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Sebastian St.Claire

0 · 830 views · located in Belfast, Maine

a character in “Blissful Escape”, as played by Emerald.x



Sebastian St.Claire




Sebastian is serious when he needs to be but he can also be very fun and outgoing. Whenever he doesn’t need to be serious he loves to be able to let loose, have fun and be a kid again. He often puts others before himself and would do basically anything for his friends. He is independent and responsible and he has to be, but you will find more about that later.

-Amusement parks

-Bad movies,
-Chocolate cake,
-Most vegetables,
-Talking on the phone

His family is somewhat wealthy as his father had come into money at a fairly young age and he lives in a nice house however he rarely allows people to come inside of it. The reason behind this is his younger sister Allie was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was born and she is his parents’ biggest secret and embarrassment. Sebastian doesn’t agree with their opinions on this subject and thinks Allie s one of the smartest and strongest people he knows. He has been her sole caretaker for her entire life as she often become too much for nannies and his parents get easily frustrated with her as well. He loves his sister to death but he is embarrassed about his parents’ reactions to her so he doesn’t let people in the house to see how his parents had held her up in there with only a tutor and nannies knowing about her. He has had a few relationships in the past, none of them working out for one reason or another. Other than that, he grew up living a fairly normal life; aside from attempting to hide the world from his family. He stumbled upon Bliss through a flyer he saw, and in actually he didn't sign himself up for it, his sister signed him up. He was actually quite annoyed when he found out, but she talked him into it and he couldn't say no.

Possible love interest: --

So begins...

Sebastian St.Claire's Story


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Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Jordan Masse
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Jordan sighed as she turned from the woman. "He's worth the wait" She mimicked as she walked back outside. She re-imagined the image that she was shown. He wasn't her type. Her type was like herself. Piercings, leather and covered in tatt's. But she didn't want to be rude when she at least my get a gay friend. "And what type of name is Sebastien?" She mumbled. She imagined the crab from 'The Little Mermaid'. She took out her phone and decided to text Malika.
To: Malika Bear
Get me out of this hell hole. Now. I'm not happy and everyone here is gay. Dare I say please?

She hit send as she sat on the steps. Anyone who knew her could see she was pissed off. She rummaged through her bag again, this time pulling out her iPod. Making sure her ear buds were plugged in, she hit play. The song Monster by Skillet came on. Luckily this was her favorite song. She relaxed a bit, rock always seemed to have a calming effect on her. She closed her eyes and let the music fill her. Blocking out where she was, she didn't hear her phone jingle with a reply from Malika.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Sebastian St. Claire

Sebastian headed up the path toward the mansion, his intent was to be on time but he had ended up being fashionably late. He noticed a girl sitting on the front steps, she would have been hard for him not to notice. Her hair was a bright red and her arms were covered in bright tattoos. Sebastian assumed she could be pretty if it didn't look like she had been attacked by a box of markers. As he approached. "Excuse me," He said blatantly, squeezing up the stairs past her and into the house. He decided he would try and find the room he'd be staying in so he could put his bag away. He headed up the stairs and searched the hallway for a room that didn't already have luggage in it. Once his things were in his room he decided to go back downstairs and try to figure out what he had missed.


Elizabeth Reid

Elizabeth was sitting alone toward the back of the room as the woman announced what would be going on. As she started to call out names Elizabeth waited to hear her own. When it didn't come she just assumed, that like the other girl, her partner had yet to show up. She preferred it this way anyway, she wasn't very good at opening up to people and she had grown accustomed to being alone. She was quite good at it and knew that she would be better off just exploring on her own. It allowed her to not worry about having to make small talk with anyone and also allowed her to go where ever she wanted. As the people around her found their partners and filed out of the room she waited. Once they had left she got up as well and headed out after them. She wasn't entirely sure where to go first, this place was huge, far larger than her own home. Lizzie was easily overwhelmed by this place, she had no clue which one of the amazing rooms to explore first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Jordan Masse
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Jordan was pulled out of her thoughts when he arrived. By he of course she meant Sebastien. He was cuter in person, but she shrugged it off. She took out her earphones and put it back in her backpack. She walked in the house slowly as she watched him go up the stairs. "So much for partners..." She mumbled. She decided to go explore for herself. She walked through the rooms, looking and then passing through. She wasn't big on home decor or on house shopping for that matter. But she would admit, it was a lot nicer than home. Home sweet home... She thought as she entered the room with her luggage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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(this is because Grumpy-Converse hasn't posted)

Amelia had a feeling that her 'partner' wasn't going to be cooperative. She knew she was being rude but if this girl was not considerate enough to say hi then why should she stand there like a sapling. Amelia was going to walk around her self until she noticed a new guy talking to their host and as their host walked away she walked over to the man.

