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Angelique Callahan

Call me Rooster (*update*)

0 · 548 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “Blood Rites”, as played by Lady Inali


Name: Angelique "Lulu" Callahan
Nickname: Rooster
Age/Age Appeared: 22
Eye Color: Blue green
Hair Color: Changes to much
*left ear: 5
*Right ear: 7
*Right eye brow: 1
*Nose: left side
*Lip: Snake bite
*Tong: 3
1 on the chin
*Belly Button


Personality:Rooster is well a Rooster. She is cocky, loud and likes to strut her stuff. She it that type of girl you want to hang out with but you don’t want to bring home to meet mommy dearest. She is very much one of those people who come a across as knowing everything. Get past the Rooster like personality and she is not all that bad.
What are they most afraid of? Not getting her dreams.
Angelique grew up with a lot of money her parents always busy and off at work. At some point she took on the nickname Rooster When she turned 16 she got a motorcycle for her birthday and Christmas. This still goes on till this day.

Rooster found a love for music and anything that goes fast. She got her own scholarships to college and took off in the sun set to play music. She end up in the town of Craine. Where with the money her parents gave her she bought a warehouse making it her home. Drums, guitars, loud bikes and a shoot range.

She made friends with a girl named Freya even know they don’t see eye to eye something clicked with the two. Rooster tries to get Freya to relax and has even made it game to get Freya to show any kind of emotion. She really never wins this game but that really does not matter to her.

When it comes down to music, transportation that goes fast or weapons she knows her stuff. Roosters blood line has supplied hunters with weapons over the years and now she is caring on the tradition. IF you want something that is powerful, well built and of high quality she is the person to go see.

Guitars ... 3&first=80

The bikes and cars


Rosters older brother Malicate who is 24Image (He does not have the flame tattoo)


Home sweet home Image

So begins...

Angelique Callahan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich
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~Rooster & Ferya~

Rooster sighed getting board waiting for Freya. She sat on the hood of her car tapping her finger tips looking at her watch. She never did well when she got like this. "God damn it Freya" She mummbled to her self. "if your not here soon you can walk". Rooster has a reap in town for being a loud mouth and overly cocky. She was also known for a few other things. When she spotted Freya and the male she blinked some. This looked like this would be rather fun. How ever they had things to do. Slowly she walked over tapping her tong ring on her teeth.

"Hay Bitch you going to keep me waiting?" Came with a smirk. She knew to keep back some with how Freya was standing.
"Rooster don't call me bitch" She moved walked by the other woman moving to her car.
Rooster started to laugh "Ahhh does the little fire goddess have a liking for the blood demon" Rooster knew how to push buttons. Freya stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Rooster giving a very icy look that got her to go silent and fallow Freya over to the car.

Rooster unlocked the car with a push of a button so Freya could get in to the car. Freya rolled down the window. "Dude go shower this is not the town to walk around covered in blood." Rooster climbed in to the car.
"did you get the new gun done?" Freya ask coolly as Rooster.
Rooster nodded. "Ya this one is going to be bigger than you Frey hope you can handle it"

With that Rooster started the car and raved the engine shooting down the street. Going off to the warehouse that was home for Rooster. Rooster of course gave Freya carp for all the medication she was on but really never did anything about due to the fact she new better. She knew Freya could take her down in a fight and never overly pushed it. The Warehouse was on the edge of town out off the way and highly protected by technology. Rooster pulled up to the key padded running her card throw the scanner and gave her finger print to get in to the building. She pulled up to the grudge opening the bay door pulling in.

Rooster and Freya both got out and moved to go in side. Rooster moved picking a case up and opened it showing Freya the new gun that was custom made just for her. Freya nodded running her finger tips over the gun parts. With in a few minutes Freya had put it together nodding setting the but on the ground, it stood five inches taller than her. Rooster at this point started to gave all the specs that went with the gun.

"Rooster whens the next shooting competition?" Frey wanted to play with her new gun and she wanted to show it off. What was the point of having a fun new toy when you could not show i off.
Rooster shrugged. "There should be one in the next few days. That would be a good place to show off Freya"
Freya nodded "And we are sighed up yes?"
Rooster nodded. "Yep and bets are placed want any of the smaller guns set up for this?" Freya nodded picking up and box of bullets heading to the shooting range in the basement of the warehouse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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~Freya & Rooster~

Rooster pulling up in two town in that same over the top car. Freya seemed very please with the new gun even though she did not show that fact. Rooster sighed shacking her head some when Freya popped some more medication. "Freya thats not healthy" as much she would have liked to get Freya off the drugs there was no real way for to do anything about it. She even tried to get Freya to go to another doctor but Freya wanted nothing to do with that idea. "Are you sure I cant drop you off at home?"

