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Blame the Music

Exchange Mansion


a part of Blame the Music, by PrincessBoy.

Living Quarters

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Exchange Mansion

Living Quarters


Exchange Mansion is a part of Blame the Music.

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Alice (Arisu) Yoshida [12] "Oh! I'm really sorry..."
Miranda Abe [10] "Omg, I won?"
Tsuna Exburna [8] "Yep, that's me, Fail-Tsuna,"
Choi Jae-Sun 'ASH' [3] 'Oh yeah~ I am the Ledah!'
Myung "M.G." Lee [2] "I'm the smarter one."

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Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Miranda Abe

This is it! Oh my god!

Miranda Abe was in the back of small black limo, waiting until her stop came. She was fascinated that she got to be picked up by limousine. She's never been in one before, so this makes it so awesome to her. She smiled brightly at her friends who were in the vehicle with her. She was glad that the driver picked up her friends too. She couldn't do anything without her best buds. He fingers were tapping on the seat as her legs were jittery. "Ugh! I can't keep it in any longer!" She breathed in and out. "Thank you so much again guys!" She really couldn't do anything without them. They were the ones who entered her name into the contest. So that made them responsible for her win. "I really, really owe you guys one! Really!" She ran her fingers through his pigtails to keep her calm and steady, which wasn't working very well.

She glanced over to her best friend, who seemed to be trying to fix his watch. "Hey, Tsuna." She smiled big again. "Thanks for coming up with the idea of putting my name into that contest." She patted him on the head before turning her attention back to her hair. She just couldn't wait to meet H.O.T.T. She listened to their music before and seen their videos on YouTube. They are so hot gorgeous. She just couldn't wait to actually talk to them, hug them!

Then the window separating them and the driver opened. "We're here,"he said before the window rolled back up. Miranda immediately rolled down the window and looked outside. "Oh my god! It's so beautiful!" The mansion was huge! The green lawns were sparkling with dew and everything was so pretty. She couldn't believe she was going to be living here for a year.

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Tsunayoshi Exburna

Just, wow.

As if the limousine wasn't cool enough. I mean, a real limousine, like in the movies, and the first he'd even actually ever seen in real life, nevermind ride one. It was cool, with darkened windows, comfortable seating, and of course, you feel famous, and Tsuna, who knows of himself as such a social loser, it was all too exciting. This of course, because his best friend Miranda, won the contest. Miranda seemed all jittery and excited. Tsuna couldn't help but smile.

At the mention of his name, Tsuna turned his head. Miranda was thanking him for comming up with the idea. "Aw, it was nothing," he replied in a cute way, at the patting of his head. Tsuna didn't really even care too much about winning the contest anyway, and with his luck, he'd likely fail anyway, so a favour for a friend didn't seem too bad. Seemed Alice and Sai followed his idea and did the same.

Tsuna knew Miranda really loved the Korean band, H.O.T.T., and looked them up. They weren't up to his full taste, but their music was still good. Fangirls always love boy bands, especially foreign ones. As for the Japanese band, ~ath, Tsuna loved that band. It was on his top 4 favourite bands, being second place. Fourth place was Crush 40, third was Tokio Hotel and first place was Daft Punk. Meeting them would be exciting, but Tsuna was going to try to not look like a total fanboy or a total loser.

When the group was imformed that they were there, Miranda had openned the window. Tsuna's jaw had dropped untill it hit underground gold, and his cheeks were slashed in half by the sides of his face. This place was amazingly beautiful, and more amazingly, it was just for Miranda, all this, and for a year. Dang, you'd think she was a rich girl if you saw her looking out the window, or at least so he pictured. Tsuna felt as if he couldn't move, as if something was constricting him, but that's because he forgot he had the seatbelt on.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Arisu jumped out of the limo happily, "I've always wanted to ride in one of those!" she said stretching herself out and looking at the rather big mansion "Oh your so lucky Miranda!" She smiled at her only female friend and hugged her lightly "Thanks for letting me visit I'm so excited to meet them." She held her hand knit doll in her arms, it was one she had made for fun since she wasn't really in 'love' with anyone. Alice poked the dolls cheeks and gave a rather childish smile, her top two favorite bands were going to be here and she got to meet them herself.

