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Kristpher Von Strangelove

Love is overrated. I'll just take their lives instead

0 · 889 views · located in The De Bellamont Manor

a character in “Blood Rites”, as played by Merchant


Name:Kristopher Strangelove
Age/Age Appeared:575 / 27
Personality: Perpetually bored and entertained by humans. He is predator in all meanings of the word. He loves hunting and causing fear in his prey but he tends to mix it up and charm them from time to time. He likes his little games with the common riff-raff. He sees all other creatures as meer pawns and intends to make the Queen his tool at some point in the future. He is sophisticated but doesn't see any point unless it was to set up a nice all-you-can-eat buffet.
What are they most afraid of?Boredom and Starvation
History:Kristoph has been a noble as far as he can remember he looked down at the commoners as mere animals. When he was changed by a female vampire his view changed very little. Now it was fair to eat them up like the live stock that they are. Over the centuries Kristph has pleasured himself with men and women as well as delighted in their anguished screams. In the last century though the hunt has dulled. He wishes for a nice game of Cat and Mouse and is actually quite thankful for the existance of the hunters. He leaves corpses as well as puppets (vampires and humans) to confuse and attack the hunters and humans.
Psychic Ability:Memory Manipulation (fabricating memories, either making them forget something or implanting false memories)
Do they have Borlianix? No, thank the dark powers

So begins...

Kristpher Von Strangelove's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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The girls panting could barely be heard in the dark room. Her body was slick with sweat as her hands were holding Kristophers's hands. One being in her undone pants and the other with fingers holding her tongue. Kristopher's feral eyes watched her neck seeing her whole body in the pitch black night. This would simply be another message for the hunters when they find her later. Kristpher's hand did not relent as his ears could pick out the girl faint heartbeat as it began to be faster and faster.

Were the light on the girl would have seen the large canine fangs protruding as he opened his hungry maw.
'She was close now,' he thought to himself. 'Such a ripe fruit, it is a pity to pick it just yet." He sunk his teeth into neck and started to feed. The girl gasped slightly which then changed to a soft whimper. He could hear with every beat of her heart how her body betrayed her by sending more sustenance to him. The girl had climaxed and was starting to lose consciousness due to lack of much needed blood to the brain. Kristopher pulled away leaving the girl unconscious and dropped her to the carpetted floor with soft thud.

Kristopher listend to the girls shallow breathing and reached into her mind making her forget all about last night how they had been old friends(fabricated lie created by Kristoph's power) and how they parted on good terms. She would now believe she went out with friends and got drunk and simply passed out. Kristphopher Von Strangelove left the girls room and entered the parents room. The mother was out cold and her breathing had increased from when he was last here. He modified her memory accordingly and then went downstairs. He looked around finding the father sitting at the table reading a news paper and having breakfast. He reprogrammed his mind thinking that both his daughter and wife were ill and needed their rest for the whole day and to not disturb them.

"Hello Mr. Reynolds," Kristoph called out. According to Mr. Reynolds Kristoph or in this instance 'Chris' was the son of an old friend from college who found his daughter passed out and helped her to her room.

"Why morning, Chris" Mr Reynolds replied. "How is our little princess doing?"

"Well they are both doing well, sir." He answered. Kristoph had made himself Pre-med and taking care of the women. "No need to worry but it is best if you didn't disturb them. I gave them some food and drinks and requested they get some quiet time to rest." He smiled warmly, "You have a good day at work, sir. I will watch over them and the house while you are out.

"Hey what is that on your lip there Chris?" Reynolds asked pointing.

"Ah bit my lip while I was chewing some gum." he answered without a pause.

"Well be more careful," Mr Reynolds said as he got up from the table. "Well I'm off to work, now." he said leaving the house.

"Oh Mr. Reynolds! Did you remember to contact the school about your daughter as well as your wife's work?" he asked.

"No worries, I took care of it." And with that Reynolds drove off. Kristoph lifted his hands and sniffed. He could still smell the wife and daughter. Thought the smell wasn't as intoxicating as blood he licked his fingers clean as he went to turn on the t.v. and wait for the evening to come along.


