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Mikado Gaidosu

Sing Your Song, Enjerikku Shojo

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a character in “Bleach: The Dying Of The Light”, as played by ZombieGil


Name: Mikado Gaidosu
Age: 439
Occupation: Captain of Squad 8
Themesong: (For fun)

Personality: Mikado is the epitome of a free man. He has no care for his appearance and acts on his own whim. This usually results in his haori being wrapped around his waist, instead of being worn traditionally. Mikado claims that he can fight, but rarely shows the drive to support it. He also shows his simple laziness by having poor attendance to meetings and sleeping in. Mikado himself enjoys combat, the beat laid down when two swordsmen fight. But he often finds fighting to be too much work, he'd rather spend his time sleeping or listening to music. Although, Mikado is a professional people watcher, noticing the trends and quirks of a person. A key trait to Mikado is his ability to hone in on slight movements to judge the direction, force and such for an enemy combatant. He'll often use this ability to catch women at the perfect time so he can hit on them. He just can't stay away from them; even keeping track of all his rejections on his arm.

Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu) Level: Vast; uncontrollable
Reiatsu Appearance: While Enjeru is released, Mikado's Reiatsu resembles musical notation and is lavender in color. When Mikado and Enjeru harmonize, Mikado's Reiatsu turns into a darker violet, showing more concentration.

Zanpakuto Name: Enjerikku Shojo (Angelic Maiden) - Nicknamed Enjeru (Angel)
Zanpakuto Sword Appearance: Not Available; Mikado keeps Enjeru released at all times.

Zanpakuto Spiritual Form Appearance:

Shikai Release Command and Appearance: Sing Your Song, Enjerikku Shojo (Angelic Maiden)

Shikai Abilities: In her released state, Enjeru becomes a vented Katana. There are multiple slits throughout Enjeru that cause the blade to not only to lose mass, but vibrate more vigorously after collisions.
~Greatly Enhanced Reiatsu Control - Through Enjeru's requirement of constant Reiatsu support, Mikado can control his Reiatsu.
~Kyomei - (Resonate) When Mikado strikes Enjeru against a foreign object (oftentimes himself) while simultaneously reciting 'Kyomei', the vibrations that follow resonate with Mikado's Reiatsu. The resonating frequency can cause drowsiness, nausea and even disorientation to all surrounding people; friend or foe. It can be blocked by concentrated reiatsu and high level Bakudō.
~Utaimasu - (Sing) This technique is similar to Kyomei except that it requires synchronization, rather than resonance. The range of this technique is much smaller and essentially requires the target(s) to be within a few feet of Enjeru. For this technique, Enjeru releases a high frequency that synchronizes with Mikado's Reiatsu; the wavelengths match and thus amplify the effect. The synchronized sound can cause brief loss of hearing. This technique can also result in the disruption of one's balance and vision.
~Kaze no Dansu - (Dance of Wind) This technique utilizes the vented form of Enjeru. Mikado will twirl Enjeru causing wind to flow through the vents of the blade; the wind that passes through can be directed as extensions of the blade or as a shield. It can generally block any physical manifestations, including elemental attacks.
~Datenshi no Uta - (Song of the Fallen Angel) Initiating this technique requires Mikado to have a fighting will. The technique uses the resonance of Enjeru in combination with Mikado's Reiatsu. Together, the resonance enables Enjeru to launch short burst of pure Reiatsu. The pure Reiatsu bursts literally eat (most if not all) manifested Reiatsu it comes into contact with.

Bankai Release Command and Appearance: Sing Aloud, Dance Freely! Koishii Enjeru no Kyoku (Beloved Angel of Music)

Bankai Abilities: Enjeru sealed her Bankai state from Mikado for his laziness and disregard of her opinion. Mikado only knows the release command from his one time excess to the Enjeru's Bankai before Mikado's promotion to Captain. (That's when he really became lazy)

