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Breaking Rules in Lineham High School

Lineham High School


a part of Breaking Rules in Lineham High School, by The*Lucky*Teacup.


The*Lucky*Teacup holds sovereignty over Lineham High School, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,556 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

uhhhhh there are so many high school romance's that it's hard to make an original one...


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Lineham High School is a part of Breaking Rules in Lineham High School.

10 Characters Here

Marie-Ann Jones [27] "I don't know if Love'll come that easy anymore..."
Hailey Cooper [27] "All I need is one minute of perfection. That's not too much to ask."
Vasiliy Kozlov [15] "So what if I have to ask my former best friend on a date. It's just a dare, a joke."
Jessie Roshmir [15] "I'm sorry... I just can't do this"
Dorian Hillbrooks [15] "I'm busy, you're stupid, now go away."
Sonny Miller [14] "What's up?"
Blake C. Emmerson [1] I appreciate your effort, but really you aren't necessary.
Park Ae-Cha [1] "I have never felt love from anyone but family but, i'm willing to give it a try."
Demian Mathews [1] "What are you looking at?"
Akio Dai [0] *scoffs* You expect that to happen? Dream on, kid!

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Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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"I would be happy to help you out then. So, what's your first class?"

Sonny grinned widely then. "Sweet! Uhm..." She bent pulled out her notebook from her satchel. The notebook was red and had various pictures of horses on the back. Sonny noticed that math was her first class and sighed. "Of course it's math. My faaaaavorite subject." She looked down to see what her next period was. That brought a smile to her face. "Yes! I have science next." She looked up at Jessie. "Sorry... if you haven't noticed, I tend to talk a lot. I have math first, which is my worst subject. After that though I have science, which is my best subject, so it isn't too bad. What's your schedule like? Maybe we have classes together!"

Sonny was very accustomed to doing many things at once, so she pulled out a notepad and began to write down the school supplies she knew she was going to need. She was still paying attention to Jessie though. The farm had taught her how to do things well while keeping multiple thoughts on her mind. All her morning chores had also taught her to stay organized by keeping lists. She wrote everything down in about one minute and put it back in her satchel.

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Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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Jessie grinned at the other girl's enthusiasm and pulled out her schedule. She really didn't mind that Sonny talked a lot. After all, she hardly talked at all. "Uhm, well I think I have German next." She said it quietly, a bit disappointed that she didn't have math; even though she hated maths and sciences with a passion. Almost immediately her face brightened. "I do have science after that though. Room B209 with Mr. Johnson, right?" She stretched her neck a bit to see Sonny's schedule and pulled pack quickly, realizing that she had gotten a bit too close.

Noticing that Sonny had written down supplies, Jessie decided that breaking her usual rule of not talking too much would be okay. "If you do have Mr. Johnson, you should probably only get a one subject notebook or binder. I heard that he is really into practical work." She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at the floor.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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Sonny had to stop herself from crushing Jessie in a big bear hug. "Thanks so much! That's really helpful! Do you know if he assigns a lot of homework? I think I'm taking Spanish..." As Sonny was checking the rest of her schedule, the bell rang. "Oh crud! I guess I'd better head on to my first class." Sonny paused and looked at Jessie. "And uh, you should probably smile more. Don't be so afraid. You're so nice, and you have such a cute face. Don't be hiding it all behind your hair." Sonny patted Jessie on the head before heading down the hall. "See you around!" she called back.

Oh man! My heart is racing. I am so excited about this school. I've only been here for like 15 minutes and I've already made a friend. Jessie is just so sweet; I wish she wouldn't hide so much. I'm sure if she just smiled more and tried talking with other people, everyone would love her. I'll have to work on that with her.

Sonny made it to her math class in the nick of time. She was panting just a little bit, seeing as she'd had to run up a flight of stairs. Sonny readjusted the strap to her satchel on her shoulder and found a place to sit down in the back. She made sure to keep her notepad out to write down any necessary materials for the class. Another notebook full of lined paper was open as well for taking down any notes or important information. I am so ready for this class!

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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"Isn't fair huh?" Marie caught herself laughing a little, smiling at Hailey and shaking her head. "Well, sorry you feel that way." Marie wasn't sure whether she had misinterpreted it or what, but it sounded like Hailey thought it wasn't fair that she was talking to her the way she was. It sounded like she didn't like Marie's friendly manner in all honesty. But hey, it wasn't that different really, was it? It would be weird if a teacher and a student would become friends. Close friends anyway. Most friendships between students and teachers lasted the year where the teacher taught them, and then they would just stop talking to each other. It was common, and Marie didn't expect anything else. However, in Marie's case, the friends she made whilst teaching were the only friends she got. Which made the end of the school year that much harder.