Freya looked at Rooster and shock her head. "No i like walking" The two where a little silent at this point unsure of what to say or do. Freya was the one to speak first. "Same time next week?"
Rooster nodded. "Yep. You ready for the computation?"
Freya nodded "yes... most likely it will be full of people who cant shoot to save them selves"
Rooster smirked "Frey I think your one of the few who can split an arrow mid-flight with another arrow or a gun."

The two talked a little longer before Freya got out of the car and started to head home. Rooster sighed shacking her head. She new she needed a few things herself from town. slowly she got out of the car and moved to go do some shopping. She had books to pick up along with parts, food and beer. She liked to keep a small back up of need things so she did not have to shop as much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich Character Portrait: Sebastian
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She put a loud of shopping in her car before walling to the next place on her list. She had her head phones in and was off in her own little world. Witch meant she was not watching where she was going and that never was a good thing. Rooster tended to go in to her own little world when she has her headphones in. Getting lost to the music braking every part of it down.

She was so in to what she was hearing she walked right in to Ignatius. She stumbled back some and smirked holding her hands up. "yo sorry no harm to fowl" Rooster real was not a fighter nor a one to get in to fight. "still covered in blood I see. Are you new in town or what?" Rooster was going to talk to him before asking anything else of he was cray there would be no way that she was going to ask him if he need a place to stay.

She looked at the other "Yo kid you new as well?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich Character Portrait: Aedan Malachi Character Portrait: Sebastian
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The young werewolf blinked as he was addressed by the rather flamboyantly dressed female. Looking from the male back to her, he stood and gave light nod before making his way over to her.

β€œSort of, yeah,” He answered, giving a smile as he gave a slight bow. β€œSebastian, at your service miss.” Kind introductions always won the favor of his past Harem-mates… Maybe now he could use those tactics to make some actual friends?

After the pretty young girl had paid and left, Aedan suddenly found himself busy with a pair of local girls. As he got them situated and began to work, he began to chat with them. Well, more of them chatting and he just listening. He soon found out about recent events that had taken place around the town, especially the arrival of newcomers.

β€œYeah, I hear they’re all staying at De Bellamont or something,” The brunette sneered.

β€œI guess they’re too good for us then, Anny.” The blonde laughed, flipping a page in her fashion magazine. β€œAedan, not so tight this time okay, I need my perfect curls to be loose and bouncy.”

Aedan smiled, his aura taking another sip of her Vanity as he loosened the curlers.

β€œYes Milady. Whatever you want.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich Character Portrait: Sebastian
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he watched the male covered in blood he was a strange one...slowly she looked to the other young man who bowed. She snorted in laughter. "I think that is the first time anyone has ever bowed to me. or told me they are at my service or even called me miss" the thought of being called Miss Rooster only made her laugh all the more. "sorry I am not meaning to be rude" came with winded breaths.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich Character Portrait: Sebastian
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She shock her head some thinking a bit. "So Mr covered in blood are you going to talk or does something have you by the tong." She smirked watching him carefully. Rooster pulled out a smoke and lit it taking a long drag from it. "you know is rude not to answer thing when asked" She sighed a little flicking the cigaret some. "So what kind oh Oogie Boogie are you trying to attack to you. Demon, magic user, vampire or someting else?" She eyed him with the smoke pressed between her lips. She knew more than she let on when it came down to things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Samuel and Katherine Laydon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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She shock her head getting bored with the two and head home. She had thing that had to be done and waiting here was no going to let that happen. She moved around her home she cooked up a dinner that she could pop in the microwave. It was fast simple and taste like S.O.S but it was food none the less. Rooster sleep till most of the day only to be woken up to a call from her older brother. She cused at him for the call but still they had a nice little chat ending it with the normal stay out of trouble and I love you.