Powers and Abilities: Mikado was always too lazy to honestly try Kidō. He made it by with the absolute minimum requirements of the Gotei 13; Bakudō level 30 and Hadō level 33. When Mikado tries to use his Kidō, the spell will most likely combust into a ball of fire and die before even finishing the incantation. As for Shunpo, Mikado has a knack for over shooting his desired location. His unstable reiatsu is often the blame for his sporadic movements. Mikado is a highly skilled swordsman; not able to fight without using Enjeru's techniques, but also being able to fight multiple foes simultaneously. Mikado is also ambidextrous and can use his Zanpakuto's sheath as a guard. Despite his excelled swordsmanship, the only ability Mikado stakes his pride in is his ability to "follow the tempo" and "sight read his foes", in other words; his incredible combat perception.
Some Notes: Mikado has huge issues controlling his reiatsu and uses Enjeru to help stabilize it. He is almost always seen carrying Enjeru around in her Shikai form, hence his Zanpakuto is rarely seen outside Shikai form. Enjeru is a rather violent Zanpakuto. She loves combat and hates Mikado's lazy attitude. They often bicker since Mikado usually refuses to fight; this has caused Enjeru to seal her Bankai until Mikado will agree to her terms. When Mikado and Enjeru fight as a team, their attacks become significantly more dangerous.

So begins...

Mikado Gaidosu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune
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(OOC: Just a note for how my characters talk; Whenever I use bold, it is my characters actually talking... and when I use italics, it's their thoughts. Whenever there is something that is neither bold nor italics, it's someone else talking. :D I hope that's clear!)

Ashido Hotaru

The night was quaint; it was the one year anniversary of Captain Kayasaki's capture. For Ashido, this night that was supposedly full of celebration and cheer sat wrong in his eyes. What was the point of celebrating the failure of the Gotei 13 in apprehending one of their own. They weren't even able to defeat Captain Kayasaki, two substitute soul reapers did. 'How stupid; celebrating failure...' Ashido was usually one to enjoy drinking, but not tonight, something didn't feel right to him. Ashido looked up to notice the late arrival of Captain Mugen, "Sorry, Commander. A member from my Squad had something important to relay to me." Ashido wasn't impressed with this captain; so relaxed, so calm on this night. "Oh yeah? I bet you just fell asleep again." Captain Mika responded to Captain Mugen's apology with a sneer remark, that was something Ashido knew all too well. 'That's something I would've said...' Ashido couldn't help but chuckle slightly, maybe Captain Mika wasn't so bad. Either way, Ashido couldn't shake his unease at the situation, he honestly just wanted to get away from the Captains and such; maybe take a brief trip around the Seireitei.

He left his thoughts just as the Head Captain began one of his never-ending speeches, yet this one was significantly cut short. 'All the better for me.' After the brief speech from the Head Captain, Ashido noticed that Captain Yuri appeared to be having a relative good time, as were most of the captains. As he looked around at each attendee, most everyone was here. The only officers that weren't attending this party were Lieutenants Quen and Mikoto, an interesting pair to say the least. As Ashido kept to himself, his ear began to itch ever-so slightly. His eyes beamed around the table, ensuring that nobody was talking about him. 'Must've been my imagination...' He watched as Captain Nura rose from her seat and began taking a brief stroll, he sneered quietly at the 'new' Captain's self removal from the uneasy situation. 'She's so... awkward. It's like she doesn't fit in.' He couldn't help but feel she wasn't exactly the best (wo)man for the captain position, either way, it wasn't his decision to make. On top of that, Ashido was becoming slightly irritated at Lieutenant Ayami for offering her services as a server for the feast. He didn't feel like it was necessary, nor appropriate for a Lieutenant to do the work of a lower class officer.

Mikado Gaidosu

For once in a great while, Mikado wasn't the late attendee. He was relatively surprised since he felt that tonight would be too upbeat for him and figured he should just stay in the barracks and sleep. That was until Enjeru heard about this celebration and practically forced Mikado to attend. He sighed as Mugen took his seat, completely ignoring the quick exchange Mugen shared with Mika. The entire concept of celebrating the anniversary of the capture of a traitor was just a little odd in Mikado's eyes. 'Why couldn't we have just taken the day off instead?' He figured sleeping all day would've been of greater benefit than a party. It took a moment for Mikado to realize that the Head Captain had risen from his seat in order to present a speech. 'The Head Captain's going to speak.' Mikado hunched over slightly so that his elbows rested on the table before him and his hands could support his head, "Nap time" he spoke softly as he quickly dosed off, assuming that the Head Captain's speech would take up a considerable amount of time. To Mikado's despair, the speech was nowhere near the usual length and he didn't have but a moment to close his eyes. 'Fufufufu, serves you right, Mikado!' Enjeru cackled abruptly in the brief silence that followed. 'Oh shut up...' Mikado was nowhere near pleased with Enjeru, always making him work when he could sleep, she was such a pain.

