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Rina Jasmine

"Let's all give it our best." [Deceased]

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a character in “Black and White”, originally authored by Tellukka, as played by Sambea


Appearance: Image

Name: Rina Jasmine

Nicknames: None

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender female

Height & Weight: 5'4" 110 lbs.

Additional details: Nothing much

Personality: level headed, speaks her mind, bold, supportive, patient, levelheaded, gal of action, kind

Likes: sunshine, daytime, plants and wildlife, shiny and sparkly things, campfires, autumn, color

Dislikes: school, cacti, sea horses, very hot and very cold weather, spicy food

Strengths: good judge of character, intentions, and limitations

Weaknesses: Poor coordination and balance, proud

Favorite Color: green

Hobbies: Gardening

Desires: To excel in her hobbies

Profession: part time barista in addition to student.

History: Rina lived with an uncle, neither knowing nor hearing anything about her parents. She's since given up trying to learn. Her uncle is strict and holds high standards for her, so she has little free time. As she's gotten older, he's slacked of a little, but still puts a great deal of pressure on her. Other than that, her life has been uneventful and utterly typical. She has progressed normally through school, has had no major illnesses or accidents, and has had only few family and friend losses.

Demon: Rina's demon is incredibly tall, naked, and androgynous. It has no externak indication of sex and it is agender, using "it/its/itself" for pronouns. Its hair is long and black and its body is white and tatooed with gold, much like Rina's leg now that she has made the pact with the demon. Its face is flat and masklike.

So begins...

Rina Jasmine's Story


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Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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Rina woke up with a strange feeling in her stomach. It seemed like she had a somewhat dream, but she couldn't remember anything about it except for bright light And something chasing her. She checked the clock: it was a few minutes before her alarm was set to go off. Birds settled at the clear feeder outside her window, chickadees, sparrows and one meadow lark. They chirped and splashed seeds everywhere, making clacking noises against the window pane.

The radio came to life, blaring the morning weather before moving on to the morning's news headlines and eventually music. It sounded like another wet day ahead. She ought to wear her rain boots if she went out. Her uncle probably wouldn't let her though because of the storm warning. He held her very close.

She stretched and climbed down from her loft bed. The AC blasting through the room made her shiver. Underneath her loft where the desk was, the cold air couldn't reach her. She checked the calendar, finding today's date. No work today. It was probably for the best. If the storms did come through her area, she didn't want to be caught out in it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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Rina dressed quickly and left her room, unable to shake the feeling that there was something she needed down at the corner store. Her uncle was seated at the kitchen table, but his greeting didn't seem to reach her. She was too absorbed in her own thoughts.
"I said 'good morning,'" her uncle repeated, watching her over the top of his newspaper.
"Good morning." While she did reply, Rina was clearly not there. She Searched through each of the cabinets, checking for anything that they were out of. Time would reveal that
"You shouldn't go out for a run today," He continued talking while Rine carried out her inventory, returning his eyes to the print in front of him. Rina always seemed like an odd duck to him, so he thought little of it. "I assume you;ve seen the forecast." As he said those words, the first drops of rain struck the window.
"Yes." There was nothing gone, and she knew from her evening routine that nothing was missing from the bathroom. Still, something deep inside her was compelling her to go to the store. And specifically the corner store near the apartment. She didn't go inside often, just if they needed something fast Or if she wanted a candy bar or something. Well, if they were just missing one thing, which they probably were if Rina couldn't find it, then it would make sense to go there.
"I need to go to the corner store," She said suddenly, grabbing a granola bar.
"Yeah? What's so important?" Her uncle folded the newspaper, raising his eyebrows.
"Lady products," Rina said. She hoped the personal nature of the items would keep her uncle from asking questions.
He was quiet for a while. "Be quick," was all he said. "Storms dangerous."
"Thank you," she said, smiling gratefully. She finished cleaning herself up, slipped on her raingear, picked an umbrella and headed out.

The rain came and went in intensity as she walked, but by the time she reached the store, it had eased a bit. The peculiar thing were the two people outside, a child and the store clerk with bright red hair leaning out of the doorway. She didn't want to butt in, and that probably would have been impossible with the clerk leaning out the door, so she hung back a bit and waited for them to finish talking. Judging from the woman's tone, she was in a bad mood. Rina didn't want to make it worse and bring the ire on herself. She turned and pretended to look at a window display next door, all while keeping an ear open for the end of the conversation And making sure the little girl didn't get into trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Sambea
Back at the store Taja was still thinking of how to get this girl to the gym when another girl came up behind them. She glanced back, saw black hair girl looking uncomfortable and figured she needed to get in so she tried taking a deep breath and spoke. “Som-“ She was trying to talk when another voice spoke.

“Kill them. Kill them all.” This time the voice was much darker than the voice earlier. Her tiny body froze. She was freezing now as it seemed to get cold. Her mouth slacked into a frown as her head hung low. The image of the red head and black hair girl was red with blood, their body parts all over the place. She shook her head, fighting back the tears, and the want to just go home. But there was something important she had to do. It felt important to her.

Her head picked up as she thought about what she wanted to say, her hands trembling. “You are needed at the gym and I cannot leave until you do. You are safe at the gym? No
you will be. I know you don’t know me, but
 you are needed.” She tried to look determined while tears stung her eyes. The look on the red head’s face looked angry, but it was replaced to the look that was in her last vision. Just say yes so I can go home. I want to go home! I want my momma! Why is this happening to me? She thought to herself. She was so scared, maybe is she ran away to her mother’s work down the street she would know what to do. But what if she thinks I am looney? What if she thinks I need professional help? I can’t


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Impatiently drumming her fingers along the doorframe as she watched the small child, for a moment, the two sat in silence. Briefly, another girl seemed to approach, drawing the little girl’s attention. But soon enough, she looked back to Sienna with a shake of her head, eyes clenched shut and
 Was the kid crying? It was hard to tell with the rain, but it seemed like it. Great. A lost girl. Either that or she’d said something that upset her. Dumb kids
 She’d never been much good with dealing with babies or anything, and twerps like this one were no exception.

“You are needed at the gym and I cannot leave until you do. You are safe at the gym? No
you will be. I know you don’t know me, but
 you are needed.” The little girl finally spoke, and in all honesty, it wasn’t what Sienna was expecting. She’d anticipated some blubbering about losing mummy and daddy, but the directness of the conversation took her by complete surprise. In fact, she took a half-step back and briefly looked to and felt her own stomach. Just what was this brat trying to say?! “I do NOT need to go to the gym.” Sienna stated firmly, showing that she’d taken offence to the comment. She knew kids had a habit of being truthfully blunt about such things ‘cause they didn’t know any better, but she hadn’t put on that much weight, had she? Ignoring that detracting thought, she decided to be clear with the little girl. “Even if I wanted to go to the gym, I’m working right now.”

Her irritation showing, Sienna managed to set that aside as she noted that the level of distress of the small child had gone up significantly. Shit, shit, she hadn’t meant to upset the little twerp more. This was exactly why she wasn’t good around kids! Looking about the street again, the only other person in sight was some black haired chick. She seemed to be a little on edge, like she wanted to say something. Briefly, Sienna took in the eye colour and skin tone of the two. It wasn’t entirely implausible that the two were related. Even if they weren’t, maybe she could dump this problem off on this new girl? She looked like she might like kids.