Arisu played with her pigtail and adjusted her redish pink leather football jacket and then her shorts. She playfully turned to her friends and held her arms out latching one hand tightly on her doll "Do I look fine?" Alice waited paticntly for a reply hoping that she would look perfect when she met her favorite bands. She had always been self concious ever since she was a over weight, Alice knew Miranda when she was chubby and the whole diet thing was a big step in her life. In a few moments she latched onto Miranda's shoulder like a child would do to their mother and whispered in her ear "You are the luckiest girl in the whole world!

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Yuki Hazama

He'd been pacing in the livingroom all day waiting for his cell alarm to go off signaling that the winner of their contest was almost there. When it finally did he jumped in suprise before hurriedly turing it off. He just couldn't believe that this was really happening, the fact that so many people entered their contest to spend a whole year with them meant that they'd really made it and that all of his hard work was worth it. He'd proved his parents wrong and for that he just couldn't contain his excitement. At the same time though he was nervous, wondering what this new person would be like.

Unable to stand the wait any longer he moved to peak out of one of the windows in the foyer and stared waiting for the limo to arrive. When it finally pulled up he shouted for evereryone inside to hear, "Hey guys come quick, she's finally here!"

Not wanting to waste another second he opened the door and ran out to greet her. However when he saw four people step out he stopped short for a minute confused because he thought that there was only suppose to be one person. The confusion didn't last long as he thought that meeting more of their fans would be for the better anyway and continued his run. When he was close enough he enveloped all of them in one big hug as he grinned widely at them. "Welcome all of you! It's so great to finally meet you, I'm Yuki Hazama and I hope we have a great year getting to know each other!" he exclaimed excitedly once he let them go.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Yuki Hazama

When Choi came out and introduced himself Yuki immediatly calmed down some. He didn't know why but whenever the older man was around him he always did that, except for when they were getting ready to perform sure he was hyped up but there was also a mellowness to him that allowed him to control himself. As he saw his nervous behavior he smiled up encouragingly at him before turning to the driver. "Hey when you bring the luggage inside, don't forget to grab your tip, I left one for you on one of the dressers," he grinned at him as the driver nodded as he got the luggage out of the trunk and made his way inside.

"Hey Choi where have you been hiding out? I haven't seen you all day?" he questioned with a slight pout. He was really disappointed that he couldn't find him earlier, Choi was the only person that he knew that could calm him down without doing anything and he'd needed that earlier, plus he was just so cool to hang around and time might have gone by quicker instead of the agonizing slowness of earlier.

Then he remembered his earlier suprise and turned to question the arrivals about it while keeping an ear out for Choi's response, he had an odd knack for being able to keep up with what seemed like a million conversations at once, but that might have something to do with his boundless energy, either way no one had ever bothered to put much thought into it before. "So why are there so many of you? I thought that only expecting one person was coming, not that I'm not excited that all of you came, but I just really want to know which one of you actually won the contest and if all of you are going to be staying with us?" he questioned curiously as he tilted his head in confusion.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Sai Mikumi Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Alice's inner nerd was about to be revealed as she saw the band members of H.O.T.T came out of the mansion. Yuki did most of the talking, he introduced himself and she practically passed out. "I-I'm Arisu, well my English name is Alice." Arisu pushed her big nerdy glasses up and clutched her doll close to her chest her Japanese accent came out "So polite, not that i mean i thought you weren't or anything-" she hit herself on the head "Orokana. (Japanese for stupid)" she muttered to herself in Japanese. She shifted in her shoes and pushed Miranda forward "Shes the winner, were just her friends." Alice felt guilty and embarrassed, 'did I just call them rude?' she wondered to herself.

