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Aaron Highmore

"The course of true love never did run smooth." - A Midsummer Night's Dream

0 · 916 views · located in The Isle

a character in “Bloodlines”, as played by throne


Aaron David Highmore
The Omarain Bloodline


At A Glance
Full Name: Aaron David Highmore
Age: 17
Birthdate: June 23rd
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Bloodline: Omarain

Likes: Flirting • Dancing • Laughter • Movement • Cloudless Days • Starry Nights • Noodles • Being Barefoot • Conversations • Music • Chivalry • The works of Shakespeare • Adventure
Dislikes: Bullies • Sadness • Boredom • Being Shirtless • Silence • Being restrained physically or feeling trapped • Liars
Fears: Rejection (it’s one of the reasons he’s never made good on any of his flirtations); Cold Iron (he’s even more sensitive to it than most Omarain, and has had near-deadly brushes with it in the past)
Goals: To complete his masterpiece, a fusion of music, dance, and illusion

There are two major components to Aaron’s personality: those parts of his mundane life that are too deeply ingrained for him to cast off, and the fae persona that he has embraced since arriving on the Isle.

Like most children with distant parents, he craves attention. His love of the performance arts is an obvious extension of that fact, but there are subtler ones as well. He wants to be liked. He wanted to be loved. He tends to find a reason to like almost everyone around him as a result, because that makes it easier for them to like him, in his mind. It isn’t really a bad thing. He is fairly likable, and his habit of looking hard for admirable virtues even in those who he doesn’t particularly care for can go a long way toward making up for some of the more undesirable elements of his psyche.

His experiences with his first love and the terror of his Awakening have left him on very shaky ground when it comes to romance. The idea of being spurned, or of somehow enthralling someone to the point of obsession accidentally, haunts him at every turn. It’s difficult for him, because he’s a natural flirt. He wants people to know that he’s interested, how he feels, but when it seems like they might reciprocate he pulls back, leading to a reputation as a pre-eminent tease. He wants love badly. He wants to be courted and then betrothed before riding off into the sunset with his beloved, but he can’t stand the thought that he might be forsaken or even rejected outright.

He’s always been extremely attuned to emotions. He seems to feel them more deeply than most. When he’s happy, he’s laughing and lighting up the world. When he’s sad, he sinks into some very dark depths and can take days to emerge from them. He doesn’t have a “normal” setting. For Aaron, there are no “meh” days. He’s also attuned to the emotions of others, and often reflects them. When he’s around happy people, he quickly becomes happy too. When faced with anger, he’ll dig in his heels and deal it right back. It isn’t anything conscious, and it’s something he can’t help. He tends to keep his distance from those who are bellicose or morose by nature as a result, because he’d much rather feel good than bad.

His Awakening shattered his human identity. When he was on the Isle picking up the pieces, he developed a profound fascination with his fae side. He scoured every book in the Library on the subject, and has found a role that calls to him: that of faerie prince.

Most of his fae characteristics are things that he has to strive for, and sometimes the results are a bit ridiculous. Some of them are becoming more natural, or are extensions of facets of his behavior that already existed. He was already somewhat dramatic; now, he’s extremely dramatic. Things like affirmed vendettas against those who have wronged him or public proclamations of love are not unusual for Aaron. His outgoingness and tendency to get excited can make him hard to handle for more introverted individuals.

He places great stock in keeping promises. He endeavors to keep his own, and does not make them lightly, for fear of the ramifications of what might happen if he fails. This can lead to difficulties with others, since most people have no problem “promising” something and no idea that to Aaron, they might as well have just sworn a solemn oath. People who betray the trust of others or break vows are the lowest sort in Aaron’s eyes- it’s one of the few instances where he’ll no longer care if a person likes him or not.

He also tends to view almost everything as an adventure, and has begun to identify his fellows with roles in the “story” that they’re all enmeshed in. He hasn’t shared these beliefs overtly with anyone, but he’ll sometimes address someone in the terms he thinks of them. It seems fairly harmless, really; most people just assume it’s his dramatic nature coming out, no different from his somewhat contrived way of speaking most of the time. He does his best to sound the part of a fae prince as well, and like any proper fae prince, he dislikes being talked down to or treated like a child.

Finally, he’s preoccupied with the idea of beauty. He values it in all its forms, and can find it in almost anything or anyone. Of course, the more obviously aesthetic aspects of life are easier for him to enjoy, and he can come off as very shallow, even insensitive, at times. He holds his singing and dancing very close to his heart, and it causes him quite a bit of sorrow when he accidentally hurts someone with the power that they can have.

Overall, he seems quite strange to most, but his good-naturedness and optimism make him easier to get along with than he might otherwise be. He tries to be as kind as he can and is a steadfast friend. He’s also extremely entertaining, always up for a conversation or a game. Awkward silences cannot exist in his presence.

Appearance Notes: His eyes are a very bright violet. He keeps them hidden, but he has straight-line scars approximately one inch thick running vertically up his back. They resemble severe burns, and stretch from the small of his back up to his shoulders, spaced a precise eight inches apart.

Bloodline Gift: Glamour. Like all Omarain, Aaron is preternaturally alluring and possesses a very definite presence. His charms are at their most potent, though, when he's performing. A sorrowful song from his lips can cause even the most hard-hearted to get a bit misty, and can drive those prone to depression into its throes. His powers of illusion are quite basic, since his fears led to him trying to gain better control of the other aspect of Glamour, but he is reasonably good at sound-based ones.
Bloodline Weakness: Bane of Iron. Aaron is terrified of iron, and much more susceptible to it than most of the Omarain. He finally discovered the reason why, not too long ago, when he was looking through old heraldry and genealogy tomes: he is descended, fairly directly, from one High King David of the fae, and most of the other Omarain who awakened in his family tree share the trait. Contact with any iron causes him excruciating pain and causes permanent scarring, and an actual injury from cold-forged iron would almost certainly be fatal.
Other Skills:
  • Triple Threat- Aaron is a skilled actor, dancer, and singer. He's trained in a variety of dance styles, supplemented by a few years of gymnastics that when coupled with his Omarain grace lead to a simply fantastic control of his own body.
  • Fencing- He actually took lessons in fencing prior to Awakening, and is fairly good at it. Of course, it isn’t the most practical sort of fighting style, but it does play to his advantages.

Aaron hails from an offshoot of an Omarain bloodline that flourished in France and managed to remain remarkably pure through the centuries thanks to a preponderance of faerie-blood accumulating in that particular country. It diverged in the late 17th century when a daughter of the bloodline eloped with a British soldier, but genealogy can be traced backward quite a ways, to a bloodline rumored to have been established by a one-time High King of the fae.

The Highmore’s are a wealthy family who manage to keep out of the public eye. Their fortune was made shortly after the American Civil War, and his since been steadily growing and diversifying without making too many waves. That wealth afforded Aaron quite a few privileges, but it also left him a bit wanting for parental affection. With his father globe-trotting for the sake of the family’s various financial interests and his mother involved in every charity group under the sun, most of his upbringing fell to a never-ending procession of nannies, house staff, tutors, and when he was lucky, his grandmother. She was a kind woman, too verging on senility to care for a young boy by herself, but when she visited she would spend hours with little Aaron on her lap or at her side, telling him fantastical stories.

Those stories, akin to the fairy tales that all children experience but different, the details a bit darker and more surreal, meant much more to Aaron than he realized. When he began his education, he saw even less of his family. The boarding school he was shipped off to was a wonderful place, but it meant that he only returned home for breaks, holidays, and birthdays.

Fortunately, he flourished in the environment. He was amongst the most popular boys in the school, with many friends from a variety of backgrounds and cliques. He was talented, even in his childhood, enthusiastically participating in the school’s chorus and theatre program. He even picked out a sport to excel at (gymnastics, since it was akin to dance, and he wasn’t fond of the more conventional ones).

He surprised absolutely no one when he came out of the closet at the age of thirteen, and doing so didn’t diminish his popularity at all. To his chagrin, there really weren’t any prospective love interests for him, but he had a lot of fun flirting with straight classmates and reigning over the school’s drama and dance programs. He did have one friend whom he was deeply in love with (in a dramatic, early teenager sort of way) named Kyle. He didn’t flirt with Kyle, for fear that his true feelings would be revealed; he didn’t want to damage their friendship with some sort of love-stricken confession.

One day, when they were both fifteen, Kyle surprised Aaron by asking him if he wanted to sneak off the school’s grounds one night to go to a lake where students often partied and swam. They’d both been there together before, but always with friends. Aaron’s mind was whirling with possibilities, but if anything, Kyle seemed more reserved around him than ever. Whatever purpose he’d had in asking Aaron to the lake he couldn’t seem to go through with, and the tension between them escalated until they finally just decided to head back to the school. Aaron was carrying his shirt and shoes, not wanting to get them wet, when they got to the gate and found it locked. An argument developed between them about who was supposed to have gotten one of their friends to open the gate, but they were really fighting about something else. Aaron, overcome with emotion, kissed Kyle, and for a few magical seconds it seemed like everything would be alright.

Kyle pulled away, aflame with confusion, and gave Aaron a rather vicious shove. Aaron stumbled, and fell back against the gate, only to find himself subject to the most intense pain he’d ever known. The bars were wrought iron, and the magic inherent to a first kiss had led to the beginning of his Awakening. He screamed bloody-murder, leaving Kyle alarmed and even more baffled, and then fell to the ground, so overcome by the blinding pain that he lost consciousness.

He awoke in a hospital three days later. The doctors were calling it a “severe allergic reaction”, but obviously had no idea what they were dealing with. Whatever the case, Aaron would bear the scars of that day, physical and emotional alike, for the rest of his life. The places on his back where flesh had met iron were marred by two perfectly straight one inch thick scars, angry looking and painful to the touch for weeks afterward. They were ugly and shameful to Aaron, who had previously loved showing off his body. Thereafter, he was the sort of boy who would go swimming with a shirt on and never change in front of anyone else.

When he went back to school, things only began to get more strange. Occasionally, he’d glimpse strange lights that no one else could see, or hear whispers on the wind. Convinced that he was losing it, he threw himself into classes and extra-curriculars. He’d had some training in stage-fighting, and elected to join the school’s fencing team as well. He began spending more and more time alone, reading and re-reading his favorite plays and devoting himself to stagecraft and hours of dance and voice practice. It helped, but only so much.

The strangeness reached a boiling point when he took to the stage in a performance of Brigadoon. In the midst of the musical’s love ballad, things got very weird. The entire auditorium went incredibly silent. The orchestra had stopped playing. Even his fellow actors were frozen in place, gaping at him. The girl playing Fiona suddenly kissed him, hard on the mouth, and then people were getting up out of their seats, women mostly, but a few men as well, some students, some the parents of students. They were shouting to him, proclaiming their love, begging him to choose them. It was like a nightmare come to life, and Aaron fled the stage in tears. He took refuge in the prop closet, locking the door, and caught sight of his reflection in a mirror from an old set. His eyes, formerly brown, had become an incredibly vibrant purple.

Confused, terrified, and hurt, he huddled in a corner and wept. Someone knocked on the door, but he ignored it only to have an unknown woman step through a few seconds later. She was beautiful, with eyes of silver, and she simply knelt beside him, rubbing his shoulders and reassuring him that everything would be alright. When he’d calmed down, Michaela explained the situation to him in brief and asked if he wanted to go with her to a place where people like him could be themselves without fear. She was so reassuring and convincing that he agreed readily, hardly suspecting that he’d just fallen prey to the same Glamour that had so enthralled his audience.

Michaela made the arrangements with his family and then they were off. He arrived on the Isle about four months ago, and saw his seventeenth birthday pass just a few weeks ago. It took a while for his shock to wear off. He was afraid of being around the other charges, afraid of what might happen if his Gift ran amok again, and so he spent a lot of time in The Library, reading far more accurate “fairy tales” and poring over genealogy books. He traced his family line back centuries, and came to embrace the much more alien accounts of the fae in the same way that he embraced Shakespeare or Wilde in school.

He emerged from the Library transformed, no longer a sorrowful boy afraid of interaction. He was a faerie prince, after all, and the tale of his own adventures was only beginning.

So begins...

Aaron Highmore's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Corosa Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Milo Reed Corner Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Vendicare
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Seph couldn't help but laugh a little at Milo. Any traces of self consciousness she had at her own dancing were wiped far away once she was dancing alongside Milo. Of course, Seph was no expert critic of dancing technique, but she couldn't help but feel that Milo lacked to a much more severe degree than her the required grace needed for dancing of any kind. Whereas Aaron's dancing could take her breath away, Milo's seemed to just make her smile broadly and feel better about herself.

Maybe that was the point? She'd never thought about it that way.

