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Blood Which Binds Us

Blood Which Binds Us


Two factions of vampires locked in eternal war. A coven from each forever bound by the blood spilled between them, thirst for revenge forging the chains. Many years have passed since this feud began, and now they meet again...

2,572 readers have visited Blood Which Binds Us since Vix created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


ImageTwo factions of vampires locked in eternal war.

The Fallen are vampires who revel in the pleasures of human blood, gladly drinking their victims to death. These are considered evil and horrid by The Forbearers; vampires who have never killed a human by drinking it. They too live off of human blood, but they prefer willing subjects or bagged blood, and though they refrain from killing humans, they gladly destroy members of The Fallen. The two factions have always hated and fought each other.

This roleplay is centered around two covens, one of The Fallen and one of The Forbearers. The war between the two is by far more complex than that of the factions, deepened by the fact that the leader of The Fallen tempted and manipulated the Lover and Maker of The Forbearers' Leader, into drinking a human to death, making him Fall. After this, she slept with him and killed him. Just for fun. The leader of The Forbearers was heartbroken and furious, and possessed by thoughts of revenge, she killed The Fallen Leader's personal blood slave, of whom she was very possessive.

This started the Coven-war, fueled by hate and retribution, some centuries years ago. Through the years, more things have built upon this. Every time the covens have met, chaos, death and blood have followed, thickening the pile of reasons for the feud for all members involved. It is now no longer only a war wanted only by the Leaders, but rather one craved by all members of the two covens. Some, however, wish it more than others.

4 months ago The Forbearer Coven purposefully began hunting a Fallen due to a promise made to a human. What they don't yet know, is that the specific vampire they search, is a member of The Fallen Coven they so despise.

In Montana, however, in the territory of The Fallen Coven, the two meet again. Who dies and who lives? What happens when The Forbearers find out the identity and Coven of he one they have been searching? How do The Fallen Coven react to the turf-invasion of The Forbearers? What chaos evolves this time around?

The Vampires

  • They do not burst into flames in sunlight, but it does make their skin itch and sting terribly. In fact, it's so uncomfortable, most only dare outside in daylight, if they absolutely have to - they most certainly do not sparkle.
  • They need real, human blood, so no, they cannot live on animals. They can get bagged blood, but it does not taste as well as when you get it straight from a source. You might compare bagged blood to cheap fastfood, while fresh blood would be a gourmet meal. They can feed on one another to sustain themselves, but it is more of a sexual act.
  • They are capable of feeling and are usually quite territorial and possessive in all facets.
  • They are stronger, faster and with senses more keen than that of humans. These things increases with age, meaning the older the vampire, the stronger the vampire.
  • They do not have marble-white skin, but it does pale a bit after their death.
  • They are not ice-cold to the touch, merely always slightly chilled compared to your average human.
  • They do not appear to age.
  • They can easily control when to show their fangs, as those are retractable. This is what it would look like.
  • They are not affected by crosses whatsoever, but holy water burns their skin. They can only be killed by beheading and bullets only hurt them if they're very plentiful, although of course massive bloodloss and the likes can weaken them quite a bit.
  • They heal rapidly, but even their healing process can be made slow by lack of blood. However, a single feeding can heal a vampire completely, restoring him from the brink of death. Conclusion? The more blood in the Vampire's system, the faster the healing process.
  • They can also heal humans, by giving them their blood. However, if humans die with vampire blood in their veins, there is a 75% chance they will come back as vampires. The remaining 25% of those hundred, are the humans who just die.
  • They can no longer be born. Long ago, female vampires could conceive, albeit with a very high death rate. *Read Aphrodite's CS for more info*

The Covens

A coven consist of four different positions; Leader, Protector, Enforcers and Procurers. They are big on hierarchy and firmly believe that a Leader is a Leader; you follow orders and are punished if you do not complete them to satisfaction. Failing your Leader is shameful beyond compare. Covens are also sexually equal in the sense that your gender matters naught when it comes to position and power; only your age and your ability to lead does.

  • Leader: The leader of the coven. This person is usually the oldest, and thereby the strongest too. The Leader is oftentimes the Maker of at least one of the other coven members, and the coven members are sworn into always being loyal to the Leader, putting the coven Leader in a very powerful position. The position of Leader can either be gained by making one’s own coven, which is nearly impossible, or by killing the leader of another coven.

  • Protector: This position is second most powerful in the coven. The Protector answers only to the coven Leader, and is, as the title states, charged with protecting the him/her. This position is almost always occupied by amale, and his main purpose is so guard. He might be compared to a fierce body guard, one who would die to save his "Master". He is usually seen with the Leader, being his/her right hand man... or in some cases, woman.

  • Enforcer: These are the elite soldiers of a vampire coven. Their sole purpose is killing and obeying orders. Enforcers are, as the word itself states, the enforcers of the Leader's (or Protector's) words; they are those dispatched on missions. A coven can have any amount of Enforcers, but it is most common to have 2-5 in a Cover. Of course, the amount of Procurers has to reflect this amount to come extent.