She looked at him and she was stricken at how handsome he was. She walked fully up to him and introduced herself. " Hello, I'm Amelia, I saw you standing here and found myself wondering if you had a partner yet?" .She held her hand out.
SHe knew it was direct. As she was saying this what was going through her head was Yeah right like he doesn't have a partner Her blue just looking around his face to take it in and remember it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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Sebastian St. Claire

Sebastian nodded to the woman, assuming she was the person in charge. "Okay, thank you ma'am. Will do." He told the woman smiling. He nodded curtly as she excused herself. He looked around the room, taking in the doors and trying to decide which direction to go in first. His thought process was interrupted by the sound of approaching foot steps. He noticed a small dark haired girl approaching. "A partner? Well I just got here and I didn't know we have partners so I'm going to say no." He said, answering the girl's question. He stuck out his hand and shook her's. "It's nice to meet you. Sebastian St. Claire." He introduced. "So would you be interested in exploring a little with me, seeing as neither of us seems to have a partner?" He offered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey Character Portrait: Lexi Callaghan
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Lexi looked around, taking in everyone's appearance. A couple of possible guys. She thought about the way her family had looked at her after her break-up. Disappointed, worried...

It was then that she noticed the girl standing next to her, looking slightly annoyed, like she was waiting fr something. Shit, Lexi thought. Did she just say something?!
Lexi had zoned off.
As usual.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the girl walked away, an annoyed and frustrated expression on her face. Lexi didn't blame her. She would feel the same. Being her, probably stronger than that.

Her first impression on Amelia was definitely that they wouln't get along very well. The girl was wearing a red dress with leggings, and girly white sandles. Definitely not what Lexi would go for, an example would be what she was wearing right now; black skinny jeans, a tank top with a cropped top, converse and a leather jacket.

Amelia walked over to a boy, and not a bad-looking one at that. At least the girl had good taste... possibly.

A vibration in her pocket alerted her to a new text, and she took out her iPhone.

You arrived then? How is it? Found anyone worth it yet? ;) xoxo

Lexi rolled her eyes. What the hell did she want?! Did she think just because Lexi was here, and here family forgave her, all was fine?!

Wtf do u want? Just leave me alone

With a sigh, she placed the phone back in her pocket.

(Sorry, been really busy lately... -,- So sorry!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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"A partner? Well I just got here and I didn't know we have partners so I'm going to say no."

Amelia smiled as he shook her hand. After the shake she took her hand back and clasped them together behind her back. She listened for his name, which he said was Sebastian St Claire. Amelia said "What a lovely name Sebastian, Amelia-Rose Dempsey, how lovely it is to meet you" . Amelia looked around and saw that the sun was slowly setting though the window. Amelia loved watching the sun go down ever since she was a child and it was something she did with Luke often, It was quite, tranquil...romantic. She blurted out "Oh my god, what a beautiful sight, Wold you mind if we went out on the patio?" . Amelia looked in to Sebastian's eyes. As she did she felt like she could get lost in them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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Sebastian St. Claire

The girl in front of him spoke again. "Oh my god, what a beautiful sight, Would you mind if we went out on the patio?" Sebastian followed her gaze toward the grand window that revealed the bright colours of light dipping toward the horizon. "Not at all." He told her. The male strode across the room toward the patio door. He twisted the little latch that had kept the door locked and slide the door open. He then stepped to the side and held out his arm, gesturing for Amelia to go through and out onto the patio.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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Amelia watched him go over to the door that lead to the Patio and turn the latch and then getured for her to walk through first. She thought what a gentleman. She smiled at him in appreciation and said "My thanks" on her way through the doorway. Amelia went over to the wall at the edge of the patio. She loved this sight. Amelia turned her head to look at Sebastian, she said "It's such a beautiful sight, Don't you think. Almost..." Her eyes fell and she blushed slightly "...romantic do you think not.". Amelia then wondered if he saw her blush and half of her wished he did. She was also wondering what he thought about her.

(Sorry it short...quite tired)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey
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Sebastian St.Claire

