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Usami White

"Oops I'm late again; please don't behead me."

0 · 1,996 views · located in The Country of Hearts

a character in “Bloody Clocks”, originally authored by Masquerade (Skye), as played by RolePlayGateway





Theme Song|| Wall of Sound | A-List Music ||
Angry/Determined || The Prophecy | Tony Anderson ||
Emotional || Aura | Two Steps from hell ||


☢ Full Name ☢
Usami White

☢ Nicknames ☢
Usa or Mimi

☢ Age ☢

☢ Gender ☢

☢ Romantic Interest ☢
He probably doesn't even know she's alive, but it's the March Hare. The Red Queen has also forbidden her from associating with him.

☢ Sexuality ☢

☢ Nationality ☢
She currently resides at the Red Queen's Castle

☢ Face Claim ☢
Kuro Usagi

☢ Physical Description/Clothing Preference ☢
Usami has the figure of a doll, standing at a mere 5'3 and weighing at only 110 Ibs. Usami probably is the reason for unrealistic body expectations; with a plump chest and perfect figure, she has looks that make others very jealous. Her hair is a silky pink color or sometimes blue depending on her mood. Her eyes are red with flecks of yellow and pink and adorning her head and bottom are a set of bunny ears and a fluffy bunny tail. They call her the White Rabbit due to the palor of her skin, it is quite pale in comparison to her outrageous hair and eyes.

Usami's clothing preference is whatever the Red Queen allots her, usually something big and puffy with red hearts, or red somewhere that is visible. Her trademark outfit is a red skirt and sleeveless shirt with a blue vest and blue and white sleeve puffs. Usami hates clothes though, she thinks they are so restricting and when relaxing in her room she will usually wear nothing.

☢ Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features ☢
Her most noticeable feature is her eyes, they are a piercing red that seem to stare into your soul. There is also a large scar on her back, right between her shoulder blades thay goes down to her butt.

☢ Weapon{s} ☢
Her greatest weapon is her sense of humor. Just kidding, it's actually something called a chakram. It looks like a frisbee, only it is made of metal and can slice through the thickest of skin and bone.

☢ Powers ☢
Usami has shape shifting powers so she can turn into an actual rabbit, besides that her hair color can change on its own accord and when she gets super mad, or is in great danger her body goes into a sort of "survival" mode and unleashes crazy amounts of power. After those fits Usami ends up drained and can be out for days at a time.

☢ Skills ☢
  • Dazzling people with her charm
  • Charkram throwing
  • Acting adorable and innocent
  • Hiding
  • Calming people down
  • Freaking out

☢ Personality ☢
{ Cunning || Adorable || Innocent || Sweet || Clumsy || Confused }
Usami happens to be the adorable character that is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. She hates fighting and does her best to stay out of it, but if you make Usami mad then may God have mercy on your soul. For such a small, thin being Usami sure can pack a punch and she knows how to wield her chakrams better than most can wield a sword. She can only use her powers when mad, or in survival mode, but again, Usami hates fighting so she will almost never use her powers. Unless you can't the hair color changing as a power, then she is using them all the time.

Usami is greatly underestimated, she comes off to most as a bit clumsy and confused about everything, which is just how she wants you to see her. Cute as a button and innocent and vulnerable like a fluffy bunny; there is only one who has ever really seen past the facade and that is the Red Queen. The Red Queen is also the only one who has realized Usami's full potential, which is one of the reasons the two get along so well. They respect each other's abilities and keep their distance except when the Red Queen needs Usami's clever brain, which is rare since the Queen is very capable. Usami has a special place in her clock heart for cake, cute things (like herself), and extraordinary things. She likes to collect outrageous items that don't belong to her world and once even found the coolest looking fork/spoon thing.