How emabrrassing, she looked around to notice that the girl band had not arrived yet that would take the heat off of her if they arrived soon. Alice cushioned the knit toy in her arms, 'I must look like a loser, or what if they think I'm fat!' she looked down at her rather petite body 'Oof I wish I hadn't eaten that steak earlier I look like a horse, and I'm in shorts even worse!' She poked her stomach and tried to cover it up using the doll to block the sight of her stomach. When Choi offered that they should go in she waited for everyone else to respond, but stepped out a little.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Mi-Hyun "Mio" Kim Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima
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Mi-Hyun "Mio" Kim

Mi-Hyun had been napping all day waiting for the winner to arrive. Napping where, was a good question. If you knew where Aurora was, then you would find him there too. He had been listening to his iPod and leaning up against Aura's shoulder while they waiting, falling asleep in the process. It was all perfect until Yuki started yelling that the winner was here, causing him to get up. He pouted very childishly and rubbed his eyes. "Eh...I was sleeping really good." Hearing Aura speak to him, he cocked his head to the side. "You coming Mio?" He pursed his lips before getting off the couch. "Y-yes!" He ran outside after him, all the while watching the people file out of the limousine. Then he heard a question be asked a million times before he decided to answer it for them. "Maybe, maybe they are her friends and they wanted to meet us too, hyung?" He rubbed his eyes again, still feeling a little tired from the earlier nap. "Neh, I'm still tired...Yuki hyung! You talk to loud!" Mio could really be childish sometimes, but who could blame him? He's only fifteen and he's still immature about things. He's the youngest of the group and no one's really expected him to the mature one. He leaned his head on Aura, closing his eyes and trying to focus on keeping himself awake.

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Character Portrait: Chou Tanaka
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Chou Tanaka

Chou sat in the limo putting the final touches on Eun's self-curled hair that had been put into two high up pig tails. She placed black bows around the bands that lay in her hair. "Perfect!" She smiled and Eun closed her fashion book and looked in the mirror that Chou handed to her. Chou lowered the limo's window "We are soo late, but better late then never!" She sat waiting for the ride to be over when they soon arrived at the mansion. "And we are here!" Chou yelled to everyone and quickly jumped out of the limo "And the party has arrived!" She announced to the group of teenagers...err and pop stars. "Kon'nichiwa everyone I'm Chou of ~ath the leader here and in the flesh."

Chou had nothing to hide except for hello, "Whose our winner?" She asked staring at the group of teenagers a bit confused "err... wasn't there only one of them?" She picked out one that had been pushed forward by one of the girls. Chou turned back to her band "C'mon out everyone and introduce yourselves!" She used her hands to let them know to come out.

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Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Chou Tanaka
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Miranda Abe

Miranda let go of Chou, blushing like mad from the embarrassment. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to latch on...I have no idea what came over me." She gently knocked her head on the side with a playful fist, sticking her tongue out. She perked up at the mention of her friends spending the night and turned to Yuki who was talking to Alice. "Oh! That was the plan actually! I wanted to bring them because they deserve spend at least one night here." She nodded to emphasis hew statement before going over to pic up her bags once again. She heard MinSung talk about heading inside. "Yes, let's go inside now." As she made her way into the mansion, she dropped her bags once again, in awe of the just the foyer. "Wow! Just as beautiful as the outside!"

She picked up her bags again and looked around. "Does anybody know where my room's is?" She caught a glimpse of MinSung walking into a room and followed. She took one look in the kitchen and almost screamed. "Oh my god, I love this kitchen!!!" She gently set her bags on the ground this time and twirled around. "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this!" She then saw MinSung take a bite out of a granola bar and her own stomach grumbled. "Haha, looks like we are both hungry." She walked over and opened the refrigerator, it was full of may ingredients. "Great, this is perfect!" She rolled her sleeves up and undid her pigtails, putting it back up into one ponytail. "Anybody else wanna help me cook?" She then remembered her bags and giggled nervously. "Well, after a put my bags in my room, where ever it is."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Gyeong "G.M." Lee Character Portrait: Myung "M.G." Lee
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Gyeong "G.M." Lee

"You stupid idiot!"

