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Jeremiah Wells

"Human emotion is more delicate than glass."

0 · 489 views · located in Vancouver,

a character in “Boot Camp for Heroes”, as played by Sonohra





Full Name: Jeremiah Jaycob Wells

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Orientation: Bisexual

Role: Mentor



Jer is a very sweet guy. He will try his best to please everyone, but also make sure that no one is harming another living thing. He is careful of his actions and words, and never means to harm anyone. He can be stubborn when he is fixated on finishing a task. He may even lose track of time, making him late to almost any event. He takes pity on others more often than not and will do anything to help them, even if he feels they don't deserve it. If he didn't like you, he wouldn't show it. He knows how to respect others, no matter how hard that may be. He has learned that you either love life, or you don't; and life is harder for those who don't. With this, he hopes to share the idea that life is not as bad as they think it is. That there is hope for something better.
Special Skills:

- Goodwill and selflessness
- Talking to others and leaving a positive impression
- Getting any task done on time and almost perfectly every time

- Other's emotions and well being
- Blaming himself for events that had nothing to do with him
- Trusting 'evil' people without a second thought

- Failing the camp or the world in one way or another

Superhuman physical abilities. Jer is incredibly strong and fast. He has incredible reflexes and can almost never be hit. He can run at the speed of a train, and then have the strength to stop it.

- Playing with his lower lip with his hand
- Looking around the room when he hears, or sees movement

- Swimming
- Reading

Their Song: Iron by Woodkid

So begins...

Jeremiah Wells's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnian Andrius Carmichael Character Portrait: Arabella Esstence Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Ross Reid
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#, as written by Sonohra

Jeremiah woke up to see his campers sleeping in their beds. His bed was a double bed and in the center of the cabin. The rest were single bunk beds, lined against the walls. He got up quietly, made his bed and left the cabin. It was 6:15 am. The sun was coming up, but it was cold and brisk. Jer looked at the other cabins, and walked bare-foot to the cafeteria, where he would help the cooks prepare breakfast for the campers. Everyone was allowed to sleep in till 7. Breakfast was served at 7:30 and cleaned up by 8:30. When his morning duties were finished, he headed back to his cabin to wake everyone up.

The closest bed was Finnian's. He shook his shoulder gently and said, "Time to wake up, buddy." He moved onto James, Ross, and Arabella, and did the same before moving to his dresser and taking off his sweatpants. He knew that undressing in front of the campers was not a good idea, but he had no real choice. It was either that or go to the outhouse to change. Jeremiah never felt like it, so he always changed in the cabin. "Come on, kids. Time to wake up~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patricia Amelia Carmichael Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Finnian Andrius Carmichael Character Portrait: Arabella Esstence Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer
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Amira ā€˜Redā€™ Devaroh

Amira was up by 5:35 am. Meditation passed the half an hour or so she had to kill. Even though she had been at camp for several years she did not leave the cabin until 6:00 am on the dot. Better to not piss off Jeremiah on the first day back. Dressed in black shorts, a white tank, and grey running shoes with her hair pulled up she headed out on her morning jog. She had been cutting out this path in the woods for three years now. She knew where every fallen log, every rocky ledge, and every vine infested part of the trail was. She could almost run her path with her eyes closed. She took deep even breaths as she picked up her pace, sweat beading on her forehead. She spotted her old cedar tree with a slight indent in the middle and grinned. This is where her trail got fun. About a year and a half back she had started picking up parkour...and now she incorporated it into her run every morning. She ran up the tree, using her momentum she pushed off the center indent and grabbed a branch, swung around twice Olympic style and landed on another branch. She felt it bow under her weight and sighed.

"Couldn't have gained that much..." She grumbled to herself as she shot forward jumping for another branch, then swinging from another. She loved her morning run and was fairly proud of her athletic abilities. After a half an hour of branch bouncing she landed lightly on the ground and continued on her run.

Amira only stopped her run for one thing, the relatively large creek a little further than halfway through her run. She paused long enough to wash herself down in the stream, braid her hair and catch her breath....and then she was off again. When she got to the end of her route, at the edge of camp, she started her cool down stretches.

Checking her watch she smiled. It was only 7:00 am. A new record for her.

Amira spotted Jeremiah and waved but didn't bother trying to make conversation. He was busy and she wasn't much of a talker in the her opinion, it would be a perfect world if everyone only hugged and drank coffee before 10:00 am.