  • Procurers: Vampires of this particular title are lowest in rank of all. They are usually the young vampires, those who are not experienced or skilled enough to take on any other role in a coven. They deal with humans on behalf of the coven, bringing them home to be fed on, or to be enslaved. They are eternal servants, for lack of a better word, but they then also function as nurses and grocers. A coven is often dependent on having one of several good Procurers as they make sure blood is always available; something that can be incredibly important to an Enforcer coming home from a job, empty of blood and too weak to hunt.

The Factions

  • There are two factions of vampires. The Fallen and the Forbearers. They are mostly alike, aside for a few differences; the Fallen have blood-red eyes, just like someone else would have blue ones. They can be different shades of red, depending on how often and when ones last feeding was. The Forbearers have clear eyes, keeping their human colour in some way; it might have become darker/lighter after the change to vampires, but is essentially the same. The Fallen are considered "Evil" vampires, and the Forbearers are considered "Good", although that perception is a tad outdated and square. In reality, the line between the two factions can either be very distinct, or, for some vampires, very blurry.
  • The Fallen are vampires who have killed a human by drinking it. The taking of a life in this fashion is what changes ones eyes to become red, so oftentimes the transition is a voluntary one. Now, why would anyone do that? Well, sometimes the Maker was Fallen and guided the fledgling into life that way. For others, it was a conscious choice because killing by drinking a victim is a high, and it leaves the vampire even stronger than usual, for a certain amount of time.
  • The two factions are enemies by definition, always believing themselves to be true vampires and the other faction to be wrong in some way.

Coven Position|Real Age|Personality Traits|FC|Availability

♠NOTE: Isaac Campbell/Matt Dallas and Grace Sawyer/Molly Quinn are NPCs. The characters are open to be Player Controlled. Just make a reservation via OOC and I will Abandon the character for you to pick up via "Adoption" after an arrangement is made through PM.

The Fallen

Leader|Aphrodite the Plague|2512|Cruel & Sadistic|Deborah Ann Woll|Taken - Little Fox

- Made *Gage Golightly* a vampire because she thought her entertaining and decided to "keep" her.
- Made Cain a vampire because she liked his violent tendencies and ruthlessness. Plus, she thought he was hot.
- Made Nikolai Venator because she thought it would be fun to make a vampire-hunter, a vampire.

Protector|Cain|1598|Cold & Violent|Tyler Hoechlin|Taken by - Army.of.One

- Was Made by Aphrodite the Plague after almost dying on the battlefield. He fell in love with her soon after, and is still lost for her. However, he has never told her this, despite the fact that they often have sex.

Enforcer|Maxwell Montgomery|832|Sly & Manipulative|Matt Bomer|Taken by - BleedingLover

- Was Made by Garth but was unable to keep himself from drinking a victim dry, enticed by Aphrodite. This made him a Fallen, and he was ostracized from his Forbearer coven. This was about 450 years ago, and after some time on his own, he met a young Hadley who he slept with. Subsequently, she offered him a place in her coven which he remorsefully took.

Enforcer|Nikolai Venator|817|Stubborn & Sanguinary|Nathaniel Buzolic|Taken by - tigerz

- Was Made by Aphrodite much against his will, as he was a vampire hunter. He tried to kill her after his change at first, but she made short work of his attempt, calling him "laughable". After a while, he gave up and accepted his new life. Now, he has seen the advantages to being a vampire and his feelings of hatred are being swallowed by thankfulness.

Procurer|???|449|Vain & Bitchy|Gage Golightly|Open

- Was Made by Aphrodite after meeting the Vampire briefly, not thinking she would ever see the woman again. Aphrodite approached her, forcing her into an alleyway, before she forced her blood down her throat, and broke her neck. She came back to life as a vampire.
- Convinced Maxwell to join the coven after sleeping with him.

The Forbearers

Leader|Delilah|1601|Caring & Judgmental|Sophia Bush|Taken by - Little Fox

- Made Evelyn after finding the woman bleeding in a secluded area. She was drawn by the smell of blood. Evelyn choked out that she had been attacked by a man. She offered her a chance to get back at said man; to never be vulnerable like that again, and she agreed to.

Protector|Garth|1599|Protective & Unforgiving|Alexander Skarsgård|Taken by - JokerofSpades

- Made *Matt Bomer* after finding him dying from a heart attack in the streets, but personally kicked him out of the coven once he saw that the vampire's eyes had turned red.
- Made Angiluzza Maniscalco after seeing her hunting on her own. He liked her natural instinct and mysterious nature. Plus, the coven was one member down and she was obviously alone.

Enforcer|Evelyn Dubois|709|Intelligent & Condescending|Clemence Poesy|Taken by - Army.of.One

- Was Made by Delilah after being promised that she would be able to avenge her own attack.
- Made Isaac because he reminded her of her younger brother, who she had loved dearly as a human, and had come to see grow up regularly. He was by himself, looking drunk and miserable, standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking wildly tossing water - a fall that would surely kill him. She forced him away from it, and after talking to him, being told his story, she decided to turn him.

