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Sai Mikumi

"What? I can't help it!"

0 · 465 views · located in New York City, New York

a character in “Blame the Music”, as played by DarknessToDeath23


Sai Mikumi

            The loud one




            No one. "That is outrageous! Who would go out with me? Oh yeah.. No one!"

            Appearance Description
            Everything on the picture is all that is in his appearance. But, he has glasses and he wears them sometimes at school, but he mostly wears contacts.

            Sai is an crazy and outgoing person, never ceasing to surprise a person with his weird personality. Though he has a problem with keeping his voice down, he is a awesome person to keep around. But, just be careful at what you choose to say, because if it's something of a secret he'll gasp and burst out it in a second. Not the one to trust with your secrets, or keeping quiet, he does remember things and will never forget them, unless he was being the crazy loud geek he is and just forget everything until the next day then, there is a problem.

  • Playing Video Games
    Hanging out with his friends
    Listening to his favorite bands
    Being himself

  • Being told what to do
    Losing people he cares about
    Being in loved
    Having a crush
    Dramatic comics

            Sai was born in a broken home, where his mom was an addict and his father was never home, his sister didn't give a damn about the family and ran off to live with her boyfriends family. He was glad she left, it's better than living her and being yelled at for not getting home on the time your suppose to be home on. But it doesn't matter two more years and he can't wait to get the hell out. He's still surprised that he made it this far, or he would've gave up a loong time ago.

            Hex Code

            Theme Song
            Kalafina - Sapphire

So begins...

Sai Mikumi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Miranda Abe

This is it! Oh my god!

Miranda Abe was in the back of small black limo, waiting until her stop came. She was fascinated that she got to be picked up by limousine. She's never been in one before, so this makes it so awesome to her. She smiled brightly at her friends who were in the vehicle with her. She was glad that the driver picked up her friends too. She couldn't do anything without her best buds. He fingers were tapping on the seat as her legs were jittery. "Ugh! I can't keep it in any longer!" She breathed in and out. "Thank you so much again guys!" She really couldn't do anything without them. They were the ones who entered her name into the contest. So that made them responsible for her win. "I really, really owe you guys one! Really!" She ran her fingers through his pigtails to keep her calm and steady, which wasn't working very well.

She glanced over to her best friend, who seemed to be trying to fix his watch. "Hey, Tsuna." She smiled big again. "Thanks for coming up with the idea of putting my name into that contest." She patted him on the head before turning her attention back to her hair. She just couldn't wait to meet H.O.T.T. She listened to their music before and seen their videos on YouTube. They are so hot gorgeous. She just couldn't wait to actually talk to them, hug them!

Then the window separating them and the driver opened. "We're here,"he said before the window rolled back up. Miranda immediately rolled down the window and looked outside. "Oh my god! It's so beautiful!" The mansion was huge! The green lawns were sparkling with dew and everything was so pretty. She couldn't believe she was going to be living here for a year.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Arisu jumped out of the limo happily, "I've always wanted to ride in one of those!" she said stretching herself out and looking at the rather big mansion "Oh your so lucky Miranda!" She smiled at her only female friend and hugged her lightly "Thanks for letting me visit I'm so excited to meet them." She held her hand knit doll in her arms, it was one she had made for fun since she wasn't really in 'love' with anyone. Alice poked the dolls cheeks and gave a rather childish smile, her top two favorite bands were going to be here and she got to meet them herself.

Arisu played with her pigtail and adjusted her redish pink leather football jacket and then her shorts. She playfully turned to her friends and held her arms out latching one hand tightly on her doll "Do I look fine?" Alice waited paticntly for a reply hoping that she would look perfect when she met her favorite bands. She had always been self concious ever since she was a over weight, Alice knew Miranda when she was chubby and the whole diet thing was a big step in her life. In a few moments she latched onto Miranda's shoulder like a child would do to their mother and whispered in her ear "You are the luckiest girl in the whole world!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Yuki Hazama

He'd been pacing in the livingroom all day waiting for his cell alarm to go off signaling that the winner of their contest was almost there. When it finally did he jumped in suprise before hurriedly turing it off. He just couldn't believe that this was really happening, the fact that so many people entered their contest to spend a whole year with them meant that they'd really made it and that all of his hard work was worth it. He'd proved his parents wrong and for that he just couldn't contain his excitement. At the same time though he was nervous, wondering what this new person would be like.