Daniel came in for a dance, and Seph was smoothly transitioned from partner to partner. He was no Aaron, of course, but that wasn't entirely a bad thing. Trying to keep up with the Omarain boy was pretty taxing, to tell the truth, and Seph was glad for a dance with Daniel, as she hadn't seen him yet today. Or rather, hadn't talked with him. She was quite certain Daniel was keeping an eye on her whenever he could. Because of his desire to look out for her, of course. Daniel was so kind like that. And while she hoped that soon enough she wouldn't need the Mori watching out for her, Seph understood that there were still a great deal of things she didn't understand, and a great deal of ways she could unknowingly get herself into trouble. So he was her safety net, she supposed. Always there to catch her if she tripped.

"My day... was wonderful!" she said in between breaths. "For the most part. I did... accidentally make Sinry fall down a flight of stairs, but she was alright! And... I guess I helped her find something, so it worked out!" Thinking of Sinry, Seph tried to get a few looks at the people who hadn't joined in on the dancing, for reasons she couldn't fathom. She did not see Sinry among them, but she could have missed her or something. But then, Sinry didn't seem as comfortable around other people as she did Seph, so maybe it made sense that she didn't want to dance with all of them.

As the dance just about ended, Seph stopped rather suddenly at hearing Renn's voice. She didn't really understand what he meant, about setting the tone tonight, for tomorrow. For one, she didn't think she grasped the phrase as well as she should have. Setting the tone... and she had thought tonight wouldn't have affected tomorrow. They were going to have fun tonight, and work tomorrow. They were two totally separate things, as far as she knew. Unless they kept dancing all they way into tomorrow, but Seph didn't think she could dance for that long.

But there were drinks over there, that Renn and Elvis and Vendicare had brought out. That was worth checking out, as all the dancing had made her somewhat thirsty. Maybe she would go get something soon.

Their dance ended, Daniel led Seph back over to Aaron. She heard him say something about her having fun before Aaron swooped in on her. She gasped in surprise as he lifted her small form into the air in a hug, feeling that same little flutter in her stomach as he spun her in two complete circles before letting her feet touch the ground again. Her stay with Aaron this time was short-lived, however, as Graham had come forward and requested a dance of him.

"Go for it," Seph said, wiping away a bit of sweat from her brow, "I think I'll get something to drink." As Aaron began his dance with Graham, Seph took her temporary leave of the impromptu dance floor, taking a moment admire the beauty of Xylea's dance with a smile before heading off towards the drinks that had been brought forward.

Reaching the drinks that Renn and the other guys had brought out, Seph found that she didn't recognize even a few of the names. Tequila. Whiskey. Wine. She'd had some wine a few times at Sonja's place in Anchorage, but it hadn't tasted all that great to her. Maybe these were other kinds? There sure seemed to be a big variety of them. One thing was certain... there was no water.

She looked up towards Renn, who would probably see the uncertainty on her face. The two of them were on pretty good terms now, especially since Renn had stopped asking about her being a wolf so much. She found him to be very kind once she'd gotten to know him a little better. Maybe he was a little awkward at times, but hey, so was she.

"So... which one is the best?" she asked, shifting her weight onto one foot, her eyes passing back and forth over the display of drinks. "If there is a best, I mean. Is there something you prefer?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright Character Portrait: Graham Lennox Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

Erin inwardly groaned in frustration when Daniel cut into her path. Why did he insist on making her life so very, very complicated? She needed him to stay away for, love of kittens. Why could he not get that through his thick skull? Only when he was in front of her, did she stop. She considered merely walking around him to avoid even looking at him. She had to keep the darkness away, and Daniel only made its persistent howling worse as it sensed a threat. She had to make it shut the fuck up or she’d go absolutely ballistic. "Hey there Erin. Nice to see you." He said, cheerfully… cheerfully. Yes, Daniel was being… cheerful. He couldn’t have chosen a worse day. She’d take Markus’ probing with a smile if it meant she could get away from Daniel’s cheerfulness. Oh, she cared for him – she knew that, and she loved being around him… on her good days. But today was a horrible day and she wanted him far away. She had even told him what happened to people she cared about to try and scare him off, and yet… he was undaunted. She couldn’t figure out if he cared too much, or if he was just plain stupid right now. Probably a mixture of both.

She glared at him, her voice cold as she said, “Daniel, with all due respect. Get lost.” And then he laughed. He. Actually. Laughed. She narrowed her eyes as he blissfully waved and sauntered off. Oh, this was just… she didn’t even have words to describe it. What did she have to do to make this guy realize that she was no good? That he would end up dead, and that she would rather be alone than risk his that? Frankly… what could she do to scare him off, or at least cause him to not want to hang around her? She sighed as realization hit. Daniel had feelings for her he really shouldn’t entertain, and not a lot of things broke through that haze. She knew of one thing that might, however. So as she watched Daniel steal Seph from Aaron, she took a deep breath. She didn’t want to ponder it too much tonight. She knew she’d hurt herself by hurting him, but it was simply the prize she’d have to pay. Rather hurt than dead, she decided. Then she turned back to Markus who was now walking towards her with Irayah in his arms. The cat looked awfully pleased with itself, very comfortable in Markus’ arms. Inwardly cursing the demon once more, the female Mori walked to meet Markus who was grinning, mischief in his eyes.

She hadn’t even been paying attention to what had been going on with the group her kitten had decided to infiltrate, and frankly, she didn’t really care either, but as she looked up she noticed Elvis’ absence. Hmm. She shook her head, looking up at the tall form usually going by Markus, but oftentimes dubbed much less flatteringly, looming over her, his eyes wandering along her body as he greeted her. Eh, men. Then again… she didn’t dress in a way to prevent such looks. She crouched down to retrieve the demon Markus had so kindly placed back onto the ground and couldn’t help a wry smile (the only kind she ever really showed) at his words. Irayah hopped onto her shoulder and the Mori stood back up, the heels of her thigh-high boots fortunately providing her with some height to compensate for the huge gap between her eyes and Markus’. “Yes, I’m sure you were busy gushing like a little school-girl,” she countered with fake pleasantry. Her voice held that touch of malice and sarcasm, telling anyone that she was not being pleasant in any way. Then again… Markus usually gave her tit for tat… or flirted in that very special way of his. Somehow it tended to help improve her mood.

Erin tilted her head a little, the throb in the back of her head slowly resolving due to Markus’ presence. Her body relaxed a little as the clamoring her dark side had been doing all day, steadily growing louder, came to rest. Her dark side, as well as her demon pet, adored Markus. Really, she was certain they’d like all Mori who’d embraced their dark sides and tried to make her do it too, but really… that was only a calculated guess. She’d only met Graham and Markus, of whom Markus was by far the one who had the bigger influence. When Markus made his comments about Daniel, Erin raised an eyebrow at him, the rest of her face remaining impassive. “Yeah, and then he burst into song about it.” She said calmly seemingly serious, safe for the very slight touch of biting sarcasm in her voice. She didn’t like the animosity between Markus and Daniel – it bordered on a pissing contest and it was completely ridiculous. She took the time Markus spent scanning the group, to try and figure out what was going on with her fellow charges right now, noticing that Renn, Elvis and Vendi were carrying boxes of alcohol. Ah hell. She was drawn back to reality when Markus spoke again.

She batted her eyelashes at him, all innocence, “Markus, you always prance around like a pansy, so I believe that’s a moot point.” She didn’t explain why she’d actually come over – he knew that quite well already, he was just trying to get on her nerves right now. The thing was, however, that she was already irritated with Daniel, which made her more pliant with Markus. She wasn’t sneering nearly as much as she could have been, but then again, her biting very badly at Markus were usually reserved for her good days because she hated having him around on those. She didn’t need anything promoting the darkness on her good days. Then Renn was speaking up, but she didn’t take her eyes off of Markus. She should leave; she wanted to be alone right now, but she couldn’t make herself move. The darkness was so blissfully quiet right now and she couldn’t take any more struggling. She’d end up hitting something – probably Aaron. He was not making her day any better with his horrible music, and… speaking of that, here came a new one. Her gaze momentarily went in his direction. He was dancing around Graham and she couldn’t figure out whether it was amusing or nauseating. She was leaning towards nauseating. Some people just didn’t have public boundaries.

Once more, Erin was pulled back by the male Mori before her as he spoke and she nodded absentmindedly. Then she narrowed her eyes, realizing what he’d asked her, and with that smile of pure trouble on his lips, one would be a fool not to grasp the fact that Markus was in fact planning something. She just didn’t know what, but as she began feeling Aaron’s glamour, her narrowed eyes turned into a glare which she directed right at the dancing Omarain, completely ignoring Markus’ offered hand. “Do you feel that?” she murmured thoughtfully, half intending the question for Markus. She hadn’t felt this way in what seemed like ages, and she hadn’t done anything to even warrant it now. Sure, Markus was attractive, but there hadn’t been heavy flirting, nor had there been any touching. Fucking fairy shit. Now she wanted to get out of there more than anything – out of reach of this whole glamour and alcohol deal. Suddenly Markus’ idea sounded much, much more appealing. Besides, she might be able to figure something out in regards of Daniel, while at the same time irritating him right back. Her room wasn’t by any means far enough from here. Her gaze went back to Markus, still not taking his hand. She gave it a look of “seriously?” and then moved it to his eyes. “I’m not holding your hand, you idiot.” She told him.

It was Erin’s form of “yeah, I’ll go with you”, and as good as it was going to get right now. She was still feeling the glamour and it made her very irritable, despite the darkness being quiet. If Markus began walking, Erin merely walked beside him, keeping pace, fuming on the inside while impassive on the outside. She hadn't even noticed that Irayah had remained completely silent on her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Corosa Character Portrait: Omar Maria Media Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen Character Portrait: Tally Roawn
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#, as written by Skwidge
The Cloistered Witch

“I won’t force you if you really want to leave, but I think you should at least dance a little bit before you leave. Trust me it’s really fun when you get into it” A voice suddenly presented itself to interrupt her thoughts. Not only was Sinry not expecting it, but it was Tally of all people. So Soren faltered in her step, freezing for a fraction of a second before regaining her footing and standing still.

The Evincal’s eye twitched lightly, and she wriggled the fingers of her right hand absently. I don’t dance. I can’t dance, I don’t want to dance, and it’s beyond awkward. I know that you don’t know me well at all, but I would have thought that such would be apparent. She thought silently towards her fellow dragon-born, watching her turn around and head back to the party.

Soren lingered for a few moments, her eyes scanning over the gathering and the people grouped around. She really didn’t want to remain in the area, especially as Aaron currently had free reign to use his Fae powers, which she despised most of all. With the arrival of alcohol however, she bit her lower lip, patting her pockets searchingly before nodding and quietly slinking back, a new plan forming in her head.

No, the necromancer was not going to be sticking around. Alcohol and large social gatherings were far beyond her, but she still crawled back over, hoping not to be engaged by anyone else as she gathered what she wanted. Without a word she came up by the small group clustered around the boxes and keg. Silently, she let out a breath of relief as no one else was really approaching yet.

Her fingers traced along the material of one of the lids before she popped it open from behind, her eyes quickly flickering over each individual bottle for the first letter on the labels. Her particular box was behind the keg stand, and it took probably four seconds before she found what she had been in quest for, and reached in, pulling out an entire bottle of rum, new and obviously unopened.

It was only luck that that particular alcohol had been hiding in the box, comfortably snug in the corner. Sinry backed away from the little area, walking mutedly towards another spot behind some random stonework in the area, her eyes scanning once more for one person in particular. Once having spotted him, she backed out into the darker portion of the clearing, away from the bonfire and circling in his direction.

Harvey just happened to be pretty occupied with at least three other people, so it would make her job immensely easier. Well, it still had a few bumps in it, but in a rough amount much smoother. Her lips were pressed together tightly as she walked up behind him, the rum unmoving in her left hand so it wouldn’t swish and make noise, even if the music Aaron had so… graciously bestowed was pretty loud and would most likely drown out any noises she made, it never hurt to be cautious with these things.

By the time she had finally gotten over there, most of his little group had dispersed, though still one or two lingered to keep his attention occupied, and if they couldn’t hold his attention, she was sure Aaron’s new little dance probably would.

Soren’s quick gaze came into play yet again, and she scanned over the backs and sides of his pants from her own position. Holding her breath, she leaned forward, allowing her lithe fingers to flicker into his back pocket, the space between her index and middle finger enclosing around his lighter just enough to get a grip on it and almost seamlessly pull back out. However, Sinry wasn’t an all too practiced thief, and the tips of her two fingers brushed fractionally against the fibers of the material, probably triggering the smallest of reactions in his body and alerting his brain to something being off. Or if he was sensitive anyway; he may not even care.

But by then she had the lighter sliding up with a bit of momentum, her thumb and pinky enclosing around it as well so it wouldn’t drop, and she turned, already walking away, her left hand angled so the rum was a bit more of a prominent vision point, just in case he looked up and around. “I’ll just borrow this.” A hushed whisper, holding her relief in it as well, slipped through her lips, already drowned out by the chatting and music of the party.