Gyeong's scream could been heard from miles. The diva of H.O.T.T was looking as pretty as ever with his hair slightly disheveled and his clothes a little ruffled. Why was he upset, you say? "Myung! You were supposed to wake me up an hour ago!" He continued to yell at the other figure who was sleeping in the other bed. "Because of you, I have to go to bed late tonight." He huffed and stormed out of the room he oh-so-happened to share with his nerd of a little brother. He had a sleeping schedule to keep up and napping for too long messes it all up. "Can't do anything with you!" He threw one of his pillows at his brother before closing the door loudly.

He made his way up the stares, jumping when he saw the other members and the new faces. He quickly attempted to fix his hair and to make himself presentable. He walked past the people with a 'I-don't-care' attitude and into the kitchen. He saw MinSung first and pursed his lips. "Eh, hyung. I guess the winner's here?" He then saw the other girl in the kitchen and immediately thought the girl was adorable. Not as adorable as Mio, but close to it. "Uh, hello?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Arisu felt a tug on her arm as Miranda had come and gone, before she knew it a member of H.O.T.T had already been dragging her down the hall. Yuki had said something about showing her the tour she felt happy, but somewhat confused "Oh, uh that's not necessary I'll only be here a day. No wait I don't even know if I'll be here a day-" When she had been forced into the room her friend would be staying in she panicked, she had never been in a room with only one boy. "I-It's bigger then my home." She stuttered a little her comfort had no meaning to him, Arisu looked around the room "Watashi wa nani o subekideshou ka?(What should I do?)" She mumbled to herself in Japanese. The debate had begun in her mind, 'should I stay? or should I go?'

"I live with my parents above our shop, its rather small." Alice squirmed a little and edged slowly toward the door "W-We should head back..." She tried not to sound rude, but really she was scared out of her wits. She gently glided to the door reaching for the door knob to leave the rather big room.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Yuki Hazama

Pleased with her reaction he walked in and set the bags on the bed. "That's so cool! I wish I could say that I lived on top of a shop before becoming famous," he said, truly envious of her. "Anyway this tour is for whenever you want to come back over to stay the night or just hang out," he explained as he turned around to face her and caught her backing away from him. It was a first for him, usually girls were thrilled to be with him and practicallly glued themselves to him. Yuki had no idea how to deal with such a reaction and his only thought was that he must have done something wrong. "I'm sorry, what did I do wrong? I promise not to do it again Arisu," he apologized as his smile faded as guilt took over.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Yuki Hazama

"Not only is your life cool, but you are also really cute," he tilts his head to the side curiously. "Why do you need to be on a diet? I mean eating healthier is all well and good but a diet just sounds so... bleh," Yuki stated as he screwed up his face at the thought of having to force some awful thing that had the nerve to call itself food down his throat. "Diet is such a terrible word in my opinon, and eating healthy sound just as bad," as he unsrewed his face to allow a thoughtful look to take over an idea hit him, "I know you should call it a life style choice or maybe say eating well. It sounds so much better..." As he said this he realized that he'd just picked at her wording, proably makng himself out as some jerk and he began to blush. "Sorry to nit-pick on your wording like that, it's just that that sort of thing is important to my art and it sometimes overflows into my daily life," he apologized.

"Anyway, I don't need free food, I make so much money I don't know what to do with it all so I donate at least half of it, but thanks for the offer," Yuki thanked her. "Oh..." he said in reply to her explanation of her nervous behavior and he gave her a soft smile, "Well if I do anything to make you nervous be sure tell me or I probably won't catch on. My obliviousness is actually the reason that my last girlfriend dumped me about three weeks ago. You might not believe this but I've only been in three relationships since I started dating." As he revealed this to her he scratched the back of his head nervously as he walked out the room.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Choi Jae-Sun 'ASH' Character Portrait: Eun Park Character Portrait: Gyeong "G.M." Lee Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Miranda Abe