Sebastian simply nodded at her thanks. In his mind he hadn't really done much, that was just the way his mother had raised him and she would have probably had a coronary if she found out that he had acted anything less than her high standards. He slide the patio door closed behind them and followed the girl over to the wall. He rested his arms on the top of the wall, allowing himself to slouch over slightly. He chuckled at her question slightly. "I guess so." He agreed. "Good for walks on the beach, bike rides or picnics according to nearly every romantic movie I've every been forced to sit through." He added in to he previous statement. "But I guess that's the desired result of this place. To turn us into characters of some cheesy movie where we all go running off into the sunset holding hands. " This place wasn't his idea, and he wasn't too thrilled about being here. To him love wasn't something you could force, let alone force together in a few weeks. He had always thought it would be something that would happen by accident, when it was either just what you needed most or the last thing you wanted. He had very little faith in his sister's plan for him to find some small amount of happiness, though part of him thought she was using it as an excuse to get him out of the craziness of home. He shrugged it off and continued to just stare out into the light realizing that he probably sounded rather pessimistic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Ameila-Rose Dempsey Character Portrait: Jordan Masse Character Portrait: Elizabeth Trenton
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Jordan slightly blushed. She had never been complimented before. Ever really. "Thank you" She replied. Maybe this is why girls always got so dressed up? She wondered. She smiled over at the two of them when the doors burst open. she closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of food. "I think I found my true love... Food!" She laughed as all the plates of food were brought in. She saw steak, pork, pasta and salad. Way to ruin a meal by putting salad on the table.. She used her fork and grabbed some chicken, pasta and a lil' bit of everything. She breathed in once more before taking a bite of the pork. "This is sooo good..." She said, with her mouth still slightly full. She didn't want to be a pig but she would have eaten all of it. You know those skinny girls who can eat 6 cakes and not gain a pound? Well that's Jordan. She finished what was on her plate and though about seconds. But instead she was feeling quite full and energetic.

She walked out of the dining room and found the hostess. "Is there a gym here?" She asked. As the woman brought her to the gym she smiled. "Thanks.." She went in and realized she was still in her skirt. Sighing she started to walk back up to her room. She walked by the patio and saw Sebastien and another girl. She hadn't really cared for anyone's names, except Alex, Dani and Sebastien. She moved the piece of hair from her face and kept walking. She got to her room and changed back into her lazy outfit. Wow... No one really got to see my beautiful outfit.. She though as she rushed back to the gym. With all her frustration she turned on the treadmill and ran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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0.00 INK

A loud voice came over the intercom ""Meeting in 5 minutes in the commons! You are not required to come, but it IS a nice time to meet and greet people."
Sebastian turned and faced the mansion. "Maybe we should go in." he said to the girl standing beside him. He knew it wasn't a mandatory meeting but he figured it would be a good opportunity to meet the people he'd be sharing a home with for the next little while. He nodded slightly and straightened himself out, smoothing his shirt down from leaning against the wall before walking back into the mansion. He wanted to at least look slightly presentable, for all he knew the girl he would fall in love with could be at that meeting. The thought made him want to laugh a little bit. He shook his head at himself for a moment and he walked in through the sliding glass door through which he'd exited the mansion. He then headed toward the common room.

Elizabeth was finishing up her meal when she head the announcement come over the intercom system. She thanked the kitchen staff, took one last sip of her water and got up from the table. She carried her plate over to the dishwasher and placed it inside. She ignored the staffs insistence on doing it for her, she had never had people wait upon her before and she wasn't about to start now. She closed the dishwasher and went into the commons. She couldn't decide where to sit, she had plenty of options since no one else had arrived yet but she didn't want to just be aimlessly sitting there waiting for someone to show up. Instead she went over to the bookshelf. She canned her finger along the shelf, her eyes canning the spines of the books and reading each title.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I promise" He held out his pinky to 'pinky swear' with her. "We can stick to the shower story" He reassured her. He scooted close to her when they sat down in the commons and put his arm around her protectively. How lucky was he to have a found a girl he liked on the first day? He wondered if Josh had gotten his message.

A few people were filing into the commons. One girl was looking through the book shelf and some other guy he hadn't met before.
"Hey Man, I'm Samuel. This is Alex" He held out his hand to the guy and smiled a little. He had almost totally forgotten he was bisexual since he had met Alex. It was like no one else in the world mattered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Alex breathed a sigh of relief when he said that the secret was safe with him. "Thank you" she whispered as the other guests started filing in. He put his arm around her in an act of protection and she scooted closer. One of the men wandered in and trailing close behind was a woman she'd never seen before.

Before she could introduce herself, Samuel stepped up to the plate. She was used to being introduced, but this time it didn't offend her. She was glad she didn't have to talk.

Elizabeth Trenton

After making the announcement, Liz made her way to the commons. Before completely entering the room she saw Alex and Samuel sitting together. 'Poor girl' she thought, looking at the bruises on her body. 'How did he even get in the building?' Then she entered the room. "So glad to see there is already people here!" she said cheerfully, making sure not to sound overly happy. "It seems as though SOME of you have already paired yourself. I'm glad to see it" she said, nodding her head toward Samuel and Alexandria. She was careful not to look at Alex's bruises too closely, she didn't want to draw more attention to the girl.

A man's voice rang in her ear piece. 'The guard has been set up. We've checked the perimeter and Ms. Kason's room. Nobody on the premises besides the usual.' Liz nodded sightly at the information, glad the ear piece was private enough that nobody else in the room would be able to hear it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Jason Lapsley
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Jason was interrupted by an announcement. He put his violin back into the case, and left it in the ballroom. He slowly made his way to the commons. He walked in, and flashed everyone a cheesy grin. "Come on, I doubt anyone forgets the Jadie-Bear, right?" He laughed, sitting in an armchair.