Sean stopped pulling Ember to stop. He looked towards the exit that was now closed. The power that he had felt was much closer. The barrier had not gone off but it felt that this person's presense seemed be felt through the barrier itself.

Sean's left eye began to glow dim purple as he reached out to his familiar Sherlock once more.
'Sherlock, who is by the gate?' he asked mentally.

Sherlock had made deep turns in the air looking for Josette but there had been no sign of her. He flew back to rest in a nearby tree looking down at the witch and her cat. Sherlock kept his distance. He could see how powerful she was by the look in her eyes. He said nothing and kept a silent vigil on this new woman.

Sean noted that she was quite attractive and something about her was familiar, but he couldn't place it. Sean might just have to collect her as well just in case the Roya-. Sean paused and he focused harder. She was from the Royal Family. Sean hadn't expected for them to be after him already, unless she was the friend of the witch he had killed. He told Sherlock to keep his eye on the witch as he looked over at Ember.

"It's ok, There is just somebody interesting out there at the moment. But let's hurry up now before Josette gets too far ahead.

The setting changes from The town of Craine to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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Sean approached and knelt down rest his right hand on her hair and his left on her shoulder.

"Everything is fine,my sweet Ember-Jay." He spoke softly as he pulled her back to lean against him. "I am not sure if this will make sense but I will care for you with 100% of my being. But I will do the same for others as well. I will never favor one over another. I will love you and others equally making sure none feel less than another." Sean slipped his hands down Ember's arm until he found her gripping hands slipping his fingers between them. Sean could feel her squeeze from anger, sadness, and frustration as she tried to sort out her feelings.


Town of Craine

Kristoph observed the numerous newcomers to the town of Craine. First was the man covered in demon blood. When he first smelled through the open windows he had thought a demon had been injured but the strength of the smell was fatal and the man seemed to be walking fine.
"Hunter," Kristoph whispered with a wicked grin on his face. The man had disappeared from his field of vision from the second floor of the house.

He then heard a sound of a violin. Kristoph didn't like how cheery it was but he recognized talent. He moved to another window to see two small children pulling a woman away and that was when he saw a glimpse of the violin. Either she was a prodigy or ... "I see, very clever little ones, but there is only one little problem. You are eating my food." He said with a smile but his voice hinted to greedy rage. When night falls blood would be spilt.

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to The town of Craine

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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Onyx woke up about an hour after sleeping dew to her stomach twisting and growling. She was hungry again. "Lily..I'm hungry..I know we feed earlier's been years sense we feed right...Knowing there's so much out there..." She started to get tears in her eyes as she shook her friend awake. "Please...Let's hunt again..I promise I'll eat one meal every night after this...Please Lily!" Lily rubbed her eyes and nodded, she must of been hungry too, Onyx realized.
She picked up Lily's violin case, remembering the day they got this and pulled Lily to her feet, well as much as a four your old could move a five your old. Onyx was slightly shocked when Lily knelt down but then climbed onto her back and was carried to the middle of the town again. Hopefully after a goods night sleep they could both sit down and brain storm hunting grounds and what days to use them. As Lily slipped out the door, Onyx feel asleep, cuddling the violin case and leaning into Lily's back, her legs wrapped around her best friend's waist and making small-soft sleeping noises, "fu.....fu.....fu.....fu....fu..."


Onyx fell asleep as she slipped through the door, it was normal lately, but Lily knew that before they met, Onyx had slept more and was a bouncing ball of fluff. Sure her tiny friend still was but she had dark rings under her eyes and she was hungrier then Lily would have thought. Both might have been older then one hundred but having bodies that were the age of little children took it's toll on them every now and then.
She ran to the middle of town again, using alleyways and little gaps in between buildings to get there faster, then when she got there she carefully shook herself, waking Onyx from her gentle slumber and to die for sleeping noises. "We're there? Already?" Lily nodded to her friend and reach back for the violin case. Onyx gave it to her willingly. "Can I stay on your back and sing? I'll hold the violin case for'll be easier..." Lily heard the pain in her friend's voice and knew they had to be fast, Onyx was too sore to move fully. Realizing this Lily was fast at taking her violin and bow out and handing the case back to Onyx. "Thank you.." Onyx's voice was soft and she sang softly just as Lily had her chin and fingers in place. Hopefully this would be done fast and Lily mentally smiled as a crowd began to form and already had a young couple in their sights as they both played and sang faster.

