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Odessa Winter

"Are fairy tales real?"

0 · 983 views · located in The Country of Hearts

a character in “Bloody Clocks”, originally authored by CyberGlowfly, as played by RolePlayGateway


☢ Full Name ☢
Odessa Dee Ann Winter

☢ Nicknames ☢
Odd-Dee { Only by her Brother }

☢ Age ☢

☢ Gender ☢

☢ Romantic Interest ☢
TBD Image

☢ Sexuality ☢

☢ Nationality ☢

☢ Face Claim ☢
Ryoko Ookami || Ookami-san and Her Seven Companions

Image☢ Physical Description/Clothing Preference ☢
She has very long, light-brown hair and brown colored eyes. She appears to be about 169cm tall if not a little less. She has a tall slim figure for her age. Her common outfit is a black short sleeved sailor school girl uniform with red tirm, a red tie, a black, thigh length skirt held up by a loose, white belt, black knee length socks, and brown knee length boots with black laces and toes.

☢ Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features ☢
A small crown-like birthmark lays on her skin just above her right breast. Other than this abnormal birthmark, she has no other features.

☢ Weapon{s} ☢
Odessa knows how to use self defense, from classes she had to take when she was younger in her aristocrat home. She also knows how to use a gun, from learning from her father.

Image☢ Powers ☢
She isn't a resident of Wonderland so she has no magical powers but everyone loves an Outsider. Outsiders are longed by every denizen of Wonderland because they have something that no one does. A real heart.

☢ Skills ☢
Photographic and Eidetic Memory

☢ Personality ☢
Odessa Dee Ann Winter is a very clever girl. Her wits have been used to her advantage but also to her disadvantage. Odessa, loving animals and people, wants to take care of everyone but she knows people and creatures need their space. She can be very short tempered but she is very imaginative.

Image☢ Likes ☢
♥ Fairy Tales ||
My brother used to read them to me. I read all the well known ones like Peter Pan, Gulliver's Travels and Treasure Island. I always wished for fairy tales to be real.

♥ Animals ||
I have a cat, but whenever I would give her too much attention, she would run away. So I just let her be. I learned to leave people be, and be independent.

♥ Tea/Sweets ||
Brother would have Saturday Afternoon tea parties with me and we would have cake and ice cream!

♥ Stars ||
I slept outside every night after my brother died. I wished to communicate with him... I just wanted to see him again.

☢ Dislikes ☢
✖ The Queen of Hearts || Winnie is scared of the Queen and also how she can throw away life so easily. She intimidates Winnie and Winnie can barely stand to be around her.
✖ Lies || Winnie hates liars and she will not trust anyone when she first meets them.
She will learn to trust you.Image

☢ Flaws ☢
✖ Trust Issues
✖ Sensitive Ears

☢ Fears ☢
✖ Carriages
✖ Guns
✖ The Past

☢Secrets ☢
✦ Her Brother || Winnie's brother died in a carriage crash in London, England. Winnie was heartbroken and no one knows that a certain person looks exactly like her elder brother.

☢Bio ☢
Winnie was the last child of the Winter family because her mother died in child birth. She was left with a heart broken father and a older brother. She loved being with her brother and father. They meant so much to her and she never thought they could slip away from her as easily as they did. Her brother died in a brutal car accident and after losing his only son, her father couldn't take it anymore and hung himself. Odessa kept this a secret, telling people that they were just sick and didn't want visitors. She spent most of her time in the garden, by her families graves. Life was so... fragile.

So begins...

Odessa Winter's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Usami White Character Portrait: Dorothea Mouse Character Portrait: Vision Character Portrait: The Knight of Hearts Character Portrait: Cody Ford Character Portrait: Cheshire Cat
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The current time in Wonderland is April Season. The Amusement Park boasts the season of spring, the season of new birth. The Castle of Hearts allowed the sunshine of the season of summer to come through its windows. The Hatter Mansion enjoyed the crisp air of the autumnal season and the Clock Tower presented the beautiful, white, frosty landscape of winter. Welcome to April Season.


The pearly rays of the sun played with the flowers of the patches of earth in the Amusement Park. The air smelled earthy and dry and drooping plants were now boasting of their new found youth. It was coming of age; but yes in the reverse order. Adjourning the plants were their new neighbors, slick, curly, twirling bougainvillea and spring weeds. They almost looked up to the trees that lined the paths of the Amusement Park, wishing to grow as tall someday. They gyrated with the smooth wind, letting their leaves dance to its tune. In the middle of the Amusement Park laid a young woman with light orange tresses. Her name was Amelia V. Christen.


Dots of sunshine dance through the windows of Heart Castle as the smell of honey suckle flies on the wind. Small animals scurry from hedge to hedge, occasionally sprinting up a tree full of forest green leaves that are caressed by the wind. The vast blue sky over the pink and red castle combined with the rolling green hills in the distance. The horses in the stables were being fed fresh hay that had just been threshed. Birds twittered back and forth in a beautiful song. The courtyard was the same, except for the young man that lay in front of the fountain.


A golden brown carpet of leaves crunch underfoot, tree limbs quiver in gusts of wind, shaggy autumnal decrepitude, disheveled beauty in gold and scarlet. Earthy smell of autumn, air that had the first bite of late autumn, beech trees at the height of their autumnal gold, bathed in the yellow warmth of the autumn sun, air fresh but without a chill. The leaves dance on the breeze, dead but still alive in some instances. Copper leaves fall to the ground that is now scattered in a plethora of colors. Gold, orange, red and brown, they all dance and die as the clouds overlap each other, making the sky a gloomy gray. A young girl lay at the steps of Hatter Mansion.


The naked winter trees line the avenue leading to the Clock Tower. Residents’ breath rises in visible puffs to join the clouded sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejeweled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, people who visit here pull woolen hats over the reddened ears and tighten scarves over the blue tinged lips. Teeth chatter. The cold seeps into gloves, numbing fingers until they cease to bend properly. Stiffened and frigid, like the cold winter air.