As she walked back out, heading towards the Ghostyard once more, someone caught her attention. She allowed a very frail yet sincere smile to present itself as she turned her head to better see him. Altering her course slightly, she walked over to Omar, slipping the newly lifted lighter into her front pocket and made a small wave towards him. “Hey Omar, wanna come to the Ghostyard and sit with me?” Her voice was somewhat soft and reserved, smooth and the tone only altering a few times in the span it took to say the sentence.

Her fingers tapped the glass of the bottle, her facial features showing that she was in thought, though a bit leaning to still hear his answer. She was tracing a figure along her right thigh in order to remember it. She had a plan to entertain herself, plus she might even get to lure those bloody wisps out of hiding, and the sooner the better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright
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0.00 INK

The Smiling Fiend

Ouch, she was on top of her game tonight, Markus though as she issued the first bullet from his lipstick coated gun. AKA, her mouth. The man grinned a carelessly carnivorous grin as he absorbed the stinging comment. She was a funny little creature, and Markus ate it up. He could tell that she felt more relaxed now from the way she held herself. He promised himself that he'd take advantage of that for whatever mischief he had planned for the night. She had never confided in him, but Markus knew from the way that she gravitated to him sometimes, like he was a painkiller for her sullen mood, that he helped absolve some kind of internal struggle in his little ladybird somehow, for at least a little while. It made him feel quite astute. Even if it wasn't true, Markus wasn't going to let off his conclusion unless she blatantly told him different.

Her next comment made him laugh aloud. That was a clever one. He'd opened himself for that one. He didn't even mind, he'd take her insults. He'd tolerate them and toss back words of his own. It was the reason he liked talking to her so much, the little games of words that made his mind fly and his face curl up with genuine amusement and glee. She was just so funny, in that sour, angry little way.

A few moments before Erin murmured thoughtfully, Markus felt whatever it was as well. It made his lips pull back from his teeth in a sort of grimace, part uncomfortable, part pleasant. It made him want to destroy something, but at the same time he wanted to grab the blonde before him and spirit her off somewhere. Her words pulled him out of it though. He pulled his shoulders back slightly, a shudder running down his spine as he composed himself again, his eyes fading black for a fleet second before he took a sharp intake of breath. The feeling stirring inside his skin, the faint pain, was enough to keep the wild Omarain emotion out of his system. He couldn't help but shoot a look over at Aaron though, the first person he though of who might be the perpetrator. Sure enough, the blonde was engaging in some... not entirely child friendly dancing with Graham. He had to pull his blue eyes away from them, back to Erin as she decidedly scorned him again.

"Youch, love, you keep that up and I'll be a pile of ashes by morning." He said lazily, lifting his hand to pat Irayah on the head. He offered another devil-may-care grin as he started up a slow trot in the direction of the forest, where lay sanctuary. She followed, and Markus found his eyes wandering back over to Aaron briefly. The lad's eyes were open now, a mischievous grin stretched across his face. Markus winked at him, then turned back around to continue his trot to the forest. He meant it as an amused gesture, as if to tell the blonde lad to have fun with his...dancing, but considering the fact that he was currently walking with Erin into the forest, it probably didn't seem that way.

"Now, " He preambled, switching his gaze back to his companion, the grin forced off his face, a much more stern look taking precedence. "I shall be prancing..." He paused for a moment to bat his eyes in a mockery of Erin's previous, innocent prelude to her second insult. " a pansy over into the forest." His voice grew mockingly patronizing, and the grin came back. "if anyone is afraid of the dark, or the wee little beasties within, speak now, or forever endure Aaron's choice in music and a handful of dancing, drunken idiots for the rest of the night." They were out of the immediate range of the fire now, and the music was so faint it was barely a whisper. His distaste for quote 'dancing, drunken idiots' was quite obvious in his voice. He made no effort to be charming or polite around Erin, but he hardly ever achieved any significant level of pure nastiness around her. She was a pleasant middle zone for him, in his own opinion. Which was still pretty bad on most people's moral scales.

The grass below Markus's bare feet was now less trampled down, and it felt quite pleasant, despite its coldness. And the slight squishy-ness of the earth. He pulled his long dark coat off and slung it over his shoulder, revealing his haphazard choice of t-shirt. It said 'Fuck me, I'm Irish' on it in faded green letters on a lighter green background, a few surly looking shamrocks skulking around near the words. Sixteenth birthday present from an acquaintance. He'd decided that it was close enough to the truth, deeming it fit to wear. To hell with being Scottish, ignorant Americans couldn't tell the difference anyway, it appeared. But he never just wore it around, it was another of those exercising shirts, one of those best worn under a jacket. And without his warm jacket, gooseflesh sprang up on his arms. Oh he did so hate the cold, he mused as he stretched much like a cat.

"Turn down your iciness a lick, lass, I can feel it from all the way over here." He complained teasingly, his voice much more lighthearted now that he was away from that damned music and the threat of dancing, or some other equally tedious form of interaction with the sorry lot. "I can't haunt the forest if I'm frozen through by your sulking."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Graham Lennox Character Portrait: Xylea Parihan Character Portrait: Tally Roawn Character Portrait: Artemis Hulston
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Artemis enjoyed dancing with his partner; she was always bubbly and light, much like the air. Artemis had ensured he’d stayed in good shape from his youth and was not to be considered a weak young man, though never comparably to a Mori’s fierce daemon blood, and he easily lifted her light frame from the ground to meet him. Her hands were so soft and gentle, very much akin to the air she represented, but his hands were much different. She’d no doubt take notice beyond the smiling face and the chuckling laughter as they danced to feel the callous palms of his rough hands, though beyond that was the hardened skin on the top of his knuckles, a souvenir from his training. It was a physical reminder to them both of who he was, what had defined him over the years. But that the party was not the time for such thoughts and as he spun her in an outward laugh at her gracefulness he released and let her spin away like her spirit wanted, in a twisting display of elegance. His eyes followed her and brought his mind only to how lovely a creature she was when she danced. He blinked and the thought vanished, leaving the brilliant mind reeling as to where he had come up with that idea. It was true of course but why think that now?

Tally loved the vibe of the place which she felt she could sum up to Aaron. She watched in awe as he danced so easily, fluidly and yet so enchantingly, she had to respect him for his talent in dancing seeming her obvious lack of it. She giggled at Milo dance moves and had her attention stolen by Xylea’s little solo dance; it was truly mesmerizing. Tally couldn’t have taken the smile of her face right now if she wanted to. During the dancing and the music something inside Tally clicked; it didn’t matter if she refused to accept magic, she could accept these people, people who were human, just like her. The were fun, maybe some of them were a little different but she wanted to get to know them, be friends with them. While Tally was lost in her train of thought she didn’t see the movement coming towards her until the last moment. In her attempt to move out of the way though she stumbled over uneven ground and found herself being thrown towards the ground. Surprisingly though instead of finding herself on the ground she found herself on someone.

“Sorry... My bad.” Tally said lightly, while laughing slightly, hoping the person she had fallen wasn’t an angry person by nature.

Artemis didn’t really have time to think more on the why as at that moment he noticed another beautiful creature moving gracefully toward him. Tally was newer to the island and Artemis had only gotten to know her a few times during lessons, but he’d have never thought of her as clumsy. But apparently at times everyone falls and as he turned toward her she slipped her footing and fell toward him. As she fell Artemis knew there was no reason to dodge her, that would be rude, so he let his own fitting slip and fell with her, reaching up to grip her softly and as his back landed hard on the ground and slightly knocked the wind from him he was cautious to not lose focus and used his arms like shocks for her fall. Lowering her at a much slower rate and releasing her at the right moment to ensure that their heads would not clash. He was unable to suppress the slight grimace at his falling flat on his back, but it was momentary as he shifted that gritted teeth moment into a giggling smile.

“Well hello there.” He commented still not worried about who he had caught, he wasn’t too concerned about having a guy laying on top of him at that moment, no guy was that light or smelled so… intoxicating? Once again he had to curse his mind for wandering into unknown places as he blinked and looked to find Tally still lying across him, his face showed apparent shock as he blinked but again his smile shown through, “Oh! It’s you! What a pleasant surprise…” through some happenstance, he was unsure how, his hands had ended up coming to rest at her waist. That realization had yet to dawn on him though.

Tally found herself looking at Artemis and smiled brightly at him although a little bit flushed, she swore she wasn’t usually clumsy and falling over people. He smiled at her but the way he had landed on his back must have hurt, meanwhile she wasn’t hurt at all thanks to him. “Yep it’s me...” Tally replied to him. Though trailing of at the end when she realized the rather awkward situation they had landed in with Artemis’ hands resting on her waist. She blushed slightly and looked away, feeling uncomfortable. She was not a girl to make a big deal out of what she saw to be a small thing though. She rolled off of Artemis, careful not to inflict any more damage on the poor boy before jumping up to her feet. She momentarily felt reluctant to leave her position on the ground but dismissed the though quickly feeling stupid that it had appeared in her head. Laughing lightly she extended her hand to help Artemis up. “Pleasant isn’t really the right word, it think it may have been nicer if we were standing up.” Tally said down to him. She was happy to have bumped into him though, she just wished it was like all other normal people, you know, standing up. “Thank you so much though, I am very sorry you’re not hurt are you?” She decided to tack on the end sincerely.

As they had landed Artemis was inches from her face as she was from his and in that moment several thoughts raced through his mind. Things that this time he was sure weren’t really his own thoughts. But he put those aside and released her as she rolled off of him. One thought that slunk through reaches of his brain screamed at him not to let her up, to remain close as they were but he stifled it. That was [b[definitely[/b] not him. The more he thought on these urges the more they came with a slight rust to his mind like a small stinging buzz in his ear. He finally knew what was up and glanced at the fae nearby, “Aaron really needs to thinks before using that sometimes…” he commented lightly about this point Tally was thanking him and he came out of his distracted mind and glanced up at her. “Oh, don’t worry so much; I’m a bit tougher than that, Tally.” He might have realized he had been rude to drift off during her apology, or maybe that he should probably stop lying around to talk to her, but he was a Navarene and these nuances of tact were few and far between for him.

Though after a few no doubt awkward moments he did swiftly stand up with a blush, “Sorry, my mind is all over the place tonight… for example… would you like to dance?”

Artemis got up off the ground a little bit after her and asked Tally to dance, she didn’t have to think about it for even a moment. She did take a few minutes to stomp on the fluttery feeling she felt in her stomach though. “Of course” Tally responded with a smile, grabbing his hand and moving back into the dancing. After a few beats she looked up at Artemis, he seemed to be having fun. Tally’s thoughts probably stayed on him too long, she probably should have been concentrating on the dancing. When she realized that he probably thought she was socially awkward for staring at him she looked away and tried to play it off with a laugh. Her gaze caught the bonfire that some of the other charges had built that was now alight. The flames dancing were bright in contrast to the night sky. She felt the feeling people often talked about, you know, the one about it drawing you in but if you get too close you’ll get burned. She tried not to, but subconsciously she was applying the analogy to her dance partner. She did attempt reminding herself that she wouldn’t be staying in touch with any of these people once she left though. After a few beats she turned vision back to Artemis with cheerful smile. “So other than the whole awkward, falling over thing, have you been enjoying yourself?”

Artemis was certainly enjoying his company, he had been fighting against himself for strange thoughts of desire in a manic inner struggle of mal content with his own mind yet having noticed the subtle evidence of a Glamour his relaxed more. The Glamour was not hard to break, probably because it wasn’t directed at him, and so Artemis just had to keep a small part of his mind dedicated to remembering that little desire was being forced upon him and he could resist. Of course this glamour, no matter how little power was to be put into it, was still going to be difficult for him as rather than create a new feeling within him he knew it did little more than bring his own inner want to the surface. “So other than the whole awkward, falling over thing, have you been enjoying yourself?” tally’s light voice broke his concentration and he felt the desire growing again as he looked into her eyes. But he swiftly regained his mental footing and pushed it away.

“Of course, great company makes for a great time.” He stopped dancing a moved to the edge of the plot again, sitting down with a smile while looking at her still, “If I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that while you should keep a wary eye on the future you can only live in the present.” He breathed out a bit and rubbed his neck, which was stiff from the day but wouldn’t bring down his smile. “This night is for us to have fun, and even though Michaela said tomorrow would be hard you shouldn’t worry about it, because we’ll have nothing but aches from tomorrow, but tonight we’ll have memories... and those can keep you going in the worst of times.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Hazel Ebony Highlynn Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen
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The Lady in Waiting

Hazel watched as her guardian Micheala used her powers to create brilliant spectacles of dragons, wolfs, fairies, and all the ancestors of the bloodlines. She explained what made each and every one unique and astounding in their own way. She was amazed at how well she was able to control the illusions. She was struck by all the dazzling colors and movements that made the creatures look so real that if you wanted to you could touch them and she was just that skilled in her abilities that she could actually make you touch and feel their heart beats and body heat. 'I wanna be that good! Now I'm going to try extra hard.' Hazel thought to herself in her head.

