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Marie-Ann Jones

"I don't know if Love'll come that easy anymore..."

0 · 768 views · located in Lineham High School

a character in “Breaking Rules in Lineham High School”, as played by The*Lucky*Teacup



Marie-Ann Felicia Jones (Most just call her Marie though)
Summer wear



.:Age (16+):


.:Relationship title:

The Teacher and the Student


Her looks do tend to vary (Clothing wise.) She likes to wear dresses and such in the summer, sometimes plain and sometimes with pretty flower patterns. In the Winter, she has more of a tendancy to wear Jumpers, jeans, scarfs and such. Marie Is a very skinny woman, has big blue eyes and tends to wear bow's in her curly chocolate brown hair, varying in colour dependant on what outfit she's wearing. Very dainty face with cute facial features and not many blemishes or such.


Marie is a very friendly and encouraging teacher who enjoys seeing the kids spread their wings and use their imagination to full capacity. She loves individuals and wishes she was more of one herself. Since Marie is going through a relationship dilemma at the moment, Marie is a bit down in the dumps. A still very nice teacher, but when she's alone, you can see how thoughtful she is about her 'relationship' with her boyfriend. If she's like it for too long, you might even see a frown sneaking onto her face, something that doesn't happen that often... Marie is someone who enjoys doing most things, though can be a little bit shy and a little bit too kind. She's a little bit of a push over, and somewhat of a coward. But that's only because she thinks too lowly of herself, and highly of everyone else. She loves to think of the children in her classes to have amazing futures one day and wishes to help them in anyway they can, whether it be taking them to an art gallery or simply helping them after school. Marie has a real talent for painting and sketching, though she's pretty good at any kind of art. She has a small art studio back home where she makes small figurines and keeps all her art supplies. However, it used to be that she went in there in her free time, when her boyfriend was working. Now, it seems now that she spends more and more time in there... She's noticeably more down than she was before and although she wears a smile and puts on a friendly attitude when teaching, she's actually very lonely and desperately seeks more friends, due to her boyfriend's absences.

.:Favourite subject/Subject they teach:



Marie has always been an artistically talented woman. Ever since about age 8 she had a love for drawing, and that developed to painting, and so on so forth. She's always typically been a girl with few friends, too shy and too quiet to get anything more. Marie has always been a very cute girl too, even if she doesn't think so herself. She has a good sense of things without realising it and always has. Marie soon tried to become independent, moving through a college art diploma and soon getting a degree in art and teaching. She moved onto high school teaching and then went into Lineham High School as the art teacher. Her students were always so amazing to her and she appreciated every single one of them. Sure, she had her favourites, but all in all, Marie just enjoyed helping the kids do their work.

When Marie was about 23, she met David Holmes, a worker in a downtown bar. David and Marie soon got closer, and ended up starting a relationship together, going happy and well for about a year. Well, it was about that long, and then David had to work longer hours. Marie started seeing less and less of David, and when she does, they tend to have sex, and that's about it. Marie isn't happy with it, and one day when taking her canvas out to paint some views, she saw David, holding hands with another woman and kissing her on the cheek. It broke Marie's heart, but every time she see's David, she can't bring herself to confront him, and break up with him. She still thinks she loves him, though every time she see's him, every time they have sex, it just breaks her heart. She knows that she's just being used, but David is her only true friend now. Breaking up with him would mean losing her boyfriend, and losing her only friend. She just doesn't want to be even more alone than she already is...

Winter wear


Marie has a certain fear of clowns and the circus, when seeing clowns she'll probably freeze up aside from the violent shaking and such. Oh and she has a love of animals and dogs but has never gotten one due to David's allergies.

So begins...