Enforcer|Angiluzza Maniscalco|842|Wild & Mysterious|Miranda Kerr|Taken - Little Fox

- Made by Garth. She was in the woods alone hunting for food when she was grabbed from behind and rendered unconscious. When she awoke, he was standing over her, welcoming her to life as something much greater. She feels thankful, because life as a human had been extremely hard on her. Here, she always has food and most importantly, a family to watch her back.

Procurer|Isaac Campbell|151|Loyal & Careful|Matt Dallas|Open

- Made by Evelyn after she saved him from killing himself. He had been heartbroken and drunk, seeing death as his only way out. Once she asked him what had lead him to his current situation, the words poured. She offered him a chance to become something able to take what and who he wanted whenever he wanted, and he couldn't resist temptation. She just seemed so genuine.

The Humans

Much like humans keep milk and meat in the fridge at home, vampires keep blood on tab in the form of either Blood Pets or Blood Slaves. These are humans who live with and are provided for by the vampires, either with or without consent.

  • Blood Pets are humans who are willingly residing with the vampires. For some, this is because they've fallen in love with a vampire in a certain coven, or something along those lines. For others, its a drug in itself. When a human is bitten by a vampire, the vampire can choose whether to make it painful or pleasurable, by deciding on whether to exude venom from their fangs. If they do exude venom, the bite will be incredibly pleasurable - erotic even, but if not... well, then you can imagine having your blood sucked in such a fashion, is excruciatingly painful.
  • Blood Slaves are humans who, as the word says, have been enslaved. They aren't necessarily against this, but it was never a choice for them. Others might hate/fear their captors and want out. Whichever is the case, choice was never a part of the process. They are often people who have lived in the streets previously or such, so no one would miss them. However, this act of "saving" people from a life on the streets, may gain the vampires gratitude from some Blood Slaves, who will then become a mixture Blood Pets and Slaves.

Coven|Status|Age|Personality Traits|FC|Availability

The Fallen|Leader's Slave|Grace Sawyer|17|Devoted & Frightful|Molly Quinn|Open

- Was kidnapped by *Gage* intended especially for Aphrodite, who... "accidentally" killed her last slave. Grace has a kind of immunity to all the others, as Aphrodite is very possessive, never sharing her food, and would flip on a coin if anyone else bit her toy. She was kidnapped about 1 year ago. Aphrodite enjoys to scare her and "play" with her.

The Fallen|Slave|Dimtri Deon|27|Temperamental & Hateful|Jackson Rathbone|Taken - Little Fox

- Has been a bloodslave for about a decade or so, and has grown to hate his captors with a passion, although he has accepted his place in the world and has stopped his many former attempts of escaping. Attempts which were all punished very harshly. He has a lot of scars from being tortured into submission.

The Fallen|Lyric Emerson|Pet|22|Unpredictable & Troubled|Sky Ferreira|Taken - BleedingLover

- Lived a messed up life. Her past is pretty fucked up, involving drinking parents, drugs and physical and/or emotional abuse. She was first drunk from by one of the Fallen enforcers who was on a job and needed a drink, when she was 15, and she found it made her forget everything. She had tried drugs before then, but they had never worked as well. She spent the next couple of years searching for that vampire and 3 years ago she found him. She immediately took *Matt Bomer* up on his offer of becoming a blood pet.

The Forbearers|???|Pet|19|Paranoid & Rude|David Henrie|Open

- Was rescued by Delilah who intended to make him into a blood slave. Before then, *David* lived on the streets, alone and abandoned, living off of garbage and other scraps. Due to this rescue, he feels gratitude and loyalty towards these vampires. However, his past still colours his attitude and general personality. He has been with them for two years.

The Forbearers|Anastasia Valentino|Pet|21|Lovesick & Optimistic|Lea Michelle|Taken by - bracefacebeauty

- Met Garth in a bar a year ago, and fell hopelessly in love. She is completely captivated by him, although he feels nothing in return. To her, that only makes him more attractive. Once Isaac learned of this, he offered her a chance to be physically with her love, living with him and providing food for him and his family. She took him up on it, and once she figured out how he'd meant it, she looked past it, because being around her beloved is worth it to her.

The Forbearers|Pet|Preston Vyse|24|Helpful & Polite|Brendon Urie|Taken by - Riareous

- Was engaged to be married, happy as could be. A Fallen vampire drained her, killed her in front of his eyes. Something distracted the vampire before he got to killing Preston, however. He searched for years to find the vampire who killed his fiancee, but he could never find him. So, instead, after researching vampires for a time, he sought out the Forbearers. He said he'd do anything if they could find the vampire who destroyed his life. They agreed, if he would provide them blood as payment for their aid, which he agreed to. This was 4 months ago and initiated the actual hunt.

The Sheet

* Do NOT submit a character before I approve of your reservation.
*Do NOT reserve a character if you can't commit.
*Do NOT request a change in the given character information.