He grinned at everyone, but stopped when he saw Samuel with Alex, and he made a loveheart with his hand. "Awww. Look at the little lovebirds. Tweet, Tweet! ~" He laughed, and tucked his legs up onto the armchair. He took out his I-Phone, and put on Angry Birds. Within ten minutes he had a seemingly upset face. "I lost again."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid
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Sebastian offered the other male a smile in return. "Nice to meet you two. I'm Sebastian. " He introduced. He sat down in a chair near the pair just as more people were entering the commons. It was interesting for him to meet everyone since he hadn't gotten the chance earlier. "Oh don't feel too bad. It's not as though you're some circus act. Everyone's just intrigued by the fact that you guys seem to be hitting it off quite well. " He noticed a conversation beginning across the room but didn't join in, he wasn't a fan of metal music so he figured he would just stay out of it.

Elizabeth stopped looking through the books as people began showing up. She poured herself a glass of wine and walked with it toward a large white armchair. She heard a conversation going on between a few people about a skillet or something, this confused Elizabeth as she couldn't understand why anyone would talk about a frying pan, she soon realized that it must be some band or something since the pair had brought up songs. She sat herself down in the chair and sipped at her wine. She felt rude intruding on someone's conversation so instead of saying anything to anyone else she just sat there, comfortable in her chair simply observing the conversations going around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason Character Portrait: Elizabeth Reid Character Portrait: Leonard Densmore Character Portrait: Jordan Masse
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As more people entered the room Alex became more and more uncomfortable. She didn't like to have so much attention on her. Jason's comment made her want to go back to her room. She didn't want to be THAT couple, she always found that couple obnoxious. It didn't make it any better that Jordan and the new girl were staring at her like she was something out of a horror movie. 'They're just bruises' she thought. Then she heard Sebastian's comment and it made her feel better. "Thank you" she said quietly with a small smile. "What brings you here Sebastian?" she asked politely.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out quick. The text read: 'I see there is more security outside. What did you do Alex? Rat on me? Don't you love me anymore? Oh well, I'll still find a way in. Don't you worry.' Alex shuddered and she knew it could only be from one person. She quickly put her phone back in her pocket and turned her attention back to Sebastian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ellie Elizabeth Hawthorne Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason
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He nodded towards Sebastian who had made a comment in their favor.
He phone buzzed and judging by her reaction,it was her ex.
Sam whispered in her ear. "Was it him?" Simply. He didn't want her to have to deal with this. This guy was fucking stage 5 clinger and stalker!
He looked at the new girl Elle and gave her a welcoming smile and wave. He didn't want her to feel left out because she was new. He also didn't want people to shy away from him and Alex just because they were a couple. They were a couple right? He hoped she felt the same way about him.

Sam had to be careful about what he did and said around her, he didn't want to freak her out by being too over protective or anything. He rubbed her back and then rested his hands on his thighs.
"You can come sit with us if you want!" He called over to Elle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Conway Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire Character Portrait: Ellie Elizabeth Hawthorne Character Portrait: Alexandria Kason
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Sebastian made a slight frowny face at the girl as she read her phone, she looked upset, worried even. He hated seeing people look like that, she just seemed so helpless. He knew that feeling, like when you stopped being in control of your own life, it was possibly one of the scariest things you could experience. It was made worse by the other males comment, something was definitely wrong. He knew enough to see that Alex wanted to ignore it so he decided he would oblige that and move on. He smiled slightly at Alexandria's question. "My sister actually. She thought it would be good for me to get out of the house for once." He explained. He usually didn't like to talk about his sister, she was somewhat of their families little secret, not for Sebastian of course, he loved her but his parents were embarrassed by her disability. He was never allowed to have friends over in case they might see her and think bad on them. He certainly never brought girlfriends over, he always feared what they would think, would it be too much for them to handle, he knew he could never stay with someone who couldn't hand his sister and he also feared that if they broke up his sister could be outed to the world. But in this case he figured that just leaving it at that couldn't hurt, besides, it wasn't like they would ever actually meet her or anything so he didn't see the harm. When the new girl approached and introduced herself awkwardly he couldn't help himself and chuckled softly at the girl. "It's nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Sebastian, and this is Samuel and Alex. " He introduced, realizing the duo were having somewhat of a moment together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian St.Claire
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Elle heard another man, quite attractive at that, say "It's nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Sebastian, and this is Samuel and Alex. " She smiled at him, then laughed softly realizing that he was chuckling softly at her. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Sebastian. Interesting name, if I might add." She looked over at the girl who she decided was Alex. She seemed upset. This made Elle frown. She had never liked watching someone suffer, or be in pain. 'It's none of your business,' she realized, then focused her attention back on Sebastian, not having the slightest clue what to say next.