“Hey, is this ‘Thing’ yours?” Sienna asked, pointing a finger down at the kid as she stood upright. Changing tact, she placed a hand over the top of the small child’s head, guiding her back towards the black-haired girl. “Either way, do me a favour and take her to the gym or something. Maybe her mum’s there. I’d go, but I’ve got work to do.” It was a lie. The part where she said she’d go at the very least. This whole business was none of her problem. Giving the tiny kid a light shove towards the new girl with the comment ‘Go make friends’, Sienna turned to head back into the store. Grabbing her noodle cup, she began twirling the fork for another helping
 Then stopped. Grumbling to herself, she tossed the noodles into the bin. Stupid kid. She wasn’t fat!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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As the two stared at each other, Rina became slightly more attentive. Something seemed off about the whole thing. When Taja tried to speak and subsequently looked ill, she turned to watch directly. She tucked her umbrella under her arm, searching through her bag for her cell phone. An ambulance seemed like it might be in order. She didn't immediately make the call, though. Taja's instructions gave her pause. It occurred to her that maybe the child was mentally ill. In that case,maybe it would be good for Rina herself to keep and eye on her. Sienna, after all, seemed like she had the tact and finesse of a wooden bat.

Her opinion of Sienna was further deepened when she pushed Taja onto her and referred to the girl as "it." Rina thought about protesting, or at least chastising the older girl, but she held her tongue. Sienna really didn't seem important. "Alright," was all she said to the redhead's retreating back.

Rina sighed inwardly. This was a fine pickle indeed. Uncle Forrest would be pissed at her for being out so long. She wasn't even sure how to get to the gym from here. "Well," she said, smiling gently at Taja. "You want to go to the gym? Is there someone we can tell that you're going? I can call them." She extended her umbrella so that it covered both of them. She watched Taja carefully, keeping an eye out for something like her earlier episode. Her hand tightened around her phone in her pocket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Sambea
She felt a hand on her head and the shove on her back towards the black hair girl. She wasn't fast enough to say anything and watched the red headed girl walk back into the store. The black hair girl asked her if they should go to the gym or call someone, but Taja shook her head. "She has to come to the gym with me." She said as she watched a black car speed turn opposite of them. Honestly she paid no mind to it and walked into the store.

Her boots squeaked on the floor as she walked to the front of the counter, "Look Fat-So, I wasn't talking about your weight before! I just need you to come to the gym with me." She said, her eyes narrowing as she got into a fighting stance, the same one her martial arts teacher taught her. "It would be a shame if a ten year old kicked your butt because you were too fat and slow to move." She didn't mean any of it and the angry face was all made up. She was just super desperate to get her to the gym.

Honestly, she didn't want to fight anyone and just thought if she got her to the gym the voices and images would go away. She took a nearby honey-bun and threw it at her. "Maybe you can eat that! CRY BABY!" She shouted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna had only managed to grab her seat when the jingle of the bell above the door caught her attention, the teen clerk pivoting to see the little runt from before making her way inside. Briefly, Sienna eyed her, before shrugging it off and moving to take her seat, picking up her magazine and kicking her legs back onto the counter as she positioned herself into a perfectly comfortable lean. It was clear that she’d had practice spacing that. Honestly, it was just some weird adolescent kid. She wasn’t paid to babysit, and what was the worst that could happen letting the kid wander around?

Soon after that thought, the little brat made her way to the counter, but it was a bit too tall for her to really see over it very well. Sienna briefly watched the girl make her way slightly to the side so that she could fully occupy her view through the gap she used to get behind the counter. Rolling her eyes as she pulled up her magazine in an attempt to ignore the little annoyance, Sienna kept her face obscured. Was this some sort of tantrum? Well, she’d just have to ignore her until she went away. Easy done so long as the kid didn’t try and steal anything., and no doubt the broad that Sienna had dumped the kid on would come and grab her soon.

"Look Fat-So, I wasn't talking about your weight before! I just need you to come to the gym with me." Again, that voice rang out, and with just enough hostility to catch Sienna off guard as she lowered her magazine to look at the twerp. The mouth on this brat was
 Ugh. Who taught her that?! Her delinquent parents that let her roam the street pestering the unfortunate souls that spoke with the midget?! Irritated, Sienna ground her teeth and bit her tongue, refusing to fall for the bait as she quickly pulled her magazine back in front of her. Nope. Not dignifying that crap with a response. She wasn’t fat, no matter what this kid said. Or Tate. Or the scales at home.

"It would be a shame if a ten year old kicked your butt because you were too fat and slow to move." Once more, the challenging taunt came from below Sienna, this time causing her to much more slowly move her magazine to the side, snapping it shut in one hand and tucking it under her arm. Her glare glowered and said it all. The runt was trying really hard to push her buttons, and she was loathe to admit it was working. The pre-teen pest was bobbing about slightly in something akin to a defensive pose. Clearly the pipsqueak was a watcher of kung-fu flicks or something, with a ridiculous imagination to boot. Sienna had no intention of joining in this stupid roleplay or entertaining the child with some sort of game, but she did feel the need to shut down these antics here and now.

“The only danger I’m in is child abuse if you keep making jabs at my figure, runt. Run home kid, find someone who cares to play with.” Not sitting up from her seat, the scowl on Sienna’s face aimed to intimidate, as she was through with the ‘niceties’ for the kid’s sake. No need to be polite if this tiny terror was gonna go around calling her a fat fatty fatso every sentence. “Give it another 10 years you cupcake eating jelly doughnut, we’ll see who’s fat then. With thunder thighs like that you’ll be booking two seats at the cinema just to fit your bratty fat ass.” Smirking at her internally contained insults, Sienna once again unfolded her magazine, returning to the dog ear. Then

*Whap* She was hardly prepared for the sudden incoming projectile that slapped against her face. Less from the force and more from how much it startled her, Sienna flailed slightly in her seat. It was enough to upset the delicate balance as the fold-out seat slipped from under her, sending the clerk ass-up as her back hit the ground painfully fast, groaning in discomfort as she landed awkwardly. The sudden and violent slam to the ground rattled the nearby shelves, sending a few of the nick-nacks on the shelf behind her tumbling to the floor, lightly falling against her and making a small mess behind the counter. It would’ve been comical, but Sienna wasn’t laughing. Her hand twitched as she slammed it down on the counter, pulling herself upright as she shot the tiny-child a death glare.

"Maybe you can eat that! CRY BABY!" Came the final taunt from that irritating little hoodlum, and it was enough. Something in Sienna snapped as she got to her feet, the kid having managed to get past the flimsy barriers she’d put in place to restrain her anger. Grabbing the fold out chair, she shook it back into shape before chucking it to the ground with a loud and offputting clatter, using far more force than was necessary as she turned to face the one who’d caused her so much trouble. With a look of complete hostility, she moved out from behind the counter, taking some menacing steps towards the child, looking down at her as she spoke in a deadly serious tone. “Kid, you’ve got about three seconds to get out of my store, before I throw you out.”