Amira finished her stretches and went to her cabin. She changed into a black Godsmack v neck tee, a pair of skinny jeans and her wedge boots and headed to the kitchen. She liked to help out in making the food when she could.

"Hey guys" She called to the staff. She got a warm welcome back of hugs and pats on the back before she started making breakfast with the rest of the staff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra

Jace was up at 5, and waited restlessly to leave the cabin. As soon as the clock struck 6, she was out of bed and outside. She went to the trees to climb them. It was her favorite part of this camp. Waking up early and sitting in the trees, watching people walk by. She called out to her brother as he made his morning routine to the cafeteria. He smiled at her, but said nothing and continued on. He was always so soft spoken.

When Jace saw Amira in the trees, but stayed quiet and watch. She tried not to interrupt her morning routine. She had noticed that she was not a morning person, and so she let her have her peace. When it turned 7, she headed to the cafeteria, running into Jer as he made his way back to the cabin. She gave him a hug and continued on. She saw Amira is the cafeteria. She waved and said, "Hi, Amira!" Jace jumped into help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patricia Amelia Carmichael Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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Victor Artoras

Every night it was the same dream; he was already well into the vault, sticking to the shadows and minding his cover. Just ahead of him was the briefcase with the codes, the only reason he was this far into the job in this god forsaken desert facility. He just had to cross the ten feet ahead of him, grab the case, and jump out and into the night. He'd be paid, whatever plan the crazy cape he got the job from would be able to be put into motion, and the suits would be the ones to sort it out. That's when the world around him exploded into light and sound, and he woke up. Every night, Victor had to relive the last time he'd failed, and every morning he woke up in a cold sweat, swearing quietly and forcing himself to calm down. His phone buzzed it's own staccato rhythm next to his head in an attempt to rouse him before it got too bright outside, the clock flashing at him the time. "Christ, it's 6:45. Fifteen minutes this damn thing has been going off, and I've been off in my own psyche trying for that damn briefcase. I suppose I ought to get out of bed and get actually dressed." Victor thought idly, tapping out a pattern on the face of his phone and sitting up.

He rose from his bed in the center of the room, glancing around at the bunks without really seeing anything, and got dressed. Victor stared at his bed for a bit longer than necessary, debating making the bed before deciding it wasn't really worth it, and grabbed his essentials from his pack: wallet, sunglasses, lighter, and a fresh pack of cigarettes. Turning sharply on his heel and putting the sunglasses over his eyes, Victor stepped into a dark corner of the cabin and emerged just outside the bathroom on the other side of the camp, lighting a cigarette and taking a few puffs off of it. He stepped inside and took a long look at himself in the mirror, adjusting his hair and fussing with the collar of his jacket. Satisfied, Victor stepped out of the bathroom, into the darkened spot he emerged from, and out of a similarly dark area just outside of the cafeteria. He walked over to a picnic table somewhat in the shade and sat down, staring out across the camp blankly, not really registering anyone or anything moving across his field of view.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnian Andrius Carmichael Character Portrait: Arabella Esstence Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells
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Ross Reid

With a nudge to his shoulder Ross rolled his eyes awake with large yawn, kicking off his blankets and placing them under his legs all while rubbing his eyes and cracking his knuckles. A couple of minutes passed, figuring he should get up he let out a sigh while throwing his legs off of the bed and onto the floor. Mornings were not his strong suit, a schedule wasn't either and to be on a schedule where you had to be up by 7 was just awful. Ross did a slight jump to get the blood flowing and proceeded to change, or at least to a point. He changed out of tank top and into a white baseball shirt with grey sleeves he didn't bother to change out of his red plaid pajama bottoms and slipped on an old pair of skate shoes.

Stepping outside gave him a slight chill but it was nothing too extreme. Shrugging it off he made his way to the cafeteria, there wasn't many people around that he could see but not everyone immediately goes for the where they keep the food as soon as they wake up, he may be smaller be he can pile food away. When he got to the cafeteria he tripped inside, catching onto a chair before he slowly let himself slide to the ground. "Good job Ross." he murmured getting back to his feet. Shaking his head he couldn't help but laugh at himself and with a smile on his face he grabbed an orange and sat in a chair closest to the wall with his feet up on another waiting for everything to be ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Ross Reid
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0.00 INK

Amira ā€˜Redā€™ Devaroh

Amira spotted Jace as she entered the cafeteria. Jace gave her an enthusiastic wave and hollered ā€˜helloā€™ as she jumped into the jumbled mess that was the kitchen staff.