The setting changes from The town of Craine to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich
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De Bellemont Manor

Sean was glad and worried by the fact that the hunters knew each other, but it was a start. He was going to rescue her and perhaps Ember, Coreana, and Josette would help out. He knew that each would be quite helpful but preparations had to be made before nightfall. When the night came an entirely new threat came out.

"We are going to save her, Ember-Jay-" he paused. "I just realized that I don't know your last name. What is your last name, my bright and warm Ember."

"What do you think of mice?" Sean suddenly asked Ember. The question was quite ackward and knew she wouldn't know what to think. He wanted to ask the others as well. Coreana probably wouldn't have a problem but Josette might. Sean gently put the blushing Ember down as his eyes swept over her lean frame. She was in good condition which would be perfect for in times of combat and times of relaxation. Sean grinned at the thought of relaxing with Ember.

"Patience, my blushing hunter," he said as he lifted his hands and magically summoned a large magic circle that glowed a faint crimson. "There will be plenty of more chances and there will be lots of time for those kinds of activities again, but first I must make sure that we are all as safe as can be.


Town of Craine

Kristopher Von Strangelove heard the sounds of the violin once more and the singing that accompanied it. He could barely make out the figures but his blood lust was increasing. He had wished he had picked a house more shadowed. But now it was bathed in sunlight. He would find them soon and then he would deal with the hunter. If the hunter wasn't a fool then he was simply arrogant thinking that he could walk around with that stench on and not be asking to be killed. And those demon brats wouldn't have the strength to move the bodies. It was very likely that they would be nearby. He would smell out the corpses and he could find the hunter anytime as well. The only question now was quite difficult for him.

"Who shall I hunt first?" he said as his jaws parted reflexively as he imagined sinking his fangs into young girls flesh or tasting human blood once more. Kristoph continued to listen. He tried to make out the singer's voice figuring it might listen for it when the night comes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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De Bellemont Manor

Ember thought through everything he said, memories coming up and causing her to smile to herself. "Scarlet is my last name and mice...My brother used to have some, they were really cute for mice that weren't meant to be pets. I remember he died the white mouse blue and bleached the black one." Ember giggle slightly at the memory, "We used to drive our mum crazy with them and our dad had hated the fact that we played with wild mice... If I remember right I should have two pictures in the pocket of my other clothes, one of the mice and my mum and dad trying to chase them while my brothers laughing and another as a family photo with one mouse in my brother's pocket and the other sticking it's head out the top of my dress when I was five.." She realized she was ranting about her family and a sad smiled tugged at her mouth but she quickly shook it off.
Some of her mind was working on the plan to save the hunter girl, but she wasn't finished thinking it through so she kept it quiet for now, she was more a thinker while in action.
She looked up at Sean and turned her head to the side slightly, she wanted to know he wasn't just saying that to her and really meant it, because she really liked the idea of her and Sean doing some activities that were completely new to her. "Promise?"


Town of Craine


After Onyx and her had feed from the young couple, they both went back to their new home and crashed on the mattress. When the moon was settling over the now night sky they both woke up and stretch. "Lily...should we walk around for something new? We should probably move from the center of town..Maybe closer to another place?" Onyx whispered from her spot on the floor. Lily got up and picked up an ew looking crayon and walked to the wall. Slowly she drew a small train on the wall and Onyx squealed loudly. "The train station!? I love you, Lily! I didn't think of it!" Onyx was now jumping up and down and both girls rushed out the gap in the door, Lily grabbing her violin case at the same time. Luckily, Lily new short cuts which made the train station much closer to their home.


