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Oleander Q. Fari

"Wow. You're pretty terrible."

0 · 1,130 views · located in Brentwood, California

a character in “Brentwood School”, as played by LuckyNumber24



{N A M E}
Oleander Quinn Fari

{C L I Q U E}
Thespian (Former Prep)

{N I C K N A M E}
Ollie, Quinn "Oleander Fairy isn't uncommon."

{A G E}

{B I R T H D A Y}
September 4th

{G E N D E R}

{G R A D E}

{H A I R C O L O R}
Dark brown

{E Y E C O L O R}
Dark brown

{E T H N I C I T Y}
25% Italian | 25% French | 40% Spanish | 10% Mexican

{S E X U A L I T Y}

{S E X U A L H I S T O R Y}
Although he is quite the catch, Ollie often has issues holding onto a man. He hooks up with other guys and is often the first choice among those looking to experiment, but he has yet to have a relationship that lasts more than a couple weeks.


"Oh hi there, don't mind me. I just came to fuck shit up."


{H E I G H T}
5' 6
{W E I G H T}

{A P P E A R A N C E}
Ollie is always well put together and constantly dresses to impress. He's fond of bright colors and bold prints, always sure to stand out in a crowd.

"Shhh....Let's talk more about me."


{P E R S O N A L I T Y}
Flamboyant, energetic, and just all around fabulous, Ollie is always one to keep the party going. He loves being in high energy situations and he's fantastic in the spotlight. He's a colorful personality, with an incredible ability to keep a smile on everyone's face and working a room. Ollie is quite extroverted and is very skilled at dealing with others, whether it's calming someone, having a heart to heart, or knocking a bitch down a couple pegs. He's a rather witty individual with a habit of making snide remarks and brutally honest comments. He rarely censors himself and typically doesn't care what others think about him or about anything he says. He simply says what everyone else is thinking and regardless of how offensive his observations are, no one can dispute that they always hold a kernel of truth. He is always prepared to pick someone apart if they come for him and you can trust that he'll do it in the funniest way possible.

Ollie is extremely popular and, although he is a B-Lister, is considered to be one of the unofficial "Queen Bees" of the school. He's a prominent figure in Brentwood's social structure and nearly everyone knows who he is. He's an active member in the school's ecosystem and helps plan dances, pep rallies, and other various events to keep the morale high. He's notorious for running the Hive, a blog that gives daily updates on all the juiciest scoops and latest gossip of the school. Though everyone knows he runs it, the identities of his many β€œworker bees” are a complete secret. He has contacts all over and, for a price, he'll spread a certain rumor or even stop one from getting around altogether.

Despite his sparkly surface and occasional bitchy bites, Ollie is a kind person and a good friend. He genuinely cares about others and will stand up for someone he feels is being treated unfairly. He's a good listener and always one to give good advice. He somehow always knows what to say or has some kind of insight on the problem's of others. However, when it comes to dealing with his own issues, Ollie is practically helpless. He has some major daddy issues and often seeks approval and affection from men who are older than him. He's never been involved with an ancient geezer, but there was a point he was seeing a man in his late thirties. Despite his confident and bold nature, Ollie tends to be too hard on himself and constantly drives himself to do more.

"I like you. I dislike that you wear leggings like they're pants."


{L I K E S}
+Stupid Movies
+Cheesy Bread
+Food "You, me, Taco Bell. Let's go."
+Social Media
+Older Guys
+Bad Bitches
+Pop Culture References
+Bringing the Sass "It's my specialty."

{D I S L I K E S}
-Boring People
-Homophobes "Obviously"
-Fashion Mistakes "Btw leggings aren't pants, Sweetie."
-Bad Hair Days
-Feeling Fat
-Being Judged
-Stupid Books
-Talking to His Dad "..."

{F E A R S}
*His Dad's Disapproval "How clichΓ© can one get?"
*Losing His Family
*Various Wild Creatures

{ H O P E S/ D R E A M S}
~Writing (and potentially starring in) a successful movie, television series, or play
~Getting marries and having a family
~Getting his dad to love him

{S K I L L S}
-Great Writer
-Talented Actor
-Reads Tarot Cards
-Cooks a Mean Grilled Cheese
-Works Social Media Like No Other
-Fashionista to the Core
-Throwing Shade

"You're welcome."