Miranda jumped at the sound of yelling. "What on earth-" Her question was cut off when the person who was doing the yelling walked into the kitchen. "Eh, hyung. I guess the winner's here? Uh, hello?" Miranda sheepishly waved and was in awe of Gyeong's appearance. He was beautiful, even with his appearance being a little disheveled. "Uh, uh...yeah. The name's Miranda Abe, it's very nice to meet you!" She bowed before stepping a bit closer and bringing out her hand to him to shake. "Um, well...They were only going to stay tonight, but I guess they're gonna stay anyway since Arisu did pack very big." She sweatdropped at the realization. Guess they were planning this behind my back, oh well. They deserve this as much as I do. She perked up when Eun Park from ~ath walked in a grabbed food and then giggled when MinSung also grabbed something from the fridge. "Well, I can make something Korean if you want? And then tomorrow can be Japanese? I like the idea." She happily closed the fridge and thought of something to cook. "How about Gujeolpan? I know it's usually made during weddings and other important events, but this is pretty much a big event for everyone, so I thought it's perfect for us." As she finished saying what she said, Jae-Sun walked in. Her vody stopped for a minute as her whole face turned red. The Jae-sun?! He was her favorite from H.O.T.T. as Chou was her favorite from ~ath. When she finally remembered to breath, she quickly made her way to him, but her head was facing her feet. She shakily rose her hand to him so he could shake it. "Um, um...uh...I'm Miranda...T-the winner..." She was really nervous as she bit her lip gently. "I-I...I'm a r-really big fan of you...W-well, I like a-all of H.O.T.T., but you are m-my favorite...Uh, I-I mean..." Now she was rambling on like a crazy fan. At least she didn't faint or attack him.

She cleared her throat before moving over to her bags and picking them up. "Well! Anybody care to take me to my room? Afterwards, I shall start dinner?" Miranda saw Tsuna and smiled towards him. She knew how bad he was at cooking, but he was always so glad to help. Though, he was good at following her orders. "Hey, Tsuna. You can help me cook okay. Like in cooking class?" She giggled and gave him a thumbs up. That day in cooking class was how their friendship started. He was burning the cupcakes, so she walked over to him and became his partner, After that, the just clicked. She trusted him with a lot of things and he never disappointed her. "Tsuna, let's go to my room!" She put her bags down again and held his hands. She turned her head to the others in the kitchen. Since Eun just got here, she wouldn't know where her room was. MinSung or Jae-Sun, shudder, would know. "Do you guys know where it is?"

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Character Portrait: Mi-Hyun "Mio" Kim Character Portrait: Aurora "Aura" Higashima
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Mi-Hyun "Mio" Kim

Mio huffed when Aura didn't move when he nudged him, but then when he gave in he smiled in victory and made their way to their room, downstairs. He literally glued himself to Aura on the stairs, knowing himself to probably trip because of his tiredness. After the last step, they went into the direction of their room, passing Gyeong's and Myung's room, which was wide open. Opening the door to their room, he let go of Aura and jumped onto his bed, snuggling his face in Aura's pillow. It smelled just like him. He peeked his eyes from the pillow and looked over at Aura, who was still in the doorway. "Neh, neh...Aura hyung." The maknae blushed slightly and held his hand out, motioning him to come over.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Yuki Hazama

Yuki was content with listening to this girl talk, taking mental notes on everything she said, he was serious when he said that he thought that she was cute and when he found out that she came from a very humble background he thought that at the very least he might be able to make a genuine friendship with her. "My music," he replies absently to her question as a far away look comes to his eyes, "For as long as I can remember music has been the only thing that's always been there for me, even when things seemed their most depressing it was there to light my way and help me sort things out. I don't know about the others, but I for one keep a personal journal where I write lyrics and music that isn't published and hasn't even been shown to anyone."

Never one to be in a solemn state for long he immediatly perked up and looked up at where Arisu was at the top of the staircase. "Though I'm sure none of my stuff would compare to yours, maybe I could listen to you play sometime," he suggested happily at the thought, then realizing that he was being pushy he immediatly ammended himself, "Of course if you don't want to I won't push you to. And if you don't mind, I'd like to join you for that camp thing you were talking about, it sounds fun and I've never been to camp before so it'll be a new experience for me."