☢ Likes ☢
♥When you pat her head, it makes Usami think she did a good job. She might appear human, but Usami is still rabbit to the core.
♥Cake, sweets, and Tea Time, it comes with being a resident of Wonderland.
♥Her chakrams, they are very special weapons that she received from a very special person.
♥The March Hare

☢ Dislikes ☢
✘When you pull on her ears, it is one of the worst sensations.
✘Carrots, but only because everyone assumes that she likes them.
✘Dum and Dee, they kind of scare Usami a little bit.
✘Playing crochet

☢ Flaws ☢
✘She can't really sit still for so long, as Usami is a rabbit and needs to hop around.
✘Usami can't control her magic
✘She expresses her opinion far too often

☢ Fears ☢
Dying mainly, she doesn't want her clock to stop.
Losing control and killing someone; it has yet to happen.

☢Secrets ☢
✪She accidentally killed a rabbit and it haunts her
✪The large scar on her back is from-

☢Bio ☢
Usami started out as a rabbit born during the wrong time. When blood covered the grass and the sky turned ashen from the smoke of battle. It was on a rather dark day that Usami ventured out of her safe little home towards the garden of the Red Queen in order to find a snack that perhaps wasn't covered in blood or clock parts. Unknowing that Usami would never see her family again, she entered the hole in the wall and found a patch of flowers that seemed untouched. Just as Usami was about to take a nibble, some strange noise caused the rabbit's ears to prick up and she poked her head out of the bushes only to get whacked by a flamingo mallet and sent flying back into a wall. Had Usami not accidentally turned into a human at the moment, the blow would have been fatal, but since the rabbit did turn into a human she simply ended up naked with a headache in a rosebush.

Confused and in pain, Usami tried to exit through the hole only to find that her movements were suddenly awkward and clumsy. With her head still spinning, Usami gave up trying to leave and began to cry, knowing that if the Red Queen found her she would surely be beheaded. It was the Red Queen who stumbled upon the rabbit, but rather than declaring to off with the bunny's head, the Queen took pity on the girl and offered for Usami to stay in her manor until the girl could figure out how to turn back into a rabbit. Usami has since been living on the Red Queen's property; she has quickly picked up the mannerisms of a human and if she didn't have rabbit ears and a tail, you might think that she was one.

It was one fateful day that Usami left the grounds to go look for something to do and stumbled upon the March Hare. Usami panicked and fled back to the castle, not because she was scared but because this odd feeling in her chest began to stir whenever she looked at him. When Usami told the Red Knight about it he laughed and asked her how such a clever rabbit could be so stupid. He warned Usami that she probably shouldn't get too close to someone that belonged to the Hatter's Mafia. Of course Usami had no idea what that meant, but if it would make the Red Queen unhappy than Usami would stay as far away from the March Hare as she could.

Usami trains very hard everyday with her chakrams, the King decided that Usami would need to protect herself and after trying out a bunch of different things, they debated between the throwing knives and stars. Usami was the one who found the discs buried behind a pile of swords and discovered she had quite a knack for throwing discs.

☢ Other ☢
Usami hates the fact that she has a clock for a heart, she has always wanted a real heart and is super jealous of the humans because of the fact that they have one.

So begins...

Usami White's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: Dorothea Mouse Character Portrait: Vision Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: Cheshire Cat
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The current time in Wonderland is April Season. The Amusement Park boasts the season of spring, the season of new birth. The Castle of Hearts allowed the sunshine of the season of summer to come through its windows. The Hatter Mansion enjoyed the crisp air of the autumnal season and the Clock Tower presented the beautiful, white, frosty landscape of winter. Welcome to April Season.


The pearly rays of the sun played with the flowers of the patches of earth in the Amusement Park. The air smelled earthy and dry and drooping plants were now boasting of their new found youth. It was coming of age; but yes in the reverse order. Adjourning the plants were their new neighbors, slick, curly, twirling bougainvillea and spring weeds. They almost looked up to the trees that lined the paths of the Amusement Park, wishing to grow as tall someday. They gyrated with the smooth wind, letting their leaves dance to its tune. In the middle of the Amusement Park laid a young woman with light orange tresses. Her name was Amelia V. Christen.