Kicking the store door open, it rattled on its hinges as it struck the wall, Sienna holding it wide for the girl to leave. When she didn’t take the initiative to step out on her own, Sienna decided that she’d had enough. Striding up with purpose, she went to roughly grab the girl by the wrist and manhandle her from the store. The only one who’d be eating something around here was this punk, and it’d be nothing but the gutter outside if she didn’t start booking it soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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The whole mess escalated faster than Rina expected. Despite her small gestures to hush Taja, blatant glares at Sienna, Taja continued and before she expected it and was able to cross the distance to intervene, the child threw a bun at Sienna. The change in Sienna's manner was palpable.
"Hey," Rina snapped, stepping in between Sienna and Taja and preparing to stop a physical fight. "She's a little kid and she's upset. You're old enough to know better." She had to bite back the word "brat," not wanting to exacerbate the situation, even if she believed that Sienna deserved it.
"And you." She glanced at Taja behind her, trying to channel her uncle when he was angry. "You're behavior is unacceptable. You owe her an apology." Her glare returned to Sienna, her face all ice. "And then we leave." She put a hand lightly on Taja's back, but the gesture wasn't kind. It was the sort a furious mother would make if she didn't want to make a scene in public. She had a feeling that she would have to leave before making amends, and she was full ready to steer Taja away or even throw a punch if there was a danger to anyone.


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Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Sambea
Taja winched at the pain, but didn't resist. She was just about to give up when the nice voice came back. "Behind you." It said. She looked back, and there was a miracle. A set of keys, hoping for the store, was hanging on a hook behind the counter where the girl fell. She looked back at the red head just in time for the black hair girl to step in. She took that time to sneak away and up to the keys, climbing on the fallen chair, grabbing the keys, putting them into her pocket, and back behind the black hair girl before she looked back.

"I am deeply sorry. I was just trying to get you to the gym at all cost, not for your weight. Bye!" She said and took off down the road the black car from earlier had come from. She wanted to giggle and gag at the same time. She wasn't one to steal, unless it was a base, but it felt good to be sneaky. The rain had begun to pour, along with the thunder. Taja didn't want to go any further, but the voice insisted. It showed her visions of where to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna had been ready to drag the vandal brat out kicking and screaming, but despite managing to get a hold on the girl and pulling her towards the door, she was interrupted. “Hey,” Another arm moved in, forcefully taking her own and separating her grip on the tiny twerp’s wrist. Sienna relented as she pulled her arm back roughly and threw off the hold her other guest had, glaring at the black-haired chick who had stopped her. Twisting her mouth into an annoyed pout to go with her frown, she took a step back, huffing and folding her arms. "She's a little kid and she's upset. You're old enough to know better." The ebony-haired girl continued her lecturing, and Sienna suppressed a biting comment at the girl. She absolutely despised the tone she was using with her. Like she was some big shot or something
 Just who did this chick think she was?! Still, despite Sienna’s personal dislike of this woman, she knew that what she said wasn’t exactly untrue. Didn’t stop her feeling bitter and not regretting the choices she’d made though.

Turning to look away from the two as Sienna kept her arms folded, she sighed heavily. It helped not to be staring at their infuriating mugs, but she was still pretty worked up. Still, from the sounds of things, the ‘mediator’ was going to be taking the midget menace out of here, and wanted her to apologise to her. Fat chance of that, the kid was just a little troglodyte. “UGGgghhh
” Sienna groaned, letting off some steam as she exhaled heavily, turning back to the two. She was still scowling, but she at least had her emotions in control enough to think a bit more clearly and not strangle the little twerp. She didn’t need some apology; she just wanted them out of her store.

"I am deeply sorry. I was just trying to get you to the gym at all cost, not for your weight. Bye!" And then, just like that, the little Troll bothering her was gone. Sienna felt relieved, but sceptical. Slowly, she dropped her arms from their folded position as she watched the brat run off, raising a brow. It was
 Easy. Too easy. Maybe the brat had her fun and decided to move on, but somehow, Sienna doubted it. Briefly, she cocked her head towards the girl that had taken over as the midget’s caretaker, gesturing that she better follow her, watching her go. Once she was content that both were out of sight and long gone, she felt herself relax a bit, before grumbling as she looked about the mess the last scuffle had caused. Great, now she had to tidy up
 This was one of the WORST shifts she’d had in a long time.

Moving back behind the counter, she looked to the various items on the floor and began gathering them up, bundling them into her arms and standing up straight as she began to place them back onto the shelves. Still, she wasn’t super tall, so she needed something to stand on for the top shelf. As she looked though, she noticed something. Her chair wasn’t where she’d tossed it in her rage earlier. No, it was sitting up right, just up against the back wall. What was it doing there? Slowly, her gaze trailed to see what it was lined up with. Stopping still, she dropped the remainder of the goods she’d collected up to the floor. That little

“ARRRRRRRAAARRGGGHHH! SHE IS SO DEAD!” Sienna declared with venom in her voice, scrambling her hair as she grabbed her head. Swearing and storming about the store as she paced, Sienna was doing her best to keep some kind of cool, but the whole thing was a shit storm. She NEEDED those keys to lock up, as well as access the more valuable products like the friggin’ cigarettes. She couldn’t call Joe and tell him because A. She might get the Mrs. That she hated and B. Even if she did convince him that some psychotic kleptomaniac ten year old stole the keys, what exactly did that say about her? Fricken
 FRACK! She needed this job!

Making her decision, Sienna began rummaging around the store, grabbing her phone out. She hated having to call him, but she didn’t have a choice. Thankfully, he picked up after the third ring. “Yo
 Wassup baby?” Came the somewhat sleepy male voice. Sienna wasn’t in the mood for any of Tate’s crap. “Listen, I need you to take over for me at Joe’s. Some punk just took the keys, and I gotta go catch them. Just, get here as soon as you can!” Sienna demanded, moving to grab her spare hoodie she kept in the store for winter, fumbling about. It was hard to focus though with Tate making things difficult. “Whoah, whoah. I’m like, not even wearing pants right now. And you know I’m on after you. What’s in it for me babe? Can you make it worth it?” Sienna suppressed her initial response of disgust and anger since she needed her slimeball-ex right now.

“Oh. I’ll uh
 Get you some chocolate after work.” Sienna stated, the false sweetness in her voice showing how forced it was. Tate’s smirk could be felt through the silence of the phone call. “Nah babe
 I was thinkin’ maybe somethin’ a little more
 Personal?” Sienna gave a silent scream as she found a new target to add to the list of people she wanted to strangle. Her temper had risen enough she was beyond caring. “Listen you fuckboy, can you just do this crap for me and we’ll sort out about where we stick your tiny limp dick later, okay?” Sienna was livid as she stormed up to the door, turning the sign around to mark the place as closed. Hopefully that would buy Tate time to get here and take over. “Cold Sienna. But whatever, you owe me babe, and you know I’ll be claimin’ my reward tomorrow, a’ight?” Sienna simply hung up at that point. She was done dealing with him. The only reward he’d be getting would be a kick in the balls at some point. Asshole.