Marie-Ann Jones's Story

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Marie-Ann Jones

7:30 am

A rusted and well-used rouge red beetle pulled up into the school's car park, rattling slightly as it went through the gates and then pulled up into the space that had a plaque at the front, reading 'Reserved for M. A. Jones.' There was a mixture of clattered bangs, smack's and wallops when the car had first entered, but as the engine died to a stop, the silence surrounded the driver. The brunette within the vehicle leant her head back, her curly bangs and purple bow pushing into the head-rest a little and her long violet dress creased up a little. It went down to her knees still, but the tight belt around her waist seemed to make it scrunch up around her tiny waist. Not unhealthily tiny, but small all the same. She let out a small reserved sigh, fluttering her long eyelashes a couple of times as her big blue eyes seemed to look somewhat sad for a few moments.

Marie's hands still held the wheel of her old car. She'd never bothered to get a new one. It had been with her through thick and thin, and it still worked. That was all she really wanted from a car. It wasn't something that bothered her that much otherwise. Her gaze went from the roof of her car, to her front window. She was trying to get rid of her sad feelings and built up trauma she'd developed over the past few months. She couldn't let it out in the school. She was a different person when she was teaching. She was herself when she was teaching. She knew that in order for kids to concentrate in art, they had to be relaxed. However... Last night had just been a little... hard for her. She'd had sex last night. And yes, although that may seem comical that it was 'hard', it was just very difficult. He almost said a different name... She thought to herself. During the middle of it, her boyfriend, David, had almost yelled out 'Suzie!' and it totally threw her off. However he just told her it was nothing, and being the girl she was, just said nothing. He'd gone by morning, again, and so now Marie was left like this. Knowing she should do something. Tell him she knew about this other woman. Talk to him... But... she just couldn't...

"Okay, enough being morally depressed, time to be Ms. Jones." Marie smiled slightly, remembering last year getting presents from about 6 students at the end of the year. It was so sweet. She hadn't expected any sort of gifts. She was just happy to be teaching such great students. She smiled a little more. That was probably the highlight of her life. Teaching art. It was possibly one of the most calming, laid-back subjects there were. She'd allowed kids to snack a little (Non-messy foods of course) and listen to music in her class, purely because it would get the kids in a calmer mood. It definitely calmed her down. She often migrated to the art room, leaving on her radio and painting freely. Finally, after being put into a better mood, Marie climbed out of her car, going around to the boot and collecting some nicer art supplies (The ones the school supplied were never that great) her radio, and her bag. Slamming the boot with her elbow and then locking her car, she made her way into the school, smiling and greeting the kids she'd taught in previous years and then fishing out her keys from her pocket, unlocking her classroom and then walking in. She was greeted with that smell. It was one of the materials. It was either paint, or clay, or something like that. But whatever it was, it smelt great.

"Oh, Marie!" The young teacher turned around , her hair bouncing on her shoulders as she looked to one of the people walking in. It was the deputy principle, and he was greeting her with a small smile. Marie smiled shyly back.

"Hey." Marie responded, placing her bag and the radio on her desk and then putting the art supplies away. "How's the new students looking?"

"Not too bad Marie, not too bad." Marie smiled. The students always seemed quite nice. They were either really clever, really creative, or simply had funny personalities. Well, the ones who took a liking to her subject did anyway. "But I've got a surprise for you. You've got your first honor student." Marie turned around and raised an eyebrow at the man. "Well, you've been here three years, and this just means you'll have one student who comes and does more art than the rest."

Marie's confusion turned into a happy smile. "Really? I didn't know that students could do that..." She tapped her chin. "Well, what kind of things do I need to do with them? Do I need to take her on trips and make her come after school and such?"

"Well, you don't have to, but that would be quite good."

Marie smiled at the deputy-principle and held her hands together. "That sounds wonderful. What's their name?"

"Hailey Cooper." The deputy head held up a finger. "I think she may be in your first class. I know you usually don't do much on the first day, but it might be an idea to do more with this girl. She really is good with her art." Marie smiled at the man, about to respond when he let out a little 'Ooh!'. "Gotta run, need to check up on the other teachers. But, good luck!" Marie gave him a small nod and a grin of appreciation. After he closed the door, she leant back against her desk and let out a gentle sigh. It felt good to be back in this room. It was one of the things she'd missed over the summer vacation.

