf, as she watched Sienna put out the cigarette out on her desk. And then leave it there! "Are you going to let her do that? Litter in your gym? Defile your gym? Your Family's legacy!?" Her demon shouted, gesturing wildly to Sienna. And it was right. Miranda wasn't going to let that happen. Not without repercussions.

Moving quicker than most normal people could see clearly, Miranda grabbed Sienna, flipped her around to face her, grabbed the girl by the collar of her shirt with both hands, and lifted her before slamming her against the floor, arms and back muscles flexed, veins bulging, teeth bared with her inch and a half long upper canine teeth and lower canines being one inch long, and her sapphire eyes being Amber. She shivered and snarled as the group passed over to the other side, the feral animalistic growl rumbling forth from the depths of her throat intimidating.

Behind Miranda, now visible to the others, was her Demon. Between the two a black, corrupting band of energy connected by the hips. Miranda's Demon looked very similar to the werewolf: She was tall, had tan skin, black hair, and was muscular. That's about it. For one, she had her hair down, flowing down in otherwise beautiful locks of hair that made her only seem more terrifying. Her eyes glowed Crimson, the color of blood, and her face was deformed and canine in shape, with an elongated snout and with multiple pointed teeth, the canines even larger than Mirandas, and the muscles bulging with effort as well. It wore a sickening smile as it egged on Miranda.

"Yes! Do it! Beat her. Show them their place in life! Beneath you and your boots! Do it! Lift your arm! Swing! Smash in her skull and throw it to the side like trash!"

Miranda's eyes flashed crimson as the Amber became fully took over the color of her eyes, and they went from soft Sapphire, human eyes, to predatory, blood-lust driven eyes of a Wolf on the hunt. Slowly, Miranda's arm began to raise, the fist shaking from how tense the muscles were flexed.

If someone didn't stop Miranda now, she'd kill Sienna.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Taja was more than ready to go home. He cheek ached and she told Miss Lilybottom that she wouldn't be long. She was sure to be worrying right about now. Giving the black hair girl a small smile and nodded to the girl about how she lived by the corner store. The small girl felt something shift, but today was a weird one a sort of paid no mind to it. After everything that had happen today she just sort of shoved it off as one of those feelings.

It took her a second to realize the walls became black. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Sure enough it wasn't her just seeing things. The demon, her demon, stood next to her. "I see we are on the other side." Said Red eyes.

Taja looked at him, it being the first time that he spoke without taunting her, and then she saw the furry creature behind him. She knew what it was due to cartoons and such; it was egging the tri-ponytail girl. She knew the black hair girl wanted her to stay, but she had to do something.

“Or you could let it be and let the redhead get what she deserves. After all she did slap you across the face. I know how you truly feel, Tata” Red eyes spoke, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Or I can stop it, I can be the better person. Plus I did cause a lot of trouble for her, it was well deserved. And one more thing, don't call me by that name.” She said to him before turning around. Taja ran towards the tri-ponytail girl and yanked her arm hard. “Can you not? Try and show some control, okay?!” She yelled, the werewolf behind both of them was growling, but she ignored it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Power Locked Within

Well, it seemed as though they were safe... For now. He had no idea where they had ended up, but at least it looked like a town. Though with how barbaric the building looked, it didn't seem like anything human would live here. But there was the man they just saw, why was he the only one among everyone in town who was brought here with them? It hurt his head trying to understand, they certainly didn't have much time to just stand around and chat.

"I didn't want to show up, but it looks like I have no choice." The white haired boy stated, standing behind Yohan but to the left so the others could see him if they chose to look over. It seemed eerie that he looked similar to Yohan, but perhaps this was like Miranda's demon? No, while Miranda's demon leaked with terror, there was something more hidden within this white haired individual. "My, you better do something quick."

"Huh?" Yohan suddenly saw Miranda go nuts, her rage looking to consume her as she moved to grab Sienna and slam her into the bloody floor. Given how rough the building looked similar to rock structures, it looked like it hurt. "Wh-what?!" What was the white haired boy referring to, what was he suppose to do about this?! Miranda was clearly stronger than him, and now she had some kind of crazy version of herself standing behind her?!

"Relax, brute strength isn't everything. You have a power that can do far more than brute strength ever could." The white haired boy spoke up, walking over to place a hand on Yohan's right arm. Yohan's eyebrows suddenly shot up as he noticed some kind of lock on his chest. The lock seemed to be connected to each of them somehow, as each of them had a key on the back of one of their hands. "Your power is about to kick in. It's going to hurt."

"What are you talking -- AAGGH!" Yohan was interrupted by a sudden pain shooting up his right arm, as the key on the back of Miranda's hand began to glow. The lock on Yohan's chest glowed in response, with Yohan screaming out in pain as a white glow began to exit Miranda's body and enter into Yohan's arm. "S-stop it! I don't want to do this!"

"I'm not doing anything. It's you who's doing all this." The white haired boy smirked as he spoke. "You want to help, fool. It's only natural that your power would assist you in such a manner."

"I don't want to hurt anyone!" Yohan tried to resist, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself from taking some of Miranda's power. "Stop! No! Wait!!!"

