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Cheshire Cat

"We're all mad here."

0 · 1,087 views · located in The Country of Hearts

a character in “Bloody Clocks”, as played by Dae Mec


Cheshire Cat

☢ Nicknames ☢
“Cheshire Cat is my nom de guerre. It’s also my real name.”
Cheshire Cat is what he goes by. Most people just call him Cheshire and occasionally add the 'Cat' to the end.

☢ Age ☢
“I turn seventy-two tomorrow and twenty-three in two months.”
The answers range from 15 to 1531. He looks to be in his mid-teens, but it's rather hard to tell.

☢ Gender ☢
"I'm a tomcat on every day that ends in day, excluding the ones that don't."

☢ Romantic Interest ☢
“Me, of course.”

☢ Sexuality ☢
“I normally prefer pussycats, but I'll be whatever you want me to be, kitten.”
Bisexual, with a slight preference for females.

☢ Nationality ☢
“I’m a cat. I belong to no one.”
No affiliation/Neutral

☢ Face Claim ☢
Schrödinger- Hellsing

Image☢ Physical Description/Clothing Preference ☢

Cheshire Cat is, as one might guess from his name, very catlike. His limbs are long and somewhat lanky, but he walks with an undeniable grace. Cheshire Cat is often found sprawled out in warm places, crouching in a tree, or hiding behind an unsuspecting victim. Much to everyone’s disconcertion, he is always smiling. The effect is made worse by his slightly pointed teeth and abnormally long canines.

Cheshire Cat’s eyes are a deep, undeniable purple, and his pupils narrow to slits in bright light. They blaze a bright magenta in the dark, casting an eerie glow over his face and making his skin appear even more violet-hued. Even in normal light, Cheshire’s pale skin has a violet undertone to it.

His hair is a blond that borders on gray, and hidden in his hair is a pair of cat ears. He seems to be able to control them, but no one knows if they are real or not. Cheshire claims that they’re completely natural some days and fake the next. They reflect his emotions more accurately than any other feature.

His clothing is as strange as he is. No one really knows why he insists on wearing full military clothing; he just does. Cheshire Cat’s staple uniform is an olive-colored cargo shirt, a pair of black shorts, and a black tie. Also part of his ensemble is a black belt, black combat boots, and white gloves. Sometimes, he switches out this outfit for a forest-green overcoat, pants, and black gloves. His clothing is always starched and neat.

☢ Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features ☢
Cheshire Cat’s most famous feature is his smile. Eerie, ever-present, and predatory, Cheshire’s grin cannot be ignored. To people who do not know him, Cheshire’s grin is plastered and unchanging. A more discerning eye can detect variations in the smile that displays his emotions.

Also noticeable are his feline eyes. They always shine an unnatural purple color, and the effect is more pronounced in the dark. His ears don’t stand out like his smile and eyes, but anyone who talks to Cheshire for more than two minutes will quickly realize that his ears droop, straighten, and twitch with his moods.


☢ Weapon{s} ☢
Cheshire utilizes a small, exceedingly sharp knife. Small letters are engraved on the flat of the blade. He holds it in a reverse grip and uses it like a claw. He doesn’t really fight, however. He prefers to simply walk away or disappear if it actually comes to conflict. Cheshire will not hesitate to defend himself if necessary, though that situation rarely occurs. Cheshire does enjoy a friendly spar, however, but it may take some prodding to convince him to fight.

☢ Powers ☢
Cheshire Cat has three main powers; invisibility, intangibility, and inter-dimensional travel. He has the ability to turn completely invisible, and he can determine which parts of his body remain visible. This often leads to pranks with a disembodied head floating around.

Cheshire can also walk through walls and other solid objects, allowing him to go almost anywhere and remain virtually undetected. An extension of this power is the ability to detach parts of his body. For example, when he detaches his arm it can no longer turn invisible, but he still has control over it. The disconnected body part can still be hurt by outside forces.

Finally, the Cheshire Cat can connect doors to anywhere. It's a gateway of sorts; he can appear everywhere and nowhere all at once. Cheshire uses this ability sparingly but still too frequently for most people's liking.

☢ Skills ☢
  • Climbing: Cheshire can scale almost any surface in a matter of minutes. Much to everyone’s annoyance, he puts this skill to good use.
  • Reflexes: He has cat-like reflexes, allowing him to react to any unexpected events extremely quickly.
  • Balance: Cheshire has an incredible sense of balance, and he almost never falls. This comes in handy when scaling high places and hanging upside-down from trees.
  • Agility: Cheshire is very agile and lithe. He can nimbly jump from place to place and run quickly. This quality helps him escape from troublesome situations he usually causes.
  • Night-Vision: His feline eyes allow him to see in the dark. Glowing eyes are advantageous in that sense. This also works when he is invisible.
  • Puzzle-Solving: Cheshire is exceptionally skilled at solving puzzles, riddles, and any sort of mind-game. They come as naturally to him as walking.

☢ Personality ☢
Cheshire Cat is an odd combination of paradoxes, haughty intelligence, and simple motives. Highly mischievous, Cheshire loves playing tricks on others, especially the Duke. He is easily fascinated and distracted by commonplace objects such as yarn and shiny toys. Anything new is of immediate interest to Cheshire, as he is curious and watchful. He also enjoys speaking in riddles and contradictory statements, using twisted logic to make points and confuse people. Although he is always smiling, Cheshire is generally calm and not easily provoked.