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Hailey Cooper

Thirty minutes after she had received the note from Mr. Lamon (as she had discovered this was his name a few minutes into class), Hailey found herself in the guidance office. Two women, one middle aged and one very young where sitting at the dark cherry desk, filling out papers and typing away on their keyboards at an inhumane pace. A small stack of late slips lay next to the complimentary dish of hard candies that seemed to litter guidance offices and therapist's desks everywhere. Because the adults in charge somehow thought that candy would make sobbing teenagers and worried parents feel better. Hailey reached forwards and grabbed a few mints. She had always done it, out of habit. It was a paranoid habit, but it was needed to throw off any wary counselors.

"What's wrong sweet-heart?" the older lady asked, raising her eyes up from the computer. Hailey smiled a bit. This lady reminded her of her auntie. She looked nothing like her. She didn't have the same soft brown eyes or red hair, but she did have the same vice. The voice that was so raspy and uneven that it would seem to any by passer that the lady had been smoking since she was a child. "Lost? Don't worry about it dear. Most new students get lost on their first day. Now what's your name dear?"

Hailey laughed softly. "No, ma'am, I'm a senior." She laughed again at the woman's dismay, though it wasn't a real laugh... just one to make her seem as if she was a good natured person and not offended at her mistake. "I just found out that I'll be in Ms. Jones' honors art class, and I think there might be a mistake. I was under the impression that Mrs. Rivers was the honors art teacher. Also, I won't have to drop any of my classes, right?"

"No you won't. You'll simply be asked to attend more class trips, and possibly stay after school more often. You may also receive some individualized lessons and trips. As for your dilemma about the teachers, Ms. Jones is one of the new honors art teachers. There was no mistake at all Hun" She picked up a late slip as the bell rang "Now what's your name again?"

Hailey smiled at her again. "Hailey Cooper. H-a-i-l-e-y C-o-o-p-e-r" She leaned over to make sure it was being spelt right and left the office with her pass in hand.

Walking into art class was actually kinda fun for Hailey, especially since she was late. It gave her a chance to see who her new classmates would be. it was a small class, all seniors and she actually liked the ones that she recognized. There was Jim Davis and Alexis Good, who had apparently reconciled after their breakup last year; Ryan Morrison, who almost never talked to anyone but Hailey in class. And she hardly every talked to anyone but him. And that was really all. She knew no one else. And it seemed that there were only about ten people in the class anyway. Plus, another perk of being late was the fact that she could make a good impression on the teacher, who she had never met before. She could prove for once that she was actually polite, despite her prissy appearance. Of course, she always proved those teachers wrong (the ones who did assume that she was impolite), but the assumption was still a bit hurtful.

After a quick hello and a playful wink towards Tyler, Hailey strolled up to the teacher's desk. Ms. Jones was young and very pretty. Chances are, she was really popular with the boys in her classes. Very, very popular. And most teachers who were popular and young were amazing at... bending the rules for their students. No... Hailey didn't know any of this about Ms. Jones. Hailey Cooper was simply the master of assumptions, especially when it came to people. And even though she didn't know this, that assumed fact made her want to prove herself even more worthy and more respectful.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Ms. Jones," Hailey said, flashing her best smile at the brunette. "I have a pass right here." She handed over her pass and shrugged her messenger bag first her up on to her narrow shoulder. "I'm sorry for interrupting the class. I can just... take a seat next to Ty if that's okay." She didn't even wait for an answer. After all, Mrs. Rivers had never cared, and she had had classes with her for the past 3 years. She just sat down next to Ty and took a book out of her bag. "He's come out with another one" She said quietly to him, rolling her eyes.