"Too late. Here it comes." The white haired boy stepped away from Yohan as the white glow stopped transferring. Yohan's arm now glowed brightly as it rose up, though to Yohan it felt heavy. "Time for this wolf to get slammed." Yohan's arm fell to the floor, slamming into it as a shockwave only directed at Miranda was sent out as a result, with Miranda's own power it aimed to knock her away from Sienna and off her feet, though aside from feeling a little sore, she would find she was unharmed.

"My, the ten year old is making you all look mature. That's kind of insulting." The white haired boy commented, Yohan taking a second to realize what just happened, as his arm had just returned to normal. It was only when the white haired boy suddenly vanished that he saw Sienna and he rushed on over to her.

"Hey, are you alright?" Yohan spoke out, offering a hand towards Sienna to help her up. "Please don't ask me what just happened, I have no idea what's going on." Though it was only now that Yohan noticed some kind of line between his lock and one of the keys. Hopefully they could find a way back home from this place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna wasn’t sure what to expect when Sinopia finished her countdown. In fact, with the current thought that this was still some hallucination, she expected nothing to occur, with the countdown simply something to try and raise her paranoia. How wrong she had been. One moment, she had been standing outside on the dreary sidewalk next to the gym, and the next

“Zero.” All of a sudden, it was like a wave rippled over the world, and in its wake, everything changed. It almost felt like a wind whipping past her, though she couldn’t physically feel it. Some other sense of hers seemed to move in reaction to it, and internally, Sienna’s intuition and instincts seemed to kick in, silently nudging her in warning that things were most definitely different. The sky was now an off hue of green, and around them, the neat paved paths and roads had given way to rock and crag. It was no longer wet, but instead oddly warm and humid; not that Sienna entirely minded that, but it was another indication that she had somehow moved somewhere else. Hallucination or not, there was more to this than just her eyes playing tricks on her. She could smell it, the change in atmosphere. Even through her sneakers she could feel the difference in the material below her feet. It was all very much real, impossible as this change was.

“Now are you starting to get it?” The feline spoke again, the orange cat moving to rub between her legs and get Sienna’s attention. Blinking in disbelief, Sienna just continued to stand there, barely taking in the boy next to her as she tried to process just what was going on. Blankly, she finally turned to look at the cat, who stared back up at her with a strange intensity. “Like I said before, there’s more to the world than just what you see. You may be smart, but there is so little you actually know.” It was at that point that a scream filled the air, causing Sienna to pivot. Sure, she was a little scared and freaked out at this point, but panicking like that wasn’t going to help anyone-

It was then she saw why the man had screamed, tensing up slightly as the shapeless entities pooled into a vaguely humanoid figure. Black liquid congealed and dripped from its body like tar, its head constantly forming and deforming into faces and expressions that Sienna could only describe as horror or agony. Briefly, the hollowed cavities that were where its eyes could be seemed to peer in her direction, and for the slimmest of moments, she thought she caught sight of a wicked smile across its face. Once more, the man called out for help from this atrocity. Sinopia spoke before Sienna even had a chance to respond. “Don’t. It’s far too late, and there’s no reason to risk yourself for anyone else. Not that I think you would anyway.”

Sienna watched, transfixed by the madness unfolding before her as more of those aberrations appeared, surrounding and engulfing the man in their gooey black death, his suffering silenced near immediately as the dark creatures likely suffocated him as they enveloped his face. Sienna wondered if the faces she’d seen were a reflection of all their past victims. Swallowing nervously as she sat on the sidelines, watching the things continue to dissect their prey like vultures, she faintly heard the boy that had been near her call for her attention to head back inside. Briefly, she looked about to see if there was any better choice than backing into a corner, but the wilderness of this strange new world didn’t look inviting to say the least. A tactical withdrawal it was then.

Moving back, but watching the goop creatures all the time, Sienna saw no need to run at this point. If they hadn’t come for her yet, it was doubtful they would until they were done. No sense wasting her energy at this point. Moving inside after the boy, Sienna moved to shut the door to the gym. Or, what had been the gym – the stony building seemed nothing like the previous place she’d been in other than the basic layout. Taking a breath of relief as she watched the blobs stagger off in another direction, her momentary reprieve was just that as a sudden jerk pulled her from her feet.

Barely having time to react to the sudden shift, Sienna was flung around to face the gym’s receptionist, although in this case, something else seemed to have involved itself. Sienna barely got sight of the hulking shadow of a beast behind Miranda before feeling herself lifted by the collar of her blouse, only to be roughly forced down to the ground on her back and pinned to the floor. Gasping out in pain as she lay winded, Sienna’s gritted her teeth as she winced, trying to bring her arms up to shield her face. She certainly wasn’t a pushover, but it was clear that this girl had her outmatched in the strength department, and the advantage with the way she’d gotten the jump on her. Around her, Sienna could hear the sounds of the ugly monster encouraging the steroid-using freak on top of her to crack her head open on the floor, but for the moment, the blow didn’t come.