It took some time for Mikado to actively liven up a bit. He drank a little, giving him a light buzz which was accompanied by a nice full stomach. "This isn't so bad." He commented within the vast table-talk conversations that were transpiring. Now, if only he could find himself a lovely lady for the night, that just might top it off nicely. He looked around rather aimlessly, taking mental notes on the nearby women. The only two within short distance were his Lieutenant, Ayami and the new-er Captain Nura. It was rather easy to assume Ayami would refuse his offer, like always, plus she was one of the little server-girls. She couldn't ditch this joint, she had a 'duty' to serve at the feast. "Always helping, so typical of you, Ayami." He sang in a soft, charming voice just within earshot of his Lieutenant; who was serving Captain Yuri some more beverage. Within one moment, the new-er Captain, Nura had risen and taken a few steps away from the table. Mikado immediately laid on his back as he called out the fleeing captain, "Captaaaiiin Nura! Please come back, I want to talk to yooouuu." He slurred a few words in a slightly 'lovey dovey' way, just so Nura would be inclined to join him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu
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The white haired young captain was drawn back into the real world by a rather annoyingly loud exclamation coming from directly behind her. It seemed that her hopes of moving further off so she could hear herself think over the revelry had been dashed, for she had been noticed on her way away from the table, specifically by another Captain who she knew enough through reputation to make up for her relative lack of personal interaction with him.

Captain Gaidosu was everything that Captain Nura was not. Unlike Rin, he was lazy, seeming to completely lack any sort of drive to do his job. He took things easy, letting his subordinates handle his issues whilst he relaxed. Him doing any sort of fighting was almost entirely unheard of, and on top of that, he was the antithesis of the dignity and order Captain Nura strove for as a commander in the Gotei 13. But the most bizarre streak of his character in comparison to her own orthodox personality was, without a doubt, his flirtatious attitude. Either he thought he was a gift to women everywhere, or he just didn't care. Nura was rather inclined to believe the latter, given that he seemed to be apathetic about everything else, so why not about what people thought of him as well?

It was fairly obvious he had been drinking, given the slur in his voice, although she had a feeling that was more intentional than not. The meaning behind his words was equally obvious, given his reputation. She sighed. It looked like she wouldn't be getting any peace and quiet for a bit longer. Composing herself, she turned her stoic amber gaze upon the lounging captain behind her, leisurely turning to face him with a calm, if ever-so-slightly forced smile.

"Is there something I can help you with, Captain Gaidosu?" Rin said as placidly as she could, not wanting to seem egotistical by jumping to conclusions, even if they were obvious ones. No, it would be much more prudent and dignified to deal with this in a calm, composed manner, as befitted a captain of the Gotei 13. Besides, if she shot him down right off the bat, he could still rope her into a conversation by joking about how that hadn't been what he meant at all, and that would be a pain to deal with. Although she would doubtless be forced to talk to him anyway, the least she could do was to maintain a level of politeness and formality that suited her rank. Acting rashly would help nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune
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Ashido Hotaru

The scene was loosening up quite abit. Ashido cool feel the tension in the air fading away. That was all abruptly interrupted by a pat on the back. Ashido never took direct contact lightly, but he didn't react since he could hear his Captains voice follow. "I think im going to barracks if any thing happens you can fill me in later." Ashido didn't even bother to turn around. "Aye Captain, I'll let you know if I hear anything." He knew this was coming, Captain Katsuro would leave every celebration, every party, every scenario he didn't care for as soon as he could. It was simply what his Captain chose to do. It didn't bother him now, but before, when Ashido was just promoted to Lieutenant, it angered him. 'Why is he even a Captain when he can't take the time to stay for the proper ceremonies?' That single thought always nestled itself in Ashido's mind, taxing his innermost thoughts. In any case, it wouldn't matter what Ashido thought, the Head Captain positioned Captain Katsuro and most likely go back on his decision without proper reasoning.