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Marie blinked up at the girl who had approached her and then took the pass from her, reading it over and reading the name 'Hailey Cooper'. "The only one I was actually told about." She mumbled, laughing silently to herself and then nodding to Hailey as she walked towards the desk. "Oh but Hailey." She smiled to the girl. "Try not to be late in future reference." She smiled gently at the cute young girl who had sat down next to another boy in the classroom. She was a pretty cute looking girl. But... she didn't look quite right. She was showing off a bit too much and was wearing too much make up. 'Only a little, if any at all dear.' She thought towards the girl, before standing up from the desk and looking around at all of the class.

"So, I guess that's everyone." She clapped her hands together once and then rubbed them together a couple of times, a pencil clearly sticking out from within her ear. "Well, some of you I recognize, Some I don't, but all the same that doesn't really matter does it? You're all honor students, meaning you'll all love this subject and take it as it comes. That's all I could ask for really." She grinned happily and then gestured a hand to herself. "My name is Ms. Jones, but in this room, you can call me Marie." She found herself giggling as she spotted a look of confusion on one of the kids faces. "Yes, it seems weird, considering you call all your other teachers Miss, Mrs, Ms, Mr etcetera etcetera. But, when your all grown up, it'll be rare when you have to get someone's attention by saying 'Miss'." All the while she was talking, she kept that same eager smile on her face and took in all of the kids appearances and expressions. "Now, for today, I want you to do whatever you wish. If you need any materials please ask. I'd just like to see the kind of things you guys can do. It's always fun to just do any old thing too. I can put on the radio if you want and I'm just going to kinda be doing some personal peer assessment." She gave everyone a grin and then made a kind of gesture as if to say 'Go.'

"Oh and also! I'm almost always in this room. During lunches, breaks, after school, before school, just a lot of the time. If you guys want to come into do extra time, the extra company certainly won't be unappreciated." Marie smiled, before getting out some materials and placing them on a table which the students had left free. She stood back and then turned on the radio, leaving it quiet as background noise. She was actually very excited. Having a class simply for art students that could pass with flying colors, it just made her so excited. She could take them to exhibitions, art galleries, famous landmarks to take pictures and paint straight onto canvas'. It would just be so fun.

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Hailey only looked over towards Ms. Jo- Marie (That would certainly take some getting used to) for a minute before pulling out her sketchpad. When a teacher, or any adult for that matter asked to see what she could do, she was always up for the challenge. And even though Marie had been speaking t the entire class, she couldn't help but take it personally. Anyway, she had been late, and though she hadn't felt bad earlier, she felt it now. She was only going to be in this class until she was told to leave. And that had happened before. Last year... first period music had apparently gotten in the way of her testing. She had gotten a C on a science test ad her mother had demanded that she be put into a more academic class. She had liked music too...

"So Ty," she said nonchalantly, opening her pad to a untouched page "How's Nate doing? I heard his dad was pretty pissed about... what happened." She drew a vuege outline of what looked like a squash with a log sticking out of the side

Tyler brushed his hair out of his eyes and shrugged in his own way of confirmation. It was sad really, how closed minded a person could be, and Nathan Yates' dad was one of those people. Hailey moved her chair closer to his and looked at the empty desk in front of him. He was a good artist, but he could never decide what to draw. He seemed to want everything to have a meaning. Hailey on the other hand just liked to draw what she was feeling. It didn't take much, one simple thought really.

When Hailey was sure that Tyler really didn't feel like talking to her, she actually got to work. She wasn't about to draw anything personal, so she decided to fix an old drawing. And by fix, she meant re-drawing it. By the time fifteen minutes was up, her art was actually beginning to look like what it was supposed to be. And after half an hour of shading and erasing and being in her own world, away from her thoughts about classes and home and being hungry and being more tired than she probably should be, she was happy with her work. It wasn't perfect, but that was what she loved about art. It didn't need to be perfect. It simply needed to be honest.