Code: Select all
[center][size=400][color=#800000][b][u]Coven and Position here[/u][/b][/color][/size][/center]

[right][img]GIF of your character here[/img]
[img]Another GIF here[/img]
[img]Third GIF here[/img]
[img]Last GIF here[/img][/right]
[b]Name:[/b] Your character's full name here, including middle name(s) if any.

[b]Nickname(s):[/b] Any nickname your character might have.

[b]Age:[/b] The age your character either is, or, if vampire, the age at which your character froze. (If vampire, insert real age in between these two brackets)

[b]Birthday:[/b] The date your character was born, including year. The roleplay is currently in May 2012.

[b]Bloodtype:[/b] If human, write own bloodtype. If vampire, write preferred bloodtype - not your character's own.

[b]Place of Origin:[/b] Where your character's from originally.

What your character likes. At least five, please.

What your character dislikes. At least five here too.

What does your character fear? we'll need at least one here, but more is definitely preferable.

What's your character's dirty little secret(s)? Please do try to think of something. Unless having secrets contradicts your character's personality completely, we want something put here.

1-4 paragraphs on your character's personality. We need good points as well as bad ones. No one is perfect.

Your character's life up until now, but keep to high points. Reading the life of a 1500 year old vampire might be a bit much, so be a bit picky with what you choose to write down in that case. If you're a human, we need you to expand a bit on how you character ended up with vampires. We made things vague to give you room to use your imagination. If you're a vampire, we will need something on how and by who you were turned, along with how you ended up with your Coven. We need at least 2 paragraphs, and we're not putting a max because some histories need space to properly fold out. Enjoy the writing!

[b]Anything Else:[/b]
Anything you need to underline about your character, or anything you might need to add. It can be talents or just physical notes, like a tattoo/piercing or whatnot. I don't mind the Vamps with tattoos/piercings.

Da Rules

  • Respect each other, please. We don't want fighting in the OOC, for instance.
  • Please do keep all the info on the vampires in mind. If you mess up the lore - at least parts we have detailed - we're going to have a problem. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me!
  • Do not join if you will not be willing to take on two characters - I may need you to.
  • Reserve your character in the OOC, not by PM. You have two days to submit at least a Work In Progress. The password is: Your favorite book.
  • There will be made a relationships thread, and we're not that many characters, so we very much expect everyone to finish the sheets. I will keep bugging you if you don't.
  • I expect you to be committed if you join this roleplay. My friend Mela spent a lot of time on this and this was and still is my favorite original story, and believe me, I will not be happy about you dropping off the face of the earth for a month. I will boot you if that happens and either kills or hand over your character. There will be no coming back. If you're going to be gone for a little while because of some family emergency or whatnot, please do inform me of it before, and I'll give you some time. I'm not completely heartless.
  • I have set a minimum of 350 words on average per post; I want literate roleplayers. I will hunt you down with a pitchfork if you ever post less than 350 words. Let's put it like that.
  • Blood, violence, foul language and sexual content will probably occur, so if you're skittish about any of those things, this roleplay probably isn't for you. Second password is: Your favorite album.
  • Your character may die. Shit happens. Life goes on. Bow out gracefully and don't throw a tantrum about it.
  • I can and will add more characters if enough people want to join, but only if all of the current slots are filled.
  • Last, but not least, enjoy! Oh, and do not let my baby die, I'm begging you.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Dubois Character Portrait: Grace Sawyer Character Portrait: Aphrodite the Plague Character Portrait: Garth Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco Character Portrait: Isaac Campbell Character Portrait: Dmitri Deon Character Portrait: Nikolai Venator Character Portrait: Hadley Cartwrite
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
“Zitta, piccola, e piegare le mani. Il sole ha impostato, la luna è alta, il mare canta per le sabbie, e poesie di veglia sono ingannato. Per molti una ninna nanna fata. Zitto, bambino --- il mio bambino! Sogno, piccolo, e nei tuoi sogni, levitare da questo luogo umile. Galleggiante su mellow, flussi di nebbia. Per terre dove abita solitario Maria mite, e lasciare che il suo bacio la tua faccia poco. Tu bambino --- il mio bambino! Dormi, piccola, e prendi il tuo riposo. E angeli chini su di te, dormire dolcemente sul petto che Padre che il nostro caro Cristo ha riconciliato. Ma non stare lì! Torna da me! Oh, bambino --- il mio bambino!” Deep in the forest, two miles away from the home of the Domus dormiendi Dracones, a Coven of Vampires descending from the Forebearers Faction, a soft singing voice mingled with the pit pit pat of a soft drizzle.

A woman was lying on the damp ground, blue eyes staring up into the velvety sky. The forest was so quiet and so still around her as her thick accent rolled past her lips and pierced the otherwise quiet night. Angiluzza had strayed off earlier that night and had officially been gone for three hours. Not that anyone would miss her or even know that she was gone. Nobody ever knew where she was even if she was standing in a corner right behind them. Sighing, she bit down on her bottom lip, letting her fangs extend and pierce the supple flesh. She wasn't hungry. Her fingers were itching to dance across the beautiful ebony and ivory keys of her piano. She longed to be in the darkness of her room, letting music fill her to her core. “E così sarà.” The Sicilian muttered to herself before rising from the ground. Waves of ebony and milk chocolate locks tumbled down her back, down, down, down to her ankles She didn't bother dusting off as she took off towards her...home.