Onyx spun in circles as she waited for Lily and grinned innocently when she was. "Do you think we can draw a child? They always have the most of what we need." Lily nodded in agreement. She sung happily and started to grab peoples attention, Lily playing along wonderfully. "Chew chew, the train went by, it was really really fast so wave goodbye. Young children come say hi, as two little girls sing goodbye! Chew chew the train went the girls jumping up and down with fright, waving good bye to those on it and screaming..goodbye!! Chew chew..." She kept singing and soon they had families gathering around with children, yet instead of picking one so fast like the other times the girls played longer, wanting a warm and good meal.

(Thought it would be faster and easier to set it up like you were doing, o.o my fingers don't hurt as much from clicking the most and typing two different post XD)

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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(Glad I could inspire *smirks*)

'Scarlet was a perfect name,' he thought as he briefly thought of the color.

Sean smiled as he listened to her story of her family, while he chanted silently as the glow got slightly brighter. He looked up when she seemed to pause he looked up there was a sad smile but Sean pretended not to notice incase it might embarrass her and bring more bad memories.

Sean looked up to the question pausing briefly as he he put two and two together.
"Yes I promise, my little hunter." He smiled as her body seemed to be imagining things non magic related nor hunter related. It was fine this way. Now was the time to relax before all hell was going to break loose in the unforeseen future. Sean continued his chanting as the fruits of his labour started to appear within the circle. Small mice started to gather in the circle not showing any sign of fear from Ember-Jay or Sean. Sean looked to the sides and saw that the number kept on increasing as all the mice in the house made their way to the circle and seemed quite calm despite the bright light coming from the magic. He wondered if he needed a bigger circle.

"When our tasks are finished there will be time to as we please." He stepped through the circle as the mice swarmed away from his feet and then gathered in empty spaces. He leaned in and kissed her forehead teasing her mind as he saw her lips prepare themselves. Sean looked at her and then motioned to the amount of mice around her. "how many do you think are here? he asked with a mischevious and curoius grin.


Town of Craine~

As the Sun started to lower it cast the Town of Craine into shadow once more. Kristoph grabbed a pitch black umbrella and moved to the back of the house where the alleys were dark. He moved from shadow to shadow. The hunter was still in the sun lit area so Kristopher would have to wait a little longer. He would search for the girls for now. He couldn't move as fast as he wanted and had to double back several times, but the smell of bodies were nearby by. He found the old woman first. She was dead and her blood was no good any longer. Kristoph smirked, sometimes the age did get better with age, depending on the individual. He found two more bodies. A young couple, still alive. He grabbed the man's arm and lifted the sleeve he sunk his teeth in and drank a bit. The man winced but didn't seem to mind much after that. Kristoph turned his dark eyes on the female. He smiled as he noticed her dress. He knew just where to sink his teeth.

In the dark the woman's pitiful moans could not be heard. Kristopher Von Strangelove looked at his latest snack. The girls had good taste. He wondered briefly about teaming up with them but the thought left just as quickly. Kristoph didn't like sharing and the thought of draining two little demons was too much to turn down. He found himself salivating as he waited in the shadows lengthened. The scent of the bloodied hunter was still in the air. The thought of such an easy prey bored him. It was the hunt he enjoyed.

"Tic, toc, tic, toc tic, toc," he said softly with a menacing happy tone to it.

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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De Bellemont Manor

Ember looked down at the mice then knelt, reaching out and gently she scratch the top of ones head, not surprised that it didn't run, small animals had a thing for her. "Hundreds? Thousands? I'm highly doubting that they can go into the million range but then might be possible..." Her eyes started to flick over the small creatures face and she frowned as she thought of it. "I'm drawing closer to the thousands but I could be wrong..."
She tilted her head to the side, making her hair fall over her shoulders as she smiled down at the mouse she was patting and murmured, "So cute for something so small, aren't you.." Ember looked up at Sean slightly, she wanted to know what he had planned with the mice and put the question in her eyes.