Unable to stand the wait any longer he moved to peak out of one of the windows in the foyer and stared waiting for the limo to arrive. When it finally pulled up he shouted for evereryone inside to hear, "Hey guys come quick, she's finally here!"

Not wanting to waste another second he opened the door and ran out to greet her. However when he saw four people step out he stopped short for a minute confused because he thought that there was only suppose to be one person. The confusion didn't last long as he thought that meeting more of their fans would be for the better anyway and continued his run. When he was close enough he enveloped all of them in one big hug as he grinned widely at them. "Welcome all of you! It's so great to finally meet you, I'm Yuki Hazama and I hope we have a great year getting to know each other!" he exclaimed excitedly once he let them go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima
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Yuki Hazama

When Choi came out and introduced himself Yuki immediatly calmed down some. He didn't know why but whenever the older man was around him he always did that, except for when they were getting ready to perform sure he was hyped up but there was also a mellowness to him that allowed him to control himself. As he saw his nervous behavior he smiled up encouragingly at him before turning to the driver. "Hey when you bring the luggage inside, don't forget to grab your tip, I left one for you on one of the dressers," he grinned at him as the driver nodded as he got the luggage out of the trunk and made his way inside.

"Hey Choi where have you been hiding out? I haven't seen you all day?" he questioned with a slight pout. He was really disappointed that he couldn't find him earlier, Choi was the only person that he knew that could calm him down without doing anything and he'd needed that earlier, plus he was just so cool to hang around and time might have gone by quicker instead of the agonizing slowness of earlier.

Then he remembered his earlier suprise and turned to question the arrivals about it while keeping an ear out for Choi's response, he had an odd knack for being able to keep up with what seemed like a million conversations at once, but that might have something to do with his boundless energy, either way no one had ever bothered to put much thought into it before. "So why are there so many of you? I thought that only expecting one person was coming, not that I'm not excited that all of you came, but I just really want to know which one of you actually won the contest and if all of you are going to be staying with us?" he questioned curiously as he tilted his head in confusion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Alice's inner nerd was about to be revealed as she saw the band members of H.O.T.T came out of the mansion. Yuki did most of the talking, he introduced himself and she practically passed out. "I-I'm Arisu, well my English name is Alice." Arisu pushed her big nerdy glasses up and clutched her doll close to her chest her Japanese accent came out "So polite, not that i mean i thought you weren't or anything-" she hit herself on the head "Orokana. (Japanese for stupid)" she muttered to herself in Japanese. She shifted in her shoes and pushed Miranda forward "Shes the winner, were just her friends." Alice felt guilty and embarrassed, 'did I just call them rude?' she wondered to herself.

How emabrrassing, she looked around to notice that the girl band had not arrived yet that would take the heat off of her if they arrived soon. Alice cushioned the knit toy in her arms, 'I must look like a loser, or what if they think I'm fat!' she looked down at her rather petite body 'Oof I wish I hadn't eaten that steak earlier I look like a horse, and I'm in shorts even worse!' She poked her stomach and tried to cover it up using the doll to block the sight of her stomach. When Choi offered that they should go in she waited for everyone else to respond, but stepped out a little.

The setting changes from Exchange Mansion to New York City, New York

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Mi-Hyun "Mio" Kim
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Yuki Hazama

"I'm not that loud, Mio," Yuki protested then turned back to their guests, "I'm so happy to meet all of you and I really hope you enjoy your stay Miranda." Then Choi speaks up and he immediatly nodds in agreement. "Of course, of course, I was just about to suggest the same thing," he stated even though every band member there probably knew that it hadn't even crossed his mind.

Just as he was about to lead the way inside ~ath pulled up and he went silent his grin wilting a bit, allowing them to greet one another, for some reason or another he felt that if he was too hyper around them that one of them would snap at him. Once the initial greetings were done and they were finally making their way inside he grabbed Sai and Miranda's hand in each of his and led them back to the mansion hurriedly all the while talking a mile a minute about nothing in particular.

When they entered the mansion and heard Alice's exclimation at how huge it was his grin came back in full force. "Glad you like it, Arisu, hey I have an idea, why don't all of you guys stay for the night! We have more than enough extra stuff in order to accomidate all of you," Yuki suggested excitedly.