Home was still such a...foreign word to her.

The home came into view and she glanced up, blinking at it slowly as though she had never been there before. She walked on the tips of her pedicured toes, up the steps and to the door. It came open with the gentlest push, swinging open slowly. The lights were off and she didn't turn them on as she walked bare foot through the shadows, eyes forward. To her room she went, her body clothed only by a large t-shirt that made clear her love for the band called Metallica and her favorite black and blue laced panties with a small ribbon on them. Her room was just as silent as the forest, filled with the scent of apple cinnamon and various candies; it was her favorite. She was greeted by a wall of the scent causing her to pause and close her eyes letting it consume her. It mingled with the scent of her own body that emanated an earthy scent. The mocha colored flesh of her body was riddled with earth and leaves that hadn't dislodged during her run, causing her to smell stronger of earth than usual. But she didn't mind. She grew up on the scents of earth and rain.

She left her door open, walking past her large bookshelf, running her fingers along the spines of the thick books. Journals, they were. Memoirs of her life. There were two missing that Garth was reading at the time. If the woman remembered correctly, he was around year eighty-five. That was when Angiluzza had left to Mount Song in the Henan province of China to learn Shaolin Kung Fu. She smiled in remembering at how long it took her to persuade the monks to take her on as a pupil - It wasn't that she was a Vampire, rather it was that she was a she. Thirty-four years she spent there to learn. She was so proud to return home and exhibit her skill. But she still would not present herself as an Enforcer until she learned at least one another fighting style. He would be getting to that part next.

Finished with reminiscing, she moved over to the grand piano that was smack in the center of her massive bedroom. Manicured fingertips trailed down the keys before she took a seat. While Angel was a patron of the arts and very much a lover of classic music from the Post Romantic era and the Renaissance era, she couldn't have helped but to have gotten into some of the music from the decades past. Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold had to be her favorites since the '90s. Slowly. So slowly at first did her fingers dance across the keys, delicately playing out Nothing Else Matters. It was by far her favorite song. Well. Perhaps Orion beat that song. Or Loverman. She couldn't decide. She admired and envied the guitar skills displayed by Kirk Hammett and the vocals by James Hetfield. She played with growing passion as the music played in her head and she imagined playing alongside them. Piano, of course.

“Oh? Thanks for the heads up, Carly. Of course. Yeah, I'll send someone out to handle it. It's not a problem! Trust me, we both benefit from it. Alright. Yeah. Alright, love you. Kiss kiss!”

Delilah tapped her phone, ending her conversation with a sigh before shoving the phone back into her pocket. She had to go home early and handle an issue and she was not too happy about that. She had planned on snagging one of the many Twi-bitches filing into the club every two seconds. Oh well; She could always get a bite to eat from Stacy. She was no O positive, but she was quite delicious nonetheless. “Great - Totally wasted this outfit!” She grumbled as she made her way out, smoothing out some of the wrinkles in the short orange dress before sliding into her blue corvette, peeling out of the parking lot. Her stereo blared out old Britney Spears songs as she flew down the old dirt road to their current home on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington. They were moving to Chicago in a few days because she heard that party life there was starting to heat up now that school was out for the summer.

That and Evelyn had picked up a lead for the Fallen they were hunting.

She slammed on the brakes as she came upon the house, quickly turning off the car and jumping out. She was but a blur as she went inside, slamming the door behind her. “Evelyn! You're coming with me!” She called out as she stood by the front door, texting faster than humanly possible, a bored expression on her face. <To; Garth, Isaac, Angiluzza>
Hunters hounding Salang Yeoseong-ui Jib. Im taking Evelyn to handle it. Stay home & keep an eye out 4 the Hunters John-John was talking about. They may b around.
She waited for Evelyn to get ready and join her so that they could make their way out to Shoreline. Her friend Carly was only in her eighties and her Coven had only three others, all of them being hunted at the moment. The Korean Coven had pleaded for Delilah to aid them.

There she was, sitting across the bar in the heavily crowded club. A woman of great beauty; she had hair as dark as a raven's wings that cascaded down her body in thick curls and framed the delicate features of her face. Her skin was ivory like the porcelain mini-statues he kept on a shelf in his room. And her body! Good lord, her body! She had curves in all the right places. She looked over at Aphrodite with bright green eyes and offered a shy smile. The Irishwoman grinned back and adjusted her fiery curls before moving away the area of the bar that she had taken occupancy of only a few hours ago.

“How about a drink?” Aphrodite flashed her a winning smile and smirked inwardly as she openly swooned at Ro's accent. American women...American humans were so easy to captivate. So long as you possessed a foreign accent, they would rob a bank at the snap of one's fingers. It was highly amusing to the vampire. “I'll take a Jack and Coke. As long as you're buying.” She tried her best to purr out a faux hispanic accent but she failed miserably. She didn't show her absolute disgust and instead contorted her face as though the human had just spoken the most fascinating thing she had ever heard in her life.