Town of Craine


Onyx was getting hungry, she wanted to eat now and she looked at Lily, smiling a little hungrily, earning a nod in reply. She watched as Lily pinpointed a family with five children with her eyes and tapped her foot three times. Onyx thought it through, three children out of five, parents are in their 50's two children we're under ten, another two were teenagers and one young adult. Onyx came up with a line, twisting into the song she was singing. "The oldest and and the middle two to couldn't fit in the shoe so they both jumped the train! CHEW CHEW!" And she continued the song. 'Silly little humans...The magic and the music was getting to every humans head and they were spilling with joy and enjoyment!


She liked what Onyx had picked. She had thought it through well, if they took the eldest tree the youngest two wouldn't really remember when they grew up and the parents would just think they got up and left. Lily nodded and began to walk away, Onyx carrying her case again and toward a dark alley they went. The music bounce around as they sang and played, waiting for their prey and grinning wickedly when all three came in. "FREEZE!" Onyx sang softly and all three stopped moving. While Onyx ordered them into the shadows, Lily slowed down so her playing was soft and she heard a soft moan from Onyx as she feed from the eldest. After a while she heard a thud and Lily stopped playing, packed her violin up and went into the shadows, feeding on the eldest and killing him then heading to the teen that Onyx was feeding from. They would switch over when they took what they need. Then kill them. Their pray this time was so good, Lily knew that Onyx and her should play longer from now on, their belly's were getting fuller and they felt full of energy!
Slowly, both girls drank.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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"I am going to make them my psuedo familiars. They wont get an increased intelligence nor will there be a telepathic connection. It will be empathic. There may come a time where people sneak inside. These guys are going to act as my eyes and ears throughout the house. They shouldn't cause any suspicion and will stay hidden regardless. I'll have to make sure to feed them of course. They are still animals and I don't want them stealing any food or anything."

Sean's eyes had fallen on Ember's hidden shoulder. There wasn't any particular part that Sean liked over another. The female body was quite the wonderous thing and he loved all of it. His eyes then fell down to the mice as the ritual finished.

"Scoot," he said softly and watched as they seemed to be out of the spell and scurried back into hiding. These living sensors would act as magical detectors throughout the entire house. Sean was quite pleased with himself. A smug smile spread across his lips. "Now for the safety of you, Miss Josette, and Miss Coreana." He pulled out three silver items and and three gold items. "First for some basic protection simply by the material itself but the tricky part will be the spells. He adjusted himself so that Ember was behind him and could see what he was doing. He kissed her cheek.

"For luck," he said even though he didn't believe he needed it.


Town of Craine

Kristopher Von StrangeLove had finally made it to a rundown shack where he believed the little demons had been living. He slipped through the shadows and entered the house. He looked around disappointed that they weren't here, but he smiled and found a nice place to hide. He would wait a bit for the sun to come down. Perhaps they would come back by then.

(OOCexam time. Seeya in a couple hours)

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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(Okay :) good luck (?))

The De Bellamont Manor

Ember-Jay was a bit sad to see the cute mice leave but she knew it would of been a little odd them not doing anything. She was curious as to what Sean was doing with the silver and gold items and watched carefully, blushing lightly when he kissed her cheek. She tilted her head to the side and tried to keep her mind on what Sean was doing, and succeeding.

Town of Craine


She was carrying Onyx again, only this time in front of her instead of on her back. Onyx had her violin case pressed to her chest and stomach. Slowly she walked back to their new home but something wasn't right. It was like another being was in there. Lily slipped through the gap and walked over to the bed, gently laying Onyx down and shaking her awake. Just as Onyx was about to talk Lily brought a finger to her mouth telling her to stay quiet, that someone was her and she had a plan.
She grabbed Onyx by the hand and quickly licked a little blood off her bottom lip. Then she pulled her to the wall and handed her one of the ew looking crayons so the she had blue and Onyx had green. Then they started to draw bits of the town and organized what days they should go where on the wall, all the while, listening hard and flicking their eyes off the wall every now and then. Lily didn't know what they would do, if the person didn't show themselves soon both Onyx and her would fall asleep and wouldn't wake up.