By the time Rooster was up and moveing around school would have been getting out and by the time she was back in town Freya would be walking to the salon. Rooster had her hair up in the Mohawk like look, the aviator sunglasses, tight blue jeans with holes, the wife beater tank top with bleats hanging from the him and those knee high army boots. She was hard to miss and when she spotted Freya she did that overly loud and overly famous rooster call that so lovingly won her the nick name she went by.

From how loud the rooster call was, it was hard not to miss even from inside shops. Freya sighed when she heard it knowing point blank who it was. Rooster just watched Freya slip inside the salon and gave a theatrical sigh. "Well that was rude" She huffed knowing in truth that she had no real room to talk about manors after doing the rooster call.

One thing Rooster spotted was the twin and how they where spying on Freya. This kept her attention and she did not care of they noticed this or not. Rooster may have been over the top but she had a good head on her shoulders and did not miss a beat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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Freya and Roster~

Freya was doing what she could to find a place to move in to along with the fact of playing keep away with the twins. She did not like the fact that they seemed to be around every corner she turned nor did she like fact that they keep bugging her. The one one good thing was that she was good at staying under the raider. She moved like a shadow going to the upper classes and had Roster pick her up making her harder to track. All of Rosters mode of transportation where fast and loud.

After a time she gave in to Roster and moved in to the warehouse with her. The good side that it keep unwanted people out with how things where set up and for Freya that was a life saver. Even know they bumped heads and her like oil and vinegar they where still good for one another. Roster was overly pleased with her self for talking Freya in to moveing in with her. She was so pleased she even helped pack and move Freya's things.

"You know Freya this is going to be a lot of fun. And that big place wont feel so empty....well as empty..also look at it this way you will have your own space AND NEVER have to worry about the creepy twins bugging you. I am surprised you have not gotten in to a fight with them" Roster shrugged some thinking a little but left it at that. She knew how fair to push it with Freya and she knew when to stop.

Freya eyed Roster "Fighting does not solve everything, two by letting them take the first swing i can clam self deference." She sighed a little pinching her nose some. "Roster this is just for know and it may not be a for sure thing. So take a breath and calm down and we can go from there." Roster blinked some and watched Freya rubbing the white crow who seemed to rather enjoy it due to the soft sounds it made.

"You know Freya you are no fun all you do is study and that is not healthy. You need to smile now an than or you are going to turn to stone." She sighed some. "By the way Malicite says hi and hopes you are doing well. He always says he might come by in the next few days and say Hi." Roster smirked and just watched Freya waiting she new what was going to happen but it never grew old.

Freya blinked at his and there was a faint blush but it went away just as fast as it came on. "Oh" was all she really said. Freya had a small thing for Rosters brother and Roster knew it and used it to get reactions from Freya. In ways it was her way of making sure that Freya was still very much human and alive. This gave Roster some easy every time she was around Freya.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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~Roster and Freya~

Roster went throw an online catalog looking for bedroom set for Freya's new room. It had to match dear Freya and look good as well. Roster sighed some rubbing the back of her neck she had it down to about five different ones. Roster end up picking the simple modern bed. Deep rich red wood with simple ascents. Simple yet with class it worked perfectly, with in 20 minutes Roster hand the bed ordered along with the dresser, night stand, wardrobe, 3 book cases, desk and chair. The bed would come in later that day and everything would be set up.

Freya found her way to the kitchen cooking up something to eat that white crow with her. The crow was creepy with its red eyes that seemed to see past what was really there and in to something more. It fluffed some watching what was going on. When Roster came in to the kitchen it made a small nose before it tucked its beak under his wing.

"Freya so what is the game plan? Do you want to paint the room, or get things for it today to make it more of something that is yours?" Roster wanted to make her feel as at home as she could. "We could always find something for your little crow friend" Roster moved to get a print out of what the bed room set looked like so Freya could see it.

Freya thought some and slowly nodded "I like it, that might be a good thing. This way I can get some good nice sheets" Freya nodded rather liking the idea of making the room hers. "Should we head out around 10ish when most things open or wait for a bit. I am not worried about the color of the room so that is not a big deal to me."

Roster shrugged "Well that could work we just need to be back before six so they can bring in the bed and what not and set it up. So if you change your mind on painting we have time to get it done and set up."

Freya nodded "that works for me means i can wash the sheets as well so they will be nice and clean" Freya fished making food and placed a plate with bacon, eggs, toast, country potato, and french toast in front of Roster. She took the other plate and sat across from Roster with a note pad and pen writing a list up of everything she was going to need for her new room.

