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Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic


War! After the fall of Handsome Jack, and Hyperion at the hands of the Vault Hunters, a mysterious alien being known as The Watcher warns our 'heroes' about an upcoming war that could very well hold the fate of the universe!

1,076 readers have visited Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic since CutUp created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Warning: Contains MAJOR SPOILERS to the Borderland games. Except for Tales of the Borderlands, due to the unfinshedness.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked | No Heaven | Black Dragon | Come With Me Now | Short Change Hero | How You Like Me Now

So you want yet another story? Fine, fine, it's not like I have anything better to do. Ungrateful little.....Anyways this tale is about how our heroes saved not just a single world, but the entire universe! Ha! Exciting yes? Well you know what came first correct? Well I'm telling you anyways. Pandora, this is our home. But make no mistake- this isn't a planet of peace, and love. They say it's a wasteland; that it's dangerous; that only a fool would search for something of value here. They would be mostly correct. But do not be fooled by what Pandora appears to be. There was a legend...many people tell it. The legend of a Vault.

The Vault; opened with a mystical key was fabled to grant whomever found it with alien technology. Infinite wealth. Fame. Power. Women. Or men, if you're into that sort of thing. I don't judge. So you can understand why some little kiddos who hear the stories grow up to become Vault Hunters. Four warriors found out that the legend of the Vault is true, and it's real! And a....let's call her a 'Guardian Angel,' appeared to guide the Vault Hunters to their prize. But when the four warriors opened it, the Vault turned out to be an alien prison, and was just a container of tentacles, and disappointment.

The warriors vanished into the wastelands of Pandora, certain that the Vault held no treasure at all. They were wrong. The Vault's opening triggered the growth of Eridium, a priceless alien element. Soon the rare, and valuable mineral emerged all across Pandora. It's appearance attached many. Including... the Hyperion Corporation. They came to Pandora to mine Eridium, and bring order to the savage planet. Through their excavations, Hyperion uncovered evidence of an even greater Vault.

Their leader, Handsome Jack, vowed to find it- to use it's power to civilize the Borderlands once and for all. But Hyperion weren't the only ones searching for the next Vault's alien power. The call of danger, and loot isn't so easily resisted. Warriors came to Pandora in droves to uncover is hidden secrets. Some would call them adventurers. Others call them fools. They are both probably right, but I call them Vault Hunters. Through some misadventures, blah, blah, blah, blah, the new Vault Hunters allied themselves with the 'guardian angel', and the original Vault Hunters. Together they were able to kill Handsome Jack. But not without the loss of the leader of the original Vault Hunters, Roland, and the 'guardian angel', the Siren Angel, Jack's daughter.

But even with the boss-man dead, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The rest of Hyperion's forces needed to be cleaned out. The Vault Hunters, and their resistance force the Crimson Raiders started sending the Hyperion forces home packing. But then they came across a former ally to the original Vault Hunters named Athena, who was involved with Handsome Jack's rise to power. After to learning of how Jack hired a group of Vault Hunters to find a Vault on Pandora's moon Elpis, and her role in his turn to a tyrannical ruler, she was to be executed by firing squad, by the orders of acting leader Lilith, one of the original Vault Hunters.

But Athena's death was postponed by The Watcher, an alien being who left a cryptic message that war is coming, and all Vault Hunters would be needed....