Moving out into the rain, Sienna finally began her chase after the albino-rat that had snatched the keys. She was cold, wet and miserable, since she hadn’t packed anything for this kind of weather because she wasn’t supposed to leave the fricken’ store, but here she was, running in the rain, hunched over and hugging her body, getting drenched and working her butt off for her shitty ass job. She’d barely ran a block or two before she started coughing up a lung, neither fit, nor healthy between her lack of exercise and excessive smoking and other vices. There was no way she’d catch them at all with her pace, especially with the head start they’d gotten. If only she knew where that damn kid was headed, then she could- “Gym.” Sienna said it as soon as the thought crossed her mind, a malevolent grin crossing her face as she managed to stop her wheezing. Oh, that was it. She was being played to go to the Gym, like some elaborate prank. Which was stupid, but loathe as she was to play into the brat’s hands, she couldn’t let her escape. It meant she knew exactly where the tiny dead girl walking had gone, which was better than being outwitted and then losing her job thanks to a diaper wearing sticky fingers. The brat’s days were numbered.

Stomping through the rain, Sienna was making her way to the nearest gym she knew, the one just past the store that Rio went to. It wasn’t a good day, but maybe after disciplining a delinquent she’d be feeling much more satisfied. And if that other girl got in the way again, Sienna had no intention of being the bigger individual this time. Someone was getting hurt when she got to the gym, that was for certain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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It took Rina a moment longer to react than what would have been helpful. Without acknowledging Sienna, she headed out the door. Rain poured down, soaking her hair in a matter of seconds and trickling down the collar of her coat. At least there weren't many people to get in her way.
"Wait up," she called to Taja. This kid was fast. At least she knew her destination. Frustrated, she pulled her phone from her purse and called her uncle. He didn't pick up, so Rina left a brief message telling him that she would be home later than expected, but that she was alright.

By the time they reached the gym, Rina had a vicious stitch in her side and she had just about lost sight of Taja. She flung open the door, bent almost double, and her hair plastered to her flushed face. Much to her chagrin, she saw multiple people already there. The desk girl, and that blue-haired boy. Rina didn't know him, but she'd seen him before,or at least she was pretty sure. With hair like that, she wasn't sure she could confuse him with many other people. She straightened herself, trying to bring her heart rate and breathing back to a normal pace. She nodded once to them in greeting, but was still far more intent on having a little chat with her quarry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Sambea
Taja had arrived in the gym first and stared at the tri-tail girl and boy who looked like he didn't belong here. "Here." Taja said as she tippy-toed and slide the keys to her. The run was nothing to her, her breathing was slight, but not like the black hair girl who chased after her. Running was a thing she did a lot with her sports and then her martial training helped. The black smelled funny, but it looked like an old gym and like the vision she had, minus the people. Her eyes shifted back to the boy who didn't fit. Maybe the two were friends, but from what she could tell it was a weird pairing. The girl looked strong compared to the twig boy in the corner.

Taja smiled up at the tri-tailed girl and then at black hair girl. "So sorry to intrude and for making you chase me... which I don't know why you came." She gave a little sigh, "it was supposed to be the red hair. Don't tell me she didn't realize I stole the keys." She cried out. All that work for nothing or maybe she will realize when she would need them and then come. At this point she was done and could go home. "Now... I should really get home. My babysitter should be there by now." Her voice was soft and it was like a mumble.


Miss Lillybottom arrived at the empty house. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in a high bun. She was a heavyish set woman that slightly wobbled when walked. And wobbled she did up the stairs to the note on the door.


She gave the note a stern look before unlocking the door with her set of keys and walked in. She placed her craft bag by the couch and got to work on lunch. She figured she would be back soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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The White

What is purpose to someone? Some believe that purpose is finding inner peace of mind, embracing what many call true happiness. Some believe that purpose is discovering what you are meant to do in this life, whether that be for yourself or others. There are those that believe purpose is but a word, a construction of the human mind in order to motivate and push ourselves forward towards a self driven goal. It didn't matter to Yohan though, purpose had been lost for so long to him that some would say his heart had turned cold by now.

A blow to the face sent him flying to the floor without a moment's thought, the thought of laughter echoed in his mind at his own efforts. He did not even attempt to dodge or block, it was his way of showing how much the world had changed him. But the laughter soon became quiet when Yohan easily rose to his feet, staring down the bag with a cold glare that would send a shiver down weaker fighters spines. It didn't matter either way to him either way, real or not, flesh or not, violence and was still violence, and the bag came in with full force.

This time Yohan's body went flying to the floor, hitting it with a hard enough impact to send a rush of pain through his body, a small bit of blood had escaped and now rested on the outside of his right mouth. When Yohan remained motionless for a few seconds, the laughter started to pick up again. What was this kid doing? That's what they were probably thinking right now. There was no way he could compete, he had no chance. The laughter was struck down when Yohan quickly rose back up to his feet, the cold glare remained in his eyes as his arm rubbed off the blood from his face. Now the fight got serious, and after pushing the bag as if to intimidate it, the bag suddenly came flying in with a furry of vicious strikes and landing some sudden serious blows to the body.

It didn't matter at this point to him, this was the most "fun" thing he had experienced since summer vacation had started. His body may not look like much, but he could take quite the brutal beating. Although a bag could never hold any blood lust within it like the bullies from his past, something about this one in particular seemed to pull his mind back to past times. It was all the same to him as this point, what more could he expect? As his mind began to numb to any feeling, something inside of him started to take over. He was surprised to find himself moving out of the way of the next incoming attack and swing his leg to connect with the bag, the bag suddenly stopping all movement as if the life had just been ended in it. This was unlike him, no, something else had decided to take over inside of him.

Meanwhile, several people chanted for prayers as a man holding up a book read to them lines with such excitement, it filled them all with a sense of hope. As he finishes reading and puts the book down, he notices one of his scouts rushing over towards him. "My lord, we have terrible news!" The scout managed to huff out to his superior. "A wizard has been spotted on Gaia! We don't know what he plans to do, but I can assume it is nothing good!" The man couldn't help but smile and shake his head as he walked over to place a hand on the scouts shoulder.

"Have no fear, I will look into it. Tell the others to be on their guard, in case I am to fall on this day." Though the scout had his expression change to a more worrying one, the man managed to brush this off as he released the shoulder of the scout before walking forward. When the scout turned around to look at the man, he was already gone. The scout closed his eyes and began a heavy prayer for all to be safe.

Back to Yohan, it all felt strange. He decided to move away from the bags entirely, knowing what he did wasn't out of strength or power. It didn't feel like him just now, it still didn't feel like he was himself. Something was inside of him, bothering him in a way that made him feel sick. He thought about leaving, but it was strange to see two people enter in. One was a small looking child, the other he noticed seemed to look familiar somehow. Great, just what he needed, more people bringing about unnecessary attention.

Now to the wizard mentioned before, who was still in town looking for his ring. The elderly man growled to himself as he could not even sense where his ring was, perhaps it was best to leave and try in another town. Before the wizard could leave, however, three people appeared out of nowhere who suddenly became the sole attention of the wizard. "I wasn't expecting The Order of Gray to step in." The wizard rubs his chin as he stares at the three. "To what do I owe the sudden visit?"

"I thought it was you, of all the people to appear in Gaia." The man in the white robe spoke, rubbing his neck as he closed his eyes, surprising his apprentices and the wizard. "Hey, I'm Delta, nice to meet ya, though I'm sure you already knew of my title among the Order." Delta opened his eyes and gave a slight smile, putting his hands on his hips as he looked around, the rain not even seeming to bother him in the slightest. "So! Tell me. Why are you making trouble?"