ā€œMorning Jace, wanna give me a hand with these scrambled eggs?ā€ She called as she started taking pans of food out to the main table were everyone dished themselves.

Once everything was set up she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at a table a little further towards the back so she could do one of her favorite pass times. People watching.

Amira watched Victor come out of the shadows and smiled. What a cool abilityā€¦she wondered for a moment if she could mimic it if she got close enoughā€¦Then she shook her head and laughed at herself. She did her very best to avoid using her own powers.

Noah walked in just behind Victor looking like super tired. Poor kid. She gave him a friendly smile as he found a seat.

Next there came Ross. When he got to the cafeteria he tripped inside, catching onto a chair before he slowly let himself slide to the ground. Amira giggled as she heard him mutter "Good job Ross." To himself. She watched him laugh at himself and shake it off. Dang his smile was pretty damn sexy. She shook her head. Too much time alone. She thought to herself as she watched him grab an orange, sit down and put his feet up on another waiting for everything to be ready.

Amira sighed as she sipped her slowly cooling coffee and waited for the others to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Ross Reid Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra

Jace was more than happy to help Amira with breakfast. When it was done, she settled down at a table with the others, drinking a glass of milk and eating eggs, sausages, bacon, and a slice of toast. She needed a lot of protein because of all the exercise she did and all the muscle she was building. She was quiet as the others ate. She didn't talk much, except for a good morning and hello.

She finished quickly and helped the kitchen once again. She has been at this camp for the longest time, so she knew these staff members really well. They were like her family, and it's where she spent most of her time. She smiled at Jer as he walked back into the cafeteria in jean, converse, and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was a little too small on him, as it was nice and tug over his bulging muscles.

Jer made his way back into the cafeteria, seeing as Ross was the only to get up and go to breakfast. He pulled on his shirt, feeling it was too tight. He needed to buy new shirts... He was working out to much.

He greeted Victor as he made his way towards the cafeteria, and as entered the building, he saw his sister was already done with her meal and in the kitchen helping the staff. He smiled at her, before grabbing breakfast himself and greeting the campers.

He saw Ross trip on his way in, and smiled. He patted his back gently before saying, "Mornings are rough, kid. I know." He turned to the others, "Good morning everyone." He made his way to Amira, greeting her with a warm smile. He was glad to have her around. She was so helpful with everything.

"Thank you for helping with the kitchen, Amira." He paused, talking a bite of his eggs. "How are you this morning? Ready to start combat training this morning?" Out of all the activities, combat training was Jer's favorite. He helped them with not only their hand-to-hand combat, but utilizing their powers in the combat. It was interesting to see what ways these kids could use their powers. They were so darn creative. It made Jer feel old, even though his was still in his 20s.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells
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Amira ā€˜Redā€™ Devaroh

Jeremiah entered the cafeteria. Amira watched silently as her mentor greeted everyone. How ould he be so damn chipper in the morning? She admired that man more than she liked to admit, though she had squished any feelings she had towards himā€¦or so she told herself. She smiled warmly at him as he made his way over to her.

"Thank you for helping with the kitchen, Amira." He paused, talking a bite of his eggs. "How are you this morning? Ready to start combat training this morning?"

ā€œItā€™s really no problem at all boss manā€ Amira said with a grin as she used the name she used to call him when she first arrived at campā€¦back in her rebellious daysā€¦.aw who was she kidding she was still pretty rebellious.

ā€œIā€™m doing pretty good, got my liquid crackā€¦ā€ she paused as she raised her coffee cup to her lips and took a sip.

ā€œAnd Iā€™m more than ready to kick your butt in the combat ringā€ she said with a grin as she nudged his shoulder playfully. After so many years at the camp he had become one of the few people she could say that she trusted. Amira knew how much Jeremiah loved the hand to hand part of training so she worked hard to give him a workout.

ā€œDonā€™t think Iā€™m going to go easy on you just because you got oldā€¦so be ready to be embarrassedā€ she said boldly even though she had yet to actually beat him in hand to hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra

ā€œItā€™s really no problem at all boss man. Iā€™m doing pretty good, got my liquid crackā€¦ā€ Amira paused as she raised her coffee cup to her lips and took a sip.