The woman was so easy to manipulate that it almost made Ro sad. Where was the challenge? But her boredom did not once show on his face as Ro continued to woo her at the bar before escorting her to the dance floor where she went a few rounds with her. Women these days had absolutely no sense of class. They thought they'd find spouse material by wearing tight-fitting clothes that were a size and a half too small and then grinding their junk on people. And they wondered why so many of them were raped outside of bars. That was like teasing a lion with a raw steak and then wondering why the lion tore off your arm.

The woman came alone to the crowded club, having just got out of a fight with her roommates. She was just looking to have some fun and find someone special. She had a good feeling about tonight. Why wouldn't she be able to find Miss Right in a club? Her sister got married that way. But her sister was also abused daily. But that could never happen to her, oh no! And Aphrodite was such a lady and so sexy. Nothing could go wrong with her, she thought as she danced with Ro, feeling safe wrapped in her arms as she whispered romantic sweet nothings into her ear.

Nine-thirty soon rolled around and Aphrodite had four other women in her car, chattering excitedly about what an epic orgy this was going to be. The ancient Vampire smirked as she pulled into a driveway, her home far away from the hustle and bustle of Indianapolis. She let the girls out of her car, her blue eyes narrowing as they went through the door. She removed her contacts to reveal her bright red eyes, letting her fangs slide out with a click. “Let's play a game.”, she hissed. She often engaged in games with her Covenmates, bringing home humans and more or less acting out a horror movie. They let them run around the house and get their silly knives before chasing them into the forest to play hide and seek; Fear seemed to just sweeten the blood. And the game could go on for hours. “DD! Gracie! Come here!” She called out for her two favorite humans as the girls she brought home screamed and ran.

Dmitri's fingers were dancing across the strings of his guitar. Something Aphrodite had given to him once upon a time when she was in a strangely good mood. Those moods were very disturbing to the blonde haired man. Alone in his room he sat, the lights all off. He wanted to be left alone in the dark as usual. Dmitri hated it when people came into his room. Dmitri hated it when people spoke to him. Dmitri hated it when people so much as looked at him. Dmitri hated people in general. Except for Grace. His fingers stopped for a while as he thought about her. That beautiful, flawless smile. Those flowing, fiery locks. And those eyes. He got lost in them every time he looked into them. He loved Grace even though he tried to make it not so obvious. He couldn't begin to imagine the terrible things that they'd do if they found out.

He shuddered at the thought. He would always pray that if Aphrodite ever found out she would have enough care for her favored pet that she would keep Grace alive. Should Aphrodite kill Grace...Dmitri wouldn't be able to bear it.

So he merely kept his mouth shut around Grace.

When Aphrodite's voice pierced the evening air, Dmitri cringed. She sounded like she was in a good mood. Great. And her voice preceded a series of screams - So she wanted them for the game. He let go of his guitar and rose as slowly as he possibly could, dragging his feet out of his room. He didn't want to see Aphrodite's face. She was so beautiful, but she was so corrupt and cruel that it made his stomach turn. His hand wiped down his face as he groaned under his breath, making his way towards the living room where her voice had emanated from. Usually he and Grace were forced to partake in the games they played, almost as though Aphrodite were training them. The thought made him shiver.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Preston Vyse
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[OOC: The day leading to recent events]

The air clutched in soothing waves, neutralising the sun’s early glare. For some reason Preston had become unusually sensitive to the globes bright touch, often just an hour absent shade meant his skin would glow, he sighed, It must be rubbing off on me.
He wasn’t in his accustomed attire today, a tight blue sports shirt and black shorts adorned his body along with trainers. The comfort these items provide irked Preston but he ignored urge to change; suits aren’t advisable during exercise. Warming up Preston push forward and breathing deeply in, then out. His brown eyes piercing ahead marked out the day’s route and a bead of sweat appeared at his hair line, as the building he’d emerged from disappeared behind him.
It was far too late to react when a wooden pole thrust out of a bush along the paths edge, Preston found himself face eating the soil in less than seconds. “The problem is, you have no intuition,” a grisly voice commented from behind the foliage, “You see the world as it is without change,” the voice continued revealing itself to belong to an aged man in black and grey combats; Preston squinted, cupping his mouth and nose. “But the world does change,” he said bending down on his knees as Preston spat rolling onto his back, “it’s a stream of colours, each colour a different possibility,” the man grumbled down at Preston, “And at night the colours become shades, you have to see these actions… Or they’ll seize you.”
The man regained his height and turned pacing away. Gyial! Preston removed a handkerchief from his front pocket and after sitting up he proceeded to blow his nose; he took a second and wiped his mouth. Blood. Fantastic. Rising to his feet he shakily stepped over the pole and moved to catch up with Gyial who had found a green clearing and was removing items from a black travel bag.
Reaching the man Preston began to speak, ”Could we focus less on the cloak and…” but he was cut off before he could finish with a glove to the stomach. A loud crack could be heard coming from where the glove impacted Preston and he crippled in agony to his knees crying out. At least two ribs had been cracked by Gyial’s assault, one had fractured puncturing skin but Gyial didn’t hesitate, he swung the other fist into Preston’s face and Preston was floored for second time in minutes.
“Why?” Gyial responded after Preston failed to produce the question, blood now flowing from Preston’s mouth. “You failed, that’s why.” The man removed his gloves and let them drop down; they hit the floor with a thump. Bricks. Lined with… “Where’s the pole Preston?” Gyial asked, “Left behind. Like your life.”