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Yuki Hazama

At hearing her cry, Yuki felt his heart break for her like it did whenever he saw someone so sad, and hearing her talk about her parents he felt like he understood how she felt in a way. He quietly climbed the stairs to were she was and gently wrapped his arm around her in a comforting hug. "Don't worry about it, maybe you just need to let it out on someone and don't call yourself a cry baby, you have every right to cry about this. Feeling like you were abandoned is the worst thing in the world, I know because my own parents degrade me every chance they get. I know that it isn't the same thing but I think that the hurt is close enough. At least by the sounds of it, your adoptive parents are supportive of you and are fo you as their own," he revealed as he rested his forhead on her shoulder to hide his sad expression.

This was something that only those in H.O.T.T. knew about and he'd only told them after they got fed up with him being all mopey every time he either got off the phone with his parents or came back from visiting them and forced the reason out of him. After they found out though they just let him be for the most part but he always went to either Choi or Yama for comfort and support from then on. He didn't know why he was telling her this but he figured that it was a fair trade in information. A small smile then crept to his face when he heard that she'd allow him to go to camp with her. "That would be really nice, but I don't need to be paid it can be a volunteer thing and if you don't want to share you're music that's fine, I won't force you," Yuki reiterated, his happiness for being able to go to camp with her only slightly dampened at not being able to hear her music.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida
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Arisu "Alice" Yoshida

Arisu felt arms wrap around her gently, she blushed and pushed away quickly. She felt uncomfortable now, no boy had hugged her that wasn't her father. "E-Excuse me..." She said then avoided Yuki to get to the staircase, quickly she walked faster to the exit of the library. Alice finally turned several corners to the back of the house, she greeted the fresh air and ran to the side of the mansion. Arisu stopped and leaned against the home slowly sinking to the grass that lay on the ground, she wrapped her arms around her legs and removed her glasses.

Alice wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket and breathed in heavily. "I think I'm alone now." She whispered to herself, 'that was awkward.' she thought to herself, 'I don't want anything like that to happen so quickly.' Alice brushed the ground with her figures and looked up at the sky.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Alice (Arisu) Yoshida Character Portrait: Choi MinSung
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Yuki Hazama

Not knowing what he did wrong Yuki immediatly tried to go after her but as he made it to the door to the library she was already gone. Searching through-out the mansion he made sure not to call her name in case she hid from him again he couldn't find her. Disappointed and not knowing what else to do he turned to the only source of comfort that he knew and made his way to the kitchen hoping that he was still there. As he entered the kitchen he stood in the doorway quietly with a guilty look on his face as he waited to be acknowledged by Choi.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Choi MinSung
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Yuki Hazama

Shaking his head to indicate that he didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone. Instead he ran to him and hugged him as tightly as he could, afraid that he'd push him away and take off as well even though that'd never happened before. Taking in his scent his irrational fear drifted away as he loosened his hold but didn't let him go altogether, still needing that comfort. Yuki felt guilty that he'd done something horrible to make Arisu run and hide from him but at the same time he was confused because he couldn't figure out what he'd done wrong. "I did something... but I don't know what..." he muttered quietly so that only Choi could hear him.

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Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Choi MinSung
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Yuki Hazama

He relaxed when he felt circles being traced on his back and was greatful when Choi lead them away from everyone to the empty dining room. Following his example he moved a chair and sat in one of his own then folded his arms and rested his head on them with his head turned towards his friend. "I don't know what I did, I thought that I was doing the right thing but then she ran off on me," Yuki immediatly started at the end of problem as usual.

Sighing he closed his eyes briefly to gather his thoughts before backtracking and recounting the events from the beginning. "Well you know that girl that came with the winner? Arisu? Well after I took off with Miranda's bags I took Arisu with me to drop them off in her room and so that I could give her a tour of the house. Anyway, we get to talking and when I turn around to face her I see her trying to run off on me and I ask her if I did anything wrong and she says no that she's panicing for no reason. I thought that it was weird, because girls don't usually do that to me but then she blushed and she just looked really cute and I told her that. We're talking about what her home is like and that she even has her own garden, which I think is cool.Then I take her hand and lead her to the library," up until this point a small smile had been his face but now the look of guilt came back as he paused in his story.