He chuckled watching her as her lips touched the much and the coffee slide into her mouth. He didn't drink coffee himself. It caused him to have the worst caffeine crashes, and would make him pass out. It was just as bad as drinking alcohol. He has a weak stomach and can't hold his caffeine or liquor. He was an entertaining drunk, though. He would spill out his emotions and secrets without hesitation.

ā€œAnd Iā€™m more than ready to kick your butt in the combat ringā€ His bright blue eyes widened and stared at her as she nudged his broad shoulders. ā€œDonā€™t think Iā€™m going to go easy on you just because you got oldā€¦so be ready to be embarrassedā€

"Oh really? Embarrassed? You mean like you've been every time I beat you in the past years?" Jeremiah grinned at her, giving a light laugh. "You may be incredibly skilled, Amira, but I have been in the field for 10 years, and I know every trick in the book. Age gives me an advantage. I'm not so old that I am over my physical peak."

He put his plate of food down. "But then again, we will have to see what your solo training has done for you, won't we?" Jeremiah gave her a teasing smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Ross Reid
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Amira ā€˜Redā€™ Devaroh

"Oh really? Embarrassed? You mean like you've been every time I beat you in the past years?" Jeremiah grinned at her, giving a light laugh. "You may be incredibly skilled, Amira, but I have been in the field for 10 years, and I know every trick in the book. Age gives me an advantage. I'm not so old that I am over my physical peak." Jeremiah countered. Amira smiled at him as he put his plate of food down. "But then again, we will have to see what your solo training has done for you, won't we?" Jeremiah gave her a teasing smirk.

Butterflied burst into her tummy but Amira immediately squished them.

ā€˜none of thatā€™ she chastised herself as she downed the last of her coffee.

ā€œGuess Iā€™m either a glutton for punishmentā€¦.or Iā€™ve secretly become a badass ninjaā€¦youā€™ll just have to wait and see.ā€ Amira said with a smirk and a giggle as she stood and stretched.

ā€œSo I don't know about you, Ross, but I heard that today we're doing combat training, and I'm really nervous.ā€¦Amira over there would be like trying to beat a red-haired clone of yourself..." Amira heard snatches of conversation coming from the girl, Kitty, and Ross. Amira grinned. So her reputation preceded her. She felt a little bad that the girl was nervous. In all honesty Amira rarely used her powers in hand to hand because it usually cause her more trouble than not. Just because she could copy the power didnā€™t always mean she knew how to use them properlyā€¦.and that could be dangerous.

ā€œPractice makes perfectā€¦trust me, Iā€™ve gotten my butt whooped more often than notā€¦just keep practicing...and donā€™t let the losses get to you.ā€ She called over to Kitty, trying to encourage her. Just then she heard the girl yell. Amira watched as Gregory entered and exited the cafeteria without a word.

ā€œHe really needs to lighten upā€¦ā€ Amira said with a shake of her head. She knew what it meant to have burdens, and knew she was in no position to judge considering the shape she was in when she first came here ā€¦.and she only hoped Gregory would open up like she had. Then again she had had Jeremiah to help her copeā€¦maybe she could help him like Jeremiah had helped herā€¦.

ā€œHey Jeremiah ill meet you at practiceā€¦Iā€™m going to go check on Gregā€¦he always seems to have so much on his mindā€¦Maybe he just needs a shoulder?ā€ She murmured as she started across the room. She turned back and grinned at him.

ā€œDonā€™t worry Iā€™ll be there on time to kick your buttā€ she said with a flip of her bright red hair and a wink of her storm grey eyes.
She started on the path she knew he had taken because she used to take the same path to the creek. It only took her a few minutes to spot him on the other side. He was staring off into space. Amira put her hands in her pockets and leaned against a tree. She just watched him for a moment.

ā€œYou okay?ā€ she called as she stood on the edge of the bank.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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0.00 INK

Victor Artoras

Victor took one last long drag off his cigarette, burning it down to the filter before stubbing it out on the picnic table and tossing the butt into a trashcan. He saw people enter the cafeteria, but only saw one of his campers. "I guess Trish is still asleep. Jace wakes up at the crack of dawn so she probably already went in there. Hm. Ghost is probably off doing his own thing again. That's none of my business." Victor mused, rising from the table and strolling back towards the darkened spot. He emerged from a similar spot inside the cafeteria and immediately made a beeline towards the food, getting a plateful of everything except the eggs and a cup of coffee. Victor glanced around curiously for Jace before deciding to sit near Jeremiah.