Taking stock of the situation, it seemed the receptionist was faintly resisting whatever influence the monster had over her, while the 10-year old of all people had come to Sienna’s aid. Great, what good would she do? And no doubt the brat was gonna brag and boast about this to Sienna after the fact. If this girl and the monster behind her didn’t murder her first. Still, with the opening she’d been given, Sienna wasn’t taking any chances of just lying down and taking a hit. Getting her foot free enough, she used what room she had to hit the girl where it hurt before putting her sole between her and the girl’s stomach, kicking her back and off to get some space. Or at least, she tried to, but it was like hitting a goddamn brick wall. Wincing as she jarred her ankle, Sienna could hear something of a snickering from the nearby feline, who simply walked up next to her face and sat down, eying her.

“For someone so smart, you make a lot of stupid decisions. Try using your head rather than meeting brute strength with your own.” Sienna didn’t have time to comment or complain at Sinopia, as she became aware of more voices in the room, the boy from before and
 Well, his albino twin arguing or something before, just like that, the gym-girl was blasted back from her by some sort of energy wave, Sienna left unharmed as she slowly got onto her haunches, sitting up. Just
 What in the hell was going on?!

"Hey, are you alright? Please don't ask me what just happened, I have no idea what's going on.” The boy came over, offering a hand to help Sienna up. Not so politely declining, Sienna got herself up to her feet, dusting herself down and rubbing around her collar where her blouse had dug in. Once again, her eyes never left Miranda and the strange monster she was connected to. “I’m confused, irritable as shit, and want to go home. Do you really think I’m gonna say I’m alright?” Sienna snapped with some slight sarcasm, looking about the room briefly to see that black hair was still here too. All of them seemed to have transferred to wherever this was but none of them seemed to have answers. The brat might have known something since she insisted she come here, but Sienna felt like that would be like getting blood from a stone.

“Alright, fine. I won’t ask you, but I do want some goddamn answers into what the hell is going on.” Sienna declared, looking between the less ‘human’ things in the room, Sinopia included. “Assuming that muscles for brains over there can keep her mitts to herself, maybe we can start working out what the heck is happening and get home
” Glaring across all of them, she briefly thought back to how dumb this day had been. If she somehow got fired for this shit, that was going to be the last straw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Rina stalked toward Miranda as she pinned Sienna to the ground. She drew back her fist and for the first time in her life, she was about to really hit someone. "Atta girl!" Her demon encouraged her from the sidelines. It towered over the others, standing eight, maybe nine feet tall. Its mouth bent into an approving smile. Taja's shout caught her attention, but she kept going. Perhaps fortunately, Yohan's shockwave interrupted her. She paused, feeling strange, but it was just long enough for her to realize what she was doing. What on earth was getting into her today? She took a short breath. The shockwave seemed to have done enough to Miranda, but Rina stayed close. "It's not so bad. That girl will fix it, right?" The sentence was punctuated with a pointed look at Sienna. She ran her hand through her hair. Now that she was calmer, she was really starting to register the presence of the other demons. A cat, some weird looking people, that werewolf thing...How did she not see them before?
"I think it's safe to say," she looked at Sienna, but was addressing everyone. Her voice was slow and somewhat cool. "That no one knows what's going on, but if we're all going to be working together on finding out, then we should at least all introduce ourselves. My name is Rina. I only wish that we could have met under better circumstances." She directed her attention to Miranda and held out her hand. "And I'm sorry that I tried to hit you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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First was the feable attempt to cover her face, which only angered Miranda further. Then the child grabbed onto her arm. Turning to glare at the child, the feral, primal rage flashed in her eyes, the amber-colored orbs taking in the child's appearance with a predatory glance. She also looked to Rina as she raised a fist, and while still holding onto Sienna's collar with one hand, began to rise to counter-attack the black-haired girl. She paused however as a strange key on her hand started to glow. She blinked, Sapphire returning to her eyes before the shockwave sent her flying quite literally over the desk she normally sat behind with a yelp of pain, eventually landing face first on the matted floor and groaning. Her Demon seemed to physically shrink at the intervention of Yohan's magic, becoming more human-like and appearing to just be Miranda with her hair down, and Amber-colored eyes. It crossed its arms over the ample chest it shared with Miranda.

Slowly rising to her feet, she grabbed at her head, as if in pain. "What the fuck....was that....." She turned to face her demon, glaring at it, it shrank further. "Fuck off." she growled to it, sitting in her chair and putting her feet up and grabbing an ice pack and putting it to her forehead. Sighing, she waved off Rina's hand. "Miranda." she introduced herself curtly. "Sorry for trying to kill you...I guess." she said to Sienna, shrugging.

She groaned again and shook her head, leaning forward to look for a stash of pain-killers she kept in her desk, hoping they'd still be there even in this...other world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Everything seemed to be happening in a slow-motion effect. She was grabbing, trying to stop Miranda. Miranda was already going full rabies as the creature behind them seemed to egg her on more. Sienna looked like a sad mess. And Rina was finally getting into action, but it was Yohan who seemed to make things go awkwardly silent. I force that shot Miranda back sent Taja taking a couple of steps back. Her own pain in the bum had stepped back with her. She glanced up at him with a "Why Are You Backing Up" look before looking back at the mess that had unfolded quickly before her.