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You lost me at 'instead of punching'."
Name: Brick | Age: 37| Class: Berserker| Height: 7'3| Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher| Secondary: Shotgun| Melee Weapon: His Fists| Open
Brick was expelled from the Crimson Raiders by Roland due to his violent tendencies. He formed his own group of bandits called the Slab Gang. After helping the Vault Hunters, and after Roland's death he has since made amends, and him and his gang have rejoined with the Raiders. He is able to enter a Berserker Rage, which makes him nigh unstoppable, but he can only use his fists as weapons. One of the original Vault Hunters. Best Friends with Mordecai.
"With me around, you might actually get somewhere."
Name: Lilith| Age: 27| Class: The Red Siren| Height: 5'7| Primary Weapon: SMG| Secondary: Pistol| Melee Weapon: Energized Palm Strike| Open
Lilith is a member of the mysterious group of women known as Sirens. She originally came to Pandora looking for another Siren rumored to be there. She found her, Commandant Steele, the leader of the Crimson Lance(the precursor to the Crimson Raiders). Steele fought with the original Vault Hunters until she was killed. The Crimson Lance was taken over by Roland, and Lilith, and became the Crimson Raiders. She has the special ability Phasewalk. This allows her to enter a separate dimension which turns her invisible, and allows her to teleport herself and others. She is one of the original Vault Hunters. Was dating Roland until his death. Co-Leader of the group.
"I'm an even better shot when I'm drunk!"
Name: Mordecai| Age: 39| Class: Hunter| Height: 6'2| Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle| Secondary: Revolver| Melee Weapon: Machete| Open
Mordecai is a extremely talented marksmen, in fact he was able to win an interplanetary sharpshooting competition with just a revolver while his competition was using sniper rifles. He has a pet bird named Talon that aids him in combat. He is one of the original Vault Hunters. Was married to Mad Moxxi. Best friends with Brick. Recovering alcoholic.
"Stronger, smarter....and more sexually attractive."
Name: Axton| Age: 26| Class: Commando| Height: 5'9| Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle| Secondary: Rocket Laucher| Melee Weapon: Tomahawk| Taken
Axton is a surprisingly cunning strategist. A former sergeant in the Dahl military force, he was known for his pursuit for personal glory, and disregard for orders. Which led to his simultaneous divorce, and discharge by his wife, and commanding officer Sarah. But as he was to be executed Sarah helped him escape to Pandora. He is able to deploy a Sabre Turret, which has a machine gun, and rocket launchers. He is the co-leader along with Lilith. Friendly rival with Salvador.
"Oh, guns, I love you so!"
Name: Salvador| Age: 36| Class: Gunzerker| Height: 5'4| Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle| Secondary: Slightly smaller assault rifle| Melee Weapon: His Fists| Open
Salvador is a Pandorain born and raised, and is a extremely dangerous fighter. He is a Gunzerker, which means he can wield both his assault rifles at the same time, and durable. He is a friendly rival to Axton. Is sensitive about his height which was stunted due to heavy steroid use throughout his life.
"Siren here. Nice to meet you all. If anyone tries to capture me, I'll incinerate their brain."
Name: Maya| Age: 25| Class: Blue Siren| Height: 5'7| Primary Weapon: SMG| Secondary: Pistol| Melee Weapon: Energized Punch| Open
Maya is a Siren who grew up in a abbey, and was worshipped as a Goddess by the Order of the Impending Storm. She escaped by killing all of the monks, and left to Pandora to learn about her Siren heritage. She has the special ability Phaselock. She is able to suspend foes in a bubble of dimensional energy, leaving them open for damage, causes others to be pulled into it, and can be caused to explode at will. Currently in a relationship with Krieg, and is helping him regain his sanity.
'Whatever you do, do not scream the word "poop" at the top of your lungs.' "I'M THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!"
Name: Krieg| Age: 28| Class: Psycho| Height: 7'3| Primary Weapon: Shotgun| Secondary: Revolver| Melee Weapon: Buzz Axe| Taken a mystery. He showed up one day when Maya was catching a train, and started screaming about salting wounds, and staring into souls. Maya thought he was attacking her so she opened fire at him. He then saved her from a group of bandits that was about to kill her because she was so preoccupied with Krieg. Krieg followed her, and became a Vault Hunter by mere accident. After Hyperion's fall, it was found out that Krieg is the byproduct of experimentation by Jack with Eridium, and this caused a split in his personality to his violent, insane outer persona, and his calmer inner persona. His inner persona has been able to gain some control over his body thanks to some help by Maya. He is extremely strong, and durable. He mostly uses melee attacks with his Buzz Axe, and is able to throw it with great effect. Currently dating Maya. Is a big brother-like figure to Tiny Tina.
"I need to build you an extra arm JUST for high-fives!"
Name: Gaige| Age: 18| Class: Mechromancer| Height: 5'5| Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle| Secondary: Pistol| Melee Weapon: Cybernetic Arm| Open
Gaige was a high school student when she first conceived DeathTrap as a science fair project. Her rival was Marcie Holloway, a rich girl, also entered the fair. Marcie stole Gaige's designs for DeathTrap, and sold them to the military. Gaige modified DeathTrap's design to be more deadly. On the day of the science fair Marcie's father bribed the judges to allow Marcie to win first place, and Gaige placed third. Marcie shoved Gaige, which caused DeathTrap to think of her as a enemy, and killed her. Gaige was facing imprisonment, but her father caused a distraction which allowed her to flee to Pandora. Gaige can summon DeathTrap to aide her in combat. She is a terrible shot.
"I am everywhere. And yet, I am nowhere, too. I am infinite."
Name: Zer0| Age: ???| Class: Assassin| Height: 6'5| Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle| Secondary: SMG| Melee Weapon: Sword| Reserved
Zer0 is an intergalactic assassin extraordinaire. He is quite simply a mystery, and he keeps it that way. No one knows what his true face is, or even what species he is(he has four fingers on each hand). He is an excellent combatant in both long, and short range. He is able to create a hologram, and become cloaked.
"Loyal to the mission is one thing. Loyal to people is something else."
Name: Athena| Age: 26| Class: Gladiator| Height: 5'9| Primary Weapon: Shotgun| Secondary: Assault Rifle| Melee Weapon: Sword| Reserved
Athena's history is much of a mystery, other than she was trained to be assassin from a young age by the Atlas Corporation. She, and all the other assassin trainees were later recruited into the Crimson Lance. She was send to Pandora, where she had a different objective then the other Crimson Lance. She went to Pandora to look for her sister, Jess, and used the Crimson Lance as a means to a end. But when this was found out, her CO tricked her into destroying the village Jess was living in. Once she realized that she killed Jess, she betrayed the Crimson Lance, and allied herself with the Vault Hunters who also wanted the Lance gone. She helped them kill one of the top operatives, General Knoxx. After that she became a wondering mercenary. She was eventually hired by Handsome Jack to help locate a Vault on the moon, Elpis, and this caused Jack's raise to power. Athena is a deadly combatant, and is one of the most skilled fighters. She has a Kinetic Aspis Shield that can absorb incoming damage, and can be thrown in a 'Captain America-like' fashion.
"Get-outta-my-shop-or-I'll-punch-yo-butt. That's-how-Tiny-Tina-roll."
Name: Tiny Tina| Age: 13| Class: Badass Mofo| Height: 4'9| Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher| Secondary: Grenades| Melee Weapon: Shiv
Tina, and her parents were sold to Hyperion to become test subjects for Jack's Eridium experiments, the same kind as what Krieg went through. The experiments led to the death of her parents. She escaped by using some homemade explosives. Sometime after that she met Roland, and grew very close to him. When her demolitions expertise were needed to bring down Hyperion, Roland pointed the Vault Hunters in her direction. After Roland's death, she was barely able to coup with it. But she eventually got through it with the help of the Vault Hunters. Tina is an expert in explosives, and everything that goes boom. She is close to Lilith due to their lose in Roland, and has found a kindred spirit in Krieg due to their similar experiences from Hyperion. She has a crush on Mad Moxxi, and Maya.
"You need somethin' sweetie?"
Name: Mad Moxxi| Age: A lady never tells| Class: Seductress| Height: 5'5| Primary Weapon: Shotgun| Secondary: Her looks| Melee Weapon: Who needs one when others have one?| Open
Moxxi can be summed up with the words sadistic, lustful, alluring, and dangerous. She was originally a member of the Hodunk clan of bandits. She grabbed her children and split from the Hodunks to prevent her daughter Ellie from becoming the clan wife. She has had at the very least four husbands. She is known for owning bars, and arenas. the most popular of which was The Underdome. With the overwhelming debt she has owed to the Vault Hunters for helping her out over the years, she has decided to help them out one last time. She is the ex-wife of Mordecai. She is the mother of Scooter, and Ellie.

