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Evelyn Dubois


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a character in “Blood Which Binds Us”, as played by Army.of.One


The Forbearers' Enforcer



Evelyn Elizabeth Dubois

She will go by Eve, Evie, Lynn, or sometimes even Liz

Appears to be 22 | Her real age is 709

She was physically born on August 9th, 1303
She was reborn as a vampire on September 28th, 1325

Evelyn truly prefers B- over any other blood type, however her taste buds have grown accustomed to many of the other types, and they taste almost as good. The only type she truly cannot stand is A+

Place of Origin:
Evelyn was born in Marseille, France in 1303, however she was reborn as a vampire while on a trip to London with her girlfriends


*Matt Dallas* - originally because he reminded her of her younger brother, but eventually for his own qualities | Being a Forbearer | Reading every single genre of book | Attending college - she has more degrees than anyone could ever have | Feeling important | Her Maker *Sophia* | Being romanced | B- blood | Sex - although she doesn't like being thought of as a whore | Being right | Showing off her intelligence to others | Picking on younger vampires - she likes having seniority | Being in a monogamous relationship | Demonstrating her power over humans - although she would never actually hurt them | Wearing her hair in many different styles | Experimenting with makeup | The beauty of nature | The History Channel | Reading stories about vampires - Anne Rice is her favorite | Animals | Fashion | Jewelry | Listening to music that mimics her mood | Stargazing | Contemplating the meaning of life

The Fallen | Being in a bad mood | Not being recognized | A+ blood | Being thought of as ugly | Anyone proving her wrong | Drinking from druggies | Showing weakness | Anyone becoming too close to her Maker *Sophia* | Daylight | Being used | Staying indoors for too long | Reality television | Stories about werewolves | Being made fun of | Anyone taking authority over her besides *Sophia* | Humans who are weak - she likes them to have some fight | Not having a mirror around to check herself out in

Somehow disappointing her Maker *Sophia* and losing her position | Draining a human dry and becoming a member of The Fallen | Losing *Matt Dallas* | Not being good enough for someone | Never finding her true love

Although she began seeing *Matt Dallas* as her younger brother, her feelings eventually blossomed into much more, and she realized that she actually loved him, yet she has never revealed this to him | She enjoys handcuffing or tying humans to the bed while she feeds on them | Her favorite human is *Brendon Urie*, because their pasts are so similar. She has never fed off of him though, afraid it would ruin their relationship of the mind


Evelyn is a very complex creature. Most would stay she is good... yet she has her bad counterparts as well. One of the most notable things about her is her mind. In her seven hundred and nine years, she has attempted to learn as much as she can, attending different colleges and receiving many degrees in varying majors. She loves to read, everything from fiction and fantasy to non-fiction and biographies. Seemingly she can't get enough information, and longs to learn new things every single day.

She enjoys flaunting her knowledge in front of anyone who is willing to listen. Evelyn always wants to have the upper hand, and enjoys having a one up on everyone. If anyone is able to prove her wrong, she loathes them until she can once again assert that she is better in some way. Picking and teasing on younger vampires is a hobby of hers, and the only reason she does it is because of seniority. She doesn't like hurting other people, she just wants them to know that she is better. She enjoys dominance over humans as well, and when feeding she gets a high off of handcuffing or tying them up. Although she would never admit it to anyone.

Evelyn longs for love, and always has. Sure, sex is great, and a woman like Evelyn has needs. Yet she always wants more of a connection than anything physical. Sex makes her feel so much more when in a monogamous relationship. But true love is her ultimate goal. And she believes she knows who it is, yet she is afraid to let him know. At first all she saw in *Matt Dallas* was her younger brother, yet over the years she has began to love him and develop feelings for him in all the ways he is not like her younger brother. She sometimes finds her feelings disgusting, since he sometimes reminds her of him, which is part of the reason she has never revealed her feelings.

Fashion has always been one of the things Evelyn kept up with in her seven hundred years. She is constantly buying the latest pieces and attending runway shows. Of course, she believes everything looks better on her than on the models themselves. She almost owns as many accessories as clothes, knowing an outfit can only be perfect with the right jewelry, purse, and shoes. She loves heels, thinking they make her legs look even taller and sexier, and she rarely wears anything else.

On that note, Evelyn is extremely vain. She knows she is beautiful, and expects everyone else to recognize and even acknowledge this fact. She hates when she is ignored, or if anyone were to think she was ugly, she might possibly die. And while beauty is a gift, it is also a curse. Many times she has been used by other vampires just for her looks. They would sleep with her, and then leave her. It is another reason she prefers to have sex in a relationship.

Lastly, even though she hasn't been a human in many centuries, she finds something beautiful and intriguing about them still. She doesn't ever want to drain one dry, because she would be kicked out of her coven, but also because she would have ended a beautiful life. *Brendon Urie* is her favorite human; their stories are so similar, and she enjoys talking with him often. She has never fed on him, fearing their relationship would somehow change.

Evelyn was born in Marseille, France in 1303.

Anything Else:
Anything you need to underline about your character, or anything you might need to add. It can be talents or just physical notes, like a tattoo/piercing or whatnot. I don't mind the Vamps with tattoos/piercings.