And now that class was almost over, she had a finished piece of art in front of her. A line drawing of her old puppy, who she had un-creatively named Blondie. She had been an adorable golden lab. But her mom had gotten rid of it, claiming that it had been dirty and it had distracted her from her responsibilities. This picture had nothing to do with that day though. It was simply the adorable, sleeping puppy that she had loved.

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Marie had gone walking around all of the tables, talking to the students and getting to know them a little bit better whilst also keeping in mind the kind of things they could and couldn't do. Marie had gone to Ty's book and looked at it before seeming to shrug it off. "It's fine. Some days you just can't get. In the mood to do it." she smiled to the boy. "I mean, it's the same with every subject. If you don't feel like doing mats, you'll automatically do less than you normally would." she smiled at Ty and gave him a slip of paper, one that she'd given to each person in the class.

Eventually Marie made it to Hailey, and looked over her shoulder. "Aww a puppy, that's adorable" she said with a genuine coo. She looked at the puppy with a giant smile and then looked to Hailey. "Dogs are so sweet. Most animals are really, but still. Is this a dog of yours?" she tilted her head in a questioning manner. She'd ask about arty stuff in a minute, but right now she had to ask the important stuff. She had always wanted a dog, and therefore when seeing one, she often coo'd about it.

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When Marie asked about her drawing, Hailey suddenly wished she had drawn something else. Or at least drawn Blondie with the thought in her mind that she wasn't drawing her , simply a puppy that she had seen in the shelter... A puppy that seemed to be everywhere in her sketch book... It wasn't that she minded Ms. Jones seeing her drawing, just that it felt like exploitation to draw this for class. But once the damage was done, it was done. there was no use denying that. Hailey looked up at the older woman and gave her a sideways smile. "Uhm, well she was mine when I was like... seven. But not anymore" She shrugged as if she didn't care and erased a stray pencil mark.

"It's good to know that you like dogs though" She added with a smirk that was entirely fake. "I tend to drw them a lot. Because you're right, they really are sweet animals; my favourites actually." Well... most of her drawings in class were about animals in general. They were often the least personal thing anyone could draw besides flowers. She brushed eraser shavings off the desk and waited for Marie to hand her a slip, desperately curious as to what was on them.

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Marie smiled gently to the girl and then bent down, leaning into her ear and taking in a breath. "You don't need to fake things to get people to like you." she whispered, having got that vibe ever since the girl entered the room. "Be yourself, and then you'll be happier with yourself." Marie pulled back, looking back to the drawing and then pulling the slip of paper out of her pocket and sliding it onto her desk. "There's multiple exhibitions and events happening throughout the year, as well as multiple galleries to visit." Upon the list were a series of dates and places as well as a small description for each one, describing what media they specialised in and the kinds of things you could see. "You guys are old enough to get yourselves there now. I'd happily come with you, but I know how uncool it is to be seen with a teacher." she laughed a little and then held her hands together behind her back. "It's simply something that could help your studies, as well as being quite a lot of fun if you really are enthusiastic about your art and you really enjoy it."

She smiled pleasantly to Hailey. She could half tell that she was the kind of girl who enjoyed art a lot, but seemed to hold back a little. As if, something was stopping her from reaching that full potential she could get. She'd seen it quite a lot over the years, and it dissapoonted her slightly, but she never showed it. "Hope you can go Hailey, to at least one of them. The first gallery is open this friday, from three to about nine. But at the weekends it's open nine in the morning to six in the evening. If you want me to come with, I'll happily give you a ride there." she said, curls bouncing on her shoulders as she spoke.

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Hailey felt herself tense up when Marie pointed out that she didn't need to be fake to be liked. Who did this lady think she was? She was an art teacher. She probably knew nothing about how it felt to be hated by students. No one ever hated the art teacher. Besides... she was beautiful. Beautiful people got everything in this world. They got noticed, they where liked, they didn't have to look at people and know that no matter what, they would never be as good as them. Hailey had no choice but to be fake. How could a beautiful, independent adult have any idea how it felt to never be good enough? She didn't show her annoyance though. What kind of fake would she be if she let that happen? Instead she mumbled a quick no thank you in regards to Ms. Jones' offer. It was humiliating enough that she had been caught in one of her acts. It wasn't until the end of the class only a few minutes later that she even looked at the teacher again. And it was to apologize. After all, she really hadn't meant to be rude. And acting like she didn't care was a horrible way to start off the beginning of the school.