Once he sat down, Victor immediately began wolfing down the various meats and other breakfasty items on his plate with occasional pauses to drink from his coffee. "So, dude, do I really have to take my campers down for combat training? It'd be damn embarrassing for them to see me get picked up and thrown around like a rag doll man. I mean, come on; I've got no straight up hand-to-hand skill. It's all cloak and daggers and setting other people up to fail before they even get in the ring. You know that more than anyone else." Victor said between mouthfuls, jabbing his fork in Jeremiah's direction. "I guess pretty much all of my campers have a good amount of combat skill, and it's just me that has to skulk around and wait till things are unfair for the other person, but come on man. I'm all about mobility, not punching a dude's skeleton out of his body." Victor continued, taking a few gulps of his coffee and gathering up the last of his food with his fork when he finished. He knew he would probably end up taking his campers down to the ring anyway, but he enjoyed complaining and giving Jeremiah a bit of a hard time was one of his few antagonistic pleasures since he switched from a life of crime to whatever it was he could be said to be doing now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra

ā€œGuess Iā€™m either a glutton for punishmentā€¦.or I've secretly become a bad ass ninjaā€¦youā€™ll just have to wait and see.ā€ Amira said to him with a smirk and a giggle. Jeremiah rolled his eyes, knowing that she couldn't have improved so much that she could beat him, but her confidence was nice. He watched at Kitty and Amira spoke and watched as Gregory entered the scene.

ā€œHe really needs to lighten upā€¦ā€ Jeremiah turned to look at Amira, only to see her shake her head. He sighed, remembering other campers, like Amira, who came in just as he did. Distant and cold. Having powers can feel more of a burden than a gift, and Jeremiah knew that more than anyone. "He's just had a tough time, Amira...He'll come around."

ā€œHey Jeremiah I'll meet you at practiceā€¦ Iā€™m going to go check on Gregā€¦ he always seems to have so much on his mindā€¦Maybe he just needs a shoulder?ā€ She murmured as she started across the room. She turned back and grinned at him. Jeremiah nodded. He was going to do the same, but it's better if someone his age talked to him. ā€œDonā€™t worry Iā€™ll be there on time to kick your buttā€ she said with a flip of her bright red hair and a wink of her storm grey eyes. Jeremiah couldn't help but laugh.

He took in a deep breath as Victor walked over and started eating. CHe raised an eyebrow, watching him eat. "So, dude, do I really have to take my campers down for combat training? It'd be damn embarrassing for them to see me get picked up and thrown around like a rag doll man. I mean, come on; I've got no straight up hand-to-hand skill. It's all cloak and daggers and setting other people up to fail before they even get in the ring. You know that more than anyone else." Victor said between mouthfuls, jabbing his fork in Jeremiah's direction. "I guess pretty much all of my campers have a good amount of combat skill, and it's just me that has to skulk around and wait till things are unfair for the other person, but come on man. I'm all about mobility, not punching a dude's skeleton out of his body."

Jeremiah tilted his head, "Victor, you're over estimating these kids. That and you don't team them my kind of combat skills, You have your own style, and show them that. These kids are mostly teleporters like you. And if they fight like me, send them to my group. If they get out of control? Call me over. I'm here to help everyone, not just the campers." He patted Victor's back gently.

He sometimes felt bad for having beaten Victor as bad as he did. Jeremiah does not tolerate any criminal activity, and Victor was just on the wrong side of the law. Considering Victor's crimes were not as awful as other's maybe Jeremiah should have toned down the beating, but he can't go back in time to change that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonohra


Jace looked up, hearing her name being called. "Hey Jace," A girl's voiced called out brightly, "What's up?" Jace turned to see that it was Kitty. She smiled wide in reply.

"Good morning!" She looked down at her soap covered hands and the back to Kitty. "I'm just helping my friends with the kitchen. Do you... want to help?" Jace held out a sponge for Kitty to take.

She looked into the cafeteria to see new kids had come in. James, Noah, Gregory... Jace went back to her dishes as she watched her older brother talk to Amira... She knew Amira liked her brother, and she hoped that Jeremiah would get the hint. She turned to Kitty. "Tell me honestly. Don't lie to me. What do you think of my brother?"

She wanted to know if Amira was the only one who liked Jer, or just everyone else was really good at hiding it. Jace put down the plate she was cleaning and turned off the facet, then turned to look Kitty dead in the eye.