She was sitting on the grass between Daniel and Seph when Micheala, closed the show and then after a minute of thinking of how Hazel was to go about the rest of her days on the Isle, to progress in her Glamour, was she interrupted by the sound of music. Hazel looked up and saw no radio, stereo, or phone. It was odd and then the thought came to her and her eyes met the face of her fellow Omarain, Aaron. 'He's probably using his Glamour or something to start a little party with some music. Typical trick.' She smirked as she watched people start to get up and dance.

Hazel being a bit caught off guard by the sudden sounds of music decided to walk over to a small stone wall. She brushed off the dirt with her hands and watched as many people started dancing with each other. She looked over and saw Elvis and Harvey over to one side then saw Daniel go over and dance with Drusa. She did not like Drusa at all. Drusa was mean to her and just seemed to not like anything about Hazel. Hazel did not like her doing that, it wasn't like she had done anything to Drusa, but Hazel being the good person, always avoided her, afraid she might want to cause a fight. Hazel looked around at everyone dancing together and lifted up her legs to put on the wall as well. She hugged them close to her chest and smiled at everyone having a fun time. 'At least they all are having fun.' She thought to reassure herself. 'I might just go soon, perhaps the pond again.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Corosa Character Portrait: Darcy Lilith Ratri Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright
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Darcy Lilith Ratri
The Twilit Princess

The turn of events caught Darcy of guard as a majority of the group around her had now dispersed into dancing. She knew that this would only lead to further Glamour control from Aaron, so she knew that she needed to get out of range from his powers. The sooner she stood up, the sooner she spotted Renn walking past her. Her face seemed to form into the darkest of expressions as the flash of Renn walking away from her came across her face. She was too late on changing the expression she saw that he had given her a smile of all things, so when she had mustered up a small lift of her lips into what one might consider a smile, Renn's back was to her.

She felt herself walking towards him until she saw the two boys that were close behind him, so she retreated to a distance that she felt was far enough from Aaron's grasp. She looked around the group of students, knowing that their destinies were all about to change. She knew that somewhere deep down that this time next year they wouldn't be standing around a campfire dancing. The quick site of death in her mind made her push back against the tree as the moon provided her with the shadows she needed to build up the wall to hide herself. She enjoyed being able to watch people without them being able to watch her back. She liked the way her power supplied her with it's own power in meaning. She played with the hem of her shirt as she bit her lip hard seeing how happy everyone seemed to be in their little group of friends.

It seemed that this was how Darcy was suppose to be the rest of her life; alone. Even Renn had walked away from her in a moment that she felt was so much more, but his lack of realization that walking off was a big mistake made her clench her fist into the grass as her back slid down the tree. "Fuck feelings." She said as the shadows grew to most intense shade of black, no longer letting her see outside of the wall she had formed. She didn't like having her feelings out in the open, so the chance of it happening again was slim to none. Hearing the clanking of glass, she let the wall fade as she spotted what the boys had been after. Alcohol. The smirk across her face was something to behold, but luckily for her only Renn had the pleasure to know she was able to. He had just finished setting up the keg that he all too soon disappeared himself into the outskirts of the forest, like herself.

She knew that if she wanted him to want her as much as she wanted him to want her that she would need to change the distance between them. Walking through the wall that had formed, she walked straight towards the refreshments. She eyed over the lot of alcohol, settling for two beers. She needed Renn to loosen up, but the idea of throwing liquor into his system scared even her. She knew that many of the people standing in the courtyard had probably never drank with their power, but the second her eyes hit Harvey she knew her statement needed to be revised. She hated all that Harvey stood for, but even she couldn't completely hate him. He had so much to offer to the world, but something in his past held him back. The thoughts of Harvey stopped as Darcy turned back to her present task. Talk to Renn.

With the cold beer against her palms, Darcy knew that her powers would be at ease with the sensation of the cool sweat from the bottles. She found herself in front of Renn faster than expected, but even she could admit she had been drawn to him. With no hands available, she pushed the nearest bottle towards Renn. "Drink." The word came out to be filled with so much more than the actually meaning, but only Renn would catch the cramming of emotion in the single verb. She wanted to yell and scream at him, but she knew that would get them no where. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she felt herself trying to come up with the right words. She had now managed to open her beer bottle, down half of it, and feel the need to go get another. "What happened on the beach?"

As soon as the question was out of her mouth, Darcy wanted to bring it back in. She closed her hands hard as she felt her powers building a wall between herself and Renn. She didn't want this to happen. The wall was growing darker as she stepped through it, making her only inches from Renn's body as she looked up at him. "I don't want to run from you, but when you just left me.." Her voice drowns off as the wall falls, allowing her to take back her original distance. "You just left me."

Harvey Mak Chinnen
The Duke of Sighs

Fuck me now. The thought sprawled across Harvey's mind as his gaze fell across the fire, begging it to consume his being. He closed his eyes for what seemed like hours, trying to fathom why the fellow Omarain insisted on doing shit like this. "I swear. Sometimes I want to beat the shit out of him." He felt her was bringing blood to his lips as he bit down hard before returning the cigarette to his mouth. He inhaled for the longest time, holding it deep within his lungs before releasing the smoke out into the forest. He tugged at his jacket, pulling out another cigarette because the way the evening was going he would need to entire pack.

Seeing Erin's cat welcome Markus kindly, he didn't dare test the cats limit by offering out his hand. He had the idea of kicking it, but for some reason he liked it. Of course that was mostly due to it's owner, who soon followed behind. "Erin." He nodded seeing the look in her eyes. He could tell that tonight was not the kind of night she would intentionally find herself in, so he kept his words minimal as he remembered Something's attempt at a joke. A thought crossed his mind that made him put the second cigarette back into his jacket. He smirked as his mind worked wonders on what could possibly happen if he successfully achieves what he has in mind. He tossed the blueberry into his mouth that he had forgotten was there, tasting it's sweetness almost immediately. He smirked at Something who was still remaining on the ground with smoke in her eyes. He had guessed that the presence of Erin was also having to do with her remaining low.

It seemed within minutes that Something and Harvey were on their own, so he placed a hand around her wrist bringing her back up to his level. "More blueberries." He said as he placed his arm around her shoulders, seeing his plan unravel in front of him. He leaned close to her ear, pushing back the hair so she would clearly hear his words. "Ever watched Dirty Dancing? I'm about to make you dance a little dirtier than that. Don't resist. It's all for fun." He smirked against her ear before pulling back a normal distance. He was just about to walk away when he felt the slightest movement where their shouldn't have been. With a quick pat down, he looked over his shoulder to see Soren with his lighter. She wants to play this kind of game. The smirk was replaced with the thoughts of how he could get back at her, but at the moment he was too busy shocking the majority of people in the circle.

He led Something to the middle of the students, pulling her against him as he let his glamour take control. Their hips began to grind as Harvey let himself darken the music, giving Aaron a look before he continued to grind against Something. "Let the music take over." He said through almost a whisper that only she would be able to hear. The movements matched what would look like a scene from Dirty Dancing, so he was pleased by the awe most people now gave them at their willingness to openly grind against each other in the most inappropriate way. Catching the eyes of Seph, the most devilish smirk came across his face as he licked his lips as he grinded with Something. The poor girl would never know what she meant to him, but in this moment he knew that it would be fun to play the game with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

“Please do tell me how that wouldn’t be an improvement.” Erin countered dryly at Markus’ comment about becoming a pile of ashes, before she began walking with him, hopefully very far away from the Omarain glamour and people with no boundaries whatsoever. She took a deep breath as she and Markus walked in silence for a while after he’d patted Irayah on the head, which the demon kitten of course had loved. For a demon, she sure did like being petted. Erin glanced down at her, deliberately directing her thoughts in the direction of the creature. “Keep this up and I’m sending you back to hell.” The demon kitten purred and rubbed its nose against Erin’s neck as if that would be all cute and the blonde would give in due to it. Ah, but that wasn’t the case at all. Erin was pissed. She might be somewhat happy about it right now; darkness quieted, and an idea of how to get Daniel to give up on her, but that did not in any way justify the fact that the ball of black fur had decided to force her into interacting with people when she hadn’t wanted to. Fucking demons and their personal agendas, aspiring to make her ‘give in to her dark side’. Erin almost rolled her eyes as the words formed in her thoughts, but refrained.

She didn’t pay much attention to anything behind her, nor did she look at Markus. In fact, the icy woman was lost in thought, eyes focused on the horizon, wondering how on earth she was going to propose this idea to Markus, because she had a bad feeling that she was going to regret it. Oh, she knew Markus would agree – that wasn’t the issue. The issue was, how much of a jerk was he going to be about it? What was she going to tell him as an explanation exactly? Before she really got to answer her own questions, however, Markus was talking again. She glanced at him with total disinterest, absolutely positive that he was merely going to spit some bullshit again. And she wasn’t disappointed. He even added some theatrics. How cute. She did snort at the last bit, though, a little humored. She had to admit he could be entertaining in his own very fucked up way. She raised an eyebrow at him, “Markus, there is nothing scarier than Aaron’s choice in music, mixed with drunken, dancing idiots.” She said, over-dramatic, feigned gravity in her eyes and voice.

Then she smiled wryly, rolling her eyes. The consistency of the earth beneath her feet however, soon made the smile disappear. Her heels were digging into the squishy earth and she began pondering the possibility of going barefoot, except she really loved these boots… and they completed her outfit, in their own, sort of slutty way. Or maybe she just hated mud. Right now she didn’t sink too much, though, so it was bearable, but it if it became an issue, her boots were off. Of course she could also leave, but she was quite enjoying the meaningless conversation she was leading with the male Mori. He and Graham seemed so free and… without worries and troubles. Not like Daniel and herself. Perhaps Daniel was right; they were taking the easy road, and maybe he thought that made them weak, but in that case, was she weak for considering giving in too? She was just so tired of fighting. These blissful moments around people like Markus were so amazing, so blissfully quiet and calm. It could be that way all the time; no more beasts clamoring against their metaphorical bars, no more nightmares… no more people dying around her without her controlling anything. The darkness would become part of her. She’d be able to control herself… even in her sleep; no longer split into two people. It was so tempting.

Then the man beside her spoke again and she shot him a cold, indifferent look, sporting all of the iciness he was complaining about. She noted how his tone of voice had changed, though, and it caused her to smile dryly inwardly. He was so temperamental, and he let it affect him so easily. It was weird to the woman who did her very best to conceal extreme emotions like anger behind an icy, unconcerned façade at all times, yet oddly calming. If she ever did lose control, Markus would at least be able to relate… if he cared to. She cocked her head a little, only just noticing that he’d removed his jacket and she couldn’t help another amused snort. “In that case you probably shouldn’t have taken off your jacket, now, should you?” For the first time that day, her voice held a tint of playfulness, although it was still quite tempered down with dry humor, irritation and an undercurrent of total apathy.

She gave his t-shirt a skeptical look. Then she looked up at him with an ironic, wry smile. “Unless you’re trying to tell me something, of course.” She inwardly face-palmed herself once the words had left her mouth, but her face was impassive as always, except for that ghost of a smile and the dryly amused look in her eyes. Had that been her dark side peeking through, or did she actually want to lead him on? Maybe she was subconsciously just preparing herself for the conversation she was going to initiate soon. She was deliberately holding back, though. She wasn’t entirely sure she still wanted to do this. Could she really hurt Daniel that way? Could she truly do that to him? And if she could… would she then be able to keep herself from breaking in the process? If Daniel left her life, could she hold on to the light or would she loose herself and give into her darkness? Was she even sure she didn’t want that anymore? There were so many doubts, Erin couldn’t make herself suggest the whole thing to Markus yet. It could wait a little while. She wanted entirely out of the range of Aaron’s music, either way. She could still hear it in the distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Graham Lennox
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#, as written by Nori

For a moment it seemed as though to Graham he'd been spurned, his mind raced for what outlandish entreaty he'd instead need for his advances, obviously having failed to impress of the degree expected of him. Then, with a change in scene, or rather song, the blonde Omarain meeting his mock bow with one of his own and a hand extended ever so slowly for his grasp, it became evident he'd done well enough to earn a performance.

As soon as Graham's hand rose to meet the boys outstretched one, it darted away from his touch, to the crook of its owner's back, exposed to him in full from the bend of his knee. A chuckle, light and humored at the display, gaze alit as it greedily devoured the boys form, coursing and flowing around him, before him, only a breath apart, and then beyond him, an arm's length away, tempting him to touch, to caress, to enfold, to ravish.