They would talk as they shared a meal. Roster cleaned the dishes as her way of saying thank you for the meal. They moved up to the room that was going to be Freya to get an idea for the lay out and where things could be placed. It made things a little more simple when there was a game plan for where things could be put. Roster sketched things out so they would have a blue print. Once all was said and done the two girls moved down the steps to get ready to head out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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~Roster and Freya~

It did not take long for the two to get in to town. It was still dark out but they where fine with that fact....Freya pinched the bridge of her nose and shock her head some blowing of a headache. She was use to the them and did what came normal to her she popped some pain killers. Roster shock her head and sighed but left it alone she new it was a battle she would never win. Roster drove around as they waited for places to open talking about different things.

When the shops started to show life they would stop and go in getting all the things they need. Pillows, sheets, lamps, pens and papers, books and something for Freya's crow to use as bed. Roster even got her a nice high end computer even though Freya and picked up an old type write with the ink strips. Roster never really got why Freya liked them, she found them to be a pain to use. Roster sighed watching Freya shop and pick things out.

Deep down Roster wounded when Freya would really wake up and no longer be a sleep. She knew not to step in or mess with things but there was something coming and Freya need to wake up and soon. She sighed letting Freya know she was going to be out side to have a smoke. Once out side and light up Roster leaned on the wall with her eyes shut thinking. She took long slow drags letting that smoke fill her lungs and twist abut before passing her lips in the shape of rings.

Everyone always seemed rush always talking on there phones or sending short handed text messages to one another never talking to one another face to face anymore. This away bugged Roster and she knew it bugged Freya. She sighed as she took that last drag putting the but of the smoke in the trash can. She helped Freya put the shopping bags in the car as she pointed out a horde of teen age girls more in to there phones than really talking to one another. Freya shock her head "Bet they are textting one another"

Roster nodded "Most likely. Why say something when you can send a text"

Freya smirked a little. "Well who says zombies are not really, there are small hordes of them every where" Freya hated how people had there eyes glued to there phones or mp3 players. They where missing out on so much that was around them.

Roster snorted in to laughter at that comment only to get dirty looks from the girls. "To bad we cant double tap or run them over with cars... anything along those lines would be fun, even a bat but that can get a bit messy."

Freya nodded "than we would not have to worry about the human race so much how ever there would be no one to do the unwanted jobs" She went throw her list cheeking things off. "Nor would we have walking organ doners. People who don't watch what is going on around them end up having a high risk of being in an accident be it on foot, car and so on."

Roster grinned "True but that is what AI Robots are for. One of these AI Robots will do that kind of work than we can double tap all we want"

Freya shock her head. "Then there would be no more Darwin ever books would no longer commit suicide due to bad TV shows that really should have never aired." Freya paused before going on. "We still need a back up plan for all the AI Robots"

Roster was going to say something but started to laugh to hard. She new Freya had a point AI Robots take over things broke down and need to be fixed. That was always how things where and worked. "Your to smart for me Freya you know that"

Freya nodded "I am smarter than most people Roster I would have to lose 60 IQ points to baerly fall in to the normal masses of the human population"

Roster opened her mouth to comment but stopped when she got a page and sighed. "Mind making a side stop or do you want to wounder why I go take care of something?" Freya chose to wounder about taking Rosters back up cell phone with her and some money to do more shopping. Roster headed over to where Ember-Jay was to pick her up and drop her off at the location she was given. With everything that was going on the hunter where short handed so know and than Roster had to go do gofer work. Roster did not like doing Gofer work but it paid and it paid well for her. She hoped they gave this Ember person heads up.

Roster pulled up to the pick up location parking. She used the cars built in computer to pull up information and a photo of Ember to get an idea of what this person was like and so she had an idea of her looks. Roster always took care in to knowing what she was getting in to even if she had no choice in doing something.

Freya walked around stopping at this store to get other items for her new room. She had the store hold them so when Roster was back and done she could pick the items up. It was nice to have some time to clear her head and think about random things. Maybe painting the room would be a good thing. It would add a little life it the room and give it something more. She thought back to the color of the bed and other things as she walked to a hard wear store to pick colors out.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The town of Craine

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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She lent forward and rested her head on her knees before sitting up and putting her hair into a high ponytail. She noted that it had grown again, she was going to have to do a home job, dew to her lack of money, or she could leave it until it grew to long for her taste.