She was stuck in a place that she didn't know and wanted to go home. She was getting hungry and by now someone had to be freaking out tremendously at her absence. Rina, the black hair girl, introduced herself. Miranda, violent girl, did the same. "Taja." She mumbled.

Taja hadn't noticed that she had backed up behind the red eyed guy. "What is your name?" She asked up looking up. His hair seemed brighter in a way and his eyes two toned, was it orange at the top? He also seemed taller the closer she stood by him. Where did he come from too? Where did all the others come from? They weren't there when they were in the normal gym. She peeked around and say the tall creature by Rina, the cat by Sienna, the werewolf was by Miranda, wasn't there a white hair boy next to the powerful wand boy? And then there was hers, who looked almost normal.

Red eyed looked down, "Well, I don't really have a name, but... hmm you can call me Adolphus. I kind of like the ring to it." He smiled brightly at the accomplishment.

Her face went full on "Are You Kidding Me?" mode. "It sounds like Adolf Hitler had a kid with a dolphin. Now that is an abomination right there." She said matter-of-factly. Adolphus glared at her.

"I don't see you coming up with a better name than that." He growled.

"Hmm, how about Dandre?" She mentioned, tapping her finger on her chin as she thought while looking at the ground.

"It sounds like dandruff!" He yelled, throwing his arms up in a "What The Fuck?" motion.

"What about Elsworth, hm? Since your name is the only thing of worth to you." She mumbled, getting annoyed by this already.

He thought about it. "Fine, Elsworth it is. Hm, I wonder if your mother is crying right now? Or maybe it is your father, he always seems like the emotional one. Oh my, and what about Miss Lilybottom?! She is so old, something like this would surely kill her." He mocked at her worry. She raised her arm and punched his hip. He gave a small yelp and pretended to be hurt. Elsworth was getting on her nerve and it didn't help that she was starting to get hungry. She wasn't herself when her stomach wasn't full of food.

The setting changes from Black and White to The Other Side


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Well, at least things were seeming to calm down. It seemed like most had the same idea, they wanted to go home. But when thinking about it, did Yohan really have a home to go back to? Sure he had a house and that's where he lived, but it felt empty. Everyone here had been sent regardless of what they had wanted, the least Yohan could do was help get them back home. The whole key symbol on the back of everyone's hand worried him, he only had some kind of lock. It felt like some deity was playing a cruel trick on them now.

The white haired male did not return, which made Yohan happy, but now everyone seemed to have something constantly following them around. Looks like he was the one who had to stand out, even among a group of misfits. It sounded like everyone had started to introduce themselves to each other, but he felt better keeping his name to himself for now. He was already uncomfortable being here in the first place, let alone having just done some weird whatever that was that just happened. The red haired girl had a point though, and it made him look over towards the doors.

He didn't really mind his offer for help being pushed off though like that, he was used to it by now, so why bother complaining? As he walked over towards the doors and looked out towards the strange town they had suddenly arrived in, a thought crossed his mind about just staying here and rotting away. But another thought came to him, if he didn't try to find a way home, would everyone else remain stuck as a result of his selfish desires? He felt like he was about to try to hit one of the walls, nothing could ever just be simple for him. In any case, he had to figure out a few things while he had the chance to look.

From what he could figure out, the town was roughly the same size as Timberland, which seemed odd the more he thought about it. Had this town been built to parallel Timberland's own, a scary thought entered his mind as he thought that the opposite could be true depending on how long this place had been around. The green sky definitely was weird, but the last time he had looked at it, it had seemed brighter than it did now. Was it possible the darkening of the green sky meant it was getting closer to night time? If that was the case, finding a way back before they ran into more danger was the best chance they all had right now.

When he considered offering to lead the group home, he laughed himself off mentally. Yeah, right! Like he could ever be worthy of leading anyone anywhere, he only existed to suffer now. He shook his head off from thinking any more than that, he had to remain focused. If this place didn't have cars and such roaming around, could that mean they could make a run for it? No, they would have to think of a plan. Those creatures were roaming around looking for people, was this not the first time someone had crossed over? In any case, he knew he had something, so he better speak up before someone else did.

"Um, it looks like it's getting dark out." He spoke up, though it felt weird to be standing in a place where the sky was green. Could he even tell if it was getting dark out? Wait, no, that was a stupid question, of course he could. It was probably just his head getting used to this, uh, place. "I like the idea she's speaking up right now." Yohan gestured to Sienna, not wanting to seem rude since he didn't know her name right now. "I'll follow your lead, but uh, I'll keep an eye out for now." It was the only thing he could say to really feel comfortable right now. At least the white haired boy wasn't trying to talk to him, so he could feel at ease on that for now.

He really couldn't bring himself to say anything else right now, he more wondered if his home would still be there and if he could even get inside if there was a building there too. Could they even secure a path, how would they be able to fend off those creatures when he just did something completely by accident? Picking a fight definitely wasn't going to make things easy, especially if it made too much noise and drew more of those creatures out. It truly did feel like they were just trapped, but even he could tell they would have to leave and he definitely was not going to try sleeping in this horrific structure!