Cheshire is also rather aloof and dispassionate when it comes to people; he makes no alliances, nor does he have close friends. However, this is also his weakness. By distancing himself from most people, he has alienated himself. Normally, Cheshire considers himself above people, though he does make rare exceptions for people he genuinely likes. If he does like you, then he will go out of his way to help you and can be quite kind. Although his morals are questionable, when given the choice, Cheshire prefers to help rather than hurt. Cheshire Cat is normally the observer and is rarely involved in many events. Many people know of him, but not many people know him.


☢ Likes ☢
  • Milk, fish, and meat: Those are his favorite foods, and an easy way to make Cheshire Cat tolerate you.
  • Riddles, puzzles, and paradoxes: These are, by far, what he likes the most. He thrives on conundrums like a fish needs water.
  • The Duke: Cheshire Cat “accepts” the Duke. In his words: “The Duke gives me food and occasionally puzzles.”
  • Novel things: Anything new is immediately liked by him… at least, until he loses interest.

☢ Dislikes ☢
  • Water, dirt, and loud noises: These are the bane of his existence. He hates getting wet, dirty, and spooked.
  • Dull people: Anyone unoriginal, unimaginative, or stupid is immediately disliked by him. Cheshire will go out of his way to ignore them or annoy them.
☢ Flaws ☢
  • Arrogance: Cheshire Cat’s fatal flaw is his arrogance. By believing himself to be superior to everyone, he has isolated himself from most denizens of Wonderland.
  • Apathy: Although Cheshire Cat is curious, he rarely cares about anything or anyone.
  • Obsession: As a counter-point to his apathy, when Cheshire cat is genuinely interested about something, he pursues it to the point of obsession before getting bored again.

☢ Fears ☢
  • Water, dirt, and loud noises: The main reason he dislikes these is because they scare him. It’s almost a phobia.
  • Losing neutrality: Cheshire Cat fears that he may be dragged into the conflict. He has immense pride in his neutrality, but he knows that it may not last very long.

☢Secrets ☢
  • Cheshire Cat has many, many secrets, most of which he will never share. He also holds a great deal of other people’s secrets, which he may share… for a price.
  • His love of puzzles and paradoxes is well known, but his love of poetry is not. Cheshire intends to keep it that way.

☢Bio ☢
Not much is known about Cheshire Cat's history. If asked, he spouts some nonsense about "physicists" and "boxes." Cheshire is one of the three neutral characters in Wonderland, along with the Clock Master and the Caterpillar. His relationship with them is unknown, and he doesn't speak of them even if asked. Cheshire has stayed with the Duke for quite some time; in fact, most people can't remember a time when he hasn't stayed with the Duke. Cheshire may have lived in the Clocktower once upon a time, but no one is quite sure. Whether or not he actually has a home of his own is unknown. Recently, he seems to be acting rather twitchy. It looks like something is brewing in Wonderland...

☢ Other ☢
  • He is an extreme neat-freak who takes takes care of his appearance extensively.


So begins...

Cheshire Cat's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: Dorothea Mouse Character Portrait: Vision Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: Cheshire Cat
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The current time in Wonderland is April Season. The Amusement Park boasts the season of spring, the season of new birth. The Castle of Hearts allowed the sunshine of the season of summer to come through its windows. The Hatter Mansion enjoyed the crisp air of the autumnal season and the Clock Tower presented the beautiful, white, frosty landscape of winter. Welcome to April Season.


The pearly rays of the sun played with the flowers of the patches of earth in the Amusement Park. The air smelled earthy and dry and drooping plants were now boasting of their new found youth. It was coming of age; but yes in the reverse order. Adjourning the plants were their new neighbors, slick, curly, twirling bougainvillea and spring weeds. They almost looked up to the trees that lined the paths of the Amusement Park, wishing to grow as tall someday. They gyrated with the smooth wind, letting their leaves dance to its tune. In the middle of the Amusement Park laid a young woman with light orange tresses. Her name was Amelia V. Christen.


Dots of sunshine dance through the windows of Heart Castle as the smell of honey suckle flies on the wind. Small animals scurry from hedge to hedge, occasionally sprinting up a tree full of forest green leaves that are caressed by the wind. The vast blue sky over the pink and red castle combined with the rolling green hills in the distance. The horses in the stables were being fed fresh hay that had just been threshed. Birds twittered back and forth in a beautiful song. The courtyard was the same, except for the young man that lay in front of the fountain.


A golden brown carpet of leaves crunch underfoot, tree limbs quiver in gusts of wind, shaggy autumnal decrepitude, disheveled beauty in gold and scarlet. Earthy smell of autumn, air that had the first bite of late autumn, beech trees at the height of their autumnal gold, bathed in the yellow warmth of the autumn sun, air fresh but without a chill. The leaves dance on the breeze, dead but still alive in some instances. Copper leaves fall to the ground that is now scattered in a plethora of colors. Gold, orange, red and brown, they all dance and die as the clouds overlap each other, making the sky a gloomy gray. A young girl lay at the steps of Hatter Mansion.


The naked winter trees line the avenue leading to the Clock Tower. Residents’ breath rises in visible puffs to join the clouded sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejeweled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, people who visit here pull woolen hats over the reddened ears and tighten scarves over the blue tinged lips. Teeth chatter. The cold seeps into gloves, numbing fingers until they cease to bend properly. Stiffened and frigid, like the cold winter air.