"I am NOT making trouble!" The wizard replied angrily towards Delta. His apprentices were too scared to even try to confront this horrifying man, Delta just seemed to keep smiling like nothing wrong was happening. "Someone has stolen my ring! MY! RING! It is my property, and I will take it back, with or without your help!" The wizard slams the end of his staff down on the ground, causing the apprentices to shake where they stood. "Though I never expected help from an Order of fools!"

"No need to be so harsh." Delta looked around before pointing to the two tallest buildings in the town. "If it will make you happy, we shall have a duel up there." Delta smiles as he puts his hands into his pockets. "Of course, if you would rather, I can go out all here and now... Nah, let's go." The wizard growls out at Delta in response, the apprentices were the first to poof, with Delta following suit. The wizard grumbles to himself before poofing as well.

Ricky, on the other hand, had just arrived back home, and noticed how heavy it was raining outside. Groaning out as he felt tired after driving, he got out of the car and walked inside to his home, where he was already soaking wet upon entering. "Everyone can go burn." He mumbled to himself, stomping his way over to his living room as he turns on one of his fans to try and dry himself off. As he stood there with the wind blowing on him, he pulled out the ring and checked it over, his eyes narrowing as he hated how much money he just gave up to the boss. "Why are you so important anyway?"

Once Ricky felt he was dry enough, he turned off the fan and walked over to his couch, sitting down as he turned on the television and began to watch the news. That's when he saw it, the face of his ex-girlfriend. This sent him into a flying rage, grinding his teeth against each other as his eyes again catch the ring and he looks at it more carefully. "Whoever wears this ring shall be allowed three wishes. However, the user can also have whatever desires they want. . .granted? What kind of crap is this?" Ricky looked to the television before looking back to the ring. Slipping it on, he looked back to the television before making his mind up. "A desire granted? I ain't gonna waste a wish on this. I just hope that fool dies, and I hope the whole town learns of it!"

It was around this time that unknown to Yohan, a strange being had formed above him and was quickly looking over several people. Not even he could see or feel it, however, as the mystical spirit-like being used it's eyes to search out and see a girl was making her way towards the gym. With a nod that was to only itself, the being reached a hand inside of itself and pulled out a white orb without any harm to itself. Raising up it's other hand, it slammed down on the white orb and caused it to shatter and break out into four different pieces. The four orbs end up entering into a person each without them feeling a thing: Rina, Taja, Miranda and Sienna. Satisfied with it's selections, it fades away before it could be noticed by the four.

The wizard and Delta both stood on one building, with the two apprentices merely watching from a safe distance. A white barrier had been put up around the both of them as an intense stare went down between the wizard and Delta for some time. Summoning his own staff, Delta points it towards the wizard's direction, as the wizard points his own staff at Delta with the two staffs pointing at each other. A white light forms at the end of Delta's, with a black light forming at the end of the wizard's. The apprentices couldn't help but look on in terror as the battle began, with white and black lights spawning from each staff colliding into each other.

To the four, they wouldn't of been able to hear it before, but now, they could suddenly hear an odd melody being played out. Yohan's attention seemed to shift as he hears this, though no one that did not possess either white or black could listen to it's strange tunes. Yohan rushes outside as he notices the rain had suddenly stopped, his attention looking off towards the direction of the two buildings, though he could not see the two people standing there. A car suddenly rushes past him, his eyes widening as he realized how reckless the driver had been. His eyes shifting to see a woman behind the wheel, he sees the car make a sudden turn and only the melody rang it's bells for a moment before a sudden crash could be heard.

Behind the wizard and Delta began a changing of scene and color, or perhaps, reality itself. Images changing from one to the other, one moment it could be a peaceful looking forest, the next it could be a castle under siege, to a waterfall flowing peacefully, to a battlefield where men fired old fashioned guns at one another. The colors changed with every image that went by them, the sky could be blue one moment, and the next it could be red. Grass could be green one minute, the next it could be red, or yellow, or white. This only got quicker as the strange melody picked up pace, becoming much more faster now as the apprentices could only watch in fear of the duel between the two.

Ricky was caught off guard as suddenly, the news covering his ex-girlfriend changed into about how she had just died in a sudden car crash. His eyes widen in surprise as he felt his heartbeat increase. Had he really done this? He had desired her to die, so she did? That's when a hand touched Ricky's shoulder, and he turned to look over his shoulder to see a strange black creature now in the same room with him, with a menacing Cheshire cat grin at him and dark red eyes staring at him. "Hello Ricky~"

Yohan couldn't really believe what he just heard, standing there made him feel strange. Maybe it was just the beatings going to his head, though he did wonder why he didn't... Oh, wait, there we go! The sudden rush of adrenaline that had kept him going suddenly was pulled right out of his system and made him collapse right down to his knees, his body shivering with pain as everything seemed to rush in at once and made him feel ill. He wasn't a fighter at heart, his body could only take so much before it got to him. He had no idea if he would be okay to walk home or not, but it looked like he might not be leaving from the gym for just a little longer at this rate.

As the wizard and Delta disappeared from sight, the two apprentices followed suit, and with them, the strange melody they had created faded. The town was normal again, but no rain seemed to come down for some odd reason. It was unusual, and by the time the melody faded, the four would unfortunately feel a rush of pain course through each of them, unknowing of the new connection they had just made. Perhaps it was a sign of adjustment? Who knows, but at least they could stand outside without being rushed on by rain!

"Calm down, Ricky!" The creature spoke to the frightened Ricky, who now sat on the floor cowering for his life. "You do not possess the Black, but I will be your catalyst. Since you have fed me that girl's life force, I will be your guardian from here on out. No, do not worry, I am not like the fools who use The White and have some demon bothering the crap out of them. Ah, but where are my manners while starting to explain your new life to you?" The creature temporarily spawned a pair of legs and made a bow to Ricky. "You may call me Djinn. It's a pleasure to be working with you. Oh, and yes, you still have three wishes Ricky~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Everything happened so quickly. First was the inclusion of a few more people into her Gym, soaking wet and in a hurry, perhaps to get out of the rain. She stood, and put on a smile again as the sounds of Yohan some how getting his ass kicked by inanimate bags filled the back room. Miranda did her job and fetched some towels for Taja, Rina(?), and Sienna.

"Wet enough for you?" She attempted to make small talk as her job required as she offered the females each a towel or two to help them dry off from the storm outside. Next, the rain stopped, and as Yohan moved outside to see the car crash in front of him, Miranda's leg injury suddenly flared, the same pain of the bone snapping flooding her nerves as she suddenly cried out in pain, hands going to the leg in question while she fell to the ground, eyes clamped tightly shut and teeth bared.

The Magic had caused the weakness to grow weaker, it seemed, but also her strengths to grow stronger. Her Canines, normally large and sharp on their own, suddenly became more canine, growing in length and sharpness until they made her look like a wolf while her teeth were bared. She also yiped like a dog who's leg had been broken, just once, before reverting back to her human screams for a moment, and then it was gone.