The setting changes from The Other Side to Black and White


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna huffed a little, blowing a stray strand of hair from her face, before reaching up to part it behind her ear. Rina, as she introduced herself, seemed to think they were all in the dark about the situation they were in. Sienna disagreed. At least, in regards to an aspect of that point. There were a number of distinctly unnatural things that had joined them in the gym, and it seemed that they knew more of what was going on than they were saying. If the dumb grin on the cat’s face was anything to go by, at least. Still, she made a point that they may as well introduce themselves so they had a name to by.

The receptionist who had moments prior been trying to kill Sienna was called Miranda, and seemed to have somewhat regained some of her sanity. Overall, she was taking the whole attempted murder thing pretty casually, Sienna unconsciously rubbing her neck again as she watched her. The apology was pretty half-hearted, but what more could she expect out of a brute like that? “I guess, huh?” Sienna replied with her own terse response, making her annoyance audible, but keeping it brief. “And it’s Sienna by the way.” She added, looking about the rest of the group as she gave her name, folding her arms in front of her before looking back down to the cat beside her. “And that’s Sinopia. The talking citrus cat.” The cat seemed to give Sienna a bit of a dirty look before turning to the others to speak. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

With that out of the way, the little brat was next in line for her introduction. She mumbled out some short name that Sienna didn’t entirely hear, but that was fine. She had plenty of monikers she could call the little twerp in replacement. There seemed to be a bit of an argument between her and the
 Hallucination? Monster? Whatever these other beings were, they seemed to be pairing up with each of them for whatever reason. It seems that they settled on Elsworth, for whatever reason.

Then there was the only male human of the group. Whatever those other things were, they weren’t native to her Earth. Yes, her Earth. It was becoming more apparent just by the vague layout and changes that they were in a place similar and yet different to their own. Sienna was no expert on such things, but she’d seen enough daytime T.V. to know the concept of a parallel or alternate universe when she saw one. Another dimension perhaps? It seemed insane, but she’d long ago given up on the idea that this was some prank show or drug trip or something. It was too real for that. As much as she didn’t know how to handle it, she wasn’t about to sit around in disbelief. She had shit to do back home.

Thinking over that stuff, she noticed that the boy still hadn’t given his name. Instead, he prattled on about it getting dark, then spoke something about having Sienna take charge. Well, she wasn’t entirely going to complain about that. Much as she hated the effort and responsibility, she couldn’t resist the idea of getting a modicum of power. “Whatever dork. Sure, I’ll take charge of this shit show.” Running her hand through her hair, Sienna moved it down to her hip, cocking her stance slightly. “What we need now is information – And unless we think we can get some out of these monsters-“

“Demons.” Sinopia interrupted, Sienna shooting her a look quizzically before turning back to the others. “Demons then. Anyway, unless we think we can get answers from them, we’ll have to source our own information to try and find a way back home. This wouldn’t have happened for no reason, there had to be trigger for our movement to this world.” Bringing her hand up to her chin, Sienna turned her gaze around the room. It was then that she saw the other item of interest. Darting her eyes about, she spotted the marks on each of them. Keys. And on that boy, a lock. Another piece of the puzzle? Or a separate matter entirely?

And on top of that, there’s these. I have no idea what they’re signifying, but it looks like there’s some sort of connection between us all. Why that dweeb has a different one I don’t know, but we’ll have to keep our eyes and ears open to try and understand what’s happening to us.” Sienna continued, before giving the boy a stern look. "And speaking of you, gonna give us a name? Or am I gonna have to come up with one for you like El-Stupid over there." Sienna awaited his response, but was then mildly interrupted by the feline that lightly prodded her leg for attention. “My, look at you. Seems you’re finally started taking things a little more seriously.” Sinopia snickered, while Sienna just gave a light scowl, kicking the cat away from her slightly.

“At any rate, did anyone notice anything out of the ordinary prior to us coming here? For example
” Sienna narrowed her eyes at Taja. “Why exactly did you want me to come here? It can’t be a coincidence that you dragged me halfway across town to this dump only to end up in some alternate hellscape. So spill what you know.”

The setting changes from Black and White to The Other Side


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Sienna started to talk and her attention snapped to her to the red hair girl. Elsworth had even gone quiet to listen to her, not that what she was saying would really interest him, but then the cat talked and he smirked. The cat was named Sinopia, she was a pretty orange cat that seemed to fit with Sienna’s red hair. Taja also smirked, thinking, Bet you that is his girlfriend. Only an animal would date an animal. Elsworth side glanced at her and shoved her hard enough that she was sent stumbling sideways, but she quickly gathered her balance and glared at him. Going to take that as a yes. Even though she is a cat, I don’t see why she would date such a horrid thing. She is way too pretty. She thought, but then realized the cat was also a demon. She inwardly sighed, it wasn’t everyday she say a pretty cat. Not that she didn’t like the strays around the house that came around from time to time and she would share her food with them whenever they did decide to show up. She loved all kinds of animals, but Sinopia had to be her favorite yet.