So begins...

Evelyn Dubois's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Dubois Character Portrait: Grace Sawyer Character Portrait: Aphrodite the Plague Character Portrait: Garth Character Portrait: Angiluzza Maniscalco Character Portrait: Isaac Campbell
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#, as written by Vix
“Zitta, piccola, e piegare le mani. Il sole ha impostato, la luna è alta, il mare canta per le sabbie, e poesie di veglia sono ingannato. Per molti una ninna nanna fata. Zitto, bambino --- il mio bambino! Sogno, piccolo, e nei tuoi sogni, levitare da questo luogo umile. Galleggiante su mellow, flussi di nebbia. Per terre dove abita solitario Maria mite, e lasciare che il suo bacio la tua faccia poco. Tu bambino --- il mio bambino! Dormi, piccola, e prendi il tuo riposo. E angeli chini su di te, dormire dolcemente sul petto che Padre che il nostro caro Cristo ha riconciliato. Ma non stare lì! Torna da me! Oh, bambino --- il mio bambino!” Deep in the forest, two miles away from the home of the Domus dormiendi Dracones, a Coven of Vampires descending from the Forebearers Faction, a soft singing voice mingled with the pit pit pat of a soft drizzle.

A woman was lying on the damp ground, blue eyes staring up into the velvety sky. The forest was so quiet and so still around her as her thick accent rolled past her lips and pierced the otherwise quiet night. Angiluzza had strayed off earlier that night and had officially been gone for three hours. Not that anyone would miss her or even know that she was gone. Nobody ever knew where she was even if she was standing in a corner right behind them. Sighing, she bit down on her bottom lip, letting her fangs extend and pierce the supple flesh. She wasn't hungry. Her fingers were itching to dance across the beautiful ebony and ivory keys of her piano. She longed to be in the darkness of her room, letting music fill her to her core. “E così sarà.” The Sicilian muttered to herself before rising from the ground. Waves of ebony and milk chocolate locks tumbled down her back, down, down, down to her ankles She didn't bother dusting off as she took off towards her...home.

Home was still such a...foreign word to her.

The home came into view and she glanced up, blinking at it slowly as though she had never been there before. She walked on the tips of her pedicured toes, up the steps and to the door. It came open with the gentlest push, swinging open slowly. The lights were off and she didn't turn them on as she walked bare foot through the shadows, eyes forward. To her room she went, her body clothed only by a large t-shirt that made clear her love for the band called Metallica and her favorite black and blue laced panties with a small ribbon on them. Her room was just as silent as the forest, filled with the scent of apple cinnamon and various candies; it was her favorite. She was greeted by a wall of the scent causing her to pause and close her eyes letting it consume her. It mingled with the scent of her own body that emanated an earthy scent. The mocha colored flesh of her body was riddled with earth and leaves that hadn't dislodged during her run, causing her to smell stronger of earth than usual. But she didn't mind. She grew up on the scents of earth and rain.

She left her door open, walking past her large bookshelf, running her fingers along the spines of the thick books. Journals, they were. Memoirs of her life. There were two missing that Garth was reading at the time. If the woman remembered correctly, he was around year eighty-five. That was when Angiluzza had left to Mount Song in the Henan province of China to learn Shaolin Kung Fu. She smiled in remembering at how long it took her to persuade the monks to take her on as a pupil - It wasn't that she was a Vampire, rather it was that she was a she. Thirty-four years she spent there to learn. She was so proud to return home and exhibit her skill. But she still would not present herself as an Enforcer until she learned at least one another fighting style. He would be getting to that part next.

Finished with reminiscing, she moved over to the grand piano that was smack in the center of her massive bedroom. Manicured fingertips trailed down the keys before she took a seat. While Angel was a patron of the arts and very much a lover of classic music from the Post Romantic era and the Renaissance era, she couldn't have helped but to have gotten into some of the music from the decades past. Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold had to be her favorites since the '90s. Slowly. So slowly at first did her fingers dance across the keys, delicately playing out Nothing Else Matters. It was by far her favorite song. Well. Perhaps Orion beat that song. Or Loverman. She couldn't decide. She admired and envied the guitar skills displayed by Kirk Hammett and the vocals by James Hetfield. She played with growing passion as the music played in her head and she imagined playing alongside them. Piano, of course.

“Oh? Thanks for the heads up, Carly. Of course. Yeah, I'll send someone out to handle it. It's not a problem! Trust me, we both benefit from it. Alright. Yeah. Alright, love you. Kiss kiss!”

Delilah tapped her phone, ending her conversation with a sigh before shoving the phone back into her pocket. She had to go home early and handle an issue and she was not too happy about that. She had planned on snagging one of the many Twi-bitches filing into the club every two seconds. Oh well; She could always get a bite to eat from Stacy. She was no O positive, but she was quite delicious nonetheless. “Great - Totally wasted this outfit!” She grumbled as she made her way out, smoothing out some of the wrinkles in the short orange dress before sliding into her blue corvette, peeling out of the parking lot. Her stereo blared out old Britney Spears songs as she flew down the old dirt road to their current home on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington. They were moving to Chicago in a few days because she heard that party life there was starting to heat up now that school was out for the summer.