There was music, the car crashed, and she blinked, sitting up and hesitantly standing, finding she was able to use her leg just fine. "The fuck?" she growled out, confused. She felt...awake. Alive. Powerful. She blinked and ran to her desk to call the paramedics for the woman who had just crashed her car outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Sienna had been most of the way to the gym when several things happened. The first was an odd whistling tune that just suddenly seemed to ‘pop’ into her mind from nowhere. Like someone had suddenly turned on a TV or something nearby. It was such a jarring sensation that she stopped, briefly shielding her eyes from the rain as she peered around the area for the source. She didn’t get to contemplate it long before the second thing occurred. Pelted with gutter water, Sienna yelped and spluttered as she caught sight of a car whipping about in the rain, going far faster than any sane driver would go in this weather. Swearing and shaking herself off slightly, she saw it make a turn off just near the gym, skidding out of control. The cacophonous sounds of a violent crash soon followed, and although that worried Sienna slightly, she couldn’t deny that her first thought was that it ‘served them right’. If only she knew of the truth and lethality of the situation.

As she went to go and investigate the incident (Curious, as she could probably stand to take a peek on the way to the gym), she only managed a couple more steps before the ringing tone in her ears vanished. It was a welcome change, but what came next certainly wasn’t. Crippling, excruciating pain filtered through her body, all at once hammering her like her gut was trying to eat itself and twisting into a spiral of agony. God, it wasn’t that time of the month, what the hell?! Inhaling sharply and clutching her stomach, Sienna sunk to her knees as she gritted her teeth, tears staining her eyes as the stinging sensation refused to go away. Just what was happening to her?! The only solace she had was that the rain had stopped, but she barely registered that fact as she was left incapacitated on the sidewalk.

“Aw, what’s wrong? Does your stomach hurt?” The sultry female voice came from behind Sienna, and she felt a hand gently go to her back, giving it an affectionate rub. Sienna winced as another bout of pain shot through her, and she didn’t even get the chance to tell the lady to buzz off, instead gasping sharply as she went down on all fours, face splashing into a puddle as she turned her head to the side. “You know, you look pretty unsightly like that. Best get your act together before you’re even more humiliated.” Her mystery helper commented, and as the aches finally started to ebb away and let Sienna catch her breath, she began to sit up, falling backwards onto her rear and looking behind her with a glare. “Not in the moo-“ Sienna’s jaw dropped as she was unable to finish her sentence. Whatever she had been expecting when she turned, it wasn’t this.

It was a small, orange feline, no bigger than your average cat. Oddly enough, it had bright yellow eyes, a distinctly curvy tail, but, probably strangest of all was the fact it was speaking. “Surprised? Well, I suppose that makes sense. I know you’re smart, but you’re not very good at seeing things beyond your own perception of the world.” The feline strode past the dumbfounded Sienna, daintily avoiding the larger puddles. Sienna shut her eyes and rubbed her forehead a bit. She had to be going crazy. It was just some cat. She was either imagining things or hallucinating or something – probably from the pain and stress. Maybe she was having an aneurysm?

Slowly getting back to her feet, she watched the feline lead the way towards the Gym and heading inside. Well
 Talking cat or not, she had business at the gym. And she needed to dry off, so hopefully they’d be able to accommodate at least that. They’d have showers and stuff at the very least. Slowly trotting into the building and only briefly glancing to the smashed vehicle outside, Sienna continued inside, looking about as she dripped over the welcome mat. The orange cat sat on the nearby desk as if waiting for her to catch up, while the foyer itself was occupied by a few people. Including
 Clenching her fist, Sienna looked to the tiny girl that had caused all this chaos. It was time to get back the keys, and also teach the brat a lesson

“Careful, you don’t know what you’re capable of just yet.” The cat was smirking, if that was possible. The tone of voice was teasing, daring. Almost like the warning was designed just to provoke Sienna more. Deciding not to be so foolish as the respond to the cat, Sienna continued with her initial plan as she strode up to the child and without hesitation, slapped her across the face. She didn’t particular care what the strangers thought of such an action, but the girl needed to be taught a lesson; and since words weren’t working, Sienna saw this as the most practical solution. “What the hell is wrong with you little brat!? You a delinquent or something?! What kind of shitty 10 year old steals store keys of all things?! Are you trying to piss me off and go to juvy or something?!” Sienna was slightly dumbfounded that her slap had the force to knock the girl off her feet, but she was too angry to care at this point. Thrusting out her hand, she glowered at the girl. “Give them back. Now.” There was ice in her voice as her eyes never left Taja, not for a second.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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"So Ricky, you got any questions?" The Djinn asked him, giving him a cocky smirk.

"Heck yeah I do!" Ricky barely managed to pull himself up. "What do you mean I did that?! How?! I didn't shoot her or nothing!"

"I ate her life force." Ricky's expression turned into a frightened one as the Djinn licked it's lips slowly. "See, wishes don't keep me alive. It's the user's desires. I've been pretty much stuck in that ring for a hundred years now, kiddo! That loop hole keeps me alive, so it's the only one I get to tell you. Make sense?"

"Wha... What in the world. I mean, yeah, I wanted her dead, but, to actually have it happen..." Before Ricky could mumble on, the Djinn gives a wicked laugh.

"Allow me to explain. My master put me in this ring a hundred years ago, in order for me to survive. I grant three wishes, sure! But, if you can't tell, I'd poof shortly after without my master. I found people strongly wanted to do things they normally would use wishes for. So it keeps me alive, you get what you want, everyone wins. Well, except our targets." Another wicked laugh escapes the Djinn.

"Okay... Explain to me something. What are you? You say you need a 'master' to survive?"

"That's right, Ricky. I was originally the true nature of my master, before he put me in this ring. You could say I've sort of developed my own personality because of it. Don't go putting on rings expecting more to talk to you though. I'm what you might call a one deal kind of thing. I doubt there's any other demon like me out there. If there are, they aren't as friendly as I am."


"Yeah, that's what you guys call us. Don't worry, no one else can even see me though." Ricky had taken the time to calm down while this demon explained to him these things. He had a hard time swallowing it, but well, the situation was kind of an exception.

"Okay. I'm listening."

"You are now a user of The Black, though it's only through me acting as a catalyst. Don't lose that ring, kill any White users you find and keep me alive through requesting other people dead." The Djinn suddenly points a finger at Ricky's face. "DON'T SAY WISH WHEN YOU DO!" It was sudden and frightened him a little, but Ricky nodded all the same.

"What's this Black and White you keep mentioning to me?" Ricky's question made the Djinn chuckle as if recounting a funny joke it just heard.

"The Black and The White are two parts of the same thing, Ricky. Magic is real, and it mainly exists through these two forces. There are exceptions, of course, but who wouldn't want to be lucky enough to get The White or The Black? You can't just get it out of thin air, and even if you somehow managed to, it's a rare thing to happen. You wouldn't believe me though if you saw all the users of it right now." Ricky couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, looks like this thing wasn't going to kill him.

"Alright, I'm with you so far."

"The White's mainly used by self-righteous nut jobs these days, who want to use it to save people, keep justice in order, all that. It used to be more fun back in the day, oh well." The Djinn looked to Ricky briefly with a smirk before going further. "The Black's like the naughty person of the group. Backstabbing, murdering, gambling away someone else's money, you get the idea." Ricky could already feel his eye twitching.