So maybe going to the art gallery wouldn't be too bad after all, though Hailey had always preferred making art to looking at it. "Ms. Jones..." Hailey began, walking up to her desk after the bell had rang. She couldn't bring herself to call her Marie. "I'm free this Friday and I figured that if you wanted to go to the art gallery... you wouldn't need to pick me up on Friday and I'm busy this weekend. So, could you give me a ride?" It was a lie, about this weekend, but a necessary one. How do you explain to an art teacher that your mother despised art with such a passion that she wouldn't even let you go to an art gallery on the weekend. at least this way she could use the old "science club" excuse.

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Marie looked up from her desk when Hailey had approached her once the bell rang and her face lit up at the question. She'd assumed by Hailey's response that the girl had been repulsed by the idea of going to an art gallery, and going with a teacher at that would be ridiculous. However, she was now pleasantly surprised. And as well as that, she now had something to do on friday, instead of sitting home bored and alone. "Of course I can Hailey, that sounds wonderful. I'm so glad you came around to it." She grinned, scribbling down notes to find out the post code of the gallery to type into her SatNav. "Are you a fan of surrealism?" She asked, tilting her head and smiling up to the girl. "I don't know about you, but I find that surrealism is both interesting, and quite funny in a silly way."

As she talked to Hailey, she'd realized that next period was a free period. She therefore decided to collect up all the spare materials that were taken out for that class, whilst also partially keeping in mind about keeping some clay out for herself to make a model of a girl and a boy holding hands and walking along. Simple figurines, but sometimes the simplistic stuff was most effective. She still awaited Hailey's response with a small smile, unable to help but notice that she had gotten some eyeliner smudged under her eye. She really was wearing too much. All the same, she didn't say anything. It wasn't her place...

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“I’ve actually never really formed an opinion on surrealism as a whole” Hailey said, the slightest of smiles evident on her lips. “I guess it all depends on the artist. I like most art that I’ve seen really, so I guess that it’s just... art to me. The genre doesn’t matter. It really depends on the quality” She almost shook her head at herself, realizing that she was rambling to herself in a way. After all, Hailey wasn’t the type to really talk with her teachers all that often. She simply did the work they expected of her. “But yes,” she concluded with a slight grin, “I guess I am a fan.” She looked around the room, which had been left a bit messy. “Do you by any chance want some help cleaning up after everyone? I have gym after this so I really doubt I’d be missing much.”

And she would be missing nothing at all. She didn’t bring gym clothes due to the fact that this was the first day of school and she would probably just have to sign some silly safety contract. And she actually enjoyed the company of this teacher. She seemed nice, easygoing, and like a human being instead of some robot that had no life outside of school. She wouldn’t show it, but she was looking forward to Friday. Not only had Hailey never been to an art gallery, but she had also never been on a trip with a teacher that was enjoyable. She had always worried about the silliest things during them.

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"I know what you mean, but different genres have different qualities. Like, you.could have a beautiful scenic painting and a surreal collage. Both have good qualities, and you may have your favourite, but they are what they are in the end. They're both as good as each other." she smiled gently as she cleaned some paint off of the tables. It may have sounded like she was pretending to be some wise old woman, bushe genuinely knew what she was talking about. She knew her art, and that often was reflected in her rambling. Yeah, she knew she was rambling, but Hailey was a student. She probably had to put up with a lot worse than rambling.teachers.