Utterly enticed, he hardly realized he'd been forced into motion himself, arms whisked above him and released to fit his puppeteers sense of rhythm, a marionette to be played. When recognition dawned on him, it was only there for a moment before his attention was diverted wholly, purely on the low lying form of the male before him; dipping to the floor with such a sensual, daring gaze it was difficult to focus on anything beyond the myriad of fantasies lingering 'bout his mind. Yet such he did, when it was that realities touch surpassed the call of imaginings and his hands alit with the warmth of Aaron's back against his chest, expertly traversing lasciviously down its length in a manner that was cruelty at its finest.

Ever the gluttonous one, Graham trailed with wandering fingers down the expanse of the boys hips when they were left to linger there, only a few moments travel before his object of worship whisked himself away. As though to taunt him and his hands' previous adventurous ways, a twirl and leg kick later, he watched the blonde trace down to where his attention had been earlier been focused, lower along his torso, ever lower--before two fists were jabbed into his vision.

A shuffle away and again amusement rolls from his lips, corners upturning in an impish grin as he regards the Fae boy expectantly, ever curious of what surprise awaited him next. Something marvelous, it turned out--Aaron pressed against again, yet this time encouraging, nay, demanding the older boy envelop him in an embrace, a command Graham was more than happy to oblige too.

It wasn't as though he'd refuse the chance to do exactly what he'd been yearning to the entire song, rather, his arms weaved their way around the younger's beating chest, fingertips dancing across his stomach in soft little patters, down along the ridges of his hips yet again, where their advancement had last been stopped, before settling in along the all too comfortable hem of his waist line.

Desiring to be ever closer to the intoxicating force that was Aaron, Graham dipped in low to the boys shoulders, chin resting in the nook provided for him as his lips danced reverently against the tender flesh of the boy's neck, along his jawline, before the intent obvious in that violet gaze of his, as open as any book, led him to halt his trail of kisses. A sigh, not to the same melodramatic, bitter degree Graham was like to normally use, rather more an expression of acceptance, encouragement for the boy to give in to what it was his mischievous gaze had promised.

"If you'd be willing, I'd quite like to continue this dance a bit later; but for now, I fear I'll have to release you back to your awaiting audience, a shame that," his tone was jesting, jovial, for once his features matching, with the exception of eyes hidden behind lidded folds, "But alas, the night's far too young for my monopolizing of you quite yet, such a crime I do perform, the horror." With that, his arms snaked themselves free of the boy's oh so tempting hold, opening in dramatic fashion as they released him again to his "stage", free to delight and amuse himself however he so pleased.

Until it was that Graham again tired of the monotony that plagued his existence and he so required the boy's company, at least; but for now, well, might as well scrounge about in the liquors Elvis and co. had procured, see if he might be able to find something strong enough to suit his tastes, preferably rum...or gin...or even scotch, just something harsh and unpleasant, really, would do.

He just needed smoothing to smooth over the edge Aaron had placed on him, damn did that boy know how to work him, like putty to be molded in his hands. There were few other's who could leave him quite so hot and bothered, prey to his own carnal instincts, and though he would have eagerly taken the opportunity to go further, he'd reached the point he often arrived at, before Aaron would leave him alone with his own urges like a horrid, irresistible little tease, the ass...only Graham was allowed to do that...normally...but Aaron had worked his way into quite a few exceptions in the prideful Teen's mind, an uncanny amount actually. Hmmm. Odd.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Hazel Ebony Highlynn Character Portrait: Graham Lennox
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#, as written by throne

Dance was the perfect metaphor for the relationship between the two young men so entwined before the fire. Regardless of the permutations, the styles, it was still always dance. When two were involved, someone would always need to take the lead, and like seasoned partners, the demon and faerie princes were more than capable of trading off that responsibility as the rhythm required.

The effects of their proximity were not limited solely to Graham, particularly when the self-same introduced lips to the equation. Even with his movements reduced to little more than swaying and occasionally gyrating his hips, those kisses were enough to disrupt the minimal concentration he needed to maintain the illusory music he was providing for his peers. It cut out, here and there, but the effect was unlike that of a CD skipping. The trick required him to hold the song in his mind, and broadcast it, for lack of a better term. When those thoughts went elsewhere, the result was that some whole seconds of the tune disappeared; others were garbled, or lacked lyrics, or particular elements of the arrangement.

Several expressions flickered across his face, so much like the uncertain light cast by the bonfire. His cheeks were very flushed, and without his realizing it he’d brought a hand up to finger the very flesh that Graham had been helping himself to, rubbing tentatively at his neck as if to gauge whether or not marks might form from the Mori’s ministrations. He looked boyishly flattered, and then outraged (particularly when the apology, for he could view Graham’s words as nothing but, was offered), then disappointed, and ultimately, mollified. He was just as eager to pull away as Graham was to release him. When he did just that, pulled away, he encountered less resistance than expected and half-stumbled a single step before regaining his footing and his dignity enough to whirl and face Graham once more. The music cut out abruptly.

As quickly as the emotional slide-show had begun, it was over. Aaron recomposed himself with single breath of the smoky-sweet summer air, and music began anew. The volume was less obtrusive, matching the more low-key (and somewhat pointed) nature of the song. It was fit for mingling, socialization, conversation… all duties that Graham had rightly reminded him of, even if his reasoning for doing so was suspect. The faerie prince’s smile grew less wan as he regarded his counterpart studiously for a few seconds. He may have released Aaron… but that hardly meant he was off the hook, so to speak. The boy’s features were as inscrutable as they were courtly as he made his breathy pronouncement.

”I can’t claim to know much of crime or horror, my friend, but I’d enjoy your continued company if it please you.” So it was that he swept forward, moving to present his arm to Graham, extended parallel to the ground, his elbow bent at a perfect right angle that his friend might hook his own arm in it augustly.

”If there is indeed injustice afoot, it’s only that you’ve not yet offered me a drink. That is truly unconscionable.” He smirked sweetly. ”I suspect that to be another area in which your expertise outstrips my own. Would that you would be my guide.” His voiced suspicions were probably true. In practicality, Aaron’s experiences with liquor were limited to what teenagers in a boarding school could get their hands on. It had always been unsatisfactory, regardless of what it was mixed in, served in ubiquitous red plastic cups. Appropriate, given the constrained nature of festivities limited to quiet shuffling in a small dorm room in order not to arouse the suspicions of the adults charged with their safe-keeping.

His impractical notions regarding libations, though, were purely romantic. Words like honeyed-mead and crystal goblet sprung to mind, along with undertones of vine-driven folly that always brought folk together rather than driving them apart. Or, even better, a smartly dressed waiter might pour just a touch of some storied vintage for him to taste, and then fill his delicately stemmed glass once he’d nodded approval. He might comment upon the bouquet, if he had any basis for doing so, and whoever was across the table from him in the enchanting restaurant that existed only in his imagination would, of course, agree with his adroit assessment.

Those were the brand of thoughts that occupied him while he waited for Graham to take his proffered arm, which was, in essence, an acceptance of an apology that the Mori had made to the faerie prince only within the confines of his own royal mind.


The Navarene Guardian returned at last, his hat triumphantly perched in jaunty fashion atop his head. He made his way back into the courtyard in the more customary, bipedal fashion. His head whipped about as he marked the comings and goings of the charges, and his head tilted in curiosity when he saw that some had departed and others were in the midst of doing so. He could hardly claim to be an expert on parties, but this didn’t seem to fit.

Confusion spurred him to awkwardly smile. He didn’t seem sure, exactly, what he was meant to be doing, only that he didn’t want to miss out on what would likely be fun. He spied the alcohol area and knew from experience to avoid it, even though it seemed to be the closest thing to a gathering place that the celebration had. Instead, he made his way toward where Hazel had taken up against the wall. He offered her his baffled smile, lifting his hand to flap a wave to her, even though he was now only a few feet away. ”We had a party here once before, but it was nothing like this,” he said, as he shifted his weight from one foot to another and then back again. ”Can I sit with you? I didn’t think you’d mind, since you aren’t dancing with anyone or talking to anyone, but if you mind, that’s alright too.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Corosa Character Portrait: Omar Maria Media Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore
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As he sat under the lofty tree, its branches reaching just over his head into the dark abyss of night, Omar couldn’t help but feel… alone. He had been alone only for the last two years; understandably, he was still getting used to it.

Omar heard himself silently whistle an old tune that he had picked up back in Toledo; it was probably originally a chant, but Omar didn’t know the lyrics.

“Hey Omar, wanna come to the Ghostyard and sit with me?” Her voice was somewhat soft and reserved, smooth and the tone only altering a few times in the span it took to say the sentence. Sinry’s nervous persona reached above him, and in the dark, seemed to unite with the darkness of the Earth to create one solid entity. One of Omar’s few friends.

Despite Omar’s inhibition to ever go near the Ghostyard, Omar felt honorbound by the invitation. Therefore, he almost resented his words as they spilled quietly from his mouth. “I-“ Omar stopped to clear his throat, which was dry from hardly ever being used. “I would like that.” Not really, but he would never reveal that.

Placing his feet flat on the ground before him, he shifted his weight and shot his head up. Successfully rising without using leverage besides the momentum of his own body, Omar began to shake the dirt and dust off his ass, and then turned to Soren.

Now, with perspective and proper lighting, she really looked beautiful. Almost stunning. [b]”Whoa,” Omar said, looking over her in the light of the Moon and the lamps, “if I didn’t play for the boys, you’d have yourself a suitor in me!” With the silliness of his comment, Omar gave her a slight giggle. He still remembered the first time he realized he liked boys.

He could see the glow on Sinry’s eyes and the look on her face. He wasn’t sure what she meant by it, but he assumed it was a sassy look like “Really?” To answer her, “You know, if my mother knew I liked you-know-who and not you, she would have hit me across the head and command me to marry you.” He giggled some more, waiting for the girl to lead them off to the Ghostyard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Vendicare
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"When am I not?" Elvis replied to Vendicare's inquiry charismatically, which would have granted a quick, low, rumbly "ha" in the form of a non-surprised laugh from Vendi, had the scent of a pine tree not alerted him to another entity walking up quickly after. Vendi let his face drop back into it's usual neutral expression as he turned to the demi-alpha respectfully. Renn was definitely making his way into Vendi's good graces, but he still didn't feel as comfortable around him as with Elvis. As Renn requested his and Elvis' help in retreiving something, Vendi nodded sharply once. He understood that when work needed to be done, it needed to be done. And when you're alpha asks, you hop to.

As they entered the room where all the boxes were stored, Vendi didn't pause for the lights to turn on. His pupils had grown extremely wide, dialating to let in as much light as possible, which made it easy for him to move about the room with dexterity. He allowed Renn to load his arms with boxes and boxes of clinking bottles until he carried much more than any normal man could take. He let his muscles flex, luxuriated in the feel of his sinews' movement, relished the weight on his biceps and trapezius as he exited the room. Once outside, he waited patiently through Renn's small speech, then only set the boxes down once Renn gave the word. He moved a few paces away and was comforted in a small way when he realized Elvis was still with him. He noted that he was growing quite comfortable with the younger man, which caused him to scowl in the smallest of fashions. Non è sicuro.

He blinked at Elvis as he brought the bottle of tequila over and swigged it on his own, passing it to Vendi, who grabbed it out of reflex. "So, Vendi, I was wondering... are you allergic to chocolate? You know, with the whole... dog-wolf thing in mind." Vendi paused and cocked his head to the side in thought. He'd never really been a fan of chocolate to begin with, it wasn't something he'd tried to eat even before the changing, so he'd never really given the idea much consideration. Deciding this was a good enough answer, he replied on a semi-shrug, "I don't like cioccolato." and left it at that.

As for the bottle in his hand, he'd had plenty of alcohol before, wine and such, growing up, then sticking mainly to beer once he'd turned. Simply because the scent of beer was less offensive than some more potent beverages. He'd never had this... 'tequila'... before though, so Vendi raised it to his mouth out of curiosity, keeping one eye on Elvis out of respect to the conversation. Before he even had a chance to sip the clear liquid he wrinkled his nose and quickly pushed it away again, stifling a gag. The strong scent had stung, causing his eyes to water momentarily. Raising one eyebrow he looked at Elvis, his deep voice grumbling, "Poison? Lupo veleno, is this?" He handed the bottle back as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, still scowling.

He turned toward the fire in surprise then as a veritable onslaught of pheromones hit him, causing a dizzying sensation to course through him. He'd never been able to notice pheromones before, but this was something other-worldly. He wiggled his nose to try and dispel the intoxicating smells but it was impossible. It was as though the hormone-inducers were seeping in through his skin. His blood began to race through his veins and he felt a heat begin in the pit of his stomach. Sicuramente non sicura! He knew this feeling, he knew this rush. He needed to move, needed to run until his head stopped throbbing. His face and body were calm, even as his muscles tightened in his fight to hold onto his control. He briefly wondered what had happened to the squirrel, a good chase and this would all be over. Then he saw Aaron, looking in the direction of the group he was near. Or was it right at him? He wasn't sure, but he suddenly felt as though it was time. The heat began to radiate out through his body from his core when he realized that something wasn't right, something wasn't normal. Taking a step back, he shook his head and looked to the ground. The ground was safe.