Ashido noticed Captain Mikado laying on the ground as he called out to his new victim; Captain Nura. A wise-ass smirk crept upon Ashido's face as he saw the victim spin around and pull an obviously fake smile on the perverted Captain. 'Serves you right, black sheep.' Although he detested Captain Mikado for his laziness and overall terrible attitude as a captain, he almost could admit he disliked the new Captain Nura even more. She was promoted to Captain over himself, who was obviously a better candidate. It wouldn't matter what Ashido thought since his own captain obviously needed him. Without Ashido, Captain Katsuro would be one terrible captain, or at least that's how Ashido saw it.

Mikado Gaidosu

Her gaze was rather apathetic, something Mikado was all to familiar with. It was only convenient that her somewhat radiant smile broke through her apathetic expression. 'This is going wells so far.' From here, the conversation could go one of two paths, but Mikado was familiar with only one; rejection. How he hated that word so much scorn; it plagued his life constantly. "Welllll... you Could stop being formal with me." He snickered a little, deciding to sit up and spin around so their conversation would be more proper. "And my name isn't 'Captain Gaidosu' little one, it's Mikado." He was being quite serious despite the devilish smirk that crossed his face. He figured Ayami, or any other woman in the Gotei 13, warned her of his antics. These antics weren't meant to harm anyone though, so why did they treat him so? That was a question that he never could answer himself, and Enjeru obviously wouldn't aid him with such a trivial matter.

The room was still rather lively despite the loathing of the situation. It was something rather obvious to Mikado, everyone didn't care for this celebration, they honestly wanted to finish their respective work or sleep. Either way, Nura wasn't the only person trying to leave. In fact, Captain Katsuro left rather abruptly, leaving Lieutenant Ashido like always. "So, I was gonna ask if you wanted to take a nice, quiet stroll with me. But, I can see from your expression that you'd rather spend your time returning to your Squad work." The guild card, a Mikado favorite; such a good trick to getting someone to cooperate with you. "Either way is fine with me, it's your decision." He clasped his mouth as he yawned rather quietly. The night was still quite young, how could he be tired already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu
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"Even if this is a celebratory revel, it is still a ceremony. Therefore, a certain level of respect and decorum is to be maintained, is it not?" The young captain said calmly, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her smile faltered a bit when he referred to her as "little one," a nickname she rather despised. She was of average height, damnit! Why did it have to be that she was surrounded by people taller than her despite that?! People treating her like an inexperienced and foolish child just because she was new on the job and younger than most was one of the most irritating things in the world to the young captain. She had worked her hardest to stand on equal footing with her fellow captains, and yet they still treated her like some sort of insignificant, placeholder brat! She was going to have to prove her worth soon, or one of these times, she'd just snap when she heard someone speak those two accursed words in that condescending, sly, no, downright mocking tone.

"I was planning on taking a nice, quiet stroll myself," Rin said, doing her best to sound unfazed by Mikado's jab at her. Of course, any activity involving you wouldn't be nice, or quiet, now would it? She refrained from speaking the second sentiment out loud, thankfully, but she couldn't resist making a little jab of her own. After all, Captain Gaidosu had left himself wide open.

"But," she added, a slightly cold undertone to her voice, although her placid smile stayed in place as though it was the only expression she'd ever had. "If you don't mind me saying so, I was under the impression you preferred taking such strolls with women your own age. Aren't I a little on the young side for your tastes, Mikado?" Dropping her formality for just one moment, she smiled cheerfully, belying the ominous tone with which she spoke. This was a perfect turnabout. Now he would know that if he was rejected outright, it would be wholly his own fault. That'd make him think twice about teasing her and trying to test his infamously bad charisma at the same time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu
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Ashido Hotaru

The unease was growing within, something was bothering Ashido. He couldn't sense anything odd, no fluctuations in anyone's reiatsu, nothing. 'What's wrong with me today...' This went on until a massive outburst of an all too familiar reiatsu overwhelmed the air. Head Captain Gensaiken had risen from his seat, giving all attendees a look signaling that they should get moving. Ashido immediately hopped up and fled the hall, he was part of the first few to dart off. "Captain... Katasaki..." He didn't care for the man in any way, shape or form, but something about the man made his blood boil. He was moving fast, almost as if he was flying towards the Squad 2 Holding Cells. "Captain Katsuro!" In the heat of the moment, Ashido didn't even consider finding his captain and getting his help. It probably wouldn't matter, Katsuro wasn't an idiot, he would be able to notice the vast pit of spiritual pressure that was basically engulfed the atmosphere.