"That doesn't help me understand anything either can really do!" Ricky crossed his arms, for some reason he felt like he was five again.

"Yeah, I figured as much. Talking's no good, see, so I'll show you." This caused Ricky's eyes to widen.

"Show me?"

"Yeah, I'll show you. I know the man you call Boss just helped someone very important make an active Gateway." The Djinn suddenly appeared right in front of his face. "Don't think just because I'm stuck in this ring doesn't mean I'm not watching! I am always watching. Remember that." The Djinn suddenly vanished, leaving Ricky surprised. "Come on." The voice came from behind him, as he turned to see the demon now near his door. "I'll show you the way. Looks like two old guys are fighting in the sky right now, so the rain won't be a problem for a while longer."

Meanwhile with Yohan, it seemed like he had been in this position before. Seeing this car crash suddenly started pulling him back to the past. It happened when he was younger, his parents had decided to take him out for whatever reason, parts were still foggy to him. The actual crash itself was mostly a blur, but he could hear his parents screaming before it all went silent. The part he did remember, however, came after the realization.

He could still remember his young little body just sitting there, his parent's car was trashed beyond repair and smoke seemed to lazily rise up from damaged parts of it. But he could still remember his parent's bodies, which were perfectly in sight for him to see. His heart beat was the only thing his mind could register for hours, his mind may have forgotten most of the experience, but his body could recall every detail of that day as if fresh.

"What's the matter?" A voice pulled him back into reality, causing him to gasp and his eyes to avert towards where he could see smoke lazily rising into the air. A white haired male who looked oddly similar to him started casually walking down the street towards him. "Did you miss me?" A sly half lazy grin came to the white hair male's face, Yohan's eyes suddenly becoming full of fear as he backed himself slightly away from the direction the white haired male was heading. He was back, now of all times, Yohan could feel his heart beat starting to race out of control, his mind racing into a panic as his body starts to break out into a cold sweat.

"No, not you again." Yohan managed to mumble, trying to keep his voice low enough for people not to hear him. "Leave me alone." His body was starting to shake uncontrollably, he felt himself breathing faster all of a sudden, he was starting to feel light headed as he tried to stand up to his feet.

"Why? You called me here." The white haired male taunted him as he gave a smug smile. "I know what you are thinking about. It's rather sad to know you couldn't save them, isn't it?" Yohan had to put his hand up against a wall of the building, his legs barely keeping him up as his focus was starting to rapidly break down. "What are you thinking right now, little Yohan? Do you need seven years more bad luck to remind yourself of the monster that you are?"

"No, stop, please." Yohan's voice was starting to break, he didn't know how much longer he could keep himself sane like this. Of all the times for this to happen, he wasn't in school or at home, the desire gripping his chest tightened it's hold as he felt a chill run down his spine.

"A shell of a man. A coward in the form of flesh. A freak! That's what you are." The white haired male continued to taunt him, despite Yohan's condition growing worse. "You know what you want to do, go on, admit it to the whole world how you feel." The heart beat was starting to grow louder with every pulse in his ears now, his skin quickly became pale as if he had just seen a ghost. "You wish it was you, wasn't it? Does it make you sick to your stomach? Your parents are dead, and do you know why?" The white haired male suddenly appeared at Yohan's side, putting a hand on his shoulder as he leaned in close to his ear. "Because of you."

"GO AWAY!" Yohan's mind broke upon hearing this, swinging his arm wildly at where the white haired male stood. "LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I HATE YOU!" Yohan's aggression felt taxing to his mind, a sudden rush of what felt like energy snapped him back to reality before quickly fading and leaving his body feeling tired and drained. When his focus came back just enough for him to try to find the strange male, he was suddenly gone. He collapsed to his hand and knees, he wanted to go back home and be away from all of this. He didn't belong here, out in the real world. He wanted to be isolated and never come back out, but he needed to survive. All he could do now was close his eyes and try to forget everything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Rina sighed. "I was making sure you didn't get hurt," she replied to Taja, gratefully taking the towel from Miranda with a word of thanks. She squeezed the water out of her hair, careful not to get any more on the floor. As she dried off, she made small, pointed comments to Taja about her behavior, coming just short of a lecture. She noticed music, and though its presence struck her as unusual, Rina brushed it off as something Miranda must have just put on.
She was about to go to the desk and apologise for the disturbance when an intense pain exploded in her chest and radiated out through her body. Her hands clapped to her sternum. Was it a heart attack? Had she been shot? Her thoughts were barely formed, scraps stitched loosely together. A small, thin whine escaped her as she fought not to cry. She couldn't breathe and she could barely stand for a few moments until it began to subside.

"What the hell?" As the pain drained from her body, she took stock of her wellbeing. Nothing seemed broken or damaged. Maybe it was just one of those random pains that people sometimes suffered. It was extra vicious if it was, though.
Rina looked around. Everyone else looked distressed, but not because of her. Now that she thought of it, they too had seemed immobile for a moment. It had just taken Rina longer to come to herself.
The ear splitting sound of rending metal and smashing concrete jarred her out of her thoughts. She turned around and saw the car destroyed outside. She hesitated for a moment, then went out to see if the driver was alright, ignoring Sienna. If she was going to be awful, Miranda could deal with it. Or at least Rina hoped she would.
Yohan ran out as well, but she said nothing to him as she went around to the driver's side. He was talking, babbling. Upset, no doubt, by the awful scene. Rina only had to take one look at the woman inside to know that she was dead. No one could survive being scrunched up like that. Besides, Rina was honestly too afraid to reach in and try to feel for a pulse.

"A shame, isn't it?"
Rina looked up to see a naked individual sitting on what was once the trunk of the car. It looked like a man, but clearly wasn't human. It was too pale, too tall, and its face was too flat and masklike for it to be.
"Don't be a little baby, do something."
She didn't respond and instead headed back around toward the gym. Most likely the car was giving off some toxic fumes or something and was subsequently hallucinating. Besides, what the hell could she do? She was going to tell Yohan to move away to a safer distance, but he began to scream at nothing. She had endured enough crazy for the day.
"Don't ignore me, Miss," the thing said coolly, turning around to face her again. Its long, dark hair shifted over its shoulder and covered half of its front.

Rina went back into the gym, only to see almost everyone else talking to themselves as well and Sienna standing in front of Taja.
"Oh, Christ," she murmured. Something was very wrong. She looked back. That thing was still there, closer now. She shook her head and then spoke to Sienna. "What do you want now?" Her voice was tense, clipped. She was unaware of the stolen keys and the words and violence that had just transpired, having been either not paying enough attention or absent when she would have heard about it. "Look, I'll pay you if I have to, I won't even report you to anyone, but we've got bigger problems." Her body felt hot and for the first time in a long time, she felt like she could fight someone her size and win. Hell, she felt like she could take on twenty people, and she was more than ready to get rid of this punk. She glanced up at Miranda, her expression still angry. "I'll be all set, thank you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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#, as written by Tanman
Sienna Cartlow

Not letting the child out of her sight, Sienna remained at her side as the commotion ran its course. Naturally, a car crash so close to the gymnasium would’ve drawn quite the crowd, but what was with the screaming boy outside? Was he somehow related to the victim or something? Maybe the car had hit someone before the incident? Whatever the case, it sounded like it sucked to be him. She couldn’t stand depressing folk, so she was glad she’d probably have nothing else to do with the weirdo, or hopefully anyone else here once she got the keys back.