Jer saw James walk in and sit by himself, and looking again, he saw Noah alone as well. Jeremiah smiled and patted Victor on the back and said, "Gotta go be camp head right now, so see you at training," before walking off. He walked to James, talking his plate form in front of him with one hand and grabbing his chair, with him on it, with the other hand.

He lifted the chair and set him down next to Noah. Jeremiah placed James' food on the table and then sat across from them. He smiled at them. "James, this is Noah. Noah, this is James. You both know me." He began to say. "I have watched the two of you for a while now, and you are both very quiet, but I feel like the two of you would make good friends."

Jeremiah looked at James specifically, being that Jer was his mentor. He really did feel that these two could be good friends. From what he knew of them anyway. He didn't want anyone suffering through this camp. It was supposed to be a relief from those who would mock them for their powers. These two kids were a little easier than Gregory. These two were just shy and quiet. Gregory is just completely distant and reserved. "What do you think, kids?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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Victor Artoras

Victor shook his head, coming back into focus just in time to hear Jeremiah excuse himself. "Huh? Yeah, you got this. Go do... whatever, chummer. You da best." He muttered vaguely, waving with his free hand as he scooped up the last forkful of his meal and popped it in his mouth. "Hm. Fight like me. How am I supposed to show that off? Hide until the last second and drop on somebody? I don't have much of a style, more a good chance at taking a cheap shot every now and then. Eh, I'll figure it out." Victor contemplated, chewing slowly and staring off into space. He downed his cup of coffee, grimacing slightly at how cold it had gotten, and rose with his plate. "I probably ought to at least try and find Jace and let her know we probably won't be sparring with Jer's campers. Don't want someone gettin' hit with a thing they ain't prepared for." Victor continued in his head, ambling in the direction of the kitchen and dropping his empty cup in the trash.

The light from the fixtures above him streamed through his sunglasses, making him grimace again in spite of himself. He approached the kitchen, pushing the door open with his shoulder and making a beeline for a stack of dirty dishes near Kitty and... "Ah! There you are, Jace. Just droppin' this stuff off. Oh, by the way, I don't think we're gonna spar with Jer's campers. Doesn't seem too fair, pitting the mobility type people against the strength ones. 'Sides, I've never had a fair fight in my life, and odds ain't lookin' so good for the rest of 'em to be fair either." Victor called out, barging in to Jace and Kitty's conversation without a hint of remorse in his voice. He dropped his plate off to the side of the stack of dirty ones, and placed his fork down haphazardly with the rest of them. Victor glanced at Kitty and gave her a small shrug by way of apology, though he knew it probably wouldn't count for much if they were in the midst of a serious discussion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells
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#, as written by Legate

James had been quietly eating when Jeremiah his mentor came over. Without a word of request or indeed of any kind he picked up James' plate and before James could rise or protest he was lifted up seat and all and carried over to another table. He didn't move on the way over, falling on his face would have been almost as ignominious a commencement to his time here as being lifted up and manhandled without a word.

"James, this is Noah. Noah, this is James. You both know me." He said as he sat across from them with a smile. "I have watched the two of you for a while now, and you are both very quiet, but I feel like the two of you would make good friends." A smile was the last thing in the world James wanted out of this man who had just humiliated him, treating him like a puppy or a small child.

"What do you think, kids?" He continued. Being addressed as if he were still a child just tipped him over the edge. "I don't know "old man" He snapped back. "but you can keep your condescending attitude and your hands to yourself next time."

He pushed back his chair and went to go clean his plate. It wasn't that he had anything against Noah, he just did not enjoy being treated like a child, and more to the point did not like having his choices taken away. Jeremiah just using his powers like that to force a situation had totally rubbed him the wrong way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: James Stone Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells
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Noah Clarke


"I don't know "old man. But you can keep your condescending attitude and your hands to yourself next time."

Noah turned back to Jeremiah as James got up and left. "I don't think that friendship's going to work out," Noah commented. "He doesn't seem too keen on the idea." Noah was willing to give being friends with James a try though he wasn't sure how well that would turn out. James wasn't exactly the type of person that Noah normally got along with. Most of the time he enjoyed the girls' company rather than the other guys.