He breathed, in and out, arms crossed over his chest, until his body stopped raging. Then, suddenly, the feeling was gone. Looking up slowly he realized how many people were now gathered around the boxes of distilled liquid and made up his mind. What had only been a minute had seemed like an eternity and his palms were sweaty. Which, truth be told, kind of grossed him out. Vend turned to Elvis and stated, "Birra." then moved over, deftly grabbed a Guinness, and moved back to Elvis. Popping the cap off without any help, he took a swig, then let his body relax again as the cold alcohol descended down his esophagus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Silver Alier Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Markus Wright Character Portrait: Daniel Sanderson
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#, as written by Mela
The Woman Trapped In Ice

“You really should stop fucking birds, Markus. It’s highly unbecoming.” Erin noted dryly, well aware that it was merely a nickname of his, supposedly describing women. Some may consider it an endearment, but this blonde knew better. It was entirely degrading on so many levels, especially from one such as Markus. Other men may think it sweet, but Markus wasn’t a sweet guy. Nor was he the romantic. Nope, this Mori assessed women much like a man in the 16 hundreds would. Women were delicate, weak creatures, or something along those lines. That’s why they were “birdies”. Or maybe Erin was over-analyzing things. She couldn’t say she cared much for that, or the ‘nickname’ in itself all that much, so she managed by throwing in a dry comment or two when they were practically handed to her – like just now. She was not in any way a fan of men who regarded women with such carelessness. Then again… wasn’t most of the males she talked to, like that? Did she feel comfortable because she knew she’d never fall for them? Here we go again.. over-analyzing, she chastised herself, ignoring Markus’ eyes on her body all the while.

At his ‘offer’ of carrying her, Erin smiled sweetly – so sweetly that it was in all ways, and very deliberately so, fake. “Oh, honey,” she drawled, voice liquid honey before it immediately fell away, leaving the same icy exterior as before and she snapped, “my inches are just fine.” Then she pulled her heel out of a particularly soft patch of earth and glared at the shoe. Oh, this was just great. She heard Irayah snicker in her head, and Erin’s eyes snapped up to glare at the cat too. ”Just stop being so moody – it’s only going to amuse him more. And you know that the more annoyed you get, the worse he’s going to become.” Irayah’s female voice rang smugly. Oh, if Erin could strangle the demon kitten right now, she would. ”I’m sending you back to hell, you unruly little demon spawn.” Erin telepathically snapped back at the black thing. She wasn’t going to, of course. For some reason, Erin couldn’t make herself part with Irayah, no matter how annoying she was at times. Maybe because she Erin’s only guarantee of not ending up completely alone for the rest of her life.

She followed Markus onto firmer ground and almost sighed in relief. She wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction, though. No way. Markus was a dickhead and you didn’t give dickheads ammunition. Gods, did that sounds wrong or what? The music from the ‘revelry’ fainted with the covered distance and Erin was suddenly very, very grateful for Markus and her being likeminded on this particular topic. If everyone was going to act like Aaron, she would have ended up killing herself in defeat. Or most likely drowning herself in a last, desperate attempt to swim away from all the insanity. She looked around her as Markus said something about them being free. She didn’t really pay attention. Erin wasn’t usually beyond the compound. She was in her room or with her guardian most of the time. Sometimes she was out and about to get fresh air, and then she’s usually end up socializing with one group or the other, depending on her mood. She’d been in the forest only twice since she’d arrived 7 months ago. She didn’t really have time to wander off like that. Wandering off didn’t help quiet her darkness. Panting did, and she didn’t have her things in the forest.

Then Markus spoke again and she smiled wryly – couldn’t help herself. He was such an idiot. Yet he was dead-on. Something was on her mind, even if it had nothing to do with whether or not to fuck him. Geez. She raised an eyebrow, the mocking smile still in place. Then she took a step towards him, bringing them just close enough for them to be able to proper distinguish each others’ eye colours and crossed her arms, making her chest pop. “Someone’s-“ she began, her voice that classical “you’re about to be bitch-slapped verbally”-tone she donned on most occasions with Markus. She was stopped, both verbally and physically when he held out his hand and spoke though, and Erin tilted her head slightly, regarding him with bored interest. She didn’t say anything, but she did stop, and watched – merely looked at him. Nothing more, nothing less, her face giving away nothing. He was up to something. She had a feeling this was what he’d intended when he’d first asked her to join him for a walk, but she still had no clue what it was.

Soon, Markus was leaping off the ground, wings of bloody skin shooting from his back to carry him to the top of the rock before her. Erin merely raised her eyebrows in subtle surprise. Inwardly, though, the cogs in the blonde’s head were turning as she assessed the situation. Alright, her current companion had just assumed demonic features. She hadn’t really wondered much about what Markus could or couldn’t do. She hadn’t really cared, either. It wasn’t like she went around telling people what she could do. In fact, Erin was fairly certain only Daniel and the guardians knew exactly what her power was. Others might have educated guesses of some kind or another, but that was their deal. Erin felt no need to advertise. She was surprised at Markus’ little show, but she wasn’t disgusted, nor was she scared. She’d honestly seen much, much worse. What was a little blood compared to what she saw in her nightmares? Hell, compared to what she’d already seen in waken condition. People having had their hearts ripped right out of their chests, blood soaking their surroundings – the heart completely gone.

Erin had gone down memory lane when Markus spoke, and she had to blink a couple of times to zone back in on the world she was currently in. She shook herself out of it; it was in the past. She hadn’t seen a dead body since before she came to the Isle. So, deciding that the now was more important, Erin looked up at her fellow Mori. She regarded his outstretched hand with suspicion, however. Markus was a jerk, no disguising that fact. It would be like him to take the hand back if she tried to take it; childish as could be. Then again, he was curious. She could tell as much, so he might just behave… as much as Markus was able, anyway. Then she smiled wryly and shook her head as she walked over to him. Erin stopped beside his hand, considering. Did she really want to do this? Then another thought hit her. What if he left her up there? She’d be able to get down, sure, but… it’d take longer and she’d have to find her way back alone. She hadn’t really noticed their path. She tilted her head a little, watching him thoughfully. Then she sighed, reluctant, and took Markus’ hand, letting him drag her up if he wanted to. Irayah jumped easily off her shoulder and began making her way up the rocky formation. “My ‘pretty little noggin’ usually likes to keep its ‘miscreations’ to itself. What makes you think it’ll suddenly start sharing now? And don’t say it’s because of your winning charm, because you have none.” Erin noted dryly.

Holding Markus’ hand was weird. She didn’t usually have physical contact with people who weren’t Daniel. Not in a very long time, anyway, and then with Markus of all people? She could almost hear her darkness cheering her on, wanting as much of a connection with the other Mori as possible. When she touched Daniel, it practically screamed in protest and she hadn’t even done more than a short hug. Well, on her part. Daniel touched her more often than she did him. Little things, but they told her he cared in a way he shouldn’t. Not with her. He deserved to live; he deserved so much better than her and she was going to make sure he got it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Vendicare Character Portrait: Hazel Ebony Highlynn Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen
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#, as written by throne

”That’s great! That you don’t mind, I mean. And my power isn’t like an air thingy, it is an air thingy! He dropped himself down into a crouch beside her, not actually sitting. He didn’t like sitting, especially not against a wall. He liked to have open space all around him, so he was just to her side, maybe six inches from the wall, but angled to face her. He bounced a bit on his heels and rested his arms across his thighs. ”I can do all kinds of stuff with air.” Her question had utterly derailed the story he’d been about to tell about the last party on the Isle. His mind only had room for so many topics at once- well, one topic at once, really. He was smiling though, quite enthused. ”I’m not sure what would be like an air thingy. Maybe a water thingy? That’s kind of like an air thingy, because liquid is more like gas than solid. I guess fire is kind of like air too, except it EATS air, and I don’t like that.” His eyes narrowed, and he gave the bonfire a dirty look, as if it might have offended him somehow. If any actual person had ever managed to offend Fleet, it had gone unmentioned and undocumented.

He saw her wave, and followed her eyes to Tally. He waved at her as well, lifting his right arm from his thigh and flapping it dramatically at the Evincal girl. Quite suddenly, his cheery grin wilted, turning into a heart-breaking frown. ”The Navarene Guardian was a Water-Touched. Her ability was like an air thingy, because it was a water thingy. I miss her all the time, when I remember to.” Despite it having been explained to him several dozen times that he was, in fact, the current Navarene Guardian, the Wind-Touched still didn’t quite seem to grasp it. His gaze dropped to the dirt in front of him, but then he lifted his head and tilted it, regarding Hazel. ”Wasn’t it sad when all those things Michaela made went away? I don’t like being sad.”

Just like that, he wasn’t. As if someone had flicked a switch connected to his mouth, he was smiling again. ”I’m glad we’re having a party. We had a party here once before, you know. It was nothing like this though. It was when Matt and Arietta got engaged. There was a lot of yelling, I hope there isn’t a lot of yelling tonight.” He shook his head. ”Yelling is just being sad except louder, s’far as I can tell.” He reached down with his left hand and extended his finger, drawing a frowny-face in the dirt.


He’d forgotten about the chocolate bar entirely while the Omarain Guardian made her presentation. By the time it was over, what remained of it was half-melted all over his hand, done in by his own body heat and that of the bonfire roaring nearby. A scowl had developed on his lips, washing away any traces of awe that would otherwise have been left over from the illusions she’d conjured. He’d become preoccupied with the standing wolf-creature, the one that towered over everything else but the sorrowful dragon. If he could become something like that…

But he couldn’t. His lycanthrope blood was thin. His war-shape was a paltry imitation of the monster that the faerie woman had showed them. That was the stuff of nightmares. No wonder humans were so afraid of werewolves, even after how ridiculously they’d been portrayed for years in the media.

All of that, and then the announcement, like it was some kind of gift or something, that they were going to have a party. Can we just skip to the training? he wanted to ask. He was sick of laziness. Running around the forest was fun and all, but he wanted to see what he could really do with his gifts. He’d sized up all of the other charges and found them wanting, save for very few.

He lifted his hand to his mouth and began to lap it clean of chocolate. An involuntary twinge went through him when Aaron’s music began. He quickly looked anywhere but at the Omarain. He’d learned before that it was easier to not feel anything he didn’t want to if he wasn’t actually looking at him, especially when he was dancing. The catchy little tune cut right into his brain, and he nearly growled as he quickly chomped down the rest of his chocolate bar and shot to his feet. The movement of shadows and his peripheral vision told him that a group was forming up to dance, but apparently he wasn’t the only one who didn’t intend to get his groove on.

Where had Matthew gone? He’d missed him taking off, whenever that had been. Matthew was about the only person around who he actually had any respect for. He looked around for his next favorites. Elvis was being taken by Renn somewhere, the only Balaren competition he had was going with them… His looking around meant glancing Aaron’s way, and for the brief instant that his eyes skimmed over that blond, dancing form, he felt his pulse trying to conform to the beat of the song, felt his fingers begin to tap away on his thigh to the rhythm. No, he told himself, his voice in his mind a guttural growl. His body and mind were his own. He wasn’t going to submit to the charms of Glamour unless he wanted to, and he decidedly did not want to.

By the time he was through wrestling for control and imagining Aaron with a pair of wolfish jaws clamped around his neck (not killing him or anything, just forcing him to be still and silent for once in his life), Elvis was back. Wynston turned and headed toward where they were setting up the alcohol. His features were practically blank as he approached in his dirt-and-grass stained clothing. He nodded to Elvis, and then nodded even more slightly to Renn, and then finally initiated a stare-down with Vendicare. He wasn’t going to break it, so it would be up to the Italian Balaren to do so… or to move the challenge up to the next level, the level where someone ended up on their back or their belly. Wynston was fine with either result.

Seph didn't even warrant a glance. She might as well not have been nearby, for all the attention he seemed to pay her. He was vaguely aware that she was talking, that she moved off to speak to the asshole Omarain, but he didn't need to acknowledge her existence to know that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen Character Portrait: Something Seraphine Character Portrait: Renn Elliot Character Portrait: Tally Roawn
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Tally scurried away, and Artemis had a strong urge to chase after her, pull her close and, he shook his head while casting a glare at Aaron, “You’re causing trouble there mate…” he commented but doubted anyone would hear him. But, having gotten himself settled he just sat back and watched the others for a bit. They were all having great fun so Artemis decided to let them be for the moment and headed off toward the fortress interior. He returned a few minutes later with several boxes and left again in the same direction, after a few trips he’d retrieved a table, several plates of party foods and snacks, some non-alcoholic beverages, and his last trip consisted of a cooler, and a bag of ice slung over his shoulder. This was abnormal as typically the Isle was rather strict on supplies, but Artemis had made a point to catalogue what he’d take and would allocate more to the food budget to make up for it, Michaela had told them to enjoy themselves and he could tell from the look on several faces that many were probably getting hungry, dancing and just generally being up later than usual was no doubt to blame.