Preston walked back along the trail, his shirt and face smattered in blood and dirt. I don’t understand Gyial, Preston thought, disconcerted. Gyial had been like that since the word go; traps, tests, surprises and brutality were all common themes and Preston bitterly recalled his initial meeting, Lost my favourite tie to that villain. Vampire blood coursed through Preston and Gyial had done an expert job at forcing Preston’s rib back in at the expense of Preston’s pain threshold. Next time, Preston vowed, I’ll be ready, he thought shaking his head before a - Thunk – sound pierced through the back of his leg and Preston falter to a knee. Behind, far off, a voice faintly called out, “Just push it through and you’ll heal right up!” Gyial. The tip stuck through the side of Preston’s shin however Preston didn't have time to consider pain, the wound was already healing around the arrow.

Day’s peak had been reached by the time Preston had returned carrying a four pieces of arrow, Blasted arrow had to break three times. He wasn’t fatigued, the vamp blood saw to that and he’d have hours before it would wear out of his system. Shower. Upon entering his room Preston discarded his clothes into a bin liner in preparation to dispose of them, he didn’t need unwanted attention from his “patrons”.

Refreshed, dressed and fed Preston turned his attention to a table situated at the window side, its surface held a kettle, tubing and empty blood bags stacked neatly in a tray. Beneath the table was a small fridge with a clear door, a couple of full bags could be seen through. As he sat he removed a needle from the kettle and attached it to the tube, the other end of the tube was attached to a blood bag and Preston carefully hooked the needle in a vein running through his synovial joint. The drops of vampire blood will certainly give this batch a kick, Preston mused but it needed to be done, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to rest before sun down, syncopating him with his allies.
Two bags later Preston withdrew the needle, the remnants of the vampire blood healing his wound and readjusting his blood level. ”Sleep at last,” Preston breathed as he moved to his bed which flapped as he sat down. I should really… but Preston didn’t get to finish contemplating about the bin liner as sleep had taken him. He gently fell backwards, feet still firmly planted to the floor and just like that was asleep, abandoning the daylight.

A forceful jolt to the bed awoke Preston.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garth Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco Character Portrait: Delilah
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0.00 INK


To one that wasn't familiar with the House used by the Forebearer Coven, they might find it odd that a man was almost always on the roof. One would think he was similar to a rooster in his constant watchings over the house, but they would be wrong: for a rooster sleeps and awakens early to crow, while the man on the roof was never asleep. He was always doing something, always awake, always keeping an eye on those he considered his family; his Coven.

The man, who called himself by the name of Garth, was currently performing tai chi on the roof's peak. While to a mortal this would seem perilous and suicidal, a vampire such as himself balanced with little to no difficulty. What made him different, however, was that Garth held aloft a novel on his head, while another was in his hand open. Such novels were different than most in the world: thick bound, they were hand written; a journal of events by his progeny, his little huntress. The only reason such a man would be reading while performing life-threatening stunts was simple: Garth had to read constantly to make sure he would finish on time. Sadly, the ancient vampire was not the best at reading in general, so he hoped to improve his ability to read: he liked to be efficient and save time, not take forever. At least it was in Italian, and not in the dreaded English Language: sure, English is rooted from his native tongue, but it's rules and exceptions boggled the mind of such a straightforward, simplistic gentleman as himself.

His leather jacket yelped in protest as his changed positions after holding the previous one for 2 minutes. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his little huntress silently approach the house, a smile threatening to plant itself on his face; after all, he was reading of her life. Odd that Garth would bother to read anything as it went against his normal creed of 'Actions are the words of the body', but there were a few reasons: mostly because he was curious in the fact that Angel would actually write it all down, and slightly because she asked if he would. Garth had always relied simply on his memory - which was near picture perfect - but Angel decided to actually document. It was interesting, to say the least.

He then made a mental note that Angel had come home, which now meant that Evelyn, Angel and the pet Preston were currently in the house. Garth was uncertain of Isaac's whereabouts, and Delilah was out for the night: something Garth wasn't too happy about. Since going on this little hunt of theirs, Garth was constantly expressing concern for Delilah's safety to ensure that the Coven's leader didn't perish. If she kept going out clubbing and was attacked, how was he to protect her if she was constantly telling him not to be her escort? Garth gave a slight sigh on the thought, his eyes turning back to the pages after staring at the night sky: she could be childish and bitchy, but Garth would protect Delilah wholeheartedly. He just wished that these nagging emotions would stop pestering him when either Angel or Delilah were near him. Garth gave a slight chuckle at the thought: Delilah would... flirt (blast this language and its odd terms) with him if Angel had done something irk her, and Garth realized that most of it went over his head. How was he supposed to understand the emotions of women if he was the type to never show any?