Taja had the urge to pet it, but decided that it might not end out as well as she would hope Being a demon and then being Sienna’s own imaginary friend would only result in the at being a total buttjerk to her. Instead, she kept listening to the boring Sienna. Her stomach growled and she sighed, rubbing it. If only she could get some food, that would be nice. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast, what little she did eat, and it had to be around lunch by now. Taja regretted not filling up her tummy with thirds of her mother’s yummy cooking. The thought about it now made her mouth water. At this point she could almost eat anything, almost.

She glared at Elsworth before glaring at Sienna. “Why is she the leader? Miranda, though may be a tad bit on the insane side, and tried to kill one of us already, though let’s be honest Sienna has a big attitude problem, would be way better. If you look at her,“ She pointed to Miranda, “she has the instinct to lead, or better yet she looks like she does. Plus, her imaginary friend is a stinking werewolf, yours is a tiny cat! We would certainly be doomed with you. I mean, look how long it took you to get to the gym, don’t you think that is a little bit on the, oh I don’t know, slow side? Not to be rude of course
” She sighed, she much rather them vote for who was going to lead them. Plus calling the cat, red eyed boy, white hair boy, and the giant blob thing behind Rina a demon was too much for the girl. Imaginary friends seemed to be a more comforting term to her.

“We could possibly vote on who was to lead, but in all honestly I don’t know where we are anymore. I know we aren’t in Timberland anymore, unless this gym has some awesome changing walls and floors and atmosphere.” Her tiny hands were moving about suggesting everything she listed.

“And for me acting the way I did before was due to voices in my head and visions. Honestly, do you think a 10-year-old girl would have made her way to some dump of a corner store in the middle of a storm when she could have been chowing down on some yummy food and staying warm? No, she would not have gone out into that storm. I had papers to write for school and shows to watch. Plus Miss Lillybottom was going to make me some yummy food, but no I am stuck here.” Her lip pouted. “It started off with a genderless voice saying, “Joe’s Corner Store” then a vision of the store flashed in my mind. I had knew what it was talking about because I always pass there on my way to school and my mom works in the bakery down the street from it. Next it said to go meet her, you Sienna in case you are getting confused right now, and flashed an image of you looking bored, but now I think your face is stuck that way permanently.” She shrugged and continued, “I asked it why I would even go there, yes I know it was crazy to start talking to myself, but I am sure you all have done it befoe. And it replied with “Go to Joe's. Meet the girl. Gym.” And an image of the gym popped up, I had never seen the gym before that vision so I was kind of lost as to why I would be bringing her there in the first place. Then when I refused to go, the voice kept saying “Go to Joe's. Meet the girl. Gym,” over and over again until I just couldn’t take it any more. Really, I thought if I did what they wanted me to do it would all go away. Plus, I didn’t intend for it to escalate like that, but it would have been so simple just to listen to me. You really aren’t a cow, Sienna, you just have a small muffin top! It is cute. I heard a guy who is in a few grades above me say girls with meat are better.” Taja took a deep breath. She hadn’t talked that much in a while.

“As for us moving right now, is that such a great idea if it is getting dark? We could get stuck in the dark with who knows what is out there. I mean, I really don’t know how stick boy can tell if it is getting dark anyway.” She frowned at him before tapping her little finger on her chin, “Unless you have something to do with this place. Plus, what is your name and why do you have a key hole.” She stepped closer towards him to look at the key hole and then glared up at him. “What makes you so special?” Her glare switched to a sorry expression before she went up to Elsworth and kicked his shin. She had a feeling it was him getting her to act this way and if not, well he was a good punching bag to have. Maybe it was because she was hungry and getting a tad bit tired. He just stared at her. “Sorry about that, but my questions remain and some answers would help.” She said over her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Rina payed attention as much as she could given the circumstances, to everyone as they introduced themselves. The boy was conspicuously silent, but she decided not to press him. After all, knowing the names of the others was just nice, not necessary. When Sienna mentioned the marks on their bodies, Rina checked herself. So she did have one in the shape of a key. In all the commotion, she hadn't registered it. It was honestly one of the most unsettling aspects of this nightmare. It felt like this place was infecting her.
Through her inspection, she listened to the others talk about their ideas. Finally, she herself shined in. "I think Taja's right. Moving around this late might be a bad idea. You were scared of something out there," she nodded at Yohan and Sienna. "What if we leave and can't get to another shelter?" She adjusted the strap of her bag, trying to get it more comfortable on her shoulder. "I know we can't leave if we just stay here, but if somebody gets hurt or something, then we'll be in bigger trouble." Although, if they needed to go, she was pretty sure that she had a tiny flashlight in her bag and if they affixed a piece of colored cellophane over the lens, then it would be hard to see. On top of that, they had at least one bruiser, and maybe their demons could defend them? "Well," she decided, "Whatever the rest of you decide, I'll come too."

The setting changes from The Other Side to Black and White


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Miranda grumbled, all this talking made her head hurt. She put her feet up on the desk and leaned back, listening to the words being spoken. She held up a hand, however, as Taja spoke of Miranda's Demon being a Werewolf. This hand up would indicate a desire to talk, but would be interjected by a laugh.