"Oh, well if you wouldn't mind, that'd be wonderful." Marie grinned at Hailey as she picked up some paintbrushes. "Ewww Gym..." Marie's face had dropped and then she laughed at her own reaction. "I'm not a fan of things that involve physical activity." she smiled at the younger female and then tilted her head ."I'll give you a note saying that you were late on my behalf if you want to keep 'helping me tidy up' ." she held a finger to her lips. "It's not necessarily lying," she said with a grin. She didn't do things like that often, but on the first day, she knew that the of their tudent would be bored out their wits anyway...

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Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Hailey smiled widely at Marie’s answer. This time, it was a real smile, not faked like most. They actually had something in common. “I’m not a big fan of gym either, too much exercise, not enough actual work. So... that would be great. Thanks.” She walked over to the table that she had been sitting at and picked up a set of pastels, getting paint on the tips of her fingers. While she was wiping off the paint that had gotten onto the table, Hailey thought about what Marie had said only a few minutes ago. Yea, she had sounded a bit like a know-it-all. But that was the thing about know it alls; they really knew what they were talking about. This teacher was so much different from Mrs. Rivers that it was a bit shocking

When she turned around to give Marie the paints, Hailey yawned and rubbed her eyes, not only spreading a bit of the eyeliner that she had already messed up, but getting paint on her cheek as well. Blue, black, and orange were spread from under her eye to her cheek bone. Her face promptly turned a shade of red that it often did when she was embarrassed. Chances are, mot kids would have laughed it off, but not Hailey. In her opinion, she probably looked silly now, and she hated to look silly. “Uhm...” Hailey bit the inside of her cheek nervously, “Do you by any chance have anything I can get this off with?”

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Marie turned when Hailey asked about getting things off of her and raised an eyebrow at it. Though, when she turned and looked at her, she found herself smiling and holding back a giggle. "Nice new makeup you have there." she said with a grin, looking around the classroomand then realising that there weren't any tissues in there. "One thing I forget..." she mumbled to herself, going to the storage cupboard and rummaging around. "The principal supplies all classrooms with make up wipes in case students really go overboard with the makeup. Never thought I'd find a use for them since I never really fuss too much. Their choice, not mine."

Marie handed the wipes to Hailey and then took the paints from her. "Thanks for the help." Marie told Hailey with a smile as she walked to the sink and washed her hands. "It usually takes a lot longer than this..." she went to her stuff and then got out a bag of Doritos, opening them up and then leaning against one of the desks. "So what's your favourite subject Hailey? " she asked, biting into one. "And you have to say art because I teach it." she said sarcastically, laughing a little and offering the girl the bag of Doritos.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Hailey took the wipes with an almost silent thanks and wiped the paint off of her face. And then, when she realized that her makeup was uneven now, she figured that that wouldn't do. He mother had always told her that she needed that makeup, to cover her flaws, or no one would really like her. They simply wouldn't be able to look past the flaws and get to know her. Uneven makeup wouldn't work though. So she wiped it all off. The foundation, the blush, and the eyeliner. Once that was gone, her actual face was visible; the splattering of freckles around her nose, the tiny birthmark on her temple. In other words... her flaws.

Hailey crossed her arms over her chest and looked down. "I would have to say that my favourite subject is..." Hailey paused, looking up at Marie, "It actually is art." She looked at the bag of Doritos. "Oh, no thanks." In fact, the thought of eating that delicious disgusting bag of salt and fat made her mouth water stomach turn. Besides, it was impossible to eat that small of an amount of chips. She wouldn't be able to do anything about that. She would just buy a bag tonight now that she had the thought in her mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Marie smiled at the sight of Hailey with no make up. The freckles gave her a cute look that actually made her look young again. All that make up made her look like a primped up barbie doll that had been decorated with extra paints and fake tan. Now, she could show that natural side that Marie loved to see in the students. The birth mark on her temple was barely seen behind Hailey's blonde fringe, and Marie barely saw them as flaws. It actually made her look very cute. She tilted her head at the student and then popped another Dorito into her mouth. "I don't understand Hailey..." She looked into the bag of chips and shook it a little, hand diving in to find one of the better ones. "You're a very pretty girl, and yet you cover it with make up." She looked to Hailey through the tops of her eyes, smiling a little to her. She then shook her head and sighed.