The girl who the brat had gestured to, most likely some receptionist, had disappeared off through the staff room door, forcing Sienna to wait uncomfortably in the lobby of the exercise complex to get her keys back. Gyms were a place for insecure losers to flex their egos and try to get others to marvel and think they're tough. Either that or social media poseurs, neither of which appealed to Sienna, so she hadn’t exactly been in this place other than when Rio was feeling particularly guilty about some cake she ate. Briefly, she looked to the towels that had been left for them, grabbing hold of one and briefly drying off the excess water. It did little to help with her soaked jeans and blouse, but they’d only dry with time. At that point, it seemed black hair had returned from the train-wreck outside, looking to Sienna as she queried the reason for her presence. Figured that the broad knew nothing about what happened. Before Sienna could give much of a response, she continued. "Look, I'll pay you if I have to, I won't even report you to anyone, but we've got bigger problems."

“Pay me?” Sienna repeated with genuine surprise. It’s not like this girl was actually responsible for this kid, nor was Sienna seeking any monetary compensation for this shit storm. Still, from what the girl was saying, she just wanted the whole fiasco dealt with and left behind them. Sienna wholeheartedly agreed with that notion. She just wanted to get the keys, finish her shift, and go home and sleep off this crap day. “Listen, I’m just here to get the keys that brat stole, alright? Then I’m outta here. I’ve seen enough of your ugly mugs to last me a life time, trust me. You can deal with whatever bullshit is happening here.” Reaching into her pocket, Sienna tugged out the pack of cigarettes, flipping the lid and drawing it to her mouth as she began flicking her lighter. She didn’t particular care what the policy was here, but her nerves were shot and she needed to calm down.

Finally, the reception girl returned with some ice packs of all things. Like those were gonna help any. Eyerolling at the idiocy of the gym’s secretary, Sienna moved up, smoke wafting from the stick in her mouth. “I’m freezing my ass off, so no thanks. I just want my store keys that this little punk stole and apparently left with you.” Taking in a long draught, Sienna then exhaled, her forehead scrunching as she held her head and shut her eyes. She had a headache now after all of this. Opening them again, she looked to the cat still sitting on the desk. It hadn’t said anything for a while yet, so hopefully that was a sign that Sienna’s delusions were fading. Looking to it more closely, she noticed a collar and name tag buried amongst its fur. Leaning in, which would have looked somewhat strange to all the individuals that couldn’t see her personal demon, Sienna took hold of the small trinket, trying to make out the lettering. “Sinopia
” Sienna muttered aloud, before looking up and meeting the feline’s eyes. What she saw inside made her uncomfortable, and she took a sharp step back.

Of course, Sienna probably looked pretty stupid with the keys right there on the counter. Still, it wasn't entirely her fault. They were under the cat that only she could see after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Ricky would say he was enjoying the ride with the Djinn, but if he was being honest with himself, this demon creeped him out. One moment it could be serious as stone, the next it could be creepy and twisted. Certain words also seemed to get Ricky in trouble with the Djinn, not in a life threatening way, more because the Djinn turned out to be one of those types of people. The only reason Ricky didn't include them right now was because he didn't want to remember them.

After what felt like eons of horrible puns, the Djinn waved it's hand across the air in front of itself. "Stop here." Ricky had to push hard on the brakes in order to get the car to stop. No rain was honestly the best part about this, he hated driving through the rain. "We have arrived, Ricky. Get out of the car." Ricky shot a glare at the Djinn before getting out of the car and seeing what looked like just a normal building.

"You trying to play a joke on me, demon?" Ricky said with clear venom in his tone.

"Nah. This is the spot, I remember it clearly." The Djinn suddenly casts a look at Ricky, causing him to curiously raise a brow at the demon. "Well?"

"Well, what?" Ricky crosses his arms over his chest.

"Aren't you going to use my power?"

"What for?"


"Can't you do that yourself?"

"No! Just... Do it! Hurry up!" Ricky groans at the Djinn's persistent, raising up his arms as the demon glares at Ricky.

"Oh magic ring, holding a stupid demon." Ricky claps twice. "Please allow my desire to come true on this day." Ricky claps twice more.

"I hate you. So much."

"Oh, magic ring, magic ring. Grant my desire. Please open a way for us to get inside!" Ricky claps three times before putting his hands on his waist and smugly looking at the demon.

"You will die a horrible death, by my hands alone, I swear this."

"Well, did it work or not, demon?"

"Open the door and see for yourself, moron!" Ricky shook his head at the demon's temper, walking over to the doorknob and taking hold of it. Narrowing his eyes, he slowly pushes the door open and glares back at the Djinn.

"It was unlocked the whole time."

"Gotcha!" The Djinn bursts out with laughter, causing Ricky to kick the rest of the door open. "Hey, quit drawing attention to us, you idiot." The Djinn quickly flies in past Ricky, who walked in behind the demon at his own pace. However, where the demon brought Ricky to made him suddenly drop his jaw in surprise.

"What is that thing?!" Ricky points at what he saw, his mind suddenly exploding with joy as he could see the demon give a sadistic smirk towards him.

"That, Ricky, is a gateway. The only tool that allows one to enter The Other Side~"

Meanwhile with Yohan, he is suddenly snapped back into reality as he got a better hold of his mental state, at least for now. Soon enough, his body began to be cleared of doubt and he could walk without the weight or the burden. But he knew it would be back, it always came back. It made him feel weak and incomplete, in a way it showed him the reality of just how far down he had truly gone without any clear direction to follow on now.

But this didn't seem to bother or stop the others inside, who all seemed to range from not getting along to just being sort of there. How could he argue against them, though? In his eyes, he was worse than a person, so how could a freak justify his own actions against people who were doing wrong in his eyes? Complications only lead to stress, and stress only leads to pain, and pain is something Yohan would rather avoid at any cost.

However, as Yohan got a clear understanding of the situation, he suddenly felt something kick him in the back of his mind. It made him move back into the building, and when he looked right at Sienna, he saw it clear as daylight. "Uh, I thought most buildings had a no smoking thing inside buildings?" He spoke out to her, seeing the smoke rising up ever so eerily and vanishing in the air sent only a pulse of disgust through his body. "I think I'm also missing something here, there are a few more people I can count suddenly that weren't here before."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Rina shot Taja a look. Well, that explained why Sienna was there. She retrieved her phone for the umpteenth time that day and made a call for an ambulance. As she spoke to the operator, she watched Sienna light up a cigarette, suppressing the urge to wrinkle her nose as the smell reached her, and move over to the counter, noticing that she wasn't really looking at it. Rina did, however, and noticed the keys. During a period where she didn't have to speak, she covered the microphone and said, "If you want the keys, then take them."

She was still on the phone when Yohan walked in. She flashed him a strained smile and wave. He might not be all there, but he did look rattled. Who wouldn't be, given the circumstances? In another lull, she covered the phone again.
"We only got here a few minutes ago," she told Yohan. "I passed you outside, but you were
" she shrugged, face red. "Somewhere else."