{H I S T O R Y}
Ollie was born the second child of celebrity gossip queen and T.V. personality Magdalena Cervantes-Fari and her husband Christopher Fari, the CEO of a successful broadcasting network. Ollie and his father struggled understand each other from the very beginning, but Oleander didn't mind much because of close bond with his mother. Sage, his older brother, was the apple of their father's eye for as long as either of them could remember. He was a natural leader, excelled at sports, and did well in every subject in school. But Ollie had his own gifts to work with. He was incredibly likable and funny, becoming a favorite of both his peers and his teachers at a young age.

When he was a freshman and Sage was a senior preparing for college, they were driving home together from a football game and a drunk driver crashed into them. Oleander survived with only a broken arm, but Sage died on impact. When his family came to see him in the hospital, he could see in his father's eyes that the wrong son had died. Ever since then, Oleander sought to be better and did everything in his power to restore his father's faith. He improved his grades, became more active in school, tried playing sports (but soon gave up because fuck that), and started to take interest in his father's work. He tried so hard to become Sage and Christopher still didn't notice. He only criticized him, reminding him that he could always do better. So, Ollie eventually gave up and went back to his old ways. He became much more promiscuous and started to have relations with men much older than him in order to compromise for the lack of paternal love from his father (twisted, he knows).

He climbed the social ladder of the Preps, using his signature charm and wit to his full advantage. He had a reputation for knowing all the gossip in the school and he got the idea for the Hive. He set up the blog and hired a number of people to act as his eyes and ears in every one of Brentwood's cliques. The blog was a hit and he manages to move up even higher on the food chain. However, he soon realized that the Preps did not fully fulfill his social needs and he branched out, looking to other groups and activities for a fit. He eventually found his place in the drama department and quickly took control of the Thespians. He became the heart of the department and has starred in nearly all of their productions since.

{F A M I L Y}
Christopher Fari - Father - 50 - CEO of Broadcasting Company
Magdalena Cervantes-Fari - Mother - 46 - Television Personality and Host
Sage Fari - Brother - (Deceased)
Maria Cervantes - Maternal Aunt - 41 - Actress

"Adios, Hussy."


{C O L O R}
Played by LuckyNumber24

So begins...

Oleander Q. Fari's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
Image Image
Although school had officially begun two days before, on Wednesday, September 7th, even today on Friday, the 9th, things still felt new. Students were only just beginning to pick up their new routines for the year, and adjust to having to wake up early every morning, rather than being permitted to sleep until noon like they could do on those summer days that they would reminisce about for the next eight or nine months. Although Elijah had been through this ritual for many years now, given that he had gone to Brentwood since kindergarten, and had started a new year on this specific Brentwood campus since sixth grade, he was no different from the majority students regarding that. It still felt wrong for him to be waking up at seven in the morning, rather than one in the afternoon, and to be pulling into the school's student parking lot, rather than the parking lot for the beach. For many obvious reasons, starting school again sucked, but it wasn't all bad in Eli's eyes. He had a lot of friends, and socializing was always an enjoyable thing for him. Plus, he was one of those students who never struggled in school, so he wasn't all that worried about the advanced courses he was taking this semester. He was only just beginning his third day of senior year, and he was already convinced that it was going to be a year that he could just cruise through, like he had done for the past three years of high school.