Marie tilted her head at Hailey. "You know, if I'm making you awkward, then I'll just write that note for you and let you get to gym." Marie said with a polite smile, tilting her head at Hailey. Hailey certainly did interest Marie however. Something seemed different about this girl, as if something was making her less of herself. And it wasn't just because Marie was acting friendly towards her. Something perhaps that Marie needed to help out with... However, she wouldn't ask yet. Maybe wait until Hailey was more comfortable around her. Wait until Hailey didn't mind the way Marie acted towards her.

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Character Portrait: Vasiliy Kozlov Character Portrait: Dorian Hillbrooks
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Dorian was getting pretty annoyed now. This was becoming incredibly annoying, and Dorian was almost ready to actually get into a locker without being forced to. Why the hell was Vasiliy this desperate to go to the movies with him. It was getting to the point where he just wished that he would go away. Vasiliy never usually harassed people into going places with him. Usually Vasiliy would ask once, maybe twice, and then that was it. He'd never heard of Vasiliy doing something like this before. The boy was popular. Very popular. If he'd ask anyone else they'd probably say yes, but Dorian knew better. However, right now he was on the edge of reason. Dorian was just about ready to run into a bully and call them a baldy just to get out of talking to Vasiliy.

He turned to the boy with an irritated sigh. "Look, I'll go with you, if you stop harassing me like this!" He hissed, folding his arms together. "Obviously you can't see that I don't want to go with you. But if it's going to shut you up, then fine I'll go." Dorian straightened his shirt out and then pushed his glasses up his nose. "Now please, if you'd leave me alone, I have music class. Do you really want to be seen with me around school much longer? A guy as popular as you hanging around with a geek like me?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vasiliy Kozlov Character Portrait: Dorian Hillbrooks
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#, as written by Leon21
"I'm not harassing you!" Vasiliy protested, crossing, uncrossing, and recrossing his arms across his chest, as if he had no clue where on earth to put them. "I'm just asking. It's not like I'm being rude or anything." Clearly, Vasiliy's definition of 'rude' was slightly different from that of other people. Not to mention, he most likely believed that the only time people could be rude was if they were rude to him. Vasiliy most likely didn't believe that there was a possibility of him being rude.

"Well, I'll meet you outside the front doors at the end of the day today, then." Vasiliy spun around, beginning to saunter down the hallway. "I'm off to Bio. Mr. Abel was threatening to give me more homework if I was late again, so I'd rather be early and not have to do the homework than be late and have to do it." Of course, Vasiliy wouldn't have done the extra homework even if he had gotten it, but he could still pretend that he would have done it. Everybody knew that he wouldn't do it anyways, so it wasn't like he needed to say anything.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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"-you have such a cute face. Don't be hiding it all behind your hair." At those words, Jessie looked down at the floor, almost as if she was studying the black and grey tile that covered it. In reality, she was simply trying to hide the fact that her face was beet red. She wasn't quite used to being complimented, not by people who weren't teachers, so she was just embarrassed. At least... that's what she told herself. As Sonny left, Jessie said goodbye back and looked up from the floor, only to see the other girl walking away.

Hopefully, they would see each other again second period. As German started and the silly introductions were carried out, Jessie thought about just that. She had finally made a friend (hopefully). After two years in high school, someone wasn't making fun of her. Of course, when sonny found out about Jessie's religion and her strict rules, she would probably be a bit wary, and she would probably stop talking to Jessie, but that was a chance she would have to take.

By the end of German, she was actually pretty awake. Despite her reading, she had been able to pay attention in class very well and now had notes on both this year's lesson plans and a drawing of something that appeared to be a hybrid between a cat and some type of canine. As Jessie left the classroom, she couldn't help but look around for Sonny. It was like in elementary school; friends were made fast and clung onto for dear life. However, due to the fact that her German classroom was literally right next to the science room, she didn't see the point in looking around for long. Instead Jessie opted to just go into science and hope that Sonny hadn't met anyone in Spanish that would change her mind about Jessie.



"That-" Hailey paused and bit her lower lip. She actually had to fight the urge to face-palm at her lack of eloquence when it came to talking to people."...That's not really what I meant." She looked up at Marie. "I actually meant that it isn't fair to teacher's that students think of them as 'just teachers.' I mean, you're people too... right?" Hailey smiled, more to herself then to Marie, and jumped off the desk, intentionally exaggerating the motion. She really id like Ms. Jones and was not going to mess up a potential acquaintance with someone this cool. No,. they wouldn't be friends as far as Hailey was concerned. That would be a bit weird. But they could get along well, and maybe be the closest thing to friends that the senior had the fortune of experiencing. The rest of her friendships were so superficial and based off of mere principal that Hailey couldn't even tell the difference between friends and acquaintances anymore.