"I am a werewolf. Why else would my Demon be a feral version of myself?" she said, looking to the young girl. "And fine, if you guys are going to stay here, do it. Leave me alone, don't break anything, and don't make a mess without cleaning up."

The setting changes from Black and White to The Other Side


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Night Hunt

"Yohan." He decided to reply to Sienna, figuring it would at least keep them from getting curious and looking up his information. He didn't want them finding out about his past, that would mean there was a chance he could get attached to someone and might start caring for their well being. As his eyes got a chance to look around and see everyone's demons, he sighed lightly as he realized how difficult things might become with how much of a clash everyone's personalities were already becoming.

This is when the little girl named Taja decided to start complaining about how he said he would follow Sienna and took it into something he didn't see going. She went on to mention something about voting for a leader, which made him raise one of his eyebrows. "I never said she was going to be leading all of us." He bluntly stated, even if this little girl had been an adult, he would still have thought of her as a brat right now. "I just said I'm following her lead, some of us actually don't want to die a horrible death here with no food or water available to us. And before someone suggests, I doubt eating those 'demons' is a great idea."

This is when Taja decided to go on a huge rant towards Sienna about why she brought her here. He only cared enough to pick up the key information from it, the rest sort of went in through one ear and came out the other. It honestly sounded like she was crazy, he certainly had never met a child who tried to talk as well as her. After this, Taja decided to speak up about the whole night thing. When she went up to him and asked about him being special, he was about to answer when she walked over to her demon and kicked it in the shin.

Just as he was about to go and head outside, in came Rina with something else to make him feel like he should slam his face into his hand. "You think any of us want to stay here in this dump for the night? This place has no food or water for any of us. Even if people used to live here, this place has been cleaned out. No beds, no bathrooms, no nothing. If you three want to stay here for the night, fine by me, I don't care. But some of us actually want to go back home and not have to worry about being stuck here for who knows how long."

The only reason he even spoke this much was due to the circumstances surrounding them, and the fact he was getting irritated with how these three were acting. After relaxing his mind for just a moment, he turned to look over to Sienna. "Hey, if you still want to go, I'm ready to move out whenever you are." Turning back to look outside, his eyes noticed how the sky had changed to a darker shade of green. A moon was also rising up into the sky, the color of the blue stood out from the rest of the sky. Well, guess that would shut the little girl up now about if it was night time or not.

As his guard was down, the ground suddenly shook and caused him to stumble back a few steps as he tried to balance himself. Was this some kind of earthquake? Once the shaking had calmed down enough, he raced towards the doors and opened one of them slightly just enough to get a good enough look out towards the town, and that's when he saw a cloud of dust having emerged over in the distance. That's when a red looking creature began to rise up as pieces of a building fell off it's body. He could quickly piece together that this thing had been sleeping inside one of the buildings and it's awakening had destroyed it with ease.

The size of this thing could only be guessed as somewhere around twenty feet tall, that's if this thing didn't turn out to be bigger upon coming over. It looked like some kind of wolf, but how was it this big?! It also had a bright red color to it's body, with some fangs being seen even while it's mouth was closed. As it's eyes opened, they revealed a dark red color to them that upon looking into it could only be described as looking into hell itself. A bright red mist began to spread from the creature, causing the strange masked creatures to begin howling in pain as Yohan felt fear paralyzing him to the spot.

The masks on the demons seemed to break or snap in half as the black liquid bodies suddenly sunk to the ground and briefly became like a pool before rising up and twisting to form a similar, yet smaller form to the red wolf. A foul stench swarm through and caught up to each of them, as a low growl began to emit from the red wolf. Had the creature awakening caused them to change to this form, had it been due to it becoming dark, too many thoughts raced through Yohan's mind as he felt his body shaking. This creature was intimidating to look upon, yet there was something else to it that no normal person could ever feel right with. It had the stench of death coming off it's form.

The black liquid wolves all had a dark aura surrounding them as they began to search around the town for any sign of life, Yohan felt he should close the door, but the red wolf gripped his heart with a fear that he had never felt before in his life. He felt a fear for his very life, and the mere presence of this thing caused such a strong reaction only brought fear of what it could do in a fight. It's head slowly turned towards them, Yohan's eyes widening as he tried to think there was no way it had noticed them. That's when it happened, and Yohan felt everything go numb.

The red wolf just... smirked?! It's eyes had turned into this gleeful demonic glare, as it's mouth had stretched out into a hellish smirk which showed off the sharp teeth it possessed. The act of smirking alone was weird, but the expression it gave was just... inhumane. He had been freaked out by weird drawings or pictures before, sure. Humans could come up with some disturbing imagery, that was for sure, but in this very moment, the expression of this fiend alone was more terrifying than even Miranda's demon. That's when Yohan fell backwards, his body hitting the floor as the door silently closed and took the fiend's expression out of sight.