Despite the immense spiritual pressure radiating from what was obviously Ex-Captain Kayasaki, Ashido was ready to fight whoever stood in his way. He was rather glad to he avoided drinking since it would've thrown him considerably off his game, that was something he couldn't afford at the time. Now was the time Ashido would exhibit his combat prowess and use his bankai for the third time. 'I hope you're ready Hageshii Rakurai...' Ashido knew that comment was unnecessary, Hageshii Rakurai was the embodiment of a storm, he of all people knew when something bad was about to happen. 'Maybe you were trying to keep me on my toes, huh Rakurai?' He continued the rather long trek to the Squad 2 Holding Cells, almost excited to get a crack at that traitor.

Mikado Gaidosu

The rather obvious expression from Captain Nura was of annoyance when Mikado mentioned "little one", he found it funny how she took such a comment so seriously. He couldn't help but crack a slight smile. "No, I agree... Respect, decorum, all that jazz is important at ceremonies, but even the Head Captain is relaxing here. I take that as a sign to relax and drop the formalities. Don't you agree, little one?" He just couldn't help but to entice the new Captain further. 'Man, it's so easy to get her started.' Again, Mikado was brought to just a small smile with a little chuckle to match. "A nice, quiet stroll by yourself? That doesn't sound nearly as entertaining as a walk with someone else..."

It was at that point that she continued. "But" Captain Nura then proceeded to crack a little smile. "If you don't mind me saying so, I was under the impression you preferred taking such strolls with women your own age. Aren't I a little on the young side for your tastes, Mikado?" Mikado laughed quite vigorously, although it wasn't too loud as to avoid too much attention. "You're a funny one, I'll give you that." He patted the girl on the head lightly. "Who all said I wanted to do that with the likes of you?" He laughed just abit more, feeling that his usual antics were finally catching up with him. All that ran through his head was Ayami, or honestly any woman of the Seireitei, going up to the new Captain Nura and warning her. Blast, it was all too funny for Mikado. "Sorry, but, honestly! Me and you?!?" He kept laughing eventually placing his hand over his face to help calm down. "Sorry again, but yea, honestly you believed I was aiming for that? Come on, I'm no idiot, and you are right; I only chase after girls of my age, or at least those who have a more adult appearance."

It was after Mikado's last comment that the unfortunate occurred; Kayasaki's spiritual pressure flooded the air. "Shit..." Mikado couldn't refrain from uttering such language, in front of a lady mind you, as the Head Captain stood to open the hall doors. "I sure hope you're up for a brief walk now. It looks like serious business." Mikado was still a tad bit drunk, although it hadn't been long from his last drink, albeit he hadn't had much. He rose to his feet while keeping a slight slouch. He snatched Enjeru from the floor beside his seat. 'I hope you're ready for some action Enjeru, cuz I ain't' He looked down at Nura with dreary mist in his eyes. "I hope you're ready for this." He offered his hand to the girl. "I'm stickin' with you, whenever you're ready, I'll follow." Mikado wasn't doubtful that Captain Nura was loyal to the Gotei 13, but she must've had a connection with Kayasaki; he was her former Captain. Most lieutenants form some sort of bond with their captains, it's only natural. Either way, someone needed to keep an eye on Nura and considering the circumstances, Mikado was the lucky dog.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu
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"I was under the impression you were more of the 'everything that moved' persuasion, actually. I'm glad to see I was wrong," The young captain said, controlling her irritation at being spoken to so condescendingly as best she could, and failing. Fortunately for her, something happened at just that moment to take her mind away from her anger: an explosion of reiatsu that came out of nowhere.

"That's... Kayasaki?!" Rin exclaimed, turning her head toward the second division. Well, it seemed someone had a very ironic sense of humor. What better time to break Jin out of prison than when they were busy celebrating putting him there in the first place? "Damnit! I knew something was wrong with this feast! There's no time to talk! Let's go!" Brushing aside the drunk Captain's hand - he would only slow her down as she flash stepped to the scene, considering he'd probably be more than a little tipsy - she gestured to her lieutenant, then took off. Fortunately, she had her sword on her, which meant she could respond quickly. As she leaped into the air on a small jet of her own spiritual pressure, she concentrated, then accelerated, vanishing in the blink of an eye as she shot toward the prisons like a rocket.