He laid out the fare on the fold out table next to the beverages and the alcohol and retrieved some plastic table ware from the first two boxes he’d brought and then just stepped away, letting the ravenous teens at it as they say, though he grabbed a few finger sandwiches himself before moving over to get a beer. He didn’t normally drink; he just had a Yingling (he kept a stash in his dorm) with Simon every now and then, maybe Renn if the other young man needed to unwind. The brand here was not his favourite but it would do for a buzz, and that was the point of drinking after all, that and socializing. His strange mind went to work as he took a bite of one of the sandwiches wondering why all this food and drink had been so easy to find, and why the kitchens had been unlocked. Maybe it was just Fleet had unlocked it but why had the prepared foods been ready? A smile crossed his face as he instantly recognized that someone, probably Michaela, had intended for this. Hell, she might have even implanted the idea of gathering the food for the party in his head during her display, as he’d been contemplating it subconsciously for a while, “Check and Mate.”

Artemis hadn’t really re-joined the others yet but as Seph came over and tried some beer he took note of her, she was newer to the island compared to most of Artemis’ friends and they didn’t speak much socially beside a kindly hello in the hallway, still he knew her name, much like he knew of most of the new arrivals, and he couldn’t help but inwardly chuckle at the face she made at her no doubt first drink of alcohol, “Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?” he asked with a nonchalant grin, clearly he really couldn’t care less about that, “It’s not the best tasting, but it’s the effects most are after…” he was careful to be lack and seemingly sluggish when talking to her, having learned that she was a Baleran he knew much about how body language spoke volumes for regular people and could only imagine someone who could change to a form with almost all communication being non-vocal. He had noted that she seemed skittish around him, and so he was careful not to give her any cause for concern.

He couldn’t help but follow her eyes over to Harvey and Something coming their way. Something was a kind enough person form the look of her, but Harvey, he was someone who gave Artemis pause. He was cautious around all like him, but that guy particularly rubbed him the wrong way second only to Markus. Artemis stood a little straighter. Harvey might not have seen Artemis near Seph before, after all he had been sitting a few minute s prior across the yard and after that bringing out food. He had no doubt his presence would not give the man pause over causing trouble, but if Artemis was nearby he could keep an eye on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Graham Lennox
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#, as written by Nori

An attempted step away, to the embrace of hardly saccharine liquors and the interruption of many a duo's liaisons to forget his own, before Graham had been lured back by words far sweeter than any bitter twinge of spirits "I can't claim to know much of crime or horror, my friend, but I'd enjoy your continued company if it please you." Please him? Few things could claim to do such, amuse him, sure, that was as simple a task as merely existing more often than not, but to please was an honnor reserved for the spectacular, the unheard of. A moment's consideration, mind racing through the plethora of possibilities presented to it by words spoken so, without care for what they would entail; then the twisting of his grin, crawling high along his cheek, in the lining of his jowls, merging with the glint of predatory hunger still lingering within his gaze to become one ravenous whole as it regarded the boy yet again. He supposed it would please him, Aaron had done nothing but since the night began, after all.

"Though I'd quite like to teach you a thing or two 'bout the crimes of which I know," his voice a dark rumble between chuckle and purr, hands thrown to the winds in a general sweep of emphasis and fingertips brushing lightly 'cross the boy's cheek in doing so, "your continued company plenty suits my needs of the moment. I'll just have to reserve my showings to another day, shame that, the anticipation ought slay me."

"If there is indeed injustice afoot, it's only that you've not yet offered me a drink. That is truly unconscionable." Again, a low rumble of a chortle rolls from his throat, grin expanding ever further with every word spoken. To think, he'd already long been plotting a variable sea of concoctions to offer the blonde--in the name of curiosity science--and here he was requesting to be served his potent abominations of so claimed "beverages", what a stroke of luck. "I suspect that to be another area in which your expertise outstrips my own. Would that you be my guide."

Expertise was an awfully strong word for his familiarity with liquors and the like, it was more akin to an abusive-acquaintanceship one might say, but he did quite enjoy hearing it be said that he was an expert in such, that much was sure. Beaming in the wake of what he perceived a compliment, he leisurely wove his arm 'round Aaron's own offered one--only then acknowledging it for the entire period it'd been presented to him.

"One such as myself, your guide, hmm?" Graham mused affably enough, free hand drawn to his chin as though deep in thought and gaze far away above, that the heavens might hold his answers, "so long as you not come to regret such a request and the libations that might follow hence, I'd be more than happy to oblige." It was really only a pretense that he's said anything at all, a means to make the case should things go awry that, indeed, he had warned him of the potential consequences; that the boy might not have heeded his words, as abrupt and jesting as they might have seen, was far from his control of things, truly. There'd hardly been a moment for what he'd said to have any effect, before Graham was all but prancing off to the makeshift bar of sorts, Aaron dragged along in tow, of his violition or not.

Arrival at the liquor station wrought little but despondency though, nose scrunching as though he'd caught whiff of something putrid and lips curling into a grimace as he appraised the meager assortment of drinks. Whiskey, Tequila, a few assorted wines, brandies and the like, but hardly anything he could fit to his plans. So, he'd been a bit spoiled at the parties he'd attended it seemed, the lack of cream liqueur, schnapps, brandy, rum, gin, vodka, or even any form of soda had taken him aback a bit. Though it had been from a wine cellar that all the drinks were procured to begin with, it still brought no small amount of disappointment to see his grandiose dreams of fruity shots that delighted the pallet and wore away at inhibitions without anyone the more ware were never to be, nor his backup plan of simple mixed drinks that coaxed down one's throat in a carbonated burn, just plain old bitter liquor.

Liqueurs are surely where it was at, whatever it may be. But he would certainly try and work with what he had. Shots weren't that horrible by themselves, right?...Fuck, they were, who was he kidding, they tasted like fiery piss ought to--actually, it was Aaron, perhaps he ought go with a vintage wine instead...Or the closest he could find to a vintage wine at least--Aaron had all but admitted he had no familiarity with the spirit himself, not as though he could much judge. Genius! Wine it was, then. A quick appraisal of his selection, more based on familiarity of name than a particular year, and aha!--A 1995 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon, that would most certainly work, not one of the better years, but still of a high enough quality to suit his own tastes, certainly the blonde's then as well.

A moment's contemplation on just how to go about opening the damn thing, temporarily he considered breaking out the claws, though the general blood and gore bit involved might not go over so well with the whole wine bit too, not very sanitary either no doubt, so that was certainly not an option. After going through a number of other impromptu corkscrews mentally, twigs, stone, and his teeth amongst them, Graham was struck by inspiration; reaching into the expanse of his coat pocket with practically his entire free arm and struggling with the contents of such for all of a minute or so, he procured a small safety pin triumphantly to the air. The entire time he'd still been linked arm in arm with Aaron--though at some point his arm had managed to snake its way 'round the boys waist, settling comfortably on the brink of his hip--but knowing the hardship no doubt to occur as he struggled valiantly against the dreaded wine cork, he slid fluidly free of his grasp, and set to work at slaying the beast serving the drink.

The awkward shuffle that proceeded for all of thirty seconds, tops, managed to both wound poor Graham's thumb no less than three times and opening the bottle, theoretically with no to little blood challenging its sanctity...hopefully, ah, hell, what's a bit of blood in the wine, right, not like anyone else was like to drink it. Even if they do, eh, they'll have a little bit of him with them forever, that's not too bad, really. Beside, he'd alr

Finding a suitable glass to pour the spirit, a particularly wide bottomed, inward curved affair of a tea cup that seemed like enough to a proper glass that it'd essentially do the whole oxidation affair any real wine snob would fret over; though he ought have let it breathe first in bottle--maybe decant it first if he felt particularly classy--it seemed unlikely to him Aaron would know proper procedure himself, no point in fretting over the nuances of wine. With that thought in mind, he served a sizable quantity of the drink for the boy with little reservation; oh his Grandfather would be so ashamed to know he'd stooped so low--really, bruising the wine, the audacity . A swish of his hand and the cup was brimming at the blonde's lips, the distance between the two men again non-existent as Graham offered the libation, "Let it breathe a while before you drink it, savor the aroma--it's the only bit that actually tastes half decent; should be a bit of an olive scent, touch of oak, maybe jasmine? I couldn't quite place it, I only got a whiff myself." With that said, he leaned in closer to the drink, hovering centimeters both above it and away from Aaron as he took a deep inhale. "Definitely jasmine, must have been one of the exotic years."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elvis Johnson Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Vendicare Character Portrait: Hazel Ebony Highlynn Character Portrait: Graham Lennox
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#, as written by throne

The faerie prince hardly needed to be dragged, having been the one to propose that they journey together to the nest of containers of alcohol that had been assembled. His steps were light and sure as he gallivanted along with Graham in his usual spritely fashion. If anything, the Mori might find himself the one being tugged, bringing to mind the image of a particularly energetic puppy using the tether of its leash to enthusiastically drag its owner about. Of course, the idea of anyone leashing Aaron, much less owning him, was dubious at best.

He had not responded to the older boy’s replies. That he’s agreed to accompany him was all that truly mattered. He had no urge to dignify the obvious insinuation of Graham’s teaching him of certain crimes with his attention, or to agree to any sort of promise regarding his potential regrets. In his admittedly haphazard study of the supernatural beings which had made a legacy of their blood, he’d learned well enough that making promises to either fae or demon was a fool-hardy thing to do. He fully reserved the right to regret every second of the experience, if he chose, but it would have been in poor taste to make that so explicit audibly.

When Graham released him to survey their drinking options, Aaron let his attention wander away from his companion toward the others who had assembled in proximity of the social lubricants. Many of them were the same lot who’d dared not to join the festivities in earnest, but it seemed that almost everyone who hadn’t wandered off was being drawn inexorably toward the makeshift beverage center. He saw Artemis move off toward the compound for some purpose, saw Fleet and Hazel in conversation. He smiled to Tally, letting his chin dip in a nod her way. She was drinking beer, one of the only sorts of liquid intoxicant that he did have some experience with, none of it good. The only positive thing he could think to say of it was that, when cold, it could be fairly refreshing… but that was true of almost any liquid intended for cold consumption. He could say quite a few negative things about it as well, but didn’t, merely noting what she was drinking instead.

Elvis, Harvey, Something, Vendicare. Seph as well, and Wynston. He spared a glance Graham’s way to see what progress he was making and found him staring at a wine bottle contemplatively, but he was more interested in what the others were up to. He’d seen Harvey dancing with Something and actually been surprised that the usually caustic Harvey, the last one he would have expected to give in to the celebration, was actually having a bit of fun. He waggled his fingers Seph’s way, smiling brightly, and then frowning when she didn’t seem to notice that she had his attention. He couldn’t quite make out what was being said from his vantage point, but he certainly saw what followed the exchange of words between the Balaren girl and surly Omarain boy. Artemis had returned with food, he noted.

His laughter was just as musical as any other sound he made. As the beer dripped down Harvey’s face, though, there was a subtle note of scorn laced through it. Firelight and mirth danced in his eyes as he watched for a few more seconds, bringing his hands together in polite applause even as Seph took her leave. Smirking Harvey’s way, he let his eyebrows lift a bit on his brow, then shook his head. The electrical Navarene got his shots in first, but the faerie prince was quick to follow. ”You certainly have a way with the gentler sex, cousin. They hardly seem so gentle when you’re around.” he remarked, lifting his voice to be heard above any competing sounds without actually stooping to the indignity of shouting.

His gaze trailed away from Harvey, toward the towering Elvis, the roughly-hewn Vendicare, and the authoritative Wynston. He pursed his lips as he tried to sort out exactly why that arrangement seemed a bit tense, but was unable to reach any meaningful verdict. Instead, when he formed his mouth into a sultry curve and tried to catch the eyes of Elvis and Vendi, since Wynston was facing away from him. That was all he offered, a flirtatious little smirk, before he rounded to check on Graham’s progress.

The prior song ended, and without teenage lust to distract him, Aaron seamlessly transitioned to the next song in his impromptu play-list. He verged a bit closer, laying his hand on the small of Graham’s back thoughtlessly as he poured. The way that the teacup was thrust at him was nearly alarming, enough so that he felt a tiny thrill build up and die. It was the same feeling one had when almost anything was quickly coming at their face, but he neither shied away nor threw his hands up to block. Instead, he brought both hands up, touching them to the somewhat absurd vessel that Graham had chosen for the cabernet. He didn’t take it though, not immediately. The Mori would be forced to either let it fall, or to continue holding it at Aaron’s full lips while he loomed so close.