Onyx was scared out of her mind but went along with Lily's plan. She was getting tired and wasn't sure how long she could last, but she forced herself to stay awake and work with Lily. The moon's light was soon poking in through the gaps in the wooden boards and a hole in the roof. Onyx was getting scared and stepped closer to Lily. If something bad happened to either of them the other would die.
She started to hum softly and a little shakily and Lily stopped with her drawing and walked over to the mattress, pulling Onyx with her. Soon both girls were sitting on the old mattress, Onyx singing softly and scared out of her mind, snuggling into Lily's side while her best friend played the violin slowly.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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Sean unrolled his extremely large cloth bag as it covered most of the floor. With a wave of his hands a cauldren appeared as well as a table with many vials and beakers each glowing a different color from the contents inside. Sean created a purple flame before himself as the items were levitated and lowered into it.

"By the flame's of wrath and the will of creation I command you to bend to my will, Heed the call of the mark of the Forger and Crafter Sean Rayven and do as I wish." Seans mind focused on the shape as the metals began to soften yet remained where they floated. Soon then began to twist around each other and then when the first shape was done he moved to the next. When Sean had finished the third he then waved his hands as a cool breeze cooled the metals.

Image[/left] Image

Golden necklaces and silver rings, with diamonds for eyes were on the table. Sean's power flowed out as he spoke ancients tongues. His eyes began to glow showing his warlock heritage. He went from one ring to the next. EAch time his aura shrunk. When he finished he was sweating and smiling. He grabbed the mouse set and turned towards Ember-Jay and asked for her hand.


Town of Craine

Kristopher Von Strangelove looked at the little mice before him. He would have preferred them to run away. There was nothing like a chase. He slinked down silently yet he allowed his feet to make a thud sound to make them aware of his position. His eyes glowed in the dark as the rest of his features were hidden in shadow.

"Let us play a game my little demon mice," he smiled. It was not like they could see the smile and the elongated fangs but they could feel it as his hungry breath reached their little faces. "Run now, and if you can keep away from me for an hour then I will leave you alone for the rest of the night. If not, well ... we'll see what happens when it comes to that. Oh and every time I find you, we will play this game again, and again, until I or you two no longer live." He sat down and covered his eyes and started to count.

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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The De Bellamont Manor

Ember stared wide eyed at Sean and the mouse ring. It was beautiful! Slowly her hand raised so he could put it on her. She studied the ring as carefully and looked up at Sean's sweaty face, she hoped that her eyes and face showed what she thought of it because she couldn't find the right words. Slowly a smile crept across her face as she looked at him.

Town of Craine


Onyx screamed as she heard the thud and snuggled closer to Lily. She didn't know what to do and she didn't want to run. What ever this male was, he was probably taller with long legs. There was no way they would be able to do this but as she looked up at Lily she saw determination before her face went blank again. Onyx lunged across the room and grabbed Lily's violin case, helping her friend pack it up fast. Then next thing she knew she was on Lily's back and Lily was running.


She'd never seen or heard Onyx look so scared, not even with the hunters or demon kids. She didn't like it and she was pissed off that someone would threaten to basically kill her only friend. She packed her violin up fast and through Onyx onto her back, letting her friend hold onto the case. She ran to an alley and climbed up an old cold ladder. Then she traveled by roof top, jumping to other buildings and staying in the shadows. 'I have to protect Onyx!' Was her only thought as she kept going.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove Character Portrait: Ignatius Diederich
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Sean was glad she finally smiled. He slipped the ring on her finger and then stepped behind her gently moving her hair to the side to expose her bare neck. He reached around and put the necklace around her neck he 'accidentally' touched her chest and then locked the necklace and let her hair fall over her neck once more.

'Women truly are amazing creatures' he thought to himself.

"The gold will help against Vampires, the silver rings werewolves, diamonds against demons. On top of that I enchanted the necklaces so that I will be able to find you and scry for you when ever I need or wish to." Sean was worried that it might press on a whole privacy issue. "Think of it as me checking up on you from time to time. And you can always tell me when it is appopriate and not. Which brings me to the enchanted rings. With these you will be able to create a link with me and we can communicate within two miles. I created a link similar to that and my familiar Sherlock. That way I'll still be with you if we are separated.