That and Evelyn had picked up a lead for the Fallen they were hunting.

She slammed on the brakes as she came upon the house, quickly turning off the car and jumping out. She was but a blur as she went inside, slamming the door behind her. “Evelyn! You're coming with me!” She called out as she stood by the front door, texting faster than humanly possible, a bored expression on her face. <To; Garth, Isaac, Angiluzza>
Hunters hounding Salang Yeoseong-ui Jib. Im taking Evelyn to handle it. Stay home & keep an eye out 4 the Hunters John-John was talking about. They may b around.
She waited for Evelyn to get ready and join her so that they could make their way out to Shoreline. Her friend Carly was only in her eighties and her Coven had only three others, all of them being hunted at the moment. The Korean Coven had pleaded for Delilah to aid them.

There she was, sitting across the bar in the heavily crowded club. A woman of great beauty; she had hair as dark as a raven's wings that cascaded down her body in thick curls and framed the delicate features of her face. Her skin was ivory like the porcelain mini-statues he kept on a shelf in his room. And her body! Good lord, her body! She had curves in all the right places. She looked over at Aphrodite with bright green eyes and offered a shy smile. The Irishwoman grinned back and adjusted her fiery curls before moving away the area of the bar that she had taken occupancy of only a few hours ago.

“How about a drink?” Aphrodite flashed her a winning smile and smirked inwardly as she openly swooned at Ro's accent. American women...American humans were so easy to captivate. So long as you possessed a foreign accent, they would rob a bank at the snap of one's fingers. It was highly amusing to the vampire. “I'll take a Jack and Coke. As long as you're buying.” She tried her best to purr out a faux hispanic accent but she failed miserably. She didn't show her absolute disgust and instead contorted her face as though the human had just spoken the most fascinating thing she had ever heard in her life.

The woman was so easy to manipulate that it almost made Ro sad. Where was the challenge? But her boredom did not once show on his face as Ro continued to woo her at the bar before escorting her to the dance floor where she went a few rounds with her. Women these days had absolutely no sense of class. They thought they'd find spouse material by wearing tight-fitting clothes that were a size and a half too small and then grinding their junk on people. And they wondered why so many of them were raped outside of bars. That was like teasing a lion with a raw steak and then wondering why the lion tore off your arm.

The woman came alone to the crowded club, having just got out of a fight with her roommates. She was just looking to have some fun and find someone special. She had a good feeling about tonight. Why wouldn't she be able to find Miss Right in a club? Her sister got married that way. But her sister was also abused daily. But that could never happen to her, oh no! And Aphrodite was such a lady and so sexy. Nothing could go wrong with her, she thought as she danced with Ro, feeling safe wrapped in her arms as she whispered romantic sweet nothings into her ear.

Nine-thirty soon rolled around and Aphrodite had four other women in her car, chattering excitedly about what an epic orgy this was going to be. The ancient Vampire smirked as she pulled into a driveway, her home far away from the hustle and bustle of Indianapolis. She let the girls out of her car, her blue eyes narrowing as they went through the door. She removed her contacts to reveal her bright red eyes, letting her fangs slide out with a click. “Let's play a game.”, she hissed. She often engaged in games with her Covenmates, bringing home humans and more or less acting out a horror movie. They let them run around the house and get their silly knives before chasing them into the forest to play hide and seek; Fear seemed to just sweeten the blood. And the game could go on for hours. “DD! Gracie! Come here!” She called out for her two favorite humans as the girls she brought home screamed and ran.

Dmitri's fingers were dancing across the strings of his guitar. Something Aphrodite had given to him once upon a time when she was in a strangely good mood. Those moods were very disturbing to the blonde haired man. Alone in his room he sat, the lights all off. He wanted to be left alone in the dark as usual. Dmitri hated it when people came into his room. Dmitri hated it when people spoke to him. Dmitri hated it when people so much as looked at him. Dmitri hated people in general. Except for Grace. His fingers stopped for a while as he thought about her. That beautiful, flawless smile. Those flowing, fiery locks. And those eyes. He got lost in them every time he looked into them. He loved Grace even though he tried to make it not so obvious. He couldn't begin to imagine the terrible things that they'd do if they found out.

He shuddered at the thought. He would always pray that if Aphrodite ever found out she would have enough care for her favored pet that she would keep Grace alive. Should Aphrodite kill Grace...Dmitri wouldn't be able to bear it.

So he merely kept his mouth shut around Grace.

When Aphrodite's voice pierced the evening air, Dmitri cringed. She sounded like she was in a good mood. Great. And her voice preceded a series of screams - So she wanted them for the game. He let go of his guitar and rose as slowly as he possibly could, dragging his feet out of his room. He didn't want to see Aphrodite's face. She was so beautiful, but she was so corrupt and cruel that it made his stomach turn. His hand wiped down his face as he groaned under his breath, making his way towards the living room where her voice had emanated from. Usually he and Grace were forced to partake in the games they played, almost as though Aphrodite were training them. The thought made him shiver.