His mind just went blank upon seeing that thing's... smirk. That was the best way he could describe it. His skin had taken a paler tone, his body couldn't stop shaking as his breathing only quickened and his heart beat wouldn't slow down. Bringing his hands over his face as he was incapable of standing back up, it quickly started to sound like he was entering into some kind of panic attack. However, everything with him suddenly stopped as he slowly brought himself up to his feet. Had he calmed down somehow? He walked past all of them as he made his way over to some corner he figured no one would care about. That's when Yohan ejected some liquid from his mouth as he took a few steps away while wiping his mouth with his arm before collapsing down to his knees and then slowly falling face first to the ground as his body twitched and shook where it lay.

The setting changes from The Other Side to Black and White


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna listened in for anything of importance in the rambling speech of the ten year old, vaguely identifying the boy named Yohan near the start. From there, though she took mild offense at the lack of faith in her ability, it was somewhat amusing to see her feline companion getting a little ruffled at implying her incapability due to being a ‘tiny cat’. Then came the further comments about her fitness, which Sienna snorted about. She didn’t exert herself unnecessarily, and leading didn’t have anything to do with how tough or fast you were. All you needed was the right head for it, and she was certain that she’d be more fit to direct them than the musclebound dimwit behind the counter. Voting was just as good as picking blind at this point. They’d be guessing based on looks and superficial information who’d be good to take charge. Still, she didn’t particularly care if she was ‘in charge’ or not. She’d make her own judgements what to do regardless. Yohan seemed to think following her was a good idea, but she had mixed feelings about that at this stage.

Then there was the elaborate tale of Taja, a ridiculous and what would have been considered the unbelievable imagination of a child if not for the present situation that Sienna and company found themselves in. Disembodied voices in her head? Visions of her? She’d call the girl mentally ill in almost any other circumstances. Here and now though, she had no choice but to believe her. Even so
 Sienna wasn’t able to take the backhanded compliment without some hostility, narrowing her eyes. She’d graduated from bovine to still overweight but in what was considered an endearing way. Wonderful. Somehow, it was even more awkward the way such slang was being thrown around by a ten year old
 Was that the voice in her head talking again? Regardless, Sienna simply hmmph’d again, though subconsciously folded her arms low over her stomach.

The focus of attention shifted back to Yohan, Taja now pressuring him for answers and responses, laying out her own reasoning for wanting to stay in this place. She wasn’t entirely wrong – for whatever reason they’d been lucky enough to have some refuge with this place. Still, it felt bad just to hole up in here and wait for morning, whatever that would be like. If they just delayed, it might work out, but Sienna just had a feeling in her gut that that wasn’t the case. They needed to work on finding a way out of here, and with no idea where they were or if there was any food or anything around, they needed to work on that sooner rather than later. Even if they could scavenge up stuff to live somewhere like here, Sienna had no intention of staying. She needed her comforts. Life wasn’t worth living if it was 100% crap and filled with struggle.

Before she got to chip in her own opinion, the earth trembled and knocked them about, Yohan quickly running to take a look outside. Great, what now? The runt seemed to shit his pants regarding whatever was out there, stumbling back from the door, then off to the corner to chuck his guts up. Sienna winced slightly. Well, the stench from that corner was gonna be another reason to hopefully leave soon. Ah well, Miranda’s problem. She was the one that wanted this shithole clean. Deciding that Yohan was too occupied to appropriately respond on what he saw, Sienna took charge to be the next to peek outside. What she saw was not comforting in the slightest, but she had more than enough mental fortitude to avoid a breakdown. She’d seen enough shit today that something like that was becoming par for the course.

“Well shit.” Sienna commented simply, looking back over her shoulder to the others. “Depending on what that thing and the little wolf things do, we’re either gonna be stuck here or will have to high tail it. And we’ll have to pick soon.” She added, making an annoyed sound with her tongue. “Though I’m gonna be honest, we might be fucked either way.”

Stepping back from the door to let someone else take a look, Sinopia was the next to speak to her. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll do my best to protect you.” The demon cat cocked it’s head slightly, smiling sweetly. Sienna simply eyerolled as she made her way across the room. “I’m going to check the back, see if there’s another exit. We can try to board up the front door if there is, and we’ll slip out the back if it looks like that giant thing is gonna smash its way in here.”

The setting changes from Black and White to The Other Side


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Taja had no idea what was going on when and why the ground was shaking. She held onto Elsworth before realizing what she was doing. He just smirked. Rolling her eyes she leaned off of him and straightened her outfit out. "Earthquakes are natural." She said mostly to herself.

She saw Yohan run out of the gym the a true idiot and sighed. If he gets himself killed... are we responsible for it? She thought to herself, but he ran in not to long after and puked in the corner. "Ew." She said before moving away from where he was. Next Sienna went outside and seemed to handle it better, a lot better. "Is it that bad?" She mumbled before walking over and taking a peek outside. Her body froze for a moment before silently moving behind her own demon. Her tiny hands shook. She was terrified. What on Earth could that have been?

She didn't want to be here anymore. She didn't want to be with these people. All she wanted was to go home, eat, and be safe in her own house. She listened to what Sienna was saying but said nothing. She didn't feel like talking. Her heart raced as she tried hard not to cry.