"Bathe the tumultuous heavens in your azure light, Raikogaeshi Himorogi," She muttered, drawing her zanpakuto. It was already transforming by the time the blade was visible, and by the time it was drawn, it was already in shikai. Raiko, I'm going to need you to focus entirely on reiatsu absorption. We're going to need a lot of power just to scratch Jin, and you know it. I'll prepare him a nice welcome on my own, so don't worry about focusing on offense. You already know what the plan is.

As the young captain tore through the night, her long white hair trailing out behind her, she began to murmur, her reiatsu beginning to build up. The prisons would be in sight any minute now. Once they were, she'd just need to wait for an opening, and then dive in. Her time in the stealth force before she had transferred to Division 10 had taught her this much.

"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny. Grow numb and flicker. Disrupt sleep," Rin chanted as she flew, preparing the first step in her attack plan...

(OOC: I'm gonna wait until someone else attacks, then make my move. Dex, if you'd be willing to do a co-op post with the little attack combo I asked about, that'd be great. Then I'd be out of the way for other people to do all their awesome stuff.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Midori Shisuia Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Zane Onitacchi Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune Character Portrait: Jin Kayasaki
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Yuri Hitsuki

"Please tell me it's just the booze," Yuri said. Yet, the immense pressure he felt and the burning purple light couldn't have been. The calm but quick actions of the Commander and the stone serious faces told him, no, he wasn't just that drink. Marvelous. He was in no state for this, going drink for drink with Mika managed to do that to him, and unlike the rest of the captains, he didn't have an off switch the turn his drunkenness off. Yuri shakily made his way to his feet, making heavy use of Mika's shoulder. Alas, this was the job of a Captain, and inebriated or not, he needed to do it. He rolled his shoulders once, feeling the familiar weight of Hououtenku on his back. He could feel her cold glare in his mind, but knowing Hoen, she'd want nothing else than to be on the front line fighting. A far cry from what he wanted to do, but still. It was his job.

"Tsukishima," He called to his Lieutenant, a dutiful boy who may might make a fine captain some day. The boy stood and saluted, awaiting his orders. "Round up Squad Seven. Form up a distance away though, don't want you to get caught in his spiritual pressure," it was all he could do without getting in the way. A man like Jin could easily crush his entire squad if he just threw them at him, "Do whatever you can to support the Captains from a distance," He added. He then rubbed his face, obviously not enjoying the turn the night made. "Good luck," he added before turning to the door and vanishing.

The way wasn't too hard to find. Just follow the big ass spear of light in the distance. He stepped along the roofs of the Seireitei and then came upon the scene. Of course, he wasn't the first one there, that honor went to the substitute soul reaper, and the Captains of squads Ten and Five. Yuri caught himself wondering where Onitacchi was. It was odd for a man so in love with battle to be late like this. Or perhaps that was the booze still talking. Either way, it would still be a dangerous fight and Yuri tried his best to focus himself. He could feel Hoen scolding in his mind for being a drunk. A real warrior is always ready for battle. A real warrior loves battle. Such a feisty one, that Hoen.

In order to pacify her just for a bit, Yuri allowed himself to draw Hououtenku over his shoulder, though he did not unleash his Shikai. That was for real warriors. He held his blade in both hands. "Hey! Substitute!" He called Midori, "Don't get killed," He added.

Amy Keifune

A pitcher shattered on the floor, alcohol soaking into the tiles below. Amy didn't expect such a awesome display of Reiatsu so suddenly, and the pitcher suffered for it. She watched in mute shock as the Commander checked out the door and as the other Captains began to bark orders. All except her Captain, who seemed to focused on Captain Nura to give her any orders. Though somewhere in the lazy ass's mind, she thought he knew what he was doing. At least, she hoped he did. Nura was the Captain of Squad Ten after all, the previous position held by Jin. Someone did need to keep an eye on her.

She appeared at Mikado's side with Tsubaki hanging from the small of her back. "Really Captain. Flirting with colleagues. That's how things become awkward," She teased. "I'll have to come along and make sure you don't do anything stupid," She added, poking his shoulder. "If that's okay with you Captain Nura," addressed the Squad Ten Captain. She leaned close to Captain Mikado and whispered, "What do you know, looks like you are getting to walk with two pretty ladies," Though it was less of a walk and more of a sprint into the mouth of danger. But Amy was far too cheerful a girl to let a little thing like death dampen her mood.