He arched a blond eyebrow as the characteristics of the wine were laid out for him. ”Olive and oak, coconut and chocolate? You smell all of that? I can’t imagine how it tastes.” His nose wrinkled, and his voice bore a hint of derision that was just as noticeable as the olive top note of the deep red wine in the teacup. He did sniff, though… and tried to smell all of the things Graham was describing. He didn’t, of course. To him it smelled just slightly like acetone and berries. There was a certain sharpness to the scent that was almost oily in nature; not that it smelled like oil, but that it smelled like it might feel oily on his tongue. He finally accepted the teacup by its pert handle, frowning into the liquid as if he expected to see his fortune in the dregs at the bottom. ”How long must I wait? he asked, glancing up again.


The Wind-Touched Guardian’s spine straightened slightly as Hazel came closer, and his eyes grew just a bit wider when she embraced him. When her lips brushed his cheek, they grew wider still. An instant later, Hazel would find herself in a bit of disarray as the wind-formerly-known-as-Fleet swirled and gusted about her, surely wreaking havoc on her hairstyle before it slipped out of her arms and skirted a few yards away.

He became flesh and blood once more staring at the ground. His cheeks were very red, though they’d only seem dark in the lack of light. He let out a very loud, awkward laugh, hahaha, then reached up to rub at the back of his neck. ”Oh I’m not sad, I’m not, don’t you worry, not at all.” He laughed again, the same awkward, bleating sound. ”Oh look, Artemis brought finger sandwiches. I bet they don’t have any fingers or sand or witches in them!” With that, he adjusted his hat and took off at an ungainly, loping pace for the little snack area that his fellow Navarene had set up.

His head bobbed as ungainly as anything else he did to Aaron’s music, and then he remembered to snatch up a plate before loading it up with goodies. He was still blushing, and his lips were moving, but if he was saying anything at all he was sub-vocalizing it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Hazel Ebony Highlynn Character Portrait: Tally Roawn
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Girl In Rags

Tally finished her beer and looked around at all the other charges; some had left the courtyard, some standing around talking and others still dancing, though she wasn’t sure how. The short amount of dancing she had done before had already worn her out enough for one night. She caught Aaron’s eye and when she saw his smile directed at her she flashed a carefree one back. Tally’s eyes then wandered to Harvey being soaked with alcohol with Steph to thank. Steph ran off immediately after though, turning into her wolf form and entering the forest. Tally wanted to follow her and make sure she was okay but she could never catch up with the wolf. Likewise She wasn’t all that close enough with Steph to go charging after her.

Tally looked back over at The group that had formed. Though she strained her ears she couldn’t hear what was said next. She put down her empty bottle and was about to move towards them when she felt a small unnatural breeze to her right. Looking over her shoulder, Tally saw Fleet digging into the sandwiches. Deciding not to get involved in whatever was sure to play out; she moved closer to the youngest Guardian.

“I love this hat of yours.” Tally said, a light smile lighting up her features while she tapped Fleet’s hat twice. Fleet seemed right at home in this atmosphere, bobbing along to Aaron’s music. Stealing one of his sandwiches as she went, she kept walking past him though. As she walked the tune in her head ended and a new one started up. Looking up at Aaron Tally had to wonder where he got his choice of music from, and how he had so many songs kept in that mind of his. Smiling slightly to herself she contented herself with answering all her questions with same fact. That it was Aaron she was talking about. Tally had only been here awhile and yet she already knew there was something strange about that boy. An interesting strange though. She popped the sandwich she had stollen from Fleet into her mouth and waved at Xylea who had appeared with a box oranges.

Tally moved away from the alcohol and food as she approached Hazel. “Hey, how are you?” Tally said, genuinely smiling at the Omarain. It wasn’t hard to for her to be genuine to Hazel either. The blonde was always just so easy to be around; always happy, lively and cheerful. Tally looked around the courtyard for a moment, thinking back to the figures that had appeared in Michaela’s little show. It was hard to believe that those things were where these strange abilities they all possessed came from. Evincal more than most, Tally defiantly didn’t feel even slightly like a dragon, dragons always seemed so violent and powerful. She defiantly didn’t feel that to be an accurate representation of her, or at least she hoped so. Looking back at Hazel, Tally continued, “Did you enjoy the show?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Corosa Character Portrait: Omar Maria Media Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore
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“Oh yes, totally. Voldemort.” Omar replied, face mock-agitated. “You know, I’ve only ever seen the first two movies and never read the books. That being said, I don’t like reading in English.”

Following Soren, Omar lightly let himself into a dreary state, dreaming of the soft waters near Toledo where he would spend his nights howling. Yes, he would howl for days it seemed, mourning the loss of his mother, his family, his life. A small strain of relief always gleamed in the back of his head: his stepfather was dead. But without an other picture, Omar was certain it had been him who had murdered both mother and stepfather, injuring his two elder sisters, and Lord only knew what else.

The night’s moon wasn’t particularly full or vibrant, but nevertheless, the Moon was always Omar’s main attention. Yes, even if Aaron was half-naked in Omar’s bed, moaning with anticipation (which wouldn’t necessarily thrill or discourage Omar either way), Omar’s eyes would be cast against “La Luna”. To him, She was the celestial manifestation of the Virgin Mary, the Feminine principle of divinity and his one protectress. No, flesh, EVEN fae-flesh could never tempt him away from his devotion to the Moon. The only boy who could ever do that would have to be the one boy who could personify the moon. Was the Aaron? Maybe, but Omar didn’t rest that idea too long. Aaron had many more suitors, and Omar was just a fool in the dark.

Omar’s education had taught him very simple but essential precepts: 1) Never believe in anything unless you absolutely want to believe in it; 2) Never judge someone based on their beliefs; 3) See the beauty in others’ beliefs, AND if they have proven their passion to be truly genuine, then view it equal to your own. Omar refused to see ghosts, or spirits, or anything. He didn’t necessarily NOT believe in them, he just wasn’t focused enough TO believe in them. Omar had realized that he was only one of a few people Soren trusted to see her art and not judge it. And indeed, Omar never judged. He gazed on in fascination and wonder, but he never judged.

When Soren had passed him the rum, he made sure the opening was clear and clean, sniffed it, and swallowed back a few gulps’ worth. Omar wasn’t a rum-fellow. Nor beer, nor vodka nor anything of that sort. He liked wine and brandy, especially cognac, and he wasn’t usually one to indulge in alcohol just for sport. He was a quiet drunk. The type of drunk that sit in the corner and seemed to listen to some eternal playlist of the world’s most anguishing music. But this time, Omar realized the rum was a sort of “peace pipe” from Soren, and to refuse it would probably be to refuse her.

“Would it disrupt your art if I prayed? It has put me in a strangely spiritual mood. I am surrounded by dead, it seems, and as we say: espera respirar por acá de los muertos.” Omar’s eyes flashed in the moonlight beneath the tree. His breath had settled low and light, attempting not to disturb the dead; this was a very old superstition he had learned and lived by. And as someone who had murdered, he was not one to disturb the dead further.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Aaron Highmore Character Portrait: Xylea Parihan Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen Character Portrait: Something Seraphine Character Portrait: Artemis Hulston
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Something Seraphine: The Avant-Garde

Something was still all nervous and jittery from the ”experience”, knees all wobbly as she leaned heavily upon the drinks table. But she was trying to hide it. She was fragile and her emotions felt potentially explosive, but she concealed it all with a optimistic smile. Harvey had followed her, expressing his concern in his own Harvey-ish way. "Here. Calm down." He had offered as he poured her a shot, taking two of his own. "And please for the love of god, quit apologizing."

See? He did care. It was all just a misunderstanding. “Oh yes, sorry about that,” she apologized for her apologetic nature, eyes darting downward, though she already felt herself cooling down. As far as she was concerned, it had never happened. The memory of everything would remain, but any emotional ties to the event would dissolve quickly into the back of her mind. It didn’t REALLY matter.

“Hmm,” she sighed as she delicately sipped from her teacup. Unlike most girls her age, she was quite well-adjusted to the taste of hard alcohol. She had started drinking very young, and not wanting to appear like what was commonly known as a “wuss”, would always take her shots without chasers, which would receive cheers and claps on the back from her friends. If you were cheered and clapped on the back, the best description of positive reinforcement from peer pressures there really was, wouldn’t whiskey taste less bitter to you too? The alcohol ended up being one of the sweetest tasting beverages around, drenched in the feelings of warmth and good memories.

It wasn’t that difficult for her now. The whiskey, unlike beer, made its presence known as it slid quickly down her throat. Yet, she still absent-mindedly sipped it. Luckily, it was chilled, so the burn was significantly reduced. In a placebo effect, she felt calmer already. Harvey had taken three shots at this point, not uncommon for the group she used to hang out with, her old friends, her old memories. So she grinned up at him. “A man only drinks that much when he wants to kiss a girl or kill a man. Which is it?" she had lowered her voice, attempting to match the inflection of one of her favorite characters from one of her favorite films of all time that had come out just this summer, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. “Unless…you want to kill the woman you want to kiss…” she mused, suddenly alarmed, brow furrowing as she slurped more liquidly quite loudly.

Harvey seemed antsy, and Something yearned to help, yet she felt trapped in her unseemly body. He admitted to needing a light while his hand slipped seamlessly to the small of her back. At this point, after their raunchy dance, she was familiar with his touch. She did not shy from it or really react in any sort of way. Eager to please, she quickly muttered in her high little voice, “Oh yes, of course, anything,” while she flicked her thumb against her forefinger, producing a small flame.

But Harvey stepped away from her toward Seph. Their conversations seemed…very involved. There seemed to be… a lot of history between them. Something stood there with the little ball of flame; it wavered and threatened to go out as she puckered her lips, unsure of what to do. She protected it with her other hand from the wind, and it glowed.

But before she could get too upset about her inability to make a decision as to what to do (which would have inevitably happened), a warm presence distracted her. “Artemis!” she chimed, repeating his name, her eyes crinkling as she smiled, using her flame to light her own cigarette before allowing it to go out. “It’s Something,” extending her hand and half bowing to one knee. Was she about to be knighted? Possibly. She had only met him briefly, but he was someone she liked. He possessed a relaxed, mature, and familiar kind of aura. She felt just about anyone could feel comfortable and at home around him. “I remember you.”

“Sandwich? Dinner and a show right” as he offered her a finger sandwich, she immediately just about clawed them from the plate, grabbing several, and stuffed in her mouth. “Always!” she cried out, lids drooping in the simple ecstasy of eating. The ones she was unable to currently fit in her mouth, she loaded into the bottom of her tshirt, using it as a make shift basket. It was like feeding a velociraptor in Jurassic Park. Nothing remained, and the plate was lucky to get out alive from her ravenous appetite. “I’m not quite sure what to do about them,” she continued, motioning towards what could have been a lover’s quarrel. “I feel like I should do something…but… I’m not quite su-“

And just as she was confessing this deep need to Artemis, Persephone threw a drink into Harvey’s face and threatened to bite his dick off. After a quick snort and the near death experience of having food hit the back wall of your throat, Something’s jaw dropped, revealing the partially chewed contents of her mouth. She had slowly began chewing again, almost as if the food were a way to soothe the uncertainty of the situation, when Artemis lightened the mood. “If she finds it…” Again, Something took something the wrong way. Her reaction was to empathetic towards Harvey, so she misinterpreted Artemis’ insult. She grinned at him, eyes sparkling mischievously beneath the veneer of tsk-tsking she gave. “I’m sure she’d find it eventually! I mean, buttons are hard sometimes to work with…” She had thought he meant to make fun of Seph’s clumsiness about human customs…she was…potentially an idiot.

Something moved toward Harvey, shoving the last of the sandwiches in her mouth to free up the hand that wasn’t busy with her teacup. The teacup he had found for her. She sure owed him a lot, obviously. So she would give him all of her sympathies to the best of her ability. Her hand found his back as she stood beside him, facing the direction that Seph ran off in wolf form, and patted him gently a few times. “I wouldn’t-“ she began, unknowing of what to say, “worry too much about that…” She handed her lit cigarette to Harvey, figuring he’d need it now more than ever.

Both Artemis and Aaron offered their light teasing, though she was sure it was only in attempts to lighten the mood rather than thinly disguised passive aggressive jabs. I mean…who could hate Harvey. He was the coolest of cool. The coolest cat. So Something laughed at their jokes, eyes bright as she looked to Harvey’s expression for reassurance that he was ok. That everything was ok.

Xylea pretty much removed all traces of the disaster when she gusted him dry. Something’s hair stirred floated up, stick straight out again. Exactly the bed head she had patted down beforehand in desperate attempts to seem presentable in public. But she wouldn’t notice what a ragamuffin she now appeared. Xylea had darting away on a mission. Something yearned to run after her, but Something wasn’t much of an extrovert. So instead, she smiled after her wistfully. “See?” Something smiled at the small crowd of people, “It’s like it never happened!” She finished to contents of her teacup loudly.