Town of Craine

"Fifty-four, fifty-five..." Kristopher Von Strangelove reveled in the look both girls gave him. One of fear and one of defiance. It always made the blood much sweeter when emotions got mixed in. Kristoph was no longer closing his eyes as he looked at the diagram that the demon brats made. He smiled at their simplicity yet he continued to count wanting to make sure that they got a head start. Soon it would be completely night and he would be able to move freely. Perhaps he would start with the hunter letting the mice find some place safe- Kristoph smiled at the thought of them finding someone to help them. He would savor in the despair he brought them as he fed on their temporary protectors.

"Seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy four," counted Kristopher Von Strangelove.

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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0.00 INK

The De Bellamont Manor

Ember fiddled with the ring on her finger and then with the little mouse on the chain around her neck, she was blushing from when Sean had 'accidentally' touched her chest. Before she could help herself, she spun around, stood on her toes slightly and kissed Sean right on the lips. It wasn't one of those crushing kisses, just a soft butterfly like kiss because she didn't know how far she could push her luck yet. "Thank you.." She mumbled and smiled warmly at him. For Sean to give her protection and communication if they split up, it meant a lot to her.

Town of Craine


Lily was beginning to tire and stopped on top of a building, gasping for air. Not to far away she saw a large property with a house and she could sense power coming from it. It didn't feel like demon power but she could almost her the man counting in her head, for a moment she thought of going there but fear struck her at what might happen. With fury and defeat, Lily screamed and fell to her hands and knees on the roof top. She couldn't do this, Onyx was going to be killed and she couldn't do this!


For the first time ever she heard Lily scream and felt her fall to her knees, it shocked Onyx to her core. Never has she known anyone to get a word out of Lily and now she was screaming with fury and defeat! Slowly Onyx climbed off her friends back and hugged her tight, but it wasn't enough to silence her. Soon her screams turned to loud sobs and she felt tears on her small knee that belonged to her best friend. Onyx didn't know what to do so she did the only thing she could; She screamed and push a wave of dark power into it. "HELP!!!!" She didn't know if it would work, but she hoped it would get someone's attention before the man got to them.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK

Sean's little mouse sensors warned of Coreana's presence all the way down the hall and down the stairs. He turned just as their auras met. Sean was surprised seeing as how the sharing of power was quite intimate for witches and warlocks. He took it slowly and kissed Ember back and then reaching in the pouch for the ferret set. He gave the ring and as he walked behind Coreana he reached around and made sure to gently touch her neck. At the same time stared at Ember and magicked some phantom hands run down her back and through her hair.

It was then that Sean felt the dark pulse of energy. He finished with the necklace. And gave a warm smile.

" Wait here for a sec ladies. I need to check something outside. He checked his aura making sure he hadn't taken too much and stepped out into the night air.

"yes I can show you b-" Sherlock stared out the window. "First join the girls down stairs."Sherlock flew out the window and surveyed the area. "Two demon children, master."

"Keep an eye out" Sean said as he passes the gate.


"99, 100," Kristoph finished. "Good mice. Time to play"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK

Ember shivered and bit her lower lip as the phantom hands ran up her back and through her hair. She closed her eyes for a minute and then slowly looked at Sean as he left to go outside. Ember leaned against the wall and flexed her fingers, she'd promised not to kill Coreana but it was hard when he left her in a room with the witch. Slowly she swallowed and looked over at her, tilting her head slightly and studying her carefully. "Hi..." She whispered softly, not sure what else to say.. She noticed Josette standing there but didn't say anything, not sure what to say to her either.

Close by


Lily slowly got up and grabbed Onyx's hand, nodding toward the house and property. It was a great risk but she rather try then be hurt or see Onyx get hurt. "Yes.." Was whispered softly as a reply and Lily lead the way, both stumbling and tripping as they got off the roof top to the ground. She took the case from Onyx and the minute her tiny friend touched the ground she ran, being careful to slow down when Onyx was about to fall.