Ember-Jay shook her head fast in order to clear it. Her thoughts on her hair made her think she was going crazy, maybe company was in order or possible a pet. Thinking of pets brought memories of mice and she realized she was still wearing the ring and necklace Sean had given her. She slid the ring off and then slid it back on. Ember debated what she should do with it and decided that she would take it off once she was where she was meant to be.

Thoughts back on pets, maybe a mouse or dog was good. She like the idea of having both of them and would have to look up different types of dogs, though she was sure it would probably be a German Shepard, in order to get both.

Slowly she got to her feet, wiping the remanding tears away. Thoughts that took her mind of the now made her smile, although she was slightly dizzy for some reason. Seeing a doctor was probably in order as well.

She shook her head to clear it again and put the mobile back into it's small pouch in her back pack before placing that and the duffel back onto her back and over her shoulder again. If someone was coming to get her, she hoped it wouldn't be someone to ask questions of where she's been. She just wanted quiet rest and all the people walking around were to loud on there phones or to each other. 'I remember a time where I wanted nothing to do with electronics...Then I was told I had to fit into the "real world"...' The thought slid through her mind slowly and she smiled slightly remembering when she made a big fuss over having to use a phone.

She watched those around her, pushing her senses to the max and keeping her eyes open for the person she was meant to be picked up by.

The setting changes from The town of Craine to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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Roster looked like a complete bitch with that mo-hawk like hair style and all the piercings. The way she came across did not help matters ether. That overly cocky bad ass can take you on look got her in to more trouble than not. Roster pulled up next to Ember and rolled the window down. "Kid i am your ride. So get in or walk does not matter to me" Roster was always a little like stone when she worked. She would not ask a thing nor would she push it. Asking things was not her thing it was the upper peoples things. She was just doing them a favor by doing the pick up, any other gofer would have been playing 20 question and than some.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The town of Craine

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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She looked into the window that had be rolled down before sliding into the passenger side. A smile tugged across her face as she studied the other female. By looks of her she was the person that made top guns and weaponry for other hunters. Ember was completely sure if she was right but didn't ask anything, grateful for the silence. In a soft whisper she said her thanks and closed the car door, happier that it was quieter with the door closed.

The setting changes from The town of Craine to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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Roster did not say a word as she drove Ember to the drop off location. here was really nothing to say at this given time. Roster came to a slow stop in front of the area she was to drop Ember off. There really was nothing to say at this point in time. Roster knew two hunters where missing and knew the dead man walk. She knew more than a she lead on to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya  Darkmoon Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Angelique Callahan
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Freya and Roster~

*clicked Josette by mistake**

Roster went on her way picking the things up at the locations that Freya sent text messages for. Roster was surprised that she was going to paint the room but please. It meant Freya was making the room more hers. Now the fun part find Freya so they can finish up and head back home. She knew the hunters where going to be stopping by to get ready for the fight that was coming.

Freya walked by Felix's shop she felt so off. Her body was starting to fight all the drugs that have been pumped in to her systems over the year. all the ghost that have been trying to talk to her for so many years seemed to be hitting her like a ton of bricks. She put her hands to the sides of her head covering her ears. This was a feeling that did not feel good. Everything was trying to get to her at once. She stumbled some using the wall to keep her self standing.

Roster drove by and hit the brakes turning on the emergency brakes. With in moments she was out of the car and moveing over to Freya to take care of her. Freya body was at a point of fighting the drugs or it was going to start shutting down and this was not a good thing and she knew it. It had to happen know of all times now. "Fuck" Roster sighed and helped Freya in to the car. Not caring for the law right now Roster speed all the way back home.

Freya was shacking at this point, gasping...every inch of her body hurt and felt like it was on fire. Her body was going to burn the drugs out but not only that was going in to over drive with all the things that go bump in the night. It was a huge over loud and was going to hurt like none other. This was what the doctor did not want to happen and yet it was.

Roster looked over at Freya now and than not liking seeing Freya like this. She pulled in to the grudge and got Freya inside. Roster took her to the make shift medical room. This is where thing where going to get ruff. Strapping Freya down and getting a needle in to her arm. She had to speed the proses up of Freya's body rejecting all the drugs fully. Freya never did well the all the hunter did well with them and the fact it took this long for Freya's body to fight them was unheard of.