"Anyway, I do think I should probably get to gym," Hailey said, crossing her arms as if she were cold. "Even if we do just have to sign a contract, it could be a few points. Pretty dumb if you ask me, but..." Her sentence trailed off and she looked expectantly towards the desk. She really did hope that Marie didn't have the wrong idea about her feelings towards the older lady. Hailey really had no problem with her, she just didn't really feel all that comfortable talking comfortably with a teacher; or any adult for that matter.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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Sonny couldn't help it... she'd fallen asleep in math class. She woke up just as the bell rang and realized she'd missed most of class. She slapped both hands on her cheeks and shook her head vigorously to wake herself up. GAH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FELL ASLEEP IN MY FIRST CLASS! I mean, the teacher just droned on, and I already hate the subject... BUT STILL! IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!, Sonny was thinking as she walked down the hall. She wished she could just disappear into the floor. Thankfully, because it had been the first day, the teacher hadn't gone over much. At least, that was what one of her classmates told her. Apparently we get textbooks tomorrow too... ugh.

As Sonny was heading towards the science room, she spied Jessie down the hall. She waved at her and called, "Hey Jessie!" Sonny ran over to Jessie and almost hugged her before remembering that she didn't like to be touched. Sonny was just naturally a bright and affectionate person, so it was hard not to throw her arms around the first friend she'd made since kindergarten. It was a little awkward as she paused and stared at the floor for a second. She scratched her head and looked at Jessie. "So, are you ready for science? I'm uber excited about this class. I mean, to be honest I fell asleep in math, but I know I can stay awake for this one! But uh..." Jessie blushed a little. "If I do happen to fall asleep, would you mind waking me up? I couldn't sleep much last night, which is probably the main reason I fell asleep in math, or at least that's what I like to think."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones Character Portrait: Vasiliy Kozlov Character Portrait: Dorian Hillbrooks
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Dorian Hillbrooks

Dorian just seemed to ignore Vasiliy's last response and walked on down the hallway, thinking over what had just been discussed... Had he, Dorian Hillbrooks, seriously just agreed to go to the movies with him, Vasiliy Kozlov -popular boy around school? It seemed unreal. Completely and utterly unreal... He was dreading it in reality. However, this was precisely the reason why he was going to the music room. In truth, he didn't actually have to come into school so early today. He started with a free period, and that meant he was simply going to the music room to fill the boredom. However, this could possibly distract him in this... dilemma with Vasiliy. He had made it to the room quite quickly, being in a rush to just get out of plain sight.

He slowly creaked the door open, noticing it was empty and managing to have the slightest of smiles to himself. He went in, leaving the door open a little and then looking around the room. They've redecorated... he sighed gently, though it was kinda hard to miss the piano in the room. It was rather large, and certainly not something that could be veiled in a music room. The nerd slid his fingers across the keys of the piano, not yet making a sound, but planning on doing so. As long as the room stayed empty, he'd be okay... He sat down on the red-cushioned music stool and then let out a gentle sigh, slipping off his grey sweater and then relaxing. He slowly closed his eyes and then pressed down, a chord ringing in his ears and causing him to smile even more. Dorian pressed again, and then again, until he started making his fingers dance around the piano. He started to play a song called 'Nuvole Bianche', one he had learnt long ago and never stopped thinking about. He relaxed, thinking about the piano and nothing else. His mind cleared of the mess that had happened this morning and he just fell into thinking only about the music he played...

Marie-Ann Jones

"Gym is just dumb in general." Marie responded with a grin as she walked towards her desk and got out a notepad and slid the pencil out from behind her ear. "I can choose how fit I want to be in my spare time. I don't need some loud-mouth to yell in my face about it, thank you very much." She smiled and laughed a little before scribbling down the excuse on the paper and then signing it. She ripped it off and then looked at it for a moment. Hailey really was a nice kid... she just hoped she could see more of the student. It felt like, to her, that it may be possible that Hailey would just presume that Marie was just being a weird teacher, trying to act like a youngster. But it really wasn't that at all. She just saw teaching as an opportunity to share her experience and then manage to get to know them in the progress. It didn't feel all that professional with her, but that was just the way she liked it. Laid back and friendly.