"And I'm not quiet, just tired. I'm still adjusting to the time difference," Noah continued. It was true, Noah was from Rhode Island and he hadn't been in Canada for very long so he wasn't exactly used to their sleep schedule. He liked his beauty sleep and he hadn't been getting much of that lately so it wasn't totally his fault that he was a bit too tired to hold a conversation with someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Clarke Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Jeremiah Wells Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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#, as written by Sonohra

Jace was surprised to see Victor come to talk to them... He usually stayed away from her, but she welcomed his greeting with a smile. "Ah! There you are, Jace. Just droppin' this stuff off. Oh, by the way, I don't think we're gonna spar with Jer's campers. Doesn't seem too fair, pitting the mobility type people against the strength ones. 'Sides, I've never had a fair fight in my life, and odds ain't lookin' so good for the rest of 'em to be fair either." She snickered at that. She new that teleporting was a cheap way of winning a fight, but to be honest, it takes a long time to get used to the power.

"Unfortunately," Kitty began, making Jace give her attention back to Kitty, "I don't think I've seen enough of him to give the most analyzed, correct opinion. Caidence is my mentor, and so I've never really gotten the chance to have a legitimate conversation with him..." Jace watched her placed the last of the dishes on top of a stack she had formed while they were there, and began shooting jets of air at each of the plates and utensils, blowing them dry. Jace jumped into help, handing her the dishes to be dried. "However, from what I've seen, I can tell that he cares about the welfare of those below any good leader should."

She gave a gentle smile as she continued to clean. "He's a vigilante...He is a vigilante, right?"she asked Jace, glancing at her for a brief second. Jace nodded as Kitty continued to speak. "My mom being a crime-fighter herself, I know how busy and stressful it must be. Putting your life on the line every day to save people you don't even know..." She shook her head in amazement. Kitty was done drying the dishes and utensils, and was putting them back in the cabinets and drawers where they belonged. Jace watched her pause for a moment, before she continued on her way.

"The fact that your brother is taking the time out of his career to train people just like him is extremely generous...honorable, even..." Kitty said, turning around to face Jace, "So I guess because of that, it's safe to say that we need more Jeremiahs in this world."

She smiled at Jace for a few moments, and let the words she had said sink in. Jace was glad to hear such kind words of her brother. She had never actually thought of his brother in those terms of honorable and generous, but everyone saw him in a different light. Jace smiled as Kitty walked toward her. "So, if we're done or when we're done, I think I'm going to go outside and do some tree-climbing. I have to practice for...combat...Would you like to come with me?" she asked Jace with a smile, "I heard you're not so bad at climbing trees, yourself!"

Jace would have loved to go, but she knew that being late for combat training, even by a minute, would end badly with her brother. She bit her lip and shook her head. "I would really want to," She replied, shifting her wait side to side every few seconds, "but I really can't be late to combat practice. My brother would kill me... We can go later!" She said optimistically. "During lunch. We grab a quick bite to eat, and head out."

Jace started making her way out of the kitchen in a slow wobbly walk. She hoped that Kitty would follow and they would head to combat training together. "It'll be nice to go hang out with you."

"I don't know old man. But you can keep your condescending attitude and your hands to yourself next time." James said before storming off. Jeremiah heaved a heavy sigh. He fucked up again. He always did with making good first and just genereal impressions on others. He tried to help, but really sucked at it.

"I don't think that friendship's going to work out," Jeremiah looked up at Noah. "He doesn't seem too keen on the idea." Maybe he should start drinking coffee.... or some energy drink of some sort. He was going to need it later today. He was on a bad foot with James and Noah.

"And I'm not quiet, just tired. I'm still adjusting to the time difference," Noah continued. Oh yeah.... Jeremiah completely forgot that these kids came from different parts of America... and sometimes the world. "I'm sorry to have bothered you this early in the morning. Sometimes I forget that it's not my play to say who should and should not be friends." Jeremiah said before leaving the table without another word. Jer's only hope now was that James would not hold a grudge. Noah seemed a little softer and probably would not hold too big of a grudge, but James seemed incredibly upset.

Tip number one for dealing with James, do not force him into awkward situations.

He headed outside to prepare for training. He headed to the grassy plain, and saw Victor glancing at his phone. But he stopped, seeing bright red in the trees. It was Amira for sure. He jogged over, seeing her as she leaned against a tree. She seemed exhausted and worn out. Nothing like she was this morning.

He walked to her, tapped her shoulder and spoke softly. "Everything alright, Amira? Ar you okay to go to training or you need tot take a break?" Jeremiah was always sensitive around girls. He never new if they were on that time of the month or if it was something else. He learned through his sister that it was better to be safe than sorry.