She was tired and couldn't help but stubble and trip as Lily pulled her along. She wished they both were closer to the house and property. Suddenly she fell and slammed into the ground, cutting open her chin, knees, and hands. Onyx gasped in slight pain as Lily picked her up and carried her on her stomach instead of her back. 'Oh Lily...Why don't you leave me? I slow you down...' Thought Onyx as darkness clouded her vision and she pasted out.

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK

~Josette ~

Josette looked at the window and saw what seem to be children with out a second thought she bolted out side moveing to them not caring for her safety. She had a big soft spot for children, to her they need to be loved and cared for. They need tenderness and some were safe. Moving with her mind set on the young-lings. It took a little time but she got to them she could tell something was wrong. In one swift movement she picked the one that was stumbling up. She took hold of the others hand she did not care what was after them she was going to help them. Her touch was loving and kind and had a safe feeling to it That need to protect that mothering aspect that longed for growing up took over. She was going to get them to safty no matter what.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK

(forgot to change location)
The De Bellamont Manor

Ember saw Josette take off and went to follow until her marked leg gave out, causing her to fall to the ground and gasp with pain. There was only so many night beings she could handle. Slowly she pulled herself up, half running half stumbling to her room. When she got there she fell onto the bed, wrapping her arms around her leg and crying silently. She hadn't been prepared for the shock of more as they drew close.

Being Saved!


At first she thought the young lady was trying to harm Onyx and went to lash out until the lady grabbed her hand and a wave of love, safety and kindness rolled off her. Lily hang onto her hand tight and tried hard to keep up. She didn't want this human to get hurt but then Lily felt something about her wasn't just human...Either way she was happy to get any help from the lady and gently kissed her hand to show it.


In the darkness there was a sudden warmth, like she was being wrapped up in someones arms. She knew her body was awake, but her mind had fled in fear and made it look like no one was home. She could hear a heart beat and smell Lily and a different sent...Something that smelled motherly..She liked it...

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK


Noteing the other child was having a hard time she stopped pulling the child to her. "Please put your arms around my neck and hold on" ~once the child was on her back Josette could move a little faster. Her heart was pounding even with not being hunter there was something very dark in the area. Her hand was hurting like crazy and still held the smell of fresh blood on it.

(sorry that it is short)

The setting changes from The De Bellamont Manor to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Kristpher Von Strangelove
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0.00 INK

Sherlock informed Sean that Josette had run out and found the children first. Sean thought this was a step in the right direction for her to come out of her shell. Sean stayed out of sight as he let her take care of the little demons. He smi-


PEEK A BOO!" Growled Kristoph as he stood behind Josette. As his breath touched her neck she could feel his eyes. She knew exactly where he was going to bite. "Bon Ap-"

Sean slammed his staff into the vampires head sending him flying.
"Get in side the grounds now!" He hollered. "Take the kids inside now." Sean cast a spell as several light soared around him lighting the area. The vampire was already back on his feet and smiling as he rubbed his cheek.

Kristoph watched as his meal got away.
"We have a little warlock. Are you by chance a hufflepuff?"he laughed at his own joke."you can't stop me", he started to say as Sean took out a gold sword."What else you got there" he said but the smile was gone.

The setting changes from Modern Day to The De Bellamont Manor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven Character Portrait: Lily Nightsong Character Portrait: Onyx Shadowscale Character Portrait: Coreana Sinyrah
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0.00 INK

(it's okay with me... I'm heading to bed, I've stayed up past midnight and I'm hitting the 5am mark XD night :) )


She did as the young lady said, careful to keep her violin case out of the way. She noticed the lady was having trouble with one hand and carefully pointed to it then made a slicing motion against her other hand, asking her if her cut it on something. She felt bad and wondered why no one was helping her. Carefully while waiting for an answer, Lily looked over Onyx's body and had even more tears rolling down her face. If they were court, Lily would hold of the man and let the young lady leave and hide Onyx. That was her only plan so far as she noticed others in front of the big house.


Onyx's mind was in other world, with joy and enjoyment everywhere and Lily and her happy. Nothing shuttering that peaceful world and slowly she wondered what was happening in the real world.