She held the paper out to Hailey. "Well, I'm glad you know I'm actually a person too..." She said with a grin. "But, I'll just let you know, if you want to come up here to do any art stuff, anything at all, then I'm here most of the time, and I'd be happy to see someone in my breaks." She smiled and then let out a gentle sigh. Don't get it at home, just hope I will here... she looked towards the clock to check on the time.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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"You know.. I think I might" Hailey said with a hesitant smile, taking the slip out of Marie's hand. As she did so, her hand brushed against the teacher's. It was really just slight contact, but for some reason, it made Hailey's face color just a bit more than usual. "And I'm really looking forward to Friday. I know that it didn't seem like it before, but I think it sounds a bit funner now." Now that she had talked to Marie (enough to know that she was very likable), this class wasn't looking as bleak anymore. She could actually focus on her art; show off a bit, maybe even join in on one of those art shows that she had mocked (not because they were really stupid, but because she had always been jealous of those students). Maybe she could even convince her mom to let her stay instead of joining a class that would look good on a transcript. Maybe she could convince her mother that art was... a good character builder.

As she turned to walk out towards the gym, Hailey turned back, as if she had forgotten something. "By the way," she began, a smile spreading across her face, "I agree, gym is completely useless and really stupid." So much for being hard to win over; Hailey was incredibly easy. At that, she walked out the door and made her way to the gym. It was dumb, but at least it helped her burn off some calories... even if she simply made a game out of avoiding playing with the rest of the class.


As Sonny ran over towards Jessie, the brunette couldn't help the ridiculous smile that spread across her face. No one had ever seemed so incredibly happy to see her. The best reaction she's ever gotten was a smile and a quick wave. And the smile hadn't even been genuine. It had been silly and perfunctory. The word silly was being nice. It was really great to have someone want to be her friend, though she couldn't help but wonder if it were in her mind. Maybe this was the way everyone acted when they didn't mind someone. Maybe she was being vain by thinking that Sonny liked her. At that thought, Jessie looked down at the floor, her smile gone as soon as it had come.

"I um, sure I'll wake you up," She said with a hesitant smile in Sonny's direction. Her mind was filled with other things to say; witty remarks, positive comments, even an answer on how excited she was for science, but nothing would come out of her mouth. Everything sounded incredibly dumb in her mind, as if she would say something and it would make Sonny not like her anymore. After one comment, everything that she had dreamed of last period would be smashed right in front of her eyes. Jessie opened the science room door and held it open for Sonny, and the really pretty blonde girl who went into science after Sonny. She bit her lower lip, remembering what her mom had said about looking at people like she found herself staring at the people who she generally held doors open for. Not only was it wrong, but it was silly to think that they would thank her, or even take notice of her. And trying to get that attention was vain. Not to mention in vain.

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Character Portrait: Hailey Cooper Character Portrait: Marie-Ann Jones
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Marie-Ann Jones

Marie smiled softly at the door that Hailey had just walked out of, blinking a couple of times and sighing gently. Her eyes slowly drifted around the empty room, breathing gently as she pulled back slightly and sat on a stool. It was so quiet... and still...and... lonely... Marie's face dropped little by little as she looked around, and every little bit of it reminded her of home. Marie sighed gently, tightening her bow and brushing down her dress. Here these kids were, complaining that they had hardly any friends... And Marie had none. Well, unless she were to count her cheating boyfriend, then that would be one friend. One friend who was supposedly dating her...

Marie rubbed at her eyes and tried to think positively. Pull yourself together Marie, She thought to herself, going into the backroom to make some coffee. "That should lighten things up. Coffee makes a good distraction." She told herself, turning on a kettle and then glancing out of the backroom to the classroom. She blinked a couple of times before sighing and closing her eyes, a small tear escaping. She wiped at it a little and then leant against the wall of the backroom, holding her face in her hands. "Balls..." She murmured, wiping at her eyes and trying to stop crying.

((We can timeskip these two to the point where Hailey comes back, can't we?))

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Jessie Roshmir
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Sonny smiled and thanked Jessie for holding the door open. She stopped for a minute and looked at all the desks. "I wonder if we'll have assigned seats in this class. I didn't in my last class. It'd be nice to sit next to each other." Sonny looked at the clock. Class was going to begin in about 5 minutes. She saw two right in the middle. "We could sit in those desks. Or if you'd prefer not to be surrounded by a bunch of random people, I think I see another two in the very back." Sonny paused for a second and thought about what she was saying. "Unless you uh, already have someone you'd prefer to sit next to. I'm sorry for just assuming that you would want to sit next.. to me." Sonny looked unhappy for a moment at the thought of being left alone for another class period. Well, at least it's science - a class I actually like. She cast a quick look at Jessie's face. She seems so sad and fragile... Well, maybe fragile isn't the right word. Insecure. I wish she would smile more. She really is a lot prettier when she smiles. Sonny looked at Jessie closely. "Are you feeling okay? You seem down for some reason. Cheer up! It's the first day of school! I mean, I know a lot of people don't tend to like school, but anything can be fun if you decide to have a good attitude about it."