With Alessia in the passenger seat, Eli pulled into the student parking lot around 8:15 and hopped out of his BMW X5 M. "Listen, Ali. You heard Mom. Don't be getting your ass into any trouble today, all right? It's Friday and I know you and your little sophomore friends think you're gonna be able to party and shit this year, but that's not how it works. Only one of us can get away with that, and we both know that person is going to be me." He was half kidding, and purposely being obnoxious to get under her skin, really, though. Being obnoxious was one of Elijah's most well known talents, and if anyone had been subjected to it to know it proficiently, it was the girl who had lived in the same house as him for her entire life. As they approached the school's quad, that was already highly populated with students, Eli continued. "And you know what, if you keep yourself out of trouble, maybe, just maybe, I'll snag an invite for you and your weird little friends for Tim's party tomorrow," he offered, still purposely being annoying, as if he was doing her a huge favor. Though he knew that Alessia could just show up and get in, if she really wanted to, given that Timothy would never be an ass and reject her, he was sure that Ali was wanting, if not planning, on going. Timothy had a history of using his house as the unofficial "first party of the year" site, and this year, he was planning a "stoplight party". It was a party that was meant to physically demonstrate your relationship status, hence "breaking the ice" without actually having to do anything. If you wore green, it meant that you were available. Yellow symbolized something in between taken and available, as if it were a label for "it's complicated" (though Eli always took yellow as being equivalent to green), and red meant that you were unavailable. Although he knew that no matter what the theme was, things were always fun when Timothy was hosting, he was especially excited for this year's party, and as he and his sister entered the quad, he texted his fellow blonde friend saying, "On campus yet? Everything set for tm?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Oleander Q. Fari Character Portrait: Laylah Gibson
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⌠ Location : Brentwood School Parking Lot | Outfit : Click here | DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #F778A1 | TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #A72851 ⌑

Alessia couldn't wait until she could drive the car her parents had waiting for her in the garage.

Don't get her wrong - between her brother and a few good friends whose cars she was willing to be seen in, she could get to wherever she wanted. Make no mistake about that. And she appreciated their efforts, honestly she did. But the one thing she couldn't wait for was to have her own car and to be her own transportation. Granted, it wouldn't technically be her car as her father would more than likely be the one whose name the car was in, but the point was that it would be Alessia's and she wouldn't have to deal with being at the mercy of someone else. Eli, when he decided to be ass and not the occasionally (read: rarely) super awesome, magnificent and wonderful brother that he could be, did not help the situation. The school year had just started, but he had already threatened her love life four times in the last two days, not to mention teased her about the stupid traffic light party Tim was throwing on Saturday. As if he was ever going to stop her from attending the first and one of the hottest parties of the year!

"Really? I must've heard that wrong," she replied dryly, making sure to post the ootd picture she had gotten one of the pool cleaning staff to take of her before partaking in breakfast on Instagram and Twitter. Alessia stepped out of the car while swinging her MCM backpack into its place on her back, shutting the passenger door behind her before turning to face her brother on the other side. "Wait a minute - of course, I heard it wrong...I can't hear anything over your massive ego and audacity. And if you think for a second that I don't already have an invite to the first party of the year, maybe its you who needs me to snag you something like, I don't know, a clue." Alessia knew she was just rising to the bait that Eli had laid out for her, but it wouldn't be their relationship if she didn't do so every once and awhile. Plus, it kept things fun between them, something for her to hold onto when Elijah actually decided to be a douchebag, cock-block of a brother who didn't understand what boundaries and equality were.

Now that they were on campus, though, she didn't really have to deal with or entertain him. So, without further adieu, Alessia - feeling satisfied with her rebuttal - turned on the heels of her wedges - and headed into the direction of the main school building, talking over her shoulder, "Btw, don't wait up for me. Heading shopping after school with friends and before you even say a word, I already asked Daddy." As stereotypical as it was, they both had their particular parent wrapped around their fingers: Eli had their mother, which Ali had always found particularly upsetting since she and her mother should obviously have more in common but whatever, and Ali had their father. It helped, much like she consistently rubbed in Eli's face, that she had the one who was most commonly home wrapped around hers. While both of their parents were super busy and did their best to be home as often as they could, it was mostly (from what Alessia gathered) her father who was at the home office working on paper work while her mother was regularly required at the hospital whether she was instructing or helping with patients. Such a hectic schedule on her mother's side gained Ali more allowance money, with a bit of batting her lashes, from her Dad. Once a bit away from Eli, Ali pulled her Galaxy S7 to text her two fencing buddies, Gigi and Chloe, along with a few other friends such as her bestie, Laylah. It was still a surprising friendship, but one Alessia could appreciate since...well, she was a big girl. She could accept that she was a bit much and anyone who loved her regardless (since it was hard not to love her when she had so many lovable traits) was a keeper.

To: Gibby
Tell me ur here already

To: Ollie
Did u c Veronica's ootd? Barf