"Sorry, not my place." She murmured, sensing something was making Hailey uncomfortable after she offered her the Dorito. She held the bag slightly towards her again. "I have a small gut. Please just take one. I won't be able to eat all of them." She said, blinking bizarrely innocently. Marie had known a lot of students that she'd managed to convince to stop caking themselves in make up and let themselves just be whoever they are. "You have good tastes in subjects, you must have good taste in food too." She said with a small wink that only a teacher could pull off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Hailey grasped her left wrist with her right hand, her fingers nearly overlapping. She couldn't be rude, she wouldn't be; but she still didn't watch what she said. "Are you saying that my makeup is ugly?" She said harshly, "Because I liked it." It was a lie; nearly everything that she said at times like this was a lie. She certainly wasn't going to agree with Marie though. She hated her makeup, but she spent so much time trying to get ready in the morning. And she thought that she had finally gotten around her mother's rules... only to find out that it was a lie. She had been lying to herself this whole time. She really did look like a clown. Suddenly, Hailey wanted to hate her new art teacher, for proving to her that she hadn't outsmarted her mom, but she couldn't bring herself to hate anyone; not over something so silly. She ignored Marie's second offer for food, hoping that maybe she would forget about it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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"I wasn't saying anything like that..." Marie leaned over to her bag and pulled out a compact mirror. She opened it and then showed Hailey her reflection. "I just think that you're so pretty, you don't need to cover yourself up with foundation, eye shadow, blusher, any of that stuff." She smiled to the girl and ate another Dorito. "I mean no offence Hailey, I was actually complimenting you." she told her as she leant back on the desk and tilted her head. "There's a lot of girls that'd kill for natural beauty like that. No spots, no scars. No nothing. Just some cute little freckles here and there." Marie looked down into the bag and ate another Dorito awaiting her response quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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"Sorry..." Hailey said quietly. She really didn't get what Marie was saying, but she wasn't about to say that. She had been raised thinking that she was flawed and "bad" in every way; a few kind words from a teacher certainly wasn't going to help that. Especially due to the fact that she had just met this teacher. Right now, Ms. Jones meant nothing to her. "I know that my attitude was out of order and it won't happen again." At this point, she was using her "teacher voice," a quiet, subservient tone that couldn't possibly be taken in the wrong way. Hailey looked down at her hands, as if she was studying the bones in her fingers, "Thank you by the way"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Marie sighed gently. It was pretty obvious that everything she just said to the girl went through one ear, and out of the other. She placed the bag asside and licked her fingers. "You attitude wasn't inappropriate at all." she responded, noticing her tone and realising that Hailey wasn't all that comfortable with thinking that the teacher was just another person. A lot of kids did that. As soon as she had crossed the boundary line between friendly conversation and teacher talk, the kids would freak out and start trying acting like a good little student so that they wouldn't get into any possible trouble. "What are you thanking me for?" she asked Hailey. She didn't seem to really take in the compliment, so it confused her slightly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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It may have not sounded like it, but Hailey really had been thanking Marie. She hadn't given her any of that 'You're fine the way you are because of what's on the inside' bullshit. She highly doubted that anyone actually believed that. And if they did... she would love to see them around anyone who was considered hideous. Hailey looked over at Marie. "I'm thanking you because you complimented me." She raised her eyebrows, "Isn't that what you're supposed to do when someone compliments you?" Hailey sat up on the desk, crossing her legs. She was actually a bit confused now. Marie didn't seem to be like most teacher, not even most teachers her age. She didn't seem to just accept every little thing that came out of Hailey's mouth, and while it annoyed her, Hailey also appreciated her just a bit more for it