But before she was answered, Nura was off, leaving both her and her Captain in the dust. "A wily one that," She added looking at Mikado. "I suppose we follow her Captain? Right behind you," She said.

Amy swore she could feel Tsubaki yawn...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Ayami Keifune
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Mikado Gaidosu

The air was tense for the few moments, Mikado's hand stiff and idle. His own Lieutenant, Ayami, had joined the conversation only to utter a few words in vain. By the time she finished her brief joke, Captain Nura was hot on the trail of her former Captain. It happened in a blink of the eye, Mikado shrugged since that was his first inclination. "Aye, I doubt this will turn out good." He scratched his head attentively still slouching abit with a slight tipsy feeling about him. 'There goes my plan...' He wasn't overly bewildered at the immediate reaction of Nura, she probably had questions, or something. "Oh, yea, good luck on your own Captain Nura." Mikado wasn't overly impressed with the sudden display of valor. "Uh, sorry Ayami... I zoned out there for a sec." He wore a guilty face, placing his hand on his Lieutenant's shoulder. "Yea, right. A walk with two pretty ladies?" He chuckled while rubbing the smirk of his face. "It would've been a walk full of lectures..." He could tell by Nura's expression that she had some sort of plan in mind. "We're gonna have to get a move on, you ready?" It was a little fishy, Nura's reaction was too quick for someone who was unprepared, or at least for someone with the lack of experience she suffered. Nobody that young, nor that inexperienced would be willing to hop into combat without some strategy, or at least that's what Mikado always noticed.

The situation was terrible. Roughly half of the Gotei 13 wasn't prepared for such a battle, his own squad included. Mikado's mind was quite foggy from the combination of alcohol and the rapid sight reading. He looked down at his young, rather naive Lieutenant. "Stay close to me, and in the worst case scenario. I need you to leave immediately, understand?" Although Ayami had earned Mikado's deepest trust and his highest respect; she wouldn't be able to handle this kind of spiritual pressure for too long. "Oh, and one more note." Mikado placed his index finger on her forehead, squatting as to be eye level. "Don't mess up your pretty little face, alright?" A huge grin was plastered all over Mikado's face, it was simply something he couldn't help but mention. At that moment he spun around, waving his hand lightly as to gesture Ayami to follow, and vanished.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nura Rin Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Nero Nagakami Character Portrait: Mugen Otogami Character Portrait: Mikado Gaidosu Character Portrait: Jin Kayasaki
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Nero Nagakami

Nero was suddenly awoken by a large explosion in the distance. A few moments later a massive reiatsu shook the seireitei to its core. Nero's eyes slowly opened and a small grin came over his face. "Tsk finally the enemy decided to show themselves, so predictable. I warned that ignorant old man having a party and getting all the captains drunk was a bad idea." Nero looked around and saw his fellow captains spring into action one after another. He saw Gensaiken leave in the direction of his room. "Hmph I bet the old man is rushing to get Kayasaki's sword. If he had let us experiment on it when I requested then that sword nor Kayasaki wouldn't be a threat." Nero rolled over in his chair to see captains and lieutenants racing off one after another. Captain Mugen was first to rush off, followed by Lieutenant Ashido, then Captain Nura and Mikado. Nero slowly sat up in his chair and look toward his lieutenant Nana Ryuukami.

Nana, go to the Research Institute and begin recording all the information you can at once. Also scan the area for enemies other than Jin Kayasaki. Someone managed to sneak into the seireitei undetected, defeat all the muken guards, and free Jin from his seal without revealing his spiritual pressure to any of the captains here. I'm positive that Jin is not the greatest threat or most powerful foe within the seireitei right now. Order all of squad 12 to assist you and send hell butterflies to notify any soul reaper less than 5rd seat to stay away. They'll be nothing more than a hindrance. Nana nodded and dashed off to the Research Headquarters.

Nero leisurely arose out of his chair and let out a lethargic yawn. "Hmm I wonder what the best vantage point would be for this battle. I doubt I'm needed for this fight so where can I keep an eye on things." Nero moved with a quick flash step in the direction of Sokyoku Hill. It was located in the center of the Soul Society. Nero surmised that there, he would be able to keep an eye out for the real threat. I'm sure the enemy planned an escape route.