"All I asked was what she liked to do for fun. I was happy to find out that she liked to play and write music and that she painted too and that she was a camp councilor. Arisu said that I could join her at camp this summer but when I asked about listening to her music she told me some things and started crying. I did the only thing I knew to try to comfort her, I hugged her and told her how my parents were since she'd already told me about her own. The next thing I knew she'd pushed me away and took off so fast I lost sight of her before I even made it to the door, I tried looking for her but I couldn't find her. What did I do wrong Choi? How do I fix it?" Yuki asked, finally done with his recount of the events and still helplessly confused.

"I just don't get it I even told her to tell me if I did anything that made her uncomfortable because I wouldn't know otherwise," he mumbled to himself.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi MinSung Character Portrait: Choi Jae-Sun 'ASH' Character Portrait: Myung "M.G." Lee Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Miranda Abe

Miranda's blush grew big time when she heard Jae-Sun was going to show her to her room. The Jae-Sun taking to her room?! I must be dreaming, she thought, but then smacked herself gently to wake her out of it. She saw Myung walk in, trying to talk to Gyeong, but MinSung told him to go put on a shirt. Seeing his abs didn't take the breathe right out of her. Who knew the smartypants of the group was so muscular. She breathed in and out, nodding at Jae-Sun. "Okay, let's go on the tour before I start dinner!" She was really looking forward to making dinner. it was going to be so much fun. When Yuki came into the room looking guilty, she shooed it away, but when he and MinSung went to the dining room to speak in private, she wondered what happened. He was with Arisu, wasn't he? What happened...? She immediately thought what she thought happened and brought out a finger to Jae-Sun and Tsuna. She sneakily walked over to MinSung and Yuki. Hearing what they said, she always had good hearing, she stepped in.

"I'm for whatever happened...,"she bowed politely. "Arisu's had a very hard time and is very shy. She's not...well, how to put it? Um, she takes affection very seriously when it comes to guys...When you hugged her she might of thought you gonna kiss her, or something along those lines." Miranda showed her hands in a defensive way. "Sorry if this was supposed to be a private talk, but I know Arisu so I probably knew the problem. She doesn't like taking things very far and just thought the worst." She bowed again before moving over to Yuki. She patted him on the head and smiled. "It'll be okay. Give her a few hours and she'll be back to normal." She walked back over to Jae-Sun and Tsuna. "To my room then?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama Character Portrait: Miranda Abe Character Portrait: Choi Jae-Sun 'ASH' Character Portrait: Tsuna Exburna
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Miranda Abe

"W-wait! That's not what I...meant." It was Miranda's turn to pout. "She not afraid of you, she just...Doesn't want to...go so fast." When Yuki left she stomped her feet once, kind of like a child would when they don't get what they want. "Uh...I ruined everything." She sighed and groaned. "She was just afraid she was gonna be attacked...I know he would never do that and she probably knew that, but it's just a fear that she's always had. And the pat on the head supposed to be degrading!" She continued to pout. "I always pat my friends heads...Like Tsuna here!" Soon, her mood went back up to smiles as she hopped over to Tsuna and Jae-Sun. She patted Tsuna's head and giggled.


She was almost done with dinner, she needed to put the food on the plates and gather everyone up. "Okay, people! Dinner time!"

[Sorry, I time skipped it to get to the point. Sorry for people who were really into their RPs with one another, but yeah. Aura, will just continue ours just like it is...]

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hazama
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Yuki Hazama

He heard Choi's voice echo down the stairs but he didn't move from where he was. Instead he just closed his eyes and pretended the world around him didn't exist anymore. As he layed there, words began to flow into his mind and he pulled out his notebook from inbetween his matresses and got a pen that he kept on a nearby dresser and began to write. While he wrote, in the back of his mind he was hoping that dinner would finish soon so that his roommate, Yama, would come to bed soon so that he wouldn't be alone anymore.