Nevertheless, he was nearly done the second journal that he had chosen as a piano echoed through the air. While he did not recognize the piece - music wasn't his forte (puns!) - he recognized the pianist as none other than his little huntress. He couldn't resist a small smile as it creeped in, his eyes losing focus on the pages again. He had told her to become whatever she wanted, and she was shaping marvelously into a beautiful and gifted child. Sure, Garth may not appreciate the skills as something to put into his own arsenal, but who was he to disallow his progeny to explore the arts of the world? Garth knew his place as a simple protector and did not need any skills but to protect, but he knew that Angel yearned for something more, and he was more than happy to allow her the freedom to discover it.

In the distance was the sound of music that he barely recognized until the roar of an engine on the dirt road could be heard over the music: a blue corvette peeled down the driveway to the house, driven by the one and only Delilah. Garth only glanced out of the side of his eye, however, only to watch her slam on her brakes and rush inside. A sigh emitted from his lips as he knew what was going to happen even before it began: Delilah would rush inside, yell for somebody, and use that infernal device of hers to explain her plans. Closing the journal with one hand, Garth shifted his weight while on his single foot to gracefully jump off the roof and land almost silently as Delilah's voice echoed through the house. “Evelyn! You're coming with me!” Garth slid the journal from his head into his left hand, which housed the other journal, and approached the door.

Garth then heard the sound of her fingers tapping, which was his cue to open the door enough for him to slide into the house and speak in his sweet yet monotonous, baritone voice. "Must I remind you that I have no use of this infernal device?" He had grabbed his cell phone - which Delilah had forced him to purchase - out of his pocket to hold it up as it buzzed, which made Garth eye it suspiciously. "Or should I kindly point out that the racing technological age and I do not always cooperate with one another?" While it sounded like he was an old grandpa, Garth and technology had been at odds with one another ever since the Cold War. First was the incident when one of the first telephones somehow electrocuted him. Next came his inability to understand a computer and its functions. The list went on, especially if one counted how many... incidents occured when Garth tried using the internet. Baaaaad things happen.

Regardless, Garth gave Delilah an odd look after her response, to issue his standard routine of questions. "How did the night go? Any attacks or problems I should be aware of?"

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Chicago, Illinois by Vix

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aphrodite the Plague
Character Portrait: Dmitri Deon
Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco
Character Portrait: Evelyn Dubois
Character Portrait: Preston Vyse
Character Portrait: Garth
Character Portrait: Stacy Valentino
Character Portrait: Delilah
Character Portrait: Cain
Character Portrait: Grace "Little Red" Sawyer
Character Portrait: Isaac "Iggy" Campbell


Character Portrait: Isaac "Iggy" Campbell
Isaac "Iggy" Campbell

An NPC open for the taking!

Character Portrait: Grace "Little Red" Sawyer
Grace "Little Red" Sawyer

An NPC open for the taking!

Character Portrait: Cain


Character Portrait: Delilah

"Did I hear someone say party?" WIP

Character Portrait: Garth

"I shall protect this house, no matter the cost."

Character Portrait: Preston Vyse
Preston Vyse

Gone away; just not far enough.

Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco
Angiluzza Maniscalco

"Ho questa strana voglia di strappare solo voi a parte in questo preciso istante."

Character Portrait: Dmitri Deon
Dmitri Deon

"Fuck off..."


Character Portrait: Grace "Little Red" Sawyer
Grace "Little Red" Sawyer

An NPC open for the taking!

Character Portrait: Aphrodite the Plague
Aphrodite the Plague

"Remind me again why you're worth anything to me."

Character Portrait: Preston Vyse
Preston Vyse

Gone away; just not far enough.

Character Portrait: Delilah

"Did I hear someone say party?" WIP

Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco
Angiluzza Maniscalco

"Ho questa strana voglia di strappare solo voi a parte in questo preciso istante."

Character Portrait: Isaac "Iggy" Campbell
Isaac "Iggy" Campbell

An NPC open for the taking!

Character Portrait: Garth

"I shall protect this house, no matter the cost."

Character Portrait: Dmitri Deon
Dmitri Deon

"Fuck off..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Garth

"I shall protect this house, no matter the cost."

Character Portrait: Aphrodite the Plague
Aphrodite the Plague

"Remind me again why you're worth anything to me."

Character Portrait: Cain


Character Portrait: Grace "Little Red" Sawyer
Grace "Little Red" Sawyer

An NPC open for the taking!

Character Portrait: Preston Vyse
Preston Vyse

Gone away; just not far enough.

Character Portrait: Delilah

"Did I hear someone say party?" WIP

Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco
Angiluzza Maniscalco

"Ho questa strana voglia di strappare solo voi a parte in questo preciso istante."

Character Portrait: Dmitri Deon
Dmitri Deon

"Fuck off..."

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