Dots of sunshine dance through the windows of Heart Castle as the smell of honey suckle flies on the wind. Small animals scurry from hedge to hedge, occasionally sprinting up a tree full of forest green leaves that are caressed by the wind. The vast blue sky over the pink and red castle combined with the rolling green hills in the distance. The horses in the stables were being fed fresh hay that had just been threshed. Birds twittered back and forth in a beautiful song. The courtyard was the same, except for the young man that lay in front of the fountain.


A golden brown carpet of leaves crunch underfoot, tree limbs quiver in gusts of wind, shaggy autumnal decrepitude, disheveled beauty in gold and scarlet. Earthy smell of autumn, air that had the first bite of late autumn, beech trees at the height of their autumnal gold, bathed in the yellow warmth of the autumn sun, air fresh but without a chill. The leaves dance on the breeze, dead but still alive in some instances. Copper leaves fall to the ground that is now scattered in a plethora of colors. Gold, orange, red and brown, they all dance and die as the clouds overlap each other, making the sky a gloomy gray. A young girl lay at the steps of Hatter Mansion.


The naked winter trees line the avenue leading to the Clock Tower. Residents’ breath rises in visible puffs to join the clouded sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejeweled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, people who visit here pull woolen hats over the reddened ears and tighten scarves over the blue tinged lips. Teeth chatter. The cold seeps into gloves, numbing fingers until they cease to bend properly. Stiffened and frigid, like the cold winter air.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: The Red Queen
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It was a beautiful day out, the birds chirping, the smell of honey suckle riding the wind and straight under Usami the White Rabbit's nose. The girl had been taking a stroll along the outside of the castle, enjoying this change in weather. Suddenly, a terrible feeling sunk into Usami's stomach and the girl checked the glistening golden watch on her wrist. "Ack!" The rabbit seemed to jump twenty feet in the air when she realized what time it was. "I'm late! I'm late! The Queen is going to have my head for this!" Usami began to run, winding her way down from the gardens to the front entrance of the castle. Usami could still smell the honey suckle and see the sun, but she knew that she would long for nature as soon as she stepped into the overly extravagant building that had become her home.

Suddenly out of breath, Usami stopped running and began to walk once the doors were in clear view, but a twist of her footing led the rabbit girl face first into the ground. It never failed, no matter how much walking she did or how much practice she had, Usami nearly always fell. This was a particularly hard spill, however, and the poor girl's nose began to bleed. "Ow, ow, ow!" She trilled hoping that this wouldn't last long. Her hair began to sparkle and slowly faded from pink to blue; it did that from time to time and along with her hair, her rabbit ears and tail changed color as well.

Usami hobbled over to the fountain to check out the damage and gazed at her reflection. Scrapped cheek, bleeding nose, but otherwise she was totally presentable. Usami was just glad her chakrams hadn't come loose and hurt someone. She was going to leave; Usami was going to head straight for the inside when something caught her attention. A tuft of white fluffy stuff poking out from the other side of the concrete structure. Plugging her bleeding nose with one hand, Usami tiptoed over to the tuft that slowly gave way to a body, her sparkling blue eyes widened in alarm and Usami took a step back, managing to fall on her butt and scrape her palms. Usami screamed, scrambling away in a backwards direction and then bolting inside, but realized that she couldn't possibly go into the throne room in such a disastrous state.

So Usami headed to her room in order to compose herself and wash the blood away. The body was probably one of those dummies that belonged to the Knight of Hearts, yes, that was it, a simple dummy. Definitely not a dead body.

Usami rinsed the blood from her face and changed her skirt that now had a hole in it, she wrapped her palms as well before finally heading downstairs, mentally preparing herself for the screaming battle to come. "I know I'm late!" Usami started as soon as she walked in, "but there's a reason to it! I was in the garden and then I looked at my watch and realized what time it was so I started heading back and I tripped and fell on my face and my nose started bleeding, then I saw a dead body in front of the fountain and I fell again and my skirt ripped and I screamed and ran back inside and knew I couldn't come in here looking like that so-so I went to change and now I'm here!" She took a breath as she finished and bowed to the Queen of Hearts, hoping she didn't offend the woman by her untimely entrance.