Toggle Rules

1. First, and foremost this is a MATURE RP. We'll be dealing with tons of violence, and other stuff that supposedly makes us all sociopaths.
2. No OCs. If there's a real interest, and all roles are taken then I might consider letting a couple OCs in. But for now no, we've got a bunch of good characters ready to go.
3. I'm not gonna provide a CS. You can use your own. But if you do a history of your character, please try not to do something that's too far away from canon. I know that's kind of hard for characters like Brick, and Zer0 given that their histories aren't elaborated as much as the others.
4. Post at least two paragraphs.
5. Romance is ok. I don't mind it. If you want Lilith, and Mordecai to hook up, go for it(I have found a lot of fanart for the two, didn't know they're shipped that much). But no sex posts! Fade to black.
6. When reserving send it to the OOC. And just include the character's class name.
7. No Goddmodding, meta playing, bunnying, etc. Pretty basic.
8. Any questions, comments, and suggestions, send them my way!

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Pandora by CutUp


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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Axton
Character Portrait: Krieg


Character Portrait: Krieg


Character Portrait: Axton

"Ten years of Dahl military experience at your service."


Character Portrait: Axton

"Ten years of Dahl military experience at your service."

Character Portrait: Krieg


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Character Portrait: Axton

"Ten years of Dahl military experience at your service."

Character Portrait: Krieg


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Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

I'm sure you'll do fine! :) Reserving him for ya now.

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Oh, why the hell not?
I choose to reserve Zer0.
Hopefully won't suck :D

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Here's hoping! Reserving her for ya' now!

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Ah I love border lands~ I would love to take Athena, hopefully this rp gets attention

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

To play Zer0 true
You must try to the fullest
As he would himself.

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Ok, you don't have to do Haikus as Zer0. That would get annoying to do.

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Dang. I really don't think I could do any of the characters justice here. I mean, I REALLY suck at Haikus.

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Yeah, I wasn't finished. I just now got done. Anyways for now I'm not accepting OCs. I might if there's a real interest, and all of the characters have been taken. I don't want there to be like a dozen OCs, and only a handful of characters from the games.

Re: Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

Oh hell yeah. I can't help but feel this is still under construction, seeing as you're missing Zer0, Gaige, and the Conductor of the Poop-Train himself: Krieg. Still, I must ask, do you have rules on introducing new Vault Hunters?

Borderlands: It's About to Get Epic

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